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NUCLEAR GUARDIANSHIP FORUM, On The Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials,
Issue # 3, Spring 1994, p. 4.


Needed: New Vision for Science

A survey of nearly 1000 scientists, doctors and engineers, backed up by in-depth interviews conducted by the London based Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA) in 1990 revealed an unsuspected range of ethical problems and dilemmas experienced during the respondents' careers. The key points were identified as follows:

Initiatives arising from these concerns include a career guide, a mentors index, a counseling network, a university ethical committee structure, and the publication of a vision for science.

For more information contact Scientists for Global Responsibility, Kate Maloney, Unit 3, Down House, the Business Village, Broomhill Road, London SW18 4JQ, UK. tel: 081-871-5175.

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