The 9-11 bombings Are Not Acts of War |
The 9-11 bombings Are Crimes Against Humanity |
Further Reading on the Web
Subject Index |
Quotations |
- 9/11 CitizensWatch
a citizen-led oversight process established to monitor and constructively engage the Government-sanctioned National Commission on the Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.
- from Paul Thompson at the Center for Cooperative Research:
- The Complete 9/11 Timeline, by Paul Thompson
A network of extremely detailed and well-organized timelines beginning with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and running to the present. The timelines depict the chronologies of several different concurrent themes related to the terrorist attacks of 9-11 and the subsequent `war on terrorism' including the development of Central Asian oil, the anthrax attacks, preludes to war in Afghanistan, warnings of an imminent terrorist attack, and more. There is also a timeline that provides a very detailed account of the events of September 11 as well as separate timelines for each of the hijacked flights.
Mirrors:- The Failure to Defend the Skies on 9/11 - Had the US's air defenses been properly managed on 9/11, all of the trajedies of that day except for the crash of Flight 11 could have been averted, 29 May 2003
- An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11, with Allan Wood, 9 May 2003
- Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Bloc
- Draft of Peace agreement
- The Magnificent 27, by Uri Avnery, 9/27/03
- The Campaign against The Separation Wall
- PDF file of Gush Shalom Brochure (4MB)
- The courage to refuse:
reserve combat officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces -
"We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the
Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense.
The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them."
- World Trade Center Environmental Organization
Founded in January 2002 to protest and inform the public, the media and elected officials about the environmental disaster of the 9/11 bombings of the WTC towers in order to obtain appropriate remediation this website provides a thumbnail history of the disaster with links to scientific articles as well as press. It also serves as a gateway to an extensive array of other websites that enhance the visitor's understanding of the subject.
- 911Truth.org - Only the Truth will Set Us Free
- Project Threadbare Coalition Toronto
Stop The Detentions :: Defend Civil Liberties
- Capitalism's Logical End: Policy Analysis Market (PAM)
funding by DARPA, assessment and forcast by The Economist Intelligence Unit, design, development, and operation of the PAM trading system by Net Exchange
- Pentagon plans to predict terrorist acts through online betting by Agence France-Presse, 7/29/03
- Defense Dept. Program Taking Terror Bets -- Program Models `Futures' Markets, thewbalchannel.com, 7/29/03
- Mideast 'Futures' System Set - Pentagon Project Would Use Market to Seek Information, by Ken Guggenheim, Washington Post/AP, 7/29/03
- The Lunatic Fringe of Capitalism: Trading in Terrorism, by Jeff Milchen, Pacifica News Service/ReclaimDemocracy.org, 7/29/03
- Pentagon scraps terror betting plans, by Mark Tran and agencies, The Guardian, 7/29/03
- Pentagon Cancels Terrorism Betting Plan by Ken Guggenheim, Associated Press, 7/29/03
- US drops `stupid' terror market plan, Associated Press, 7/30/03
- Admiral cast out for terror bet plan, by Julian Borger, The Guardian, 8/2/03
- Defending DARPA - The government's strangest research might be its best, by Gareth Cook, Boston Globe, 8/3/03
- All bets off on U.S. terrorism futures - Investors betting on war, assassination deemed unethical - But some defend a market established solely to gather data, by Mark Skertic, Chicago Tribune, 8/3/03
- A Reflection of the Leadership, by Ray Wolf, MtShastaLive.com, 8/3/03
- The Policy Analysis Market Archive by Robin Hanson, 9Jan04
- Nine hundred and Eleven Missing Pieces
What don't we know, and why don't we know it?
by Alan Cabal, New York Press, January 2004
- Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001. Report of the Joint Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 - By The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence S. Rept. No. 107- 351 107th Congress, 2d Session H. Rept. NO. 107-792
- 911 Report Analysis by Ewing2001, Global Free Press
- What the World Wants -- and How To Pay For It Using Military Expenditures
a project of the World Game Institute.What the World Wants presents a 2-dimensional chart measuring 34-by-23 minus 2 little cubes represents "annual costs of various global programs for solving the major human need and environmental problems facing humanity. Each program is the amount needed to accomplish the goal for all in need in the world. Their combined total cost is approximately 30% of the world's total annual military expenditures." 1 cube equals $1 billion. The total chart contains 780 cubes representing annual world military expenditures of $780 billion. Below the chart is the following table.
Eighteen Strategies for Confronting
the Major Systemic Problems Confronting Humanity: 10. Prevent Soil Erosion
11. Stop Deforestation
12. Stop Ozone Depletion
13. Prevent Acid Rain
14. Prevent Global Warming
15. Remove Landmines
16. Refugee Relief
17. Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
18. Build Democracy Credits, Major References & Footnotes
The What the World Wants Project is by Medard Gabel
and the research staff of the World Game Institute
- Impeach Bush Campaign
The nonpartisan national Campaign to Impeach Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld (CIBCAR) is led by Professor Francis Boyle at the University of Illinois.
- Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense? by John Dean, FindLaw, 6/6/03
- The impeachable offense by Geov Parrish Working For Change, 6/9/03
- Weapons of Mass Destruction: Who Said What When, Counterpunch, 5/29/03
- "Iraq is not America's to sell, International law is unequivocal - Paul Bremer's economic reforms are illegal," by Naomi Klein, The Guardian, 11/7/03
- Resolving to Resist - Local governments are refusing to comply with the Patriot Act, by Elaine Scarry, Boston Review, Feb 2004
- 9-11 Visibility Project - in support of the 9-11 families' struggle for truth
- America's imperial delusion - The US drive for world domination has no historical precedent, by Eric Hobsbawm, The Guardian, 6/14/03
- U.S. Shifts Rhetoric On Its Goals in Iraq - New Emphasis: Middle East Security, by Dana Milbank and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 8/1/03
- It's official - Saddam was not an imminent threat, by Clare Short, The Guardian, 8/23/03
- No 10 knew: Iraq no threat, by Richard Norton-Taylor and Nicholas Watt, The Guardian, 8/19/03
- Who Forged the Letters that Sucked Us into War? - Israel, Yellowcake and the Media, by Jerry Kroth, Counterpunch, 8/2/03
- The Bush Administration's Camouflage = Why They Don't Present Honest Answers, by Ronda Hauben, Telepolis, 8/3/03
- Greeks accuse Blair of war crimes in Iraq - Athens lawyers' Hague case names PM, Straw and Hoon, by Helena Smith, The Guardian, 7/29/03
- Iraq Flap Shakes Rice's Image - Controversy Stirs Questions of Reports Unread, Statements Contradicted, by Dana Milbank and Mike Allen, Washington Post, 7/27/03
- The spies who pushed for war by Julian Borger, The Guardian, 7/17/03
- Nothing Left To Lie About--With BushCo reaming the nation on just about every possible front, is implosion imminent? by Mark Morford, San Francisco Chronicle, 7/16/03
- Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False, CBS News, 7/10/03
- Osama Rallies Muslims, Condemns Hussein, truthout, 2/12/03
- Attack on Iraq Could Turn Bush into Criminal, by Thomas Walkom, The Toronto Star, 3/18/03
- Let's hear it for Belgium - An attempt to try Tommy Franks for war crimes in a Belgian court has outraged the US, by George Monbiot, The Guardian, 5/20/03
- alternatives to John Ashcroft's vision for America
- Protecting Our Civil Liberties: The Core of Democracy
--national speakers on civil liberties from the July 25-26 Conference
- Revealed: How the Road to War was Paved with Lies - Intelligence agencies accuse Bush and Blair of distorting and fabricating evidence in rush to war, by Raymond Whitaker, Independent, 4/27/03
- Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed' by John Kampfner, BBC, 5/15/03
- U.S. has gained little if Bush lied about reason for war, by Mark Bowden, Philadelphia Inquirer, 5/25/03
- US looks away as new ally tortures Islamists - Uzbekistan's president steps up repression of opponents, by Nick Paton Walsh, The Guardian, 5/26/03
- US Finds Evidence of WMD At Last - Buried in a Field Near Maryland, by Julian Borger, UK Guardian, 5/28/03
- The case for war is blown apart by Ben Russell and Andy McSmith in Kuwait City, UK Independent, 5/29/03
- Blair faces revolt as US admits doubts, by Michael White and Nicholas Watt, Guardian, 5/29/03
- U.S. Insiders Say Iraq Intel Deliberately Skewed, by Jim Wolf, Reuters, 5/30/03
- WMD Just a Convenient Excuse for War, Admits Wolfowitz, by David Usborne, Independent Digital, 5/30/03
- Straw, Powell had serious doubts over their Iraqi weapons claims - Secret transcript revealed, by Dan Plesch and Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, 5/31/03
- Iraq Peace Team:
- Electronic Iraq - War Is Our Common Enemy - an online news project
- Voices in the Wilderness
a campaign to end the economic sanctions against the people in Iraq
- Two Belgian doctors in Baghdad
- Bloodshed and bullets fuel rising hatred of Americans - Ed Vulliamy visits the street in Fallujah where US troops opened fire on the innocent, The Observer, 5/4/03
- Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians, CRV.ca, Canadian Press, 4/4/03
- Red Cross: Iraq Wounded Too High to Count, Associated Press, 4/6/03
- Iraq's medical emergency, by Matthew Price, BBC NEWS, 5/10/03
- The Coalition of the Shilling - The Iraqis will have to learn democracy someplace else, by Sam Smith, The Progressive Review, 5/4/03
- Bringing Home the War Hero worship
A recent study on the effects of TV violence on children bears directly on the current pressure for Americans to express their unalloyed "support for our troops."
