reprinted with permission from
Poison Fire, Sacred Earth,
page 266
What used to be called the Soviet Union no longer exists. But what does exist is a human union of nuclear victims caused by the former Soviet empire. It is very probable that among nuclear development countries the former Soviet Union is the greatest nuclear disaster zone. We, its victims, hostages and indigenous peoples do not await a nuclear doomsday, we are fighting together with you.
Vladimir Nechunaev
Vladimir Nechunaev, Estonia. Member of the Estonian Chernobyl Committee
Dear Friends, nuclear-free life Champions! We, the participants of The World Uranium Hearing representing the peoples of the former Soviet Union, hereby address ourselves to organizers and sponsors, witnesses and listeners, lecturers and observers, the media with the appeal as follows:What used to be called the Soviet Union no longer exists. But what does exist is a human union of nuclear victims caused by the former Soviet empire. It is very probable that among nuclear development countries the former Soviet Union is the greatest nuclear disaster zone. We, its victims, hostages and indigenous peoples do not await a nuclear doomsday, we are fighting together with you.
We turn to you with an appeal for mutual cooperation, we ask The World Uranium Hearing, its sponsors and prominent supporters to establish a regional coordinator for the former Soviet Union in order to carry out systematic contacts, that is, information gathering, extended medical assistance for nuclear victims. In one word, the support of the international community in the freeing from the Soviet nuclear monster.
We thank you that we were able to be with you here today. Let's join our efforts! It's only united that we can survive. Thank you.
We would like this appeal to be recorded in the documentations of the Hearing, and would hope for a positive response.
My personal thanks to you, my new personal friends. There is no justification for nuclear invaders. The alternative still exists!
Joanna Macy (Moderator)Two witnesses now from the Massif Centrale in France: Martine Deguillaume, Roger Belbeoch.
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