is the study and elaboration of how industrial
civilization as we know it collapses and if it does, what
will replace it. Industrial civilization is the use of
machinery powered by electricity or any form of energy to
carry out various activities. Collapsologie is a neologism
developed by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens in
their 2015 book
Eng trans).
(Published next spring, the English translation will
significantly advance the utility of this focus.) In
an interview, recalling
all the data and increasingly
disturbing scientific alarms, the authors are calling
for an end to denial: “we accept that disasters can
occur: they are looming, we must look at them with courage,
eyes wide open. To be a catastrophist is neither to be
pessimistic nor optimistic, it is to be lucid.”
“We always said that we have been told and understand that
we’re relatives. Where our white brother will talk about
water and trees and animals and fish as resources we talk about
them as relatives. That’s a whole different perspective. If
you think that they’re relatives and you understand that
then you’re going to treat them differently.”
Decades ago at schools and universities,
David Brower
delivered “The Sermon,” describing the history of
Mother Earth covering a 6-day time span beginning midnight Sunday
from her inception to the present. Life first appears Tuesday at noon.
Saturday at 4pm dinosaurs appear; by 9pm they’re gone.
Four minutes before midnight our proto ancestors show up.
1.5 seconds to midnight agriculture is hatched. One-fortieth
of a second before midnight comes the industrial revolution. Since
Brower’s birth in 1912, we’ve used up more of Mother
Earth and our relatives than in all our previous history.
What is called Western Civilization (W.C.) is the fundamental driver
of this epoch’s mono-culture value system. As Anthropologist
Wade Davis describes, the range
of cultures and languages expressing distinct sets of values other
than W.C. still number
in the thousands—though
“on average,
every two weeks some
elder passes away and carries with them into the grave
the last syllables of an ancient tongue.” W.C. has exceeded
all requisite limits for living in balance with Life’s needs.
This planetary home, inherited by right of birth, manifests
all the signs of mono-culture overshoot. Also known as the Sixth Mass
Extinction, this die off epoch is being directed and produced by
the on-going promotion of W.C. Recent sign posts sounding
the overshoot alarm include Rachel Carson:
Silent Spring
(1962), Meadows et al:
The Limits to Growth, A Report For The Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind (1972),
Jerry Mander:
Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television (1978) &
In The Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology & the Survival of the Indian Nations (1991), and Richard Heinberg:
The Party’s Over - Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies (2003), &
“Searching For A Miracle: ‘Net Energy’ Limits & The Fate Of Industrial Society” (2009).
On Midway Atoll, a remote cluster of islands more than 2000 miles
from the nearest continent, the detritus of our mass consumption
surfaces in an astonishing place: inside the stomachs of
thousands of dead baby albatrosses. The nesting chicks are fed
lethal quantities of plastic by their parents, who mistake the
floating trash for food as they forage over the vast polluted
Pacific Ocean.
For me, kneeling over their carcasses is like looking into a
macabre mirror. These birds reflect back an appallingly
emblematic result of the collective trance of our consumerism and
runaway industrial growth. Like the albatross, we first-world
humans find ourselves lacking the ability to discern anymore what
is nourishing from what is toxic to our lives and our spirits.
Choked to death on our waste, the mythical albatross calls upon
us to recognize that our greatest challenge lies not out there,
but in here.
In the heart of the great Pacific, a story is taking place that
may change the way you see everything.
Full length movie: ALBATROSS (1:37:20, 2009-18)
is offered as a free public artwork.
In the last half-century, W.C. has proceeded without abiding by
the limits to growth that governs all living systems. It has
also stubbornly ignored alarm bells some humans have continuously
sounded with ever greater urgency. When considering any endeavor,
Intellect knows only how to pose the question, Is it possible?
while Wisdom adheres to asking, Is it appropriate? At this
juncture in human history the root of the ecological catastrophe
now fully engaged has been fueled by the adamant rejection of
the wisdom Oren Lyons articulates above.
The era of supreme existential threats we have inaugurated
began with the creation of the atomic bomb. A tremendous
amount of creativity went into building
a nuclear weapon.
Tragically, the results of such exercise of intellect has not
been balanced by equal considerations of wisdom. In October 1962
a result of human intellect
came within seconds
of transforming Mother Earth into a radioactive wasteland. At the
critical moment, President Kennedy and Premiere Khrushchev were
able to avoid the looming abyss of non-existence and extinction
of most Life here. Given current day hysteria about a Russian
boogie-man, their story of learning to trust each other is
even more revelatory now in what it reveals is possible
when one can see the truth of one’s so-called enemy.
Beyond the danger of extinction caused by the increasing risk and
possibility of
nuclear war
(some former US officials think this
time period is even more perilous than the Cold War was),
the exponentially expanding ecological crisis has
established its own pre-eminence as another prospective (possible?)
extinction timeline of the human project. The vantage point explored in
Collapsologie Immersion
goes beyond quantifying only
catastrophic global over heat unfolding. It is essential to
apprehend the fuller composition of this dilemma of our own making by
understanding the equally significant tributaries feeding into
the river Collapse. The additional branches focused on here include:
systemic collapse as it pertains to humanity’s extreme
dependence on electricity,
digitalization of knowledge,
ecological & energy costs of the Internet’s expanding
actual health-ecological-social costs of making “renewable
energy” machines via coal, petroleum, wood, and uranium energy inputs,
people exercising reason, intuition, and imagination with coherence
and clarity on the challenge of how humanity may yet seed
successor cultures.
Billed as “a work of history”, The New York
Times Magazine devoted its entire August 1, 2018 issue
to a narrative by Nathaniel Rich on “Losing Earth:
The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change.” The
starkly narrow worldview making up this essay drove
the motivation to write the critique:
“Losing Earth? Realign with Original Free Peoples’ Great Law and Find Her Again.”
A portion of this highlights Lenape/Shawnee scholar Steven Newcomb who,
speaking at the Arizona state capital House of Representatives in 2012,
points out a fundamental blindspot of US society in
particular, and W.C. in general, that can still be
acknowledged, addressed and redeemed. As Newcomb explains:
What I see is that the non-Indian society has actually deprived
itself tremendously; by dehumanizing and sub-humanizing
Indigenous Peoples they have deprived themselves of being
able to learn from the vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that
Indigenous Nations and Peoples have been able to accumulate over
thousands and thousands of years going back to the beginning of
time as expressed in our oral histories.
That’s what needs to occur. Once this understanding of respect
for the Original Laws of the Land, for the Original Nations and
Peoples of the Land, once that begins to occur then there is
going to be more of a flow of communication and that knowledge
that’s been buried and suppressed is going to rise up. If you
want a clearer understanding of what that knowledge and wisdom
entails look at the book called
1491; New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
Charles C Mann.
It’s an amazing exploration and understanding of just how
incredibly wonderful and rich and vibrant and intelligent
Indigenous Nations and Peoples and their cultures and spiritual
traditions have been and continue to be at this time.
Newcomb closed his 2015 address at the Parliament
of the World’s Religions,
Toward a Paradigm Change for Mother Earth,
with the imperative wisdom: “Respect the Earth as our Mother and
have a Sacred Regard for All Living Things.”
In Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization
(2006), Derrick Jensen writes:
If I’m going to contemplate the collapse of civilization, I
need to define what it is. I looked in some dictionaries.
Webster’s calls civilization “a high stage of social
and cultural development.” The Oxford English
Dictionary describes it as “a developed or advanced
state of human society.” All the other dictionaries I
checked were similarly laudatory. These definitions, no matter
how broadly shared, helped me not in the slightest. They seemed
to me hopelessly sloppy. After reading them, I still had no idea
what the hell a civilization is: define high,
developed, or advanced, please. The definitions, it
struck me, are also extremely self-serving: can you imagine
writers of dictionaries willingly classifying themselves as
members of “a low, undeveloped, or backward state of human
I would define a civilization much more precisely, and I believe
more usefully, as a culture—that is, a complex of stories,
institutions, and artifacts—that both leads to and emerges
from the growth of cities ...
Ultimately, then, the story of this civilization is the story of
the reduction of the world’s tapestry of stories to only
one story, the best story, the real story, the most advanced
story, the most developed story, the story of the power and the
glory that is Western Civilization.
Western Civilization has run its course. Its drive for mono-cultured
homogeneity was its own undoing. At this stage I am exploring and
giving consideration to
Jem Bendell’s framing
seeing “collapse as inevitable, catastrophe as probable, and
extinction as possible.” Doing so provides “a shedding of
concern for conforming to the status quo, and a new creativity about
what to focus on going forward.”
As indicated at the top, while late to the game of grasping a
greater appreciation of what we are actually dealing with today,
a highly motivated eagerness to explore, discover, and learn
informs the expanding nature of this witness.
The intention is to distill and encapsulate what
we are creating and causing, and choices we have to exercise our
remarkable powers of intuition, creativity, reason, wisdom, and
response abilities. The design purpose is to craft an insightful
and provocative nexus of critical analysis and ideas fashioned on
the extensive form presented in the
Chernobyl Directory.
One effect of the technological revolution has been to uproot us from
the soil. We have become disoriented, I believe; we have suffered a
kind of psychic dislocation of ourselves in time and space.... Like
the wilderness itself, our sphere of instinct has diminished in
proportion as we have failed to imagine truly what it is....
Most of us have developed an attitude of indifference towards the land...
We Americans must come to a moral comprehension of the earth and air.
We must live according to the principle of a land ethic. The alternative
is that we shall not live at all.
We are living through the conclusion of Electronic Civilization
(E.C.) as we have known it over the past 100 years of its scaled up
development. This epoch is nearing its end because of the continued
and increasing toxification and alteration of the biosphere by energy
sources that have fueled the industrial age: coal, petroleum, uranium,
and wood (called “biomass”). In recent decades,
electricity has become absolutely indispensable to the continued
operation and existence of this system of human society and culture.
Kate Crawford’s and Vladan Joler’s 2018 nonpareil
investigative analysis,
Anatomy of an AI System: The Amazon Echo As An Anatomical Map Of Human Labor, Data and Planetary Resources,
presents a breathtaking exposition of how our techno logic world
operates. Such probing research illuminates and sharpens
understanding of the world-wide extractive processes and global supply
chains that both make our electric way of life possible while
simultaneously destroying our planetary home’s web of Life
and Life support system.
A fundamental component in smartphones, computers, solar panels,
and machines with microprocessors is a form of silicon not found
in the natural world. Thomas Troszak outlines this in
“Why do we burn coal and trees to make solar panels?”:
All modern technology including “renewable” energy
depends on the non-renewable resources that make it possible. For
example, every step in the production of solar photovoltaic (PV)
power systems requires a perpetual input of fossil fuels—as
carbon reductants for smelting metals from ore, for process heat
and power, international transport, and deployment. Silicon
smelters, polysilicon refineries, and crystal growers all require
uninterrupted, 24/7 power that comes mostly from coal and
uranium. Additional mineral resources and fossil energy are
needed for constructing PV factories, process equipment, and
manufacturing infrastructure. The only “renewable”
materials consumed in PV production are obtained by
deforestation—for wood chips, and by burning vast areas of
tropical rainforest for charcoal used as a source of carbon for
silicon smelters. Both media and journal claims that solar PV can
somehow “replace fossil fuels” have not addressed the
“non-renewable reality” of all the global
manufacturing supply chains necessary for the mining,
manufacturing, and distribution of PV power systems. Some
often-cited accounts of solar PV production exclude raw materials
and silicon smelters from the PV “supply chain”
entirely, which obscures the profoundly non-sustainable basis of
PV technology. A more complete overview of commercial PV
production is presented, from the sources of raw materials to the
deployed array. 38 references from published articles and
industry sources are cited. (2019-11-18 revision)
Without the enormous power requirements from
non-renewable energy inputs it would be impossible to produce
solar and modern wind power machines in general and the
electronic innards of microprocessors—especially pure
silicon—in particular.