by Lawrence DiStasi, San Francisco Chronicle, 3/25/03
- View the world beyond commercial western press:
- Occupation Watch in Iraq
- English translations of IRAQWAR.RU, Russian journalists & military experts
- Al-Ahram, Cairo (est. 1875)
- Al-Jazeera
- Reporters without borders
- Baghdad Indy Media Center
- Defuse Tel Aviv's Nuclear Bombs, by Hassan Hanizadeh, TehranTimes.com, 5/8/03
- U.S. and India--A Dangerous Alliance by Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy In Focus, 5/6/03
- from the Project on Defense Alternatives:
- The Iraqi election `bait and switch': faulty poll will not bring peace or US withdrawal, by Carl Conetta (PDF), Briefing Report #17, 25 January 2005
Problems of bias, insecurity, and voter confusion have undermined the democratic value of the election. Nonetheless, it will win greater international legitimacy for the US mission and enable more vigorous counter-insurgency operations. US withdrawal will not soon occur. The memo examines likely electoral outcomes and the factors shaping the new Iraqi government. An addendum summarizes Iraqi public opinion regarding the occupation and US forces.- Radical Departure: Toward A Practical Peace in Iraq, by Carl Conetta (PDF), Briefing Report #16, 7 July 2004 (Executive Summary, (PDF))
The report assesses the postwar US mission in Iraq, including the recent transition. It traces America's recent troubles in the country to the adoption of overly ambitious, intrusive, and polarizing mission objectives. And it concludes that neither the recent change in Bush administration policy, nor the alternative suggested by Senator John Kerry will lead to peace, stability, and a timely withdrawal of US troops. The report makes a number of recommendations to advance these ends.- Disappearing the Dead: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Idea of a "New Warfare", by Carl Conetta (PDF), Research Monograph #9, 18 February 2004 (Executive Summary, (PDF))
Weapons of mass destruction is not the only Iraq war-related subject clouded by misinformation. According to a new study, the Pentagon conducted "perception management" campaigns during the Afghan and Iraq wars that also obstructed the public's awareness of civilian casualties.
These activities included Pentagon efforts to "spin" casualty stories in ways that minimized their significance or cast unreasonable doubt on their reliability. Efforts also may have included the placement of misleading news stories. Such activities are "antithetical to well-informed public debate and to sensible policy-making," according to the report's author, Carl Conetta. . . . Besides examining several case studies, the report reviews the "news frames" promoted by defense officials to shape the public debate over casualties.
Among the suspect stories promoted by US officials were reports that the Hussein regime was stockpiling cadavers before the war in order to stage phony casualty incidents and blame them on the coalition. Another story asserted that the Iraqis were procuring uniforms like those of US troops so that they might commit atrocities that would be attributed to the United States. As in the case of Iraq's reputed possession of prohibited weapons, neither story was subsequently verified.
One case study examined in the report is the Baghdad marketplace bombing that killed more than three dozen people on March 28, 2003. Coalition spokespersons had insisted that Iraqi air defense missiles falling back to earth might have been the cause -- a scenario that the report assesses as highly unlikely. The coalition persisted in its stance even after debris bearing the serial numbers of US weapons was found at the site by a British journalist.
The report also concludes that defense officials consistently overplayed the idea of "precision warfare", giving the false impression that the Iraq war would be a low casualty event. In fact, the study estimates, as many as 15,000 Iraqis (including 4,000 non-combatants) were killed during the main phase of the conflict. Citing opinion polls, the report sees these casualties as one source of current anti-American activity in Iraq.
"Masking the casualty problem leaves America unprepared for the consequences of war," said Conetta. "Our troops are now paying a price for that in Iraq every day," he added. The report proposes treating casualties on all sides as a cost of war that must be examined, estimated, and disclosed. "One can be for a particular war or against it -- but, either way, we must face up to its costs," concluded Conetta.- Burning Down the House: How the Iraq War Will Affect the International System, by Carl Conetta. PDA Briefing Report #15, 06 May 2003. Nothing could be worse for arms control prospects and international stability than the impression that military activism and unilateralism are on the rise. This puts a premium on re-militarization, not de-militarization.
- What Colin Powell Showed Us: The End of Arms Control and the Normalization of War, by Carl Conetta. (PDF) PDA Briefing Report #14, 05 May 2003. An appreciation of the value and limits of arms control is necessary in order to understand how debasing the standards of proof leads ultimately to the demise of diplomacy and the unnecessary resort to war.
- Reconstructing Iraq: Costs and Possible Income Sources, by Carl Conetta. PDA Briefing Memo #28, 25 April 2003 (PDF). A review of accounts reveals a severe shortage of reconstruction funds.
- Cost of War
a simple attempt to demonstrate one of the more quantifiable effects of war: the financial burden it places on our tax dollars.
- Afghans' uranium levels spark alert - A small sample of Afghan civilians have shown "astonishing" levels of uranium in their urine, an independent scientist says, by Alex Kirby, BBC News, 5/22/03
- 2003 War Protests Around the World
http://www.hyperreal.org/~dana/marches/- Signs of the Times - Protest Photos http://homepage.mac.com/stopbush/Menu5.html
- New York City Bush Protest, 6/23/03
http://homepage.mac.com/stopbush/PhotoAlbum9.html- New York City Budget Cut Protest, 4/29/03
http://homepage.mac.com/stopbush/PhotoAlbum8.html- Washington Rally/March, 4/12/03
http://homepage.mac.com/stopbush/PhotoAlbum7.html- Harlem Peace Rally, 4/5/03
http://homepage.mac.com/stopbush/PhotoAlbum6.html- images from 133 Protests around the World, 15/16 Feb 2003
http://www.punchdown.org/rvb/F15/- images from world-wide protests, 14/15 Mar 2003
http://www.punchdown.org/rvb/F15/- images from Germany -- links to MANY more sets in the following url:
- Berlin, 15 Mar 2003
http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/reportage-2003/index-2003-03-15-berlin-lichterkette-gegen-krieg.html- Berlin, 10 Mar 2003
http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/reportage-2003/index-2003-03-10-berlin-montagsdemo-greenpeace.html- Frankfurt, 8 Mar 2003
http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/reportage-2003/index-2003-03-08-frankfurt-spanisches-konsulat.html- Berlin, 8 Mar 2003
http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/reportage-2003/index-2003-03-08-berlin-us-mahnwache.html- Geilenkirchen, 8 Mar 2003
http://www.arbeiterfotografie.com/galerie/reportage-2003/index-2003-03-08-geilenkirchen-awacs.html- images from Rome
http://www.h-design.it/photos/nowwar2003/index.htm- 294 images of mid-March 2003 Anti-War Protests
- Pressing on with the protests, by Gamal Nkrumah, Al-Ahram, 3/27/03
With hopes of a lightning allied victory over Iraq dashed by the surprise spirited Iraqi resistance, peace activists around the world are upbeat about the global anti-war campaign- Spain's Aznar faces 91% opposition to war, by Giles Tremlett in Madrid and Sophie Arie in Rome, The Guardian, 3/29/03
- America in the vice - Lives and careers are on the line in Iraq, The Guardian, 3/29/03
- Robin Cook: `Pull out of bloody, unjust war', `There will be a legacy of hatred for the West if the Iraqis continue to suffer from the war we started,' by Andy McSmith, Independent News, 3/30/03
- The myth of the war economy - Markets loathe uncertainty and volatility. Conflict brings both, by Joseph Stiglitz, The Guardian, 1/22/03
- [Iraq/U.S.] Looting animation, by Fiore.com
- RummyCo - The Full-Service Pentagon!, by Fiore.com
- Could the Nazi holocaust have happened without anyone knowing about it?
The American Holocaust has.
For the detailed story -- a look at the Empire without clothes -- read
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
by William Blum (Common Courage Press, 1995, revised 2001)See Also by William Blum:
Killing Hope contains 55 chapters spanning interventions throughout the world from 1945 to 1994 and three appendices, the third of which lists 40 U.S. government assassination plots of prominent foreign individuals since the end of WWII.
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
(Common Courage Press, 2000)
If you believed that the NATO (read U.S.) bombing of Yugoslavia for 78 days and nights in 1999 was a "humanitarian" act, Rogue State hopefully can serve as a wake-up call to both your intellect and your conscience. It is a mini-encyclopedia of the numerous un-humanitarian acts perpetrated by the United States since the end of the Second World War."Critics will call this a one-sided book. But it is an invaluable corrective to the establishment portrait of America as the world's greatest force for peace. Even confirmed opponents of U.S. interventionism can find much in this important book that will both educate and shock them."
