2022 ongoing...
Interviews Contents
Perspectives on the Pandemic (28 Episodes) Apr 2020 - Jun 2024
Crimes Against Humanity – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (1:05:53) CHDTV, 9 May 2022
RFK Jr: Orwell and Totalitarianism With Playwright CJ Hopkins (50:54) Apr 2022
The 5th Doctor – Ep. 16: Physician & Activist Dr. Mel Bruchet – Update & Interview (w. Dr. Nagase) (1:02:46 + 1:03:21) 27 Dec 2021 + 3 Jan 2022
UNCENSORED: RFK Jr. Tells Shocking Truth About Anthony Fauci (44:50) 27 Dec 2021 + 3 Jan 2022
Dr Emanuel Garcia interviews Ed Curtin On, Fear, Propaganda, Censorship & Authoritarianism In The Time Of Covid (1:01:06) 1 Sep 2021
Dr. Michael Palmer/Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – Understanding Medical & Economic COVID Motives (1:30:22) 30 Aug 2021
Swine Flu and Covid: Pandemic Deja Vu? with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (1:10:10) 9 Jun 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Greatest Violations of the Nuremberg Code in History (34:31) 17 Apr 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts: Beyond Divide and Conquer with Junious Ricardo Stanton (1:05:43) 18 Mar 2021
Freedom Airway – #SolutionsWatch interview with Prof Dolores Cahill (24:22) 19 Jan 2021
Dutch Doctors Against Coronavirus Policies Launches Covid Doctors Collective (7:14) 24 Dec 2020
John P.A. Ioannidis – Coronavirus Health Policies Lacked Evidence, Politics Subverted Science (21:38) 18 Dec 2020
Mark Crispin Miller interview with Frank Moreno (21:00) 9 Dec 2020
Reiner Fuellmich Interview: Lawsuits Challenging Covid-19 Falsehoods (24:56) circa Nov 2020
MCM on the Forbidden Bookshelf, masking, eugenics, and the whole damn thing (interviewed by Jason Bosch) (1:18:43) 17 Oct 2020
Corona Conversations 5 – Defending Academic Freedom In The Time Of COVID (VERMONT / NYC DIALOGUE) (1:04:16) 14 Oct 2020
MWN Episode 194 – Mark Crispin Miller on the Politics and Propaganda of 2020 (1:06:56) 8 Oct 2020
Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One (38:49) 12 Oct 2020
“Propaganda does not want any argument.” A conversation with NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller (58:00) 22 Sep 2020
Discovering the hidden narrative behind the covid-19 pandemic Prof Mark Crispin Miller (58:00) 22 Sep 2020
Rocco Galati on CRC Lockdown Lawsuit, (50:07) 2 Sep 2020
Mark Crispin Miller: Masking Unmasked! A Journey to a Parallel Universe (51:20) 1 Sep 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr Global’s Bid for Economic Totalitarianism and Transhumanism – IF We Allow It (48:32), mid-August 2020
And: The State of Our Currencies - Take Two (5:51) 6 Aug 2020
Zach Vorhies: YouTube / Google Whistleblower Reveals A Dangerous Agenda! (51:23) 7 Aug 2020
The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D’État With Patrick Wood (45:53) 21 Jul 2020
Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable (45:47) 18 Jul 2020
Prof Carl Heneghan: can we trust Covid-19 death numbers? (16:12) 17 Jul 2020
The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic & Social Impacts - Peter Koenig - The Global Research Report (38:42) 15 Jul 2020
RFK, Jr. on the end-game of the Gates/Big Pharma syndicate, its poisonous vaccines, and Dr. Fauci’s role (53:28) 14 Jul 2020
Dr Zelenko HCQ Deniers Are “Guilty Of Mass Murder (45:19) 25 Jun 2020
Interview with Denis G. Rancourt, PhD: Anti-Maskers: Right Or Selfish? (22:46) 25 Jun 2020
Theo E.J. Wilson: A Voice Emerges (25:06) 25 Jun 2020
Special Solari Report: Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland (57:26) 17 Jun 2020
Robert F. Kennedy: Speaks About Covid-19 / Vaccines And More (1:33:25) 8 Jun 2020
Edwin Black: The Algorithm Ghetto, Cashless Society & Newgenics (25:54) 10 Jun 2020
Operation COVID-Lloyd: There Are Fates Worth Than Death! - Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes The Injection Fraud (57:34) 5 Jun 2020
The Coronavirus Vaccine Uncensored | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree (5:12) 22 May 2020
Banned by YouTube: Professor Karol Sikora discusses Covid-19 - Fear is More Deadly than the Virus (31:35) 21 May 2020
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/Alison McDowell, 5-part interview conducted by Jason Bosch, 17 May 2020
Should You Really Wear A Mask? Dolores Cahill Responds (17:59) 15 May 2020
MWN Episode 143 – Joseph Green – Inside the COVID-19 Pandemic (1:45:38) 14 May 2020
Debunking the COVID-19 Narrative with Prof. Dolores Cahill (1:06:44) 13 May 2020
Fake News and Real Lies – Who Needs Conspiracy Theories When You Have “Con’s Piracy Facts”? with Mark Crispin Miller (56:35) 12 May 2020
Robert Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci & Pro-Vaccine Movement (2:19:45) 2 May 2020
Michael Levitt, Nobel prize-winning scientist: the Covid-19 epidemic was never exponential (34:33) 2 May 2020
Nobel Prof. Montagnier: COVID-19 caused by a vaccine experiment gone bad (37:53) 17 Apr 2020
Why lockdowns are the wrong policy - Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke (34:53) 17 Apr 2020
Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D. (1:02:04) 25 Feb 2020
‘Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24 (12:15) 23 Oct 2019
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Crimes Against Humanity (1:05:53 mp3), CHD.TV, 9 May 2022
RFK: Orwell and Totalitarianism With Playwright CJ Hopkins (50:54 mp3), The Defender Show, CHD.TV, Apr 2022
“The essence of totalitarianism is obsession with control,” playwright and novelist CJ Hopkins told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
“This is what we’ve seen for the last two years ... this spirit or this energy being turned on society with just an unbelievable intensity,” Hopkins said.
Kennedy and Hopkins in early April discussed the emergence of totalitarianist-like rule in recent decades – and especially during the COVID-19 outbreak. Kennedy thanked Hopkins for “continually being a voice of informed and idealistic dissent.”
Hopkins’ plays include “Horse Country,” “screwmachine/eyecandy” and “The Extremists.” He is the author of several essay collections drawn from his satirical blog
Consent Factory
, and the 2017 dystopian novel “Zone 23.”
Hopkins is “honest as daylight,” said Kennedy, and a “guru” of critical thinking. “His honesty gives him a clarity of thought and a clarity of expression,” Kennedy added.
Hopkins said the emerging global power system is hard to define:
“How do we describe the functioning power system that we are living under? Currently it doesn’t really fit the old models. I don’t think we have gotten our minds around what it is yet.
“It’s not 20th-century totalitarianism . . . it’s not Stalinism . . . It’s not any of these models . . . but nonetheless, there is a totalitarianism at its core.”
One of Hopkins’ books is “The War on Populism,” and he and Kennedy discussed how populism can become warped.
“Populism often begins with an idealistic impulse,” said Kennedy. “But it also tends to align itself with all of the alchemies of dark demagoguery.”
Hopkins said he wrote his first stage play after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when he felt we entered a “new world,” a “global capitalist” world:
“I think for the first time in human history, we live in a world that is dominated by a single ideology and it’s complex. ... It’s not seven guys sitting around in a room, you know, making up conspiracies.
“It’s a very, very complex situation, but nonetheless, it is the first time that one ideology, one power system, dominates the entire globe so much.”
Kennedy and Hopkins also discussed whether the end of COVID-19 restrictions will mean the end of government overreach.
Hopkins was pessimistic. “Pathologization of everyday life” is here to stay, he said.
Kennedy agreed, saying that although he tries to get up every day and “fight the bad guys,” he worries the powers that be have a series of crises lined up in the pipeline.
The government will not relinquish accumulated powers, Kennedy said, but instead, “it’s holding them in the back pocket.”
Hopkins said, “I feel like the overarching message of the last two years has been . . . ‘shut up and get in line.’ ... It’s a more brazen totalitarianism than I’ve ever experienced from the West in my lifetime.”
“It’s a scary, scary world that we’re living in and it’s getting scarier,” Hopkins added. “This is why I use big scary words like ‘totalitarianism.’”
Perspectives on the Pandemic
Episode 28: What The Fusion Of Business And Government Means For The World | What Are Fusion Centers?
Episode 27: “The Psychiatry of COVID-19” - A Conversation with Dr. Emanuel Garcia
Episode 26: “Are We Being Hypnotized, and Do We Like It?” - A Conversation with Prof Mattias Desmet
Episode 25: “The Vaccine Fatality Rate” - A Conversation with Dr. Spiro Pantazatos
Episode 24: “Segregation 2.0” - A Conversation with Kevin Jenkins
Episode 23: 2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, Part Three - The Coup of '63 to Covid
Episode 22: “Injections & Injunctions” Part 2/2—Scientific, Technological Elite - A Conversation with Dr. Robert Malone
Episode 21: “Injections & Injunctions” Part 1/2—Paradox - A Conversation with Dr. Robert Malone
Episode 20: “This Interview Could Save Your Life” Part Two: The Dangers of the Injections - Dr. Peter McCullough
Episode 19: “This Interview Could Save Your Life” Part One: Early Treatment - Dr. Peter McCullough
Episode 18: 2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, Part Two - Divide & Conquer
Episode 17: 2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece - Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, Part One
Episode 16: An Urgent Warning To The World - Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer
Episode 15: A Conversation with Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. - Blood Clots and Beyond
Episode 14: Catching Up With Knut Wittkowski, PhD
Episode 13: A Conversation with Leemon McHenry, PhD - The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine
Episode 12: A Conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Pt 3 of 3)
Episode 11: A Conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Pt 2 of 3)
Episode 10: A Conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Pt 1 of 3)
Episode 9: The (Undercover) Epicenter Nurse
Episode 8: The Monopoly Edition with author Matt Stoller
Episode 7: A Conversation with Investigative Journalist Sam Husseini
Episode 6: A Conversation with Dr. Dan Erickson & Dr. Artin Massihi
Episode 5: A Conversation with Dr. Knut Wittkowski, PhD
Episode 4: Update with Dr. John Ioannidis
Episode 3: A Conversation with Dr. David L Katz concerning “Total Harm Minimization”
Episode 2: A Conversation with Knut Wittkowski, PhD
Episode 1: A Conversation with Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University
In the United States after 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security established “Fusion Centers” to coordinate information between federal, state and local authorities. As time went on, the private sector was invited to participate. The resulting “private-public partnership” promised many benefits to the giant corporations that signed up—corporate espionage protection, cyber-terrorism preparedness, and a sense of being “in the know.' In return, government agencies got access to company servers, while creating a feeling of comradeship.
The Fusion Center concept came into its own during Covid. As Ryan Cunnigham, a former corporate Fusion Center liaison, reveals in our interview, all the mitigation measures and “mandates” that migrated out to the general public were developed first in the hothouse of Fusion Centers.
Ryan's journey from enthusiastic cheerleader of private-public initiatives in emergency management, to dedicated activist and whistleblower, is a triumphant tale of tremendous courage in the face of corruption, conformity, and the “merger of state and corporate power.”
beginning at
The entire purpose of the Twitter files was a behind-the-scenes look of how Twitter employees and executives were directly coordinating with these non-governmental organizations, these fusion centers—the FBI, DHS, intelligence agencies—in sharing,
voluntarily, information about social media users with them, with the government. The government would provide some feedback and resources and then they may or may not censor people. More often than not they did, especially as it related to covid.
When did we get to a point that science became not allowing competing opinions and theories to be tested and objected? That’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda from one direction.”
Now that monkeypox has been declared a global health emergency, let's not forget how the last health "emergency" was handled. Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a New Zealand psychiatrist and medical freedom advocate who emigrated from the United States in 2006, reports on the stages of the absurd and yet all too familiar COVID response in his adopted country.
Applying a psychiatric lens to the public health disasters of masks, lockdowns, and coerced injections, Dr. Garcia's analysis helps fortify us against the next assault on human dignity, health and freedom.
On Joe Rogan’s podcast in December of 2021, mRNA vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone mentioned three words that ignited a firestorm: “Mass Formation Psychosis.” Malone was quoting the work of Matthias Desmet, professor of psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the University of Ghent.
In this episode, Perspectives goes to the source to explore: Could the near-total capitulation to measures with no scientific basis or common sense rationale, like lockdowns and the donning of face masks, be a feature of a kind of mass hysteria or moral panic? In what ways are the pandemic measures similar to features of totalitarianism? How do unscrupulous leaders wield their understanding of human behavior patterns? Most troubling of all, what is it about human beings that makes us so willing to submit to “mass formation?” This interview was filmed before the outbreak of war in Ukraine, but the connection between war, hysteria, and propaganda is thoroughly explored in this far-ranging conversation.
Columbia University Researcher Spiro Pantazatos may have a reliable way of determining the “Vaccine Fatality Rate” or VFR.
By relating all-cause mortality with vaccine administration across states, while controlling for prior year deaths and state-to-state variation in mortality due to other factors, Dr. Pantazatos determined that in a six month period in 2021, COVID injections killed between 150,000 to 180,000 Americans.
His findings are consistent with revelations from the insurance industry, which reported a 40 percent rise of mortality in people aged 18-64, relative to the pre-pandemic era.
With everyone from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to CDC chief Rochelle Walenksy discussing the need for more boosters, Professor Pantazatos’s warning could not be more timely.
How do black New Yorkers feel about vaccine mandates and passports? Over 65 percent have refused to submit to the “experimental biologic”, which means they are officially barred from restaurants, schools, and many other indoor spaces. And yet 67 years have passed since Brown vs. Board of Education, which struck down the idea that “separate” could be “equal”. Health activist Kevin Jenkins delivers a powerful rebuke to the New Racist Normal, reminding us that segregation, then as now, is about dividing society into the “clean” and “unclean”. How long will it be before the rest of America wakes up to Jim Crow 2.0?
A Conversation with Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University,
June 10th, 2021 - Brooklyn, New York—Updated through September 24, 2021
“Propaganda isn’t just misinformation. It’s a source of your very identity. People are defining themselves as anti-Trump, pro-mask, pro-vaccine people.”
“This vaccine cult that is now reigning supreme and wreaking untold havoc—I mean literally untold havoc—on people’s lives and bodies, was actually a long time coming and we have been gradually prepared for it, really for the last several decades.”
“Black people are entitled to their so-called vaccine hesitancy. That is a perfectly rational suspicion on their part of the intentions of the medical establishment that has a long, horrible history of abusing and exploiting those people.”
“One definition of conspiracy theory that I favor is, Something that, if true, you couldn’t handle it.”
In Episode 23, the third and final part of “2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece”, Professor Mark Crispin Miller of New York University illustrates how the sudden overthrow of political freedom and bodily sovereignty, nominally triggered of necessity by the emergence of a deadly novel pathogen, has in truth been heading straight for us since November 22, 1963,
when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. From the revolutionary resistance of the sixties to the “
Fourth Industrial Revolution” of 2021; from a little-known elite movement of the early 20th century that was committed to ridding the world of the “feeble-minded”, to the monolithic policy of mass injection embraced by governments the world over today ... as the 21st century reaches adulthood, Mark Crispin Miller presents the hidden history you ignore at your peril.
A Conversation with Dr. Robert Malone, Madison, Virginia, 18 Aug 2021
In the same Farewell Address in which he famously foresaw the rise of the military-industrial complex, former President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned equally prophetically that a “scientific, technological elite” could one day grow so powerful as to dictate federal policy. In Episode 22 of Perspectives on the Pandemic, Dr. Robert Malone, original inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, illuminates just how greatly the shared financial interests of a handful of Big Pharma players, high-level government bureaucrats and academic institutions have affected life-or-death policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Conversation with Dr. Robert Malone, Madison, Virginia, 18 Aug 2021
Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. It may be worth while to spend a few moments in speculating as to possible future developments of those that are oligarchies. It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.
Dr. Malone:
“I was brought into this current discussion thread regarding the vaccine technology and safety because of my role in initial discovery and developmentof of the core technology platform.”
“I build teams to solve complicated problems for the government in biodefense and vaccines and medical countermeasures.”
“I’ve been through so many of these outbreaks. Dr Fauci just says stuff. He says whatever he feels like saying and it’s not necessarily fact based. It’s just based on his opinion. And we now know that it’s often based on what he thinks is best rather than being grounded in data.”
“It’s no question that we’ve been told a series of things that just aren’t consistent with data. And we can call them misrepresentations or we can call them flat-out lies. They continue to happen on almost a daily basis.”
“To the extent that you deploy vaccine, you should deploy vaccine into those extremely high-risk individuals. You should not deploy into the general population.
John Kirby:
“So why are they doing it? What’s your sense?
Dr. Malone
“I don’t know. It’s paradoxical. Personally, I think what we’re seeing is rampant war profiteering.”
A Conversation with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dallas, Texas, 4 Aug 2021
“The American public has seen so much fear, isolation, hospitalization and death that they were prepared—they were prepared to take mass casualties and injury with the vaccine.”
“Medical care is off its rockers. And I can tell you when Doctors come out of their trance, they are in a vaccine trance right now. They are in a different zone. Doctors, when I look them in the eyes they look cloudy. They look foggy like they know something’s wrong, they know they’re doing something wrong. They’re kind of disturbed. But they can’t seem to come out of their trance. Other Doctors like me, they can see it very clearly. We would never—you give me a vial of a dangerous substance and say inject it into a pregmant woman—I won’t do it. I took an oath. I swore a Hippocratic Oath. As a Doctor I would never do that.”
“Stop it. Stop it right now before more people are hurt. It’s not working and it’s causing tremendous damage.”
Dr Peter McCullough – “The only way to stay healthy right now is to stay away from the Covid-19 Vaccine”,
The Daily Exposé, 11 Sep 2021
“There’s a hunting that’s going on here that’s very disturbing,”
“This is absolutely astonishing that this is happening over a fair exchange of ideas”
“We’ve never had two government bodies together be a sponsor of a major research program. Shockingly, they did not have, and to this day they’ve never put together, an external critical event committee, an external data safety monitoring board or a human ethics committee. They had these committees in the registrational trials ... and these are standard. ... Every large clinical investigation has these three committees ... I chair many of these committees for pharmaceutical companies and the National Institutes of Health. Americans should have had at least weekly, if not monthly, reviews of safety to ensure Americans that the jabs are safe.”
“We’ve seen an incredible violation of human ethics. No one, for an investigational product, under any circumstances, should receive any pressure, coercion or threat of reprisal for not participating in the research.”
“If we keep this up with the injections, there is going to be one variant after another ... We’re playing with fire here with this mass vaccination ... My interpretation as an internist and cardiologist – I’m a trained epidemiologist, I’ve literally done a year of intense COVID research and training – I’m going to tell you, I think this Delta outbreak that we have right now is the product of mass vaccination. ... If we didn’t have the jab, we would have been better off. We had already treated this down to a very acceptable level.”
“We’re at this pressure point, and I think right now, in talking to American people in my circles, they’re ready to take a time out ... The only way to stay healthy right now is to stay away from this vaccine. If you get COVID-19, get to one of these treatment networks and get immunity on the other side.”
“I think we’ve completely suppressed any form of treatment or help to people in order to promote the vaccine. Now the vaccine doesn’t work completely and it’s, frankly, dangerous. We’re down to almost one message: Take the jab or else ... It’s the scariest time to be an American, and thank goodness half of Americans didn’t take it. ... We’re going to have to see what this is going to look like. I think the next month or so is going to be incredibly interesting and it’s going to be ominous.”
A Conversation with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dallas, Texas, 4 Aug 2021
Renowned physician and professor of medicine Dr. Peter McCullough describes early treatment protocols for COVID-19 that have saved countless lives... and the forces that have aligned themselves against their widespread adoption.
Resources for early outpatient treatment:
The following are the references cited by Dr. McCullough in our interview:
Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, AJM, 6 Aug 2020
Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19), Henry Ford Health System Scholarly Commons Dec 2020
Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 (COLCORONA): a phase 3, randomised, double-blinded, adaptive, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial, Lancet Respir Med, Aug 2021
Effect of Colchicine vs Standard Care on Cardiac and Inflammatory Biomarkers and Clinical Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With Coronavirus Disease 2019 - The GRECCO-19 Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA, Jun 2020 (PDF)
COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study, IJAA, Jun 2020
Early multidrug treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) and reduced mortality among nursing home (or outpatient/ambulatory) residents, Med Hypotheses, Jun 2021
Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China, Nature Comm, Nov 2020
Recommendations for national SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies and diagnostic capacities, WHO, 25 Jun 2021
07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing, CDC
Follow the Science, Not Mere “Authority”, on COVID19 PCR False Positive Rates, jameslyonsweiler.com, Jan 2021
Hackensack Meridian’s John Theurer Cancer Center (JTCC) Observational Study Suggests Role for Hydroxycholorquine as Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19 Infection, Jan 2021
Comorbidities and other conditions, CDC Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis, Lancet, 22 May 2020
Treatment with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and combination in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, IJID, 1 Jul 2020
A Conversation with Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University,
June 10th, 2021 - Brooklyn, New York
Full Transcript
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society,” wrote Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda. In Episode 18 of Perspectives on the Pandemic, “Divide and Conquer”, Professor Mark Crispin Miller discusses in-depth the media’s “conscious and intelligent manipulation” of major events arising after the COVID rollout in the West. From the corporate hijack of the Black Lives Matter movement, to the fraudulent suppression of life-saving Covid treatments, to the “coup” on January 6th, Miller makes the case that the establishment seeks to inflame a fractured country. Masked vs. unmasked, vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, Red vs. Blue: the ultimate losers of this pro-wrestling drama may be both democracy and science.
Vincent Salandria wrote in 1971:
Of course, secret elitist police organizations such as the CIA do not thrive on peace, democracy, and a contented and informed people. The power of intelligence agencies increases in direct proportion to the degree of sickness of a nation. A healthy and united people can localize the cancer of a power-usurping intelligence agency and eventually extirpate its malignant cells from the nation’s political life. Therefore, the intelligence apparatus which killed Kennedy has a need to keep our society in turmoil. It has – in order to maintain its power – to generate a high degree of chaos. Chaos is required to make a people willing to accept such strong medicine as is administered by the secret police in order to restore order and to stabilize a disintegrating society. It takes an acutely sick society to be able to accept as palatable the terrible cure – totalitarianism.
“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government,” wrote Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda. In part one of Episode 17, Mark Crispin Miller, professor of Media Studies at New York University, discusses the propaganda onslaught that defined the year 2020, when what was dismissed one week is confirmed the next, and why questioning official narratives “necessarily means taking ‘conspiracy theory’ seriously.”
Mark Cripsin Miller: “It seems to me that the year 2020 and then the first half of 2021 have comprised a global propaganda spectacle of unprecedented scale and sophistication. I for one believe that we were subjected to a series of carefully planned psychological operations over the course of 2020 and just beyond. I think it started with the roll-out of the virus. This particular instance of fear-mongering is the most persuasive, the most compelling, the most devastating kind of fear-mongering that’s ever really been used in the history of propaganda and that’s really saying something. We’ve seen the fear propaganda move from the Hun to Communism to Terrorism but now it makes the crucial move to the thing itself. The thing with which previous enemies have been compared. The evocation of The Virus Is All Around Us was enough to turn the wits of millions of highly educated people. It’s a very easy matter to get people to do what you want. Just convince them they’re under attack and that anyone who argues with that claim is putting them at risk.”
Two of the experimental gene-based injections have been paused or halted, and reports of clotting, stroke, anaphylaxis, miscarriage, Bell’s Palsy, and a host of other neurologic and auto-immune disorders plague the others. And those are just the short-term risks.
Has all humanity been enrolled in a vast and unimaginably dangerous phase-three clinical trial without our informed consent? All for a disease that for the overwhelming majority of us is, officially, 99.7% or better survivable...if we even get it?
Dr. Mike Yeadon, formerly a Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, believes the big experiment is well under way, and that the hypothesis it seeks to prove is as bold as it is terrible.
A cogent and clear thinker who has been attacked in proportion to his qualifications, Dr. Yeadon, at great personal risk, issues a chilling warning, not just about the grave dangers surrounding the injections, but about the looming threat of digital health “passports” that will take inexorable control over every aspect of our lives.
If we allow them.
We have been warned.
In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason. In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.
In this episode, we check back in with an epidemiologist who got millions of views on this channel before he was summarily canceled. Now Knut Wittkowski has a dire warning for the world: lockdowns only breed new variants of the virus. Will anyone hear him long enough to weigh the argument, or will open inquiry, the foundation of all scientific endeavor, continue to be suppressed to our peril?
As much of the world rushes to receive a lightly-tested pharmaceutical product, we thought it was high time to look again at the (very) big business of medicine. Leemon McHenry, PhD, guides us to the fraudulent core of ghostwritten studies, captured legislators, revolving-door regulatory agencies, pay-to-play medical journals, and the “key opinion leaders” who lend their academic credentials to giant corporations...for a price. With every stage in the process seemingly structured for corruption, we can only wonder along with Professor McHenry: “Who’s looking out for scientific integrity?” By the time you finish this episode of Perspectives, you might just roll down your sleeve for a rethink.
auto-generated transcript
with timestamps
Perspectives on the Pandemic interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits on April 16th, 2020, and again on May 15th. In her second interview, she was joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. We have divided the two conversations into three parts, the first two focusing on Dr. Mikovits, and the third on Mr. Kennedy. This is part three.
KENNEDY: The Vaccine Act was passed in 1986, by Congress, and it gave vaccine makers blanket immunity from liability. The reason Congress passed the act is because there was a Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccine called the DPT that has since been banned in the United States. It’s still used in Africa by Bill Gates and WHO, they give it to kids there, but it was banned because it was so dangerous in this country. Wyeth (which is now Pfizer) and the other vaccine makers, each one of them had a DPT vaccine, and they were all killing lots of kids and they were causing severe brain injury. They call it encephalopathy. And the industry, Wyeth, particularly, went to Congress and said, We cannot make these vaccines safely. They are “unavoidably unsafe,”—that’s the language they used—you cannot make them safe. And we are losing $20 paying for injuries and lawsuits for every $1 we bring in selling the vaccine. And so, we’re going stop all vaccines unless you give us blanket immunity from liability.
Think about that: Congress did it for a product that they said, We need it because you can’t make it safely. And so, and now, they had no incentive to make it safe, because the lawsuits are all disappeared. Because you can’t sue them: you can’t sue them for medical malpractice, there are no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no mass or class action suits, or, document discovery—nothing. They have zero incentive to make them safe. And not only that, because the vaccine industry was exempt from vaccine testing, they’re saving a huge amount of money—hundreds of millions of dollars—because they don’t have to safety test them. The other big cost, after safety testing and licensing, for bringing a drug to market is the subsequent cost of lawsuits. Now they didn’t have that cost. Not only that, but they don’t have any marketing or advertising costs, because the product is mandated to 74 million people and they’re very high-margin products. So, the Gardasil vaccine, they get $420 for the vaccine course. They’re making—if you can get a vaccine on CDC schedule, it’s worth an average of about a billion dollars a year in profit to your company. So, there was a gold rush....
... And then, what happened was, you suddenly had all these vaccines that hit the schedule, beginning in 1989. And 1989 is the beginning of what we call The Vaccine Generation. It is the sickest generation in history, not from infectious disease, but from chronic disease. Chronic disease level in this country in 1940 was 6%. In 1986, when we had 11 vaccines on the schedule, it was 12.8%. If you were born prior to 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 12.8%. If you are born after 1989, your chance of having a chronic disease is 54% to 60%.
And what are those chronic diseases? There are three main categories.
- The neurodevelopmental diseases: ADD, ADHD, SIDS, speech delay, learning disabilities, sleep disorders—these are all neurodevelopmental—tics, Tourette’s syndrome, narcolepsy, ASD, autism. In my generation 1 in 10,000 people have autism. Today, in my children’s generation, 1 in every 34 kids, 1 in every 22 boys.
Then, you have allergies. Vaccines are designed to give you an allergic response to the antigen, to the microbe. They also give you an allergic response to anything else that is injected—the peanut oil excipient, the Timothy weed outbreaks that are occurring at the time you get the vaccines—you now have a lifetime allergy to those. So, children who are vaccinated have 30 times the allergic rhinitis as children who are unvaccinated. Peanut allergies went from 1 in 1,200 Americans, to 1 in every 12. And then you had anaphylaxis and asthma, which are allergic diseases.
Finally, the last category is autoimmune diseases. And those just exploded. And that’s a whole range of diseases where your body essentially gets an allergic reaction to your own organs, and the immune system begins attacking your own organs. So, juvenile diabetes—I only knew one kid growing up who had diabetes; now, it’s everywhere—, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barre, all these fibromyalgias, and, multiple sclerosis. All these other diseases that exploded....
The vaccine industry when I was a kid was making about 200 million dollars a year. Today it’s making 60 billion.
They make 60 billion from the mandated vaccines. But they’re making 500 billion a year treating injuries that are listed as side effects on their vaccines. They are selling us the albuterol inhalers for our children’s asthma, the EpiPens, the anti-seizure medications, the Prozac for the depression, the diabetes medications, the arthritis medications, all of these other—and if you look at the top 20 blockbuster drugs for these four companies, virtually all of them are targeted to treat injuries that are listed as a side effect on their own vaccine inserts. It’s a racket. It is the perfect business model: you make people sick the day they are born, you keep making them sick till their 18th birthday, and then you have a permanent customer. Listen, if you get a measles infection, what’s the treatment? A week in bed, chicken soup, and vitamin D. None of that can be patented. Pharma makes nothing on measles. If you have a measles vaccine, and you give that child seizures, and epilepsy, and encephalopathy, and all these other injuries, you have a permanent customer for life. It’s the perfect business model, but it’s killing our country....
KIRBY: Let me ask you both: what is Fauci’s role in all of this? He’s been at the NIAID for, what, four decades? Does he benefit from this somehow? He seems to be at the center of the nexus of all this.
MIKOVITS: Well, he funds six billion dollars so the other end of that for scientists who are working, NIAID funds six billion dollars of research. If investigators don’t publish in these journals, or they give a message of inconvenient truth, he pulls the funding and the journals go on—as we talked about in my case—to destroy the reputation of the scientist. So, if the scientists don’t publish in these journals, they don’t get grants, they don’t get work. They lose their jobs, and it’s a vicious cycle. And that is what was happening and the other authors in my case, they got grant funding from Tony Fauci to—you either end up like Judy Mikovits and you’re no longer in science, or worse—and they’ve gotten millions, tens of millions of dollars of grants. Even Robert Silverman in his laboratory since 2012, for publishing those studies or retracting those studies that were, in fact, fraud. For going along—
KIRBY: What’s Fauci in it for? Is he in it for money or power?
KENNEDY: Let me explain the essence, the dynamic of corruption: Tony Fauci is—you have a vaccine program that is corrupt, because the vaccines are not safety-tested. And so, a huge amount of research goes into creating fraudulent studies to prove that vaccines are safe, when they are not. And so, for example, when they needed to create studies to persuade people that vaccines don’t cause autism, they funded about 17 studies that they have, that’s their archive. Meanwhile, we have 1,400 independent studies that show it is causing autism and these other injuries, but they have 17 studies, and that’s what they show the New York Times, and they say, “Look, it’s proven.”...
Autism doesn’t show up till your 4.2 [years] on average. So, if you are looking at kids who are between 1 and 10, and if you really want to look for autism, you’ll just look at the kids who are between 8 and 10 years old.
What they do is they look at the kids who are between 1 and 7 years old. And the autism disappears. And then those groups are overmatched, meaning they—it’s like studying, looking for lung cancer by studying a group that smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years, and a group that smoked 22 cigarettes a day for 20 years, rather than looking at a group that didn’t smoke anything. And that’s what you would do, if you wanted to know the answer. But Tony Fauci would never fund one of those studies. He funds the phony studies that are designed to give cover to the industry. He’s like the Bill Gates of funding. If you want to do science in the United States of America, you’ve got to be friends with Tony Fauci. Because he controls all the funding that’s going to the universities, to the individuals, to the grants, the research centers. If you make an enemy of him, he not only controls all of that funding, that federal funding, but he has the power to stop anybody else who’s going to fund you, like Gates or whatever, from giving you funding. So, he can blackball you for life. And that’s what he did to Judy. She can no longer do science because it costs money to do science, and there’s no money.
And Tony Fauci can cut off that money. So, his posture is that he is going to protect a crooked corrupt vaccine program no matter—that he helped design—no matter what. And that’s what he does.
KIRBY: What’s in it for him? I mean, why—is it just the power of that position, or does he have to cover his—
KENNEDY: If you’re asking what that position does, he’s the most powerful—in his field, in science, he’s the most powerful man in science, in the world. Without question. He controls all that funding. People are begging him for his opinion, for his good will, for his—he’s as powerful as Bill Gates, because he can dictate global health policy. He can tell what study’s going to be done, and what study’s not going to be done, and what the outcome of that study is. He knows in advance, because he approves the study protocol. He’s going to make sure that study doesn’t find anything. So, he’s locked into that position because he can’t afford to leave it. He’s got to stay there till he dies. Like so many of the people at CDC who were involved in the corruption. They can’t let somebody come in behind them and say, “Oh my god, look what this guy did!” They need to die in those chairs.
And Tony Fauci is one of those guys who spent 50 years in an escalating—corruption always is a vortex; it gets larger and larger. He may have started off, somewhere, 40 years ago, just doing one crooked study, but now, in order to hold—they have piled fraud, upon fraud, upon fraud, upon fraud, and the structure they have created with their vaccine program is so tall and so unwieldy, if somebody kicks out even a single brick, the whole thing will tumble. His function is to make sure that brick doesn’t get kicked out. Every little leak in the dam is plugged with one of his crooked studies and that’s a full-time job, even when you’ve got six billion dollars a year.
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Perspectives on the Pandemic interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits on April 16th, 2020, and again on May 15th. In her second interview, she was joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. We have divided the two conversations into three parts, the first two focusing on Dr. Mikovits, and the third on Mr. Kennedy. This is part two.
auto-generated transcripts:
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Perspectives on the Pandemic interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovits on April 16th, 2020, and again on May 15th. In her second interview, she was joined by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. We have divided the two conversations into three parts, the first two focusing on Dr. Mikovits, and the third on Mr. Kennedy. This is part one.
Beginning at 63:26:
John Kirby: On the subject of masks you made the claim that
wearing them outside—I suppose of acute
clinical situations—is unhelpful. That it
literally activates your own virus. You’re getting
sick you said from your own reactivated coronavirus
Science, the journal, claims
to not know what you mean by that.
Mikovits: Wearing the mask literally activates your own virus.
You’re getting sick from your own reactivated coronavirus expressions, and if it happens to be SARS-CoV-2, then you’ve got a big problem.
It’s not clear what Mikovits means by “coronavirus expressions.” There is no evidence that wearing a mask can activate viruses and make people sick.
“Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video,” 8 May 2020
Can you explain in more detail what you’re suggesting?
Judy Mikovits: Eight percent of our of our genome is a virome. That is
all of the exposures that we’ve had and we clear and we
develop immune responses to. Many are latent like herpes
viruses, like those retroviruses, they’re dormant
Your immune system has in balance. They’re not expressed.
If you put on a mask and you’re exercising and you’re
not breathing air, you’re actually breathing CO2, you
can become, it’s called Lactic Acidosis, so you become
acid and you’re actually denying yourself oxygen, hypoxia
and then some. It’s immune suppressive. It suppresses your
very CD4 positive T cells, that adaptive memory immunity.
So you activate the dormant because your memory was keeping
those silent.
“Effects of long-duration wearing of N95 respirator and surgical facemask: a pilot study,” Journal of Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research, Volume 1 Issue 4 - 2014
“Headaches Associated With Personal Protective Equipment – A Cross-Sectional Study Among Frontline Healthcare Workers During COVID-19,” Headache, Journal of Head and Face Pain, Volume 60, Issue 5 May 2020
“Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery,” Neurocirugía, 2008 19
“Cutting Edge: Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 Negatively Regulates Th1 Function,” Journal of Immunology, 2015;195(4)
“Hypoxia Enhances Immunosuppression by Inhibiting CD4+ Effector T Cell Function and Promoting Treg Activity,” Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017;41
“Hypoxia-driven immunosuppression contributes to the pre-metastatic niche,” OncoImmunology, 2:1, e22355; January 2013
“Nervous system involvement after infection with COVID-19 and other coronaviruses,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 87, July 2020
“Evidence of the COVID-19 Virus Targeting the CNS: Tissue Distribution, Host-Virus Interaction, and Proposed Neurotropic Mechanisms,” ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2020, 11, 7
“Nuclear factor-kappaB: the enemy within,” Cancer Cell, 2004 Sep;6(3)
“Spread of a neurotropic murine coronavirus into the CNS via the trigeminal and olfactory nerves,” Virology, Volume 170, Issue 2, June 1989
“Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Induces Atherosclerosis,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2007;175
And this isn’t new, this isn’t just me saying it. This is
basic immunology and they know it. Activate latent viruses,
they cause disease. And the mask is immune suppressive and
that’s clear.