It is critical to grasp the implications of what is needed
to produce what are euphemistically called clean energy machines,
and the fact that solar and wind are not scalable as any kind
of substitute for the lavish, embodied energy lifestyles enjoyed
post-WWII by “first world” societies. Doing so
provides the vital
wakeup alarm necessary to begin to ground awareness of what we
are actually dealing with regarding the global ecological
emergency we have been bringing to a rapid boil for decades.
In July 2018 Dr Jem Bendell (Professor of Sustainability
Leadership and Founder of the Institute for Leadership and
Sustainability at the University of Cumbria, UK) published
the paper “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating
Climate Tragedy.” Bendell had taken unpaid leave to
study the latest climate science to better apprehend
the current state of the world. As he observed, “climate
change is ... an indicator of how our human psyche and culture
became divorced from our natural habitat.” The bulk
of the paper’s abstract states:
The purpose of this conceptual paper is to provide readers with
an opportunity to reassess their work and life in the face of an
inevitable near-term social collapse due to climate change. The
approach of the paper is to analyse recent studies on climate
change and its implications for our ecosystems, economies and
societies, as provided by academic journals and publications
direct from research institutes. That synthesis leads to a
conclusion there will be a near-term collapse in society with
serious ramifications for the lives of readers. The paper
reviews some of the reasons why collapse-denial may exist, in
particular, in the professions of sustainability research and
practice, therefore leading to these arguments having been absent
from these fields until now. The paper offers a new meta-framing
of the implications for research, organisational practice,
personal development and public policy, called the Deep
Adaptation Agenda. Its key aspects of resilience, relinquishment
and restorations are explained. This agenda does not seek to
build on existing scholarship on “climate adaptation”
as it is premised on the view that social collapse is now inevitable.
In October 2019, Bendell gave the opening keynote,
“Hope in a time of climate chaos”
at the conference of the UK Council for Psychotherapy.
His perceptions and observations about our culture’s unthinking
allegiance to hope as a means to avoid and suppress emotional pain
begins to get at the underlying dynamics of fear and denial. He posits
that we risk making matters worse if such emotions remain
unrecognized, unacknowledged, and covered over by moves to anger, blame,
and hatred.
Regarding climate chaos, dangerous indicators are accelerating
environmental feedback loops, especially the loss of
sea ice in the Arctic. One volatile feedback is that by
reducing the whiteness of surfaces reflecting the Sun’s
rays back into space, more of them are absorbed into the ocean
causing further warming of water causing further melting of more
ice. This reduction of white surfaces on
water—and land—is reducing what is termed the
albedo of the planet:
the amount of solar radiation reflected straight back into space.
Even more critical—which is almost completely ignored in the
IPCC process—is the potential for massive methane feedback
in the Arctic. As our activities melt the permafrost and melt the ice
under the seabed, methane hydrates (frozen crystals since the last ice age)
begin to melt, releasing methane gas. If the methane is at or less
than a certain sea depth, the gas will reach the water surface
and escape into the atmosphere. Methane is a much more
concentrated greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Dr Peter Wadhams,
the UK’s most experienced sea ice scientist, has made more
than 50 expeditions to both polar regions. His most recent book,
A Farewell to Ice
describes in vivid detail the changes in the Arctic he has
observed and studied for more than 40 years and the dangers inherent
in the approaching end of summer ice in the Arctic Ocean.
In March 2019, interviewed by Stuart Scott of on
Methane Hydrates & Arctic Research, Wadhams emphasized the gravity of the new situation we are now in:
[I]t’s not a sort of stable, slowly varying thermodynamic situation
now. It’s a new dynamics. And that’s what’s
important. I’m not saying there’s going to be a giant
outbreak of methane that will cause a huge increase in global
temperatures. But I am saying that that is a possibility
that’s suggested by what’s been observed by the
people who actually go out there and do measurements. An
increasingly small number of Arctic people actually do
measurements in the Arctic.
Regarding the risk of a rapid, significant methane release from
the Arctic, Wadhams expressed his concern that
if it did happen, it would be very, very serious. I mean it would be
a step change in global temperatures of, well, we’ve done an
estimate it might be 0.6 of a degree. And that’s only with
a fraction of the methane in the sediments of the Siberian Sea
coming out.
But if you had 0.6 of a degree—or more, it may
be—then in one step I think people need to think what that
would do. I mean we’re concerned about warming, global
warming, and we bandy about figures like saying two degrees is
the maximum we can allow by 2050 or preferably one and a half.
What we might really get is four degrees by 2100. These are all
assumed to be temperature changes which occur gradually—not
that gradually, increasingly fast—but not catastrophically.
But if this two degrees for instance happened in one year, and
suddenly, because of a
vast release of methane,
what would it do?
... if it all happened suddenly in one year we would just be
completely flummoxed. We wouldn’t have a clue what to do,
and the effects would be as great as two degrees in 30 years. But
they will be happening instantly. Nobody as far as I know
has modeled what the impact of a large step change temperature in
climate would be.... [T]he finite probability that
there will be a catastrophic methane release means that we have
to do the research on what would be the consequences of such a
rapid release.
But we’re not doing it. Nobody’s doing it. Because
everybody’s so afraid of giving any sort of credence to the
possibility of a big methane release that they don’t want
to even look at what the consequences could / would be. And so
that’s really very, very scientifically bad.
Remember there was a book some years ago about what will be the
consequences of a nuclear war? The new concept of a
winter came out of that—that it could produce a complete
loss of habitability of the planet because of
nuclear winter....
somebody went to the bother of working out what would happen
if we had a nuclear war.
But nobody’s doing that analysis for a methane catastrophe
or large methane emission. And they should. It might might not be
that bad. But it might be very serious indeed.
Fear can be a potent driver of denial. Choosing to ignore, dismiss,
and/or reject the evidence of the mass extinction we are both
living through and causing is making this situation far more dangerous.
Beyond the possibility of significant methane releases in a short
timespan, prior computer modelling predictions of how rapid
atmospheric and temperature shifts will occur are being superseded
by observed non-linear changes. The measurements of non-linearity in
recent years is central to understanding increasingly chaotic
climate trends as they suggest impacts will be far more rapid
and severe than past predictions based on linear projections.
IMAGE: The Conversation, CC BY-ND
With indicators of rising temperatures and collateral
escalating extreme weather, increasing global social
and political instability, and the expanding
catastrophe of
1,000,000 species threatened with extinction,
it is essential to prioritize what must be addressed
NOW to avoid the most dangerous looming extinction scenarios.
In Jem Bendell’s assessment (above) that posits
“collapse as inevitable, catastrophe as probable, and
extinction as possible,” the nuclear weapons and power dyad
are irrevocably intertwined in the expanding ecological catastrophe
currently engaged.
Nuclear war
is more likely today than at any time since 1989.
While Back from the Brink: The Call to Prevent Nuclear War is working to
pursue The Call for the US to lead negotiations with the
other nuclear weapon armed states to eliminate nuclear
weapons[1][2], the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
was overwhelming passed by the House of Representatives on 11 December 2019.
This bill accelerates the new arms race and funds
almost every element of the
trillion-dollar plan to replace the entire US nuclear arsenal with new, more deadly weapons.
The flip side of the nuke tech coin are the
400-plus nuclear power-stations operating around the globe. The
2011 catastrophic triple meltdown at Fukushima
hints at what will occur at many other installations if electric
power ceases for any length of time. The used control rods in
onsite spent fuel pools
contain 5 to 7 times more radioactivity
than is inside the nuclear reactor. Further, all fuel pools are located
outside the concrete containment vessels housing the reactors. Even
if controlled shut downs of the reactor cores are successful, the
spent fuel pools—extant at every site—require 24/7
offsite electricity to pump water to cool the thermal heat
constantly emitted from the extremely radioactive fuel rods as
well as to maintain a high water level to
diffuse the escape of radiation.
If spent fuel pools lose
off-site power, their water containment will boil away without the
cooling pumps. Once the more recently retired-from-reactor fuel rods make
contact with air they will spontaneously ignite causing radioactive
fires and releasing on-going lethal levels of radiation into the
atmosphere. Actualization of this scenario will create vast areas
of uninhabitable radioactive wastelands and profoundly compromise
the integrity of the gene pools of all biologically complex Life
on Earth including homo sapiens.
(As of May 2017, it does not appear there is any change in the lax
manner spent fuel pools continue to be operated with the
tragically inadequate “laissez-faire attitude”
detailed by Allison Macfarlane,
former Chair of the US Nuclear Regulatory
As described in the 2009 documentary,
Into Eternity - A Film for the Future, Finland is the first country
to enact into law
building a nuclear waste repository. Called Onkalo (meaning
“hiding place”), the repository must last for 100,000
years and will take 100 years to complete and be sealed up. Among
the plethora of highly significant questions raised, the film portrays
the incomprehensibility of how to leave intelligible warning messages
for future beings to not dig or disturb this mausoleum of lethal
man-made radioactive matter that will last into eternity.
In 2007 the International Atomic Energy Agency estimated there are
more than 200,000 metric tons of spent nuclear spent fuel worldwide.
Just as Peter Wadhams emphasizes the critical need to assess risk of
varying thermodynamic instability, so it is with assessing risk analysis
of catastrophic radioactive contamination of the biosphere from runaway
spent fuel fires: “When you assess what’s happening, what
are the nasty things that are going to be happening to the planet, what
may be happening, we should be doing a risk analysis.”
Unsinkable, 2013 60x107"
Depicts 67,000 mushroom clouds, equal to the number of metric
tons of ultra-radioactive uranium/plutonium waste being stored in
temporary pools at the 104 nuclear power plants across the U.S.
These waste pools must be cooled with hundreds of thousands of
gallons of constantly circulating water, and many plants have
inadequate or nonexistent backup cooling systems in case of power
loss. In the U.S. and around the world, the waste pools are
under-protected, over-filled, and vulnerable to earthquakes,
storms, malfeasance, and human error. In 1997 the Brookhaven
National Laboratory estimated that a calamity at just one of
these waste pools in the U.S. could cause 138,000 American deaths
(more than the number of Japanese who died in the 1945 bombing of
Hiroshima), and contaminate 2,000 square miles of our land.
Donna Gilmore is the Founder of
She and her coalition are indefatigable in their pursuit of
performing risk analysis of the burden to the biosphere by
man-made nuclear waste contamination arising from nuclear
power plants in general and the shutdown San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station in particular.
This website is a public resource for factual information about
the serious safety issues with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating
Station and the tons of nuclear waste stored just a few miles
south of San Clemente, California. Most of the information is
from official government and scientific documents.
Since the San Onofre reactors are permanently shutdown, our main
focus is on the management of the nuclear waste.
Mismanagement of nuclear waste at San Onofre could affect the entire country and more.
A major radiation
release at San Onofre could require a permanent evacuation of
parts of Southern California, damage the nation’s food
supply, jeopardize our health, the environment, and our national
security. It could affect the economic and political stability of
California, the nation and potentially other parts of the
California is the eight ranking economy in the world, virtually
tied with Italy and the Russian Federation, and larger than
Canada, Australia and Spain.
More than 40 percent of containerized imports enter the country
through California ports, and nearly 30 percent of the country’s
exports depart through them.
California produces nearly half of the U.S. grown fruits, nuts
and vegetables. California remained the number one state in cash
farm receipts in 2011, with its $43.5 billion in revenue
representing 11.6 percent of the U.S. total. U. S. consumers
regularly purchase several crops produced solely in California.
San Onofre is located adjacent to the primary vehicle
transportation artery between Los Angeles and San Diego (I-5) and
Mexico, and is home to one of the largest military installations
on the West Coast (Camp Pendleton).
The information on this website is extensively research and fact
checked by our coalition of volunteer local citizens and
organizations living within the danger zone of San Onofre. We
have joined forces to inform the public about critical issues
that are not being resolved by those responsible for protecting
our safety from a nuclear disaster. There is limited information
available from the mainstream media, so we are sharing this
information with the public, in layman terms and as concisely as
To be the most effective at this time, it is necessary to be
open to the potential that extinction is actively possible and
truly allow this awareness to sink into the depths of our
souls. The legend of the Shambhala Warriors from Tibetan tradition
is helpful here. As told
to Joanna Macy, the
Shambhala Warrior
is a metaphor for the Bodhisattva, the hero figure in the Buddhist
tradition who is motivated by the desire for the welfare of all
“There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger.