--Peter Dale Scott, former Professor at UC Berkeley,
poet, and author, Deep Politics and The Death of JFK
- by Robert Fisk for The Independent and other publications:
- The Battle of Baghdad
- `Ever so slowly, the suburbs were turned into battlefields', 4/6/03- The twisted language of war that is used to justify the unjustifiable, 4/7/03
- Final proof that war is about the failure of the human spirit, 4/10/03
The Iraqi civilians and soldiers brought to the Adnan Khairallah Martyr Hospital in the last hours of Saddam Hussein's regime yesterday - sometimes still clinging to severed limbs - are the dark side of victory and defeat; final proof, like the dead who are buried within hours, that war is about the total failure of the human spirit. As I wandered amid the beds and the groaning men and women lying on them - Dante's visit to the circles of hell should have included these visions - the same old questions recurred. Was this for 11 September? For human rights? For weapons of mass destruction?- Library books, letters and priceless documents are set ablaze in final chapter of the sacking of Baghdad, 4/15/03
I was holding in my hands the last Baghdad vestiges of Iraq's written history. But for Iraq, this is Year Zero; with the destruction of the antiquities in the Museum of Archaeology on Saturday and the burning of the National Archives and then the Koranic library, the cultural identity of Iraq is being erased. Why? Who set these fires? For what insane purpose is this heritage being destroyed?- For the people on the streets, this is not liberation but a new colonial oppression - America's war of `liberation' may be over. But Iraq's war of liberation from the Americans is just about to begin, 4/17/03
- Men Disappearing - Just as in Saddam's Day, 7/23/03
- US fostering sinister sort of democracy, New Zealand Herald, 8/1/03
- Don't Say We Were Not Warned About This Chaos, The Independent, 9/5/03
- Peter Dale Scott, former Canadian diplomat and English Professor at U.C. Berkeley, is a poet, writer, and researcher. His new book, Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina (Rowman and Littlefield: March 2003),
From his website, also see analysis: On War, 9/11, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, Drugs, Oil, Iraq, and Osama bin Laden
"explores the underlying factors that have engendered a US strategy of indirect intervention in Third World countries through alliance with drug-trafficking proxies. This strategy was originally evolved in the late 1940s for the containment of Communist China; it has been resorted to since to secure control over foreign petroleum resources. The result has been a staggering increase in the global drug traffic and the mafias assorted with it, a problem that will worsen until there is a change in policy. The book traces also some of the processes by which some of these covert interventions have escalated into war, and how present strategies to support the US dollar have come to depend on US domination of the global oil economy."
- The greatest gulf by Jonathan Raban, The Guardian, 4/19/03
Jonathan Raban argues that, apart from the immediate cost in human life, military intervention in Iraq has also represented a disastrous failure of imagination and a fatal inability to understand the role of history - and religion - in the region- Our Man in Baghdad - That's Saddam We're Talking About by James Ridgeway, Village Voice, 4/19/03
- Ba'athists slip quietly back into control, by Suzanne Goldenberg in Baghdad, The Guardian, 4/21/03
- Iraqi Women Fear Rigid Islamic State, by Ellen Knickmeyer, Salt Lake Tribune, 5/7/03
- Miss Bell's lines in the sand, by James Buchan, The Guardian, 3/12/03
She was an archaeologist, a linguist and the greatest woman mountaineer of her age. And in Baghdad in 1921 she drew the boundaries of the country that became Iraq. James Buchan on the extraordinary life of Gertrude Bell.- "Rumsfeld Family Tie is First Victim of War - The American defense chief Donald Rumsfeld has been disowned by his anti-war relatives in north Germany," by Tony Paterson, UK Telegraph, 2/9/03
- Public Officials Challenging the War Party:
- Dennis Kucinich
- Representative Henry A Waxman:
- Practice to Deceive - Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan, by Joshua Micah Marshall, Washington Monthly, April 2003
- The two faces of Rumsfeld, by Randeep Ramesh, The Guardian, 5/9/03
2000: director of a company which wins $200m contract to sell nuclear reactors to North Korea
2002: declares North Korea a terrorist state, part of the axis of evil and a target for regime change- From Cold War to Holy War, by Henry C K Liu, Asia Times, 5/13/03
- Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas: Democracy Comes to Iraq by Jacob Levich, CommonDreams.org, 5/13/03
- Dyke attacks 'unquestioning' US media by Dominic Timms, Guardian, 4/24/03
BBC director general Greg Dyke has delivered a stinging rebuke to the US media over its "unquestioning" coverage of the war in Iraq and warned the government against allowing the UK media to become "Americanised".
- `War Vaccines Poisoned Us' by Rebecca Mowling, The Evening Standard, 5/27/03
- From The Sunshine Project:
- US Plans for Use of Gas in Iraq 7 Feb 2003
- Pentagon Perverts Pharma with New Weapons
Liability and Public Image in the Pentagon's Drug Weapons Research, 11 Feb 2003
- Out of the straitjacket - The US wants to use potentially lethal chemicals against Iraq - despite the fact that this would contravene international law, by Alastair Hay, The Guardian, 3/12/03
- Scientists Warn on Bush Bioweapons Push, AP, The Guardian, 3/29/03
- American Militarism: The Business of War
- Questions of Private-Sector Influence on Cheney Need Answers, by Ruben Navarrette, Washington Post Writers Group, Salt Lake Tribune, 3/29/03
- Advisors of Influence: Nine Members of the Defense Policy Board Have Ties to Defense Contractors, By André Verlöy and Daniel Politi, data by Aron Pilhofer, Center For Public Integrity, 3/28/03
Of the 30 members of the Defense Policy Board, the government-appointed group that advises the Pentagon, at least nine have ties to companies that have won more than $76 billion in defense contracts in 2001 and 2002. Four members are registered lobbyists, one of whom represents two of the three largest defense contractors.
- Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee as of December 2002
- Corporate Affiliations of Defense Policy Board Members
Listing each member's Position and Defense Contracts dollar sum for 2001 & 2002- Cold Fronts - War is Golden for the Bush Administration by Chris Floyd, Counterpunch, 2/15/03
- US arms trader to run Iraq
Exclusive: Ex-general who will lead reconstruction heads firm behind Patriot missiles
by Oliver Morgan, The Observer, 3/30/03- Air war weapon stockpile runs critically low - US needs to keep up supplies to back threat of new wars, by Julian Borger, The Guardian, 4/1/03
- Read the small print: the US wants to privatise Iraq's oil - No one here believes this is a humanitarian war, Jonathan Steele in Damascus, The Guardian, 3/31/03
- Does Perle represent the Bush administration? by Lionel Van Deerlin, San Diego Union-Tribune, 4/2/03
- War Is Sell by Laura Miller, PR Watch, Fall 2002
- Marketing experts say war is a tough sell / Sound bites, slogans strive for image of quick, clean war, Carolyn Said, San Francisco Chronicle, 3/30/03
- Mugging the Needy by Bob Herbert, New York Times, 4/3/03
- Welcome aboard the Iraqi gravy train - Congratulations to all the winners of tickets to take part in the greatest rebuilding show on earth, by Terry Jones, The Observer, 4/13/03
- DynCorp: Scandal-hit US firm wins key contracts, by Antony Barnett, The Observer, 4/13/03
- Spoils of War, by Bob Herbert, New York Times, 4/10/03
- Contract Much Larger Than Previously Known - US says Halliburton Deal Includes Operating Iraq Oil Fields, Agence France Presse, 5/7/03
- Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil by George Wright, The Guardian, 6/4/03
- American Militarism: The Business of Imperialism
- Cheney is still paid by Pentagon contractor - Bush deputy gets up to $1m from firm with Iraq oil deal, by Robert Bryce and Julian Borger, The Guardian, 3/12/03
- The Carlyle Group to Meet in Portugal to Plan for Rebuilding Iraq, 4/4/03
- Hawkish lawyer to oversee Iraqi ministries - The Pentagon selects group to take power, by Brian Whitaker The Guardian, 4/4/03
- US draws up secret plan to impose regime on Iraq by Brian Whitaker and Luke Harding in Sulaimaniya, The Guardian, 4/1/03
- Bomb before you buy - What is being planned in Iraq is not reconstruction but robbery, by Naomi Klein, The Guardian, 4/14/03
- Bechtel wins contract prize - Firm with close links to White House given $680m deal to rebuild electrical, water and sewage systems, by Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian, 4/18/03
- Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil - US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy headache at a stroke, by Ed Vuillamy, The Guardian, 4/20/03
- Ba'athists slip quietly back into control by Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, 4/21/03
- Of Lies, Trickery & Deception, by Praful Bidwai, rediff.com, 4/22/03
- American to Oversee Iraqi Oil Industry by David Teather, Independent, 4/26/03
- Powell rejects Syrian weapon proposal aimed as Israel, by Sonya Ross, Associated Press/San Francisco Chronicle, 5/3/03
Secretary of State Colin Powell on Saturday turned aside the idea of immediate U.S. support for an Arab-backed U.N. resolution on ridding the Middle East of weapons of mass destruction -- a proposal obviously aimed at Israel.- Real American Agenda Now Becoming Clear by Haroon Siddiqui, Toronto Star, 5/4/03
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Were a Fantasy From the Start by Gwynne Dyer, Salt Lake Tribune, 5/5/03
- Blueprint gives coalition control of oil - US and Britain see advisory role for UN in draft resolution, by Gary Younge and Ian Black, The Guardian, 5/10/03
- Bush ally set to profit from the war on terror, by Antony Barnett and Solomon Hughes, The Observer, 5/11/03
- From Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq:
- Where to find the latest news about Iraq - very current, well-maintained
- Internal UN documents on the humanitarian impact of war on Iraq
Released by Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq (CASI) / Emergency Campaign on Iraq - Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) on 13 February 2003.
- CESR obtained these confidential documents from several UN personnel who believe that the potential humanitarian impact of war is a matter of global public concern that should be discussed fully and openly.
- Source: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, "Integrated Humanitarian Contingency Plan for Iraq and Neighbouring Countries", confidential draft, 7 January 2003.
- Key Quotes:
- "In the event of a crisis, 30 percent of children under 5 would be at risk of death from malnutrition" [p. 3(5)]
Note: * 30% of 4.2 million children under five [p. 3(5)] = 1.26 million children under five- "the collapse of essential services in Iraq ... could lead to a humanitarian emergency of proportions well beyond the capacity of UN agencies and other aid organizations" [p. 4(6)]
- "all UN agencies have been facing severe funding constraints that are preventing them from reaching even minimum levels of preparedness" [p. 1(3)]
- "the effects of over 12 years of sanctions, preceded by war, have considerably increased the vulnerability of the population". [p. 3(5)]
- "WFP [world food programme] estimates that approximately 10 million people ... would be highly food insecure, displaced or directly affected by military action" [p. 11(13)]
- "in the event of a crisis, only 39 percent of the population would be serviced [with water] on a rationed basis" [p. 12(14)]
- "UNHCR estimates that up to 1.45 million refugees and asylum-seekers may seek to flee Iraq in the event of a military conflict" [p. 9(11)]
- "Up to 900,000 people may be displaced in addition to the 900,000-1,100,000 existing IDPs [internally displaced persons]" [p. 10(12)]
- [from tables on p. 12(14)]
- 5,210,000 are highly vulnerable children under five and pregnant and lactating women.
