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It's great to see this book back in print. Worth the price alone just for the drawings of all the early researchers on the phone with each other. Miller gave me my best backhanded compliment ever, "Voluminous research, conclusions few others reach."
Not a content recommendation, but this is one of the most fun and entertaining books on the assassination back in print, so thought I would let you know. Lots of new authors will be speaking at COPA's regional meeting in Dallas, hope you can get there. I put out an invite to Tom Miller as well.
Enjoy - John Judge
Could you please post on all appropriate bulletin boards and web sites?
Well appreciated; many thanks,
Tom Miller
In 1977, just 14 years after John Kennedy's assassination, Tom Miller brought out a book entitled The Assassination Please Almanac. The book was a consumer's guide to conspiracy theories, an annotated bibliography of JFK assassination books, a chronology of events leading up to and away from November 22, 1963, and a black humor look at the Kennedy assassination. It has investigative poetry by Ed Sanders, wicked illustrations by Paul Mavrides, and little-known facts from the National Archives.Through the years many people have wondered if the book would again become available to the public. The original edition, which frankly had terrible binding, has been priced at $50 and higher in specialty catalogs. We are pleased to announce that The Assassination Please Almanac, for too long a rare find in high demand on the assass-o-buff circuit, is now back in print for all to appreciate. You can ask for it at book stores, order it through on-line book stores, or order it through the author's web site (www.tommillerbooks.com), which also lists his other books.
A reader review in Amazon.com says, "A Classic Reference is Back in Print! Tom Miller's 'Assassination Please Almanac' was an extremely valuable reference work when first published in the '70s. Its chronology and other features remain unique and valuable today. It is good to see it available again!!"
Rolling Stone says, "This sourcebook/collection is the nerviest in years."
The Assassination Please Almanac
By Tom Miller
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0-595-00809-7
U.S. $23.95 Canada $39.95