Nurse-turned-investigative journalist-Erin Marie Olszewski has been on the inside in two radically different settings these past few months. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.
And not just any New York public hospital, but the “epicenter of the epicenter” itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump’s Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate “perspective on the pandemic”. She has been where there have been the
most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the
least. Those who see and hear Erin’s astonishing report and her incredible undercover recordings will learn:
People who have tested negative multiple times for Covid-19 are being called “Covid confirmed” and are then put on ventilators.
Ventilators are likely the leading cause of death in the pandemic. Sedatives and paralytics combined with barro-trauma from pressurized air kill 90 percent of those vented at Elmhurst (and by extension, much of the world).
Nosocomial (in-hospital) infection is the main vector of transmission. At Elmhurst, “Covid Rule-Out” and “Covid Confirmed” are housed in the same rooms. PPE is not changed between patients. Rooms are not properly or even marginally cleaned after Covid deaths.
Isolated from family, patients at Elmhurst who do not have “Do Not Resuscitate” orders are being treated as though they did. Nurses were told not to perform CPR on at least one “full code” patient, in violation of their oaths and licenses.
Delayed treatment due to the government mandate to stay inside, and the government recommendation to not seek early outpatient help, combined with the restriction in New York and elsewhere on promising, even proven therapies during the early stages of illness, massively compounds the death rate.
Much of which points to what may be the real reason black and brown Americans seem to be disproportionately affected by Covid-19. They are likely
not dying because of some alleged genetic predisposition or a peculiar array of Covi-combustible comorbidities.
But they are
certainly dying from an underlying condition: a defunded, criminally negligent and corrupt hospital system, which during this crisis seems to take extra pains to do them in, and which may be financially incentivized to do so. (As of this writing, the producers are still awaiting word from the relevant authorities as to the exact amount of compensation paid per Covid diagnosed-and-vented patient).
Experimented on by unsupervised doctors-in-training, misdiagnosed and rushed on to ventilators based on edicts from anonymous supervisors, Elmhurst and other public hospital patients have not stood a chance. Perhaps with this video, some accounting can be made and real changes demanded.
But there is also extremely
good news to be found here: no one, or almost no one, may need to die from Covid-19. What doctors and researchers all over the United States and the world have known for months has been confirmed once again by nurse Olszewski, and may finally be emerging from the political ghetto to which it was so oddly and so early relegated.
Hydroxychloroquine and zinc and/or other therapies have been shown to work, especially
when given early to those few people who actually develop symptoms of Covid-19.
What was once apparently the exclusive purvey of MAGA-hat-wearing-Trumpeters must now be made available to us all: a new study from Yale again confirms it, and the “study” which alleged that hydroxychloroquine was not only ineffective but
deadly has been
withdrawn from the Lancet amid what has to be one of the most bizarre scientific scandals in modern times. The company that produced the demonstrably fraudulent data that formed the basis of the
Lancet paper listed among its board members
an adult entertainer and a science-fiction writer.
Based on their disinformation, studies around the world were halted for weeks. Now free of the specter—or boogeyman—of harm, even the WHO has resumed research on this decades-old, amazingly inexpensive drug. (Youtube censors take note).
But though we at
Perspectives are well and truly beyond the manufactured partisan divisions of our day, we must acknowledge that one’s odds of surviving Covid-19 in Red State America are demonstrably higher than among the Blues. It’s enough to give a progressive New York filmmaker thoughts of pulling up stakes. For when have they been much higher?
(As of publication of this video, the producers are still awaiting comment from Elmhurst Hospital).
In this “monopoly edition” of Perspectives, Matt Stoller, author of
Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy, forecasts the actual amount of the Wall Street bailout; the coming disappearance of most small business; the problems that emerge when monopolies control health care; the emergence of a Wall Street-oriented “planned economy” the failure of progressives to stop the theft of trillions, and much more.
Investigative journalist
Sam Husseini has had a storied career asking world leaders questions they would prefer to dodge, on subjects ranging from missing weapons of mass destruction to very real nuclear stockpiles. Now he takes on the "elephant in the room": the extreme dangers posed by bio-research facilities not just in China, but all over the world...
Husseini: That [Feb 2020] letter [to the
Lancet] was ostensibly to show solidarity with the workers in Wuhan, but it also had a phrase denouncing the conspiracy theories as to the non-natural origin of the pandemic. And again, it was an attempt to shut down debate. To me, that’s totally antithetical to the scientific process. The scientific process should welcome scrutiny and debate on serious questions like this, and then you have a hypothesis, and you break the hypothesis, and you produce evidence and reasonable argument. They attempted to short-circuit all of that by saying, ‘This is conspiracy stuff.’
When Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi held a press conference on April 22nd about the results of testing they conducted at their urgent care facilities around Bakersfield, California, the video, uploaded by a local ABC news affiliate, went viral. After reaching five million views, YouTube took it down on the grounds that it “violated community standards.” We followed up with the doctors to determine what was so dangerous about their message. What we discovered were reasonable and well-meaning professionals whose voices should be heard.
Knut Wittkowski states his initial claim has been vindicated: The lockdowns—always a dubious proposition for a respiratory virus—came too late in the U.S. and elsewhere, and were therefore not effective or useful. By turns emotional and darkly comic, Wittkowski ranges across all the essential topics of the crisis, and gives answers unlikely to be reflected in major media.
WITTKOWSKI: What you should do, however, and what was not done in the United States, is to protect the elderly. From the experience in Italy, we already knew that the vast majority of people who die are people in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s who have comorbidities. So that was nothing new when it also happened in Seattle. We had the very early experience, in Seattle, of a couple of people, old people with comorbidities, dying in a nursing home. At that point in time, one should have isolated at least the nursing homes. Pay the nurses and everybody working there overtime so that they can stay there for three or four weeks. Sorry, my voice is breaking because I think that is a tragedy. This opportunity was missed. Instead, people were isolating the children, who are not at risk at all.
You still don’t really know whether children are infected or not, and if they are infected, they never, or virtually never, develop a phenotype. To isolate those who are
not at risk, and put those at risk who
are at risk, is a catastrophe. It’s a human catastrophe that should
never, ever have happened. And if people say they don’t have money for that, for 2 trillion dollars you can pay a lot of overtime. You could have made all of these people millionaires, and there would be a lot of money left, and we would have really protected the virus from getting into the nursing homes and killing those who are the most vulnerable.
KIRBY: All we’ve really done, you’re suggesting, in addition to not adequately protecting the old, we have slowed the spread of herd immunity.
WITTKOWSKI: Yes. And that means we have increased the risk of the elderly to become infected. Because you cannot isolate yourself for extended periods of time. Isolation for a short period of time is easy. But for a long period of time, it’s just human—the grandparents want to see their grandchildren.
Dr. John Ioannidis discusses the results of three preliminary studies, (including his latest showing a drastically reduced infection fatality rate); the worrisome effects of the lockdown; the Swedish approach; the Italian data; the ups and downs of testing; the feasibility of "contact tracing", and more. Dr. Ioannidis does not have a political agenda, nor does he favor making money over saving lives. He is simply the best respected epidemiologist and meta-statistician in the world. And his latest preliminary serology study shows that many more of us have had this than we realize—50-85 times more of us—and therefore the “infection fatality rate” is equivalent to seasonal flu. The work of Dr Ioannidis is part of a growing army of data, including the revised estimates of Imperial College and the CDC, (not to mention the original work of Dr. Fauci himself), that make that conclusion clear.
Prof Knut Wittkowski, for 20 years head of Rockefeller Univ’s Dept of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says social distancing and lockdown is the worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus and offers data showing China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted containment measures. In other words, nature had already-or-nearly achieved, herd immunity. Prof Wittkowski urges schools open now so the virus may spread harmlessly among the young, and thus shorten the amount of time elderly and immune compromised must be sequestered. Our current course, he warns, will only prolong the crisis and likely guarantee a “second wave” of infections in the Fall.
first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic: Epidemiological evidence for two
separate strains of SARS-CoV-2 viruses spreading and implications for
prevention strategies - Two epidemics of COVID-19,
Knut Wittkowski, Asdera LLC, New York, NY (work-in-process)
The 5th Doctor – Ep. 16: Physician & Activist Dr. Mel Bruchet – Update & Interview (w. Dr. Nagase)
The Fifth Doctor, Dr Sam Dubé - Episode 16:
In Part 1, beginning at
as described by Dr Nagase:
“He said they were forcibly medicating him with Aripiprazole, or, it’s called Abilify is the trade name.
That was started on him, by force, on Friday [24 Dec]. He said what Dr Lim (sp?) the psychiatrist said to him is, ‘You either take this medication or we hold you down and we inject it into you.’
“The problem with aripiprazole - and Mel Bruchet, he read the insert from the pill box - Aripiprazole has a warning on the manufacturer’s own dosing sheet. It says, Warning, not to be used in the elderly due to risk of stroke. If you do 10 minutes of research on pubmed, there is study after study, meta analysis after meta analysis, showing anti-psychotics, of which
Aripiprazole or Abilify is an anti-psychotic, when it’s used in the elderly it causes an increased number of strokes, and especially in the extreme elderly. So it's an increased risk at 65, but once a patient is in their 80s and 90s, anti-psychotics are deadly. They cause strokes.”
Gratitude for Drs Bruchet, Nagase, Dubé, Kory, McCullough, Lawrie, Bhakdi, Palmer, Binder, Hoffe, White, Wodarg, Fareed, Tyson, Syed, Cole, Orient, Vliet, and the THOUSANDS of free souls still possessing a calm mind and heart as stated in:
September 2021
Physicians Declaration II - Updated Global Covid Summit
29 October 2021
Mel Bruchet is out! Dr. Nagase is awesome. So is Sam Dube. Drinks on me when we all meet in a free Canadian country. Sam Dube talks to Mel and Daniel and let’ss us into the true story of a kidnapping and forced injection of antipsychotics.” by Jessica Rose,
The Truth Watercooler, 9 Jan 2022
Dr Nagase & Dr Bruchet - Filing Charges in Vancouver RCMP - PANDEMIC
On 11 Nov 2021 Dr. Daniel Nagase and Dr. Mel Bruchet filed charges with the RCMP in North Vancouver to discover if the government officials promoting the lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, etc. have any conflicts of interest.
People were gathered outside the RCMP office with concern, having heard that 13 babies were stillborn in Vancouver recently, in a 24-hour period. We do not yet have confirmation about that number, but we do know there has been an increase in sick babies at Vancouver since mid 2021.
November 11th 1:00 - 3:00 Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Entrance, North Vancouver
Rally with Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase. They spoke to the RCMP, and then headed over to the emergency entrance. The Doctor will appreciate our support in standing with him to raise the awareness of the dangers of this experimental injection.
On average they would see 1 stillborn death a month. 3 dulas have reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths in a 24 hour period of women who had taken the experimental injection. The media is not reporting this. Big pharma looks after the media and the media is silent.
Headsman Popois speaks beginning at
Sign the petition (open to all people of ‘Canada’) to record your wish to expressly remove your consent to be governed by corporate politicians, corporate provinces and corporate CANADA that rule over you, not serve you. Peoples of the Salmon empower you to give lawful notice to the Governor General of non-consent to be governed by the corporation Canada/CANADA.
Notice of Denial/Removal of Consent
Video Credit: James Loewen
UNCENSORED: RFK Jr. Tells Shocking Truth About Anthony Fauci (44:50 mp3), The Jimmy Dore Show, 25 Dec 2021
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Dr Emanuel Garcia interviews Ed Curtin On, Fear, Propaganda, Censorship & Authoritarianism In The Time Of Covid (1:01:06, mp3) Voices For Freedom, 1 Sep 2021
Dr. Michael Palmer/Catherine Austin Fitts Interview – Understanding Medical & Economic COVID Motives (1:29:51, mp3) with Taylor Hudak, The Last American Vagabond 30 Aug 2021
Swine Flu and Covid: Pandemic Deja Vu? with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg (1:10:10 mp3), Dan Astin-Gregory, Pandemic Podcast, 9 Jun 2021
Dig a little and you’ll quickly find that the Covid-19 global response bears more than a few similarities to what happened after the World Health Organisation declared H1N1 swine flu a pandemic in June 2009.
The WHO’s definition of ‘pandemic’ had been changed just a month earlier – nobody had to die now as long as infections were widespread – and much of the wildly inaccurate modelling was provided by Professor Neil Ferguson and his Imperial College colleagues.
At the centre of the H1N1 storm was today’s guest, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a physician, pulmonary specialist, epidemiologist and former German MP. As then chair of the health committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, he forced a debate early in 2010 on Pharma’s influence on the global swine flu campaign and the attendant rush to develop vaccines.
One of those vaccines was GSK’s Pandemrix which caused the deaths of at least 1,300 children across Europe and left many thousands more with lifelong neurological injuries, including narcolepsy. It had not been tested on children.
Fast forward to spring 2020, and the world was plunged into lockdown – in significant measure on the back of Professor Ferguson’s modelling – and the race to find a vaccine for Covid-19 was quickly under way.
Join me at 5pm UK time when I’ll be exploring with Dr Wodarg the parallels between these two pandemics as well as the attempt he and former Pfizer vice-president Dr Mike Yeadon made in December 2020 to get the European Medicines Agency to halt all Covid-19 vaccine trials.
Subscribe to the Pandemic Podcast mailing list:
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Greatest Violations of the Nuremberg Code in History (34:31, mp3) interview by Greg Hunter, USAwatchdog.com, 17 Apr 2021
German translation
If you look at the deaths and adverse events and the failure to provide true informed consent, we’re talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg code in history. Now. Whoever was tried for at the end of World War II does not hold a candle to what’s happening now....
The doctors and scientists I trust—and I constantly listen to and talk to people and try and find the best people—essentially what they say is this is an experiment and it’s true. These aren’t approved by the FDA. These are authorized under an experimental—this is a trial, this is a human trial. And what they say is that we won’t know for anywhere from 4 to 6 to 16 to 18 months, what the real impact is. And if the impact here is the same as it is with—well, these aren’t vaccines—it’s really gene therapy. It’s really downloading an operating system.
It’s different than what traditionally was referred to as a vaccination. And I would argue under law, they’re not vaccinations. But whatever they are, if it follows the history of vaccination, what you’re going to see is a tremendous dimunition of people’s immune systems and a whole world of auto-immune diseases that can be explained away by other things. I would guess that the leadership is, their goal is not necessarily to depopulate—although I could be wrong—but their goal is to download an operating system and to get that done, they don’t care how many people they kill. This is a giant experiment....
I told you about the
Family Financial Disclosure Form. One of the things that was happening was our subscribers had people in their family who wanted to take [the injection]. As an investment advisor the way I first got interested in what was happening with vaccination was I had so many families come to me who had been destroyed by vaccine injury. Not just somebody in the family being harmed by vaccine injury, but then the family being hurt financially or bankrupted by vaccine injury because a vaccine injured child can cost you over a lifetime one to five million dollars. It’s unbelievably expensive. If you have somebody who can’t be potty trained and needs to be cared for for 70 years, you’re talking about very significant financial commitments.
So we decided to take the health care proxy planning process and I will say this, I’ve seen good health care proxy planning save lives. This kind of planning makes a lot of sense for families to do. And we readapted it so that somebody who wanted to take a Covid-19 injection could prove to their family that they had done proper due diligence, that they had a logical reason for doing what they were doing, and they had provided for the insurance, healthcare, and financial resources that was necessary to make sure if they got a vaccine injury or were killed it wouldn’t bankrupt the family. It’s a due diligence and planning process that you can walk through with a family. But it has links to all of the inserts for the injections.
[in the
Due Diligence section:
It has links to all of
the vaccine adverse events reporting databases. And then it gives examples of all the
different kinds of adverse events....
The number one thing I think you need to do is you need to learn how to protect your mind from mind control. We’re in an increasingly high tech culture. And that technology is using entrainment, subliminal programming, all kinds of propaganda and disinformation. What we each need to be productive is we need our own minds and we need to be coherent. We need to think for ourselves. So the first thing I would do is I would go to Solari and put “entrainment” in the search box and
start learning about what this technology is and how you protect yourself from it.... We like to make sure that all the basics are available for free....
Then finally you need to find a way to build a life and a strong financial life, a strong balance sheet and a strong income statement divorced from this establishment. You need to find a way of generating income that helps people and lift them up and builds a human culture, as opposed to depopulates people or puts poison in their veins or any of these other crazy things. Make sure you create the skills and life you need making the world a better place to be instead of making money liquidating human populations. They’re turning us into a world of tyranny. So stop making money on tyranny. Stop investing in it. Stop banking with them.
It’s shocking to me because this is all being driven by the
Going Direct Reset for the central bankers.
And yet the majority of Americans still bank with the owners of the central banks that are doing this. They bank with the New York Fed Member Banks who are driving this train. You name what’s going on there, the guys in charge. Why are you banking with them? There are a lot—in America, we still have a ton of great community banks and credit unions. Why are you buying these stocks? Why are you financing these people? Why are we building our own prison? Stop building your own prison. Just start doing something useful.
Get the corporate guys out of your balance sheet. Get them out of your income statement. Get them out of your mind. Get them out of your body. Get them out of your money. Just get them out. I call it—if you come into Solari again—this is free—we have a wonderful piece called
Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World. It’s the 24 steps you can take to just get these guys out of your life.
Catherine Austin Fitts: Beyond Divide and Conquer with Junious Ricardo Stanton, (1:05:43, mp3) The Solari Report 18 Mar 2021
For my next interview, Junious Ricardo Stanton returns to The Solari Report with the inspiration he brings to audiences as a pioneer in Internet talk radio. Junious is unique in his ablity to integrate what is happening across many sectors of economics and politics. His focus on leadership—given his mastery navigating propaganda and multiple realities—is helpful in addressing the challenges we each face.
Junious and I discuss how the divide and conquer tactic, a key to military and intelligence strategies for millennia, is now being applied to a new set of domains. Whether it is gender, politics, or simply behaviors such as wearing masks and observing social distancing, divide and conquer tactics are an integral part of the economic warfare of the
Going Direct Reset.
The question is: How can we see the manipulation and go beyond this divisiveness? We’ll share practical tips that can help you preserve your sanity and build power, and help others do the same.
beginning at 11:30:
Junious Ricardo Stanton:
“If you look at what the futurists are talking about and the things about the transhumanism, they’re actually attempting to eliminate that part of us that is the god-force. They want to link us up with neural-link so that that eliminates intuition and those folks who have developed clairvoyance and clairaudience, that’s negated.... The so-called injections, that counters your immune system which is your body’s divine intelligence protecting you from everything else that’s out here. So it is a multifacited assault on our divinity.”
beginning at 24:46
Catherine Austin Fitts:
... a whole series of different postings in Solari Report we've done on entrainment technology, propaganda, all these different things on both propaganda and technologically-induced mind-control. For some reason, which I don't understand but which I deeply appreciate, there are certain people who just don't disappear into the cult. You're one of them. What is it? There are people who just don't disappear into the cult that seem to find a way of staying interested, staying grounded, staying coherent and continuing to look for reality.
Junious Ricardo Stanton:
I think, there's something you always—for me it's a search, a quest for truth and a lot of that is spiritually-based. I'm not talking about religious dogma. I'm just talking about spirit world. If you're in tune—if you trust your intuition—and the older I get, the more I trust my intuition and my one regret is that I didn't do it when I was younger. But, all I have is now. So those people who intuitively know that something;s wrong—and most of us do. Most people do. It's just that they don't want to be ostracized. They don't want to be mocked. They don't want to be made fun of. My mother used to always tell me, You have to have the courage of your convictions. There are a lot of people who know but they don't want to step out there. Because they're afraid.
Gaming Our Lives: Pay For Success Finance (24:22, mp3), The Corbett Report, 19 Jan 2021
Freedom Airway – #SolutionsWatch interview with Prof Dolores Cahill (24:22, mp3), The Corbett Report, 19 Jan 2021
Beginning at
Prof Dolores Cahill:
I’m launching a project in the last few weeks to sequence PCR tests because this whole lockdown is based on positive PCR tests. But actually in the diagnostic world, in PCR you would never diagnose with just a positive or negative. You have to actually sequence What is the test measuring? Fifteen-hundred PCR tests were sequenced in October 2020 and all of them were Influenza A and B. Not one were SARs-CoV-2 . So the legislation of all the lockdown and the so-called pandemic and public health emergency is based on the causative agent of Covid-19 being a coronavirus.
vbr />
What I am personally doing is going to sequence PCR from informed consent from people in Ireland and the UK. If those sequences are not SARs-CoV-2, which would be I think a biological impossibility in January 2021, that then we can say to the government—and I am intending to take an injunction in Ireland to the High Court—if the sequences come back as Influenza that the government cannot be reporting cases as Covid-19 or Coronavirus. They have to be Influenza. And the medical doctors cannot be putting causes of death because they are required to treat people based on whatever the causative agent is and they can be struck off. But also they can be sued under medical negligence by people who have false diagnosis.
But the other thing that I am going to initiate is for people who are quarantined—like if you can’t return to Canada or if in Canada they are using these tests and they are false, that people can then sue the ministers and prime ministers and the diagnostic companies and anyone administering the test. And the reason is is that the ministers and prime ministers are spending citizen’s or people’s money and that is under procurement and there are commercial contracts. And they should be testing whether these tests are testing for SARS-CoV-2 or something else. If they are spending money and the tests are not detecting the causative agent, SARS-CoV-2, then they are engaging in fraud. That is malfeasance in public office which is a crime in Canada, Ireland, UK, America, five-to-ten years.
But the prime minister personally can be sued because that’s malfeasance, malfeasance in public office. So any indemnity they may have had does not apply if they have not done their duty of care to check that the testing was correct. So the way to actually bring down the lockdown is to actually sue personally the person that is requiring you to do the test, the manufacturer of the test, the hospital, and the doctor and the advisory committees, individually, and the ministers and prime ministers.
So we will be launching—we might take a number of precedence cases—but we would be and I was on three zoom calls yesterday with about 50 countries telling them that every country should be launching the sequencing of the PCR tests themselves. And we will be spearheading it obviously, and I will be. But this will actually stop the lockdown worldwide, because all of the legislation is based on SARS-CoV-2. If that is not the product of the test or if there are—we have heard from whistleblowers in America that they detected SARS-CoV-2 in the buffer of the PCR test. So that would of course be potentially commercial fraud, diagnostic fraud. But individual people can sue the doctors and the way to target it is to sue them individually or their insurance.
James Corbett:
I think none of this will end until some of the people involved in this chain of command, just following orders, start to feel the personal legal effects of the actions that they’re taking so that’s exceptionally important. And that that obviously dovetails in with the idea of Freedom Airway and opening skies once again so that hopefully these tests will not be a requirement for whatever immunity pathway they’re trying to work on.
Dutch Doctors Against Coronavirus Policies Launches Covid Doctors Collective (7:14) Dryburgh.com 24 Oct 2020
“At the start of this week Artsen Covid Collectief (English: Covid Doctors Collective) was launched. Their website (Dutch only) is https://artsencollectief.nl/. Their aim of is to open up broader debate regarding the coronavirus measures. The references provided on their websites make it clear that the measures (e.g. lockdowns) taken by government lack scientific evidence and are disproportionate. So much so that democracy is being taken over by a medical dictatorship.”
Artsen Covid Collectief six stated goals:
Goal 1: Remove the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the list A of notifiable diseases.
Statement: COVID-19 does not appear to be more dangerous or more deadly than other flu viruses.
More than 98% of people do not or hardly become ill when infected. Mean mortality is now estimated at 0.3% and is probably lower.
Goal 2: Scaling down the measures and returning to ‘normal’ as soon as possible.
Statement: The current corona measures cause more damage than they try to prevent.
The collateral damage in the social, economic, physical and psychological areas is enormous and is disproportionate to the intended or necessary protection against the virus.
Goal 3: Lifting restrictions on freedoms and fundamental rights.
Thesis: The threat of the virus no longer justifies restrictions on freedoms and fundamental rights.
Vulnerable people deserve extra attention. Measures may only be applied in consultation and on the basis of free choice. Based on scientific evidence where possible.
Goal 4: Clarify the purpose of the measures
Statement: The original goal (flattening the curve) has long been achieved.
Goal 5: Discontinue use of the PCR test in people who do not have flu symptoms.
The PCR test should only be used to detect a virus in a sick person and is not suitable for detecting “infections” in the general population.
Goal 6: Government policy should primarily focus on health promotion.
John P.A. Ioannidis – Coronavirus Health Policies Lacked Evidence, Politics Subverted Science (21:38, mp3) Dryburgh.com 16 Nov 2020 interview posted on 18 Dec 2020
Includes partial transcript. Excerpts:
So we have very little evidence on interventions that are used in large scale across entire populations, entire countries, much of the world in a setting of a pandemic like COVID-19....
Some of the modeling has led even to very misleading inferences because people trust too much these predictions, and they act based on them as if they were very strong evidence where actually they’re very weak evidence....
In the case of a pandemic, you have like a complete mess of very fast moving science peer review being subverted probably by zealots sometimes who want to accept papers that fit their worldview immediately, and not accept or destroy papers that are proving that their thoughts and ideas and ideologies are wrong.... that
editorial I wrote to express my concern about using machineries that are not part of scientific method, but part of activism and advocacy to replace the scientific method.... I think that Copernicus would have collected one signature and he would have had probably thousands of “scientists” in his era saying that his heliocentric model was entirely wrong. You know, Einstein in 1905 again, you would have a single vote for his new theories. And if you were to ask everyone else, they would say they hadn’t heard about it, or that would be completely wrong and they would be wrong....
However, you may reach the situation where you may see that politics is subverting science, that politics is is taking control of science in different ways. And what we have seen in the Covid-19 setting, we have seen that scientific positions were espoused by specific entities in the political divide.
So if you were to claim that you believe in X, you would be immediately classified as conservative or progressive, or, you know, Trump supporter or Biden supporter. And again, I think this is completely ridiculous because you know, science is not dictated by politicians, by parties. It should not be an issue of political divide.... So having that whole political turmoil super-imposed on science really creates a very difficult situation. And obviously then you get all the methods of politics, including lobbying, including subversion, including smearing of opponents, including fake news, including social media campaigns, including distorted journalism, that are infused into science, and that can be devastating....
... what would a dictatorship do more? I don’t think that any dictatorship has managed to really restrained life as much as some of the lockdowns have by a large margin of difference.
So I’m not a conspirator theorist or anything. I think that the people who apply these measures are well intentioned. But I don’t think that they consider the horrible perception that many people get out of these measures. Now there’s other people who might feel that not taking measures is a sign of weakness of their leaders.
So one needs to balance these two perspectives, you know, people who say, you know, please shut down everything we’re dying. And you have the counter argument here that some of these leaderships feel that they need to respond to that quest for maximum measures. But I think that this is getting to the point of some sort of psychopathology, and we know that even under a normal circumstances, a very large share of the population has phobias for pathogens.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich: Update on Corona Committee Lawsuits (24:56, mp3), PlanetLockdownFilm.com circa Nov 2020
Bobby Kennedy
gave a speech here in Berlin on August 29th that was the largest demonstration that this country has ever had. Even though the mainstream media—there were more than a million people there—the mainstream media here made this into something of no consequence, like they’re telling there’s 17,000 people or so that came together. We know, because we had 34 lawyers on the ground, [we] were cooperating with members of the police force. We know it was way more than a million.
But he reminded people of something that—not just of what his uncle said some 50 years ago, “Ich bin ein Berliner.” Famous, absolutely famous. Every German will always remember this. But also of a quote of Franklin D Roosevelt: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” And that’s what they’re doing. They’re trying to keep everyone in fear by pretending, by using these marionettes like
Drosten and Wieler and Tedros—who’s kind of slipped into the background right now—but trying to use fear so that people will believe everyone, even their closest neighbors and relatives, is a danger to them; could be a super spreader. Even if they’re completely healthy and show no symptoms.
That’s why I’m saying: It’s not just a lie about PCR tests can tell us something about infections. In addition they needed to lie about people can be infectious even if they don’t show any symptoms. That’s another thing, because Drosten
knows that he’s lying. When he first published a preprint, where he wrote a preprint on January the 30th [
Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany,
New England Journal of Medicine 2020; 382:970-971] about how this woman from Wuhan came to Frankfurt and infected a lot of people without her having any any symptoms; that was wrong. There was a journalist by the name of
Kai Kupferschmidt who pointed this out and said, Hey this is wrong. [
Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed,
Science, 3 Feb 2020] This woman did show symptoms because she was taking anti-flu medication. You don’t do that if you don’t have any symptoms. But still he published his paper without correcting this.
So what you have here is lie number one: There can be infections without symptoms so that everybody here is afraid of everybody even though nobody shows any symptoms, nobody is seriously sick. And the second lie is the PCR tests, with their positive results, tell us about infections. And there you have it. That’s the stage which is perfect for this panic which is playing out.
MCM on the Forbidden Bookshelf, masking, eugenics, and the whole damn thing (1:18:43, this mp3 begins at 0:29), Jason Bosch, 17 Oct 2020
Beginning at
Hill and Knowlton ... are really seasoned propagandists with a
tremendous amount of skill and immeasurable influence and they
are participating in this mask drive which has all the earmarks
of classic propaganda. In some ways it is completely comparable
to the propaganda under the Nazis, actually—and I can
defend that claim which may sound inflammatory to some people.
There is no scientific or medical justification for demanding that
healthy people wear masks during a pandemic. This has never happened
in the history of pandemics. There were a few cities out west during
so-called spanish flu pandemic,
a few cities passed local ordinances, municipal ordinances requiring
people to wear gauze masks. But the idea that whole populations of
healthy people should wear masks is preposterous first of all because
they don’t do anything to slow the spread or prevent infection and
this has been proven.
Now you and I can discuss this evidence like adults. All too many
chronological grown-ups of my acquaintance, highly educated liberal
people, progressives, critical of the media, etc., they simply
cannot allow this evidence to enter their minds. They just become
angry or they shut down. I mean it is the damnedest thing and I
think it has to do with the fear of death and we can get into the
deeper reasons for this resistance. But the CDC itself just quietly
released a report
finding that the vast majority of new Covid-19 cases were
people who always wore cloth masks.
Not just sometimes, but the most religious maskers tended to be more
susceptible to Covid-19. I think it was 108 out of 158 subjects in this
study. [10-20-20 MCM NOTE: It now appears that that CDC report is too
sloppy to permit that inference. There’s other evidence, so far
informally presented, that the masks are only making people more
susceptible to COVID; but that report is not itself reliable.] This has to
do with the growing evidence that the masks—especially cloth masks
which most people wear—and remember Dr Fauci is always on camera with
a cloth mask on—that those masks seem to expedite infection. They
don’t prevent it.
So they don’t they don’t work, first of all. But beyond that
they’re positively unhealthy. They cause hypoxia which is deoxygenation
which can cause brain damage. It certainly impairs short-term memory.
And here we have a mandate that includes children in school all over
the country. I mean, this is grotesque. They’re there to learn, not
to be traumatized with social distancing and compulsory mask wearing.
It causes hypoxia. it causes hypercapnia which is CO2 overload. And
maybe even more important it weakens your immune system. The lungs
are an excretory organ, like the bladder or the colon. The lungs
naturally expel pathogens from the body, pathogens that your body
wants to get rid of. If you’re wearing a mask you are breathing
that stuff in again.
So what we have going on now because of this propaganda is a kind of
global medical experiment on healthy populations as people are spending
hours and hours wearing masks, even outdoors, even during exercise. And
doctors are reporting a strange increase in bacterial pneumonia and
outbreaks of strep in schools, there’s one in Michigan. Dentists are
discovering all kinds of gum infections. People are developing rashes on
their faces because they’re not wearing these masks the way health
professionals do: just for a little bit of time a day and knowing how
to do it. They’re wearing them all the time and they’re often not
clean, they often fiddle with them.
Let me just say one last thing about the health effects.
There’s also the fact which the police and politicians and
avid maskers don’t care about: there are many many people who
have medical conditions that mean they should not wear masks and
the authority for this is OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration. This is a federal agency. One of the few honest
ones which has the job of making sure that workplaces are
safe for workers.
They regard mask wearing as a serious issue
because if you have asthma, if you have diabetes, if you have COPD, if you have
hypertension, if you have heart disease,
you should not ever be made
to wear a mask. You are federally exempt because of those conditions.
So how do these governors and mayors and Dr Fauci and the rest of them,
the World Health Organization, how is it that they all demand that
everybody wear masks? That even children over the age of two, as in
many states, wear masks? This is not just ill-advised, this is
downright perverse. This is so perverse that it really makes a rational
person wonder if they’re not trying to get people, [to] make people sick,
if they’re not trying to do that.
The same is the case with this big push to get people to get flu shots
in advance of the second wave. There are
many many studies by now,
one conducted by the Department of Defense,
one in the British Medical Journal,
finding that flu shots increase the risk of acute respiratory
infection significantly. There have been some studies of how many
people in Northern Italy had had flu shots—the people who got
really sick—and the answer is a lot of them, maybe all of them.
So this huge push to get flu shots when it’s one of the last things you
should do, like this ever tightening mask mandate which is now being
pushed with extraordinary fanaticism and insistence as the so-called pandemic
recedes in the rear view mirror. Now we’re hearing about cases exploding;
this is all the
New York Times talks about. “Cases”,
there’s a spike, a surge in “cases”. That’s meaningless.
Because the “cases” they’re talking about are simply people
testing positive. They don’t have any symptoms. And what does it mean
to say they’re testing positive? It means these PCR tests—which were
invented to diagnose viruses, they were invented for another
purpose—happened to pick up genetic debris from, like you had a
cold six months ago or something like that, and you’ll test positive.
The level of false positives is really startling and the
New York
Times of all outlets
ran a piece on August 29th saying that up to
90 percent of positive tests may be false positives. That’s the
New York Times. It didn’t make a dent in their ongoing
terror campaign.
Corona Conversations 5 – Defending Academic Freedom In The Time Of COVID (VERMONT / NYC DIALOGUE) (1:04:16, mp3), Rob Williams, Vermont Independent, 13 Oct 2020
From Vermont Independent: Academic Freedom V. Viral Censorship (PETITION’ING FOR FREE AND OPEN INQUIRY) 8 October
MWN Episode 194 – Mark Crispin Miller on the Politics and Propaganda of 2020 (1:06:56, mp3), S.T. Patrick, Midnight Writer News Show 8 Oct 2020
MCM at 21:15:
Propaganda wants no argument. It’s not like oratory in ancient Greece where one speaker would follow another, they would disagree publicly, and the people would listen and make up their own minds. That’s not how propaganda works. Propaganda wants to monopolize all the space around it. It wants to monopolize every mind within its reach. It wants no contradiction. Those who dissent, those who disagree are either censored or vilified or both and that’s one sign of the fact that we’re living in the shadow of a totalitarian roll out, the likes of which the world has never known because this is global....
at 57:34:
I used to think this kind of comparison hyperbolic but I don’t any longer. The press now is no more reliable or honest or conducive to the general good than the press in Nazi Germany. I see them as very similar and if one reads William Shirer’s famous
Berlin Diary – he was over there reporting for CBS News by radio, he kept a diary that he smuggled out of the country when the Nazis finally threw him out. You can see entries in which he describes these disorienting moments when he sees that everything the German people were being told was completely false and something that everybody outside Germany knew to be false.
Complete Transcript: Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One (38:49, mp3), Leah Wilson, Esq., Stand for Health Freedom, 12 Oct 2020
Vera Sharav is a Holocaust survivor, a public advocate for human rights, a fierce critic of the medical establishment, and the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention. AHRP serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research and bring accountability to that endeavor. AHRP Infomails have a wide following: they are read by physicians and scientists, public health officials, journalists, lawyers, and patient advocacy organizations.
In the interview Sharav implores people to begin “rebelling against things that are wrong” and stand up against attacks on medical and individual freedom, directed by corporations and governments under the guise of keeping everyone “safe” from SARS-CoV-2. From first-hand experience as a child who survived the holocaust, Sharav draws critical parallels between Nazi Germany—including experiments on children and adults carried out by that regime—and what’s happening today involving what is being termed the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Propaganda does not want any argument.” A conversation with NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller (1:43:00, video, mp3), Bretigne Shaffer, What Then Must We Do?, 28 Sep 2020
MCM beginning at 31:03:
Propaganda does not want any argument. It’s not like oratory. The formal course title [of MCM’s class at NYU] is “
Mass Persuasion and Propaganda”. I think that’s a misnomer because propaganda is not mass persuasion. Persuasion refers to oratory in ancient Greece and Rome where there would be different speakers propounding different positions and the audience would make up its mind as to which one to believe. That’s not what propaganda wants. Propaganda wants to monopolize the space. It wants no disagreement. It wants no contradiction and it will do everything it can to prevent it.