- 500,000 potential direct and indirect casualties (overall population).
- 3,020,000 at nutritional risk (overall population).
- 18,240,000 might need access to treated water.
- 8,710,000 may need sanitation facilities.
- Marking the twelfth anniversary of sanctions on Iraq:
Iraq Sanctions: Humanitarian Implications and Options for the Future, 6 August 2002
Anglican Observer Office at the UN, Arab Commission for Human Rights, Center for Development of International Law, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Global Policy Forum, New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies, Mennonite Central Committee, Middle East and Europe Office of Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Quaker UN Office-New York, United Church of Christ UN Office World Economy, Ecology and Development Association (WEED), in association with Save the Children UK
- Afghanistan, "Terrorism" and Blowback: A Chronology, by Janette Rainwater, last updated: 9/19/02
- The minute it's made up, you'll hear about it
Ah yes, that chemical weapons factory that turned out to be an all-night petrol garage
by Mark Steel, The Independent, 3/4/03
- Health and safety in war zones - Uranium weapons in 2001-2003, collected studies and public domain sources compiled by Dai Williams
- Depleted Uranium weapons 2001-2002: Mystery Metal Nightmare in Afghanistan?, Jan 2002
- Hazards of suspected Uranium weapons in the proposed war on Iraq, Sept 2002
- Hazards of Uranium weapons for Afghanistan and Iraq, Nov 2002
- "Is What's Good For Boeing and Halliburton Good For America? - New Data Shows How Contractors Are Cashing In On War On Terror," by Frida Berrigan, Michelle Ciarrocca, Bill Hartung, Arms Trade Resource Center, A World Policy Institute Special Report, 24 February 2004
- The Bush Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policy: A Double Standard with Lethal Implications, by Joseph Gerson and Adam Miles, American Friends Service Committee, 3 June 2003
- Nuclear Weapons We Don't Need, by J. Peter Scoblic, Washington Post, 5/14/03
- Increases in Military Spending and Security Assistance Since 9/11/01 - An Arms Trade Resource Center Fact Sheet, by Michelle Ciarrocca and William D. Hartung, "Arms Trade Resource Center," World Policy Institute, 4 October 2002
- About Face: The Role of the Arms Lobby In the Bush Administration's Radical Reversal of Two Decades of U.S. Nuclear Policy, by William D. Hartung, with Jonathan Reingold, World Policy Institute, May 2002
- get your war on
buy the book - The author's royalties will be donated to landmine relief efforts in Afghanistan and Soft Skull Press will be directly contributing an additional royalty the same cause.
- The Bush Regime Card Deck
The 52 Most Dangerous American Dignitaries
"A behind the scenes look of the Bush administration reveals a team of cronies, carrying out a `neo-conservative' revolution in total opposition with the History and Values of their country. George W. Bush seized power with the complicity of the Supreme Court and despite electoral results that were against him; a global citizen surveillance system is being set up through the USA Patriot Act; the Army is being allowed to intervene in domestic policy; the country is abdicating its right to self-rule and is launching itself into a series of colonial campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is not simply a change in policies but the emergence of a new regime that threatens liberty in America and peace in the rest of the world.
Download the deck in PDF (780K)
- Playing Card Deck Shows Way to U.S. Regime Change, 4/25/03
In the wake of the U.S.'s "pre-emptive" destruction of Iraq, her people, and her culture, the Trade Regulation Organization is issuing a "55 most wanted" playing-card deck similar to the one that the Pentagon issued two weeks ago in Iraq. The TRO, estimating that the U.S. governing regime is no longer consistent with world peace or prosperity, hopes that the playing cards will show the way to regime change and, eventually, large-scale war crimes proceedings.
- Operation: Hidden Agenda Official US Playing Cards
50 % of the profits from the OPERATION: HIDDEN AGENDA playing cards supports US veterans dealing with Gulf War Syndrome, peacemaking throughout The world, those participating in peacemaking and relationship-building missions to Iraq.
- The People's Investigation of 9/11
- Bush and Cheney Block 9-11 Investigation, by Mike Hersh, 10/24/02
- On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau, 1849 (PDF) (originally published as Resistance to Civil Government)
- by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed:
- The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, July 2002. Complete 400-page PDF copy: http://globalfreepress.com/books/warfre-book.pdf
- Report: The Impending Abyss :: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Past and Future Trajectory of the Israel-Palestine Conflict ::, 6/16/02
- Oil Wars :: Western "Humanitarianism" in Iraq ::, 6/6/02
- 9/11 "Conspiracies" and the Defactualisation of Analysis
How Ideologues on the Left and Right Theorise Vacuously to Support Baseless Supposition :: A Reply to ZNet's `Conspiracy Theory?' Section ::, 6/28/02- Did Bush Know? :: Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures ::, 5/18/02
- America in Terror :: September 11 and The War on Islam ::, 5/15/02
- The Myth of Western Humanitarian Intervention Grim Lessons from the Killing in Kosovo, A Case Study :: Part One ::, 4/4/02
- Why The Media Lies The Corporate Structure of The Mass Media, 3/11/02
- State-Sponsored Terrorism in the Republic of India Communal Violence and the Institutionalization of Religious Discrimination, 3/10/02
- Prisoners of War The abuse of Power and the Regression of Civilisation, 1/23/02
- Globalization and the World Order The Institutionalization of Injustice, 12/24/01
- Starving to Death, Waiting to be Killed The U.S. War on the Afghan People, 11/8/01
- Bleeding The Gulf The United Nations Sanctions on Iraq, 10/30/01
- Distortion, Deception, and Terrorism The Bombing of Afghanistan, 10/9/01
- The 1991 Gulf Massacre: The Historical & Strategic Context of Western Terrorism in The Gulf, 10/2/01
- American State Terrorism: A Critical Review of The Objectives of U.S. Foreign Policy in The Post-World War II Period, 9/24/01
- America in Terror Causes and Context: The Foundational Principles of Western Foreign Policy and The Structure of World Order, 9/12/01
- The Gatekeepers, The Progressive / Left establishment and the marginalization of conspiracy research - the debate begins in earnest
- Homefront Confidential,
How the War on Terrorism Affects Access to Information
and the Public's Right to Know,
prepared by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
Second Edition, September 2002
The Reporters Committee's Homefront Confidential "White Paper" was first published in March 2002. This second edition published on the first anniversary of September 11 incorporates a threat assessment to the public's right to know based on the color-coded scheme used by the Department of Homeland Security. Just as the government assesses threats to the nation's security, this report assesses how government actions have affected the media's ability to provide information to the public. We believe the public's right to know is severely threatened in the areas of changes to freedom of information laws, war coverage and access to terrorism and immigration proceedings. This report describes in detail why the public should be concerned about the information it is not getting.
- American Library Association:
- FBI in Your Library
- Intellectual Freedom Issues
- The USA Patriot Act in the Library
- Executive Order 13233 restricts access to the records of former presidents
The Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association (ALA) and The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) urge librarians to alert their patrons and the public about this effort to close the public record.- Censorship and Challenges
- Freedom of Information Act
- Free Expression After September 11th - An Online Index, Nat'l Coaltion Against Censorship
- The Crisis Papers
An Anthology of the Best Political Opinion and Commentary From the Progressive Internet by Ernest Partridge, and Bernard Weiner, Editors
- Centre for Research on Globalisation: Foreknowledge of 9-11
A Compilation of CRG articles and documents in support of a 9-11 Investigation
Including sections focusing on:
- Foreknowledge and "Time Line" of 9-11
- Why did the US Air Force fail to intervene on 9-11?
- The so-called "war on Terrorism" is a total fabrication:
Who "harbors" whom? Osama-CIA links.
Washington has consistently supported and abeted Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda,
from the Cold War to the present (2002)- Business "connections" between the bin Ladens and the Bushes
- Foreknowledge by Wall Street? Insider Trading prior to September 11
- Lessons of History, Operations Northwoods and Pearl Harbor
- The Emperor's New Clothes:
Evidence Of High-Level Complicity In The Events Of 9-11
Including sections focusing on:
- Evidence of High-Level Complicity in the Events of 9-11
- Osama Bin Laden's involvement in Western attacks on Afghanistan and the Balkans.
Evidence he never severed his ties with CIA.- US/West European links to Islamic Fundamentalism
- Interviews related to 9-11 & Afghanistan
- Evidence that "Strategic Racism" is the method of the US/Euro Empire
- What is the US/Euro Strategy in Central Asia?
Is it based on oil profits or on the remaking of the world
to preemptively crush potential resistance & guarantee hegemony?
- Real Video: BBC Newsnight Television Indicts Bush/CIA in 9-11 Terror Complicity
- CollateralTerror.com - Ignorance Kills
Independent Analysis of the War On Terrorism
- unansweredquestions.org: thinking for ourselves
- Stanley Hilton's $7 billion class-action lawsuit charges Bush II with allowing 9-11 to reap political benefits from the catastrophe, by William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t, 6/20/02
- The War in Context - weekly weblog of mostly corporate media presenting alternative perspectives of the "war on terrorism" and middle east conflict'
- Fascism in full bloom in the United States of America:
- US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban, by Andrew Gumbel, The Independent, 8/3/03
- Homeland Security Department Used to Track Texas Democrats, by Glenn Smith, CommonDreams.org, 5/14/03
The Ashcroft police-state bill otherwise known as:
"H.R. 3162, cited as "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001," 10/26/2001, Public Law No: 107-56.