Barbarian powers have arisen. Although they waste their wealth in
preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common:
weapons of unfathomable devastation and technologies that lay
waste the world. It is now, when the future of all beings hangs
by the frailest of threads, that the kingdom of Shambhala
“You cannot go there, for it is not a place. It exists in
the hearts and minds of the Shambhala warriors. But you cannot
recognize a Shambhala warrior by sight, for there is no uniform
or insignia, there are no banners. And there are no barricades
from which to threaten the enemy, for the Shambhala warriors have
no land of their own. Always they move on the terrain of the
barbarians themselves.
“Now comes the time when great courage is required of the
Shambhala warriors, moral and physical courage. For they must go
into the very heart of the barbarian power and dismantle the
weapons. To remove these weapons, in every sense of the word,
they must go into the corridors of power where the decisions are
“The Shambhala warriors know they can do this because the
weapons are manomaya, mind-made. This is very important to
remember, Joanna. These weapons are made by the human mind. So
they can be unmade by the human mind! The Shambhala warriors know
that the dangers that threaten life on Earth do not come from
evil deities or extraterrestrial powers. They arise from our own
choices and relationships. So, now, the Shambhala warriors must
go into training.
“How do they train?” I asked.
“They train in the use of two weapons.”
“The weapons are compassion and insight. Both are
necessary. We need this first one,” he said, lifting his
right hand, “because it provides us the fuel, it moves us
out to act on behalf of other beings. But by itself it can burn
us out. So we need the second as well, which is insight into the
dependent co-arising of all things. It lets us see that the
battle is not between good people and bad people, for the line
between good and evil runs through every human heart. We realize
that we are interconnected, as in a web, and that each act with
pure motivation affects the entire web, bringing consequences we
cannot measure or even see.
“But insight alone,” he said, “can seem too
cool to keep us going. So we need as well the heat of compassion,
our openness to the world’s pain. Both weapons or tools are
necessary to the Shambhala warrior.”
Arlit Uranium Mine, Niger
Mine footprint prior to 2013
IMAGE: Copyright Digital Globe
[The most] interesting puzzle in our times is that we so willingly
sleepwalk through the process for reconstituting the conditions of
human existence.[p10]...
Why is it that the philosophy of technology
has never really gotten underway? Why has a culture so firmly based
upon countless sophisticated instruments, techniques, and systems
remained so steadfast in its reluctance to examine its own
In the twentieth century it is usually taken for granted that the
only reliable sources for improving the human condition stem from
new machines, techniques and chemicals. Even the recurring
environmental and social ills that have accompanied technological
advancement have rarely dented this
faith.[p5] ...
[W]e are seldom inclined to examine, discuss or judge pending
innovations ... In the technical realm we repeatedly enter into a
series of social contracts, the terms of which are revealed only
after the
Pablo Servigne and Rapaël Stevens have written
clear and well-reasoned analyses of the state of our
world. Read their June 2015 interview:
“‘We are experiencing a mosaic of collapses’: the announced end of industrial civilization.”
If you are moved to participate there are a number of avenues
to explore. As Rupert Read describes in
This Civilization Is Finished, “[we] invite the reader to join a project of
saving our common future ... to transform this civilisation, or at least to
build lifeboats [that] take values worth preserving through ...
How do we build lifeboats?
Jem Bendell’s framing of Deep Adaptation
is helpful. A good introduction to Deep Adaptation is the
14+ minute video+transcript
recorded for ScientistsWarning.TV in January 2019. The essence of
Deep Adaptation takes in “the four Rs”:
Resilience: What do we most value and want to keep?
Relinquishment: What must we let go of?
Restoration: What skills and practices can we restore?
Reconciliation: What can we make peace with to lessen suffering?
Bendell and like-minded people are creating the Deep Adaptation Forum.
This is
a developing support and engagement system
you can learn more about and join to make contact with other
like-minded explorers.
Extinction Rebellion and
Economic Rebellion
are creating paths of collaboration and community building to
increase resilience as things continue falling apart. As well, the
Public Banking Institute
is a growing power house (see their
Advisory Board)
to reclaim the commons and reset the structures of exchange to serve
Life’s needs.
The Campaign to Reduce Our Internet Footprint
lists some of the 1000+ substances in each smartphone and questions
for researching the supply chain of one substance. Such research is
a first step toward understanding the true cost of a video and
reducing your media footprint.
Rationing energy sources will become necessary and essential
throughout all “first world” cultures. Stan Cox
has analyzed and produced
a great deal of insightful work on how
to put this together.
Growing food is of primary importance.
Industrial agriculture has eroded our soil and
knowledge about cooperative farming, seed saving, and
food preservation.
The Greenhorns’
mission to recruit and support young farmers is a beacon.
See Also: Richard Heinberg’s
call for Fifty Million Farmers—2006 E.F. Schumacher Lecture transcript or
abbreviated text;
Navdanya, a network in
India that teaches conservation and organic farming and promotes farmers’
Regeneration International
promotes the global transition to
regenerative food, farming and land management
to restore climate stability, end world hunger and rebuild
deteriorated social, ecological and economic systems.
This short list scratches the surface; it is dynamic, not static.
Ideas and suggestions are welcome.
Don’t sacrifice my land
Children in community impacted by Ramu mine, Papua New Guinea
We were talking—about the space
between us all
And the people—who hide themselves
behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth—then it’s far
too late—when they pass away
Electrify Everything? Discovering Power’s Traps: a primer for electricity users
Katie Singer (May 2024)
Considering Systemic Collapse and Our Profound Dependence on Electricity
David Ratcliffe (Dec 2019)
Complete book:
This Civilization Is Finished
Conversations on the end of Empire—and what lies beyond
Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander (2019)
Transcript: Joanna Macy on Resilience
The New School at Commonweal’s Resilience Project (6 Jun 2019)
The hidden costs of solar photovoltaic power
Thomas A. Troszak (Apr 2021)
Why do we burn coal and trees to make solar panels?
Thomas A. Troszak (14 Nov 2019)
Anatomy of an AI System:
The Amazon Echo As An Anatomical Map Of Human Labor,
Data and Planetary Resources
Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler (7 Sep 2018)
E X T R A C T I O N : art on the edge of the abyss
create art to subvert oppressive narratives in Summer 2021
The Limits To Internet Growth
Katie Singer (Dec 2019)
The Human Fabric of the Facebook Pyramid
Krasni, Joler, C.&A. Petrovski (May 2017)
Tracking Forensics Atlas Mapping
Joler, Moll, Noni (2016-17)
The Monster Footprint of Digital Technology
Kris De Decker (2009)
The Cloud Begins With Coal
Big Data, Big Networks, Big Infrastructure, And Big Power
An Overview Of The Electricity Used By The Global Digital Ecosystem
Mark P. Mills (Aug 2013)
Our Evanescent Culture And the Awesome Duty of Librarians
Richard Heinberg (Oct 2009)
an applied and transdisciplinary science employing a systemic approach
based on cognitive modes of reason and intuition
as well as recognized scientific works
“We are experiencing a mosaic of collapses”: the announced end of industrial civilization
Pablo Servigne & Raphaël Stevens interview (8 Jun 2015)
Between the Devil and the Green New Deal
We cannot legislate and spend our way
out of catastrophic global warming
Jasper Bernes (25 Apr 2019)
BURNED: Are Trees The New Coal?
2017 documentary, Alan Dater & Lisa Merton (Dirs.)
The Material Footprint of Global Consumption
TRUTHstudio (2014)
INVISIBLES - The Plastics Inside Us
Chris Tyree & Dan Morrison (2017) / PapersOwl (2022)
2012 documentary, Laura Israel (Dir.)
Wind Turbine Syndrome
Nina Pierpont & Calvin Luther (2009/10)
A Problem with Wind Power
Eric Rosenbloom (2005)
How Much Energy Do We Need?
Kris De Decker (Jan 2018)
What Is Energy Denial?
15 Unstated Myths of Clean, Renewable Energy
Don Fitz (11 Sep 2019)
False hopes for a Green New Deal
Rufus Jordana (29 Aug 2019)
Methane Hydrates & Arctic Research
Dr. Peter Wadhams interview (Mar 2019)
Understanding the Permafrost-Hydrate System and Associated Methane Releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Shakhova, Semiletov, & Chuvilin (5 Jun 2019)
World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity - 1992 and 2017 and beyond ...
Stuart Scott (3 Dec 2018)
Deep Adaptation Introduction: film+transcript (27 Jan 2019, 14:22)
Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy (27 Jul 2018)
Deep Adaptation Forum, a globally expanding network
engaged with the spirit of compassion, curiosity, and respect
Hope in a time of climate chaos – a speech to psychotherapists
The Spiritual Invitation of Climate Chaos
Deep Adaptation Q&A w/Joanna Macy hosted by Jem Bendell
Deep Adaptation Q&As for 2020
Any Way You Slice It
The past, present, and future of rationing
Stan Cox (The New Press, 2013)
Is There a Ration Card in Your Future?
Stan Cox Presentation (2013)
The Campaign to Reduce Our Internet Footprint
Katie Singer
To Promote, Recruit and Support New Farmers in the US
eXtinction Rebellion
non-violent civil disobedience intl mvmt to
halt mass extinction & minimize social collapse
Economic Rebellion
decentralized organising to leverate
our most powerful tool for change: MONEY
Open Structures
open modular construction designs on the basis of one shared grid
In magazines like
Mother Jones and
Sierra Club, environmentalists who aim to reduce harmful impacts to public health, wildlife habitats and climate systems propose “electrifying everything.” I don’t get it.
Around 1900, engineers designed an electric grid with power plants generated by coal or hydro to meet that era’s maximum power demands. Electricity flowed one-way—from generation to transmission, to distribution and finally to the customer. Technically and financially, electric utilities still operate with this 125-year-old grid. Today, 43% of
electricity comes from natural gas; 16% comes from coal; nuclear power provides nearly 20%; hydroelectric provides about 6%. Wind provides 10%; solar provides almost 4%.
What are our goals again?
To reduce harms to nature: to reduce harms to public health, wildlife habitats and climate systems. To keep power reliable and safe.
Electrifying everything cannot accomplish these goals.
To reduce harms to nature, we need to manufacture less, consume less and significantly limit new infrastructure. We need liability-carrying subject-matter experts to evaluate every product’s ecological impacts from cradle-to-grave.
It becomes ever more difficult to understand how this way of
life that depends on unlimited energy can survive the staggering
demands continuing to be made of Mother Earth and all our relatives.
In roughly the past 100 years “first world” cultures
have become utterly dependent on titanic and continuous supplies
of power, first-and-foremost electric power. For decades, the
sheer magnitude of increasing coal, wood (so-called biomass), gas,
and uranium -fueled power generation plant operations threatens
the health and very survival of all Mother Earth’s offspring,
including humanity.
Given that at this point (December 2019), there
is no indication of preparing to slow down, much less putting the
brakes on the rapacious and insatiable 24/7 profit imperative of
the global stock market, a reasoned assessment of the most likely
future timeline is what
Oren Lyons described almost 3 decades ago
at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. Back then he laid out the
“very serious situation of control factor and of course
lack of ethics on the part of business internationally.”
He described speaking with many CEOs of the largest corporations
who, although they have families and are concerned, “during
the day, at their work, they’re destroying the world. And
they don’t have options.”...
Here we are, 27-plus years later. What has changed? Will a
genuine and necessary sea-change in the direction of how we
collectively think reach the requisite critical mass to even
begin to actually slow down production and expenditure of
energy? The just-completed COP-25 meeting indicates our
system of corporate control/governance has, once more, not
‘seen the light.’ The writing has been on
the wall for a long time. The majority of signs still
indicate “business as usual” will continue until
life as we know it collapses once this system reaches and
impacts the looming-ever-larger blank wall.
