Destabilizing Debt
Preferred State:
An economically stable and growing set of opportunities for 100%
of humanity
Problem State:
Least Developed countries owe close to $300 billion
Strategy 8:
Debt Retirement and Debt for Nature
Over the past
few decades, numerous nations, particularly in Africa and Latin
America, funded their development projects through loans from the
banks of industrialized nations. Debt and interest payments from
these loans from the world's least developed countries today amount
to $199 billion per year.[98] This
is three times the total amount of aid received from the developed
countries.[99] After many development
efforts failed, in large part as a consequence of low commodity
prices that reduced the earnings of many developing countries, the
debts remained, stifling productivity and creating an impediment
to further investment in the future.
A comprehensive
debt retirement program will enable debt-stricken nations to meet
or renegotiate their repayment schedules, thereby avoiding default
on their debts. A lack of confidence in the ability of many nations
to repay their debts has precipitated a devaluation of these outstanding
debts on world markets. Devaluation of developing nations' debts
has given rise to an opportunity to retire substantial amounts of
debt at a fraction of their face value.
By investing
an average of $30 billion per year for ten years on retiring $500
billion or more of current debt discounted to at least 50% face
value,[100] developed countries
can succeed in returning the heavily indebted nations of the developing
world to a position from which they can afford to repay their remaining
debts and make strategic investments that will strengthen their
economies and produce the growth needed to provide jobs and additional
With some
developing nations paying 30% to 40% of their foreign exchange earnings
on servicing debts, they are not in the position to import goods
from developed countries. The US, with its enormous trade deficit,
would stand to gain by any reduction in the international debt crisis
that increased its customers buying power. More than the bankers,
it is the manufacturers of the developed world that are suffering
the consequences of the developing world's debt.[101]
By using the
$30 billion per year to purchase discounted debt and retiring it
with the agreement from the debtor country to preserve a given section
of natural resources -- for example, a tract of rainforest -- the double
objective of environmental preservation and debt reduction can be
The amount
needed to retire the major portion of the developing world's debt
is about 13% of the annual interest payments on the US government's
debt, or 3.8% of the world's total annual military expenditures.
Benefits include
more stable national economies better able to attract outside investment,
more revenues from internal sources for investment in social programs,
expansion of the economy, more jobs, increased standard of living
and social stability and more international financial stability.
What the World Wants Chart