Go to http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:HR03162:|TOM:/bss/d107query.html| and select the <Text of Legislation> link (at the bottom). If the above fails, go to: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/terrorleg.htm and select the <HR3162> link.
- High Crimes and Misdemeanors:
Why People Must Stop Bush's "Preemptive" War of Aggression, by Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard (PDF copy), The Partnership for Civil Justice Legal Defense and Education Fund, Sept 2002
- Bush lies and manipulates public and Congress by Carla Binion, The Smirking Chimp, 4/25/03
Text of Presidential Executive Order on Military Tribunals:
"President Issues Military Order
Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War Against Terrorism",
The White House, 11/13/01Military Favors a Homeland Command - Forces May Shift To Patrolling U.S., by Bradley Graham, Washington Post, 11/21/01
Police State, by Kelly O'Meara, Washington Times Insight Magazine, 11/9/01
- Bush-Hitler Parallels, 1/1/01
- "Funny" or ... ? - Take the test: USA PATRIOT REGISTRATION - WHITEHOUSE.ORG
- Masters of the might-makes-right Universe:
- Would President Assad invite a cruise missile to his palace? by Robert Fisk, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 4/15/03
- Practice to Deceive - Chaos in the Middle East is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--it's their plan, by Joshua Micah Marshall, Washington Monthly, April 2003
- The Plan - Were Neo-Conservatives' 1998 Memos a Blueprint for Iraq War?, ABCNews.com, 3/10/03
- PDF, 90 pages: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century, by Thomas Donnelly, co-chaired by Donald Kagan and Gary Schmitt, A Report of The Project for the New American Century, September 2000
- The president's real goal in Iraq, by Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9/29/02
- A declaration of war against the world, A 28-page answer to the question 'why do they hate us', by Geov Parrish, workingforchange.com, 9/26/02
- A recipe for disaster by Doreen Miller, YellowTimes.org, 10/18/02
- Mad ambitions: Why Bush's "National Security Strategy" is wrong, wrong, wrong by Ann Rose Thomas, Online Journal, 10/3/02
- BajanMan: 'Rational response to roguery: A difference of forty years', The Smirking Chimp, 10/12/02
- Bush Unveils Global Doctrine of First Strikes, by David E. Sanger, New York Times, 9/20/02
- Full Text: TheNational Security Strategy of the United States, 9/20/02 (PDF Format)
- Military Supremacy at Heart of Bush Strategy, by Roland Watson, Times/UK, 9/21/02
- The day the empire struck back, by James Laxer, Toronot Globe and Mail, 9/24/02
- Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University and the Council on Foreign Relations, submitted to Cheney in April 2001. Argues that "the United States remains a prisoner of its energy dilemma," with one of the "consequences" being a "need for military intervention" to secure its oil supply.
- The West's battle for oil - Five months before September 11, the US advocated using force against Iraq ... to secure control of its oil. Neil Mackay on the document which casts doubt on the hawks, The Sunday Herald, 10/5/02
- United State's #1 market: Military Dictatorship: The Prague racket, Nato is now a device to exert control and extract cash. Those who resist, like Belarus, are punished, by John Laughland, The Guardian, 11/22/02
- What the Homeland Security Act will do: You Are a Suspect, by William Safire, New York Times, 11/14/02
- Senator Byrd on Homeland Security, excerpted from the 11/14/02 Congressional Record, t r u t h o u t
- Flight of the Phoenix:
From Vietnam to Homeland Security
An Open Letter to Maj. Gen. Bruce Lawlor,
by Douglas Valentine, counterpunch, 25 August 2002- Homeland Insecurity
Part I: Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise, and the Politics of Terror in America
by Douglas Valentine, counterpunch, 8 Nov 2001
Part II: Phoenix And The Anatomy Of Terror
Part III: Chaos And Political Terrorism In America
Part IV: The Terrorism Account Goes Underground
Part V: The Turning Point
Part VI: The Counter-Terror Network
Part VII: The Last Decade
- The Sunshine Project: Research and facts about biological weapons and biotechnology.
- from the Colorado Campaign For Middle East Peace:
U.S. Bombing Watch: When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?
Hundreds file requests to see cops' `spy files', Records contain some surprises by Carol Kreck, DenverPost, 9/4/02
- CHILDREN AND WARa by Susan Thompson, MoveOn Peace, 10/23/02
- Slide to war with Iraq - Most dangerous crisis since Cuba - "We are sleep-walking to disaster," BBC, 9/28/02
- Bush's war plans are a cover-up, Byrd says, by Paul J. Nyden, Charleston Gazette, 9/21/02
- The word from the CIA: it's the oil, stupid - Who should be more worried, asks Kenneth Davidson, Saddam; or the French and Russian oil companies presently in Iraq?, The Age, 9/23/02
- Cost of [Iraq] war put at $200bn, but that's nothing, says US adviser, Matthew Engel, The Guardian, 9/17/02
- America's war record is littered with lies - Remember Vietnam? Remember the Gulf War? Beware what you're told on Iraq, writes Kenneth Davidson, The Age, 9/12/02
- Key Powers Snub US Bid to Strike Iraq as Anti-War Demos Spread, Agence France Presse, 9/28/02
- A Case Not Closed by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, 11/1/93 - "decade-old charge-that Saddam Hussein ordered the assassination of President George H. W. Bush"
- Marching into a trap - Bush's Iraq adventure is bound to backfire by Youssef M. Ibrahim, International Herald Tribune, 11/1/02
- oilempire.us
An encyclopedia of pointers to information on the internet -- from US corporate media, international press and domestic dissent -- that collectively paint an extremely disturbing scenario about 911: the psychological trigger used to promote the Cheney-Bush regime's crusades. At the very least, the attacks were allowed to happen to support an aggressive policy of world empire, particularly in the Middle East and Central Asian oil fields.
- Commentary: Guzzling the Caspian - full speed ahead with $3 billion pipeline, Christian Science Monitor, 9/27/02
- The Freedom of Information Center at the University of Missouri
- Civil Liberties Abuses Under the USA PATRIOT Act,
report to Congress from the Justice Department Inspector General, 15 July 2002
- FAS Sues CIA for Disclosure of the 2002 Intelligence Budget Total,
lawsuit brought under the Freedom of Information Act, 12 June 2002
- Ashcroft FBI Guidelines: Out Hoovering-Hoover by Emile Schepers, Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights, 6/1/02
Ashcroft's new guidelines for the FBI threaten a return to the days of unbridled harassment of dissidents.
- Insider Trading and 9-11:
- Suppresed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly Into The CIA's Highest Ranks -- CIA Executive Director `Buzzy' Krongard Managed Firm That Handled `Put' Options On UAL, by Michael Ruppert, From The Wilderness, 10/9/01 http://www.fromthewilderness.com/cgi-bin/MasterPFP.cgi?doc=http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/10_09_01_krongard.html
- Mystery of terror `insider dealers', by Chris Blackhurst, [UK] Independent, 10/14/01
http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/linkscopy/insideDeal.html- Profits of Death Part I: Insider Trading And 9-11 - CIA Does Not Deny Stock Monitoring Outside the U.S., by Tom Flocco, From The Wilderness, 12/6/01
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/cgi-bin/MasterPFP.cgi?doc=http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/12_06_01_death_profits_pt1.html- Profits of Death Part II: Trading with the Enemy, by Tom Flocco, From The Wilderness, 12/11/01
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/cgi-bin/MasterPFP.cgi?doc=http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/12_11_01_death_profits_pt2.html- Profits of Death Part III: All Roads Lead to Deustchebank and Harken Energy, W's Own 1991 Insider Trading Scam - The Mother of All Enrons, by Tom Flocco and Michael C. Ruppert, From The Wilderness, 1/9/02
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/cgi-bin/MasterPFP.cgi?doc=http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/01_09_02_death_profits_pt3.html- Investment Espionage And The White House Bush Administration - Links To Pre-9/11 Insider Trading, by Tom Flocco, UnansweredQuestions.org, 7/26/02
- The war that may end the age of superpower by Henry C K Liu, Asia Times, 4/5/03
- An Army of Propaganda, by Kari Lydersen, AlterNet, 3/31/03
- Making a Killing: The Business of War, a two-year investigation by The Center for Public Integrity's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists:
- Making a Killing: The Business of War, 10/28/02 (PDF)
- Privatizing Combat, the New World Order, 10/28/02 (PDF)
A look at the global trend toward military outsourcing and foreign policy by proxy since the end of the Cold War.- Marketing the New `Dogs of War', 10/30/02 (PDF)
A look at the secret world of British special operations and the erratic career of Britain's best known mercenary, who is campaigning to legalize private armies.
- Cozy, Clubby and Covert - Britain's thriving mercenary trade.