You’ll notice that Bill Gates, the world’s doctor without a medical training or even an undergraduate degree, he’s now this big authority. I remember during the attacks on
Andy Wakefield, over his study noting a correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism in children, that Gates was there, I think [with] Anderson Cooper or some other shill, tearing into Doctor Wakefield. He has badmouthed Bobby Kennedy in meetings with Trump. This is a matter of public record. Would Gates ever debate either of these guys? Never in a million years. Gates can’t be challenged. He’s very thin skinned. He also is completely self-interested and there’s much worse to say about
what he’s doing. But the point is his intolerance of disagreement is typical propaganda generally. That it does not want anyone to cast a shadow on its narratives....
Beginning at 34:41:
I agree with Bobby Kennedy, Jr., about this; the Left is unrecognizable. I think I can explain what’s happened in so far as it’s rationally explicable. Propaganda depends, for its most effective work, on fear. Modern propaganda dates from World War I. This is the first time that states engaged in the systematic incitement of their populations, specifically the UK—Britain and the United States. They had to do this to win popular support for a war that nobody really understood the reasons for because the reasons were kept secret. And a war that was going to be an unprecedented slaughter because it involved such technical innovations as barbed wire and tanks and poison gas and land mines. We can add to the list of lethal innovations from that war, modern propaganda. Governments had been doing propaganda for centuries but now it was a real science with a tremendous amount of technical advantages.
The British were extraordinarily adept at this and taught Hitler plenty. He says this in
Mein Kampf, that he learned about proper propaganda practice from the British, based on fear. Fear and anger. So you are deliberately and systematically filled with dread and hatred, for a long time, dread and hatred of some enemy. Some national enemy. So it was “The Hun”. They called the Germans, The Huns. Even though Germany was the last to mobilize and did everything it could to avoid the war, they were cast as the aggressors. [The British] invented all these ludicrous stories of German soldiers impaling Belgian babies on bayonets and cutting the breasts off of nurses and all this baloney that they made up. And they made it up with the help of some of England’s leading literary lights. Arthur Conan Doyle took part in this and others. It was called the
Bryce Committee. Lord Bryce ran this committee that oversaw these bogus depositions with supposed eyewitnesses to these atrocities.
And the
New York Times, let me say, went ape with this. They ran with this. They have a really sordid history, the
Times does, of jumping headlong into every major propaganda drive the state has waged since then and probably before then. They also played down the Holocaust, scandalously, for complicated reasons. There’s a whole book about this called
Buried By The Times by Laurel Leff [
review]. A very good book. They also were pro-Stalin throughout the thirties. They were apologists for Stalin. And we’re supposed to believe them now?
There’s been a gradual advance in sophistication in the use of this fear mongering tactic over the decades as the elites have also become more unified globally, wealthier and more powerful and I think more intent on making the big jump to total global control. I think that is what we’re seeing now. It was one thing to demonize Germany or Japan after Pearl Harbor or any national enemy, throughout the Cold War, do it to the Soviets, etc. That’s familiar to us. There was a big, a great leap forward with 911, because we now went from fearing some particular nation, or the Communists who were already imagined as being under every bed in the fifties at a time when there were very few actual members of the Communist Party and I think half of them were FBI agents. Now it was terrorism. It was terror, the war on terror. Terror is even more imprecise than communism. It’s not really an ideology. Terror, the war on terror – What is that? And where are they? Who are they? Well they could be anywhere. They’ll be sending us
anthrax in the mail. They’ll be carrying nuclear weapons in suitcases.
So that was the beginning of exacting mass compliance to onerous travel restrictions and taking your shoes off at the airport. Stuff like that. Even then, already, educated people were
shying away from asking any questions about that. But some did. But this is a whole new ball game or team. This is terror of the virus. The virus. The dreaded corona virus which could be anywhere. Which could be on any surface. Which could be floating in any air that you might pass through including out in the sunlight, in the street. Somebody could jog past you and infect you with this fatal virus. This is all fantasy.
I don’t doubt the existence of Covid-19. I don’t think anybody knows exactly what it is, yet. Whether it’s actually a virus at all or something else. Some kind of lab-created concoction. Luc Montaigner, the Nobelist in France who won that prize for his work on the HIV virus examined what they’re calling Covid-19 and
found bits of HIV inserted into it which proves that it can’t possibly have emerged from bat soup in the wet market from Wuhan. That story comes right out of the ending of the movie, Contagion, if anyone has seen that. That’s a propaganda film extolling the CDC and anticipating the crisis we’re going through now.
Now it’s so frightening that we’re being told that we can’t congregate at all unless we’re protesting police killing of black [people]—somehow BLM supporters don’t get Covid-19 or transmit it. But any other congregation is forbidden. Certainly any protests against lockdowns are forbidden. Going to church is forbidden. Going to synagogue is forbidden. Any worship is forbidden unless you’re home alone. Weddings are forbidden. Funerals are forbidden....
Beginning at 55:35:
I tell the class at the beginning: It’s easy for us to spot propaganda that we don’t agree with. Ask any liberal, What’s an example of propaganda? They’ll say, Fox News. Well, Fox News is very propagandistic. Although I have to add that on the covid thing they’ve actually done far better reporting than the
New York Times. I never thought I’d hear myself saying such a thing. I’ve been on Fox and it was always adversarial. I wrote two books on the Bush-Cheney nightmare [
The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder (2001),
Cruel And Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order (2004)] and a book on the theft of the 2004 election [
Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform (2007)].
I’m on a right-wing blacklist called
Professor Watchlist which was compiled last year, alphabetized by first name so it’s not the most sophisticated thing in the world. But for me to be saying that Fox is a far more reliable outlet on this crisis than the
Times, is really pretty significant. But we can’t see it because it’s happening to us and it’s successfully pushing our buttons. I should say the buttons of the left.
There’s something to add here that’s very very important and it’s in Ernest Becker’s classic book,
The Denial of Death which he published in 1973. This civilization denies death. We live in the constant, neurotic denial of the fact of death and we are somehow led to believe that it doesn’t have to happen to us. This pandemic—which doesn’t actually rise to the level of a pandemic for epidemiological reasons—but this crisis which has people convinced they’re going to die, which has people somehow thinking that nobody dies of anything else, that it’s
the cause of death, so that they’re actually indifferent to the countless deaths that have been caused and are being caused by the lockdown; through
hunger, suicide, drug overdose, domestic violence, despair, loneliness, medical neglect. This is taking a catastrophic toll on countless people, exponentially more people than have succumbed to Covid-19. But all these people hysterical with fear over it, and I’m talking about educated people—I’m talking even about some progressive activists I know. They think that this is the big, this is death. The Grim Reaper is Covid-19. And Becker makes the point that when you’re in the grip of the fear of death it causes you to embrace your preconceptions even more tightly. You become more firmly wedded to your assumptions and beliefs, your tribal feelings. And, of course, when we’re traumatized we naturally turn to authoritative voices for some kind of assurance, some kind of advice as to what we can do.
Bretigne Shaffer:
It’s like we become children again.
That’s exactly it. It’s infantilizing. We become children. We want Mommy and Daddy to protect us. We’ll do whatever they say. We’ll put on a mask everywhere we go, regardless of the evidence that that’s actually a very dangerous practice for healthy people. As I note in
the essay, three teenagers in China who were running laps in their gym classes with masks on
dropped dead in the late spring. This was reported throughout China and Japan. I also had a Chinese student find three other news items in China about three adults, two of whom were doing their morning exercises in masks and dropped dead and one of whom slipped into a coma (may be dead by now I have no idea). This news was covered in Asia but not here. Why not? Why is it that it’s okay to demand that asthmatics and diabetics and people with low blood pressure or hypertension or COPD, all kinds of cardiovascular diseases, heart conditions, why should they have to be wearing masks? When OSHA—just go on the
OSHA website—has very strict stipulations about the workplace and when populations should not be asked to mask, the media never mentions any of this. These terrified people, skulking through the streets with these masks on, often in the heat, they see somebody without a mask on and their instinct is to attack them and shame them, scold them and report them. This is beyond grotesque. This is the opposite of what a government that cares about the health of its people would do. [excerpt ends at:
1:01:00; immediately following this is a brief analysis of the
efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine.]
Beginning at 1:23:13:
It’s tough. I can’t pretend it’s going to be easy. But I also can’t believe that it’s impossible because what’s in the works is so monumentally perverse and destructive, it really is so evil that I have a hard time believing it can succeed. That may be a leap of faith on my part but it’s what I think. And the more people are confronted with the evidence that the narrative is false, the stronger we become at acting to prevent it en masse. Now some are skeptical as to whether that’s even possible with crowd control technologies and so on and it may not take the form of mass protests because mass protests have been weaponized now. They’ve been used, they’ve been distorted. I know a lot of baby-boomers who get choked up when they see BLM rallies, they think it’s the March on the Pentagon in the seventies. They’re wrong. This is permitted protest. This is state-sanctioned protest. These are protests blessed by Bill and Melinda Gates and Jeff Bezos and Jamie Dimon. Goldman Sachs is telling us that Black Lives Matter. Seriously? Apple, Google, Amazon, Black Lives Matter? Tell that to the black workers in Jeff Bezos’ Amazon warehouses where they’re constantly making 911 calls because workers are keeling over from work speed-ups. Mitt Romney thinks Black Lives Matter? Big investor in private prisons?
The bad faith is, you can’t make it up. And I think that there are a lot more people than we realize who get that. That’s a very hopeful thing. There are a lot more people than we think who get it. So if I get fired or god forbid something else, you can’t stop resistance as it spreads without becoming more draconian. You may have seen that Heiko Schöning, the German doctor was going to speak in London was hauled off by the police before he could speak
on no charge. This was outright, explicit fascist police behavior or they were following fascist orders. This is Great Britain. This is not China. And this is a guy who was going to speak to an assembly of British citizens out of a position of medical authority and experience
and they just arrested him. Now that’s scary on the one hand but see that it’s also a sign of desperation. And that’s, I think the fact that they’re coming after me suggests that
people are listening to me. They’re going to listen. They’re going to look for other information. They’re going to do that once they’ve understood that what they’ve been told is false.
I think that the heart of the real revolutionary resistance is going to be the parents of vaccine-injured children. That’s a huge population and those many many young people who themselves have been very badly damaged by HPV vaccines. The more vaccinations they give, the more of these toxic vaccinations they give, the bigger those numbers are going to get. [excerpt ends at:
Beginning at 1:39:24:
SARS, MERS, Hong Kong Flu, there’s never been an S curve. It’s
exactly as you say: the thing surges and then it declines, runs its course. It
runs out of people to infect. It mutates and becomes weaker. That’s what
happens. The more people who test positive—although the tests are
a complete joke—the better. Most cases are asymptomatic and most
people are becoming immune to it without a vaccine. This is all so
elementary. Knowing that healthy people have never been quarantined in any
previous pandemic. Not even the
so-called Spanish Flu. They haven’t
been required to wear masks. There were a few cities out west during that
flu, or that illness, that had mask ordinances. They wanted
people to wear gauze on their faces. Ridiculous.
But this is unprecedented. But you see, the fear, the fear of death, the
terror, the panic, has people with functional minds acting like morons.
They’re sinking to their knees and they’re begging for Bill Gates
and Dr. Fauci to save them. They don’t know anything about these
guys’ histories which are shocking. And if you say the kinds of things
I’m saying to you, now, you’re attacked. Even in the classroom,
now. So this is a turning point.
But I think we are obligated, look. We can look back at certain moments
and all agree, at this comfortable distance, that the acquiescence of
the Germans is appalling. Those good Germans. How could they? How did
they feel afterwards? What did they say? What did they say to themselves?
What did they tell their children? What did they do? Yeah. Right. True.
Well, all these people who are pro-lockdown now, all these people who
are vilifying unmasked people, all these people clamoring for vaccines,
saying I’m not going to go back into the classroom till there’s
a vaccine: these people are doing the exact same thing. What I’m
suggesting is—I’m saying this not to shame them, because they
can’t be shamed—I’m saying it to remind ourselves that just
as those who saw what was coming were obligated back then to speak out
against it, however they could, so are we. So are we. We’re
obligated to do that too. To do it now and we’re doing it here and now.
Discovering the hidden narrative behind the covid-19 pandemic Prof Mark Crispin Miller, (58:00, mp3), Progressive Commentary Hour with Gary Null, Progressive Radio Network, 22 Sep 2020
Prof Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of media, culture and communications at New York University where he specializes in modern propaganda, history of advertising, film and the mainstream media. He is the lead chief editor of the series Forbidden Bookshelf at Open Road Media, which republishes important books that have been censored, banned, ignored or wrongly criticized in the course of American history — such as works by IF Stone, Lewis Mumford, Peter Dale Scott, Christopher Simpson and others. Mark received his Masters and Doctorate at Johns Hopkins University. He has written and contributed to many books, including “Loser take All” and “Fooled Again” which covered election fraud. He is also a playwright and sits on the boards of the Organization for Propaganda Studies and the Alliance for Human Research Protection, Mark hosts the news and commentary blog “News from the Underground” that can be found at his website MarkCrispinMiller.com.
Rocco Galati on CRC Lockdown Lawsuit, (50:07, mp3) 2 Sep 2020
Rocco Galati:
My career has been defined by, let’s say Nietzsche, who said that to the
entirely stone-deaf audience who can’t hear the music the man dancing
by himself must appear to be insane. But if there’s music you can hear it.
I’ve often taken unpopular cases and the problem with my cases is I win
a lot of them. So what does that say? Society has a hard time facing
truth sometimes, especially with the nasty issues....
Our culture
didn’t like the idea that you could challenge the powers that
be because we don’t really live in a republic. We fancy ourselves a
constitutional democracy but that’s a lot of political correctness.
At the end of the day we devolved from a monarchy and favor
rather than merit, an affiliation to a political tribe or any kind
of tribe, takes precedence over rationality in our society.
I always say to people, If you’re lucky enough to
have a good government that’s fine. And they say, Why don’t
you trust governments? I say, Why would I trust governments? I see
governments as an institutional manifestation of the beast and homo
sapien. Only governments have engaged in the following endeavors:
war, genocide, crimes against humanity, massive persecution based on
a rational basis. Other private groups don’t do that. It’s only
I can in two minutes summarize the entire statement of claim:
We’re seeking declaratory relief that Trudeau and Ford
have dispensed with Parliament and are acting under the
pretense of Royal Prerogative, something that was banned
in 1688 under the English Bill of Rights. They have abdicated
their duty to govern because they’re just delegees to the WHO.
We seek a declaration that the COVID measures are neither
scientific nor medically based, that the COVID measures are extreme,
irrational and unwarranted and that the COVID measures, to a large
extent, breach Sections Two, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Fifteen of the
[Canadian] Charter [of Rights and Freedoms] and I can break down
those sections.
Masking Unmasked! A Journey to a Parallel Universe, Mark Crispin Miller interviewed by Steve Bhaerman (51:20, mp3), Wili Politiki, 1 Sep 2020
On this week’s show, we are going to take a journey to a parallel universe – a reality just as real as this one, maybe even more real, where people believe that wearing masks DOESN’T make most people safer during the COVID crisis. It’s a reality where thousands of Europeans have taken to the streets to protest lockdown, where a huge crowd listened to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speak out against mandatory vaccinations in the same spot where his Uncle John F. Kennedy spoke in Berlin nearly sixty years ago. It’s a reality where the people who showed up are not right-wing neo-Nazis as the New York Times proclaimed, but ordinary citizens from across the political spectrum alarmed by what they see as totalitarianism.
Our guide is journalist Mark Crispin Miller, who set out on a journey some fifteen years ago to delve into the truth about America’s “electile dysfunction”, and found himself at odds with his own “progressive” tribe. The further he has gone into exploring what others have termed “conspiracy theories”, the more he has discovered “con’s piracy facts” – discomforting truths that indicate that those with too much money and too much power – conman pirates — have already decided what our future will be like, and this future may not be to our liking.
“We need to know what it is that frontline health care workers use to
protect themselves from the coronavirus. They wear a mask and a face
shield and goggles as well as booties, gloves, and a gown. That’s quite
a getup. I know nurses, I know one in particular who worked at Elmhurst
Hospital, the notorious epicenter of the epicenter, she served there for
a month as a volunteer from Florida and she knows all about this. She
explained to me what precautions they took. (Let me add also that she
discovered that people were essentially being murdered there; that’s
Episode 9 in Perspectives on the Pandemic - a must see.)
“At any rate, the idea that non-health care professionals, just average
healthy people could protect themselves against such a virus just by
wearing a mask, just by wearing a cloth mask—cloth masks are the
most hazardous. There was a study in the British Medical Journal, I think
in 2015, which warned against the use of cloth facemasks by health care
professionals because they tend to be infectious. They trap bacteria.
They retain moisture.
“This is a body of studies concerning health care professionals who at
least know how to wear masks properly. Now we have a moment where
healthy people all over the world are being required to wear masks
which not only will fail to protect them but which actually compromise
your health. It actually weakens your immune system. It induces
conditions such as hypoxia, which is a de-oxygenation, which makes
you irritable and dumber.”
Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr Global’s Bid for Economic Totalitarianism and Transhumanism – IF We Allow It (48:32, mp3), Planet Lockdown Movie, mid-August 2020
Zach Vorhies: YouTube / Google Whistleblower Reveals A Dangerous Agenda! (51:23, mp3), 6 Aug 2020
A former insider who worked at YouTube / Google, Zach Vorhies shares his story about what he uncovered while working for the tech giant.
Zach Vorhies became a whistleblower after he discovered what he believed to be high crimes committed by Google against entire nations, including the United States.
Google sent the police after Zach when they discovered he had taken over 950 pages of documents from the company which he handed over to the Department of Justice.
Mr. Vorhies also shares a plan to end the censorship and possibly break up the monopoly that has become possibly the most powerful corporation in the world, Google.
Zach Vorhies’ Website
Zach’s Twitter Account
Campaign To End Censorship
The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D’État With Patrick Wood (45:53, mp3), Spiro Skouras 21 Jul 2020
Technocracy was a movement that started in the 1930s. They defined themselves. It’s still true today as it was back then. In 1938 in the magazine they published called
The Technocrat, they said:
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of this continent.”
That’s the economic flavor of this whole thing. It was not a political system. They hated politicians. They wanted to do away with the entire political structure and simply manage the economy – where people live – that’s where people do stuff. And they wanted to do it with what they called the science of social engineering. Anywhere you see somebody practicing social engineering, you’re touching the heart of a technocrat.
In this interview, Spiro is joined by Patrick Wood who is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. Spiro and Patrick Wood discuss what is technocracy, who are the technocrats and what is their agenda. The two also analyze how the social engineers have positioned themselves to capitalize upon this manufactured crisis to implement their technocratic agenda.
Technocracy News & Trends
Citizens For Free Speech
Patrick Wood YouTube
Patrick Wood Facebook
Patrick Wood Twitter
Banned Youtube Video: My State Authorized Mandatory Vaccination ... Has Yours?
Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable (45:47, mp3), interviewed by Freddie Sayers, Lockdown TV from UnHerd 18 Jul 2020
Accompanying Article; Key quotes:
2:55 – Masks
• Tom Jefferson: “Aside from people who are exposed on the frontlines, there is no evidence that masks make any difference, but what’s even more extraordinary is the uncertainty: we don’t know if these things make any difference.... We should have done randomised control trials in February, March and April but not anymore because viral circulation is low and we will need huge number of enrollees to show whether there was any difference”.
• Carl Heneghan: “By all means people can wear masks but they can’t say it’s an evidence-based decision... there is a real separation between an evidence-based decision and the opaque term that ‘we are being led by the science’, which isn’t the evidence”.
9:26 – Pandemic life cycle
• CH: “One of the keys of the infection is to look at who’s been infected, which shows a crucial difference when comparing the pandemic theory to seasonal theory. In a pandemic you’d expect to see young people disproportionately affected, but in the UK we’ve only had six child deaths, which is far less than we’d normally see in a pandemic. The high number of deaths with over-75s fits with the seasonal theory”.
14:00 – Covid seasonality
• CH: “The stability of the virus is far less when the temperature goes up but humidity seems to be particularly important. The lower the humidity, the more stable the virus is in the atmosphere and on surfaces... It’s now winter in the southern hemisphere, which is why places like Australia are suddenly having outbreaks.”
20:37 – Lockdown
• CH: “Many people said that we should have locked down earlier, but 50% of care homes developed outbreaks during the lockdown period so there are issues within the transmission of this virus that are not clear... Lockdown is a blunt tool and there needs to be intelligent conversations about what mitigation strategies can keep society functioning while we keep the most vulnerable shielded”.
25:20 – Nightingale hospitals
• CH: “They are the wrong structure. What you need is fever hospitals which were here until around the 1980s or 90s. They were on single floors and had isolation within isolation. Theere were no lift shafts and staff were trained, which meant that everyone was protected from each other... It looks like at least 20% of people got the infection while they were in hospital”
27:30 – Suppression strategy
• CH: “The benefits of the current strategy are outweighed by the harms...When it comes to suppression, only the virus will have a determination in that. If you follow the New Zealand policy of suppressing it to zero and locking down the country forever, then you’re going to have a problem... This virus is so out there now, I cannot see a strategy that makes suppression the viable option. The strategy right now should be how we learn to live with this virus”
32:45 – Response to the virus
• TJ: “I am a survivor of four pandemics and for the other three, I didn’t even realise they were going on. People died but nothing changed and none of the fabric of society was eroded like this response... Do I see steps being taken at a European level about learning from our mistakes and changing policies? The answer is no...
39:30 – Politics of the virus
• CH: “We as individuals are part of the problem because sensationalism drives people to click and read the information. So it’s a big circle because we’ve created the problem — if we put the worst case scenario out there, we will go and have a look. If you want a solution, you’ve got to get people to stop clicking on this sensationalist stuff”.
43:30 – IFR
• CH: “We will be down about where we were with the swine flu: around 0.1-0.3% which is much lower than what we think because at the moment we are seeing the case fatality”.
• TJ: “If you look at the whole narrative, it was distorted from the very beginning by the obsession with influenza which was just one or two agents and nothing else existed. We’re no different now”.
Prof Carl Heneghan: can we trust Covid-19 death numbers? (16:12, mp3), Lockdown TV from UnHerd 17 Jun 2020
Professor Carl Heneghan is Director of the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University, and has been paying close attention to the Covid-19 statistics. In a post yesterday evening he revealed an extraordinary detail: the Public Health England daily death totals announced to the media include anyone who has ever tested positive for Covid-19—even if they recovered completely.
Key quotes:
There was “massive confusion” about different Covid data between England’s health bodies. “Public Health England figures are about double the ONS figures because PHE are reporting anybody who has had a positive Covid death in the past... This will get increasingly confusing as we go into the next Winter because there could be a new outbreak and new deaths while also still reporting on historical deaths... This is a problem for epidemiologists and media... ”
Even a “28 period cut-off is still not ideal for accurate death numbers because there is “immediate cause and underlying cause... Immediate cause means you’ve had Covid within 21 days but outside of that, it becomes the underlying cause — something that contributed to your death but wasn’t a direct cause. A 21 day cut-off would be helpful because it gives a clearer understanding of that distinction”
“We follow excess deaths which is the most accurate information about what’s going on at that moment, but it can’t tell you what those deaths are caused by” (i.e. people not coming forward with heart attacks etc)
“There’s an important distinction between lives lost and life years lost. One of the things we’ll be watching very closely over the next six months is how many people would have actually died in the next six months... That’s where the excess deaths really matter. If we start to see it trend significantly under for the next few months, we’ll start to come forward with information that suggests there was a group of vulnerable people that any respiratory infection would have shortened their life.”
“In the media you’ll always hear about catastrophe and the consequences of that. One of the things we notice is that when you don’t hear anything that usually means there’s good news happening. So when Sweden looks worse you hear about it but when it’s not so bad, like now, you never see it in the media.”
The Global Research Report: The COVID-19 Lockdown: Economic & Social Impacts – Interview with Peter Koenig (38:41, mp3), Global Research TV, 15 Jul 2020
The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to trigger the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair.
Michel Chossudovsky interviews Author, Economist, Former World Bank staff member, World Health Organization consultant, and Geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig.
“Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but in fact your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable – it doesn’t matter. They are less than the 0.0001%.” (Peter Koenig, July 2020)
RFK, Jr. on the end-game of the Gates/Big Pharma syndicate, its poisonous vaccines, and Dr. Fauci’s role (53:28, mp3), 14 Jul 2020
See Also: Summary of full recording by Darwin Hoop
Beginning at 32:34
Right now we’re watching Facebook and all these other companies
punish us if we don’t—if we say the wrong thing. What
if they can take your money away? What if they can shut you down
completely if you don’t obey? That’s what digital currencies let
them do and of course they’re going to use the pretense that
paper currency is carrying the covid virus so we have to get rid of
it as a biosecurity concern.
It’s all part of this effort to drive biosecurity into the
leading factor in all foreign and domestic policy and that
biosecurity excuse gives them a chance to impose conditions
on human beings that no government, no tyranny, not the worst tyranny in
history—not Mao Tse Tung, not Pol Pot, not Joseph Stalin, not
Adolf Hitler—did not have the power that these people now have
to tell you, to tell everybody in our country: You have to stay in your house,
You have to wear a mask, You can’t go to the beach, You can’t
hike in the woods, You can’t get close to your girlfriend, You
can’t hold somebody’s hand, You can’t send your children
to school. We’re gonna treat little kids like they’re
a biohazard and we’re going to teach them that their fellow students are
We have a government telling us to do all these things and
I don’t object to the government telling me to do it if they
tell me what the rationale is. But they’ve lied to us from
day one about this virus. First of all of the estimates of how
many people it’s going to kill. They said 2 million in this
country. We now know those were completely fraudulent, never
peer reviewed estimates that were created by Bill Gates and his
lackey Neil Ferguson, a guy who is this biostatistician who
is notorious, in every pandemic from hoof and mouth disease to
covid, of exaggerating, of just lying [See: The Ferguson Effect, 9 Apr 2020 and The expert behind the Covid-19 shutdown was wrong on CJD and foot-and-mouth, and is probably wrong again now. But he’s not alone, 1 Apr 2020]
So they told us that and that prompted the lockdown. Then all
of the testing kits, the way that they’re reporting the
disease, the way that they’re testing for it where at CDC, we
now know, it was never distinguished between the antibody tests
and the test that test whether you have an active virus.
We have no idea when they say All these people in Texas,
All these people in Florida are all infected and
Holy cow it’s galloping across the country. But we don’t
know whether those are old antibodies maybe from a cold,
common cold that they got 10 years ago. And nobody’s reporting
what the deaths are and that is really the only relevant metric.
Now I look at CNN every day, I’m just sick to my stomach
because they won’t tell me where are we on the death curve?
It’s the only curve that counts. And they’re telling us all
of the—they’re deliberately trying to frighten us all
the time rather than trying to have what we need to have. Now
they’re gaming all of these numbers and you have to be stupid
to not see that they’re doing that or completely naïve.
I’m ready to do whatever I need to do for my country, my
community, to protect people. But I do not want to be ordered
to do things that don’t make any sense to me, that are not
the product of policies that come from open debate, civil debate
and respectful debate that is based on empirical scientific
facts. I do not want to be motivated by fear. I will not let
somebody scare me into doing something and I think most people,
most Americans, I think feel that way. They don’t want to
be frightened. Well anyway, a lot of us do. We don’t—it’s
not that we don’t want to do things that are going to help our
community and other people. We just see that this whole thing
is being gamed and that the public health officials have been
lying for years.
I remember, I was reading recently Polly, about John Anthony Morris.
John Anthony Morris
[1919-2014] was one of the greatest
bacteriologists in history. He worked for 32 years. He was
the chief bacteriologist at NIH and he was the guy who was
in charge in the early 70s in developing a flu vaccine.
He helped develop the flu vaccine and he said, you know what?
We actually are testing this vaccine and One, it’s coated
with extraneous bacteria. Number two, it doesn’t prevent
the flu. Number three it’s causing really bad neurological
outcomes in people and it’s fraudulent. When I said he
developed it, the companies developed the flu vaccine but
then they had to go through NIH’s process and he was the
guy who was in charge of monitoring those protocols and the
testing compliance with those protocols.
He told his bosses at NIH that this is a fraudulent vaccine.
It doesn’t work. It kills people. It causes brain damage. And
it may actually cause people to get the flu or make it more
likely that they get the flu, do something to their immune
system where they’re more likely to get the flu.
He was told to shut up and his bosses went to Congress—there
was a swine flu epidemic in 1976, and at Fort Dix one soldier
died—and they said this is the beginning of a swine flu
pandemic. It never materialized. And they said this is the
beginning and it’s going to kill more people than the Spanish Flu,
50 million people. 140 million people today could die from this
disease. They went to President Gerald Ford. They got 135 million
dollars, which was a huge amount of money back then, to create
140 million flu shots to give to 140 million Americans. And they
ended up giving it to 40 million.
They fired John Anthony Morris. He would not keep his mouth shut.
They locked his lab. They stole all of his notebooks and
they fired him for returning library books late. That was
the excuse that they needed to drum up because this guy was such
a good employee that he’d never done anything else wrong in 32
years. He ultimately sued them. He was completely exonerated by
the court and he was restored. But what he said is, in 1987 he
gave an interview to the New York Times, he said in the 11
years since this happened they’ve been selling this flu vaccine
to the American public and they’ve done nothing to improve it
and it’s fraudulent.
Dr Zelenko HCQ Deniers Are “Guilty Of Mass Murder” (45:19, mp3), The Highwire with Del Bigtree, 3 Jul 2020
As the Covid-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine continues to be portrayed by MSM as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug, Vladimir Zelenko, MD has been saving his patients’ lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March. In his first interview since his HCQ study was officially released, Del goes in depth with Zelenko about how he developed his protocol, the attack against the drug, and how his letter to the President might have changed history.
See Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows
Interview with Denis G. Rancourt, PhD: Anti-Maskers: Right Or Selfish? (22:46, mp3) TheHighWire with Del Bigtree, 25 Jun 2020
EXCERPT [6:56]
Here’s the latest best study in the sense that uses only these very
bias-free studies that says, ‘Look it doesn’t matter if you
sanitize surfaces it doesn’t matter if you’re washing your
hands and masks don’t work. It’s basically telling you that.
That’s what the science tells us. That’s the current science
and there’s good reason for that.
The reason is that we we know, and we have known for a decade now, that the
main transmission route of all of these types of virulent respiratory
diseases is very fine aerosol particles that are supported as part of the
fluid air. With those kinds of particles they’re going to get through
the sides of the masks—even the tiny wrinkles you have in your skin
and so on. There’s no way you can prevent these aerosol particles
from either entering or coming out.
So masks are not going to work under these circumstances and we know and we
understand why you get this transmission in the winter. That’s
because these fine aerosol particles are stabilized in the air when the
absolute humidity is low and as soon as summer comes around and
there’s more humidity in the air the transmissivity drops to a factor
of four or five lower so they just go away. You don’t transmit them
The Centers of transmission are in the winter. In mid-latitude countries
there’s a narrow band where you get these all these diseases that
behave the same way. They’ve been coevolving with us, with our
ancestors for five million years. This is happening all the time. It
happens in the winter so it’s reversed in the southern hemisphere at
those mid latitudes.
This is all extremely well understood science. It’s just that the
science policy people that you see on TV aren’t aware and don’t
read the top science and for some reason are not paying attention to it.
But the top scientists have known this for the last decade anyway.
Theo E.J. Wilson: A Voice Emerges (25:06, mp3), The Highwire with Del Bigtree, 25 Jun 2020
Theo E.J. Wilson, featured on CNN after he went undercover as a white supremist for BLM, has emerged with a powerful message on how the fight for racial equality crosses borders into the fight for medical freedom, and how incredibly important it is we don’t repeat history with the Covid-19 vaccine.
EXCERPT [17:18]
“One of the major things that we have to do is actually start talking
about, number one, our history. That’s one of the ways to bridge the
gap, Say, ‘Listen we’ve seen this kind of thing before, we’ve
seen these experiments on poor folks.’ [“‘Tuskegee always looms in our minds’: Some fear black Americans, hardest hit by coronavirus, may not get vaccine,” USA Today, 19 Apr 2020]
We’ve literally got the evidence right here in the book
Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington.
Go ahead look it up....
I think that the major thing that’s going to
be a a big weapon in our arsenal about not bringing it
[a covid-19 vaccine] to the black community first—y’all
got to do something else—is the fact that this is not only
a new vaccine but it’s an experimental science
altogether. People aren’t even really
talking about that aspect of it. Therefore
we really can’t afford any medical mistakes especially on the
cutting edge of something
that’s ultimately never been tried in
human beings. Why should we be the first
ones on the front lines? And Bill Gates,
Melinda Gates history—I’m sorry, I know
he’s being made into this big boogie man—but the fact
is, the facts are the facts. The evidence
is the evidence. And he shouldn’t have done
what he did in Africa and then we wouldn’t be having this
conversation. See what I’m saying?
One more thing that I’m going to say in this. People, when I
began to speak out of this, called me a conspiracy theorist. And,
I was, like, you know what? Martin Luther King was called a
conspiracy theorist to a certain degree and so was Malcolm X.
There’s so many conspiracies that have been proved right and until
you can divorce the capitalistic profit motive from the predatory
elements in any money-making venture, you cannot rule out conspiracy
altogether. That’s just not wise and it’s a historical.”
Special Solari Report: Contact Tracing & the HEROES Act with Mary Holland (57:26, mp3), Interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report 17 Jun 2020
Holland believes that legal action can and will turn around the catastrophic and unacceptable situation families face today. Anthropologist Margaret Mead once said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Robert F. Kennedy: Speaks About Covid-19 / Vaccines And More (1:33:25, mp3), Saneter Studio 8 Jun 2020
On June 8, Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined Curtis Cost on Sa Neter TV to discuss Covid-19, vaccines and more. Saneter Studio has been recognized as one of the leading YouTube sites for educational and current events.
Edwin Black: The Algorithm Ghetto, Cashless Society & Newgenics (25:54, mp3), Geopolitics & Empire 10 Jun 2020
Award-winning author Edwin Black joins us to discuss “Newgenics” and the Chinese-style “Social Credit Score” system which he believes will ultimately come to every nation on earth and which has been greatly accelerated by Covid-19. He describes how a person within such a system will become relegated to the “Algorithm Ghetto” with a “Non-Entity” or “Zombie” status. He looks at what this means for the future and what, if anything, individuals or nations can do to mitigate such a dystopian scenario.
“Digital ghetto,” “cashless society” pose threats even beyond Orwell, journalist contends,” Jan Worth-Nelson, East Village Magazine, 15 Apr 2018
Lecture on Nazi Eugenics: Hitler’s Idea for a Master Race was Born in the USA
(56:09, mp3), 10 Feb 2020
followed by:
Q & A on the Algorithm Ghetto
The Edwin Black Show - Episode 1: Nuremberg for COVID-19 (44:44, mp3), 27 Apr 2020
The map below features some of the projects Bloomberg is pursuing through his foundation including: behavioral economic nudges, blockchain identity, digital governance, labor market analytics, performance-based government contracting, and interoperable data systems. It is important to note in the upper left corner of the map his involvement with the Global Parliament of Mayors and their advancement of vaccinations as a key area of interest. Lots of data here. Lots of data to train AI.
Wrench in the Gears, 17 May 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
Bill and Melinda Gates have leading roles to play in the unfolding drama that is Covid-19. Everything seems to be advancing according to Davos’s plan. The soon-to-be trillionaire couple has provided useful cover for their fellow billionaires, the ones backstage pulling the ropes that will drop the Fourth Industrial Revolution scenery for the techno-fascist second act. Even now a chorus line of contact tracers assembles in the wings. In short order they’ll take center stage – donning newly minted digital certificates of compliance and indoctrination.
This post is about one of the production’s underwriters, Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg, in coordination with New York governor Andrew Cuomo, paid Johns Hopkins to choreograph this viral surveillance roll out with the Rockefeller Foundation looking on from the royal box.
Operation COVID-Lloyd: There Are Fates Worth Than Death! - Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes The Injection Fraud (57:34, mp3) James Corbett Interview #1550, 5 Jun 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts of solari.com interviews James Corbett
about his new 4-part documentary:
Who Is Bill Gates?
We go beyond the focus on Gates to discuss the syndicate that he
is leading, the business model it relies on, and the new form of
collateral that will underlie the digital economy: the human body.
Don’t miss this vital conversation that fills in the
missing pieces of the puzzle and draws back the curtains on the
real purpose of the injection fraud.
