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Native American Political Systems
and the Evolution of Democracy:

An Annotated Bibliography

Bruce E. Johansen
Professor of Communication and
Native American Studies
University of Nebraska at Omaha


Books, Scholarly, and Specialty Journals

(*) Ellis, Joseph J. American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997.

(*) Glazer, Nathan. We Are All Multiculturalists Now. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1997. (*) Johansen, Bruce E. and Donald A. Grinde, Jr. [Reply to Oppenheimer, "Tribal Lore," below] Lingua Franca, in press. (*) Oppenheimer, Mark. "Tribal Lore." Lingua Franca: The Review of Academic Life. March, 1997, pp. 8-9. (*) Salins, Peter D. Assimilation, American Style. San Francisco: New Republic/HarperCollins, 1997. (*) Schmidt, Alvin J. The Menace of Multiculturalism. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1997. (*) Sonnie, Amy. "Sally Roesch Wagner: Reconstructing Women's History." Listen Up! [Voices From the Syracuse University Women's Collective]. Spring, 1997, pp. 4-5. (*) Tillyard, Stella. Citizen Lord: Edward Fitzgerald (1763-1798), Chatto, 1997. (*) Tilton, Robert S. [Review, Hauptman, Tribes and Tribulations (1995)] American Historical Review 102:1(February, 1997), pp. 177-178.

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

(*) __________. "Feminist Scholar to Speak at UVM." Burlington [Vermont] Free Press, February 26, 1997, p. 1-B.

(*) __________. "Performance Features Portrayal of Suffragist." UIS [University of Illinois at Springfield] Weekly, March 17, 1997, n.p. (*) Bedy, Zoltan. "Feminist Pioneer Named Visiting Scholar." Syracuse Record, January 21, 1997, p. 2. (*) Hillaire, Darrell. "Sovereignty is Unity of Purpose, Clarity of Mind." Indian Country Today, May 5-12, 1997, p. A-5. (*) Johansen, Bruce E. "The Iroquois: Present at the Birth." Wall Street Journal [Letter to the editor], April 10, 1997, p. A-15. (*) Lefkowitz, Mary. "Out of Many, More Than One." Wall Street Journal, March 24, 1997, p. A-16. (*) Lowen, J. Trout. "The Iroquois-Suffragist Connection: Researcher Says Native American Women Helped Steer 1800s Equal Rights Agenda." Syracuse Herald-American, April 6, 1997, pp. AA-1, AA-5. (*) Yardley, Jonathan. "Lament For A Common Culture." Washington Post [Book World], March 16, 1997, p. X0-3.

Other items

  1. (*) Fax from Jun Hoshikawa, Yakushima, Kagoshima, Japan, January 10, 1997. Hoshikawa says he is writing a chapter on "The Iroquois roots of democracy, feminism, socialism, and environmentalism" in his next "non-fiction essay book about the spiritual thread running through many of the indigenous cultures of the Pacific Rim." He says that Exemplar of Liberty (1991) "has been a tremendous help in deciphering the White Roots of Peace in the maze of cultural transformation in the Western hemisphere..." His fax also contained questions about the political situation in North America during the eighteenth century.

  2. (*) E-mail from Don Grinde, January 13, 1997: He has been in contact with Pete Jemison regarding a proposal from WNED, Public Broadcasting System affiliate in Buffalo seeking $50,000 seed money to stage a two-hour debate on the "influence" issue. Exemplar of Liberty (1991) is being used as a reference source for the grant proposal.

  3. (*) Bruce Johansen discussed the "influence" issue on Radio KCXL, Kansas City, Missouri, on Heartland of America Forum, Jan. 21, 1997, with host Richard Boyden.

  4. (*) E-mail from Jose Barreiro, editor, Native Americas, Cornell University, Jan. 22, 1997: "As far as the influence idea, an interesting anecdote is when the big Mayan delegation came to Akwesasne (1981) to learn about the Great Law of Peace to consider as a model for the now-surfacing Mayan confederacy. Influences cut many different ways." Barreiro was working at Akwesasne Notes when the Mayas visited in 1981.

  5. (*) Documentary film, "Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper." This hour-long film was advertised in a catalogue published and circulated by Films for the Humanities and Sciences (P.O. Box 253, Princeton, NJ 08543--2053). A description of the film in the catalogue says that "The extent to which Native American philosophies have affected the dominant American culture is explored."

  6. (*) Brochure, "Sally Roesch Wagner: Women's Studies Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities, Spring 1997, Syracuse University." This brochure describes Wagner's historical performances of Matilda Joslyn Gage, who lived near Syracuse, and who was an adopted Iroquois. Gage, an early feminist, "described the position of Iroquois women as far superior to that of...non-Indian women, writing: `The division of power between the sexes in this Indian republic was nearly equal.'" The brochure also lists Wagner's performances and lectures as part of the professorship, including "Mini-course: Iroquois Women and feminism," and "February 5: The Influence of the Iroquois Women on the Early Women's Rights Movement." Previous holders of this professorship include Noam Chomsky, Toni Morrison, Angela Davis, and Saul Bellow.

  7. (*) Leaflet, Friends of Ganondagan [Victor, N.Y.]: "Cultural Lecture Series." Feb. 24, 1997: Sally Roesch Wagner: "The Untold Story of the Iroquois Influence on Early Feminists," 7:30 p.m., Victor Intermediate School Auditorium. The leaflet also includes a lecture by John Mohawk, May 19, 1997, "Iroquois Influence on American Democracy." Ganondagan is an Iroquois cultural site south of Rochester, New York.

  8. (*) Leaflet for lecture, "Iroquois Women's Influence on American Feminists," Sally Roesch Wagner, feminist historian, and Audrey Shenandoah, clan mother, Onondaga Nation, Feb. 24, 1997, Syracuse University Student Center.

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