- Greasing the Skids of Corruption, 11/4/2002 (PDF)
Insider banking information provides a glimpse into how money from multinational oil companies helps fuel corruption and war in an oil-rich African state.- The Curious Bonds of Oil Diplomacy, 11/6/2002 (PDF)
An oil-rich state with a dismal human rights record becomes a major object of interest for the U.S. government and an American military company.- Conflict Diamonds are Forever, 11/8/2002 (PDF)
Poor controls in the diamond industry have undercut attempts to clamp down on conflict diamonds that fuel war.- The Adventure Capitalist, 11/11/2002 (PDF)
A look at one of the new breed of opportunists who have the acumen and ruthlessness to profit from Africa's wars.- The Influence Peddlers, 11/13/2002 (PDF)
An Angolan war profiteer and his links to French, Israeli, Angolan and Russian politicians, corporations and intelligence agencies.- The Field Marshal, 11/15/2002 (PDF)
A Belgian arms dealer with links to French and other intelligence agencies, whose deals go awry in Congo-Brazzaville.- Drugs, Diamonds and Deadly Cargoes, 11/18/2002 (PDF)
The Italian arrest of a Russian arms dealer reveals a cache of documents linking him to the most brutal of Africa's rebel insurgencies.- The Merchant of Death, 11/20/2002 (PDF)
A profile of the most notorious gunrunner of the late 20th and early 21st century -- a `merchant of death' in Africa and Afghanistan.
- S.F. peace march draws thousands - Huge rally joins protests across globe to decry U.S.' Iraq policy, by Wyatt Buchanan, Christopher Heredia, Suzanne Herel, San Francisco Chronicle, 10/27/02
- ANOTHER CHILDREN'S CRUSADE: The October 26 National March and Rally to Stop the War Before It Starts, by Marta Steele, voice4change, 10/27/02
- Taliban gone - opium rules again, by Laura J. Winter, New York Daily News, 10/20/02
- Ashcroft fails to produce arresting developments, by Julian Borger, The Guardian, 10/10/02
- White House Blocks Deal by Congress on 9/11 Panel, by David Firestone, New York Times, 10/11/02
- We are sleepwalking into a reckless war of aggression - Britain must loosen what is now a profoundly dangerous alliance, by Seumas Milne, [UK] Guardian, 9/27/02
- Now They Check the Books You Read, by Joan E. Bertin, CommonDreams/Newsday, 9/16/02
- You Will Fly the Flag, and You Will Like It, by Aimee Liu, CommonDreams/Los Angeles Times, 9/13/02
- Secrecy Cloaks Patriot Act: Administration Loath to Spell Out How Law Being Used
by Frank Davies, CommonDreams/Seattle Times, 9/9/02
- Scott Ritter Addresses Iraqi Parliament, Transcript, CommonDreams/BBC, 9/8/02
- U.N. Rights Chief Blasts Terror War, by Clare Nullis, CommonDreams/AP, 9/8/02
- How Did Iraq Get Its Weapons? We Sold Them
by Neil Mackay & Felicity Arbuthnot, CommonDreams/Sunday Herald (Scotland), 9/8/02
- Most Think U.S. Partly to Blame for Sept.11
by Shawn McCarthy, CommonDreams/Toronto Globe & Mail, 9/7/02
- Hundreds Rally to Protest President's Visit
by AP, CommonDreams/Louisville (Kentucky) Courier-Journal, 9/6/02
- War on Terror Ignites Battle Over Course of US Justice,
by Paul Knox, CommonDreams/Toronto Globe & Mail, 9/5/02
- Bin Laden: from `Evil One' to Unmentionable One, Alan Elsner, Reuters, 8/20/02
- US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy - Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues, The Guardian, 8/19/02
- Backward March! The USA-Patriot Act and the Bill of Rights, Brigitte Anderson and William Rossiter, The Montana Professor, Spr 2002
- PRESIDENTIAL POWERS IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY: Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?, by John Dean, FindLaw's Writ - Legal Commentary, 6/7/02
Congress has the power to determine whether it wants the American equivalent of a constitutional dictator in the White House. The only way to be certain that we don't make that decision during a crisis, is to revise and codify our emergency laws now -- before fear and anger in the aftermath of a possible attack might cause us to make bad decisions, and too easily trade liberty for security in numerous areas.
As I write this column, President Bush has announced that he will address the nation about his plans for restructuring the government for fighting the war on terrorism. None of Professor Rossiter's observations about our history is more chilling than his finding that each national crisis has left the nation a little less democratic than before. With the President's announcement, it is not too soon to consider whether, in fighting terrorism, we really want a constitutional dictator to lead us. I certainly don't, nor do I know anyone who does, but if a future attack comes, and is devastating, the pressure to resort to constitutional dictatorship may be irresistible.
- GAO V. CHENEY IS BIG-TIME STALLING: The Vice President Can Win Only If We Have Another Bush v. Gore -like Ruling, by John Dean, truthout, 1 Feb
What If The GAO Lawsuit Reaches the Supreme Court?
For the Vice President to prevail would only require the support of the same five conservative justices who put the Vice President in his current job with their ruling in Bush v. Gore. But should these justices decide to hold in favor of Cheney in the GAO lawsuit, and thus neuter the Congress's authority to investigate the Executive Branch, the ramifications will be much more serious and far-reaching than the results of their aberrant holding in Bush v. Gore -- which they themselves limited even as they handed it down.
Osama bin Laden himself could not concoct a more hurtful blow to our democracy. For the Court to resolving the case against GAO (and the Congress) and in favor of the Vice President would diminish the role of Congress as drastically as a reveral of Marbury v. Madison would diminish the judiciary's role.
If Vice President Cheney were to prevail in such a suit, the high Court will have decided that Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch is limited to only what the President and Vice President are willing to permit. This would be an awesome realignment of power in Washington.
- `Axis of Evil' Crumbles Under Scrutiny, by Michael T. Klare, AlterNet, 31 Jan
- Keepers of the Flame - As Moderate Groups Turn Down the Heat, Anarchists Light a New Way for Dissent, by Esther Kaplan, The Village Voice, 30 Jan
- Hate of the union - Bush's startling state of the union speech proclaimed an escalation of the US war on terror that has more to do with justifying national missile defence than with September 11, by Julian Borger, [UK] Guardian, 30 Jan
- A Walk in the Valley of Greed, by Robert Scheer, truthout, 29 Jan
- Keep the source in mind: Report: Saudis financed escape of 4,000 Al Qaida to fight Israel, World Tribune.com, 28 Jan
- Congratulations, America. You have made bin Laden a happy man - `We are turning ourselves into the kind of deceitful, ruthless people whom bin Laden imagines us to be', by Robert Fisk, Independent News, 22 Jan
- Enron Avoided Income Taxes in 4 of 5 Years, by David Cay Johnston, truthout, 17 Jan
- The Long and Hidden History of the U.S. in Somalia, by Stephen Zunes, AlterNet, 17 Jan
- Reaching the parts other empires could not reach - In return for security in the region, the US will snap up central Asia's oil, by Simon Tisdall, [UK] Guardian, 16 Jan
- Fighting for Oil - The U.S. is Determined to Dominate the World's Richest New Source, by Eric Margolis, Common Dreams, 13 Jan
- Enron Executives Who Dumped Stock Were Heavy Donors to Bush, John Dunbar, Robert Moore and MaryJo Sylwester, truthout, 11 Jan
- Arms Buildup Enriches Carlyle Group, Bush Sr. is Consultant, Mark Fineman, truthout editorial, 10 Jan
- Winking at Musharraf -- Dysfunctional Pakistan-Terrorist Time Bomb, by Jason Vest, Village Voice, 9 Jan
- More Than Bush Bargained For? American Involvement Has South Asia on the Brink of Nuclear War, by Eric Margolis, Common Dreams, 6 Jan
- "Burning Questions...Need Answers":
FE's Bill Manning Calls for Comprehensive Investigation of WTC Collapse,
Fire Engineering Magazine, 4 Jan
- Flynt v. Rumsfeld | 1st. Amendment on the Battlefield, AP, truthout editorial, 4 Jan
- The Mouse That Roared - Birth of a New World Politics, by Michael Edwards, Common Dreams, 3 Jan
- Round Up the Unusual Suspects, by Sharon Lerner, Village Voice, 2 Jan
"The only way for a public-health system to work is through the trust of the public," Catherine Hanssens, staff attorney of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund warns. "You need people to feel safe accessing medical facilities where infectious diseases will be detected. You can't just lock everybody up."
