Regenerating the Environment
Preferred State:
Sustainable environmental systems for 100% of humanity; a complete
ozone layer over the entire planet
Problem State:
6 million square mile hole in ozone layer over Antarctica; 5%
reduction over northern latitudes
Strategy 12:
Stopping CFC Production
The ozone layer
that covers the Earth functions as a shield against ultraviolet
radiation from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes
damage to crops, plankton and fish larvae and causes sunburn, eye
cataracts and skin cancer in humans. Hospitals in northern Europe
have recorded a doubling in skin cancer cases in recent years, and
Australian researchers report that a 1% decrease in ozone protection
may be linked to a 3% increase in skin cancer cases. Ozone depletion
in the upper atmosphere is caused by chloroflurocarbons' (CFCs)
interaction with the ozone. CFCs are used as propellants in aerosol
spray cans, as refrigerant gases, solvent cleaners and in the manufacture
of foam-blown plastics. By banning the production of CFCs, subsidizing
the conversion from these chemicals to environmentally safe substitutes,
and providing incentives/penalties for the reclaiming of existing
stocks of CFCs that are currently in use, the world can stop the
decrease of ozone in the upper atmosphere.[114]
Such a program
of phasing in substitutes for CFCs, tax incentives and further research
and development would cost $5 billion per year for ten years. This
is 0.64% of the world's total military expenditures, or about what
the German government provides in subsides to its coal industry
each year,[115] or about 3.7% of
what the US provides in tax breaks and subsidies to its energy,
timber, financial services, construction and advertising industries.[116]
Benefits include
a reduction in skin cancer, other skin problems and eye cataracts
in humans as well as grazing animals, primarily in the southern
hemisphere, but increasingly in the northern regions too. Fish catches
and crop yields would no longer be in jeopardy from this cause and
a more stable food system and global environment would result.
What the World Wants Chart