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Richard L. Grossman

West Hurley, NY
October 2011

An Act To Criminalize Chartered,
Incorporated Business Entities

a work-in-progress

         As of 12:01 a.m. on July 4, 2012, no incorporated business shall exist or operate within the United States and its territories, or within any State or municipality.

         As of 12:01 a.m. on July 4, 2012, all existing business corporation charters granted by the United States, and by all States, shall be null and void.

         Neither the United States nor any State shall issue new charters for incorporated businesses. Any chartered, incorporated business entity – domestic, foreign, alien – existing and operating after the above date shall be deemed a violent, criminal, and terrorist conspiracy. Its directors and executive officers must be charged with ecocide, criminal conspiracy and crimes against humanity.

         No directors or executive officers of unchartered, un- incorporated business entities which may succeed outlawed chartered, incorporated business entities shall be empowered, enabled or protected

         a) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had previously defined, privileged and empowered chartered, incorporated businesses;

         b) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had previously bestowed illegitimate legal authority upon chartered, incorporated businesses;

         c) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had previously enabled directors and executive officers of chartered, incorporated entities to deny employees standing before the law and fundamental Constitutional authority;

         d) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had previously denied people sovereign authority to define and govern our work and workplaces, our communities, our municipalities, our States, our Nation;

         e) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had previously denied people of this land our sovereign authority to define elections, to define legislative processes, to interpret laws;

         f) by laws, constitutional language or doctrine, jurisprudential precedent, custom, habit, or police power of the 50 States or of the United States which had decreed the private ordering of our economy; that is, which constitutionalized corporate directors’ authority to make decisions on investment, technology, production, destruction, and the nature - organization of human labor.

         As of 12:01 a.m. July 4, 2012, owners of stock in previously incorporated business entities, and entity directors and executive officers, shall forever be liable for all debts, liabilities, assaults, denials, harms, invasions and usurpations committed by any and all successor business entities. The courts of all 50 States and of the United States shall not be open to stockholders or directors or officers or agents of formerly-incorporated chartered business entities for any claims whatsoever.

         Municipal, State and United States officials (elected and appointed) who fail to implement and sustain the prohibition – and criminalization – of chartered, incorporated business entities after 12:01 a.m., July 4, 2012, shall promptly be indicted and speedily tried for the crime of villainous usurpation – perfidious, felonious, illegitimate rule exceeding their proper authority – as well as for the crime of dereliction of duty.

         Conviction for villainous usurpation or dereliction of duty shall result in immediate removal from public office, forfeiture of all accumulated and future pensions and benefits, plus extreme public obloquy . . . for starters. ##


  1. As the 19th Century began, constitutions, laws and customs in the new United States denied the overwhelming majority of humans standing and equality before the law, along with authority to vote.

  2. As the 19th Century ended, legislative laws, judge-made laws, propaganda, armed might and persistent violence by the corporate class had transformed the United States from a minority-ruled Slave Nation into a minority-ruled Corporate Nation. This despite valiant mass resistance and magnificent people’s struggles. The emerging Corporate State – like the previous Slave State – was impressively constitutionalized.

  3. In a Corporate State, law, culture, contrived celebration and tradition illegitimately clothe directors and executive officers of chartered, incorporated businesses in governing authority. This is usurpation. A Corporate State nurtures, enables and expedites such illegitimate governing authority by violence enforced by courts, jails, police and military force, and by historians. Less-overtly ferocious institutions – forprofit and nonprofit – routinely reinforce that reality.

  4. In a Corporate State, law, culture and tradition enable corporate directors and executive officers to deny true self-governing authority to majorities of sovereign people, despite people assembling over and over and over again to petition governments in village squares and marbled halls.

  5. Like kings and tyrants before them, corporate directors and their operatives wield the law of the land, constitutions, elections, lawmaking, jurisprudence, education and “legal” violence to rule the many. They lord over all species, rivers, oceans, mountains, Earth materials, biological and natural systems.

  6. Elected and appointed officials in villages, towns, counties, cities and states and the United States administer this Corporate State on behalf of the nation’s minuscule corporate class. They do not have our consent.

  7. Neither do they represent the majority of life that is non-human – flying people, standing people, crawling people, flowing people, creeping people. They do not represent Earth’s biological or natural systems. By aiding, abetting and enabling corporate directors and executives, public officials are complicit in denial of Earth’s living realities. Like corporate directors and executive officers, these government officials have been acting beyond their legitimate authority. They are usurpers.

  8. Corporate directors and executives, in consort with public officials, have long been denying sovereign people access to justice; access to commensurate legal, electoral, and judicial remedies. They have long been denying people’s sovereign authority to govern our communities, states and nation.

  9. Generation after generation, this tiny minority has trained the rest of us not to see, not to think, not to act commensurate with Earth’s – and our – realities. This Act To Criminalize Chartered, Incorporated Business Entities is offered as a step toward changing how we see, think, organize.

Toward changing ourselves.


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