- Oil company adviser named US representative to Afghanistan, by Patrick Martin, World Socialist Web Site, 3 Jan
- The NRC: What, me worry?, by Daniel Hirsch, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Jan 2002
- Tariq Ali Interview, by David Barsamian, The Progressive, Jan 2002
- Onions out, poppies in and let the good times roll, by Craig Nelson, Salt Lake Tribune, 31 Dec
- U.S. big bullies -- American might is behind campaign of brutality, by Bill Kaufmann, Calgary Sun, 31 Dec
- Enron's India Disaster, by Sam Parry, consortiumnews.com, 30 Dec
- So What's This Subversive Document?, by Dave Zweifel, Common Dreams, 28 Dec
- U.S. cooking up a coup in Venezeula?, by Conn Hallinan, San Francisco Examiner, 28 Dec
- Whitewater Critics Quiet About Enron, by Joe Conason, Observer, 26 Dec
- Name the Detainees, by Senator Russ Feingold, Common Dreams, 23 Dec
- Russia Wins the War, by David Ignatius, Washington Post, 23 Dec
- Brace yourself for Part Two of the War for Civilisation - `The US air strikes have now killed more Afghans than the hijackers killed westerners and others', by Robert Fisk, Independent News, 22 Dec
- Timeline of Competition between Unocal and Bridas for the Afghanistan Pipeline, from World Press Review's, Special Report on Pipeline Politics
- The cold war is long over, but Star Wars goes on - America's obsession with missile defence will do it great harm, by Martin Woollacott, [UK] Guardian, 21 Dec
- Global Eye -- Head Cases, by Chris Floyd, Moscow Times.com, 21 Dec
- Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by Wayne Madsen, CorpWatch, 21 Dec
- The innocent dead in a coward's war - Estimates suggest US bombs have killed at least 3,767 civilians, by Seumas Milne, [UK] Guardian, 20 Dec
- Global Poll: US Policies Played "Significant Role" in Terror Attacks, by Agence France Presse, Common Dreams, 20 Dec
- Burton Seeks Probe Into Bush Justice Department Convictions of Terrorists, AP, truthout editorial, 18 Dec
- Is the gun smoking? `Experts' disagree on bin Laden home video, by Eric Margolis, Common Dreams, 17 Dec
- Critical Hope: Radical Citizenship in Reactionary Times, by Robert Jensen, Common Dreams, 17 Dec
- Washington hawks get power boost - Rumsfeld is winning the debate by Julian Borger, [UK] Guardian, 17 Dec
- Bush Halts Inquiry of FBI and Stirs Up a Firestorm, by Glen Johnson, Common Dreams, 14 Dec
- One Out of Three Americans Suspect the Latest Osama Tape Is Another Fraud, by Michael Rivero, WHAT REALLY HAPPENED, 14 Dec
- Bush Invokes Executive Privilege to Deny Subpoena, by John Solomon, truthout, 13 Dec
- The Enron Outrage, by Thomas Frank, truthout editorial, 13 Dec
- Rumsfeld isn't telling whole story, by Dalton Camp, The Toronto Star, 12 Dec
- Connect the Enron Dots to Bush, by Robert Scheer, The Los Angeles Times, 11 Dec
- Viewpoint: Carlyle's tentacles stretch far - George W.'s escalation of the war will create more and more military contracts, boosting stocks in Carlyle portfolios, profiting the elder Bush and, eventually, George W., The Daily Texan, 11 Dec
- Lawmaker decries potential Iraq attack - Calls widening of military action `dangerous in the extreme', by Jon Dougherty, WorldNetDaily.com, 11 Dec
- The White House connection: Saudi `agents' close Bush friends, by Maggie Mulvihill, Jonathan Wells and Jack Meyers, Boston Herald, 11 Dec
- The War for Public Opinion, by Tamara Straus, AlterNet, 10 Dec
- My beating by refugees is a symbol of the hatred and fury of this filthy war, Report by Robert Fisk in Kila Abdullah after Afghan border ordeal, Independent News, 10 Dec
- The Score So Far: Moscow 10; Washington 2 - What has the US achieved after waging war for the past two months in Afghanistan?, by Eric Margolis, Foreign Correspondent, 10 Dec
- Why Is There A War In Afghanistan?, John McMurtry Phd, FRSC, Opening Address, Science for Peace Forum and Teach-In, University of Toronto, 9 Dec
- America's New War: A Progress Report, by Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, 9 Dec
- Selective Justice - The US Has Been Sponsoring Terror in My Native Latin America for Decades, by Bianca Jagger, UK Guardian, 8 Dec
- United They Stand, by Mark Weisbrot, Common Dreams, 8 Dec
- The Deadly Pipeline War - US Afghan Policy Driven By Oil Interest, by Marjorie Cohn, Jurist, The Legal Education Network, 8 Dec
- Western intelligence knew of Laden plan since 1995: Report, AFP Berlin, Hindustan Times, 7 Dec
- Black! No ability to reason and stand on principle! Caving to the state!
Critics aid terrorists, AG argues, by Susan Milligan, Boston Globe, 7 Dec- White! How the legislative branch of a democracy ought to act.
Peers rebellion inflicts defeat on anti-terror Bill, by Melissa Kite and Greg Hurst, The [UK] Times, 7 Dec
- Crimes against Humanity:
Ford and Kissinger Gave Green Light to Indonesia's Invasion of East Timor in 1975 ... that has left perhaps 200,000 dead, National Security Archive, 6 Dec
- Congress Must "Support and Defend the Constitution", by Peter Montgomery & Jeremy Leaming, People For the American Way, 6 Dec
- We Are All Suspects, If Ashcroft Has His Way, by Molly Ivins, Common Dreams, 6 Dec
- McCarthyism returns, khilafah.com, 3 Dec
- Is the President a "Dictator"?, by David Tell, The Weekly Standard, 3 Dec
- Mr. Ashcroft's America, America's Mr.Ashcroft, by P. M. Carpenter, History News Network, 2 Dec
- War Without End by A.C. Thompson, The Nation, 2 Dec
- Bush's Inexperience is Showing - Dire Threats Emanating from Washington Have Horrified America's Allies by Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun, 2 Dec
- FBI agents rebel over new powers by Ed Vulliamy in New York, The Observer, 2 Dec
- Blair's shiver of fear as Bush sets his sights on Iraq by Joe Murphy, Francis Elliott and David Wastell, telegraph.co.uk, 2 Dec
- Secret US plan for Iraq war - Bush orders backing for rebels to topple Saddam, by Peter Beaumont, Ed Vulliamy and Paul Beaver, The Observer, 2 Dec
- Ashcroft Seeking to Free F.B.I. to Spy on Groups, by David Johnston and Don Van Natta Jr., The New York Times, 1 Dec
- Hiding Past And Present Presidencies - The Problems With Bush's Executive Order Burying Presidential Records, by John Dean, FindLaw's Writ - Legal Commentary, 9 Nov
- We are the war criminals now - `Everything we have believed in since the Second World War goes by the board as we pursue our own exclusive war', by Robert Fisk, Independent News, 29 Nov
- The hostage nation, Former UN relief chiefs Hans von Sponeck and Denis Halliday speak out against an attack on Iraq, Guardian Unlimited, 29 Nov
- Naming--and Un-naming--Names, by Eric Scigliano, The Nation, 31 Dec
- Las Vegan on list of `unpatriotic' Americans, by Stacy J. Willis, Las Vegas Sun, 28 Nov
- An Organization on the Lookout for Patriotic Incorrectness, by Emily Eakin, New York Times, 24 Nov
- Germany Warns U.S. on Wider Anti-Terror War, BERLIN (Reuters), Reuters, 28 Nov
- Geneva Conventions Apply Even in Afghanistan-ICRC, by Richard Waddington, Reuters, 28 Nov
- Another war on terror. Another proxy army. Another mysterious massacre. And now, after 19 years, perhaps the truth at last... - The eyes of the world are on Afghanistan, but today a Belgian appeals court is due to consider a case with disturbing contemporary parallels. Robert Fisk reveals shocking new evidence that the full, horrific story of the Sabra and Chatila massacres of 1982 has not yet been told, Independent News, 28 Nov
- Group Says U.S. Expert Believed Behind Anthrax Attacks, BERLIN (Reuters), Reuters, 28 Nov
- Americans want a war on Iraq and we can't stop them, by Hugo Young, Guardian Unlimited, 27 Nov
- John Pilger: This War Of Lies Goes On, Mirror.co.uk, 27 Nov
- The truths they never tell us - Behind the jargon about failed states and humanitarian interventions lie thousands of dead, by John Pilger, New Statesman, 26 Nov
- Center For Constitutional Rights:
The USA PATRIOT Act: What's So Patriotic About Trampling on the Bill of Rights?, by Nancy Chang, 11/01- As Government Prepares to Investigate Thousands,
ACLU Issues Multi-Lingual Know Your Rights! Pamphlet to Educate Public, 14 Nov- National Lawyers Guild (NLG) pamphlet: Know Your Rights
Constitutional rights cannot be suspended--even during a state of emergency or wartime.
- Avoiding A Generation Of Terrorism In America: Ten Lessons From Sri Lanka, by Sharif Abdullah, Commonway Institute
- Fugitive abortion foe: I sent anthrax threats, by Dennis Roddy, Post-Gazette, 25 Nov
- 1878 Military Law Gets New Attention, by T.A. Badger, AP, 24 Nov
- Gore Vidal Slams U.S. for Waging `Perpetual War', by Stephanie Holmes, Common Dreams, 24 Nov
- Bush's Definition of Terrorism Fits Northern Alliance Like a Glove; TV Interviewers Don't Notice, by Dennis Hans, Common Dreams, 23 Nov
- Global Eye - A Thirsty Evil, by Chris Floyd, Moscow Times.com, 23 Nov
- Expanded Powers Raise Concerns About Ashcroft, by Bob Port, New York Daily News, 22 Nov
- FBI Develops Eavesdropping Tools, by Ted Bridis, Washington Post, 22 Nov
- Assault on Liberty: Abandoning the Constitution to Military Tribunals, by Nat Hentoff, Village Voice, 21 Nov
- Dispatch from Anthrackistan - On the Front Lines of the War Against Dissent, by Martin Lee, Common Dreams, 21 Nov
- Liberty Is Dying, Liberal by Liberal,, by Robert Scheer Common Dreams, 20 Nov
- RFK's Daughter Questions Police Powers by Melissa Robinson, Common Dreams, 20 Nov
- Guerrilla of the Week outlines the new book: Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth, Guerrilla News, 19 Nov
- Is President Bush's Executive Order Creating Military Tribunals Legal?, by Dahlia Lithwick, Slate, 20 Nov
- This Raging Colossus - The new US ruthlessness may turn out to be a greater threat than the Islamist fanaticism that provoked it, by Madeleine Bunting, Common Dreams, 19 Nov
- Press Release: Rep. Conyers Challenges Administration on Military Tribunals and Other Anti-Terrorism Actions, 16 Nov
- We Can Only Guess What Secrets Bush Is Keeping, by Marie Cocco, Common Dreams, 15 Nov
- Make Them Accountable: What Did They Know - one-stop compilation site on 9-11
- Media Workers Against War promote pluralism in debate, the free flow of information, and the public scrutiny of official pronouncements
- Police State, by Kelly Patricia O'Meara, Insight Magazine, 9 Nov
- Afghanistan is Key to Oil Profits, by Karen Talbot, ICPJ, 7 Nov
- The Role of Oil in US MidEast Policy and in the 9/11 Terror Attack - Articles on the "Oil Motive" for the US War on Afghanistan, and American Imperialism in the Middle East Generally
- Mistake to declare this a `war', full speech of Historian Sir Michael Howard, This Is London, 31 Oct
- Statement Of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold On The Anti-Terrorism Bill
From The Senate Floor, 25 Oct
[W]hen the rubber met the road, and Ashcroft sent up the Patriot bill, which vindicated every dire prediction of the spring, all fell silent except for Feingold, who made a magnificent speech in the US Senate on October 25, citing assaults on liberty going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts of John Adams, the suspension of habeas corpus sanctioned by the US Supreme Court in World War One, the internments of World War Two (along with 110,00 Japanese Americans there were 11,000 German Americans and 3,000 Italian Americans put behind barbed wire), the McCarthyite black lists of the 1950s and the spying on antiwar protesters in the 1960s. Under the terms of the bill, Feingold warned, the Fourth Amendment as it applies to electronic communications, would be effectively eliminated. He flayed the Patriot bill as an assault on "the basic rights that make as who we are." It represented, he warned, "a truly breath-taking expansion of police power."--The Press and the USA Patriot Act -- Where Were They When It Counted?, by Cockburn & St. Clair, Counterpunch, 21 Nov
- Statements of U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney:
- Statement on War Powers for Bush, 14 Sept
- Special Order Remarks Regarding the Attack on America, 21 Sept
- American People Should See the Evidence Too, 25 Sept
- The Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Safeguarding Against Acts of Terrorism, 3 Oct
- McKinney Statement on the War in Afghanistan, 31 Oct
- Kofi Annan and United Nations are Stained with Blood, 16 Nov
- Mystery of terror `insider dealers', by Chris Blackhurst, Independent News, 14 Oct
- US Food Drops `Useless' For Hungry Hordes; AID Agencies Warn More Harm Than Good, Sunday Mail, 14 Oct
- Thoughts on America, Writers Respond to Crisis, Orion Online
- Freedoms Curtailed In Defense Of Liberty, the ONION, 10 Oct
The age-old prelude to tyranny and dictatorship: Trade in your liberty for security.