The Coronavirus Vaccine Uncensored | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree (5:12, mp3), Joni Table Talk, 22 May 2020
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree expose the shocking truth about the dangers of a Coronavirus vaccine that is not acknowledged nor discussed in MSM broadcast and print media. This clip was pulled from VACCINES - THE UNAUTHORIZED TRUTH (28:00) on "Joni Table Talk" with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree.
Two Billion Viewers. No Pharmaceutical advertisers. No Fear. An intense passion for the Truth “We own the Network. Our Boss is Jesus. We only answer to God”
RFK, Jr.: “Del and I just dropped some Mega Truth Bombs on our biggest audience since we torpedoed our careers and joined the Resistance. We spent an entire day shooting episodes with this amazing couple! Rev Marcus and Joni Lamb with Del Bigtree and me at the Daystar Television Network in Dallas. Episodes to air in 140 countries next week. Stay tuned. The fortress is crumbling. The Borg are about to meet Jesus.”
Banned by YouTube: Professor Karol Sikora discusses Covid-19 - Fear is More Deadly than the Virus (31:35, mp3), Freddie Sayers, News and Discussion Program - UnHerd, 21 May 2020
Freddie Sayers interviews Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at
the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme.
Professor Karol Sikora has become something of a celebrity in the UK over the past months for his expert commentary on the pandemic, and his unusual tendency for optimism rather than pessimism. We had a wide-ranging discussion, in which he said:
Virus ‘getting tired’
In the past two weeks, the virus is showing signs of petering out
It’s as though the virus is ‘getting tired’, almost ‘getting bored’
It’s happening across the world at the same time
Existing herd immunity
The serology results around the world (and forthcoming in Britain) don’t necessarily reveal the percentage of people who have had the disease
He estimates 25-30% of the UK population has had Covid-19, and higher in the group that is most susceptible
Pockets of herd immunity help already explain the downturn
Sweden’s end result will not be different to ours—lockdown versus no lockdown
Fear more deadly than the virus
When the history books are written, the fear will have killed many more people than the virus, including large numbers of cancer and cardiological patients not being treated
We should have got the machinery of the NHS for non-corona patients back open earlier
Masks and schools
Evidence on masks is just not there either way so it should be an ‘individual decision’
We should move to 1m social distancing which means restaurants and bars could reopen
More schools should reopen in June as ‘children are not the transmitters of this virus’
We should be getting back to the ‘old normal’ not a ‘new normal’
Should You Really Wear A Mask? (17:59, mp3) Del Bigtree interviews Prof. Dolores J. Cahill, PhD, The Highwire, 15 May 2020
[This] table ... compares Corona viruses with Ebola viruses.
If it was an Ebola virus outbreak then a mask would be
effective because Ebola virus is transmitted through the
air. But in the case of Coronavirus it’s not transmitted
through the air, it’s transmitted through droplets, that
then would drop on the surface like a door handle. So in
Coronavirus there is absolutely no need to wear a mask
and also that means there’s no necessity for Corona viruses.
But also I entirely agree with
Professor Blaylock who has
an outstanding track record and is very experienced in
this area.
But because the mask is covering you, you have less oxygen
and that puts your immune system under stress and then the
latent viruses that are in your body, because you’re under
immune stress, will reappear. Not only will you have more
Coronavirus but if you had other latent viruses it would
allow them to reemerge. The reason why they reemerge is
that nutrition and vitamins and stress are very important
to a good nutrition has very little stress on the body and
ensure that you have vitamins to keep your immune system
And because we now are totally aware that the drug Hydroxychloroquine with AZT and Zinc can actually prevent those people from ever reaching Hospital that there is actually a well known prevention and a treatment and because we have that it’s been entirely unnecessary to have these lockdowns. I am happy to join the other scientists in the world to call it out. But I do think there has to be legal consequences for the deaths after, we’ll say the 25th of May, for politicians and scientists advising them and they also have to really join in each of our countries with the scientists—there has to be debates on national broadcasting TV for the scientists who think like I do to actually hold—the ministers have to say what scientists specifically are saying that the lockdown is necessary, masks are necessary.
MWN Episode 143 – Joseph Green – Inside the COVID-19 Pandemic (1:45:38, mp3) Midnight Rider News, 14 May 2020
Author, Publisher, and Playwright Joseph E. Green joins S.T. Patrick to discuss the onset of COVID-19, the history of American pandemics, comparisons to the AIDS and syphilis outbreaks, vaccinations, the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the problems with billionaire science, why asking tough questions can be dangerous, and more.
“Dr. Fauci has worked for the National Institues of Health since 1968, a long time. He has been the Director of the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. Literally his title is Chief of Laboratory of Immuno Regulation. Why is that interesting? That is exactly when the AIDS virus started [to] really break out. We’re talking late ’70s, early ’80s. If there was a study, those studies would go through Dr. Fauci... So that’s what he’s been doing for the last 35 years plus....
Everybody’s trying to rush out this vaccine before we know what the hell the consequences are going to be. Even if you disregard everything I just said, you should at least be concerned about the fact that because there’s this economic motive to get it out first that they’re going to overlook the normal safeguards to getting this thing out to the public....
I would invite everyone to do their own research but I would especially invite you to not stop doing research because somebody on the internet says that the S40 vaccine theory is all wrong, and it’s dumb, and it’s anti-science. Go look. Find the documents, they are available and you can see for yourself what the hell’s going on. Because there’s not a lot of difference—as you just pointed out—between researching pharmaceuticals that may have some value and researching biological warfare....
That’s why I wanted to talk about things I’ve been putting together from all this reading of the past because I can process that whereas the things that are happening now [are in such flux]. But, what I think this going back into the past to look at this tells us is that the people who are making these large-scale decisions are not necessarily to be trusted just because they are in positions of power.
Debunking the COVID-19 Narrative with Prof. Dolores Cahill (1:06:44, mp3) 21st Century Wire, 13 May 2020
Are public health officials and the mainstream media really telling the public scientific accurate and correct information about the Coronavirus and treatment for COVID-19? Was there any scientific or medical basis for governments to impose a lockdown? Are the government-media complex irresponsibly spreading misinformation about COVID-19? Is this misinformation harming the public and causing needless suffering and additional deaths? Apparently, yes.
Computing Forever speaks with
Professor Dolores Cahill an experienced biological scientist with over 25 years expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, and proteomics technology development. Dr. Cahill is a scientist with a heroic sense of ethical responsibility. She dismantles many of the popular assumptions about Coronavirus repeated by politicians and public health officials.
Trying to stay “safe” is nowhere near as important as trying to stay HUMAN
This is the new morphing of Trump hatred, the new way to pretend to be murdered by Trump, and get love from all your friends, who never heard of Lynn Margulis, and who think Fauci is a savior, as opposed to a mobster. He’s not a scientist. I know what a scientist is, what a scientist sounds like. They don’t accuse people of murder, for one thing.
I’m angry too.
But as is always the case, their anger has the wheel and mine is an oppressed minority.
Today, I tweeted this:
Covid is code for de-humanization on an industrial scale. It is rooted in the little scorpion we once called “political correctness” which stripped out humanistic moral code and replaced it with militant stances. Millennials the target generation. The offer: “No need to FEEL.”
Fake News and Real Lies – Who Needs Conspiracy Theories When You Have “Con’s Piracy Facts”? (56:35, mp3), Interview with Journalist and Author Mark Crispin Miller
Wiki Politiki, 12 May 2020
“Censorship – it’s not the vicious lies they fear, it’s those vicious truths.” —Swami Beyondananda
There is a telling quote I ran across, purportedly by Ronald Reagan’s CIA director William Casey:
“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
So if you’re confused about what is true in the age of COVID-19 ... relax. It’s part of the plan. At a time when we have a pathologically blatant liar in the White House, a corporate media that cannot be trusted, and Google, You Tube, Facebook, and Twitter de-platforming dissenting opinions at the behest of the powers that be in power, who or what are we to believe? How do we practice discernment?
Our guest this week, Mark Crispin Miller, is a voice in the bewilderness, whose views bridge and transcend the established left and right narratives, as he takes on issues such as fixed elections, the controversy over vaccines, and media censorship.
Mark Crispin Miller earned his bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in 1971, and his doctorate in English from Johns Hopkins University in 1977. He is currently a Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. He is the author of several books, including,
The Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder, Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order and
Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform (2007).
Miller is the editor of
Forbidden Bookshelf, an e-book series that revives important works now out of print, most of which were variously killed at birth. He also wrote the introduction to the 2004 edition of Edward Bernays’ book
Propaganda. He is also editor of
News From the Underground.
If you’re feeling confused, betrayed, disheartened by the Orwellian nature of our official government / corporate / media narratives and are not content to leave Orwell enough alone, please join us for this heartening and enlivening conversation. Remember what the Swami says: “The truth shall upset you free.”
To get a truly meta-perspective on fake news and real lies, tune in to this show.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell, 5-part interview conducted by Jason Bosch argusfest, 17 May 2020
(partial transcript, mp3s)
Alison McDowell is a mother and dedicated researcher studying the working parts of the World Economic Forum’s declared “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the global takeover of industries and public policies by the central banks, multinational corporations, big tech technocrats and billionaire funded foundations.
Robert F Kennedy Jr talks vaccines, Dr Fauci, family history and JFK
assassination with Patrick Bet-David
Childrens Health Defense: childrenshealthdefense.org
Instagram: @robertfkennedyjr instagram.com/robertfkennedyjr/
[ 19:33]
My party, the Democratic Party is the worst on this issue.
It’s very odd to me that they’re mandating these vaccines that are
untested. How can you mandate any medication for a human being?
How can you tell somebody, We are gonna force you to take a medication
that you don’t want to take? We signed a treaty,
the Nuremberg Charter,
after World War Two because the Nazis were doing that.
They were testing vaccines on people and all these other
medical treatments and we said that is a war crime.
We don’t do that to people.
And we signed the Siracusa Principles,
UN Charter on Human Rights,
Helsinki Accords, the Nuremberg Charter—all of those say in
them, you cannot give a medication to somebody against their will
even if a life of the nation is at stake. That’s a quote.
No state party shall, even in time of emergency threatening the life of the nation, derogate from the Covenant’s guarantees of the right to life; freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and from medical or scientific experimentation without free consent; freedom from slavery or involuntary servitude; the right not to be imprisoned for contractual debt; the right not to be convicted or sentenced to a heavier penalty by virtue of retroactive criminal legislation; the right to recognition as a person before the law; and freedom of thought, conscience and religion. These rights are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation.
Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation of Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Annex, UN Doc E/CN.4/1984/4 (1984), p. 6
And yet we’re mandating these drugs and not only are we forcing people
to take one and we know they cause injury. The
Vaccine Court has paid
out four billion dollars. And they are severely limited, those judgments.
Even HHS admits at the Vaccine Court, fewer than 1% of injuries ever
gets reported or awarded. So make that four hundred billion.
We know they cause a lot of injuries. Even if they cause one injury
how can you force a human being to take it against their will?
It makes no sense.
Permissible Medical Experiments
The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
[ 45:17]
Robert Kennedy, Jr.:
Fauci has a bias towards vaccines and he owns the vaccine. So he has the patents. He literally owns vaccine patents.
Patrick Bet-David:
Is it purely profit motivation, is [it] purely profit?
RFK, Jr.:
No. I think it’s power. And I think the same is true with Gates. Both of them actually stand to make huge
amounts of money, potentially billions of dollars. I don’t
believe—it’s very hard to look into another man’s brain
and I try not to do that. But just looking at them I really
believe that their motivation is more about power. And there
is no more powerful position than being a health official
because you can literally dictate. At this point, Tony Fauci
has powers that no American president has ever had. He’s telling
people in California: You can’t go to the beach, You can’t go in
the ocean, You can’t go shop, Your kids can’t go to school, You
have to stay in your house. Two days ago they were giving thousand
dollar tickets to people who were swimming in the ocean and surfing.
No president’s ever had that kind of power before. But today
Fauci, who’s very very close partners with Gates, are telling
America and what they’re saying—if you listen
carefully—what they’re saying is: You all are are gonna stay in
the house until we have a vaccine. It’s not gonna be safe to come out.
And that is a tremendous power to tell people they have to wait and
do that until you get a vaccine.
Wrench in the Gears, 19 Apr 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
Over the past month, the gaze of investigative researchers has been fixed on GAVI, Bill Gates, Gates’s associates like Fauci, and the over-size influence they are having on public health policy around Covid-19. Use the link for the map [above] to dig further into the relationships. The members of the 2012 Development Impact Bond (DIB) Working Group Report are of particular interest, since DIBs are being considered as a way to finance vaccination campaigns.
Public health is a servant of bond markets and financiers. A glance at the participants in this working group makes it clear, doses and people and death and suffering are just going to be part of their market analysis. For too many people, openly discussing concerns about vaccines remains a third-rail. But we DO have to learn how to talk about this to one another, because the stakes are too damn high to shy away from it. I also believe these campaigns and the tracking systems associated with them have been structured as an imperial enterprise and should be treated with profound caution.
Nobel prize-winning scientist: the Covid-19 epidemic was never exponential - Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a ‘huge mistake’,
(34:33, mp3) UnHerd, 2 May 2020
As he is careful to point out, Professor Michael Levitt is not an epidemiologist. He’s Professor of Structural Biology at the Stanford School of Medicine, and winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for “the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems.”
With a purely statistical perspective, he has been playing close attention to the Covid-19 pandemic since January, when most of us were not even aware of it. He first spoke out in early February, when through analysing the numbers of cases and deaths in Hubei province he predicted
with remarkable accuracy that the epidemic in that province would top out at around 3,250 deaths.
In this interview with Freddie Sayers, Executive Editor of UnHerd, Professor Levitt explains why he thinks indiscriminate lockdown measures as “a huge mistake,” and advocates a “smart lockdown” policy, focused on more effective measures, focused on protecting elderly people.
Full Interview: Nobel Prof. Montagnier: COVID-19 caused by a vaccine experiment gone bad, (37:53) French channel CNEWS (English subtitles), 17 Apr 2020
Professor Luc Montagnier, the
2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine gives his expert opinion on the origin
of the SARS-COVID2 virus. His main point is that the RNA sequences that
are common to the HIV retrovirus are short, but long enough to be actively
coding: he thinks that cannot be the result of a natural recombination,
a lab must have been involved.
He excludes the biowarfare motive, and thinks the virus comes from an attempt to create a vaccine against AIDS.
He also says there are political pressures not to communicate about this, probably because all governements are involved in such experiments.
The good news is that the artificial virus is loosing potency as it mutates, because Nature does not accept disharmony.
This underlines once again the dangers of these new DNA/RNA recombinant
vaccines, new technologies that can lead to absolute disasters for the
human population.
Why lockdowns are the wrong policy - Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke,
(34:53, mp3) UnHerd, 17 Apr 2020
Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired
Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:
UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based
The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only
This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”
The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better
The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact
The paper was very much too pessimistic
Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway
The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown
The results will eventually be similar for all countries
Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.
The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%
At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available
Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D.
(1:02:04, mp3), interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts, 25-page PDF Transcript, solari.com, 25 Feb 2020
"Once I learned about the extreme liability protection that industry and health care providers enjoy, and the suppression of accurate science and information about vaccine risks and injury, I understood the need for immediate, radical systemic change. I have been devoted to that change ever since." ~ Mary Holland
Mary Holland is the Vice Chairman and General Counsel of Children’s Health Defense, one of the finest organizations protecting health freedoms in the United States.
Mary is a former Research Scholar and Director of the Graduate Lawyering Program at NYU School of Law. She has written several law review articles and blog posts on vaccine law and policy and is the co-author and co-editor of the books
Vaccine Epidemici: Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children (Revised and Expanded 2012 edition) and
HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed (2016). She has testified to retain or expand vaccination exemptions in the California, West Virginia, Maine, and Vermont legislatures. She is chair of the advisory board of Health Choice and a member of the advisory boards for the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the Otto Specht School, and Actionplay. Educated at Harvard and Columbia Universities, Mary has worked in international public and private law. Prior to joining NYU, Holland worked for six years at major U.S. law firms, with three years based in Moscow, Russia. She also worked at a U.S. human rights organization as Director of its European Program. After graduating law school, she clerked for a federal district court judge in the Southern District of New York. She has taught courses at Columbia Law School and has served as a consultant to the Aspen Institute Justice and Society Program.
Thanks to an introduction by a wonderful doctor and Solari Report subscriber, Mary joins me for this special report to discuss vaccine and related mandates and what we need to do to prevent them. Topics we discuss include:
What are vaccine exemptions and vaccine mandates?
What has been implemented to date? What happened in California, New York, and New Jersey?
Where is the political support for mandates coming from—who is doing this?
Why is the opposition so fierce and growing?
Who and what has been successful in stopping such mandates and why?
Is the current effort a violation of basic principles—from the Constitution to the Nuremberg Code?
Why is this a critical aspect of our health freedoms and an issue of concern to everyone?
What can we do?
‘Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24, (12:15, mp3) 23 Oct 2019
Protecting The Planet - The Destructive Impact of Billionaires
Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled
One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%. She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. But Shiva also singles out billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for criticism. “When Bill Gates pours money into Africa for feeding the poor in Africa and preventing famine, he’s pushing the failed Green Revolution, he’s pushing chemicals, pushing GMOs, pushing patterns”, she tells FRANCE 24’s Marc Perelman.
Vandana Shiva Calls Out Billionaire Philanthropist in French TV Interview,” Nick Meyer,
Alt Health Works, 28 May 2020
In Such A Time As This - A Top Attorney’s Perspective, Warner Mendenhall on Brook Jackson case, Scott Schara, Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad, 26 Apr 2023
Discussion with Katherine Watt on American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence, 4 Nov 2022
Atty Todd Callender, Open Secrets, Corona Committee Session 97, (1:11:14) 25 Mar 2022
Deep State And The Digital-Financial Complex, Ernst Wolff (11:14) late Dec 2021
Australian Elders Jubullum Message to All Peoples: Your DNA Is Sacred, 17 Oct 2021
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Summary Findings of the Corona Investigative Committee, 15 Sep 2021
Dr Francis Boyle, Esq.: How to Indict Individuals and Organizations for Covid-19 Pandemic, 11 Sep 2021
Uncovering The Corona Narrative, Ernst Wolff (36:33) Aug 2021
Corona Committee Session 66: Chain Reaction, Dr Mike Yeadon in This Time of Global Crisis, 20 Aug 2021
Prof Mattias Desmet: Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking in This Time of Global Crisis, 30 Jul 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Why Are We Not Using Ivermectin For Covid?, 7 May 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Concluding Speech, First International Ivermectin for Covid Conference, 25 Apr 2021
Prof. Matjaž Zwitter, MD, PhD: Medical Ethics and Ivermectin, 25 Apr 2021
Michael Swinwood: Raising the Consciousness of Humanity, Special Session: International Legal Offensive, 23 Apr 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Greatest Violations of the Nuremberg Code in History, 17 Apr 2021
Berlin Corona Committee with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mary Holland Special Broadcast: The Great Recall - International, 17 Feb 2021
Focus on Fauci
Kennedy, Martin, Mikovits, Galati, Stone, 5 Jan 2021
Rocco Galati Update on Vaccine Choice Canada Lawsuit, 19 Dec 2020
Dr Pierre Kory Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Medical Response to COVID-19, 8 Dec 2020
Michael Swinwood - In Response
Are We Presently Living In Genocide? 4 Dec 2020
Dr Peter McCullough Testimony,
Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment, 19 Nov 2020
Reiner Fuellmich Interview: Lawsuits Challenging Covid-19 False Claims, Nov 2020
Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One, 12 Oct 2020
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test, 3 Oct 2020
“Propaganda does not want any argument.” A conversation with NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller, 28 Sep 2020
Rocco Galati on CRC Lockdown Lawsuit, 2 Sep 2020
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Complete Speech at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Truth, 29 Aug 2020
Corona Committee Conversation with Robert F Kennedy, Jr on ubiquitous Pharma influence and corona vaccine, 11 Sep 2020
Mr. Global’s Bid for Economic Totalitarianism and Transhumanism – IF We Allow It, mid-Aug 2020
U.S. Frontline Doctors SCOTUS Press Conference, 27 Jul 2020
Historic Vaccine Debate: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs. Alan Dershowitz, 23 Jul 2020
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover with Alison McDowell, 17 May 2020
Perspectives on the Pandemic:
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy and the Urgent Need for Early Ambulatory Therapy Dr. Peter McCullough (1:12:45) 1 May 2022
Canadian Constitutional Crisis with Brian Peckford | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E78 (1:22:43) 25 Jan 2022
RFK, Jr. Speech - Defeat the Mandates in D.C.: An American Homecoming (27:38) 23 Jan 2022
Deep State And The Digital-Financial Complex, Ernst Wolff (11:14) late Dec 2021
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Fauci is Going After Children, (2:44) Dec 2021
The CIA’s War On Democracy - Edward Curtin with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (46:36) 17 Dec 2021
Dr. Mark McDonald: Covid & the United States of Fear – a Psychiatric Perspective on Vaccination, Mandates & Authoritarianism (53:49+40:01) 11 Nov 2021
Members of European Parliament Press Conf:
MEPs Supporting The Rights of Workers Against the Mandatory Digital Certificate (29:11) 28 Oct 2021
Australian Elders Jubullum Message to All Peoples: Your DNA Is Sacred (09:42) 17 Oct 2021
Dr Peter McCullough: Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies (1:05:35) 2 Oct 2021
Dr Reiner Fuellmich Summary Of Corona Committee’s Findings To Date (39:41) 16 Sep 2021
Funeral Directer John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid (38:53) 15 Sep 2020
Uncovering The Corona Narrative, Ernst Wolff (36:33) Aug 2021
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speech to the Amish people: Vaccine Risk vs Reward (1:05:27) 31 Jul 2021
Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice, An Interdisciplinary Symposium Calling for Immediate Intervention,
29-30 Jul 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Why Are We Not Using Ivermection For Covid?, Truth Over Fear Summit (17:43) 7 May 2021
The Truth About COVID-19 Tribunal Organic Consumers Assn (2:59:57) 29 Apr 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Concluding Speech Intl Ivermection for Covid Conf (7:43) 25 Apr 2021
Dr Matjaž Zwitter: Medical Ethics and Ivermectin Intl Ivermection for Covid Conf (27:57) 25 Apr 2021
THE PUSHBACK: The Day the World Stood Together Oracle Films (1:21:54) 19 Apr 2021
CORONA.film PROLOGUE ENG OVALmedia (1:17:16) 26 Mar 2021
Suez Canal Blocked: A “Worst Case Scenario for Global Trade” Ice Age Farmer (18:11) 25 Mar 2021
Alison McDowell Exposes ‘The Game’ (1:01:59) 25 Feb 2021
Berlin Corona Committee with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mary Holland - Special Broadcast: The Great Recall - International (56:27) 17 Feb 2021
Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19 (2:37:54) 17 Feb 2021
Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals - includes transcript, Dr. Vernon Coleman (15:18) 2 Feb 2021
Focus on Fauci - Kennedy, Martin, Mikovits, Galati, Stone (2:10:52) 5 Jan 2021
Rocco Galati at the Post-Covid19 Stockholm Peace Summit (43:06) 19 Dec 2020
Dr Pierre Kory Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Medical Response to COVID-19 (2:30:27) 8 Dec 2020
Dr Peter McCullough Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment (2:28:17) 19 Nov 2020
Dr Peter McCullough Webinar: Early Covid Treatments (32:46) 14 Nov 2020
Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19? A video history of the 126 HCQ studies to date (1:38) 30 Oct 2020
Dr Peter McCullough: Peer Reviewed Protocols for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection - HCQ (22:01) 12 Oct 2020
Berlin 10102020 Better Normal, not New Normal - www.ACU2020.org - World Doctors Alliance (18:17) 10 Oct 2020
Carl Edward Fleury on Medical Martial Law: October 7th - UN Agenda Soldiers Moved In To Quebec - This is BAD for Canada (1:05:10) 7 Oct 2020
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test (49:00) 3 Oct 2020
Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: Pandemic Over, Threat Exaggerated, No 2nd Wave, Many Have T-Cell Immunity (10:45) 17 Sep 2020
Corona Committee - Conversation with Robert F Kennedy, Jr on ubiquitous Pharma influence and corona vaccine (49:42) 11 Sep 2020
Celia Farber: Massive Crowds Around The World Gather To Protest Covid Tyranny: Germany, UK, Poland, France, Bolivia and More Take To The Streets By The Tens of Thousands Amidst Total Media Blackout 30 Aug 2020
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Complete Speech at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Truth (12:30) 29 Aug 2020
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in Berlin Press Conference After Launching CFD’s Europe Chapter (18:21) 28 Aug 2020
Dr Roberto Petrella: covid 19 means program of mass extermination (6:59) 26 Aug 2020
Tony Heller: The Media War On Civilization (5:32) 26 Aug 2020
Spiro Skouras: COVID-1984 From A Two Week Lockdown To Mandatory Vaccination & Life In Prison (11:52) 23 Aug 2020
Dr Dolores Cahill: Speech In Dublin Destroys Government Argument for COVID Lockdown (34:40) 22 Aug 2020
Tony Heller: Bashing Sweden (3:56) 19 Aug 2020
Plandemic - InDoctorNation (1:15:30) 18 Aug 2020
Tony Heller: Chinese Propaganda Controlling Policy (7:38) 18 Aug 2020
The Great Reset Where Do We Go From Here (10:19) 18 Aug 2020
History to ‘vindicate Swedish COVID-19 strategy’ (7:17) 15 Aug 2020
Tony Heller: Joe Biden Vs Freedom (7:21) 13 Aug 2020
Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients (3:50) 13 Aug 2020
Dr. Theodore Noel: Aersols Will NOT Be Stopped By Masks (2:55) 13 Aug 2020
Tony Heller: No Lie Is Too Big For Scientists (8:59) 13 Aug 2020
Veteran Warns “Families Are Starving”, Stop Or A Revolution Is Coming Soon (2:33) 11 Aug 2020
Ice Age Farmer: COVID-19 Strike Teams Shut Down Farms – FoodWars Go Hot – Beirut, Aus, China Shortages (11:49) 6 Aug 2020
Spiro Skouras: The Plan To Silence Doctors Once And For All (4:43) 2 Aug 2020
Berlin, Germany: Thinking Against The Mainstream Demonstration on August 1st, 2020 in Berlin “A sign of the people to those in power”
Lisa S. Koche, M.D.: Speaking In Support of America’s Frontline Doctors and Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy (12:14) 30 Jul 2020
America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Sessions, 27 Jul 2020
Tony Heller: Planetary Savior (3:24) 27 Jul 2020
Historic Vaccine Debate: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs. Alan Dershowitz (1:18:09) 23 Jul 2020
OSHA Specialists: Masks Exposed and Health Risks Involved with Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan (15:35) 22 Jul 2020
Tony Heller: Two Paths To Herd Immunity (6:31) 15 Jul 2020
Tony Heller: “Competent Government” (7:26) 13 Jul 2020
RFK, Jr. talks with Dr. Andy Wakefield about his new movie, 1986: The Act. (28:11) 13 Jul 2020
Tony Heller: The Wuhan Flu (5:33) 7 Jul 2020
Brian Procter MD cured over 100 Covid-19 with HCQ and Zinc. Second video (9:42) 5 Jul 2020
Dr. Scott Jensen - Could this happen to you? (13:44) 5 Jul 2020
Corona - The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes (NL/GER/UK subs) (5:40) data as of mid-June 2020
Denis G. Rancourt: Everything most important about COVID in 15 minutes - Denis Rancourt zoom talk to community group (18:13) 2 Jul 2020
Amazing Polly: Is This Torture? (43:14) 1 Jul 2020
Tony Heller: Dr Fauci’s Self Fulfilling Crisis (4:05) 30 Jun 2020
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Your Government Wants You Dead – BANNED from YouTube (21:27) 26 Jun 2020
Corona Emergency Hearing #7: Dr Dolores Cahill – Dr Mikael Nordfors (57:38) 9 Jun 2020
MASK OFF (3:24), BARRICADE GARAGE - No Problems, Only Solutions, 6 Jun 2020
Corbett Report: Who Is Bill Gates?, 4 Parts (23:56, 28:01, 36:47, 38:45) May 2020
Battlefield America: As The COVID Story Falls Apart, A New Crisis Takes Over (19:52) 29 May 2020
Del Bigtree: TOP 10: WE’RE OFF “TEAM CORONA-PHOBIA”! (39:24) 22 May 2020
Really Graceful: Bill Gates Documentary Reveals Ties to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Eugenics Movement, 3 Parts (15:07, 12:52, 16:02) 22 May 2020
Sunetra Gupta: Covid-19 is on the way out – The author of the Oxford model defends her view that the virus has passed through the UK’s population (30:14) 21 May 2020
Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense Vice Chair and General Counsel, Talks H.R. 6666 (8:51) 19 May 2020
CDC COVID Case Definition Change (6:06) 18 May 2020
German Poliezi Viciously Attack Maskless Man While NOT Wearing Masks Themselves (1:45) 15 May 2020
UK Column News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps (59:21) 11 May 2020
FBI Should Watch : Exponential Lie : Gary Hanington and ElkoDaily.com : The First of Many (51:04) 11 May 2020
Liberation Day 2020 the Netherlands (3:16) 5 May 2020
PlanDEMIC Part 1: Dr. Judy Mikovits (25:52) 4 May 2020
Patrick Bet-David: My response to Dr Judy Mikovits Video Banned by YouTube (23:39)
Dr Buttar Accuses Fauci, Gates & The Media For Using COVID-19 To Drive Hidden Agenda (2:01:50) 28 Apr 2020
Roundtable Discussion with Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr. Rashid A Buttar, 4 Parts (31:00, 29:54, 18:19, 20:00) Apr 2020
Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care discuss the impact of the coronavirus on Kern County (1:04:21) 22 Apr 2020
Former Merck Rep Brandy Vaughan Says Mandatory Vaccination Is For Profit and Not Public Health (9:41) 19 Apr 2016
Dr. Annie Bukacek: Montana Physician Discusses How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated (17:34) 6 Apr 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Efficacy and the Urgent Need for Early Ambulatory Therapy
Canadian Constitutional Crisis with Brian Peckford, Jordan Peterson,
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E78
(mp3: 1:22:43)
25 Jan 2022
auto-generated transcripts:
with timestamps,
without timestamps
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms press release:
The Charter’s only living signatory sues Canada over travel mandates,
26 January 2022
Information on how to support the JCCF in this matter on Twitter:
Brian Peckford and I discussed his reentry to the political arena after denouncing the Canadian Government for infringements on the Canadian Charter of Rights--a document he played a key role in drafting. In this intense conversation, Peckford outlines a combined plan of action against the Canadian Government over their COVID-19 response and ongoing use of power.
Brian Peckford: I Am Today Launching A Lawsuit Against The Federal Government of Canada, 26 Jan 2022
0:00:00 - Political context for the interview
0:07:32 - Jordan introduces his esteemed guest the Honorable Brian Peckford, former prime minister of Newfoundland and Labrador
0:10:47 - Peterson and Peckford’s discussions over the last week
0:13:07 - Rights infringed by Government despite Charter of Rights
0:18:10 - Four tests before revoking Canadian rights
0:20:39 - Appropriate use of emergency measures
0:22:21 - Why YouTube and not (more traditional) media outlets? Following the money
0:25:23 - Peckford’s (intentionally) assertive denouncement; establishing precedents
0:30:20 - Can Canadian courts be relied upon for fair and impartial hearings?
0:33:49 - Canadian mobility rights
0:36:14 - Subversion of the parliamentary process during the pandemic
0:43:05 - Changes in transmission/vaccination rates & societal effects after 1st lockdown
0:44:25 - Accountability & Government inertia in the face of faulty measures
0:51:23 - Ramifications of a federal win
0:54:40 - The second (competing) Charter of Rights
1:01:09 - Jordans’ summary of the accusations up to this point. Degradation of civic involvement. Why civic education matters.
1:09:02 - Recap
1:11:16 - Peckford’s appeal to Canadian citizens
1:15:08 - Closing conversation
Starting his career as an educator, the Honorable Brian Peckford then served as the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador for nearly a decade. He is also an author, former minister, and notable member of the PC Party.
More from the Honorable Brian Peckford:
RFK, Jr. Speech - Defeat the Mandates in D.C.: An American Homecoming
(mp3: 27:38)
23 Jan 2022
Robert F Kennedy Jr. Speech at the Lincoln Memorial
For March Against Vaccine Mandates and Medical Tyranny
Defeat the Mandates in D.C.: An American Homecoming
23 January 2022
Focus: Turnkey Totalitarianism
Every power government takes from us, it will never relingquish voluntarily.
Every power they take from us they will ultimately abuse to the maxium extent possible.
No one has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control.
Bullies cannot be appeased.
Every time you say yes you're being pushed back to a weaker position.
Annotated transcript: Deep State And The Digital-Financial Complex, Ernst Wolff (11:14) late Dec 2021
It is the end of December 2021 and we are in an economic and social transition period of historical dimensions. For almost two years now, almost all countries in the world – regardless of whether they are dictatorships or parliamentary democracies – have by and large been following the same agenda.
This global synchronization shows that there is a force that has more power than any of the currently around 200 governments on our planet. This force has a name: it is the digital-financial complex. At its head are the five largest IT companies in the world on the digital side: Apple, Alphabet [owns Google which owns YouTube], Amazon, Microsoft and Meta, formerly Facebook,† and on the financial side the largest asset managers, BlackRock and Vanguard.††
† On 4 November 2021 a Criminal Complaint (see
108-page English translation with the Annex of 16 Exhibits constituting 600+ pages) was filed in the Judicial Court of Paris focused on the Legality of the Media and Politicians to lie to and manipulate the public about the safety and efficacy of the Covid Vaccine.
On page 8, the term “GAFAM” corresponds to the big 5:
†† As of
October 2021, Vanguard has more that $7.50 trillion assets under management (AUM), second to
Blackrock, Inc with $9.01 trillion AUM. These two firms combined own
The New York Times, other legacy media, and Big Pharma.
The Emergence of The Digital-Financial Complex
But how exactly could this complex become so powerful and how does it manage to assert its interests around the globe at the same time?
Let’s start with the first question. For centuries, power rested on a single base: money. Whoever had money had power and whoever had a lot of money had a lot of power.
That still applies, but no longer exclusively. Since the use of computers and the triumphant advance of the Internet as part of the 3rd industrial revolution, there has been a second base of power, namely data. Whoever has data has power and whoever has large amounts of data has a lot of power.
However, anyone who, like IT companies, organizes the data flows of entire industries and also those of governments in the context of digitization, gets an additional insight into their innermost being – and can thus make them dependent and in this way also submissive.
It is precisely this process that has resulted in the large IT corporations being far above all other companies and governments in the world. Whether armaments, food, pharmaceuticals, energy or media – all these industries and all state institutions, including the secret services, are now on the drip from the digital corporations, which have also built up their own global media power with social networks.
The financial industry, on the other hand, which is always on the lookout for new investment opportunities, has promoted this process from the start and is now involved in all leading IT groups through its most powerful representatives – the large asset management companies. Since it is also dependent on them at the same time, both are merged in this way into a kind of community of interests.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Fauci is Going After Children, (2:44) Dec 2021
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., attorney and author of the #1 bestselling book
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health was recently interviewed and revealed the insidious reason why Big Pharma-funded Fauci is going after children.
RFK, Jr. said:
“They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.
“So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine.
“That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”
The American PREP Act provides immunity from liability for pharmaceutical companies. The purpose of the law is to protect the vaccine manufacturers because generally vaccines that are recommended for children get liability protection. Trading the lives of human beings for profit. That is what this is about — Big Government bureaucrats like Fauci protecting the almighty Big Pharma companies. They’ve sold their souls. It’s reprehensible.
Big Government/Big Tech/Big Media/Big Pharma are silencing scientists, doctors, truth-tellers. Don’t let them get away with it.
Real NOT Rare: See, hear and listen to the victims. “We have been hurt. Our lives have been altered and we need help.”
The CIA’s War On Democracy - Edward Curtin in Conversation with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (mp3: 46:36) The Defender Show Episode 20, Children's Health Defense, 17 Dec 2021
by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family
Edward Curtin – Behind the Curtain
Patrice Lumumba
by Dick Russell, December 2021
Part 1: CIA’s Extraordinary Role Influencing Liberal Media Outlets Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone
Part 2: The Belly of The Daily Beast and Its Perceptible Ties to the CIA
Jacques Ellul & Others – In The Absence Of The Sacred
Jim Douglass - Hope Comes From Our Confronting The Unspeakable
JFK and the Unspeakable – Why He Died and Why It Matters
by Vincent Salandria
False Mystery – Essays on the JFK Assassination (2017)
Senator John F Kennedy speech: Imperialism - The Enemy of Freedom, 2 July 1957
by David Talbot, reviewed by Edward Curtin
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government
Dr. Mark McDonald: Covid & the United States of Fear – a Psychiatric Perspective on Vaccination, Mandates & Authoritarianism, COVEXIT.com, 11 Nov 2021
Part 1 (53:49): Transcript, video, audio
Part 2 (40:01): Transcript, video, audio
Jean-Pierre Kiekens:
This is Part 1 of my interview with Dr. Mark McDonald, Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist from California. We discuss the imposition of unnecessary and potentially harmful vaccines to children, the passivity of the health authorities regarding the substantial safety issues associated with the injections, the mandates, the passports and other coercive measures; the implications for families, which can be devastating; and the evolution of our societies towards authoritarianism. In Part 2, we will discuss education and other crucial matters for the future of our children and of society.
