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the World Safe
Preferred State:
Nuclear weapon free world for 100% of humanity
Problem State:
40,000+ nuclear weapons in the world
Strategy 17:
Dismantling/Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
There are 40,640
nuclear weapons in the world.[120]
Each one of these weapons has the capacity of leveling a city, not
just a building, as conventional Oklahoma City type of terrorist
bombs can and have. Thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people
can be murdered with one device. Some nuclear weapons can be carried
in a back-pack; all will fit in a truck. Such instruments of terror
and genocide have no place in a moral, humane or even semi-intelligent
world. Their presence compromises all human progress and makes a
mockery of all religious, ethical and cultural codes and standards
of behavior. There is no moral or economic argument for their existence.
There are no valid "limited" or specific military targets for instruments
of total or mass destruction. In a world where already 90% of the
casualties in wars are civilians,[121]
the use of nuclear weapons is genocide.[122]
It is technologically
possible to eliminate the functionality of all the world's nuclear
weapons in a few days. For example, given the official approval
and access, teams of technicians (preferably American teams working
on Russian nuclear stockpiles and Russian teams working on US stockpiles)
could cut all the triggering and detonation wires and disassemble
major nuclear weapon components in hours. Such a hypothetical move
does not free the world of the nuclear menace, it merely reduces
the chances of present nuclear bombs being used -- as does in a limited
way the tediously slow dismantling of 2000 nuclear weapons per year
that the START Treaty has the US and Russia doing currently. A more
lasting solution is needed.
Stopping all
testing of nuclear weapons, stopping the production of bomb materials,
having open inspections of all nuclear power plants and facilities,
and establishing a credible global security system is needed to
insure that the elimination of nuclear weapons becomes a lasting
part of the world. In addition, the hundreds of tons of plutonium
and thousands of tons of highly enriched uranium that these bombs
use as their explosive power need to be disposed of. One mechanism
is to use a special nuclear power reactor that will consume this
fuel, transforming it in the process to a form of uranium that cannot
be used for weapons -- as well as producing electric power at the same
and chemical weapons should be treated in a similar vein. Their
status as outlawed methods of warfare should be renewed and their
elimination from the planet dealt with as quickly as possible. But
even with these threats to human well-being removed from the planet,
a more lasting solution to genocide, war and armed conflict is needed.
The greatest
threat to world security is from the potential of regional wars
to escalate.[123] The violence from
these could disrupt international commerce, unleash massive flows
of refugees, create resource shortages, engulf surrounding states
and wreck havoc on all the efforts to provide the basic human needs
of the world's population. Ethnic and religious conflicts, border
disputes, nationalist struggles and resource disputes need to be
contained and abated. International arms sales, the strengthening
of peacekeeping institutions, the promoting of social and economic
development and regenerating the environment -- all the programs outlined
in this report need to be implemented for peace to have a sustainable
The costs of
implementing the above programs of nuclear weapons dismantling and
processing of plutonium and enriched uranium into non-weapons grade
material would cost $7 billion per year for ten years -- less than
half the amount the Pentagon has spent over the last decade that
can not be accounted for at all -- literally, according to the US General
Accounting Office, the Pentagon does not know where this money went,[124]
or about 0.09% of the world's current military expenditures, or
25% of the $28 billion spent each year in the "security industry"
of private security guards, weapons and explosives detectors, video
surveillance monitors, x-ray equipment and the like.
Benefits would
include a world free of the environmental, economical, social, psychological
and spiritual horror of a thermonuclear Armageddon or terrorist
threat or attack.
What the World Wants Chart