The HEIR-2 Report (1996) The Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc. (CNR) is a non-profit educational group organized in 1971 to provide independent analyses of the health effects and sources of ionizing radiation. Authors of CNR publications speak for themselves alone and not for CNR's entire Board, whose members are known for their own independent thinking.
This study, Preventing Breast Cancer, is the second one in CNR's series of reports, "Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation" (HEIR Reports).
The previous report (1990) was Radiation-Induced Cancer From Low-Dose Exposure: An Independent Analysis, also by Gofman. (See, for example, reviews in Choice, January 1991; in the New England Journal of Medicine, February 14, 1991; in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 1992; in the PSR Quarterly, March 1993.)
The third HEIR Report will be a study, covering both males and females, of the causal role of medical radiation in the overall cancer porblem --- not in breast-cancer alone.
Research in this field is not commercially viable. Most radiation research, analysis, and publications are sponsored by government grants. CNR neither requests nor would accept any government funding. The low price of the HEIR Reports is made possible by the foundations and individuals who generously support these scholarly works, and by the refusal of the author to accept royalties or payment of any other sort from CNR.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gofman, John William.
Preventing breast cancer: the story of a major, proven,
preventable cause of this disease / John W. Gofman ; edited by Egan
O'Connor. -- 2nd ed.p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Breast--Cancer--Prevention. 2. Radiation carcinogenisis-
-Prevention. I. O'Connor, Egan. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Breast Neoplasms--prevention & control. 2. Breast
Neoplasms--etiology. 3. Neoplasms, Radiation-Induced. WP 870
G612p 1996]
RC280.B8G64 1996
for Library of Congress 96-2453
Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, San Francisco.
Manufactured in the United States of America, on acid-free paper.
Printing and binding by Consolidated Printers of Berkeley, California.
Preparation of text, tables, and figures on the Lotus 123 spreadsheet.2nd edition, first printing.
ISBN 0 - 932682 - 96 - 0. LCCN 96-2453.