Institute for Public Accuracy
(202) 347-0020
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
Thursday, May 14, 1998
Interviews Available on India Nuke Tests and IMF
As Clinton Meets with Industrial Leaders, Experts Question U.S. PolicyINDIA:
While think tanks such as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace largely echo the U.S. government position on India's explosions of nuclear weapons, several critics of U.S. policy are available for media interviews:
(208) 776-5903
One of this nation's foremost experts on nuclear testing, Truman is the founder and director of Downwinders, an organization which opposes atomic tests worldwide.DANIEL ELLSBERG
202-244-6036 or 202-363-0017
The noted former Defense and State Department official has dealt with proliferation issues since the early 1960s. Ellsberg is also director of Manhattan Project II, which is devoted to multilateral nuclear disarmament and averting proliferation.SAM DAY
(608) 257-4764
Former editor of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
The Indonesian crisis has forced International Monetary Fund policy to the top of the G-8 Summit agenda. Here are some experts on the IMF:
(202) 265-3263 or (202) 515-2822
Economist and Research Director of the Preamble Center for Public Policy.PETER ROSSET
(510) 654-4400 ext. 103 or (510) 528-4282
Executive Director of the Institute for Food and Development Policy / Food First.ANDREA DURBIN
(202) 783-7400 ext. 209 or (202) 667-6617
Director, international program, Friends of the Earth.The Institute for Public Accuracy is a consortium of public policy experts. For further information, contact Theresa Caldwell or Sam Husseini at (202) 347-0020 or (202) 332-5055.