Synergies of the
Each of the various individual strategies in the What the World
Wants Project have their unique purpose and seek to accomplish
specific goals. But what of the strategies combined together? What
happens to the world when all of these actions are taken? Each
strategy described in this report has a primary objective. What happens
when it is reached or as it is being reached? What are the spin-offs,
secondary and tertiary effects of the process of reaching the objectives?
A View of the Whole
Never before in the entire history of the planet has so much been
possible for so many for such a small amount and in such a short
time. With a relatively small portfolio of investments per year for
the next decade -- less than 1% of the world's annual income -- everyone
in the world would be wealthier, healthier and more secure and the
standard of living would be moving forward at an unprecedented pace.
With universal
access to health care, infant and child mortality and birth rates
go down, and life expectancy goes up. A marked decline in maternal
death rates, particularly where they are currently highest, would
be accomplished by the primary healthcare program. Close to 495,000
mothers' lives would be saved each year if every country had access
to health care. Families would have fewer children because more
children survive. As a result, population growth has another force
driving it towards a leveling-off and a stable population becomes
more possible and probable. Economic productivity goes up as debilitating
illnesses are reduced, and education is more effective when low
levels of health and nutrition are no longer present to prevent
children from taking full advantage of schooling.
There will
be a decrease in illness-induced poverty. Through improved health
care, a lowered environmental threat of disease, widely disseminated
health information, better living conditions and greater access
to food, the individual strategies would combine to produce a great
reduction in the illnesses that leave many people either unable
to work or under-employed. With such increased individual health
and vitality, society and local economies become healthier and more
robust. The synergy of adequate supplies of food, access to healthcare,
clean water and improved housing will result in a marked improvement
to the quality of life for the individuals, families and communities
where these needs are not currently being met, but will also impact
regional, national and international society as the stability and
productivity of each region increases.
Other combinations
of the strategies would raise the world's standard of living in
different ways. The well-being of children would be raised dramatically.
Besides reduced infant and child mortality, with universal immunizations
polio would join the ranks of smallpox as a disease eradicated from
the planet. Measles, whooping cough and other childhood diseases -- and
sometime killers -- would be greatly reduced. Better child nutrition
will result in healthier children, eliminating the specter of reduced
brain development caused through chronic malnutrition. With fewer
maternal deaths in childbirth, fewer children and families will
be left motherless. With better educational opportunities for women,
children will be among the first beneficiaries of mother's new knowledge.
Children throughout the world will have, for the first time in history,
unparalleled chances of reaching their full physical and mental
All of the
strategies would directly or indirectly provide jobs, thereby increasing
employment and combating poverty. The debt retirement initiative
would increase employment by freeing much of the capital of developing
nations to be used in new development projects.
With the elimination
of illiteracy, the raising of educational levels for everyone and
the improvement of schooling in general, social and economic productivity
will rise as more information and know-how enters into society's
decision-making processes and more options become more readily available.
Literate people are prodigious consumers of information. The global
communications industry -- the suppliers of information -- will be a direct
beneficiary of rising educational levels. Publishers and other suppliers
of information for literate people will prosper as their market
size increases by almost 1 billion people. All the problems of the
world will be affected as more and more people become better educated
and informed. Democracy tends to flourish in well-educated societies.
As Thomas Jefferson has pointed out, "The best defense of democracy
is an informed electorate."
As democracy
grows throughout the world, the planet might see the demise of all
the more repressive forms of government and a corresponding increase
in the freedoms of press, religion and individual expression found
in the world's older democracies. One of the benefits of a thriving
democracy is that it allows more intelligence, creativity and problem-solving
abilities into the process of solving society's problems than do
more centralized command and control forms of decision making. As
more people are involved and democracy flourishes, the fuller potential
of any given society will tend to be realized.
Another assumed
benefit of global literacy and rising educational standards is the
reduction of innocent and ignorant people's gullibility and vulnerability
to emotional manipulation that leads to fears of other people and
the resultant prejudice, hatred, "ethnic cleansing" and other euphemisms
for genocide. As Buckminster Fuller pointed out, "Each generation
is born into less and less misinformation, and into more and more
reliable information." As we learn more about the world, our ignorance
and fear of other cultures and people with different clothes, looks,
tastes, foods, beliefs, and customs than ours becomes less threatening.
And, as a possible tertiary benefit, our knowledge of our own culture
will increase. As our knowledge of others increases, our knowledge
and understanding of what we are not becomes clearer and our own
beliefs and customs come into sharper focus. We learn to see who
and what we are as we see what we are not. Our culture-distinguishing
features rise from the ambient background noise to take on a texture
and substance that is unique. Another way of saying this is, "Globalization
drives diversity." Even as it interconnects us all into one global
market, it also makes it clearer to each of us what we are bringing
to the market.
By eliminating
the need for time- and energy-consuming trips to obtain water, reducing
the debilitating effects of disease through extending health care
and improving sanitation, protecting and enriching the soil of existing
farmlands, and teaching effective, sustainable farming techniques,
the productivity of farmland and farm workers and the quality of
their lives would be significantly improved. Rural/urban inequities
in services and opportunities would decrease thereby lessening the
migration towards the city and decreasing the growing pressure on
metropolitan environments.
of the world's population, the new health care system, projects
to provide clean water and sanitation systems for those lacking
adequate facilities, the health education campaign, and better housing
would clearly have a dramatic yield in reducing general illness
and allowing existing health systems to meet more of the needs of
their regions.