In Part 2 Dr. McDonald comments on a variety of current issues, including asymptomatic testing; the false sense of security given by the vaccines; virtue signalling; critical thinking (demise); home schooling; university education; last year’s Frontline Doctors’ event in Washington, DC; the reactions to Dr. Stella Emmanuel’s speech; medical freedom, and much more.
The interview draws from Dr McDonald’s just released book, The United States of Fear.
Members of European Parliament Press Conference:
MEPs Supporting The Rights of Workers Against the Mandatory Digital Certificate (29:11) 28 Oct 2021
Excerpt of MEP Christine Anderson, Germany, Identity and Democracy Group,
beginning at 02:30:
All through Europe governments have gone
to great length to get people vaccinated.
We were promised the vaccinations will
be a “game changer” and it will restore
our freedom. Turns out none of that was true.
It does not render you immune, you can
still contract the virus, and you can
still be infectious. The only thing this
vaccine did for sure was to spill
billions and billions of dollars in the
pockets for pharmaceutical companies.
I voted against the digital green
certificate back in April. Unfortunately
it was adopted none the less.
And this just goes to show there is only
a minority of MEPs who truly stand for
European values. The majority of MEPs, for
whatever reasons unbeknown to me,
obviously support oppression of the
people while claiming—shamelessly—to do
it for the people’s own good.
But it is not the goal that renders a
system oppressive. It is always the
methods by which the goal is pursued.
Whenever a government claims to have the
people’s interest at heart you need to think again.
In the entire history of mankind there has never
been a political elite sincerely concerned about
the well-being of regular people.
What makes any of us think that it is different now?
If the Age of Enlightenment has brought forth anything,
then certainly this: Never take anything any government
tells you at face value. Always question everything
any government does or does not do. Always look for
ulterior motives and always ask cui bono? Who benefits?
Whenever a political elite pushes an agenda this
hard and resort to extortion and manipulation to
get their way you, can almost always be sure
your benefit is definitely not what they had at heart.
As far as I’m concerned, I will not be vaccinated with
anything that has not been properly vetted and tested
and has shown no sound scientific evidence that the
benefits outweigh the disease itself in possible
long-term side effects which to this day we don’t know
anything about.
I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting
vaccinated with an experimental drug. And I will most
assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells
me to and promises in return I will be granted freedom.
Let’s be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom
for I am a free person.
So I dare the European Commission
and the German government: Throw me in jail; lock me up and
throw away the key for all I care. But you will never be
able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free
citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated.
Lastly I would like you to think about this one: the
compulsory use of the digital green certificate undermines
everything that Europeans stand for. It violates
constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights and it
constitutes the first step towards the insufferable Chinese
social credit system. I will never stand for this. I will
never put up with this. Thank You.
Australian Elders Jubullum Message to All Peoples: Your DNA Is Sacred (09:42) 17 Oct 2021
Across Australia, Indigenous communities are being
coerced & bribed into taking experimental covid injections.
The corporate Australian governance
has sent police & military into these
communities to administer these injections.
This violates several internationally recognised
Human Rights laws.
This is a message to all peoples...
Your DNA is sacred.
It is crucial for your connection to self,
to country & to spirit
to protect your DNA & stand in your true power.
Say NO to coercion & YES to freedom of choice.
United We Stand.
Dr Peter McCullough: Winning the gar Against Therapeutic Nihilism and the Rush to Replace Trusted Treatments with Untested Novel Therapies (1:05:35, mp3) 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 2 Oct 2021
Complete slide set and transcript
Chief Medical Advisor,
Truth for Health Foundation and
Early Covid Care Expert
President, Cardiorenal Society of America
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Senior Associate Editor,
American Journal of Cardiology
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist. He maintains ABIM certification in internal medicine and cardiovascular diseases. He practices both internal medicine including the management of common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “
Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the
American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in
Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 46 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in
TheHill and on
FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020,
Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. Dr. McCullough has had one full-year of dedicated academic and clinical efforts in combating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in doing so, has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, press releases, and has been considered among the world’s experts on COVID-19.
SEE ALSO: Dr MuCullough’s 172-page CV as part of his Declaration in support of
Aaron Kheriaty, MD,
Motion for Preliminary Injunction Legal Case in a suit filed in Federal court challenging the constitutionality of the University of California’s vaccine mandate on behalf of Covid-recovered individuals, whose natural immunity is equal to (indeed, superior to) vaccine-mediated immunity.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich Summary Of Corona Committee’s Findings To Date (39:41), 16 Sep 2021
Funeral Directer John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid (38:53, mp3) thecrowhouse.com, 15 Sep 2020
Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services
John O'Looney's direct email: john at-sign mkffs dot co dot uk
Please mirror/share this video everywhere
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speech to the Amish people: Vaccine Risk vs Reward (1:05:27, mp3), 31 Jul 2021
Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice - An Interdisciplinary Symposium Calling for Immediate Intervention, Organised by Doctors for Covid Ethics and Hosted by UK Column
29-30 Jul 2021
Why Are We Not Using Ivermectin For Covid? Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, DFSRH, PhD, The Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMCsquared, Bath, UK, Truth Over Fear Summit, 7 May 2021
Let’s examine ivermectin’s safety profile, according to the WHO Uppsala University Collaborative Pharmacovigilance Database. Since 1992 and up to the 19th of April this year only 5,215 adverse events and 19 deaths have been registered on the WHO’s database for ivermectin. Compare this to over 500,000 adverse events and over 3,440 deaths registered for the Covid vaccines in the past few months. Billions of doses of ivermectin have been given to people over the last four decades and only millions of doses of the current vaccine have been given. Given the data, why are the authorities not expressing concern about the safety of the Covid vaccines? They owe doctors and the public an urgent explanation for these double standards.
The Truth About COVID-19 Tribunal Organic Consumers Assn (2:59:57) 29 Apr 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Concluding Speech, First International Ivermection for Covid Conference (7:43) 25 Apr 2021
Dr Matjaž Zwitter: Medical Ethics and Ivermectin, First International Ivermection for Covid Conference (27:57) 25 Apr 2021
THE PUSHBACK: The Day the World Stood Together Oracle Films (1:21:54) 19 Apr 2021
On March 20th 2021, people in over 40 countries across the world gathered in peaceful unison for a worldwide demonstration - to oppose disproportionate government measures threatening the very foundation of their rights and freedoms. This huge international effort was appallingly misrepresented and downright ignored by the mainstream media.
Produced by Oracle Films, in collaboration with CoviLeaks and independent journalists in over 40 nations – this documentary is an authentic account of what really happened on March 20th, what protestors worldwide were standing against, and why the media went to such lengths to conceal the truth.
CORONA.film PROLOGUE ENG OVALmedia (1:17:16) 26 Mar 2021
Everything is different than it once seemed. Things did not have to be this way. Not in Northern Italy, where terrible missteps and political showmanship triggered a global trauma. Nor in the official portrayal of the pandemic in the media, where a single truth was pushed through so as not to disturb the prevailing narrative with nuances and relativisations.
Corona.film is uncomfortable, but in the very best way.
Suez Canal Blocked: A ‘Worst Case Scenario for Global Trade’, Ice Age Farmer (18:11, mp3) 25 Mar 2021
The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset.
Alison McDowell Exposes ‘The Game’ (1:01:59, mp3), Episode 18: Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends, 25 Feb 2021
In this week’s “Conversations with Dr. Cowan and Friends,” I was honored to welcome Alison McDowell. As I have described, I think it’s possible that humanity is living through a grand chess match at this time, a massive “game” that has its own rules and parameters. If this is the case, as in any game setting, to succeed, one needs to become intimately familiar with the rules. Otherwise, the situation is hopeless.
Some people understandably question that they’re living inside a game at all, and other people acknowledge and even understand what they identify as the game but are overwhelmed or overmatched by the skill of the opponents. And then, a few people, like Alison, see “the game” as it’s unfolding and name its players and rules for others to understand. These people are the grandmasters for freedom.
Join me in watching this interview. It’s my belief that we need everyone to understand, as best we can, what is unfolding in this remarkable time.
Berlin Corona Committee with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mary Holland - Special Broadcast: The Great Recall - International (56:27 of 4:05:00) 17 Feb 2021
RFK, Jr.:
The goal posts keep on moving and the problem is we’re not getting good data. Let me—this is important for people in Germany and elsewhere to understand because we’re dealing with experimental vaccines that were not adequately tested. The vaccines that we’re using in the United States do not have FDA approval. They are experimental vaccines that are being—they were allowed under
Emergency Use Authorization, which means we do not know the risk profile for those products. If we want to know—the only way—those products could be killing thousands or hundreds of thousands of people, we will never know it because we do not have a surveillance system that is functional. The surveillance we have in the United States,
according to HHS, its own study, captures
fewer than one percent of vaccine injuries....
We’re litigating on that issue, but it’s a very, very difficult problem. One of the problems we have in the United States that you don’t have in Europe is that in 1997 we changed the law in our country to allow pharmaceutical companies to do direct consumer advertising on television. So today the big television networks can make up to 70 percent of their revenues on pharmaceutical products. What it means is that pharmaceutical companies are dictating the contents of what we see on the news. So there’s no disagreement with anything that is pharmaceutical on the news. Because those CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox are all making their money, the bulk of their money—Anderson Cooper gets $12 million a year and about 10 million of that comes from pharmaceutical companies. Then for Fox news, which is kind of the opposition, Rupert Murdoch who runs Fox news also runs, owns the biggest vaccine company in Australia. So you have the press in our country that has been absolutely taken over by the pharmaceutical industry and that’s really, I think, a very, very big problem for American democracy.
Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19 (2:37:54)
Panel of researchers, doctors, lawyers, medical ethicists, educators and lawmakers moderated by Sayer Ji, Stand for Heath Freedom, 17 Feb 2021
Focus on Fauci - Kennedy, Martin, Mikovits, Galati, Stone (2:10:52, mp3) 5 Jan 2020
Dr Pierre Kory Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on Medical Response to COVID-19 (2:30:27, mp3) 8 Dec 2020
Dr Peter McCullough Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment (2:28:17, mp3) 19 Nov 2020
Dr Peter McCullough Webinar: Early Covid Treatments (32:46), presented by Dr Eamonn Mathieson, Anaesthetist, Covid Medical Network, Convenor, 14 Nov 2020
Is hydroxychloroquine effective for COVID-19? A video history of the 126 HCQ studies to date (1:38) hcqmeta.com
HCQ is effective for COVID-19. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 131 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 541 million (p = 0.0000000018).
Early treatment is most successful, with 100% of studies reporting a positive effect and an estimated reduction of 63% in the effect measured (death, hospitalization, etc.) using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.37 [0.29-0.47].
100% of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for early, PrEP, or PEP treatment report positive effects, the probability of this happening for an ineffective treatment is 0.002.
There is evidence of bias towards publishing negative results. 88% of prospective studies report positive effects, and only 71% of retrospective studies do.
Significantly more studies in North America report negative results compared to the rest of the world, p = 0.004.
Dr Peter McCullough: Peer Reviewed Protocols for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection - HCQ (22:01, mp3) American Journal of Medicine, 12 Oct 2020
Dr. McCullough shares peer-reviewed protocols he and physician colleagues from around the world developed to help treat COVID-19 patients at home and keep them out of the hospital.
Berlin 10102020 Better Normal, not New Normal - www.ACU2020.org - World Doctors Alliance (18:17, statement begins at 0:45: mp3), Heiko Schöning, ACU2020.org, 10 Oct 2020
An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.
“The moment for change is NOW”: World Doctors’ Alliance announces its formation in Berlin, to expose the “medical tyranny” imposed through COVID-19
Heiko Schoöning:
Hello, this is Berlin. This is the 10th of October 2020. We are here to announce the World Doctors Alliance, under the roof of
My name is Heiko Schoöning, I’m a medical doctor from Germany.
I’m one of the founders of “Ärzte für Aufklaärung” and the Covid-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee.
We are doctors, scientists and peace activists, and we are all saying together: This affair of Covid-19 is just not true. And we have the duty, especially as medical doctors, to speak out the truth.
And so I am very delighted to have these international professionals today here in Berlin, and we will have a lot of actions for the people today....
Read Full Transcript
World Doctors Alliance
Carl Edward Fleury on Medical Martial Law: October 7th - UN Agenda Soldiers Moved In To Quebec - This is BAD for Canada (1:05:10) 7 Oct 2020
Odessa Orlewicz (Liberty Talk Canada) speaks with Carl Edward Fleury (Black sheep truth media). Canada is now clearly on the same path as Australia towards tyranny from the Globalist’s agenda. It’s time to rise up Canada. Join Your Freedom Community Here:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test (49:00, mp3), 3 Oct 2020
Statement of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, published on his video channel on 3 October. This complete annotated transcript punches a significant hole in the disinforming censorship dam which must collapse in order to hold to account those responsible for the Fear-based PCR Test PANDEMIC humanity was dragged into earlier this year.
I am
Reiner Fuellmich, and I have been admitted to the bar in Germany and in California for 26 years. I have been practising law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations ...
I am also one of four members of the
German Corona Investigative Committee. Since July 10, 2020, this committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists’ and experts’ testimony to find answers to questions about the corona crisis, which more and more people worldwide are asking.
All the above mentioned cases of corruption and fraud committed by the German corporations pale in comparison in view of the extent of the damage that the Corona crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a Corona scandal, and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil law damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.
Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: Pandemic Over, Threat Exaggerated, No 2nd Wave, Many Have T-Cell Immunity (10:45, mp3), David DeGraw, Quantum Politics, 17 Sep 2020
In this video, Big Pharma insider Dr. Michael Yeadon is speaking out; confirming what I and many others have been reporting, such as:
The pandemic is fundamentally over;
Science clearly indicates that there will not be a second wave;
Many people have T-cell immunity;
COVID-19 PCR tests are scientifically fraudulent;
There are 10 times more false positives than actual positives;
Lockdowns are deliberately based on unscientific, completely fake data;
COVID-19 threat has been greatly exaggerated;
Lockdowns led to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths.
Corona Committee - Conversation with Robert F Kennedy Jr on ubiquitous Pharma influence and corona vaccine (49:42, mp3) 11 Sep 2020
This is a copy of the original recording at: https://youtu.be/rx73xcb_hZc—which was censored. It was live streamed on 11 Sep 2020 and includes Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Attorney at Law, Antonia Fischer, Attorney at Law, Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann Attorney at Law, Viviane Fischer Attorney at Law and Economist, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Attorney and Chairman of the Board, Children’s Health Defense. This copy excerpts the original beginning at 4:57 and ending at 54:40.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at
So you have a situation where a vaccine—and this is widely accepted—through a phenomenon known as
pathogenic priming, it actually primes your system to get much sicker from the wild virus rather than be immune to it. The phenomenon is also known as immune enhancement. It’s paradoxical, it makes you sicker rather than better.
So that’s how they used these what we call spiked placebos, or ”fauxcebos” or poisoned placebos. They’re also called active comparators and they’re used to disguise injuries in the study group. That’s what they’re doing with many of these vaccines. They’re not testing them against inert substances. They’re testing them against substances that are very very dangerous in order to hide injuries.
Reiner Fuellmich:
Why do they do that?
They do it because they can hide injuries. As long as the number of people in the so-called placebo group—they’re not placebos—placebo is an inert substance like salt or sugar—but if they use something very very poisonous as a comparator in the control group and they make sure to kill and injure the same number of people that the study group is killing and injuring, then they get approvals. And that’s how all vaccines are approved, historically. We have 72 mandated doses now in the United States and not one of them has ever been tested against a placebo. So nobody has ever tested whether a vaccinated group has better health outcomes than an unvaccinated group.
The HHS is the agency that regulates vaccines in our country. It’s the large agency in which CDC, FDA, and NIH are housed. They said, Oh, Robert Kennedy is lying when he says we’ve never tested the vaccines against a placebo. So I sued them two years ago with my friend Del Bigtree and ICAN. And for a year-and-a-half they sandbagged us and they stonewalled us and then finally they came out and said Yeah, you’re right, we’ve never tested—not one, not one of the vaccines has ever been tested against a placebo. That means that nobody knows what the risk profile is for that product. That means that nobody can tell you about any one of those vaccines, that the vaccine is actually averting more problems than it’s causing.
Now, in the scientific literature, we have I think, probably 2,000 studies on
our website. We’ve gone through all of the studies that we can find on
pubmed which is the archive of all the peer-reviewed studies that have ever been done and they’re housed there by NIH. We’ve gone through those studies looking to see if we can find other people who have actually compared health outcomes in vaccinated populations to health outcomes in unvaccinated populations. And we found, so far, 61 studies. All of those studies
show that vaccinated children are far more likely to be ill than unvaccinated children.
This goes for a wide range of vaccines. The vaccinated kids with the DTP vaccine—which is diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis—there is
a huge study funded [in part] by the Danish government and the scientists on that study [included]
Peter Aaby who is the world’s authority on African vaccines—a big supporter of vaccines, incidentally. What they found was that girls who got that DTP vaccine were unlikely to die of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, but they were 10 times more likely to die than any of their peers who were unvaccinated. But they were dying of things nobody associated with the vaccine. So they were dying of anemia, pneumonia, [...], malaria, dysentery, upper respiratory infections and they had 30 years of data showing that if you were a girl and you got vaccinated you were 10 times more likely to die than an unvaccinated child within the next two years.
What they realized—nobody had ever connected the dots that the only people who are dying are the ones who are vaccinated because the vaccine was protecting them against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, but it had devastated their immune systems so that any other infection would come in and destroy them. That’s what you worry about. Are there injuries from these vaccines that are invisible to the regulatory authorities because they’re not looking for them?
In our country, our vaccine schedule exploded in 1986. I got three vaccines as a kid. My kids got 72 doses of 16 vaccines. The big change happened in 1989 because two years earlier Congress removed liability from vaccine companies. The law in our country now is no matter how negligent that company is, no matter how grievous your injury, no matter how toxic the ingredient, no matter how sloppy the line protocols by which they manufacture these vaccines, you cannot sue that company. [segment ends at
We've known this for many years: the flu shot makes it much more likely, about 4 to 5 times more likely, to get a non-flu upper viral respiratory infection that includes corona virus.... corona virus in many of these studies is particularly mentioned. So we’ve known for many years that if you get the flu shot you’re more likely to get a corona virus or some other viral upper respiratory infection than if you did not get the flu shot.
In our country the mainstream media is completely owned by Pharma. We changed the law in our country in 1997 to make it legal for pharmaceutical companies to do direct-to-consumer advertising on TV. There’s only 2 countries in the world that allow that: New Zealand and the United States. As a result of that very bad decision, we now, the U.S. by far takes more medication per capita than any country in the world, we pay the highest prices, and we have the worst health outcomes.
But, the pharmaceutical companies own the evening news. Roger Ailes told me that on a typical evening news show there are 22 advertisements and 17 of those are pharmaceutical advertisements. So they’re not only controlling that platform for advertising but they can also dictate content. So that the news reporters know—when Anderson Cooper has a $12 million salary, he knows that $10 million of that is coming from pharmaceutical companies and he’s not going to say anything that displeases them. All of our reporters are now pharmaceutical reps. They’re constantly inflating the danger of infectious disease and telling people, Get your flu shot, put your mask on ... fronting for the pharmaceutical agenda but in addition to that, the online platforms, facebook, google, instagram, youtube, are all tied in with the pharmaceutical companies. Google’s parent company [
Alphabet, Inc. with its independent subsidiary,]
Verily owns four other companies that are making vaccines including flu vaccines, colon cancer vaccines and covid vaccines. Google itself has deals with all the pharmaceutical companies because they are partners mining your data. For example they have a $760 million agreement,
partnership with Glaxo.
There was a SARS epidemic, as you guys know, in 2002, and after that there was a consortium of Western nations and China that came together under the auspices of NIH and with Tony Fauci and they began working on developing a corona virus vaccine because of course SARS was a kind of corona virus. They developed 35 different models so it’s a lot like today. Today we have 200 but back then they had 35 and they all looked pretty good. They chose the four best in class and they developed vaccines from them. They actually went through and developed the pilot program so each one of them had hundreds of vaccine doses.
They gave those vaccines to ferrets which is the animal that is most analogous to human beings when it comes to studying upper respiratory viral infections. When the ferrets got it they had very very good antibody response. Then something horrible happened. The scientists all were celebrating, popping champaign and saying, We did it, we got winners. Then, they exposed the ferrets, they challenged them. They exposed them to the wild virus and the ferrets died. The ones that didn’t die got horribly horribly sick in all of their bodies, particularly their lungs.
Then they remembered something. They remembered that back in the early 1960s they had tested an RSV vaccine which is very similar to corona virus on 35 kids. They had gotten a very good response in the animals but they had never challenged the animals. But because they got the good antibody response they went and they tried the vaccines on children. The children got wonderful antibody response so again, they thought they hit the jackpot. But then, when they challenged the kids with RSV the kids who had the vaccine got horribly sick and two of those children—two of the 35 died. They called off the tests. They stopped and they never understood it; what had happened. It was a big question, a big scandal.
Then in 2012, fifty years later, this thing happened to the ferrets and they went, Oh my gosh, that’s what happened to those little kids back in the sixties. That’s what we did and they stopped all of the tests on the ferrets. All those 35 vaccines disappeared. Two years later, Sanofi developed with NIH a dengue vaccine and again, the dengue vaccine created a strong antibody response. But there were some signals that they saw that made it look like there may be a pathogenic priming problem. But they went ahead and gave it to a couple of hundred thousand children in the Phillippines. When the wild dengue came back around, the kids who had gotten the vaccine got horribly sick and 600 of those children died. The Phillippine government is currently prosecuting—I think 10 or 12 health care workers who were responsible for those decisions in the Phillippines—criminally.
So that is what people like Paul Offit—my enemies—who are saying the exact same thing I’m saying now: We really have to look for the pathogenic priming signal. All of you guys who are concerned about this vaccine, that’s the thing that you really need to keep your eyes on. It’s one of the many things, but it’s the thing that’s going to be tricky for them to do because even if they have 30,000 people—Astrazeneca says we’re going to have 30,000 people in the study—that means 15,000 are going to get the vaccine, 15,000 get a control. Then
we need to make sure that they’re really honest about—a very few of those people are going to be exposed to corona virus, maybe 20 percent. Maybe enen less. We have to be sure to look at what happened to the control group: how many of those people get sick? Because how are we going to even know if they got exposed to corona virus? What if the corona virus disappears? What if in the places where they’re giving these vaccines, where they’re conducting this experiment, what if there’s no corona virus in that place? They’re doing it in multiple countries.
A lot of what they’re going to do is not going to be transparent. You saw this week
they shut down Astrazeneca because one person got transverse myelitis. Then it came out later that it was actually the second case of transverse myelitis. How come we never heard about the first case? Because they had already made the decision that the first case had nothing to do with the vaccine. How did they make that decision? It’s the company that’s making that decision.
There was also a case of multiple sclerosis and they made a decision that that had nothing to do with the vaccine so they don’t have to tell anybody.
And that’s because they’re immune from criminal and civil liability, right?
Also, they’re in charge of the study. So if they make a decision at some point that—this is why it’s important to have a placebo, a real placebo because then at least there’s some transparency. You can say, there was no multiple sclerosis in the placebo group but there was two cases of transverse myelitis and a case of multiple sclerosis in the vaccine group. That’s a signal. But what if they don’t tell you? What if they just say, We already made a decision that it had nothing to do with the vaccine so why should we report it to anybody? What’s to stop them? That’s what they do with
all their other studies. I’m suing them now for Gardasil and they had 9 people die in the study group. They decided not to report it because they said, A lot of people died from suicide and from car accidents. We know that aluminum makes people depressed and it can cause seizures and it can make you suicidal. So even if you die in a car accident or a suicide, you want to have that data. But they make the decision early on, We don’t need to report that data because how could that have anything to do with our vaccine?
So there is an editing process that takes place before the public sees the data. We’re not seeing it in real time. We should be saying to these companies, We need to see the data in
real time. We don’t want to wait for your report. Because by the time they get to the report they’ve buried a lot of the stuff that we ought to be hearing about.
AIDS - Dr. Fauci’s First Fraud Exposed (1:33:50, mp3), Voice TV Nigeria, 1 Sep 2020
Voice TV Nigeria is an online community of reporters and social advocates dedicated to bringing you news reports from a Nigerian-African perspective.
Celia Farber: Massive Crowds Around The World Gather To Protest Covid Tyranny: Germany, UK, Poland, France, Bolivia and More Take To The Streets By The Tens of Thousands Amidst Total Media Blackout The Truth Barrier, 30 Aug 2020
I had family duties yesterday that took me away from computer from 6 am to 8 pm and, having only slept 2 hours the night before, I literally thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming when I began to watch the clips of the protests in Berlin, London, Warsaw, Manchester, and countless other cities, protesting Covid fascism.
Here is a link to a FB page called “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” that collects protest footage from all around the world. Total media blackout, of course.
It felt like a moth with God’s light landed on my numb hand. “Don’t give up. Don’t fall asleep. Hope is real.”
Was I really seeing what I thought I was seeing? People by the thousands, “ordinary” people, who have sat at home making signs everything from the right to breathe without a mask to the right to not be “tested” by PCR tests that can “find” Covid in a Paw Paw or blank cotton swab. These “issues” that used to be so rare, obscure, and strictly associated with AIDS “denialism.”
Tears come to my eyes when I see these crowds gathered, not in the name of some form of cultural decadence or irrelevant discharge but in the sacred name of human freedom.
At the 24:06 minute mark, my friend, Dr. Kevin Corbett, whose article warning of the “Nazification” of the NHS, have been published here, speaks («Unite for Freedom» : manifestation á Londres contre les mesures anti-coronavirus). I am very proud of him, and proud of every last one of us who stood up to this loathsome attack on human life, despite how exhausted we are and how angry it made the people around us. Watching these clips, and regardless of outcome, I believe humanity has already triumphed.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Complete Speech at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Truth (12:30, mp3, filmed from audience), 29 Aug 2020
In Großer Stern Square beneath the Siegesäule Monument, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to more than 1 million people in Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2020.
“Governments love pandemics for the same reason they love war
because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population
that the population would otherwise never accept.”
Full transcript below.
RFK on Instagram:
“beneath the Siegesäule Monument where I spoke. This was one of 40 sites scattered around Berlin where where some 1.5 million people gathered around separate stages to evade police harassment and peacefully protest the alarming global rise of Medical & Digital Totalitarianism. As I said in my speech, the government strategy is to portray the protestors as right wing extremists or ‘Covid Deniers’ (a euphemism,in the official narrative for Holocaust deniers) none of which is true. The government issued three proclamations declaring the protest illegal. Our Rapid Response team of lawyers successfully appealed each of these declarations in court. The Pharma-controlled mainstream media blacked out all coverage of the main event altogether—ignoring what were perhaps
the largest crowds in German history. No main stream media covered this momentous gathering. The only media reports claimed only 38,000 people & showed clips of a staged incident where 100 riot police colluded in a false flag show with some 50 agents provocateurs in Nazi regalia near the Reichtag miles from our protest. The obsequious Pharmedia dutifully conflated that phony fascist Kabuki play with our peaceful democratic event to claim we were allied with violent far right extremists.”
Back home in the United States the newspapers are saying that I came here
today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis. And tomorrow they’re going to report
that yes, I was here, and I spoke to maybe 3 to 5,000 Nazis. I look at
this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love
democracy. People who want open governemnt. People who want leaders who
are not going to lie to them. People who want leaders who will not make
up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the
We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with
the phamaceutical industry. Who are working for us and not Big Pharma.
We want officials who care about our children’s health and not about
pharmaceutical profits or government control.
I look at this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of
every color. I see people from every nation, every religion, all
caring about human dignity, about children’s health, about political
freedom. This is the opposite of nazism.
Governments love pandemics for the same reason they love war because it
gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the
population would otherwise never accept. I’ll tell you something:
it’s a mystery to me that all of these big, important people like
Bill Gates and Tony Fauci have been planning and thinking about this
pandemic for decades. Planning it so that we would all be safe, when
the pandemic finally came. And yet now that it’s here they
don’t seem to know what they’re talking about.
They seem to be making it up as they go along. They’re inventing
numbers. They cannot tell you what the case fatality rate for covid is.
That’s basic. They cannot give us a PCR test that actually works.
They have to change the definition of covid on the death certificates
constantly to make it look more and more dangerous. The one thing that
they’re good at is pumping up fear.
75 years ago Hermann Göering testified at the Nuremberg Trials. He
was asked, How did you make the German people go along with all this?
He said, It’s an easy thing. It’s not anything that has to do with
Nazism. It has to do with human nature. You can do this in a nazi
regime. You can do it in a socialist regime. You can do it in a
communist regime. You can do it in a monarchy and a democracy. The
only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear.
And if you can figure out something to make them scared, you can
get them to do anything you want.
50 years ago my uncle John Kennedy came to this city. He came here
to Berlin because Berlin was the front line against global
totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is the front line against
global totalitarianism. He proudly said to the people of Germany,
Ich bin ein Berliner. All of us who are here today can proudly
say once again, Ich bin ein Berliner.
They haven’t done a very good job about protecting public health
but they’ve done a very good job at using the quarantine to bring
5G into all of our communities. And to begin the process of shifting
us all to a digital currency which is the beginning of slavery.
Because if they control your bank account they control your
behavior. We all see these advertizements on television saying 5G
is coming to your community. It’s going to be a great thing for all
of you. It’s going to change your lives. It’s going to make all of
your lives so much better. And it’s very convincing I have to say
because I look at those ads and I think that’s great, I can
hardly wait till it gets here. Because I’m going to be able to
download a video game in six seconds instead of 16 seconds.
Is that why they’re spending five trillion dollars on 5G? No.
The reason is for surveillance and data harvesting. It’s not
for you and me. It’s for Bill Gates and Zuckerberg and Bezos
and all of the other [...] Bill Gates says that his satellite
fleet will be able to look at every square inch of the planet
24 hours a day. That’s only the beginning. He
also will be able to follow you on all of your
smart devices through biometric facial recognition; through your GPS.
You think that alexis is working for you. She isn’t working for you
she’s working for Bill Gates.
The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elites who are
dictating these policies. It gives them the ability to obliterate
the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to
shift all of our wealth from all of us to a handful of
billionaires to make themselves rich by impoverishing the rest of
And the only thing between them and our children is this crowd
that has come to Berlin. We’re telling them today: You are not
going to take away our freedoms, You are not going to poison our
children. We are going to demand our democracy back. Thank you all
very much for fighting.
Heiko Schöning at Brandenburger Tor, 29.08.2020, 12 Uhr
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in Berlin Press Conference After Launching CFD’s Europe Chapter (18:21, mp3), 28 Aug 2020 (complete 28:57 conference)
International Welcome Conference in Berlin, 28.08.2020. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Heiko Schöning (Medical Doctor of R.F. Kennedy Jr., www.acu2020.org, https://www.aerzte-fuer-aufklaerung.de); Markus Haintz (Lawyer of R.F. Kennedy Jr., Querdenken Ulm); Senta Depuydt and Tina Choy (Board members of CHD Europe).
On Friday August 28, 2020, Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chair of Children's Health Defense, met with the leaders of the newly-formed Children's Health Defense Europe. They held a press conference on this occasion.
Mr. Kennedy will address the Berlin rally for freedom and peace tomorrow, where more than 1 million participants from all over Europe are expected.
Dr Roberto Petrella: covid 19 means program of mass extermination (6:59), 26 Aug 2020
There is this document which I am about to read to you which not only must you disseminate: but take note of it. The media, television, politics, are never going to release what I am about to read to you. Italians, pay attention. Covid-19, means the "certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence" and "19", is the year in which it was created. Covid-19 is not the name of the virus, pay attention it is rather the name of the international plan for the control and reduction of populations which has been developed over the last decades and launched in 2020....
Do not take the tests: the tests are not reliable. I have always said it and will repeat myself, just like many test producers also affirm: none of the tests are able to accurately detect the Sar Cov-2 virus. They can only detect an infinity of small harmless viruses or cell debris which are naturally already part of our microbiota. The people tested will increasingly appear positive in tests (about 90%). This is their goal, and this is why they started the testing process with children....
The Media War On Civilization (5:32, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the record straight on the media war on civilization, 26 Aug 2020
The press and social media are actively working to destroy our civilization, and laughing in our faces at the same time.
Beginning at: 3:14
“Now let’s look at what’s going on in U.S. schools. They are psychologically torturing our children. Children are being taught that every other child is a threat to their survival. What better way to destroy the mental health of children and bring down a civilization fast? And never mind that the CDC says flu is 5 to 10 times deadlier for children.”
Torturing Children in school
Spiro Skouras: COVID-1984 From A Two Week Lockdown To Mandatory Vaccination & Life In Prison (11:52, mp3), Activist Post, 23 Aug 2020
Dr Dolores Cahill: Speech In Dublin Destroys Government Argument for COVID Lockdown (34:40, mp3) 22 Aug 2020
Dr Dolores Cahill is a molecular biologist and immunologist, specialising in early diagnosis of diseases, research integrity, and looking at the impacts of government policy in science, innovation, education, as well as on public health of society. She has been a science professor for 15 years, most recently with University College Dublin, and has served for 10 years government advisory science council, and 15 years as an EU expert advisor.
This past weekend, Dolores Cahill spoke to thousands of people gathered in the Ireland’s capital city of Dublin for “Time For Change” Against Oppressive Government Restrictions and Mandates, with crowds assembling in peaceful protest against the Irish government’s COVID lockdown policies. This was the second anti-lockdown rally held in Dublin since the beginning of the crisis in Ireland. Thousands gathered to protested against new government mandates, lack of transparency in their own reporting, proportionality of policy decisions, and the lack of government accountability, their cadre of science advisors and public health officials. Cahill addressed the crowd on issues of government liability for its policies based on misinformation, and constitutional rights violations based on unscientific findings leading to unwarranted lockdowns, social distancing, school closures, masks, and vaccines.
“As doctors, scientists and in public health, we all and the govt and pol public we s have a duty to look at the harm, as well as the benefits of everything that they implement, and what they are doing is not considering the harm from the lockdown, versus the deaths associated with COVID-19 and this is wrong,” said Dr Cahill to crowd gathered at Custom House in Dublin’s city centre.
Bashing Sweden (3:56, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the Record Straight About Science, 19 Aug 2020
Sweden demonstrated that lockdowns, masks and vaccinations are unnecessary, so there has been a concerted propaganda effort by totalitarians to bash and ignore Sweden’s success. If the public understood the situation in Sweden, they would not put up with the tyranny from their own governments.
Plandemic - InDoctorNation (1:15:30, mp3), Elevate, 18 Aug 2020
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the decision makers that are currently managing this crisis.
“Rush to Censor, Discredit As Much-Anticipated Plandemic 2 Released,” Jefferey Jaxen, The Highwire, 20 Aug 2020
Download clips from the film via wetransfer.com:
The Event ‘201’
The Backstory Behind The Judy Mikovits Interview
Interview With David E. Martin "Turning Coronavirus From A Pathogen To Profit"
Where Did The Coronavirus Originate And How Was The Media Spread It
How Does Google And Other Silicon Valley Companies Control The Narrative
Should We Trust Our So Called ‘Fact Checkers’
Power Hungry People Controlling The Narrative, The So Called ‘Mocking Bird’
How The Media Targets Whistleblowers
The Out Break Of Coronavirus Was Predicted Long Before The ‘201 Event’
Leadership Is Compromised By Merits Of Influence Rather Than Qualities
Why We Will Never Be Able To Fix Our Medical Care System
Who Is Bill Gates And What Erruption Has He Caused
‘The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act’
From Microsoft To Creating A Vaccine, How Is Gates Involved With Epstein
A Vaccine Or A Population Management Story
Stand Up To The Conspiring Parties To Reclaim Your Humanity!
Download Full Documentary
Chinese Propaganda Controlling Policy (7:38, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Pulling Back The Curtain On Propaganda, 18 Jul 2020
A giant mask-free pool party in Wuhan today, as maskless protesters in Australia are hauled off to jail. It appears that China has pulled off the perfect propaganda coup against the west.
The Great Reset: Where Do We Go From Here? (10:19, mp3), Derrick Broze, Conscious Resistance, 18 Aug 2020
As the world of 2020 faces a global pandemic, many powerful nations are also faced with economic turmoil as a result of locking society down. At the same time, nations around the world are using COVID-19 as an opportunity to grab more surveillance and police state powers, institute mask and vaccine mandates, accelerate the push towards a completely digital world, enact more corporate bailouts, and generally, extreme control and involvement in citizens lives....