I have come to the conclusion in the last few years that this
civilisation is going down. It will not last. It cannot, because
it shows almost no sign of taking the extreme climate
crisis—let alone the broader ecological crisis—for
what it is: a long global emergency, an existential threat. This
industrial-growthist civilisation will not achieve the Paris
climate accord
2] and that
means that we will most likely see 3-4 degrees of global
over-heat at a minimum, and
that is not compatible with
civilisation as we know it.
The stakes of course are very, very high, because the climate
crisis puts the whole of what we know as civilisation at risk. By
‘this civilisation’ I mean the hegemonic civilisation
of globalised capitalism—sometimes called
‘Empire’—which today governs the vast majority
of human life on Earth. Only some indigenous
civilisations/societies and some peasant cultures lie outside it
(although every day the integration deepens and expands). Even
those societies and cultures may well be dragged down by Empire,
as it fails, if it fells the very global ecosystem that is mother
to us all. What I am saying, then, is that this civilisation
will be
3] As I
see things, there are three broad possible futures that lie
(1) This civilisation could collapse utterly and
terminally, as a result of climatic instability (leading for
instance to catastrophic food shortages as a probable mechanism
of collapse), or possibly sooner than that, through
nuclear war,
pandemic, or financial collapse leading to mass civil
breakdown. Any of these are likely to be precipitated in
part by ecological/climate instability, as Darfur and Syria
were. Or
(2) This civilisation (we) will manage to seed a future
successor-civilisation(s), as this one collapses. Or
(3) This civilisation will somehow manage to transform
itself deliberately, radically and rapidly, in an
unprecedented manner, in time to avert
[G]ratitude [is] independent of external circumstances. The indigenous
people know that, especially those in this country; their great
thanksgivings. Whatever’s going
on, that’s the moment for gratitude when it’s there.
And also gratitude is a revolutionary act. And if you believe, as
I do, that the corporate capitalism and the consumer society has
a lot to do with the breakdown of our natural systems in this,
gratitude is wonderful because it frees you from the neediness
that is required to be subjected, to be a part, the self-loathing
even, that’s required and engendered by the consumer society....
[T]hen we go into honoring our pain
for the world. We don’t try to explain it. We don’t
diagnose it. We don’t try to excuse it. We don’t
dress it up in other clothes. We don’t sit on it. We
respect it. We honor it for what it is: the heart is breaking. It
hurts to see. It’s awful to feel. I don’t want to know.
me all the things you don’t want to know. That’s a
great exercise....
I feel that at the core of all that I’ve learned and have
worked with, what’s guided me over the last 42 years of this
is, from the beginning, from systems and Dharma, where they come
together is where you find the self is always changing, but if
you’re looking for it it’s in the act of choice
making, in decision making, in what you want and choose and act
on. And that this can help you to the moment where you are in the
present, where is not yesterday and not tomorrow, where you can
be with this unfolding drama of this beautiful planet. And that
the story then, you can see the story you’re acting and you
can choose.
The Cerrejón open-pit mine in Columbia supplies “Blue Gem” coal,
a primary source of carbon for solar silicon smelters around the world.
All modern technologies are dependent upon the supply of fossil fuels and fossil energy that
made them possible. Similarly, every step in the production of solar PV requires an input of fossil
fuels - as raw materials, as carbon reductants for silicon smelting, for process heat and power, for
transportation, and for balance of system components. Regardless of any intentions, no quantity of
banknotes or any number of mandates can yield a single watt of power unless a significant
expenditure of raw materials and fossil energy takes place as well.
Therefore, the author of this article invites all interested parties including environmentalists,
consumers and policy makers to consider the wider environmental impact, and the great debt of
resources that actually must be paid before a PV system can be installed at any utility, workplace,
or home. If we wish to recognize the hidden costs of this highly engineered industrial technology,
we must first examine the non-renewable reality of the PV manufacturing process itself. To be even
more realistic, we must also consider the additional consequences resulting from the fossil-fuel-
powered global supply chains that are necessary for the mining, production, and implementation of
PV power systems....
This article introduces readers to the many types of fossil fuels that are used in PV
production, and notes some of the other fossil energy inputs that are necessary before the delivery
of a solar PV array can take place. We also highlight several environmental impacts and other issues
that may have been excluded from previous analyses.
Workman shovels coal and ore into a silicon smelter in China
All modern technology including “renewable” energy
depends on the non-renewable resources that make it possible. For
example, every step in the production of solar photovoltaic (PV)
power systems requires a perpetual input of fossil fuels—as
carbon reductants for smelting metals from ore, for process heat
and power, international transport, and deployment. Silicon
smelters, polysilicon refineries, and crystal growers all require
uninterrupted, 24/7 power that comes mostly from coal and
uranium. Additional mineral resources and fossil energy are
needed for constructing PV factories, process equipment, and
manufacturing infrastructure. The only “renewable”
materials consumed in PV production are obtained by
deforestation—for wood chips, and by burning vast areas of
tropical rainforest for charcoal used as a source of carbon for
silicon smelters. Both media and journal claims that solar PV can
somehow “replace fossil fuels” have not addressed the
“non-renewable reality” of all the global
manufacturing supply chains necessary for the mining,
manufacturing, and distribution of PV power systems. Some
often-cited accounts of solar PV production exclude raw materials
and silicon smelters from the PV “supply chain”
entirely, which obscures the profoundly non-sustainable basis of
PV technology. A more complete overview of commercial PV
production is presented, from the sources of raw materials to the
deployed array. 38 references from published articles and
industry sources are cited. (2019-11-18 revision)
With each interaction, Alexa is training to hear better, to
interpret more precisely, to trigger actions that map to the
user’s commands more accurately, and to build a more
complete model of their preferences, habits and desires. What is
required to make this possible? Put simply: each small moment of
convenience – be it answering a question, turning on a
light, or playing a song – requires a vast planetary
network, fueled by the extraction of non-renewable materials,
labor, and data. The scale of resources required is many
magnitudes greater than the energy and labor it would take a
human to operate a household appliance or flick a switch. A full
accounting for these costs is almost impossible, but it is
increasingly important that we grasp the scale and scope if we
are to understand and govern the technical infrastructures that
thread through our lives.
Our exploded view diagram combines and visualizes three central,
extractive processes that are required to run a large-scale
artificial intelligence system: material resources, human labor,
and data. We consider these three elements across time –
represented as a visual description of the birth, life and death
of a single Amazon Echo unit. It’s necessary to move beyond
a simple analysis of the relationship between an individual
human, their data, and any single technology company in order to
contend with the truly planetary scale of extraction.
If you read our map from left to right, the story begins and ends
with the Earth, and the geological processes of deep time. But
read from top to bottom, we see the story as it begins and
ends with a human.
A multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention that will
investigate extractive industry in all of its forms (from mining
and drilling to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees,
marine life, and other relatives on Mother Earth). The project will
expose and interrogate extraction’s negative social and
environmental consequences, from the damage done to people, especially
indigenous and disenfranchised communities, to ravaged landscapes
and poisoned water to climate change and its many troubling
A constellation of simultaneous and overlapping exhibits,
installations, performances, site-specific work, land art, street
art, publications, and cross-media events,
EXTRACTION will take
place in multiple locations throughout the US and abroad during
the Summer of 2021. The project will be de-centered,
non-hierarchical, and self-organizing, which means that artists,
art venues, curators, and art supporters will participate and
collaborate as they see fit, including helping the project expand
geographically. Everyone can be both creator and catalyst. At a
time of growing despair and paralysis, people from all
backgrounds and levels of experience—from the amateur to
the virtuoso—can take action. We invite everyone to join us
in creating an international art ruckus.
Nothing like
has been attempted before: All art forms,
all happening at roughly the same time, with hundreds of artists
spread across at least four continents (North and South America,
Europe, and Australia). And all addressing a single
theme—the suicidal consumption of Earth’s
natural resources, which is the most pressing environmental issue
of our time, encompassing all others, including climate change.
Merely bearing witness is not enough. As visionaries and
outsiders, we are capable of appropriating and reconfiguring
contemporary propaganda and re-deploying it in service of our own
alternative concepts and transformative objects. We can employ
photography, video, painting, sculpture, land art, performances,
installations, site-specific work, and various hybrids thereof to
conduct “hardcore, nasty” investigations of
extraction—all of its forms and all of its consequences,
including its effects on human health and the social and cultural
damage it causes, especially to poor, minority, and indigenous
communities.We can follow a new model of inclusivity, recognizing
and respecting stakeholders of all races, cultures, genders, and
ages; and helping guarantee that the historically marginalized
people who’ve suffered most because of natural resource
exploitation are provided opportunities for interpreting their
own experience and subverting oppressive narratives. We can
expose and interrogate the abundant evidence of Faustian
overreach most people don’t wish to acknowledge, and
re-represent it with all the eye-opening, assumption-smashing
power the arts have always exerted on the human condition. We can
counter the violent subjugation of nature brought about by mining
and drilling with the playful but liberating strategy of
détournement. Through radical engagements and inspired
derangements we can destabilize the way extractive industry is
portrayed and consumer culture promoted. We can hijack and
reroute the conversation about what constitutes a good life in
the opening decades of the 21st century. We can sound an alarm.
We can raise a ruckus.
Tanks containing coolant for servers at a Google Data center
Saint Ghislain, Belgium
Most people now consider Internet access necessary for family
connections and educational and economic opportunities.
Meanwhile, by 2025, with power-hungry servers storing data from
billions of smartphones, tablets and Internet-connected devices,
some researchers predict that information-communications-technologies
(ICT) could consume 20% of the entire world’s electricity,
hampering climate change targets and straining grids.
Other analysts claim that ICT could
consume 51% of total global electricity and emit as much as 23%
of total GHGs by 2030.[
Smartphones’ CO2 emissions will grow from 4% of total
global emissions in 2010 to 11% by 2020. This translates to a
jump from 17 to 125 megatons of CO2 equivalent per year—or
a 730% growth.[
Indeed, one smartphone includes more than 1000
different substances, each with its own supply chain.[
The Internet’s four main energy guzzlers are:
Access networks: An access network is infrastructure that
allows a computer (including a smartphone, an iWatch or tablet)
to transmit and receive data. It connects subscribers to their
service provider, which then connects them to the Internet.
Data storage centers: Packed with computers that store
websites, GPS, data collected by “smart” utility
meters, medical and educational records, social media posts,
Amazon listings, etc...and swamp coolers and air conditioners
that keep the computers cool, data centers guzzle electricity and
water. Their CO2 emissions grow 13% per year. One data center can
consume as much electricity as it takes to power 250,000
Embodied energy: This is the energy used to mine, refine and
transport raw materials (i.e. quartz, charcoal, coltan, cobalt,
copper, graphite, lithium); manufacture semiconductors, screens
and cases; assemble them for usable products; and ship each item
to its end-user. The embodied energy in every device, appliance
and vehicle is greater than the energy that it will use in its
Automated processes: These include advertising bots, automatic
updates and backups for apps, video games, websites and operating
In 2016, electrical engineer Jafaar Elmighani reported that
Internet traffic increases 30 to 40 percent each year, and that
“If this rate continues and nothing is done, communications
technologies (by 2026) could consume about 60 percent of the
world’s energy
Facebook is understood as an “uber-collective” with
non-transparent decision making concerning the rules, data
exploitation/privacy, development, user freedoms, and various
kinds of censorship. This analysis should help us realise why it
is the only way a company like Facebook can exist. This
investigation uses methods rooted in the actor-network-theory
2010) and the network analysis within the studies of
Krüger 2013) focused on the relations of
different social actors. In addition, inspiration for the use of
data visualisations was found in conceptual art drawings of
Mark Lombardi,
in media art pieces such as
They Rule by Josh On
and the
LittleSis project,
and works of the group
Bureau d’études.
All the mentioned works give us a
methodology that combines discourse and dispositif/apparatus
analysis with the tools of art activism for (re)conceptualising
and visualizing the results of our research.