One of the
worst results of poverty would be reduced significantly as homelessness
was eliminated. Nations would become healthier, more politically
stable, and more environmentally secure as densely populated, unsanitary
urban squatter camps are replaced by adequate housing and thriving
Other interactions
would yield ameliorating effects on the environment. One effect
would be long-term protection against the potential damage of global
warming. The combined effects of planting more trees and grass with
a program to reduce both immediate consumption and long-term dependence
on fossil fuels would reduce the carbon emissions that are one of
the major causes of global warming.[127]
The greening
of the deserts would be another environmental boon. Planting large
numbers of trees, undertaking a major soil conservation effort and
increasing organic fertilizer usage would actually reverse the process
that has been turning farmlands into deserts. The local environments
and the world at large would benefit from the addition of these
stable ecosystems. They would maintain and in some cases foster
an increase in biodiversity and provide the world with both additional
places of beauty and vacation spots. In addition, by changing the
albedo of the local micro-climate they would help bring about increased
rainfall -- thereby accelerating the further greening of the deserts.
Programs to replace open sewers with effective sanitation systems
and to increase the efficiency of energy use and the adoption of
clean energy sources as alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear
power would sharply reduce local and global pollution.
The combined
effects of greater energy efficiency and development of renewable
energy as an alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power would
enable the world to develop without the destabilizing impact of
dwindling sources of energy. The renewable energy sources
are more evenly distributed throughout the world than are the fossil
fuels. Their distribution in locations that have few sources of
industrial energy makes them ideal sources of clean energy that
is appropriately matched to end use needs. An energy system based
on renewable energy sources will be more diversified than our current
system. As such, it will be less vulnerable to supply interruptions
caused by international political events, local terrorist attacks
or malfunction. Such an energy system will not only be more stable,
but provide more employment as the number of energy harnessing devices
proliferated. A renewable energy system would also foster energy
efficiency because the energy sources would be less concentrated.
energy sources, because they cannot be depleted, will have a stabilizing
impact on the global economy. Given the economies of mass production,
large numbers of small-scale renewable energy-harnessing devices
will be able to be produced for less than large-scale one-of-a-kind
power plants. The savings and benefits to society are not only found
in production of the energy harnessing devices themselves -- transport
and transmission costs and losses are reduced, breakdowns that could
cripple a system if a large scale power plant goes down are eliminated,
and there is more flexibility in dealing with fluctuations in demands
and emergencies. As renewable energy became the dominant energy
source, the rising competition for smaller and smaller amounts of
remaining oil supplies would be lessened. And, because renewable
energy sources would be less likely to be under centralized control,
the society that they would foster would be a more decentralized
and democratic society.
With the world's
basic human needs problems moving towards solution, local, national
and international security would be more stable. As the basic human
needs of each country were met, the personal and national security
of each group of people would increase.
Building upon
this stabilizing force for peace and international security could
be the addition of an empowered UN peace-keeping force. A global
peace-keeping force that could guarantee the sovereignty of each
nation from outside aggression could operate at a fraction of the
costs of the combined national military expenditures. A guarantee
of protection against aggression by the UN (or some other multilateral
peace-keeping force) would allow each nation that has spent large
amounts of resources to protect itself from real or imagined threats
from its well-armed neighbors to free up resources previously used
by the military. In addition, many of the programs listed above
could be implemented by the military or with its assistance. Their
discipline, energy, organization and logistical capabilities make
them ideal for securing the peace of their country and the world
by participating, or leading, reforestation projects, greening of
deserts, providing clean water and sanitation facilities, stopping
soil erosion and providing shelter for the people in their regions
of the world. Such activities would be an ideal bridge for those
countries that did not feel safe letting their standing armies disband
or decrease in strength, but who were willing to take the first
step towards increased regional and global security by allowing
their soldiers to participate in the type of activities described
Follows Vision
The set of strategies described in this paper would not, of course,
solve all of our world problems. They would, however, change the
world in fundamental ways. Both history and prehistory have been
marred by the somber assumption that the survival of much of humanity
must forever be in jeopardy -- that it is the survival of the fittest,
instead of the fittest survival of all.
Instead of
a pervasive fear of the future that leads to alienation, apathy
or nihilism, the information about our global and local options
can help lead us towards a purposeful implementation of these positive
solutions. Resources can always be found to implement a vision.
Once a vision is clear to enough people, the will needed to make
the vision real can make the decisions necessary for its implementation.
Once the decision is made, things happen. We go to the Moon;
we eradicate smallpox; we build the next generation computer or
climb the highest mountain. For the first time, the existence of
all humanity can be secure, and, free from the once-interminable
and bestial struggle for survival, humankind can gain the opportunity
to thrive in a manner and scope unprecedented in our history. Whether
we proceed to that stage in our development or continue the present
paths is no longer determined by the limits of our resources or
abilities, but rather by our will.
Section: First Strategy
What the World Wants Chart