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Regenerating the Environment
Preferred State:
Global warming slowed down, stopped, reversed
Problem State:
World's temperature increasing 2° to 5° C. in next 50 years
Strategy 14: Reversing
Global Warming
Current scientific
consensus is that the release of carbon, methane and CFC gases into
the atmosphere is creating a "greenhouse" effect that will raise
the average base temperature of the Earth 2° to 5° over the next
50 years. Such a temperature rise will have profound impact on nearly
all aspects of daily commerce -- from food supply to coastal settlements
that will flood as the seas rise to health concerns. The World Health
Organization predicts that in the next century malaria cases could
increase by 50 to 80 million each year.[117]
The world
currently gets 90% of its energy from carbon-based sources such
as coal, oil and natural gas because these sources are "cheap."
One reason they are cheap is that they are heavily subsidized. For
example, Russia and Germany subsidize coal mining, and the US subsidizes
oil by spending billions on keeping the Mid-East, not "safe for
democracy" as anyone familiar with the autocratic regimes of the
region can attest, but "safe for oil companies and consumers." Other
subsidies, such as tax credits, cheap oil and gas leases on federal
lands, government-run energy corporations, and price subsidies permeate
the global energy system. Removing these subsidies, especially to
carbon-based energy sources would be a money-saving measure that
would lower carbon emissions and slow the onslaught of global warming.
Through a combination of programs -- international accords, taxes on
carbon release, increased energy efficiency in industry, transportation
and households, decrease in fossil fuel use, increases in renewable
energy use, and reforestation -- global warming can be slowed and eventually
Such programs,
not covered by other strategies listed above, would cost about $8
billion per year for thirty years. This is about 6% of what developing
countries are spending on subsidizing their electricity prices,
or less than 17% of what the insurance industry paid out in the
1990s for weather-related damage (three times what they paid out
in the 1980s).[118] It is also about
1% of the world's total annual military expenditures, or 0.8% of
the world's illegal drug trade.
Benefits would
include a more stable environment, more secure food sources and
food production regimes, more coastal lands, less flooding, less
insurance payouts for weather damages, fewer weather caused natural
disasters, fewer extinctions caused by shifting ecosystems, more
stable national and international economies and fewer environmentally
caused diseases such as malaria.
What the World Wants Chart