In order to grasp the employment structure of Facebook, we have
used public LinkedIn profiles of 1000 people indicating Facebook
as their employer as well as the biographies of the entire
management of Facebook. By mapping their social background,
education, status, and present position in the hierarchy of the
company, we gained insights into the various social connections
of the “Facebook government” as a whole. These
insights can be used to explain some of the actions of the
company and the network—related actors and the [evolution
of the] business model and can be helpful to try and predict
future developments.
↑ Tracking Forensics Atlas Mapping:
A. Tracerouting Top 100 Domains, B. ISP, C. Mobile Phone Permissions
Vladan Joler, Joana Moll, Andrea Noni
Critical Interface Politics [Research Group] Hangar, 2016-17
Far from being a purely immaterial entity, the Internet is an
extremely complex physical structure composed by a massive number
of actors that have a direct and deep impact in every aspect of
our daily lives. Despite its crucial role in many aspects of our
society, the material and computational architectures that allow
the Internet to exist are widely ignored by most of its users.
Thus, this research project seeks to critically reveal and
analyse the complex network of agents that come together to
configure the Internet, from submarine and underground cables to
geopolitics, online tracking, surveillance and privacy. The
investigation strongly focus on uncovering and analysing common
online tracking practices used by major marketing and advertising
corporations. To achieve this purpose, we developed several
experimental methodologies and critical pedagogical strategies to
forensically analyze the physical pathways of information, and
apply reverse tracking methods aimed at drawing a map of the many
corporations that covertly access and commodify our data.
Main topics covered in this research project: #Internet
Physicality; #Geopolitics of the Internet;
#Algorithmic Governance; #Interface Politics; #Internet Backbone;
##Data flows & Sustainability;
#Cognitive Capitalism; #Social Engineering; #Surveillance;
##Online Tracking; #Data Commodification; #Data Privacy.
The energy consumption of electronic devices is skyrocketing,
as was recently reported by the International Energy Association
Gadgets and gigawatts).
According to the research paper, the electricity consumption
of computers, cell phones, flat screen TV’s, iPods and
other gadgets will double by 2022 and triple by 2030. This
comes down to the need for an additional 280 gigawatts of
power generation capacity. An earlier report from the British
Energy Saving Trust
The ampere strikes back)
came to similar conclusions. There are multiple reasons for the
growing energy consumption of electronic equipment; more and more
people can buy gadgets, more and more gadgets appear, and existing
gadgets use more and more energy (in spite of more energy efficient
technology - the
energy efficiency paradox .
described .
here .
The ecological footprint of digital technology described above
is far from complete. This article focuses exclusively on energy
use and does not take into account the toxicity of manufacturing
processes and the use of water resources, both of which are also
several orders of magnitude higher in the case of both
To give an idea: most water used in semiconductor manufacturing
is ultrapure water (UPW), which requires large additional quantities
of chemicals. For many of these issues, the industry recognizes
that there are no solutions (see the
There are also the problems of
Last, but not least: the energy-intensive nature of digital
technology is not due only to energy-intensive manufacturing
processes. Equally as important is the extremely short lifecycle
of most gadgets. If digital products would last a lifetime
(or at least a decade), embodied energy would not be such an
issue. Most computers and other electronic devices are replaced
only after a couple of years, while they are still perfectly
workable devices. Addressing technological obsolescence would be
the most powerful approach to lower the ecological footprint of
digital technology.
↑ The Cloud Begins With Coal
Big Data, Big Networks, Big Infrastructure, And Big Power
An Overview Of The Electricity Used By The Global Digital Ecosystem
Mark P. Mills, CEO, Digital Power Group, Aug 2013, 45 pp.
Where Electricity Is Consumed in the Digital Universe
The information economy is a blue-whale economy with its energy
uses mostly out of sight. Based on a mid-range estimate,
world’s Information-Communications-Technologies (ICT)
ecosystem uses about 1,500 TWh of electricity annually, equal to
all the electric generation of Japan and Germany
combined—as much electricity as was used for global
illumination in 1985. The
ICT ecosystem now approaches 10% of
world electricity generation. Or in other energy terms—the
zettabyte era already uses about 50% more energy than global
Reduced to personal terms, although charging up a single
or smart phone requires a negligible amount of electricity, using
either to watch an hour of video weekly consumes annually more
electricity in the remote networks
than two new refrigerators use
in a year.1 And as the world continues to electrify, migrating
towards one refrigerator per
household, it also evolves towards
several smartphones and equivalent per
The growth in ICT energy demand will continue to be moderated by
efficiency gains. But the historic rate of improvement in the
efficiency of underlying ICT technologies started slowing around
2005, followed almost immediately by a new era of rapid growth in
global data traffic, and in particular the emergence of wireless
broadband for smartphones and tablets. The inherent nature of the
mobile Internet, a key feature of the emergent Cloud
architecture, requires far more energy than do wired networks.
The remarkable and recent changes in technology mean that current
estimates of global ICT energy use, most of which use pre-iPhone
era data, understate reality. Trends now promise faster, not
slower, growth in ICT energy use.
Future growth in electricity to power the global ICT ecosystem is
anchored in just two variables, demand (how fast traffic grows),
and supply (how fast technology efficiency improves):
As costs keep plummeting, how fast do another billion people buy
smartphones and join wireless broadband networks where they will
use 1,000 times more data per person than they do today; how fast
do another billion, or more, join the Internet at all; how fast
do a trillion machines and devices join the Internet to fuel the
information appetite of Big Data?
Can engineers invent, and companies deploy, more efficient ICT
hardware faster than data traffic grows?
estimate the amount of electricity used to fuel everything
that produces, stores, transports, processes and displays
zettabytes of data, one must account for the energy used by:
Data centers that have become warehouse-scale supercomputers
unlike anything in history;
Ubiquitous broadband wired and wireless communications networks;
The myriad of end-use devices from PCs to tablets and smartphones
to digital TV, and,
The manufacturing facilities producing all the ICT hardware.
Hourly Internet traffic will soon exceed
annual traffic of
the year 2000. And demand for data and bandwidth and the
associated infrastructure are growing rapidly not just to enable
new consumer products and video, but also to drive revolutions in
everything from healthcare to cars, and from factories to farms.
Historically, demand for bits has grown faster than the energy
efficiency of using them. In order for worldwide ICT electric
demand to merely double in a decade, unprecedented improvements
in efficiency will be needed now.
Electricity fuels the infrastructure of the world’s ICT
ecosystem—the Internet, Big Data and the Cloud.
Coal is the
world’s largest single current and future source of
electricity. Hence the title of this paper.
Preservation of digitized knowledge can become a problem simply
because of obsolescence. Think of the billions of floppy disks
manufactured and encoded during the years between 1980 and 2000:
few of us still have working computers capable of retrieving the
data on those disks. But this is hardly the worldwide information
system’s point of greatest vulnerability.
Ultimately the entire project of digitized cultural preservation
depends on one thing: electricity. As soon as the power goes off,
access to the Internet goes down. CDs and DVDs become meaningless
plastic disks; e-books become inscrutable and useless; digital
archives become as illegible as cuneiform tablets—or more
so. Altogether, digitization represents a huge bet on
society’s ability to keep the lights on forever.
Without precious kilowatts, what would survive? Sculpture and
architecture would persist. Previous generations of sound and
visual media might be decipherable: old phonograph records could
still be made to emit music, given a hand crank, needle, and
megaphone, and silent films would be relatively easy to show.
Books and collections of physical newspapers and magazines would
fare reasonably well for a few decades, but deteriorating
acid-laden paper threatens the survival of about 85 percent of
books and nearly 100 percent of newspapers and magazines (ancient
books written on parchment and acid-free paper could last many
more centuries).
It’s ironic to think that the cave paintings of Lascaux may
be far more durable than the photos from the Hubble space
Collapsologie is the study and elaboration of how industrial
civilization as we know it collapses and if it does, what will
replace it. Industrial civilization is the use of machinery
powered by electricity or any form of energy to carry out various
Developed by Pablo Servigne[ 1][ 1a][ 2][ 3][ 4]
and Raphaël Stevens in their 2015 book,
Comment Tout Peut S’effondrer. Petit manuel de collapsologie à l’usage des générations présentes
( How everything can collapse. Small collapsology manual for use by present generations), collapsologie is
an applied and transdisciplinary science involving ecology,
economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, biophysics,
biogeography, agriculture, demography, politics, geopolitics,
archeology, history, futurology, health, law and art. This
systemic approach is based on the two cognitive modes of reason
and intuition, as well as on recognized scientific works, including the
1972 Meadows Report [ †, Limits to Growth - The 30-Year Update],
“ A safe operating space for humanity” ( Nature, 2009),
“ Approaching a state
shift in Earth’s biosphere” ( Nature, 2012), and
“ The trajectory of the
Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration” ( Anthropocene Review 2015)
From the Latin collapsus (past participle collabi,
“fall from a block, collapse”) and the Greek suffix
logos (ancient Greek λóγο ς
lógos, “word, speech, reason, relationship”),
the word Collapsologie is a neologism popularized by Pablo Servigne
and Raphaël Stevens. A second book with Gauthier Chapelle was published in 2018,
Une Autre Fin Du Monde Est Possible. Vivre l’effondrement, et pas seulement y survivre,
( Another End of the World is Possible - Live the collapse, not just survive it).
Coming in 2020:
How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for Our Times,
[ 1][ 2],
by Pablo Servigne, Raphaël Stevens, Andrew Brown (translation)
The birth of [ Comment Tout Peut S’effondrer]
is the culmination of four years of research. We have merged
hundreds of scientific articles and books: books on financial
crises, on ecocide, archeology books on the end of ancient
civilizations, climate reports ... While being the most rigorous
possible. But we felt a form of frustration: when a book tackles
peak oil (the gradual decline in oil and gas reserves), it does
not mention biodiversity; When a book deals with the extinction
of cash, it does not speak of the fragility of the financial
system ... It lacked an interdisciplinary approach. This is the
aim of the book....
We have distinguished borders and limits. The limits are physical
and cannot be exceeded. Borders can be crossed at our own risk.
The metaphor of the car, which we use in the book, helps to
understand them well. Our car is today’s thermo-industrial
Then there are the borders. The car drives in a real world which
depends on the climate, biodiversity, ecosystems, great
geochemical cycles. This earth system has the distinction of
being a complex system. Complex systems react unpredictably if
certain thresholds are crossed.
[B]y reading all this
data, we have become catastrophic. Not in the sense that we say
that everything is screwed up, where we sink into an irrevocable
pessimism. Rather in the sense that we accept that disasters can
occur: they are looming, we must look at them with courage, eyes
wide open. To be a catastrophist is neither to be pessimistic nor
optimistic, it is to be lucid....
Our intuitions do not, however, lead to a Mad Max version
world, but to images or stories that we find only too rarely in
novels or movies.... It is not a question
of having a naïve vision of the future, we must remain realistic,
but there are other possible scenarios. It’s up to us to
change our imagination....
Sadness, anger, anxiety, helplessness, shame, guilt: we
successively felt all these emotions during our research. We see
them express themselves in a more or less strong way among the
public that we meet. It is by welcoming these emotions, not by
repressing them, that we can mourn the industrial system that
nourishes us and move forward. Without a lucid and catastrophic
observation on the one hand, and tracks to go towards the
transition on the other, we cannot get into motion. If
you’re just a catastrophist, you don’t do anything.
If you are only positive, you cannot realize the shock to come,
and therefore enter into transition.
From space, the Bayan Obo mine in China, where 70 percent
of the world’s rare earth minerals are extracted and
refined, almost looks like a painting. The paisleys of the
radioactive tailings ponds, miles long, concentrate the hidden
colors of the earth: mineral aquamarines and ochres of the sort a
painter might employ to flatter the rulers of a dying empire.