While Schwab and Gates would prefer that the people of the world submit to their vision, we must stand against this push for centralization of power and technology. The Great Reset is coming, and perhaps, it should come. We have many issues facing our species that need to be addressed. However, central planning, surveillance, and loss of individual liberty is not the answer. The answer is decentralization, opting out en masse, non-compliance, and non-participation in the systems which have brought us to this predicament.
We, as free people, must decide what path we intend to take. Will we stand by and allow the predators to seize control of all resources and power for the coming generations? Or, will we finally break free from their violent systems and initiate a Great Reset which benefits the people, from bottom to top?
History to ‘vindicate Swedish COVID-19 strategy’ (7:17, mp3), Rowan Dean, Sky News Australia, 15 Aug 2020
Sky News host Rowan Dean says the effectiveness of the COVID-19 herd immunity strategy implemented in Sweden and Switzerland “should put the fear of God into every politician in this country”.
Some emerging reports seem to endorse the herd immunity strategy utilised by Sweden, which has now recorded far fewer deaths per capita than the United Kingdom while maintaining basic freedoms and a far milder recession.
Former Swedish State Epidemiologist Professor Johan Giesecke warned a major lockdown would simply destroy the economy and leave the population without herd immunity and permanently vulnerable to future COVID-19 outbreaks.
Mr Dean also examined Switzerland and its use of the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which is currently banned in Victoria and Queensland as a coronavirus treatment.
He said “Switzerland briefly banned the drug after the Lancet claimed it was killing people” but quickly re-instated the drug when the article was withdrawn by the journal.
According to a study done by John Hopkins University during the weeks preceding the ban on HCQ in Switzerland the fatality ratio index for Switzerland fluctuated between 3-5 per cent.
“Will history record that not only was the destruction of our economy completely pointless but preventative treatments using drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin in combination with others were sitting there right under our noses all along?” Mr Dean said.
Joe Biden Vs Freedom - Biden Promises Tyranny (7:21, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the Record Straight About Propaganda, 13 Aug 2020
Joe Biden wants the US to follow Victoria’s lead, and muzzle the citizenry.
Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients (3:50, mp3) One America News Network, 13 Aug 2020
It’s not only potent it’s also very inexpensive. The wholesale cost for
a course of treatment is just 12 cents meaning it’s a safe and widely
available treatment for the coronavirus.
The medicine works by allowing healthy cells to quickly remove the virus
preventing it from taking hold. Dr Borody adds that countless doctors and
frontline workers around the world, including himself, are already taking
this treatment as a preventative against the coronavirus. If we use a
preventative combination of ivermectin every say two weeks, it would work
like a vaccine but it would not only cure – vaccine doesn’t cure
– and prevent recurrence as long as you took it for one year, two
Caly, L., Druce, J.D., et al. The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, Antiviral Research, Vol 178, June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104787
At 24 h, there was a 93% reduction in viral RNA present in the supernatant (indicative of released virions) of samples treated with ivermectin compared to the vehicle DMSO. Similarly a 99.8% reduction in cell-associated viral RNA (indicative of unreleased and unpackaged virions) was observed with ivermectin treatment. By 48 h this effect increased to an ~5000-fold reduction of viral RNA in ivermectin-treated compared to control samples, indicating that ivermectin treatment resulted in the effective loss of essentially all viral material by 48 h. Consistent with this idea, no further reduction in viral RNA was observed at 72 h. As we have observed previously (Lundberg et al., 2013; Tay et al., 2013; Wagstaff et al., 2012), no toxicity of ivermectin was observed at any of the timepoints tested, in either the sample wells or in parallel tested drug alone samples.
Dr. Theodore Noel: Aersols Will NOT Be Stopped By Masks (2:55) 13 Aug 2020
Dr. Ted Noel is an anesthesiologist with 36 years of experience. Mirrored from:
Dr. Theodore Noel: Masks and Aerosols
Included in:
Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence. Published: July 30, 2020; Updated: August 26, 2020,
Swiss Policy Research
From original 13 Aug 2020 video (6:07):
“You don’t need a big study. All you need is this [holding up a vaping device] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller, tighter aerosol - just because it can’t be seen ordinarily - that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.”
No Lie Is Too Big For Scientists (8:59, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the Record Straight About Science, Aug 13
Scientists destroyed the world economy in March with unsupportable predictions of millions dead. And now they are back with much bigger lies.
Veteran Warns “Families Are Starving”, Stop Or A Revolution Is Coming Soon (2:33, mp3), 11 Aug 2020
Shasta County resident, military veteran, and business owner Carlos Zapata speaks to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors on Aug. 11, 2020
“I’m pretty appalled at what’s going on. At first we sat as concerned citizens, and we all wanted to best figure out how to navigate our way through this COVID thing. As we realized that it’s not as quite as dangerous as we thought it would be, I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice. And you guys are sitting here with your masks on. I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face if I was you for what you’re doing....
“And there’s a million people like me and you won’t stop us.
Open the county. Let our citizens do what they need to do. Let owners
of businesses do what they need to do to feed their families.
Take the masks off. Quit masking and muzzling your children. The
psychological damage you’re doing to them is horrible. I’ve
had six friends kill themselves since it’s happened. Veterans
who lost their jobs. How do you feel about being complicit and
perpetuating that?—the greatest hoax that’s perpetuated
on the American people and you’re part of it while wearing your
masks in Shasta County.”
Ice Age Farmer: COVID-19 Strike Teams Shut Down Farms – FoodWars Go Hot – Beirut, Aus, China Shortages (11:49, mp3), Ice Age Farmer, 6 Aug 2020
The global food supply is being destroyed, production dismantled, and farmers put out of business: California is sending in “COVID-19 Strike Teams” to shut down farms that are not “properly distanced.” China bans cellphones in granaries. Australian food shortages. Beirut loses main port and grain stores. Middle East food production & distribution is on fire. Christian breaks down the latest as the #FoodWars go hot.
Spiro Skouras: The Plan To Silence Doctors Once And For All (4:43) 2 Aug 2020
“To learn who rules over you...simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize...”
Last week an organization of doctors called ‘Americas Frontline Doctors’ went to Washington DC and gave a press release in front of the Supreme Court.
What This group of doctors said, directly contradicted official positions of the World Health Organization and the Centers For Disease Control regarding the coronavirus and treatment of the infection as the new experimental vaccine could arrive before the end of the year.
Members of the doctors organization have been fired from their jobs, they have had their website removed and the viral video has been almost scrubbed from the internet.
It appears censoring doctors who speak out against the medical establishment may only be a temporary solution. Just today, right on time the World Economic Fund released a video called ‘When Your Doctor Is A Robot.’
Will doctors and nurses one day be replaced by artificial intelligence and robots? After all, robots don’t ask questions... They follow orders.
Berlin, Germany: Thinking Against The Mainstream Demonstration on August 1st, 2020 in Berlin “A sign of the people to those in power”
Gratitude to Uwe Alschner for English description of this day of hope in Germany
Querdenken Demonstration am 01.08.2020 in Berlin “Ein Zeichen des Volkes an die Regierenden” (32:46)
The film is a report covering the whole day, which started—with a seperately registered event—with a march across town. That march was organized by people from Leipzig and started at 10:00 in the morning. There is footage about that too. They had 14 trucks (with bands and speakers to cheer up the marchers), between two trucks was a distance of 2,3 kilometers.†
The route was a loop starting at the Brandenburg Gate’s eastern side just outside the US embassy, and ending on the “avenue of 17th june” west of the gate where the second rally was registered (the one with a stage, organized by “Querdenken 711” from Stuttgart. Querdenken means of course “thinking against the mainstream” and 711 is the area code for Stuttgart. There are many similar movements. All identify by their area code.
That second rally (on the stage) was dissolved right after the start. The police closed off the Avenue of 17th June after truck #2 arrived around 2 pm.
The liason officer, who communicated to the Leipzig organizers an estimated number of participants in the range of 800,000, said “we have an aerial picture and can see that the crowd has not even left the place where it started whilst the head of the rally is almost back”
That is what you can see on most press footage as police vans are parked across the avenue, diverting people, attempting to dissolve them. When this was unsuccessful they cancelled the rally at around 4 pm when it had only just begun (speaker #3 of 10 had just begun). People were asked to leave, which of course no one did until 10 pm.
www.ACU2020.org - A6 Friederike Pfeiffer A7 Markus Haintz A8 Selina Fullert Schöning ACU-ANHÖRUNGEN (32:22)
This is a discussion of general motovation for getting involved. The guy in the blue shirt is Markus Hainz, a lawyer, who challenged the orders up to the German Constitutional Court and got his motion denied. He had asked the court to step in and rule the measures taken by the court unsconstitutional, and also have them suspended immediately. The court said, in effect, that the infringement of constitutional rights is “not substantial enough” to even start the process of judicial review. What this means, of course, is an admission of infringement of constitutional rights, yet the court (whose president just recently—in December—left the Bundestag where he was serving as a represantative, while also working as a lawyer for Volkswagen in their fight against punitive damages for fraud in manipulating their emissions—this means the CC is run by a corporate lawyer with close ties to the government) the court has assumed the authority to say to the people that not all constitutional rights are eligible for citizens to claim ...
Berlin - Tag der Freiheit - Freedom Day organiser of the morning march
This is the organiser of the morning march referring to when after 1/3 (roughly noon-ish) of the course the police liason officer told him about the aerial photo and estimate of 800,000.
Of course the whole thing was highly political and we can assume the political leaderhip and police big whigs to have realized the enormity of the protest. They will then have decided on ways to derail it, get it stop. Sealing off the Avenue of 17th June was one measure, cutting the power supply for the stage and dissolving the rally another....
Berlin - Tag der Freiheit - sealing off “Avenue of 17th June” and organiser reports police strategy
This is footage of police sealing off the street where the rally was destined to end with a huge show of dissent if all 800,000 has been able to convene. It was at around 2 pm when 4/5 of the crowd was still on their feed or hadn’t even begun marching ...
And here the organisers show a picture of themselves and their police liason officer who, they say, gave away that police leadership had decided to make sure noone else would get onto the rally
Lisa S. Koche, MD:
Speaking In Support of America’s Frontline Doctors and Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy (12:14, mp3), 30 Jul 2020
Dr. Koche
Earlier this week,
my colleagues stood on Capitol Hill with their hearts on their sleeves, to speak up, to lead, to empower. I am overwhelmed by the bravery these doctors showed to try to inform the public. We, as doctors, are not being heard. Humanity needs us now more than ever.
Why are us doctors being censored?
What is the agenda of the people blocking this information?
My passion and my purpose in life is to HEAL, as I have healed myself.
There are studies of a medication that is 65 years old (discussed in vid) which has shown, when administered properly, to heal and cure cases of covid 19. In some countries - an over the counter drug that everyone can have access to.
I had to push and fight to get access to this here in the USA. I am a doctor - a doctor with 8,000 patients, triple board certified, and no marks against my record DOCTOR.
If I’m not being heard, then who is?
We need to take action.
We need to come together.
We need to keep fighting.
Keep researching, keep sharing, and keep spreading the word.
We don’t have to live in fear anymore.
We CAN get back to normal life.
Repeat this affirmation with me:
“I use my curiosity and my intuition to guide me into positive action.”
Please share if this message resonates with you. We need all the help we can get.
Dr. Lisa
Mark McDonald, MD: Child Psychiatrist Outraged At Covid Repression: “In My View This Is Child Abuse. We Are Training An Entire Generation Of Children To Live In Fear. To Live In Fear Of People.” (8:52, mp3), America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Sessions Presentations, 27 Jul 2020
This came to my attention courtesy of my friend Mark Crispin Miller, who is to my mind the last man standing on the academic, honest, humanist left. There may be others there but Mark Crispin Miller is the only one I am aware of, who has never once gone along to get along, with anything that was either demonstrably false or demonstrably abusive. He’s a bit of a living legend. You can sign up for his dispatches at:
https://markcrispinmiller.com/about/. —Celia Farber
Planetary Savior (3:24, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the Record Straigh About Science, 27 Jul 2020
I’m not certain if global warming or COVID-19 is the current greatest threat mankind has ever faced - but fortunately we have the same savior for both.
Annotated Transcript: Historic Vaccine Debate: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vs. Alan Dershowitz (1:18:09, mp3), moderated by Patrick Bet-David, Valuetainment, 23 Jul 2020
Highly informative. RFK, Jr. finally is able to tell the world the truth about Big Pharma, the CDC, NIH, and the U.S. Congress’ complicity in a vast criminal enterprise, protected by law and allowed to use people in the U.S. as guinea pigs for astronomical profits.
The two attorneys debated a range of issues including vaccine mandates, the PREP Act, the lack of vaccine safety studies, Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, and HHS’s failure to act on provisions of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Are compulsory vaccines even legal? Should any government be able to force medical procedures on families?
OSHA Specialists: Masks Exposed and Health Risks Involved with Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan (15:35, mp3) 22 Jul 2020
Mark Crispin Miller: On the risks of masking, you will find an explanation far more vivid than those many cautious scientific studies—and, in fact, more expert—in this 15-minute video by Tammy Clark and Krista Meghan, two highly trained and thoroughly experienced environmental health and safety professionals, and OSHA consultants, well-versed in virology and immunology, and who, between them, have conducted thousands of tests and fittings of PPE in workplaces of all kinds. Living in Michigan, and working there as independent professionals, the two were so appalled by Gov. Whitmer’s sweeping mask mandate that they teamed up to make crystal-clear what their professional colleagues who are not self-employed know all too well, but are afraid to tell the public, as they would lose their jobs for it (like countless other health professionals who’d also like to tell us what they know, but can’t afford to take the risk).
After duly noting that face masks offer no protection against the very tiny COVID-19 virions, and that the argument for wearing them in order to save others is “completely fake,” those two women carefully explain that Gov. Whitmer’s sweeping mandate that “you’ve got to wear a mask” in Michigan—like all other such mandates throughout the nation and the world—is, to put it bluntly, murderously reckless, a tyrannical one-size-fits-all directive overriding the important fact that everybody’s health is different, and that many people just can’t tolerate the hypoxic impact of mask-wearing. Clark explains that, soon after its creation in 1970, OSHA studied the effects of masking, soon finding that, among the masked, “oxygen levels drop to hypoxic levels,” causing headaches, nausea, light-headness and, all too often, heart attacks. “We were killing people” by allowing their employers to require them to wear masks at work, which is why OSHA looked into the issue, as required by federal law. This is why professionals like Clark and Meghan, who fit workers for masks and ventilators to comply with OSHA standards, must have them fill out detailed questionnaires about their health, as some must be exempt from wearing masks. And so, since “some people’s cardio-vascular systems can’t handle” wearing masks, “why,” Clark asks, “are we making this an across-the-board state mandate” in Michigan—or anywhere else?
Two Paths To Herd Immunity (6:31, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the record straight about science, 15 Jul 2020
Sweden and New York both appear to approaching herd immunity. Sweden did it through thoughtful planning and science, and New York did it through mass carnage and chaos.
Pediatricians unanimously saying they would “absolutely” send their kids back to school in the fall, “without hesitation.” Notice the surprised MSNBC anchor’s reaction, “They all said yes.”
“Competent Government” (7:26, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting the record straight about propaganda, 13 Jul 2020
A look at some Orwellian COVID news headlines, and how they are the exact opposite of reality.
RFK, Jr. talks with Dr. Andy Wakefield about his new movie, 1986: The Act. (28:11, mp3), Children’s Health Defense, 13 Jul 2020
For thousands of parents with vaccine-injured children, the
1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
(NCVIA) conjures up sadness, betrayal of trust, disappointment and anger. But what does the rest of the public think? Most people don’t even realize the NCVIA exists! They are still under the rosy misconception that vaccines are safe and effective and that our legislators and public health officials would never do anything that would knowingly hurt America’s children. We need to educate them. That is where 1986: The Act comes in.
Viewers will learn how “The Act” turned fairness and the US court system on its head. Touted at the time as a helpful, non-adversarial alternative to long, protracted court battles, it actually turned into anything but; where the vaccine- injured linger without help, parents rack up medical bills and wait years for monetary relief which seldom comes, and government lawyers take home fat paychecks for their efforts against families. This corrupt system ensures that consumers pay the tab and vaccine manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank.
Movie source: 1986theact.com
The Wuhan Flu (5:33, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Setting The Record Straight About History, 7 Jul 2020
The New York Times says it is racist to call Covid-19 the Wuhan Flu. They tell us it’s not important to tell us where the virus originated. But Covid-19 isn’t the first virus from Wuhan.
Brian Procter MD cured over 100 Covid-19 with HCQ and Zinc Second video (9:42, mp3) 5 Jul 2020
PDF copy of Dr. Procter’s 2 Jul 2020 letter:
My name is Brian C. Procter MD, and I have been a Board-Certified Family Physician in McKinney, Texas for 20 years. It is my understanding that some are trying to get to the truth about Covid-19, and there is a lot of misleading information out there. If patients get sick enough to be admitted to the hospital, effective treatment is limited, and the complication rate is high. But what happens when we treat patients 3-6 weeks earlier, when they first develop symptoms? I have been treating COVID-19 patients in the outpatient trenches for over 3 months now. I am using Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Losartan, Aspirin, and Zinc, all available for less than $50 cash from most pharmacies, saving individual and/or insurance company healthcare dollars best spent elsewhere. We have identified, diagnosed, and successfully treated these patients at a relatively early point in the course of the disease. It is these statistics that are amazing. I have treated over 100 patients without a single ER visit or need for hospitalization with advanced care. I know one colleague who has treated over 400 patients with the same success. Although there have been no unexpected side effects, including no cardiovascular problems related to Hydroxychloroquine, one should remember it is possible for any drug to have undesirable side effects as evidenced by various TV commercials. We are two community docs using EARLY AGGRESSIVE OUTPATIENT TREATMENT to handle the disease with a 100% success rate (ZERO Admissions) and no cardiovascular side effects using meds that have been around for decades.
Therefore, if we can treat patients EARLY for $50, we seem to be successful at preventing hospitalizations, ICUs, and death not to mention saving 10’s of thousands of dollars per sick patient. My local ICU doctors have pleaded with me to keep doing what I am doing. The answer seems to be EARLY AGGRESSIVE OUTPATIENT TREATMENT and NOT contact tracing, quarantine (destroys millions of lives financially, physically, and emotionally), wearing masks (may be beneficial indoors or in large crowds, but it is not a practical long term solution for the general public, and, to date, there are no studies to support continuous mask use by the general public ), a vaccine (we won’t have it until next year—SARS and MERS died out so this likely will too), social distancing (which won’t sustain our GDP with 25% or even 75% occupancy), testing (ALL tests have a high false negative rate up of at least 20%), or watchful waiting (a tactic that has contributed to over 100,000 deaths). We could also place all nursing home patients and health care personnel on HCQ prophylaxis for 180 days on a voluntary basis of course. This could theoretically prevent thousands of needless hospitalizations and deaths and the spread of the virus.
In conclusion, if we treat COVID-19 like similar flus, pneumonia, hypertension, diabetes, or even a simple sinus infection using early, aggressive therapy that has shown a high rate of success while costing much less than a hospital stay, then we, as a nation, would be far better off rather than be stymied by a constant barrage of numbers that become meaningless because of the confusion of surrounding data collection. Rather than using information as a political tool, the American people should be made aware of successful, alternative options, allowing them to choose what course to follow (right to try). This information on a course of treatment that thus far has shown to be safe and effective when used early and with patients eligible for outpatient care, would help to erase some of the fear that has been generated by the media with overemphasis on hospitalization and possible severe complications and death. Knowing treatment is readily available from one’s own family doctor needs to be part of the model for this and future similar pandemics...and there will be more!
Twenty-Three years ago, I took the Hippocratic Oath. It is posted in my lobby. It is my creed and promise to my patients. The FDA, CDC, NIH, and the WHO are not mentioned in this Oath anywhere. This IS the REAL story. This crisis has become political in the way it has been handled by many states, and this crisis should be about saving the lives of people all over the world and not about the endless struggle between two political parties. My heart goes out to the millions of people who have suffered in the wake of this pandemic. If all PCPs would use this regimen as one of the options they can offer patients early on, the brunt of this pandemic could end in a few weeks, acquired immunity would continue to occur at a more normal rate, and we won’t be faced with the problems related to when and if a vaccine is developed before the next round of the virus surfaces. While I fully realize this data is far from representing a randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial, we need to go to war with what we have. We need a grass root movement to cure this pandemic. Please circulate this to everyone you know: social media, politicians, doctors, friends, and family. With hope, faith, love, dedication, and perseverance, together we can end this pandemic without destroying any more lives. Please help us end this crisis! Serious inquirers about details and treatment can contact us at doctorcovidl9@yahoo.com. BELIEVE, and we can get our lives and country back fast!! 7/2/2020
Brian C. Procter MD, McKinney Family Medicine
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProcterMd/
Nov 28:
Brian C. Procter MD:
As Promised, this is a copy of our latest COVID-19 Immune Booster Regimen from McKinney Family Medicine. Feel free to share, especially with your PCP. I am banned from Facebook again for 1 month.
MFM’s Recommendation to Boost Immune System
As Promised, this is a copy of my latest COVID-19 Description of Treatment Regimen. Feel free to share, especially with your PCP.
MFM and Early Aggressive Effective Treatment for COVID-19 (SARS-Cov-2) Infection
As Promised, this is a copy of my latest COVID-19 Treatment Regimen. Feel free to share, especially with your PCP.
MFM’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treatment Regimen
Dr. Scott Jensen - Could this happen to you? (13:44) 5 Jul 2020
“Most important video I’ve done...gut wrenching. Could this happen to you? Share the message...no one’s immune to attacks.”
Scott Jensen, MD, is a Minnesota State Senator. In this video he relays how he is under investigation by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice for allegedly spreading misinformation about COVID-19.
Follow-up to this:
28 Jul FB post:
In late June, I received notice from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice that my license was under review after two allegations regarding public comments were filed against me. The first allegation was that my willingness to compare COVID-19 to influenza outbreaks constituted reckless advice. The second was that I spread misinformation by sharing my concern over the Department of Health’s advice about the completion of death certificates during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I announced yesterday that the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice had completed a thorough investigation and dismissed the allegations.
We are all entitled to our own reasoning. In a nation built on free speech, this right must be protected. But instead, today we are seeing an unprecedented intolerance for contrarian viewpoints.
I was forced to respond to allegations from accusers I could not face. These people threatened to uproot my practice, my profession, and my life. But cancel culture didn’t win this time. I chose to stay in the fight, to remain vocal, and to dedicate my time to continue to spread truth rather than allow fearmongering to run amok. It was not easy, but the circumstances which propelled me to respond to unfair allegations were the same ones which necessitated my speaking out. A worldwide transparent dialogue was never something I imagined, but I believe it was healthy.
So many folks sent notes, stopped me at the store, texted me, and sustained my family through this time of uncertainty. I thank everyone for engaging and declaring that a small group of people don’t get to tell the world at large what to think. This personal and painful journey provided a reminder for me that we must have the discipline to overcome groupthink by believing in ourselves.
I am a family doc in the trenches, and I have always used my license to care for people. I am blessed to live out my calling every day and now, I am more thankful than ever to return to work tomorrow and greet my patients with this weight lifted.
Reference Site: Corona - The Simple Truth in Under 6 Minutes (NL/GER/UK subs) (5:40) 4 Jul 2020
What we have been told and what over thousand of independent international scientists tell us that really happened.
Data as per mid-June 2020. Loosely quoted scientists, amongst others but not limited to: Professor John Ioannidis, Professor Dr. Knut Wittkowski, Professor Sunetra Gupta, Professor Dr. Klaus Püschel, Professor Dr. Michael Levitt, Professor Dr. Hendrick Streeck, Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Anders Tegnell, Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, Professor Dr. Peter C. Gøtzsche, Professor Dr. Pietro Vernazza, Professor Dr. Didier Raoult and many others.
PS. We make mistakes too, so please tell us (sourced) where and if we would be wrong and we’ll be happy to learn and to add changes in the description or the comments. A brief overview of sources and a download of the video (on Vimeo) are also available on
Everything most important about COVID in 15 minutes - Denis Rancourt zoom talk to community group (18:13, mp3) 2 Jul 2020
Transcript of the first 5:52 minutes of this talk:
There’s one thing that we can be absolutely certain of scientifically.
A death is a death. Whereas when you try to attribute cause of death it
becomes political. Even when a medical doctor tries to attribute cause
of death in a complicated situation like this, where you have co-morbidity
conditions and everyone’s arguing about whether the tests are valid and
so on, the attribution of the death, of the cause of death, is typically
biased and is very political. This is well known by epidemilogists. It’s
always been this way. It’s effected by what the public is thinking of,
what the media is saying, and so on.
The way to get around that is to look at total deaths, all cause death.
If we look at all cause mortality on a per week basis—so every week,
how many people die, let’s say, in Canada or in a given state or in a
given province or a given European country—you make a graph of the
total number of deaths per week as a function of, as the weeks advance.
What you find when you do that is that every winter in the mid-latitude
countries, in Europe and North American, every winter there’s a large
hump of additional deaths, above a kind of summer background. We can
call this the winter burden of deaths.
This is well known. It’s always been there, it’s always happened. It’s
true with animals that live in nature and it’s true with humans that
live in those mid-latitude countries. Why is that? Science has come
to understand that the main reason most probably is, because of these
darn viruses that have been with us for millions of years that cause
respiratory diseases. Because these viruses are transmitted by very
small aerosol particles that are suspended in the air and they can
only be suspended in the air, effectively, and for a long time, if the
absolute humidity is very low. That’s why it happens in the winter.
In winter, all of these viruses, which are very similar, one to
the next—irrespective of the strain—all of these viruses
that cause respiratory diseases are highly contagious and transmit
in the winter when the air is dry. That’s why you get this extra
burden of death. Because as soon as you breath in these aerosols,
they infect your lungs and they give you this nasty respiratory
disease. Then, your immune system is in high demand. You have to
have a lot of metabolic energy and you have to fight that infection
and that energetic demand in your metabolism is extreme. Your body
will even shut down other functions in order to meet that demand.
So anyone who is already fragile and already spending a lot of
resources within their body to fight other infections or other
conditions, is at risk of dying. That’s why it’s the elderly
people who have co-morbidity conditions that die under this
extra stress of the respiratory disease infection.
Even people who have heart conditions will die as a result of
adding on this respiratory disease. That’s why you get this large
extra hump in the winter time. This is what these humps look like.
Every winter you get an extra bump of these deaths. This is for
the United States as a whole.
That’s what the graph looks like as you go year-to-year every winter
like that. And you can see that the extra number of deaths, the extra
size of these bumps is always about the same. It’s not dramatically
different from year to year. These viruses—and there are many,
many of them and they co-exist with us and they always have—if
they can be transmitted they will be transmitted. And they’re mutating
all the time and you always get extra deaths in the winter.
Once you understand all that, the very first thing we have to say
scientifically, on a rigorous basis, is:
This year, this winter, under
Covid-19, there have not been more deaths than usual. In other
words, the winter burden, total deaths, has not been greater,
statistically speaking—it always varies a little from year to
year—but in terms of, Is it significantly greater? Is something
special happening? It’s not. That’s the very first point I want to
make: that this is not a killer pathogen that is unusal in terms of
how many deaths it causes. Nor is it unusual in terms of how it is
transmitted, how it acts. It’s one of hundreds and hundreds of
different viral, respiratory disease viruses. And they mutate,
and they change, and they’re always with us. Typically a person who
is infected, is often infected, when they analyze it they find this
out, is often infected by more than one of these viruses at any one
time. So it’s not like you just get one. They’re all transmitting,
they’re all there and it puts an extra burden on our immune systems
in the winter time.
Does the Handling of This Virus Amount to Torture?, Amazing Polly (43:14 mp3), 1 Jul 2020
By comparing our situation to the study of torture & coercion on Prisoners of War, I believe it becomes clear that what we are being put through with the virus response is a near perfect parallel to the Amnesty International definition of torture & Bidermans ‘Chart of Coercion.’
Biderman’s Chart Of Coercion (
p. 53)
MCM: Not only are masking and social distancing long-established torture techniques, psychological torture is known to cause all sorts of respiratory diseases from pneumonia to asthma, the symptoms of many of which are identical to the symptoms attributed to COVID-19.
Amnesty International Report on Torture (1975, 2nd Edition):
Dr Fauci’s Self Fulfilling Crisis (4:05, mp3), Tony Heller, Real Climate Science: Pulling Back The Curtain On Junk Science, 30 Jun 2020
Dr. Fauci testified before Congress today, and warned about all kinds of serious problems which he caused.
“Dr. Fauci testified before Congress today and confirmed everything which
I’ve been warning about for the past four months. Dr. Fauci warned of
a tremendous burden the US healthcare system faces this fall if seasonal
flu and Covid-19 are circulating together. His comment caught my attention
because the only reason we would still be having a problem with Covid-19
in the fall was because we failed to achieve herd immunity. And if we
failed to achieve herd immunity it was precisely because of the lockdowns
which Dr. Fauci promoted. The whole point of the lockdowns was to slow the
spread of the virus and by slowing the spread of the virus he dragged the
epidemic out into the next flu season. This is exactly what Sweden’s
policy was designed to avoid. Sweden never closed down their restaurants,
bars, borders, or schools. Their goal was to achieve herd immunity before
the next flu season strikes and it appears that Sweden has been successful.
The number of deaths in Sweden is rapidly dropping toward zero....”
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Your Government Wants You Dead – BANNED from YouTube
(21:27, mp3), 26 Jun 2020
Contains complete transcript as well as two additional banned Vernon Coleman videos: “Coronavirus: Proof that Social Distancing Doesn’t Work” and “Why You Are Now In Great Danger”, both with complete transcripts.
Corona Emergency Hearing #7: Dr Dolores Cahill – Dr Mikael Nordfors (57:38, mp3), Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere - International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), 9 Jun 2020
On 9th June, 2020 Prof. Dolores Cahill & Mikael Nordfors gave testimony to the ITNJ court.
The International Tribunal for Natural Justice was established in 2015 by a treaty signed by thousands of living souls across the globe. It is a law court and jurisdiction founded on the principles of Natural Justice, committed to the restoration of the rule of law. Its Judicial Commission of Inquiry into The Weaponisation of the Biosphere began to be held in Bali in June 2019.
Dr. Dolores Cahill beginning at
Obviously I do think viruses exist and I do think that this is a
virus. Corona viruses cause 40 percent of the time every year when we
have influenza-like symptoms, 40 percent of the time it is corona virus.
And the common cold is a coronavirus. But I think what’s not getting
through is that there is no vaccine against corona viruses. So SARS
and MERS are coronaviruses and they’ve been around about 17 years.
There has been a lot of effort to try and get a vaccine against we’ll
say the SARS virus and these corona-type viruses. But the reason why
they are not available to people is when they do the animal studies,
that the animals are fine generally after the vaccine. But when they
come across a corona virus naturally within sometime months or years
later, the animals get very sick and they either are very ill and die
and when they open them up they find that they have this inflammatory
response in their internal organs and tissues.
That’s why I think it’s important for people who have a
background in immunology to try and tell people that there may never be
a vaccine for this corona virus. So to try and put the life of the people
on Earth on hold to wait for a vaccine for this corona virus, it may
never come so we need to look at other solutions.
I’ve also been talking about issues of prevention. If you eat well,
you have very little stress, and you make sure that you have vitamins, and
we’ll say zinc, that you can protect yourself and there are drugs that
have been well known to provide prevention and treatment. So that really
there’s no need for the world to lock down at all. And if we have
preventions and treatments there’s no need for masks, no need for social
distancing, and no need for the poverty that’s going to be associated
with people not able to earn a living so that they won’t make money
and that in months and years to come they actually will be malnourished
potentially, aren’t due to poverty. And the health systems will be
rundown and their health will be rundown.
We need to now inform people of the symptoms, prevention, and
treatment and literally unlock the world. Children are being
deprived of an education and 20 year olds are not going to
university. There’s also no need to change how the schools and
restaurants and hotels function. So generally I would be trying
to say to people we can take prevention and treatment and to
unlock the world and go back to the old normal.
MASK OFF (3:24), BARRICADE GARAGE - No Problems, Only Solutions, 6 Jun 2020
“There is zero scientific proof that the virus is spread by A-symptomatic people and they aren’t able to provide a study that even proves their claims but yet we have a reputable scientific study that proves A-symptomatic people DON’T spread the virus so you can use your imagination to figure out why the media hasn’t reported on this.”
“A wise man once said, ‘to guard with jealous
attention the public liberty and suspect anyone who comes near
that precious jewel.’ That being said the fact that
you can wear a mask made out of literally any material lets me
know this is not about safety. This is
about social engineering.”
Sources Cited:
“CDC estimates COVID 19 mortality rate is 0.4%, significantly lower than previously reported - The data is based on five scenarios, including the best estimate for a mortality rate, which is 0.4% overall,” Alex Shabad, WCNC, 28 May 2020
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Situation Report – 73, Data as reported by national authorities by 10:00 CET 2 April 2020, World Health Organization
Gao M, Yang L, Chen X, et al. “A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers.” Respiratory Medicine 2020;169:106026. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106026
“A total of 1.5 million people died from TB in 2018 ... 1.1 million children fell ill with TB globally, and there were 205 000 child deaths due to TB ...”
Tuberculosis, [Home /
Newsroom /
Fact sheets /
World Health Organization, 24 Mar 2020
Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
(23:56, mp3)
In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.
(28:01, mp3)
The takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World was not, at base, about money. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself.
(36:47, mp3)
There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates’ rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.
(38:45, mp3)
From the conclusion of Part Four
[W]e cannot expect an answer about Bill Gates true motives to come from Gates himself. By this point the question of Bill Gates’ intentions has been buried under the combined weight of hundreds of millions of dollars of paid PR spin. Like the Rockefellers before them, the Gates have long since learned the secret of enlarging their family fortune—not to mention their control over the human population—by donning the mask of philanthropy.
There are many perspectives on Bill Gates; depending on who you ask, he is a computer savant, a genius businessman, or a saintly philanthropist. But all of these perspectives have been brought to you through PR outlets founded or funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates is no longer a subject for historians but hagiographers.
Now we must confront the question of why this man is motivated to build such a web of control—control over our public health agencies—
GATES: And for all 193 member states, you must make vaccines a high priority in your health systems, to ensure that all your children have access to existing vaccines now—and to new vaccines as they become available.
Control over our identities—
GATES: And the lack of an ID system is a problem, not just for the payment system, but also for voting and health and education and taxation. And so it’s a wonderful thing to go in and create a broad identification system
SOURCE: Bill Gates at the Financial Inclusion Forum, December 1, 2015
Control over our transactions—
GATES: Once financial flows go underground—where you have lots of legitimate transactions mixed in with the ones you want to track—and once they’re going over a digital system that the US has no connection to, it’s far more difficult to find the transactions that you want to be aware of or that you want to block.
SOURCE: Bill Gates at the Financial Inclusion Forum, December 1, 2015
And even control over our bodies—
GATES: We’re gonna have this intermediate period of opening up, and it won’t be normal until we get an amazing vaccine to the entire world.
SOURCE: Watch CNBC’s full interview with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on the coronavirus pandemic and his work toward a vaccine
We must confront the possibility that this quest for control comes not from a selfless spirit of generosity that never seemed to exist before he became a multi-billionaire, but from the same drive for money, the same desire for domination and the same sense of superiority that motivated him on his way up the corporate ladder.
But if the answer to the question “Who is Bill Gates” is “Bill Gates is a eugenicist,” that tells us some important things about the world that we are living in.
It tells us that Gates is deceiving the public into supporting his takeover of the world with a false front of philanthropy.
It tells us that the goal of the Gates, like the goal of the Rockefellers before them, is not to improve the world for humankind, but to improve the world for their kind.
And most importantly, it tells us that Bill Gates is no comic-book supervillain, single-handedly directing all of the chaos that is unfolding in the world or single-handedly bringing his own order to that chaos.
No, if Bill Gates is a eugenicist, driven by a belief in the superiority of himself and his fellow wealthy elitists, then what we are facing is not one man, or even one family, but an ideology.
This is not a trivial point. One man, whatever his wealth, can be stopped easily enough. But even if Bill Gates were to be thrown in jail tomorrow, the agenda that has already been set in motion would continue without missing a beat. An entire infrastructure of researchers, labs, corporations, governmental agencies and public health bodies exists, funded more often than not by Gates, but driven by the belief of all those millions of people working for these various entities that they are truly working in the best interest of the people.
No, an ideology cannot be stopped by stopping one man. It can only be stopped when enough people learn the truth about this agenda and the world of total, pervasive control that is coming into view.
