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Our Energy Future
Preferred State:
Abundant, clean, safe and affordable energy supplies for 100%
of humanity
Problem State:
3 billion people live in societies that are without access to
enough energy to meet their needs
Strategy 7: Sustainable
Energy Systems
The second
component of the Securing Our Energy Future strategy entails
a significant development effort to provide a viable, safe and secure
alternative to current sources of energy, which are not only exhaustible,
but increasingly expensive, from often politically volatile and
unstable sources, pose health risks to people living near production
and processing facilities, and are mostly carbon-rich and hence
accelerate global warming. If subsidies to oil, coal, gas and nuclear
energy were removed or a full cost accounting were done that included
environmental costs, nuclear waste clean up, security costs and
lessened employment, the costs of energy from renewable sources
would be substantially lower than that from fossil and nuclear sources.[92]
And as The Economist notes, "Removing all subsidies to fossil
fuels would encourage consumers both to conserve energy and to switch
to other fuels, something that would cause greenhouse gases to fall
4 to 18%."[93] Even with modest
levels of incentives and funding, renewable energy sources, such
as solar and wind power plants, have exhibited substantial economic
benefits.[94] The fastest growing
energy source in the world in the 1990's is wind power, which expanded
worldwide from 2000 megawatts in 1990 to nearly 5000 megawatts in
1995. There are over 25,000 wind turbines operating in the world
in 1996.[95]
With a vibrant
renewable energy industry, a new growth industry will replace an
older industry whose fluctuating fuel costs have led to periods
of severe unemployment, recession and instability in many areas
(a specter raised again with the Iraqi invasion and annexation of
its oil-rich neighbor, Kuwait and the resultant war and its associated
costs). Switching over to renewable energy sources as rapidly as
prudent and practical economics allows would endow the world energy
regime with increased economic, political and environmental security.
An investment
of about $17 billion per year for ten years dedicated to phasing
in and development would enable humanity to embark on a path toward
a sustainable system of fulfilling the world's energy needs.[96]
These resources would be spent on phasing out economic subsidies
to oil, gas, coal and nuclear industries, while phasing in incentives
to renewable energy sources -- thereby leveling the economic playing
field for all energy sources. Government use of renewable energy
for its military, postal and administrative functions would create
the infrastructure and mass market needed for mass production and
economic competitiveness in today's economy. National tax
incentives, similar to that which in California resulted in over
4000 megawatts of installed wind power in less than six years, would
accelerate the switch to renewable energy in the developed world.
Total investment
is only 13% of current subsidies to electricity prices in the developing
world[97] or about 2.2% of the world's
total annual military expenditures. Benefits include a cleaner environment,
less carbon emissions into the atmosphere and thereby less pressure
on global warming, more stable energy supplies in price and in potential
for political disruption, and more availability of energy in energy-needing
parts of the world.
What the World Wants Chart