To meet the demands of the Green New Deal, which proposes
to convert the US economy to zero emissions, renewable power by
2030, there will be a lot more of these mines gouged into the
crust of the earth. That’s because nearly every renewable
energy source depends upon non-renewable and frequently
hard-to-access minerals: solar panels use indium, turbines use
neodymium, batteries use lithium, and all require kilotons of
steel, tin, silver, and copper. The renewable-energy supply chain
is a complicated hopscotch around the periodic table and around
the world. To make a high-capacity solar panel, one might need
copper (atomic number 29) from Chile, indium (49) from Australia,
gallium (31) from China, and selenium (34) from Germany. Many of
the most efficient, direct-drive wind turbines require a couple
pounds of the rare-earth metal neodymium, and there’s 140
pounds of lithium in each Tesla.
↑ Burned: Are Trees The New Coal?
BURNED tells the little-known story of the accelerating destruction of
forests for fuel, and probes the policy loopholes, huge subsidies, and
blatant green washing of the burgeoning biomass power industry.
Documentary, Alan Dater + Lisa Merton (2017)
Building on the accepted science that climate change is real
and caused by human activity,
BURNED: Are Trees the New Coal?
takes a hard look at the latest false solution to humanity’s
vast energy appetite: woody biomass. The film tells the story of how
woody biomass has become the alternative-energy savior for the
power-generation industry and of the people and parties who are both
promoting and fighting its adoption and use. Using interviews with
experts, activists, and citizens, along with verité-style
footage shot across the US, EU and the UK, the film interweaves the
science of climate change, the escalating energy-policy disputes,the
dynamics of forest ecology, the industry practices, and the actions
of activists and citizens who are working to protect their own health,
their communities, the forest, and the planet’s climate. Woven
together, the various stories present an intimate and visceral account
of what is at this moment in time a critical, yet somewhat unknown,
national and international controversy.
“Yes, these trees may grow back in time, but we don’t
have 50, 70, 100 years to wait for those trees to grow back to take
that carbon out of the atmosphere. We need to do it right away.”
This diagram represents the flow of material footprint in the world
for 2014. In visual format it tracks the flow of economic demand from right
to left, showing which sources of economic demand, on the right,
are creating the most significant extraction of Mother Earth impacts
(material footprints) on the left. The graphic shows how the
material footprint embodied in the world’s final demand, via
different steps in the value chain, is related to primary
extraction of material from Mother Earth and all our relatives for
2014. On the right-hand side
of the figure is the total embodied material footprint of final
demand of all consumers in the world, which amounted to 65
gigatons, shown as one big rectangular block.
Breaking this out in term of global human population, using figures
from 2014: for 65 gigatons per year extractive processes of mining and
harvesting Mother Earth, divided by
7.7+ billion persons,
equals 8.44 tons per person per year of Mother Earth.
↑ The Plastics Inside Us
Originally titled Invisibles - The Plastics Inside Us (Orb, 2017),
this has been reworked (PapersOwl, Jun 2022)
Exeter, England. Polystyrene particles less than 50 nanometers
long (in light fluorescent green) have infiltrated the
gastrointestinal tract, antenna, and thoracic appendages of this
freshwater plankter, Daphnia magna. Plankton like these are the
bedrock of the marine food chain. Research is just beginning on
the accumulation of nanometer-scale pollution in wildlife. No
analytical methods exist to identify nanoplastics in food.
Plastic embedded in tiny plankton wind up in fish, which are
eaten by bigger fish, which are eaten by us. This tiny plankter’s
plastic problem is your problem, too. (Photo: Corin Liddle)
microscopic plastic fibers
Dagupan, Philippines. A young boy climbs over plastic debris in
a 50-year-old dump overlooking the ocean in this seaside town.
Most of the biodegradable items have long since rotted, leaving
a mountain of multicolored plastics that float out to sea on
the coastal winds.
Microplastics—tiny plastic fibers and
fragments—aren’t just choking the ocean; they have
infested the world’s drinking water. Why should you care?
Microplastics have been shown to absorb toxic chemicals linked to
cancer and other illnesses, and then release them when consumed
by fish and mammals. These microscopic fibers originate in the
everyday abrasion of clothes, upholstery, and carpets. They reach
your household tap by contaminating local water sources, or
treatment and distribution systems. Plastic is all but
indestructible, meaning plastic waste doesn’t biodegrade;
rather, it only breaks down into smaller pieces of itself, even
down to particles in nanometer scale—one-one thousandth of
one-one thousandth of a millimeter. Studies show particles of
that size can migrate through the intestinal wall and travel to
the lymph nodes and other bodily organs. What does plastic in tap
water mean for human health, how did it get there, and what can
people do about it? We went looking for answers in a ten-month
investigation across six continents.
Wind power... it’s sustainable ... it burns no fossil
produces no air pollution. What’s more, it cuts down dependency
on foreign oil. That’s what the people of Meredith, in upstate
New York first thought when a wind developer looked to supplement
the rural farm town’s failing economy with a farm of their
own—that of 40 industrial wind turbines. WINDFALL, a beautifully
photographed feature length film, documents how this proposal
divides Meredith’s residents as they fight over the future of
their community. Attracted at first to the financial incentives
that would seemingly boost their dying economy, a group of
townspeople grow increasingly alarmed as they discover the
impacts that the 400-foot high windmills slated for Meredith
could bring to their community as well as the potential for
financial scams. With wind development in the United States
growing annually at 39 percent, WINDFALL is an eye-opener that
should be required viewing for anyone concerned about the
environment and the future of renewable energy.
There is much that is still true in Windfall. Because the film came
out in 2010, many of the industries changes are not presented.
For example, in 2010, turbines were typically 400 ft (40 stories)
tall. Now, they can be 600 or even 800 feet tall. At 400 feet,
each blade weighs 22,000 pounds. At the end of its life-usable
lifecycle, no one knows how to reuse or recycle it.
Wind turbine noise causes tinnitus in many exposed people.
Tinnitus at the physiologic level is the result of a change in
sound processing by the brain.
Other types of environmental noise have been shown to impair
children’s learning by changing how they process language
sounds. Families exposed to wind turbines noticed deterioration
in their children’s thinking and learning abilities during
exposure. Adults also had problems with thinking, memory, and
concentration during exposure.
Other clinical and brain studies have shown that diminished
think- ing and performance are tied to malfunctioning of the
vestibular portion of the inner ear.
Distorted balance signaling has a close connection with panic and
anxiety in a variety of situations, a linkage that may explain
how panic in the night crops up in previously non-panicked but
motion-sensitive people exposed to wind turbines.
While governments, the wind industry and its scientific and
clinical hirelings, and the media continue to belittle and deny
the experience of these individuals—Lord knows, the media
is filled with denial, ridicule, and venom (Google
Wind Turbine Syndrome”)—I
am reminded, once more, that the physical, mental, social,
and financial consequences of this perfectly correctible
condition are appalling.
The biggest problem with large-scale wind-powered electricity
generation is the grid. A home system can work well because the
fluctuating output (even in the windiest places it is highly
variable) can be regulated by batteries, and another source (the
grid or a gas-powered generator) is tied in to kick in when need
be. This is the model where larger systems work in isolated
villages, too.
But industrial-scale wind plants designed to
supply the
grid do not work well, even where the wind is superb. The grid is
meant to respond to demand, constantly modulating the various
suppliers to match the demand exactly. Wind plants respond only
to the wind, forcing the more controllable
“conventional” plants to change their output in
response to wind production as well as to grid demand. And the
need to respond within seconds to a drop in wind production
requires a plant that runs more inefficiently than one that could
run if the grid didn’t have to cope with the unpredictable
fluctuations of significant wind-powered sources. That is to say,
wind farms may actually cause
more fossil fuel burning.
The huge turbines designed for the grid can’t work without
electricity from the grid, either. They produce on average
25%-35% of what they are capable of, but they are
electricity (apparently free) 100% of the time.
And a problem about sites with good steady strong winds is that
they are
too windy. The turbines can’t handle strong
gusts and automatically shut down (typically around 55 mph). So
“good” sites turn out to be very little more
productive than less windy ones.
Average energy use per capita per year in kg of oil equivalents
World Bank (all data for 2014)
Because energy fuels both human development and environmental
damage, policies that encourage energy demand reduction can run
counter to policies for alleviating poverty, and the other way
around. Achieving both objectives can only happen if energy use
is spread more equally across societies. However, while
it’s widely acknowledged that part of the global population
is living in ‘energy poverty’, there’s little
attention given to the opposite condition, namely ‘energy
excess’ or ‘energy decadence’. Researchers have
calculated minimum levels of energy use needed to live a decent
life, but what about maximum levels?
↑ What Is Energy Denial?
15 Unstated Myths of Clean, Renewable Energy
Don Fitz, Green Social Thought, 11 September 2019
Wind turbine blades at a landfill in Casper, Wyoming (Aug 2019)
The alternative to overgrowing “clean” energy is to
remember what was outlined before. The concept of conserving
energy is an age-old philosophy that an earlier incarnation of
environmentalism realized as it used the word
“reduce.” Those who tunnel vision on the horrible
potential of climate change have an unfortunate tendency to mimic
the behavior of climate change deniers as they themselves deny
the dangers of alternative energy. Too many of today’s
environmentalists respond to any attempt to realistically assess
problems of “clean” energy with a three monkey
approach of “I won’t hear it; I won’t see it; I
won’t print it.”
Kris De Decker
traces the roots of toxic wind power not to wind
power itself but to hubristic faith in unlimited energy growth:
“For more than two thousand years, windmills were built
from recyclable or reusable materials: wood, stone, brick, canvas,
metal. If we would reduce energy demand, smaller and less efficient
wind turbines would not be a problem.”[
Every form of energy production has difficulties. “Clean,
renewable energy” is neither clean nor renewable. There can
be good lives for all people if we abandon the goal of infinite
energy growth. Our guiding principle needs to be that the only
form of truly clean energy is less energy.
The Green New Deal pivots on a central lie of continued growth,
promising this growth and employment whilst pretending it can
magic away the environmental and humanitarian consequences. The
result of this is that on all three counts—infinite growth,
reliance on fossil fuels, and colonial resource
extraction—the Green New Deal is unable to challenge the
prevailing order. Instead, it perpetuates the capitalist paradigm
and economic relationships and maintains the system leading us
towards total ecological collapse.
[I]t’s not a sort of stable, slowly varying thermodynamic situation
now. It’s a new dynamics. And that’s what’s
important. I’m not saying there’s going to be a giant
outbreak of methane that will cause a huge increase in global
temperatures. But I am saying that that is a possibility
that’s suggested by what’s been observed by the
people who actually go out there and do measurements....
[I]t would be very, very serious. I mean it would be
a step change in global temperatures of, well, we’ve done an
estimate it might be 0.6 of a degree. And that’s only with
a fraction of the methane in the sediments of the Siberian Sea
coming out. But if you had 0.6 of a degree—or
it may be—then in one step I think people need to think
what that would do....
... if this two degrees for instance happened in one year, and
suddenly, because of a
vast release of methane,
what would it do?
... if it all happened suddenly in one year we would just be
completely flummoxed. We wouldn’t have a clue what to do,
and the effects would be as great as two degrees in 30 years. But
they will be happening instantly. Nobody as far as I know
has modeled what the impact of a large step change temperature in
climate would be.... [T]he finite probability that
there will be a catastrophic methane release means that we have
to do the research on what would be the consequences of such a
rapid release.
But we’re not doing it. Nobody’s doing it. Because
everybody’s so afraid of giving any sort of credence to the
possibility of a big methane release that they don’t want
to even look at what the consequences could / would be. And so
that’s really very, very scientifically bad.
Remember there was a book some years ago about what will be the
consequences of a nuclear war?
The Medical Consequences of Nuclear War (
The new concept of a
winter came out of that—that it could produce a complete
loss of habitability of the planet because of
nuclear winter.
But nobody’s doing that analysis for a methane catastrophe
or large methane emission. And they should. It might might not be
that bad. But it might be very serious indeed.
↑ Understanding the Permafrost-Hydrate System and Associated Methane Releases in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Natalia Shakhova, Igor Semiletov and Evgeny Chuvilin,
Geosciences, 5 Jun 2019
Figure 9. Distribution of oceanographic stations conducted over the ESAS from 1999-2017.