If you have watched all four parts of this exploration on Bill Gates, then you are now one of the most informed people on the planet about the true nature of this agenda. You have seen how the takeover of public health has been used to railroad the world into a headlong rush toward mandatory vaccinations, biometric identification and digital payments. You have seen how the pieces of this puzzle fit together, and how they represent a far greater threat to the future of humanity than any virus.
Here is the good news: Armed with this information, you have the antidote to the scourge of this eugenicist ideology. The truth is that ideologies are viruses of the mind; they spread from person to person, infecting them with ideas that can lead to a disease of the body politic.
But here is the even greater truth: Inoculations do work. Inoculations of truth against the lies of those spreading their poisonous ideology.
If you have made it this far, it is incumbent on you to help inoculate those around you against the corrupt ideology of Bill Gates and all those who seek to control the population of the world. You must help to spread this information so that others have a chance to see the bigger picture and decide for themselves whether they are willing to roll up their sleeves and accept what is coming, or not.
But time is not on our side. Even as we speak, mass vaccination campaigns are being prepared:
ALLISON ARWADY: You know we are already building our plans to vaccinate the whole city of Chicago and working with others across the region on a major plan for this. We’ve bought syringes, we’ve bought cold boxes, we’ve planned out locations.
Biometric identification schemes and “immunity passports” are already being rolled out:
CARYN SEIDMAN BECKER: And so while we started with travel, at our core we’re a biometric-secure identity platform, where it’s always been about attaching your identity to your boarding pass at the airport or your ticket to get into a sports stadium or your credit card to buy a beer. And so now with the launch of Clear Health Pass, it’s about attaching your identity to your COVID-related health insights for employers, for employees, for customers.
SOURCE: CLEAR’s new Health Pass service to help screen for coronavirus: CEO
Programs for tracking, tracing, and surveilling the entire population are already being beta-tested:
DEENA HINSHAW: Today we are launching another useful tool that can supplement the critical detective work we are conducting in public health. Alberta Trace Together is a voluntary, secure, mobile contact tracing application to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
SOURCE: Alberta rolls out COVID-19 contact tracing app
And the digital payment infrastructure, the system of financial exclusion that will allow governments to turn off our access to the economy at will, is being put into place:
UHURU KENYATTA: In order to avoid the risk of transmission through physical handling of money, we encourage the use of cashless transactions such as mobile money, M-Pesa and otherwise, and credit cards.
SOURCE: Uhuru: Government encourages cashless transactions to reduce risk of coronavirus transmission
NICHOLAS THOMPSON: People are using touchless payment systems much more than they’re using cash, both because we’re not interacting with people directly as much anymore and also because cash is kind of skeezy.
SOURCE: A Post-Pandemic Cashless Society? Was Remote NFL Draft a Tech Success? | Tech In :60 | GZERO Media
We must spread the word about the dark nature of this population control agenda to as many people as we can before our ability to speak out against this agenda is taken away for good.
Thanks to the likes of Bill Gates, the virus of this population control agenda is already here. It is threatening to crash the system as we’ve known it.
But if Bill Gates has taught us anything, it’s how to deal with a virus.
It’s time for a hard reset.
Battlefield America: As The COVID Story Falls Apart, A New Crisis Takes Over, (19:52) Spiro Skouras, 29 May 2020
For months the global health pandemic known as the coronavirus or COVID-19 has been dominating the headlines while drastically changing the lives of billions of people around the world. With unprecedented restrictions of peoples fundamental human rights, while simultaneously destroying the global economy, what is really going on?
Many have questioned the response from governments and global institutions such as the World Health Organization from the very beginning. Now, the CDC admits the mortality rate of the virus is much lower than previously projected, but the question remains why are we all still on lockdown?
Although the question, for the need of continued lockdowns is now more important than ever, it seems to be lost, as we are witnessing massive civil unrest spread across the US just as quickly as we were told the virus was spreading.
Are these protests spontaneous? Or is there an outside force facilitating the unrest, as we seem to be entering the second stage of a much larger operation. Is this the stage between phase one and phase two of the outbreak? A summer of chaos? In an election year, which resembles shades of a Soros sponsored colour revolution, or a new form of Operation Gladio?
Regardless, It is almost impossible to deny the US, among many other nations is in the midst of a rapid destabilization operation.
Del Bigtree: TOP 10: WE’RE OFF “TEAM CORONA-PHOBIA”! (39:24, mp3), The HighWire with Del Bigtree, 22 May 2020
Do you know someone with Corona-Phobia? Someone who has an irrational fear of Coronavirus? Here are our top 10 reasons Del & The HighWire Team does not suffer from Corona-Phobia. Use these in Covid convos with your friends!
Millions will die from lockdown measures
Millions Afraid to Seek Medical Care
Loss of Civil Liberties
Coronavirus death rate is .1% average flu death rate is .1%
2017/18 Flu killed almost 80k and we didn’t do anything
Numbers are bloated
Previous attempts at Coronavirus vaccines plagued with issues
Could make COVID more deadly
Long term safety of vaccine not studied
Ignored lessons from SARS
“One size fits all” Protocol
Hydroxychloroquine works!
Ventilators vs. Oxygen
Officals stonewalled effective alternatives
It says it on the box!
Masks lower oxygen, causing impairment in immunity
Original idea came from 14 year old’s science fair project
Not one scientific study, just a rule of thumb
Didn’t protect nursing homes
1/3 of US deaths are in nursing homes and
1/5 of NY deaths are in nursing homes
Avoided Herd Immunity
Passed DNR
Started lockdown too late
66% of cases in NY are people locked down
Originally predicted 2.2 million death in the U.S.
Currently, death toll is at 93k deaths
They were 2,240% off
Bill Gates Documentary Reveals Ties to Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Eugenics Movement, 22 May 2020
Contains 3 short films complimented with link references to all the sources cited within:
- Who was Bill Gates before Microsoft? (15:07)
- Not so fast Bill Gates (12:52)
- Who Controls the Gates Family? (16:02)
Sunetra Gupta: Covid-19 is on the way out – The author of the Oxford model defends her view that the virus has passed through the UK’s population (30:14), interview by Freddie Sayers, UnHerd, 21 May 2020
It’s the biggest question in the world right now: is Covid-19 a deadly disease that only a small fraction of our populations have so far been exposed to? Or is it a much milder pandemic that a large percentage of people have already encountered and is already on its way out?
If Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College is the figurehead for the first opinion, then Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford, is the representative of the second. Her group at Oxford produced a rival model to Ferguson’s back in March which speculated that as much as 50% of the population may already have been infected and the true Infection Fatality Rate may be as low as 0.1%.
Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense Vice Chair and General Counsel, Talks H.R. 6666 (8:51, mp3), 19 May 2020
On May 1, H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Bobby Rush of Illinois. If passed, the legislation would allow the implementation of surveillance of all people in this country, in clear violation of Article 1 of the Constitution.
Since then, while H.R. 6666 is at a virtual standstill, another bill, H.R. 6800, the “Heroes Act”, which contains the essence of HR 6666, was passed in the House of Representatives. This bill allocates $75 billion to the CDC for contact tracing. As of this moment, while it appears that H.R. 6800 will not be picked up by the Senate, the threat of contact tracing remains real. It’s being rolled out now in many states and some level of federal funding remains possible. According to a May 7 NPR poll, “In all, 44 states and the District of Columbia now have plans to expand their contact tracing workforce, reaching a total of 66,197 workers – an increase by 30,000 of the number that were planned last week when we first published.”
America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Sessions, 27 Jul 2020
Below, each presentation links to the specific page for that film. All the following are presented together on the above page.
9:00AM Richard Urso, MD, Ophthalmologist, Covid-19 Overview - Two diseases (12:06)
Simone Gold, MD, JD, Covid-19 Overview - policies (7:19)
9:20AM Robert Hamilton, MD, Pediatrician, Effect of the Virus on Children and How That Implicates School Policies (26:00)
10:15AM Teryn Clark, MD, Neurologist, Caring for Healthy Elderly (13:12)
10:45AM Robin Armstrong, MD, Internal Medicine, Caring for our Frail Elderly (10:26)
11:00AM Dan Erickson, MD, Emergency Medicine, Pandemic Lockdowns and Society (24:35)
11:30AM Joseph Ladapo, MD, Clinical Research, Medical Policy Perspectives (25:44)
11:45AM Bringing Truth to Patients Panel: Medical Cancel Culture (22:00)
12:15PM Mark McDonald, MD, Child Psychiatrist Outraged At Covid Repression: “In My View This Is Child Abuse. We Are Training An Entire Generation Of Children To Live In Fear. To Live In Fear Of People.” (9:19)
I am a practicing child and adolescent psychiatrist in West Los Angeles
and I see primarily children as well as adults. I can tell you that
the state of our children is abysmal. I have seen a rapid and substantial
increase in emotional illness with all of the children in my practice.
Every single one. Anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, bedwetting,
self-harm, child abuse, violence, panic attacks. I could go on and on
and on.
A parent came to me last week and said, “I tried to take
my eight-year-old daughter to the beach. She grabbed my leg and
she said, ‘Daddy, we can’t go to the beach.’”
And he said “Why can’t we go to the beach?” She said,
“Daddy, because there are other people there.” This
little girl was completely well and completely healthy until
this pandemic began.
The pandemic in my mind is not so much a medical pandemic.
It’s an emotional pandemic and this emotional pandemic is
based on and centered around fear. The fear is real but
it’s not based on reality. I have tried to provide facts,
data, statistics, information to my patients and their
parents for weeks and months. Some of them do listen.
Some of them do change their minds because they believe
that there is probably more going on than what they’re
being told and what they’re being told is
probably not entirely accurate and a lot of it is misinformation.
But very many of my parents and children don’t respond to
information. I’m a big proponent of facts and a big proponent
of information. I’m a big proponent of science. I’m a physician.
That’s how I was trained. But I also know that unless we deal
with this fear, and we take it and face it head on, the
information will not be of use.
You cannot use information, no matter how accurate it is, unless
you are in a calm state of mind. Anybody who’s worked in the
military knows this. When you are in a state of panic, when
you are terrorized, when you are traumatized, you cannot think
Most of the adults in my practice with children that come in for
treatment are in that state. They are not responsive to
information. They are allowing fear to guide their decisions.
They’re refusing to bring their children in. They’re insisting
on zoom or telephone calls. They’re preventing their children
from playing outside. They’re preventing their children from
going shopping with them. They’re preventing their children from
participating in sports. They’re coddling their children because
they think that that’s what’s best for them.
The children are suffering. In my view this is child abuse. We
are training an entire generation of children to live in fear,
to live in fear of people. We are training an entire generation
of children to live in their parent’s basements until they’re
40 years old so that they can be safe.
I’ve heard this word “safe” for months now.
Whenever I hear the word safe I always ask the following
question: Compared to what? Compared to driving? As we heard
earlier driving is far more dangerous, far far more dangerous
than going to school. Safer than staying at home? Children
are getting sick at home. They’re getting fat. They’re
wetting their beds.
They’re attacking their brothers and sisters
with kitchen knives as two children did last week. I heard
from the mother. She went to work. She doesn’t have a
babysitter. She’s a single mother in Santa Monica. She’s
making minimum wage. She got a call from her neighbor saying
the police are on the way. Why? I heard screaming.
She rushes home. She finds out that her children have
been fighting with knives.
These children are good kids but they didn’t know what to
do. They went off zoom after five minutes. They were bored.
They got into an argument. One of the kids ate the other
kid’s watermelon. And pretty soon they’re attacking one
another with knives.
Is she going to lose her children? I don’t know. She’s a
good mother, but what can she do? She has to choose:
stay home, go on unemployment, or go to work. When she
heard that the schools were going to be closed for
another year she burst in tears she said I’m going to
send my kids back to their home country. We can’t survive.
Other parents have told me the same thing.
3:00PM Mobeen Syed, MD, MS, Hydroxychloroquine Science - How It Works (20:12)
White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine
Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD (29 pgs)
This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources. It explains how Americans have come to be in the grip of fear. All the myths and all the misconceptions about a safe, generic drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years, given to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly and the immune-compromised for years and decades without complication, are finally put in the trash heap where they belong. You will have the indisputable proof that you have been massively lied to, often very intentionally. At first you will be heartbroken. Then you will be furious. Good. Because then you will demand change.
The safety of HCQ is irrefutable. The evidence supporting HCQ efficacy against Covid-19 is also overwhelming. All negative HCQ studies have used either: too much, used it alone (it needs Zinc), or used it late (it should be early.) The treatment dose is 200 mg HCQ twice a day for five days + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily. The prophylactic dose is 400 mg HCQ weekly + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily. (There are studies right now to see if HCQ 200 mg. weekly is sufficient.) This is very low dose. (The usual dose of HCQ in Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis is 400 mg. daily for years.) There are telemedicine physicians who are aware of the facts and if you are concerned about this, please see one. It is also over the counter in many places in the world including Indonesia and most of South America.
3:30PM Simone Gold, MD, JD, Hydroxychloroquine Safety and Efficacy (6:38)
3:30PM Geoffrey Mitchell, MD, JD, & Richard Urso, MD, Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy and Worldwide Use (24:55)
Stella Immanuel, MD, Family Medicine, Hydroxychloroquine Clinical Experience (9:32)
3:55PM Stella Immanuel, MD, Primary Care, An Appeal to Doctors #HCQWORKS (6:13)
4:00PM Scott Barbour, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Hydroxychloroquine Hoaxes! (35:20)
5:00PM James Todaro, MD, Follow the Money #LancetGate (22:07)
CDC COVID Case Definition Change (6:06, mp3) 18 May 2020
For those who still believe the mainstream media has been accurately reporting COVID cases, and that all cases which have been reported represent true confirmed cases, please watch the video below and/or continue reading, for an honest explanation of what is actually being reported. Video from a May 18th, Collin County, Texas County Commissioners Court meeting regarding the changing of COVID case definitions by the state of Texas.
Full meeting:
Full Agenda
The rest of the text here was pulled from the video:
15:25] I would like to have a conversation and presentation on the department of state health services case definitions.
Currently, a confirmed case of COVID-19 was considered confirmed with a positive PCR lab result for COVID-19. If you didn’t have lab results, if you just had symptoms, we could not count you as a case. If there was no testing, we could not count you as a case.
The NEW case definition:
For a confirmed case, it stays the same, you still just need PCR.
But now they’ve added a PROBABLE case definition. So that still gets counted towards the CASE COUNT. It’s not confirmed, but it’s still a “case”.
Meaning, if you used another testing method, and if you have close contact with a confirmed or PROBABLE case, you could be considered a case with or without symptoms.
They also updated the definition for deaths related to COVID-19.
Previously it was only if you had a positive PCR result that you would be counted as someone who died RELATED to COVID-19. Now that lab testing is no longer required to be counted towards that.
You will be counted as a probable case if you satisfy two of the three conditions below:
FDA approved positive test: IgG, IgM serology testing (evidence of PAST exposure / antibodies, not current infection).
Clinical Criteria:
TWO of the following minor symptoms, measured OR SUBJECTIVE: fever, chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new smell and taste disorders.
OR, ONE of the following major symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or evidence of pneumonia without an alternative diagnosis and severe respiratory distress.
Close contact with a confirmed OR PROBABLE case of COVID-19, OR close contact with a person with clinically compatible illness AND linkage to a confirmed or probable case, OR you have traveled to or reside in an area where COVID-19 is considered “endemic” with ongoing community transmission.
Just to re-cap, this has the potential to be a very significant event for us here... as the state has elected to adopt this new probable definition.
What’s remarkable... is right now, all of Texas is considered an endemic region. So, all of the residents of the county, already satisfy the [close contact condition]. Now they only have to satisfy [one of the other two]. If someone has two minor symptoms or one major symptom, that qualifies. Fever, headache, sore throat, chills... and fever by the way could either be measured fever, or subjective fever. They just feel like they’ve got a fever.
If you have a subjective fever, and you have a headache, and you live in Collin County, you now meet the qualifications to be a probable COVID patient. It is remarkable how low the standard is now.
If you have ONE of the major symptoms, you have a cough, or you have shortness of breath, and you live in Collin county, you can satisfy the definition for a probable COVID case.
I don’t think it can be overstated here, how much this can be taken out of context and could be giving a FALSE NARRATIVE to our citizens and to our community.
45:07] There’s no guarantee that even if the state keeps these numbers separate [confirmed and probable], that, media will. There’s so many opportunities for there to be bad information provided.
German Poliezi Viciously Attack Maskless Man While NOT Wear Masks Themselves (1:45) 15 May 2020
German police attack a man for not wearing mask in a supermarket.
Is this LAW in Germany, or just ‘recommend’?..... either way, these police officers don’t bother wearing masks themselves!
This is BRUTAL treatment of people fed by the fear propaganda being perpetrated on human kind!
UK Column News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps (59:21) 21st Century Wire, 11 May 2020
Over the weekend, PM Boris Johnson was meant to reveal the government’s plan to supposedly ‘exit’ the Coronavirus lockdown, only what he ended up showing was a ‘nudging unit’ masterpiece in government applied behavioural psychology and a program of highly weaponised propaganda designed to manipulate the public mind into believing that COVID-19 hadn’t already peaked on April 8th and was somehow laying in wait to ravage the country if ‘lockdown’ measures were ever lifted by Central Government. UK Column can also revealed a stunning EXCLUSIVE: new evidence that the government is coordinating with mainstream media to pump fear into press reports and headlines in order to alter public behaviour get the electorate to comply with COVID diktats. All this and more.
Mark Crispin Miller: “This is applied behavioral psychology at its most callous and destructive, of the kind that made the Nazis so successful.
FBI Should Watch : Exponential Lie : Gary Hanington and ElkoDaily.com : The First of Many, (180 pg PDF, 51:04) 11 May 2020, Peerless Reads
British mathematician Andrew Mather reveals how the the global COVID-19 lockdown was perpetuated through statistical misrepresentation and outright falsification, demonstrating this through the WHO’s own data.
The media may claim they were “deceived” by scientists. The politicians may claim they were “deceived” by scientists. I do not accept that excuse. a: this is not difficult b: for a matter of such important it should have been critical that they knew the science was sound. The triviality of the lie counts against them. Scientists however have no such excuse. For a Professor Emeritus to claim “he didn’t understand exponential” would be absurd. He implicitly recognises that by going to great lengths to NOT state for himself any of the false memes he was tasked with spreading. He cites others in every instance. Nevertheless Gary Hanington put his name to an article designed to promote one simple message and one big lie: Covid-19 growth is exponential. He compounded the deception by specifically including only those charts (curves, countries) which suggested exponential growth. By omitting four key countries, two of which would have utterly destroyed the “exponential” message, two of which would have diminished the perceived threat in the message, he illustrated that the intent was not an “innocuous” discussion of maths, but the promulgation of a false message, designed to incite fear and render people more amenable to actions designed to deprive them of liberty and do massive damage to their livelihoods and the economy. A deliberate attempt to deceive with a view to coercing others makes him liable for the consequences of that deception. He is not alone by any means, nor is he significant, but we have to start somewhere. No doubt the rich and powerful will escape, and likely the authorities will ignore this. Nevertheless I encourage all Americans to consider this and see if some of those lawyers of yours would like to do something useful for a change. It could happen. You might even find an honest official. That would be truly astonishing.
Liberation Day 2020 the Netherlands (3:16) 5 May 2020
On May 5, 2020 a large group of people drove around the Netherlands with police escort, expressing their discontent and concern to the Dutch government, the main stream medi and their fellow countrymen, about their ever diminishing rights and liberties.
May 5 is an important day in the Netherlands. On that day in 1945, our country was liberated from the German Nazi occupation. 75 years ago, the Dutch people - those who had survived the horrors of WW2 - celebrated their freedom...
75 years later, most of our rights, liberties, and freedom have been taken away from us by our government. The country is in lockdown, businesses go bankrupt, there is no financial support, people are fined serverely when they don’t keep 1.5 meters distance of each other, when they walk on the beach or when they get together with more than 3 people.
The government incites people to report those who break the rules. Betrayal and distancing is ‘the new normal’. Those who question this are called selfish, extreme right, or conspiracy nutters.
The group of Dutch people resisting the ‘new normal’, is growing exponentially. And so, on the 5th of May, our Liberation Day, we drove around...
With a 1 mile long queue of cars, we drove around. With music, slogans and pamphletts we let our voice be heard, we spoke our Truth. The energy was vibrant, the atmosphere delightful. The police was notified by us beforehand and cleared the way for us beautifully. It was a day to remember and only just the beginning of something magnificent!
PlanDEMIC — The following was copied from plandemicmovie.com in early May when the film itself was still accessible thru the original URL.
COMING SUMMER 2020. Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we’ll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment features renowned scientist, Judy Mikovits PHD.
- PlanDEMIC Part 1: Dr. Judy Mikovits (25:52, mp3) 4 May 2020
Former Fauci Associate - Dr. Judy Mikovits Reveals What You Won’t Hear From Fauci or the Mainstream Media about COVID-19
Dr. Judy A. Mikovits earned her BA in chemistry with a specialization in biology from the University of Virginia in 1980 and her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her 35-year quest to understand and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2006, she became attracted to the plight of families with neuroimmune diseases including ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism. Dr. Mikovits has been primarily responsible for demonstrating the relationship between environmentally acquired immune dysfunction, chronic inflammation, and these diseases. Dr. Mikovits has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, many in the world’s top medical journals.
About The Film
Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature. Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality.
Let’s back up to address how we got here...
In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
Flash forward to 2020...
They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid contact. The plan was unfolding with diabolical precision, but the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing... the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.
The window of opportunity is open like never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world’s attention. Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature. 2020 is the code for perfect vision. It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.
Patrick Bet-David: My response to Dr Judy Mikovits Video Banned by YouTube, (23:39) valuetainment, 8 May 2020
Dr Buttar Accuses Fauci, Gates & The Media For Using COVID-19 To Drive Hidden Agenda, (2:01:50, mp3) valuetainment, 28 Apr 2020
Roundtable Discussion with Dr. Judy Mikovits |
Dr. Rashid A Buttar, Apr 2020
Dr. Judy Mikovits spent 22 years at the NIH, did many of the “gain of function” studies on Ebola, etc. When she realized vaccines caused autism and cancer, she spoke out. She was threatened that her career would end, her life was threatened, and finally, she was framed and sent to jail. Guess who threatened her? She had a 5-year gag order where she couldn’t talk about the truth or she would be sent back to jail. She now speaks out.
Dr. Dan Erickson and
Dr. Artin Massihi of
Accelerated Urgent Care discuss the impact of the coronavirus on Kern County,
Full Briefing in two parts (1:04:21),
mp3 (1:04:23), Excerpts, raw text transcript, ABC News, KERO, 22 Apr 2020
Mark Crispin Miller:
Here’s the video of an urgent press briefing, held on April 22, by two ER doctors in Kern County, California. Based on their front-line experience dealing with COVID-19 patients, and, between them, some 40 years of medical practice, as well as their clear expertise in immunology and microbiology, they lucidly and soberly destroy the terroristic rationale for “sheltering in place” by healthy people, and ordering everyone to creep around wearing masks and gloves.
Their mastery of the data in Kern County, the “secondary” consequences of the COVID-19 panic (child molestation, spousal abuse, alcoholism and suicide have all spiked in a nation under house arrest, while people sick with other illnesses aren’t getting proper treatment, out of fear), and the fundamentals of what Dr. Erickson called “Immunology 101,” is vastly more impressive, and convincing, than the speculative fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci (and his owner, Bill Gates).
Also worth noting is the authoritarian uneasiness of the reporters. We can almost hear their heads exploding, as the doctors calmly shattered the abstract and ruinous “models” from the NIH and WHO-oracles that those reporters just could not believe might be mistaken, as their feeble challenges made clear. “How could you be right and all those other doctors be so wrong?? Doesn’t the government have the same data you have??” Such questions—identical to those that Dr. Montagner was pelted with in that recent interview on French TV—tell us that the bald credulity of “our free press” throughout the West, their abject acceptance of the state’s Official Story, is a far greater danger to “the general welfare” than COVID-19.
Please watch this to the end, and send the link to everyone you know.
John Kirby:
This is it, enough is enough. What those of us who study government could smell from the beginning is now being confirmed by ALL THE DATA, even from those entities who made it their business to terrify us.
Watch this entire press conference from
actual frontline doctors at a major California facility. You will hear definitive and irrefutable information, clearly presented, about the real prevalence and death rate of Covid 19.
You will hear a devastating critique of quarantining the healthy. You will hear the recommendation to wear masks and gloves outside of acute facilities
utterly eviscerated.
You will relearn what we all once knew—that Lysoling your home to death, and staying indoors and out of the world, DESTROYS YOUR ESSENTIAL FLORA, your basic immunity. You will hear how the virus has spread IN SPITE OF CONTAINMENT, arriving with your delivery of plastic water bottles from Costco.
You will see, as though a veil had parted, the arbitrary nature of the shutdown, where Walmarts can accept customers (and increase the prevalence of infection—and immunity) and a small pizza parlor or coffee shop, or school, or church, cannot.
No more nonsense. No matter how committed you may have been, prior to this moment, to accepting the Trump/Fauci dictates, it’s now time to LET IT GO.
Every moment you remain in fear, you stay susceptible to what is coming, what has already arrived—and what we have now learned from FOIA’d documents has been planned eagerly for years: the reorganization of the global economy and civic life around the principles of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, featuring authoritarian surveillance states modeled after China’s. We will need clear heads to have any hope of understanding what is going on.
Censored Doc Doubles Down, The Hirewire with Del Bigtree, 1 May 2020
Former Merck Rep Brandy Vaughan Says Mandatory Vaccination Is For Profit and Not Public Health (9:41, mp3)
19 Apr 2016
Brandy Vaughan is a former sales rep for Merck & Co. – a vaccine maker – and she details how vaccine companies are using vaccines as a vehicle for massive profit and not public health. Brandy researched the safety of vaccines and found that not only do vaccines contain known toxins that can cause neurological damage, but that vaccine makers do not create the same safety studies for vaccines as they do for other drugs. This lack of true safety research of vaccines combined with the known adverse reactions to vaccination has helped Brandy to decide to never vaccinate her own child. Brandy says giving children a vaccine is like playing Russian roulette with our children and that mandatory vaccination is simply a way for vaccine makers to profit off of our children. Don’t be fooled: we do not need mandatory vaccination.
See Also:
Dr. Annie Bukacek: Montana Physician Discusses How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated (17:34, mp3) 6 Apr 2020
Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Figure
Dr. Bukacek is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years’ experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job.
In this brief video, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.
Letter from the madhouse
The media campaign of 11 September 2001 proved to leaders that it is possible with modern technology to bamboozle millions of people without firing a single shot. Goebbels was unable to achieve this feat. The campaign has left millions still believing until today that 9/11 was the work of Islamic fanatics. One would never have dreamt that in the internet era, the majority of university graduates will fall prey to such an absurd fairy tale.
This successful experiment in mass manipulation is now being repeated with even more spectacular results. Whereas in 2001 the effects of the media campaign were limited to filling the minds of millions with images of Osama bin Laden and scaring them against fake terrorists, the current campaign goes further. It proves the ability of leaders to manipulate not only the beliefs but also the material behavior of the masses by telling them what to do. Entire peoples obey like small children the orders of professional liars who are not even their parents. China and Israel with their all-out mass surveillance systems, recording every action of every citizen, constitute the wet dream of Western leaders. They go to China and Israel and admire how orderly and obedient the masses are disciplined. Corona has given them the right tool to direct people, no matter how absurd the order. It will probably still take another mass propaganda campaign to ensure that Western peoples will stand in queue and beg to be led by Big Brother. Dissidents will be sent to « education camps », the Chinese method.
I have never before lived in a madhouse. It’s a new experience, rather unpleasant, I must say. But we three family members survive the birthpangs of the new age of state terrrorism thanks to music, the garden and our love of free thought.
16 August 2021: Children’s Health Defense along with 18 students filed a 105-page lawsuit in Federal Court against Rutgers University, its board of governors, Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway and others over the university’s decision to mandate COVID vaccines for students attending school in the fall.
According to the complaint, the Rutgers vaccine requirement “is an affront to human dignity and personal freedom because it violates our basic right to control our bodies.” [ p.3]
The lawsuit states that in a free society, “all people have the right to decide their own medical treatment – especially to decide what to inject into their bodies. And every person has the right to make that decision voluntarily, free from coercion by anyone, and to be fully informed of the benefits and especially the risks of that decision.”[ p.3-4]
The lawsuit alleges Rutgers’ policy is a violation of the right to informed consent and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.
The following excerpt is pages 81-83 of the complaint:
Alternatives to Experimental Immunization
217. There are now well-studied, safe and reliable alternatives to vaccination to prevent and treat COVID-19, including, but not limited to, Ivermectin, Methylprednisolone, Fluvoxamine, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, Melatonin, Aspirin, corticosteroids and other accessible therapies. Randomized-controlled trials and observations by front line medical practitioners have confirmed that COVID-19 is preventable and treatable, especially at early onset with medicines and practices that have proved safe for decades. As a result, the pandemic can end now without vaccines – based upon current scientific knowledge and understanding. Vaccines are not necessary to defeat COVID-19. Defendants did not take this into consideration in issuing their mandate.
218. The treatment for COVID-19 infection has improved tremendously since its advent. Studies have shown several different treatment methods which have proven safe and effective. For example, a combination of medications, supported by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, for a minimum of five days and acutely administered supplements used for the initial ambulatory patient with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 (moderate or greater probability) has proven effective. 32 Defendants did not take this into consideration in issuing their mandate.
219. More significantly, FLCCC has developed the most comprehensive prevention and treatment protocols for COVID-19 to date. 33 This organization is composed of some of the most well-established and published doctors in the world, who are treating patients in hospitals. In particular, they are best known for their evaluation, use and championing of Ivermectin as a solution to end the COVID-19 pandemic based on numerous scientific studies demonstrating its dramatic prophylactic and treatment capabilities. 34 Defendants did not take this into consideration in issuing their mandate.
220. Ivermectin has been used over-the-counter for COVID in many countries and regions with excellent reported treatment success. The drug’s safety has been established with at least a billion doses used, and the drug is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential drugs.
221. Many medical professionals suspect FDA’s feigned ignorance about Ivermectin was a prerequisite to issuing EUAs for COVID vaccines, given the EUA requirement that no approved drug may be available for the same indication. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, both of which have extremely long biological half lives, can be given infrequently as prophylaxis for COVID.
See Brian C. Procter; Casey Ross; Vanessa Pickard; Erica Smith; Cortney Hanson; Peter A. McCullough, Clinical outcomes after early ambulatory multidrug therapy for high risk SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) infection, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (December 30, 2020), available at
(last visited on August 4, 2021).
See FLCCC’s prevention and treatment protocols for COVID-19 available at
https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/ .
See Kory, Pierre MD; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD; Varon, Joseph MD; Iglesias, Jose DO; Marik, Paul E. MD, Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19, American Journal of Therapeutics (May/June 2021) available at
(last visited on August 4, 2021).
Covid-19 Death Numbers Exaggerated
March 2022
December 2021
December 2020
Covid-19 Death Numbers Exaggerated
Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19, Panel of researchers, doctors, lawyers, medical ethicists, educators and lawmakers moderated by Sayer Ji, Stand for Heath Freedom, 17 Feb 2021
CDC Sleight of Hand Revealed in COVID-19 Death Rates, Bill Sardi, LewRockwell.com 5 Feb 2021
How the CDC Juices Its Numbers to Create Massive COVID-19 Death Counts, Joseph Mercola, mercola.com 4 Dec 2020
Ealy, H, M McEvoy, D Chong, J Nowicki, M Sava, S Gupta, D White, J Jordan, D Simon and P Anderson. COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 12 Oct 2020 2:4-22 (local PDF)
Rancourt, D. & Baudin, Marine. (2020). Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16836.65920/1. (local PDF)
Almost one third of Covid deaths in July and August ‘primarily caused by other conditions’ - Oxford research finds someone who had heart attack may have been included in figures if they had also tested positive for virus, Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 18 Sep 2020
Brown, R. (2020). Public Health Lessons Learned From Biases in Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-8. doi: doi.org/10.1017/dmp.2020.298, 12 Aug 2020 (local PDF)
“Daily covid death count could be scrapped - A review will examine reports that officials were ‘over-exaggerating’ the number of deaths from coronavirus.” Anna Mikhailova, The Telegraph, 9 Aug 2020
“Prof Carl Heneghan: can we trust the Covid-19 death numbers?” Freddie Sayers, UnHerd, 17 Jul 2020
“UK health minister calls for ‘urgent review’ after scientists expose ‘over-exaggeration’ of Covid-19 death toll,” RT, 17 July 2020
“‘The lockdown is causing so many deaths’.”
Dr Malcolm Kendrick on the disastrous response to Covid-19.” Spiked, 26 June 2020
“The way ‘Covid deaths’ are being counted is a national scandal - We have no idea how many lives have really been lost to the disease,” Dr John Lee, The Spectator, 30 May 2020
“I’ve signed death certificates during Covid-19. Here’s why you can’t trust any of the statistics on the number of victims,” Malcolm Kendrick, 28 May 2020
Griffin Shaun Covid-19: “Staggering number” of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19 BMJ 13 May 2020; 369:m1931
“Britain changed the rules for death certificates for covid on March 25: “COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense”,” Ian Davis, Off Guardian, 5 May 2020
“VERIFY: Are doctors inaccurately reporting deaths as COVID-19-related?,” David Lippmann, CBS19 News, 4 May 2020
“Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why. The economic incentive to add COVID-19 to diagnostic lists and death certificates is clear and does not require any conspiracy,” Jon Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education, 29 Apr 2020
Montana Physician Dr. Annie Bukacek Discusses How COVID-19 Death Certificates Are Being Manipulated
Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Figure,
Video (17:35), Transcript, April 6, 2020
“Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? The country’s high death toll is due to an ageing population, overstretched health system and the way fatalities are reported,” Sarah Newey, The Telegraph, 23 Mar 2020
“A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data,” Dr. Ioannidis, STAT, 17 Mar 2020
A growing chorus—of ordinary citizens and world-renowned medical and scientific experts—is raising questions about matters ranging from the coronavirus’s origins to the rationale for continued lockdowns.†
March 2022
January 2022
Book Review: The Real Anthony Fauci, Steve Bhaerman, 23 Jan 2022
RFK, Jr. is the current pariah poster child, and if you read the news this very day, you will see he is being slammed for comparing the current lockdowns and mandates to Nazi Germany. In that regard, he may have overstepped, and should have instead referred to “not-see America,” where intelligent, thoughtful, and well-intentioned people have chosen to “not see” what is too uncomfortable to look at.
Into the Space Between - Foreword to the Croatian Edition of The More Beautiful World... Charles Eisenstein, Charles Eisenstein, 21 Jan 2022
Natural Immunity Pass: NIP Covid in the Butt, Diane Perlman, PhD, CoronaWise, 21 Jan 2022
references bad cattitude (
who is on the side of health and who is on the side of superstition and crisis? you decide.
How Politicians Deal with Rebellion: Lessons from Australia, Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters, Michael Baker, Brownstone Institute, 21 Jan 2022
COVID vaccines were designed to fail; that’s HOW they won authorization, Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s Blog, 21 Jan 2022
Bill Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old
A lawsuit against Bill Gates, the Indian government and others, citing extensive case law, is attracting renewed scrutiny of Gates and his long-term, controversial involvement in India’s vaccine program.
Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Children’s Health Defense, 20 Jan 2022
The Last Days of the Covidian Cult, CJ Hopkins, CJ Hopkins, 18 Jan 2022
US Military Documents: Ivermectin “Works Throughout All Phases of Illness”, Rhoda Wilson, The Daily Exposé, 16 Jan 2022
What Might Have Been: Calm, Protection, and Care, Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute, 15 Jan 2022
Major Danish Newspaper Joins Covid Truth Battle, Apologizes To Readers For Spreading Covid Scare Falsehoods, And In Follow Up Article, Reveals A Report Defying Propaganda About Hospital Collapse, Showing NO INCREASE In Number Of Patients Admitted To Hospitals In December, Celia Farber The Truth Barrier, 13 Jan 2022
What they REALLY mean by “living with Covid” - Why are media dialling back on the Covid hysteria? Is it because the “pandemic” is really over? Or is it an important part of the gaslighting process? Kit Knightly, OffGuardian, 10 Jan 2022
Alert: Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ - Requires Informed Consent, Amy Mek Farber RAIR Foundation, 10 Jan 2022
Get the Courts Out of Science, Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute, 7 Jan 2022
The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma
There’s a reason CNN’s Jake Tapper is intent on branding me a “menace” and “a liar,” and why he refuses to debate me on the merits of facts and scientific evidence. Here’s the back story.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense, 6 Jan 2022
Diamond Mine of Data? Insurance Companies Report 40% Increase in Premature Non-COVID Deaths
Insurers in Indiana and India report similar rates of non-COVID-related premature deaths. “I’m sure I’m one of many who wonder what kind of diamond mine of data the insurance companies are sitting on,” said educator and statistician Mathew Crawford.
