A key to the untold history of our domestic
assassinations is the fact that our government was the first to
develop and use nuclear weapons. The democratic principles this
country professes were, from the beginning, in conflict with
such weapons and our reluctance to submit them to international
control. Nuclear weapons and civil liberties don’t go
together. Nuclear weapons and life don’t go together. The
rise of our national security state after World War Two, as
justified by the Cold War that our nuclear weapons created, was
the effective end of democracy in the USA. That history of a
national security state replacing a democracy was climaxed by
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an event that
foreshadows the martyrdom of Malcolm and Martin.
A nuclear weapons state that maintains the myth of being a
democracy requires what our newspeak language calls
“intelligence agencies,” which specialize in covert
action, assassinations, and propaganda whose targets include U.S.
citizens. The CIA and its related covert action/propaganda
agencies have evolved into what we today, with more newspeak (and
a verbal surrender to our former World War Two enemies), call
“Homeland Security.” I believe the reason why
Malcolm’s and Martin’s assassinations by our own
government can still shock many of us is that we are in denial of
the fact that our government, by embracing nuclear weapons,
became a national security state.