Oceanographic stations performed by the authors (n > 2700) are shown as red dots; the ship’s
track of IB Oden (2014) is shown as a solid black line; oceanographic stations performed by the cruise
IB Oden (2014) is shown as a solid black line; oceanographic stations performed by the cruise
participants onboard IB Oden (leg 1, n = 67) are shown as red dots superimposed on the black line.
This paper summarizes current understanding of the processes that
determine the dynamics of the subsea permafrost-hydrate system
existing in the largest, shallowest shelf in the Arctic Ocean;
the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). We review key
environmental factors and mechanisms that determine formation,
current dynamics, and thermal state of subsea permafrost,
mechanisms of its destabilization, and rates of its thawing; a
full section of this paper is devoted to this topic. Another
important question regards the possible existence of
permafrost-related hydrates at shallow ground depth and in the
shallow shelf environment. We review the history of and earlier
insights about the topic followed by an extensive review of
experimental work to establish the physics of shallow Arctic
hydrates. We also provide a principal (simplified) scheme
explaining the normal and altered dynamics of the
permafrost-hydrate system as glacial-interglacial climate epochs
alternate. We also review specific features of methane releases
determined by the current state of the subsea-permafrost system
and possible future dynamics. This review presents methane
results obtained in the ESAS during two periods: 1994-2000 and
2003-2017. A final section is devoted to discussing future work
that is required to achieve an improved understanding of the
The World’s Scientists’ Warning to Humanity actually
dates back to 1992 when the Union of Concerned Scientists in
Washington, DC, published
this paper
signed by 1700 scientists, including over half of the
then-living Nobel laureates.
The first sentence says it all: “Human beings and the
natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflict
harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment.”
And the warning was that “We, the undersigned senior
members of the world’s scientific community hereby warn all
humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of
the earth and of life on it is required if vast human misery is
to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be
irretrievably mutilated.”
Very strong language. So did we change? Not much. Unfortunately
our leaders did not take heed. Other things were pre-emptive in
their minds than taking care of our common home.
Fast forward, 25 years in late 2017, another group of scientists
published this peer-reviewed scientific paper in
At its publication, it had been signed by over 15,000 scientists
from around the world and an additional 8,000
or so have signed it since. It holds records in terms of the
number of scientists who’ve signed it in citations. It is a
very, very, powerful statement. But again, it does not seem to be
that we are taking heed.
It made reference to the first Scientists’ Warning and this
one was called: “A Second Notice”. My own feeling is
that it should have been called: “Final Notice”.
I’m not sure we’ll get another chance.
I’d like to go in very briefly to the ecological
stressors that were cited by this Second Warning, the second
“The law prevails, what we call the Great Law, the common law,
the natural law. The law says if you poison your water,
you’ll die. The law says that if you poison the air,
you’ll suffer. The law says if you degrade where you
live, you’ll suffer. The law says all of this. If you
don’t learn that then you can only suffer. There’s
no discussion with this law.”
“[C]limate change is ... an indicator of how our human
psyche and culture became divorced from our natural
“Resilience asks us ‘how do we keep what we really
want to keep?’ Relinquishment asks us ‘what do we
need to let go of in order to not make matters worse?’
Restoration asks us ‘what can we bring back to help us with
the coming difficulties and tragedies?’”
“In my work with mature students, I have found that
inviting them to consider collapse as inevitable, catastrophe as
probable and extinction as possible, has not led to apathy or
depression. Instead, in a supportive environment, where we have
enjoyed community with each other, celebrating ancestors and
enjoying nature before then looking at this information and
possible framings for it, something positive happens. I have
witnessed a shedding of concern for conforming to the status quo,
and a new creativity about what to focus on going forward.
Despite that, a certain discombobulation occurs and remains over
time as one tries to find a way forward in a society where such
perspectives are uncommon. Continued sharing about the
implications as we transition our work and lives is
Embodying and enabling loving responses to our predicament.
Reducing suffering, while saving more of society and the natural world.
Begun in March 2019, more than 10,000 globally are now engaged
in many activities together in person and online
with the spirit of compassion, curiosity, and respect.
Hope in a time of climate chaos – a speech to psychotherapists
Jem Bendell Keynote at UK Council of Psychotherapy Conference,
London, 19 Oct 2019
Hypertext Transcript (with sources),
video (39:08),
mp3 (35.8 MB)
At various times over the past year I have been told that people
must have hope. Also, that people like me should not undermine
people’s hope. Such views are often stated as if so obvious
that they do not need explanation. However, I believe that
unthinking allegiance to hope is part of the way our culture
invites us to be averse to emotional pain and uncertainty. I
believe that needs to change for us to try to reduce harm....
A second unpacking of hope involves exploring what the vision or
goal being hoped for actually is. People who, like me, believe
that climate-induced societal collapse is now likely or
inevitable, begin to explore new goals and visions, which then
inform our lives. I hope for a liveable planet and loveable
world. One which maintains the possibilities for life, including
for us humans, and where more of us are living lovingly towards
each other and nature. I wish for that and work for it, but do
not expect it. For me, accepting that it is too late to stop
climate chaos wrecking our way of life is not giving up but
waking up to a wider and deeper agenda. It’s an agenda that
includes questions of how we reduce harm, save what we can, learn
how this tragedy came to pass, and seek meaning and joy in the
A third unpacking of hope is to explore why we think hope is
useful for ourselves or for people more generally. Whereas some
people seem to be encouraged by believing a story of a preferred
future, others are helped by dropping such stories, even if
painful for a time, and then engaging fully in the moment, with
passion for living their truth and yet more equanimity with
whatever is ahead. In this sense, for some people, accepting that
there is much suffering is to come from climate chaos does not
mean that they feel helpless, but they feel powerfully
‘hopefree’ and newly engaged in life.
The allegiance to hope and to positivity in our culture also
means we don’t allow as we might the public sharing and
discussion of our emotions of sadness, confusion, and grief. Nor
our longing to connect and to experience wonder at life. Rather,
in public and professional life, we invite each other to be
happy, positive and capable. But that is only half the picture.
Because we exist within a world with mass communication, with
corporations shaping our worldview. The news media invites us to
sneer, scoff or pity others. While the adverts invite us to feel
incomplete without the latest brand or experience. None of this
is inviting us into ways of relating that welcome our pain about
society and nature. If we suppress difficult emotions in
ourselves, and ignore or somehow fix them in others, then we are
alienating ourselves from an important way that we experience the
The word Apocalypse comes from ancient Greek and means to uncover
or unveil. What might be the veil that will be lifted from our
consciousness, as we perceive the potential end of our own
species? For me, even considering potential human extinction led
to a social veil being lifted from stories of human centrality,
control and progress. Although I am not yet convinced that
humanity faces inevitable near-term human extinction, even
sensing it might be possible has invited me to into a realm of
despair where old stories of meaning and purpose fell away, like
veils from my awareness.
The potential annihilation of all that we know presents us with
an incomprehensible and unbearable outlook. Knowing the intense
and unsolvable pain of that outlook, but nevertheless turning
towards it, is what can transform us. Because it means our sense
of self is also annihilated. This death of the self offers us the
chance to experience life without our stories of separation. From
that place of ‘storylessness’ we can intuit that we are one being
with all existence. In this way, our climate predicament offers
humanity a global near-death experience....
As we face up to our climate tragedy, many people are
recommitting to curiosity, compassion and respect for others in
the process – whether doing so from a humanist, religious or
spiritual perspective. Maintaining that approach is key to the
Deep Adaptation Forum. We may fall away from it at times – I know
I often do – but returning to curiosity, compassion, and respect
will help us to promote dialogue and initiatives that reduce harm
no matter what happens in the coming years.
Deep Adaptation Q&A w/Joanna Macy hosted by Jem Bendell,
Jun 2019,
video (49:51),
mp3 (39.5 MB)
Upcoming: Deep Adaptation Q&As for 2020
What we need in the long term is a transformation of the world
economy, one that shifts power from the now-dominant “one
percent” to the ninety-nine percent who actually produce
the world’s wealth. But meanwhile, ecological crises are
bearing down on us. We have to become a society that puts the
brakes on consumption and does it in an egalitarian way. In fact,
by embracing the right kind of rationing, we might even discover
a happier, better-fed, healthier, more comfortable, and more
secure world than the one we inhabit today.
Any Way You Slice
is the first book to attempt such a broad
examination of rationing as it happens in the real world, without
the impediments of unrealistic economic assumptions or narrow
political agendas. There are excellent histories of wartime
rationing and books that advocate specific systems of rationing
carbon emissions or medical care. But as the subtitle of this
book indicates, it goes much farther, asking what we can learn
from our rationing experience in the past and present in order to
ensure a fairer future.
[A] capitalist economy, by definition, is not a creature that can
survive in captivity. It certainly cannot be confined between the
kind of ceiling-and-floor we are talking about. We can futurize
all day, but of course no one knows how this will all work out.
Governments and economies may try to continue with business as
usual or they may be turned inside out by the emergence of a
post-capitalist ecological civilization. But the ecological cliff
still lies ahead. Tight ceilings on production and solid floors
under consumption will be essential. Rationing in some form will
become unavoidable, and when it does, the way we make it
work—justly or harshly—will depend very much on whether we
have succeeded in breaking away from business as usual and
building a fairer society.
One smartphone contains more than 1000 substances. The energy and water used during mining, smelting, refining and transporting an ore are embodied in the phone. The greenhouse gases (GHGs) and toxins emitted during manufacturing are embodied gases and embodied waste. Embodied energy and waste occur before the end-user receives the finished product. Embodied energy is significantly greater than the energy that a smartphone will use during its usable life. The toxic waste embodied in a smartphone is significantly greater than the waste generated when it is discarded.
Meanwhile, you can’t access the Internet without international access networks (cellular antennas, routers, satellites) and data storage centers, which also have embodied energy and consume electricity and other resources to operate.
Let’s ask: What is the true cost of sending a text message or streaming a video?
Our mission is to promote, support, and recruit young farmers in
We are a community powered studio dedicated to grassroots media,
cultural programming and land repair for the benefit of the human
and non-human worlds.
We work to create a welcoming and hospitable culture for new
entrants in sustainable agriculture. We have made films, radio,
guidebooks, parties+trainings, almanacs, anthologies, song
collections, exhibits, mixers, art-stunts and trans-media
collaboratives that defy classification.
Our various programs and projects address the practical and
social concerns of those in their first years farming, we
emphasize restorative land-practices, skill-building, networking
and dialog.
Now entering our 10th year, our grassroots collaborative is
entering a new phase. We have recently relocated our headquarters
to an old Odd Fellows Hall in Pembroke Maine, having spent much
of the last decade in rented spaces up and down the Hudson and
Champlain Valleys of New York. We’re happy finally to have
a dignified and ample space to hold our homework, evolve our
organizational methods, to expand into new areas and to house our
8,000 volume agricultural library, large collection of props and
art-making materials, our catering equipment, and our media lab.
From our new (large, beautiful and historic location) we can
continue to coordinate our various events and tours around the
country, edit and produce our new media projects, engage in
research, networking and advocacy—we can also shift our
focus somewhat to start offering educational summer programming
for younger adults.
↑ eXtinction Rebellion
an international movement using non-violent civil disobedience
to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse
Oxford Street, near Marble Arch in London, 22 April
“There is no ideology. There is no political agenda or allegiance.
There is no talk or concern for our divisions. We know they
exist. We know that we have blamed and named and shamed each
other through our politics, through our culture, and that that
no longer is helpful or necessary or life-giving. That actually
we will destroy our futures from those divisions that we’ve
created. eXtinction Rebellion’s entire focus is about
reweaving the hundred percent, the whole human family.”