- `Why do they hate us?', by Peter Ford, Christian Science Monitor, 27 Sept
- By Wade Frazier:
- The World Trade Center, the United States and Afghanistan, 24 Sept
- My Experiences in America Regarding Iraq, 16 Sept
- The Emperor's New Clothes--Piercing a Fog of Lies
includes (but not limited to):
- Ex-National Security Chief Brzezinski admits: Afghan Islamism Was Made in Washington, 6 Oct
- Centre for Research on Globalisation includes (but not limited to):
- by Michel Chossudovsky:
- Did George W. Know? Egypt Leader Says He Warned America, 8 Dec
- Is it Baghdad or Washington? Who is developing "weapons of mass destruction": The US Secret Bioweapons Program, 28 Nov
- "War is Good for Business" - Does President Bush intend to jump-start Confidence in the Stock Market by launching a "timely" Military Strike?, 16 Sep
- The US: Rogue Nation, by Richard Du Boff, 22 Dec
- Why were no fighters dispatched to intercept planes on September 11? Scrambled Messages on 9-11, by George Szamuely, 14 Dec
- CIA "Targeted Assassinations": During the Cold War and "Now" under the Bush Administration, 7 Dec
- Moving toward a police state (or have we arrived?) -- Secret military tribunals, mass arrests and disappearances, wiretapping & torture, by Michael Ratner, 30 Nov
Globalisation: The Destruction of the Rule of Law,
by Connie Fogal, 21 Nov
Antiterrorism bills are being passed in various western former "democracies", including the US, Britain, Australia, Canada. They do far more that eliminate civil liberties. They eliminate justice. They return to an inquisitorial system of arbitrary arrest and detention (the "disappeared"). Summarized police allegations replace evidence (proof). The concept of evidence (proof) is gone. Accusation equals guilt. The concept of innocent until proven guilty is gone. The two essential elements of criminal law to establish guilt, mens rea and actus reus, are gone. (Mens rea is intention to do a crime and actus reus is the fact of doing the crime.) If the state decides a terrorist act was committed and you were in anyway connected or associated, you are guilty whether or not you intended to do the criminal act or whether or not you did the act. The right to remain silent is gone. The principle of confidentiality between lawyer and client is gone (akin to forcing a priest to reveal the contents of the confessional). The concept of a fair trial and the right to a full defence is gone. People or organizations accused of being a terrorist are put on a list. Anyone who associates with listed person or organization can be by association defined as a terrorist. Hence lawyers who defend people accused of being a terrorist face being defined themselves as terrorists. Property and bank accounts can be frozen and confiscated by accusation of being a terrorist. Punishments are excessive and severe (life imprisonment in many cases).- Our Masters of Propaganda, by Stephen Gowans, 12 Nov
- Afghanistan is Key to Oil Profits, by Karen Talbot, 7 Nov
- Unleashing the CIA, by William Blum, 3 Nov
- There is no War on Terrorism , by John Pilger, 29 Oct
- "Dirty Money" Foundation of US Growth and Empire - Size and Scope of Money Laundering by US Banks, by James Petras, 19 May
- CounterPunch on the 9/11 Attacks includes (but not limited to):
- Addiction, Brain Damage and the President - Dry Drunk" Syndrome and George W. Bush, by Katherine van Wormer, 10/11/02
- A Creeping Collapse in Credibility at the White House: From ENRON Entanglements to UNOCAL Bringing the Taliban to Texas and Controlling Afghanistan, by Tom Turnipseed, 1/10/01
- War is Working for Bush: Osama Becomes Saddam; Iraq Becomes the Scapegoat for U.S.Government-Produced Anthrax Terror, by Tom Turnipseed, 12/21/01
- HRW Urges Due Process Protections - Letter to Secretary Rumsfeld on Military Commissions, by Kenneth Roth, Executive Director Human Rights Watch, 12/20/01
- Open Secrets: The State Department's Human Rights Reports on Israel and the Occupied Territories, by Jennifer Loewenstein, 12/15/01
- Waking Up in Another Country, Not Our Own, by Paul Coggins, 11/27/01
- Terror and Empire, by Robin Blackburn, 11/23/01
- Broadcasting and Bombing: America's Message of Greed and Violence for Thanksgiving and Ramadan as We Leave the Children Behind, by Tom Turnipseed, 11/21/01
- Academia Under Attack: Sketches For A New Blacklist, by David Price, 11/21/01
- Moving Toward A Police State - Secret Military Tribunals, Mass Arrests and Disappearances, Wiretapping & Torture, by Michael Ratner, 11/20/01
- Blasting our way to peace - Justice has been redefined as success in a war that is sounding a retreat from civilisation, by George Monbiot, 11/15/01
- Kill, Kill, Kill, by Mokhiber & Weissman, 11/15/01 Robert Jensen, 11/12/01
- Saying Goodbye to Patriotism, Robert Jensen, 11/12/01
- The Wide World of Torture, Alexander Cockburn, 11/9/01
- Torture by Proxy, Karen Snell, 11/9/01
- School Girl Gets the Boot for Anti-War Opinions, Michael Colby, 11/7/01
- THE PRICE - Was It Really Worth It, Mrs. Albright?,
Alexander Cockburn & Jeffery St Clair, 9/25/01- Cashbox Diplomacy - Seal It With a Check, St Clair/Cockburn, 9/26/01
- In Afghanistan: An Endless War for a People
Who Have Little Left to Lose, Patrick Cockburn, 9/25/01- Blowback Strikes US - Shocked and Horrified, Larry Mosqueda, 9/18/01
- Bush's Wars, St Clair/Cockburn, 9/21/01
- Our Blunted Humanity, Claire Mortimer, 9/15/01
- Nuclear Sites During Days of Terror,
Now That We Are All Onsite, Don Moniak, 9/13/01- War Against the Planet, Vijay Prashad, 9/13/01
- Struggle for the Soul of a Nation, Rahul Mahajan, 9/15/01
- Why I Will Not Rally Around the President, Robert Jensen, 9/15/01
- Sense and Nonsense About September 11, St Clair/Cockburn
- AntiWar on the 9/11 Attacks includes (but not limited to):
Pre-9/11, we fought a covert war on American soil - against Israel, 21 Dec- THE 9/11 ENIGMA
Losing Osama, and everything else, in the `fog of war', 19 Dec- WARMONGERS ON THE LEFT
Christopher Hitchens and `the god that failed', 12 Dec- ASHCROFT'S REIGN OF TERROR
American citizens aren't exempt, 3 Dec- IT CAN HAPPEN HERE
`Patriot' Act establishes socialist dictatorship, 26 Nov- THE WAR IS A TRAP
We've taken the bait, 12 Nov
- Mike Ruppert's From the Wilderness Publications includes (but not limited to):
- "Suppresed Details of Criminal Insider Trading Lead Directly Into The CIA's Highest Ranks -- CIA Executive Director `Buzzy' Krongard Managed Firm That Handled `Put' Options On UAL," 9 October 2001
- "Osama bin Laden's Bush family Business Connections -- Alliance With Pakistan Will Stimulate Drug Trade, Bring Revenues Under U.S. Control - Colombian Opium Production Will Soar; The Taliban's Biggest Economic Attack on the U.S. Came in February With The Destruction of Its Opium Crop," 19 Sept
- Osama Bin Laden: How the U.S. Helped Midwife a Terrorist
By Ahmed Rashid, Center for Public Integrity, 13 Sept