Over the past forty years, a growing body of literature has documented,
in ever more depressing and debilitating detail, the myriad and complex
problems facing humanity.
Over the past
ten years, a small, but increasingly systematic effort has been
made to explore and document an equally important aspect of our
global problems. This effort is directed at learning what the world
should look like, not at finding out what the world will
be like. It is not an attempt at forecasting or developing a set
of predictions, but rather at the creating of a statement of values,
desires and preferences. Specifically, the more than 200,000 people
who have participated in this project (from government leaders and
corporate executives to university, high school and even elementary
school students) have been asked, "Given the present situation of
the world, what do you want the world to be like twenty years from
now? What is your preferred state?"[1]
were also asked to phrase their answers as positive statements.
Instead of saying, "In twenty years, there is no starvation in the
world," or "No war," they were to say, "100% of humanity is well-nourished,"
or "Peace." They were told that we were not interested in what they
were against, but rather what they were for. They were, in
other words, asked to be visionaries.
The results
of these efforts have yielded something quite extraordinary.
Although the
results seem, at first glance, to be utopian in vision and scope,
the results of this effort cannot be dismissed as merely a "wild-eyed
fantasy of a bunch of pie-in-the-sky do-gooder radicals." On the
contrary, given the broad spectrum of people involved in creating
this global preferred state, it can be argued that the results give
a good indication of where the entire world, given the "vote," would
agree to move towards. More importantly, and very disturbingly,
the global preferred state cannot be dismissed as fantasy for another
good reason: it is quite achievable, and achievable with present
day technology and resources. Going one step further: it is
not only achievable with present day technology and resources, it
is affordable.
These startling
conclusions are backed up by an emerging and refreshing complement
to the research documenting the world's problems, namely, a body
of research that has, in recent years, pointed to possible solutions
to these same problems. Section 1 of this Report deals with the
world's present problem state and the vision of how the world should
be. Section 2 deals with a set of possible strategies and solutions
that will enable the world to make real the vision of what it wants.
Hopefully, both will shed some light on the options facing humanity
in the closing moments of the twentieth and the opening of the twenty-first
Section: What We Have and What We Want
What the World Wants Chart