↑ Economic Rebellion
Decentralized organising to leverate
our most powerful tool for change: MONEY
[T]he worst aspect of the present global money system is its
built-in requirement for continual growth—[called] the
growth imperative. This stems from the fact that money is created
on the basis of interest-bearing debt, so that the amount owed
increases simply with the passage of time. But compound interest
is an exponential growth function, which means that debt grows,
not at a constant steady pace, but at an accelerating rate. The
global money system requires the further continual expansion of
debt in order to avoid financial collapse. Thus the
bubble-and-bust cycles we have seen become ever more extreme, and
the competition amongst borrowers for an insufficient supply of
money results is ever increasing environmental despoliation and
social degradation....
The picture becomes crystal clear to anyone willing to take a
close look at it: The dominant system of money and banking, based
as it is upon usury and the centralization of power and wealth,
has visited untold misery and injustice upon the human race and
the entire web of life on planet Earth. It is a system that
cannot be reformed; it can only be transcended....
Community currencies and exchange systems provide an essential
tool kit for community—and self-empowerment, but they need
to be designed in such a way as to make us less dependent upon
political money and banks. Private exchange media should be
issued on the basis of the value created and exchanged by local
producers, especially the small and medium sized businesses that
form the backbone of any economy. This means that a
currency must be spent into circulation
not sold for money.
It is possible to organize an entirely new
structure of money, banking, and finance, one that is
interest-free, decentralized, and controlled, not by banks or
central governments, but by individuals and businesses that
associate and organize themselves into moneyless trading
↑ Open Structures
OpenStructures is an exploration on open modular construction
where anyone designs for everyone on the basis of one shared grid.
Presentation of the Family of Objects in the exhibition
‘Home Futures’ Living in Yesterday’s Tomorrow,
Design Museum, London (Nov2018-Mar2019)
OpenStructures (OS) is an open modular construction system that
promotes circular material flows and facilitates re-use and repair.
OS allows to build things together at a moment in time, where
anyone is connected to everyone and everything can be produced
everywhere. It links modularity to collaborative innovation and
new decentralised production techniques and results in a more
sustainably built environment. OS unfolds through a continuously
evolving exploration by a community of authors that test and
evaluate its potential within the field of design, art and
is the creative studio and major driving force behind OpenStructures,
the open modular design methodology. Its main objective is to promote
and facilitate the system by
designing responsive environments
providing educational activities and tools
consulting about open modularity
coordinating collaborative design processes
publishing an ever-evolving databas and
curating different narratives
OS_Studio was founded by Christian Högner and Thomas Lommée
and works internationally on cultural, residential and commercial
projects both for the public and private sector.
Contact us if you would like to hear, what we can do for you.
Tantalum Child Miners in Congo, 19 Apr 2011
Güney Işikara, “Is Degrowth an Alternative to Capitalism?,” Developing Economics, 5 Jan 2020
Sebastian Sippel, Nicolai Meinshausen, et al, “Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale, Nature Climate Change, 2 Jan 2020
Lotfi Belkhir and Ahmed Elmeligi, “Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 10 Mar 2018
John Vidal, “‘Tsunami of data” could consume one fifth of global electricity by 2025,” Climate Home News, 11 Dec 2017
Mike Hazas, et al, “Are there limits to growth in data traffic?: On time use, data generation and speed,” LIMITS ’16, ACM, 8 Jun 2016
Anders Andrae & Tomas Edler, “On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030,” Challenges, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, 30 Apr 2015
Steffen, Broadgate, et al,
“The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration,”
The Anthropocene Review, Vol: 2 issue: 1, 16 Jan 2015
Barnosky, Hadly, et al,
“Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere,” Nature, Vol. 486, 7 Jun 2012
Gary Cook, How Clean Is Your Cloud?, Greenpeace International, 2012. 52pp.
Rockström, Steffen, et al,
“A safe operating space for humanity - Identifying and quantifying planetary boundaries that must not be transgressed could help prevent human activities from causing unacceptable environmental change,” Nature, Vol 461|24 Sep 2009
Jean-Marc Jancovici, on
The limits to growth — Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jørgen Randers and Behrens William W. III — 1972,“, 2003-2011
Meadows, Randers, Meadows,
Limits To Growth - The 30-Year Update, Earthscan, 2005, 363 pp.
National Priorities Project:
McKay Coppins , “The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President - How new technologies and techniques pioneered by dictators will shape the 2020 election,” The Atlantic, 10 Feb 2020
Aaron Mehta, “Trump seeks $46 billion for nuclear weapons programs in budget request,” Defense News, 9 Feb 2020
Michael Klare, “World War III’s Newest Battlefield - U.S. Troops Head for the Far North,”, 9 Feb 2020
Ryan Morgran, “Pentagon makes $35 trillion in accounting adjustments in one year; double & triple counted funds,” American Military News, 23 Jan 2020
Neta Crawford, “U.S. Budgetary Costs and Obligations of Post-9/11 Wars through FY2020: $6.4 Trillion,” Costs of War, Brown Univ., Nov 2019
Josh Lepawsky
Reassembling Rubbish - visualization entry point to a 5 year examination of the issue of electronic discards (‘e-waste’), 2018 (takes time to load; LOTS of data)
Amit Katawala, “The spiralling environmental cost of our lithium battery addiction,” Wired, 5 Aug 2018
Ted Smith,
2017 Documentary, Heather White & Lynn Zhang Directors (89:00).
Exposes the dangerous working conditions in the China’s
smartphone factories where one worker is poisoned from exposure
to toxic materials every five hours.
Tim Maughan, “The dystopian lake filled by the world’s tech lust, Hidden in an unknown corner of Inner Mongolia is a toxic, nightmarish lake created by our thirst for smartphones, consumer gadgets and green tech” BBC, 2 Apr 2015
Ted Smith,
Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry,
2006 (
Arctic Methane featuring Prof. Peter Wadhams:
Zia Mehrabi, “Food system collapse - Food security is uncertain under future climate change, but is there a threat of food system collapse? Now research assesses the probability of weather hazards occurring at the same time in the world’s major breadbaskets and reveals that the weather-related component of this risk could be increasing.” Nature, Vol 10, Jan 2020
Growing Small Farms - Permaculture, NC State Extension
Joel Salatin, Folks, This Ain’t Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World, 2011
The Food to Farming Transition, Toward A Post Carbon Food System, Post Carbon Institute, 2009, 41pp.
quote from Carolyn Steel: Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives (2013), “Food Security in the West,” No Tech Magazine, No Tech Magazine, 1 Oct 2019
N. Healy, J.C. Stephens, S. Malin, “Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains,” Energy Research & Soc. Sci., Feb 2019
Cargo Ships carry 90% of Internationally Traded Goods
from Smoggy Seas, Zoë Schlanger,
“If shipping were a country, it would be the world’s sixth-biggest greenhouse gas emitter,”
Quartz, 17 Apr 2018
Mark Graham & Håvard Haarstad, “Transparency and Development: Ethical Consumption through Web 2.0 and the Internet of Things,” Information Technologies & International Development 7, no.1 10, March 2011.
“Tuas terminal is a next-generation container terminal being constructed by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).
“The mega-port will have the capacity to handle up to 65 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of cargo a year, making it the world’s biggest container terminal upon completion.”
EU Biomass Legal Case - Save Forests, Save the Climate
Enviro Advocates Call Out MA Gov. Baker For Promoting Dirty Fuels As Renewable Energy, Partnership for Policy Integrity, Aug 2019
Mary S. Booth, Not carbon neutral: Assessing the net emissions impact of residues burned for bioenergy, Environmental Research Letters, Feb 2018
Burning Trees For Power - The Truth About Woody Biomass, Energy & Wildlife, Southern Environmental Law Center, Jan 2018
Mary S. Booth, Trees, Trash, and Toxics: How Biomass Energy Has Become the New Coal, Partnership for Policy Integrity, Apr 2014
Wind Power Investment Collapses as Germany’s Wind Industry Faces Total Armageddon,, 2 Dec 2019
Gene Thompson, Wind leasing: an all or none proposition, National Wind Watch, 17 Nov 2019
Tatsuya Ishitake, et al, Epidemiological study on long-term health effects of low-frequency noise produced by wind power stations in Japan, Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics, 9-13 Sep 2019
Christina Stella, “Unfurling the waste problem caused by wind energy,” NPR, 10 Sep 2019
William Acker, Case studies that have convinced me that industrial wind turbines make people sick, Acker & Associates, (PDF) prepared Dec 2015 to Feb 2019
Mary Kay Barton, “Wind Power Destruction in New York State: ‘Clean’ Power Plan Problem,” MasterResource, 11 Nov 2015
Eric Rosenbloom, Health Effects of Noise from Large Wind Turbines, Commissioned for Wind Energy: A Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO, 2014
Environmental Impacts of Wind Power, Union of Concerned Scientists, 3 Mar 2013
UPC Kaheawa, Maui, Hawaii - “about 12.5 tons of steel in
each [wind] tower foundation” (2007)
In the year 2000: The
Cambrian News of 2nd November carried
two relevant reports, one on the previous week’s stormy
public meeting in Aberystwyth, and one on the news that the
Countryside Council for Wales had decided to object to the power
station proposals because of its impact on the landscape. CCW is
the government’s statutory advisor on countryside matters,
and its views are therefore important.
The pro-windfarm lobby believes that CCW cares too much about the
landscapes of Wales, and too little about global warming. In an
unguarded moment at the Aberystwyth public meeting on 26th
October, Neil Crumpton of Friends of the Earth suggested that
CCW’s stance on wind power was “almost
pro-nuclear”, an accusation of the kind which has
frequently been levelled at anyone opposed to any aspect of
renewable energy.
Let’s hope Mr. Crumpton knows now, if he didn’t
before, that the Cefn Croes Campaign is not a pro-nuclear battle
against renewables; it is a pro-landscape battle against the
cynical, profit-motivated exploitation and destruction of the
Welsh countryside.
Throughout 2004 as the infrastructure of the wind power station was
put in place, Cefn Croes was subjected to a relentless campaign of
damage and destruction. Prior to this, and during the development
period, hundreds of thousands of trees—many of them premature
crops—had been felled. From February 2004, up to 25 huge
excavators, earthmovers, “peckers”, rock-grinders, and
other heavy plant machinery were on site, as new access roads were
made, existing forestry tracks widened, gradients levelled, drainage
channels dug, huge foundations excavated, peat bogs ripped up, and
new “borrow pits” (quarries) opened up to gain roadstone
and aggregate. The base sections of the turbine towers were set in
steel-reinforced concrete, ready for the turbine towers—imported
from General Electric’s factory in Northern Germany. The
thousands of tons of concrete were made on-site in a plant which was
not part of the original planning application.
Katrin Bennhold, “Germans Unnerved by Political Turmoil That Echoes Nazi Era, Germans took to the streets in protest this week when the far right and Chancellor Merkel’s conservatives voted together in a local power struggle. To some, it was like ‘the Third Reich has been resurrected.’” New York Times, 7 Feb 2020
Gary Leupp, “NATO and the Impeachment Trial, ” Counterpunch, 4 Feb 2020
Edward Curtin, “The United States of America’s Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies and Illusions,” Behind the Curtain, 3 Feb 2020
Berit Anderson, “The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine - There’s a new automated propaganda machine driving global politics. How it works and what it will mean for the future of democracy.,”, 12 Feb 2017
Robert Epstein and Ronald E. Robertson, “The search engine manipulation effect (SEME) and its possible impact on the outcomes of elections,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 4 Aug 2015
Kris De Decker,
Low-Tech Magazine & via
solar-powered website:
“How Sustainable is a Solar Powered Website?, 29Jan 2020
“Too Much Combustion, Too Little Fire, 5 Dec 2019
“How to Make Wind Power Sustainable Again,” Jun 2019
“Reinventing the Small Wind Turbine,” Mar 2019
“Heat your House with a Mechanical Windmill,” Feb 2019
“Keeping Some of the Lights On: Redefining Energy Security,” Dec 2018
“How Circular is the Circular Economy?” Nov 2018
“Why We Need a Speed Limit for the Internet,” Oct 2015
“Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Places, Feb 2015
“How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware,” Jun 2012
Jane Anne Morris
Dmitri Orlov
Jane Jacobs
Ozzie Zehner