Children’s Health Defense, 5 Jan 2022
December 2021
Covid: A Collision of Historical and Scientific Illiteracy, Kevin Ryan, Dig Within 31 Dec 2021
With every mistake, we must surely be learning, Dennis Riches, Lit By Imagination, 29 Dec 2021
A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth - New Mexico officials admit they were wrong: Two people died from covid. NOT from ivermectin. Yet the CDC generated the nation's highest health alert and a thousand fake headlines on false cases. Linda Bonvie and Mary Beth Pfeiffer, RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo 23 Dec 2021
Memory Hole: virtually every major health official in the United States has claimed that COVID shots stop the virus
And every single ‘public health’ pandemic policy is anchored to the idea that COVID shots stop the virus.
Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier, 18 Dec 2021
Developing a satyagraha for the medical freedom movement -
Gandhi understood that overthrowing empires requires an entire metaphysics.
Toby Rogers, uTobian, 17 Dec 2021
‘Many Lives Being Destroyed’ by Government’s Failure to Recognize Natural Immunity, Physician Says
Dr. Marty Makary, a public health researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, on Tuesday accused government officials of practicing “modern-day McCarthyism” against anyone who suggests young healthy people, especially those who recovered from COVID, don’t need booster shots.
Children’s Health Defense, 16 Dec 2021
The Great Reset Timeline, Morpheus Industry, 15 Dec 2021
Finance Guru Explains: ‘We’ve Been Lured to Create Our Own Prison’
If you don’t want to contribute to building this global prison, you have to actually take action and change how and who you do business with, says Catherine Austin Fitts. Dr Joseph Mercola, Children’s Health Defense, 10 Dec 2021
Who Will Be Held Responsible for this Devastation?, Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute, 9 Dec 2021
The spooky Internet story that no journalist will touch, Yasha Levine, Yasha Levine, 7 Dec 2021
November 2021
Who Are the Real Fascists?, Warren Ross, Where Does The Money Come From?, 26 Nov 2021
The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to demonize and destroy the control group
The ruling class is very worried about non-compliant citizens.
Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier, 20 Nov 2021
Germany | Dr Thomas Jendges Head of Clinic, Commits Suicide “COVID-19 Vaccine Is a Genocide”
In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Thomas Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the COVID-19 Vaccine, Jessica Cardiny, Stress News, 17 Nov 2021
Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity Explains The World Perfectly - The phenomenon that is at the root of all problems. Peter Burns, Lessons from History, 10 Nov 2021
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Obtains NIH Documents From 2016 Stating Concern It May Be Funding Gain Of Function Research In Wuhan, 5 Nov 2021
Italian Institute of Health Drastically Reduces Its Official COVID Death Toll Number, Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News, 4 Nov 2021
The Italian Higher Institute of Health [Italy’s CDC] has drastically reduced the country’s official COVID death toll number by over 97 per cent after changing the definition of a fatality to someone who died from ‘with COVID’ to ‘by COVID’.
October 2021
For Public Record: 161 Slides Ask Critical Questions About Kids and COVID Vaccines, CHD Team, Children’s Health Defense, 29 Oct 2021
Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, made public the 100 questions and 161 slides he prepared for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee. The committee on Tuesday endorsed Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for 5- to 11-year-olds, over the objections of Kirsch and multiple scientists and physicians.
Coercing Children, Scaring the Elderly: How New Zealand, Sweden and Canada Are Responding to the Pandemic, CHD Team, Children’s Health Defense, 29 Oct 2021
On the first three episodes of CHD.TV’s “Around The World,” host Amanda Forbes interviewed a medical doctor in New Zealand, a humanitarian in Sweden and a journalist in Canada who described their governments’ pandemic response policies.
Humanity Is Sleepwalking Towards Medical Apartheid. We Need an Honest Debate Before It’s Too Late, Robert Bridge, Strategic Culture Foundation, 28 Oct 2021
The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely.
Biden’s Nominee Omarova Has a Published Plan to Move All Bank Deposits to the Fed and Let the New York Fed Short Stocks, Pam & Russ Martens, Wall Street On Parade, 26 Oct 2021
Sinister Rockefeller Food System Agenda — They Created it and Now Want to Destroy It, F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 21 Oct 2021
Conscience and The Nuremberg Code - Informed Consent, Censorship, and Inalienable Rights, David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 19 Oct 2021
Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates, Aaron Siri, Injecting Freedom, 19 Oct 2021
CDC and State Health Department scientists find similar or higher viral load of Covid-19 virus among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated
Scientists Sue the FDA for Data it Relied Upon to License Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine, Aaron Siri, Injecting Freedom, 11 Oct 2021
You can’t say no, you can’t sue for harm, and you can’t see the data underlying the government’s claim that the product is safe and effective. That seems fair.
The Green Agenda or How This Energy Crisis is Different from All Others, F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 11 Oct 2021
September 2021
Subramanian SV, Kumar A. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States [published online ahead of print, 2021 Sep 30]. Eur J Epidemiol. 2021;1-4. doi:10.1007/s10654-021-00808-7
There was no pandemic in 2020, Colleen Huber, NMD, The Defeat of COVID, 21< Sep 2021
Deaths from all causes tell a truer story of a pandemic or lack thereof than a flawed and unstandardized testing method of a likely untestable virus.
Children’s Health Defense Responds to Biden’s ‘Declaration of War Against Unvaccinated’
In a “deeply disturbing” speech last week, President Biden exhorted medical coercion of an experimental gene therapy for a virus with a 99% survival rate for a large portion of the population, and for which no one bears financial liability in cases where injuries or deaths occur.
by Mary Holland, President & General Counsel, Children’s Health Defense, 13 Sep 2021
How to Indict Individuals and Organizations for Covid-19 Pandemic, Dr. Francis Boyle, Esq, Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, (25:53, mp3) 11 Sep 2021
August 2021
July 2021
India Delta Data Contradicts Dems’s COVID Fear/Control Campaign, Lumen ... Shedding Light on the News, 27 Jul 2021
Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative, Daniel Horowitz, Blaze Media, 22 Jul 2021
“Hydroxychloroquine as Treatment for Viral Illness and 40+ Other Diseases,” Dr Jim Meehan, MeehanMD, 12 July 2021
The Masking of America - Faceless people make compliant subjects, not good citizens. Jeffrey H. Anderson, Claremont Review of Books, Summer 2021
An Urgent Message from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi: “Covid vaccine: a lethal danger?”, complete transcript by Children’s Health Defense Europe, Oracle Films, early July 2021
June 2021
“How Real Science became Fake News, Thirty years ago, the man who taught me quantum mechanics at Harvard wrote that the suppression of debate will be the ‘death of science’. Perhaps he saw the shape of things to come.” Josh Mitteldorf, Experimental Frontiers, 29 Jun 2021
“The War on Reality, As the mainstream narrative about the origin of COVID-19 falls apart, it’s time to put other widely accepted facts about the virus–and the devastating measures they were used to justify–under the same scrutiny” Alex Gutentag, Tablet, 28 Jun 2021
“A ‘Leap’ towards Humanity’s Destruction, The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies as young as three months old. Their agenda can only advance if we allow it.” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 25 Jun 2021
The Prevailing Corona Nonsense Narrative, Debunked in 10 or 26 Minutes, Dr Thomas Binder MD, Doctors for COVID Ethics, 23 Jun 2021
“Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid,” Ellen Brown, Web of Debt Blog, 22 Jun 2021
“Who Is A ‘Terrorist’ in Biden’s America? Far from being a war against ‘white supremacy,’ the Biden administration’s new ‘domestic terror’ strategy clearly targets primarily those who oppose US government overreach and those who oppose capitalism and/or globalization.” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 21 Jun 2021
“Colossal Financial Pyramid: There Is More to BlackRock Than You Might Imagine, F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 20 Jun 2021
“Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ Never Guess., BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world, combined own The New York Times and other legacy media, along with Big Pharma.” Dr Joseph Mercola, The Defender, 18 Jun 2021
“Edelman PR and the Manufacturing of ‘Trust’ - With Klaus Schwab declaring 2021 as the year the elite must ‘rebuild trust’ with the public, Johnny Vedmore investigates the man at the center of this effort – Richard Edelman,” Unlimited Hangout, 17 Jun 2021
“Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 16 Jun 2021
Other Reasons Physicians Unvaccinated - 161 Physicians comments about other reasons they are unvaccinated
“Physician: ‘Fanaticism’ — Not Science — Governs CDC’s Aggressive Push to Vaccinate Even Those With Natural Immunity, Public health insiders increasingly are calling out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the ‘insanity’ of pushing COVID vaccines on people who have already acquired natural immunity.” Children’s Health Defense, 16 Jun 2021
Cyber Polygon: Clues to the Elite’s Next Pandemic, Cat & Colleen McGuire, Zoom Presentation, 10 Jun 2021
video (1:46:14)
Polygon Prensentation (50 slides)
Show Notes
Research Links
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has telegraphed their plans over the years to radically transform society. To institute their “Great Reset,” the Davos billionaires intend to completely collapse our economic, social, and political systems.
Enter Cyber Polygon, a simulation announced by WEF for July 9, 2021, in which participants will role-play a cybersecurity attack by “rogue actors.” The simulation is meant to defensively prepare for extreme worldwide chaos arising from hacked supply chains and a control-grid blackout. The end goal is their self-serving desire to bring our global financial system to its knees.
If past simulations are any indication (such as the Event 201 simulation in October 2019 that thoroughly presaged the Coronavirus pandemic), might July 9 be a dress rehearsal for a false-flag cyber pandemic? When the lights come back on, some analysts surmise that a shell-shocked public will be presented with a new economic social-credits system to serve as the backbone for the elite’s ten-year plan to install a New World Order by 2030.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The Great Reset agenda is not set in stone. The simulations provide ample clues as to these psychopaths’ mad ambitions. Widespread awareness is a necessary first step for foiling their diabolical plans.
Please watch the mission-critical presentation delivered on June 10 to understand more clearly what is at stake and what we can do about it.
May 2021
““We are Human Guinea Pigs”: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action,” F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 27 May 2021
“Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action,” F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 19 May 2021
“Forced Choice? Further Silencing and Censoring of Doctors in Ontario, CA by CPSO,” Wholehearted Media, 11 May 2021
“Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19,” Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2(1), 10 May 2021
“This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a ‘Digital Dictatorship’” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 5 May 2021
This new agency, set to be called ARPA-H or HARPA, would be housed within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and would raise the NIH budget to over $51 billion. Unlike other agencies at NIH, ARPA-H would differ in that the projects it funds would not be peer reviewed prior to approval; instead hand-picked program managers would make all funding decisions. Funding would also take the form of milestone-driven payments instead of the more traditional multiyear grants.
ARPA-H will likely heavily fund and promote mRNA vaccines as one of the “breakthroughs” that will cure cancer. Some of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers that have produced some of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines, such as the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, stated just last month that “cancer is the next problem to tackle with mRNA tech” post-COVID. BioNTech has been developing mRNA gene therapies for cancer for years and is collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create mRNA-based treatments for tuberculosis and HIV.
“COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety,” Doctors for Covid Ethics, 5 May 2021
“New Report Sheds Light on Vaccine Doomsday Cult,” Mike Whitney, Global Research, 4 May 2021
April 2021
“The Novel Coronavirus’ Spike Protein Plays Additional Key Role In Illness, Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease” Salk News, The Salk Institute, 30 Apr 2021
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2 31 Mar 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318902 | Circulation Research. 2021;128:1323-1326
“Do you think it’s a good idea to bypass the first natural forms of your
immune system which are the nasal immune system, the oral immune system,
let’s say the digestive immune system, and inject instructions into your
body to create trillions of spike proteins in your cells given the
information that has just been released by the Salk Institute in California?
“Think about it this is significant because Jonathan Salk was the creator of the
first successful polio vaccine. The Salk Institute and associated researchers
have told us on April 30, 2021 without any ambiguity that the spike protein is
a fundamental part of the covid-19 disease. Yes it’s true that the
spike protein, without the n-protein without the nuclear capsoid (sp?), will
not replicate. However trillions, trillions induced by the so-called
vaccination injection have the capacity to create damage in your vascular
system. This is what this study has said and this is published by an
extremely important center for biological studies. It’s not a conspiracy
theory site.
“I think, that at this stage, this is enough information to consider
whether we have been told, or whether we will be told the truth in the next
coming days. Because such information should be on the cover of every
newspaper. It should be the front headline on any news channel. And do you
know what they should say? They should say: ‘The fundamental,
technological basis on which all of the vaccines distributed, at least in the
West, was flawed. We thought—at least they thought, because a lot of us
have been saying it for months now, that the spike protein in itself is
pathogenic, it creates disease—but they should say, We thought that it
will only serve the purpose to enter the cells and by injecting trillions it
would give antibodies so that if you face the wild virus it would not latch
on to your cells. However, we were wrong. We were wrong because the spike
protein itself creates disease; and if you induce trillions of them in a
human body, the human body will have manifestation of disease in many
— Robin Monotti Graziadei, The Novel Coronavirus Spike Protein Plays Additional Key Role in Illness - Salk Institute, 1 May 2021
“Terminate the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and Complete Phase 3 Trials,” Mike Whitney, The Unz Review, 27 Apr 2021
“Denying the Demonic,” Edward Curtin, Global Research, 18 Apr 2021
“The Military Origins of Facebook, Facebook’s growing role in the ever-expanding surveillance and “pre-crime” apparatus of the national security state demands new scrutiny of the company’s origins and its products as they relate to a former, controversial DARPA-run surveillance program that was essentially analogous to what is currently the world’s largest social network.” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 12 Apr 2021
“Pure, Unalloyed Evil - Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections. He is also a man on a mission, and his mission is to inform as many people as possible about the elite powerbrokers that are using the pandemic as a smokescreen to conceal their real objectives.” Mike Whitney, Unz Review, 11 Apr 2021
“WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System - A report published last year by the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative calls for the merging of Wall Street banks, their regulators and intelligence agencies as necessary to confront an allegedly imminent cyber attack that will collapse the existing financial system.,” by Whitney Webb, The Last American Vagabond, 7 Apr 2021
“COVID-19: Pandemic? Or Cult?,” by Michael J. Talmo, Global Research, 6 Apr 2021
“Exclusive: Chemical cocktail found in face masks,” Top German scientists have found that wearing certain types of face masks for long periods of time could result in potentially hazardous chemicals and harmful microplastics being inhaled deep into human lungs., by John Mowbray, Ecotextile, 1 Apr 2021
March 2021
“Messianic Mad Men, Medicine, and the Media War on Empirical Reality - Discourse Analysis of Mainstream Covid-19 Propaganda,” Daniel Broudy & Darwin Hoop, International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Epidemic NCDs, 31 Mar 2021
“Tanzania’s Late President Magufuli: ‘Science Denier’ or Threat to Empire?, While his COVID-19 policies have dominated media coverage regarding his disappearance and suspicious death, Tanzania’s John Magufuli was hated by the Western elites for much more than his rebuke of lockdowns and mask mandates. In particular, his efforts towards nationalizing the country’s mineral wealth threatened to deprive the West of control over resources deemed essential to the new green economy.” Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 29 Mar 2021
“Covid-19 As Luciferian "Virology;" A Christian Objection,” Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier, 29 Mar 2021
“Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires ‘Must Be Dismantled’,” In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Vandana Shiva says, “... if in the next decade, if we don’t protect what has to be protected ... and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.”, by Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, 29 Mar 2021
“Dr Mike Yeadon talks to The Daily Expose...,” The Daily Expose, 26 Mar 2021
To anyone confused by what’s going on, with:
- Untrustworthy PCR mass testing (so we don’t really know where each nation’s epidemics stand & we certainly cannot have confidence in numbers of deaths attributed to Covid19), through
- Mask mandates (not supported by any trials evidence) and
- Lockdowns (which are repeatedly proven not to work, nor would you expect them too, given it’s infectious contacts which matter, which requires symptoms and illness, such people are not out & about, so shutting down most of civil society isn’t going to reduce infectious contacts, which occur mostly in institutions) and now to
- Vaccination of everyone – not only those at risk but everyone else, including, in due course, minor children & even newborns.
- Globally repeated almost everywhere. What a coincidence, I’m sure it’s merely coincidence theorists who ignore all this information hiding in plain sight.
- Can you come up with a benign explanation for all this? No, me neither.
Ok, right down the rabbit hole. Feel free to laugh nervously. Then show why I’m wrong. If you cannot, please don’t later say “We never knew! We didn’t recognise it as fascism! We just followed orders!”
“Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’,” Mordechai Sones, Americas Frontline Doctors, 25 Mar 2021
The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the ‘Great Reset’, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization, 25 Mar 2021
“You Refuse to Get Vaccinated, But Are You Ready to be an Outcast?,” Mike Whitney, Unx Review, 25 Mar 2021
“An Interview with Richard Ebright: The WHO Investigation Members Were ‘participants in disinformation’,” Jorge Casesmeiro Roger, Independent Science News For Food And Agriculture, 24 Mar 2021
Molecular biologist Dr. Richard H. Ebright, PhD is one of the twenty six world scientists who signed the Open Letter: “Call for a Full and Unrestricted International Forensic Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19”. A document released last March 4 by the Wall Street Journal and Le Monde that reignited the debate over the pandemic’s origin after the WHO-convened mission to Wuhan.
“The Great Reset is Here: Follow the Money. ‘Insane Lockdown’ of the Global Economy, ‘The Green Agenda’,” William F. Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 19 Mar 2021
COVID-19: an overview of the evidence – The data is in: lockdowns serve no useful purpose and cause catastrophic societal and economic harms. They must never be repeated in this country.
Health Advisory & Recovery Team,
18 Mar 2021 (pp. 57)
“The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-to-be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD,” Dr. Ron Brown & John Manley, Global Research, 15 Mar 2021
John Magufuli: Death of an African Freedom Fighter, Celia Farber, The Solari Report, 22 Mar 2021
“Tanzania – The second Covid coup?,” Kit Knightly, Off Guardian, 12 Mar 2021
“Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns,” Doctors for Covid Ethics, 10 Mar 2021
February 2021
HCQ, Ivermectin, and Needless Untold Deaths - How Censorship destroyed Constitutional Freedoms and Human Lives, David T Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, Jan 2021
“Schwab Family Values,” Johnny Vedmore, Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb, 20 Feb 2021
Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates.
“How the Gates Foundation seeded America’s COVID-19 policy catastrophes - The nursing home death warrants were signed by panicked governors using Gates-funded forecasting.” Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier, 16 Feb 2021
“CITIZEN Right of Reply: Lockdowns contradict a century of pre-Covid science,” Pandemics - Data & Analytics, 14 Feb 2021
“German Government Hired Scientists to Legitimate Hard Corona Measures and Instil Fear, French MP Request Answers,” Michele Rivasi, CHD / Le Blog de Michele Rivasi - Mediapart, 12 Feb 2021
“Tiny Gibraltar Shines Huge Light on Vaccine Deaths,” Keith Rushworth, ratical.org, 8 Feb 2021
“The Journalistic Tattletale and Censorship Industry Suffers Several Well-Deserved Blows - The NYT’s Taylor Lorenz falsely accuses a tech investor of using a slur after spending months trying to infiltrate and monitor a new app that allows free conversation.,” Glenn Greenwald, greenwald.substack.com, 7 Feb 2021
“From ‘Event 201’ to ‘Cyber Polygon’: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming ‘Cyber Pandemic’, Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.” Johnny Vedmore and Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 5 Feb 2021
“Biden Admin Introducing Orwellian Laws Far Beyond The Patriot Act The President Claims He Designed,” Aaron Kesel, Activist Post, 5 Feb 2021
“COVID-19 Fatalities 16.7 Times Too High Due to ‘Illegal’ Inflation,” GreenMedInfo Research Group, 1 Feb 2021
Going Direct Reset
The “novel” coronavirus pandemic marks the greatest turning point in U.S. monetary history since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The Virus Pandemic and the Federal Reserve are fascinating historical figures for many reasons, starting with the deceptions their very names work on the public. “Federal” Reserve falsely implies that “the Fed” is an agency of the federal government when in fact it is a cartel of 12 private banks acting in concert from different locations to skim interest payments off the top of the U.S. money supply in perpetuity. “Coronavirus pandemic” deliberately misdiagnoses the real disease at the root of the current crisis, which is not in fact any virus (hint: it has a 99+% survival rate) but rather a radical plan for the eventual takeover of the U.S. monetary system by the privately owned Federal Reserve.
What you are about to read is one of the most important reports of modern financial history yet written. This report is essential to understand the world in which you and I live and what will happen next—this year and for many years to come.
On August 22, 2019, a group of central bankers from the G7 nations gathered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and voted to approve the Going Direct Reset. We know this because Pam and Russ Martens published an article about it on June 5, 2020 at their website, Wall Street on Parade. That article—and the Martens’ extraordinary continuing coverage of the “ongoing financial coup d’état”—is why Solari chose them as the Solari Heroes of the Year for 2020.
It’s called “Going Direct.” That’s the financial bailout plan designed and authored by former central bankers now on the payroll at BlackRock, an investment manager of $7 trillion in stock and bond funds. The plan was rolled out in August 2019 at the G7 summit of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming – months before the public was aware of any financial crisis. One month later, on September 17, 2019, the U.S. Federal Reserve would begin an emergency repo loan bailout program, making hundreds of billions of dollars a week in loans by “going direct” to the trading houses on Wall Street.
~ Pam and Russ Martens
January 2021
“The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier,” Dr. David E. Martin, davidmartin.com Intro Jan 2021 (pp. 205)
“Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2,” Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, Off Guardian, 31 Jan 2021
The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Psychological Coup d’Etat, Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD, Progressive Radio Network, 25 Jan 2021 (PDF, doc)
“The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming - No speculation is needed. Those who wield power are demanding it. The only question is how much opposition they will encounter.” Glenn Greenwald, greenwald.substack.com, 19 Jan 2021
Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 1 of 3, 2021
“Data that disprove the COVID-19 pandemic,” Colleen Huber, Boris Borovoy, Primary Doctor Medical Journal, 18 Jan 2021 (PDF)
A pandemic that calls the attention of the public, and action by the medical field, is one that
raises the total death rate above that of a typical year or season. The COVID-19 era that began
in early 2020 has received continuous and rapt attention in the United States for deaths that
have occurred. Has COVID-19 resulted in more deaths (known as “excess deaths”) than would
have happened in a typical year? An obstacle to answering that question is that COVID-19
testing is flawed and imprecise, for reasons discussed herein, and it is difficult to distinguish
COVID-19 from other respiratory illnesses, due to symptoms and signs that are mostly
indistinguishable from the common cold, flu or pneumonia. It is possible that deaths of
multiple causes have been ascribed to COVID-19, especially due to new peculiarities in
mortality reporting during 2020 discussed herein. Therefore, year-over-year comparison of
deaths from all causes is likely the best analysis of available evidence of whether the United
States is now confronted by a deadly pandemic. The CDC mortality numbers are as yet
unaudited by independent parties. Therefore, we compare numbers of obituaries in 2020 and
2019, which are verifiable reports of deaths of specific, identified individuals. We also examine
the earnings statements of the largest medical suppliers in the US, to see if their sales of
medical oxygen and other medical equipment prove a pandemic. These data all indicate that
there has been no pandemic in the US in 2020.
Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in COVID-19 Public Health Policies – The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Lockdown Fraud, 10 Jan 2021 (40 pp.)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20535
U.K. Security Service (MI5);
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation;
Canadian Security Intelligence Service;
U.S. Department of Justice
“The Golden Boy,” 2020 News, 6 Jan 2021
Is there possibly more than humanistic philanthropy behind Mr. Drosten’s steam chatter? Reprint of a strangely topical article by Erik R. Fisch and Jens Wernicke/Rubikon of July 27, 2020 on the entanglements between the PCR test manufacturer TIB Molbiol and Prof. Drosten.
What I believe about COVID, Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, 4 Jan 2021
December 2020
Measures do not prevent deaths, transmission is not by contact, masks provide no benefit, vaccines are inherently dangerous: Review update of recent science relevant to COVID-19 policy, Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, Research Gate, 28 Dec 2020 (PDF)
The Covid Vaccine and Medical Informed Consent, Millions Against Medical Mandates, 14 Dec 2020
“Planned Surveillance and Control by Global Technocrats: A Big-Picture Look at the Current Pandemic Beneficiaries” - CHD Article on Big-Picture Look at Current Pandemic Beneficiaries Accepted by Peer-Reviewed Journal, Children’s Health Defense Team, 14 Dec 2020
An article by Children’s Health Defense on how the pandemic facilitated a financial, tech, biopharmaceutical and military-intelligence push for centralized, technocratic control has been accepted by the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research.
“US-Panic-Paper surfaced,” 2020 News, 4 Dec 2020
“Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition,” 2020 News, 1 Dec 2020
80,000 people sign vaccine petition – EMA silent, 2020 News, 12 Dec 2020
“Messengers of Gates’ Agenda: How the Cornell Alliance for Science Spreads Disinformation on behalf of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,” Heather Day/AGRA Watch, Independent Science News For Food And Agriculture, 1 Dec 2020
“Drosten PCR test study: Withdrawal requested due to scientific error and massive conflict of interest,” 2020 News, 1 Dec 2020
“Under Guise of ’Racial Justice,’ Johns Hopkins Lays Out Plan to Vaccinate Ethnic Minorities and Mentally Challenged First, Claims made by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security about its strategy for vaccinating ethnic minorities and the mentally challenged first, ‘as a matter of justice’ suggest ulterior motives.” Jeremy Loffredo & Whitney Webb, The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, 1 Dec 2020
November 2020
“Clinical Fear - The “Great Reset” in the health service seems to have long since been carried out.” Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, wodarg.com, 18 Nov 2020
The above shows once again that hospitals have primarily mutated into commercial enterprises in which economic thinking determines decisions. As a [German] welfare state, however, we are a community of solidarity. We make our contributions in solidarity to the best of our ability to help those who need help. This is also the principle of our health system. It is based on the principle of solidarity and has also been a public duty in the area of administration and ensuring that care is tailored to needs. If cities, districts and federal states leave the provision of basic health care to large monopolists and thus rid themselves of their responsibility for the sick and elderly, then soon it will no longer be a question of health at all, but only of money, and companies will know this better than the people’s representatives.
The “Great Reset” in the health service seems have long been implemented. The “Economic Hitmen” have long been under us and, what we experience now, is only a symptom of this in the last decades of progressive de-regulation of public welfare. When the common good abolishes itself, well organized egoists with a paternalistic gesture take over the regime and democracy will have a hard time.
“A Portuguese court’d ruling against improper use of PCR tests,” Sanjeev Sabhlok, sabhlokcity.com, 17 Nov 2020
In a recent decision, dated November 11, 2020, a Portuguese appeal court ruled against the Azores Regional Health Authority concerning a lower court decision to declare unlawful the quarantining of four persons. Of these, one had tested positive for Covid using a PCR test; the other three were deemed to have undergone a high risk of exposure. Consequently, the Regional Health Authority decided that all four were infectious and a health hazard, which required that they go into isolation. The lower court had ruled against the Health Authority, and the appeal court upheld that ruling with arguments that explicitly endorse the scientific case for the lack of reliability of the PCR tests (e.g., as extensively explained in Lockdown Skeptics by Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Clare Craig and others).
The court’s ruling is a long text. I provide below a summary of the key passage.
The court’s main points are as follows:
A medical diagnosis is a medical act that only a physician is legally qualified to undertake and for which such physician will be solely and entirely responsible. No other person or institution, including government agencies or the courts, has such an authority. It is not up to the Azores Regional Health Authority to declare someone ill, or a health hazard. Only a physician can do that. No one can be declared ill or a health hazard by decree or law, nor as the automatic, administrative consequence of the outcome of a laboratory test, no matter which.
From the above, the court concludes that “if carried out with no prior medical observation of the patient, with no participation of a physician certified by the Ordem dos Médicos who would have assessed symptoms and requested the tests/exams deemed necessary, any act of diagnosis, or any act of public health vigilance (such as determining whether a viral infection or a high risk of exposure exist, which the aforementioned concepts subsume) will violate [a number of laws and regulations] and may configure a crime of usurpação de funções [unlawful practice of a profession] in the case said acts are carried out or dictated by someone devoid of the capacity to do so, i.e., by someone who is not a certified physician [to practice medicine in Portugal a degree is not enough, you need to be accepted as qualified to practice medicine by undergoing examination with the Ordem dos Médicos, roughly our equivalent of the UK’s Royal College of Physicians].”
In addition, the court rules that the Azores Health Authority violated article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, as it failed to provide evidence that the informed consent mandated by said Declaration had been given by the PCR-tested persons who had complained against the forced quarantine measures imposed on them.
From the facts presented to the court, it concluded that no evidentiary proof or even indication existed that the four persons in question had been seen by a doctor, either before or after undertaking the test.
The above would suffice to deem the forced quarantine of the four persons unlawful. The court thought it necessary, however, to add some very interesting considerations about the PCR tests:
“Based on the currently available scientific evidence this test [the RT-PCR test] is in and of itself unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that positivity in fact corresponds to infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, for several reasons, among which two are paramount (to which one would need to add the issue of the gold standard, which, due to that issue’s specificity, will not be considered here): the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used; the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.”
Citing Jaafar et al. (2020; https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa1491), the court concludes that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is <3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” The court further notes that the cycle threshold used for the PCR tests currently being made in Portugal is unknown [N.B. – I know from acquaintances that in at least some Portuguese labs the threshold is 35 cycles].
Citing Surkova et al. (2020; https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30453-7/fulltext), the court further states that any diagnostic test must be interpreted in the context of the actual probability of disease as assessed prior to the undertaking of the test itself, and expresses the opinion that “in the current epidemiological landscape of the United Kingdom, the likelihood is increasing that Covid 19 tests are returning false positives, with major implications for individuals, the health system and society.”
The court’s summary of the case to rule against the Regional Health Authority’s appeal reads as follows:
“Given how much scientific doubt exists—as voiced by experts, i.e., those who matter—about the reliability of the PCR tests, given the lack of information concerning the tests’ analytical parameters, and in the absence of a physician’s diagnosis supporting the existence of infection or risk, there is no way this court would ever be able to determine whether C was indeed a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or whether A, B and D had been at a high risk of exposure to it.”
“Globalist Technocrats Poised to Press the Great Reset Button,” Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, 18 Nov 2020
Abbasi Kamran. Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science, BMJ 2020;371:m4425, doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4425 13 Nov 2020
When good science is suppressed by the medical-political complex, people die
Covidicide [ koh-vid-uh-sahyd]: killing, death and destruction caused by or subsequent to COVID related measures, policies, rules, pronouncements, interventions and treatments, Brett Wilcox, Running The Country, 3 Nov 2020
October 2020
“The Post-Covid-19 World: A Permanent Dystopia (Excerpt),” Helen Buyniski, When China Sneezes: from the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis, posted 30 Oct 2020
“Same Story, Different Decade: How WHO’s Definition of a Global Pandemic Benefits Big Pharma - When WHO broadened its definition of global pandemic in 2009, H1N1 vaccine makers profited at taxpayers’ expense. COVID vaccine makers will likely reap even more benefits.” Jeremy Loffredo, The Defender, Children’s Health Defense, 30 Oct 2020
“Brainwashing the Masses: 6 Companies Own Almost ALL of the Media in the U.S. – Unsing Medical ‘Doctors’ to Sell Their Message,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 28 Oct 2020
“Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir - As the planet’s &lsquoVirus Tsar’ since 1984, he has spread misinformation and ignored critical questions. The consequences could hardly be more fatal,” Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter, Off-Guardian, 27 Oct 2020
Who Voted In Davos? How Data-Driven Government and the Internet of Bodies Are Poised To Transform Smart Sustainable Cities Into Social Impact Prisons, (28:58, mp3) Alison McDowell, Wrench In The Gears, 27 Oct 2020
This is a transript of Alison McDowell’s presentation complete with all slides inlined. The talk itself ends at 13:16. Afterwards, it gets very interesting at 13:52 when moderator Naomi Klein states “I personally am not comfortable with, um, you know, a framework that is presenting the pandemic as a conspiracy”, and McDowell engages her in a spirited back-and-forth regarding this. Below the transcript, at the beginning of the “Thoughts on ‘Who Voted In Davos?’” comments, Simone writes:
This is important work, and a gift of researchable sites and sources. However, after fully digesting your information and recognizing the connections you make, I really very much wanted to hear what Naomi Klein could possibly say to argue against your points. Talking over her did harm to our cause, I think, undermining your authority as the mother and researcher and truth-tell you are, not to mention we lost the opportunity to allow one of these apologists to have enough ‘rope to hang themselves.’ They have no legitimacy and they will go too far, and we need to learn to stand firm, and quiet, and let them. This is a form of fighting as well.
To which McDowell responds:
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however what you are not privy to was that this was a three-hour event where she provided wrap up of remarks after all five panelists presented. She did not mention the content I presented in her response and specifically excluded me in directing follow up questions. I had to be asked to be put on stack. Whenever I spoke she turned off her camera. She had the opportunity to respond, and she chose not to, because she is part of the group that is rolling out digital ID and everything I spoke about. I think it must have come as a shock how much I was able to share in fifteen minutes.
After the end of the part at Rutgers, from 16:56 on, McDowell describes more of her background and perspective on what is currently in process globally, providing a summary aspect of her cogent analyses (amplified throughout Wrench In The Gears) on Digital ID and Blockchain Identity. At the end of this (starts at 27:17) she refers to the below 2019 NAACP statement on risks of Blockchain Identity.
We just have to be really clear about these technologies. In that
respect I collaborated on a resolution that was passed in California
and later at the national meeting of the NAACP last summer in Detroit
where they wrote a resolution saying that no one should be compelled
to create a digital identity to access public benefits. That
includes education, health care, housing, judicial involvement—no
one should make you create a digital identity to access these things.
It was unanimously passed with exception of some small group in
Brooklyn that was looking to data mine kids in New York City schools.
So that passed. That exists and there’s a model. So it’s not just
random people saying this is a problem. It’s the NAACP looking at
racial capitalism in the context of blockchain. But meanwhile
currently in Chula Vista, California, which is an area of San Diego,
students are being asked to give blood tests for Covid on Blockchain.
Think about that. Essentially what we’re saying is that children,
to have right of face-to-face education, are having their blood—bodily
fluids—taken and uploaded to a blockchain health record.
That is happening through their school district and no one’s talking
about that yet. And nobody really knows about this Blockchain
When we talk about abolition, for me, I feel like this is the next
Abolition Movement, is Blockchain Identity. Because if we agree to
become data commodities with privacy to protect us from surveillance
it’s over. I think that’s really important for people to know
because no mainstream media is going to put that out and it’s not
fake news because you can google it; they have the PDF of their 2019 resolutions online, it's page 62.
Resolution against Blockchain Identity passed by the NAACP in 2019,
1. Opposition to the Use of the Blockchain Identity
WHEREAS, Blockchain technologies are being developed as tools of digital identity
management; and
WHEREAS, transaction data pertaining to vital records, voting, ownership, healthcare, professional and educational credentials, employment, and financial income can be stored on Blockchain systems; and
WHEREAS, global technology interests are placing heavy pressure on governments to scale Blockchain adoption as a financial tool within proposals to privatize public services, including Public-Private Partnerships (P3); and
WHEREAS, governmental interests are exploring the use of “smart contracts” on Blockchain as a means of delivering public benefits; and
WHEREAS, public benefits distributed via “smart contracts” can incorporate coded interventions that preference specific behavioral outcomes; and
WHEREAS, the use of “programmable money/digital currency” may undermine the ability of benefit recipients to make autonomous economic choices and indenture the future wealth of such populations; and
WHEREAS, aggregation of an individual’s public benefit data within a Blockchain identity system could exacerbate punitive profiling of recipients of services; and
WHEREAS, prototypes linking Blockchain systems to profit extraction through social impact investment initiatives have already been developed; and
WHEREAS, hundreds of billions of dollars have already been directed into social impact investments by the world’s most powerful individuals and financial institutions; and
WHEREAS, consolidation of personal data in Blockchain identity systems will position the global poor who receive benefits via smart contracts to become data backbones upon which “impact” metrics would rest, in effect amplifying investment wealth of elite investors on the backs of vulnerable communities; and
WHEREAS, researchers have warned of the harms of relying on Blockchain systems, given the immutable nature of the technology that would mean false data and/or embedded vulnerabilities would never fully be able to be reversed, remedied, redacted, nor deleted; and
WHEREAS, security flaws are already rampant in Blockchain systems that claim to be secure, leading to the compromised integrity of the systems, and to highly sensitive personal information being vulnerable to exploitation.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the NAACP opposes any state or federal legislation that would require an individual to create a Blockchain identity in order to receive any public services or benefits, including but not limited to education, healthcare, addiction treatment, behavioral health services, law enforcement, housing, and/or food and nutrition.
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the NAACP will engage in community education efforts to communicate to the public about the structure, function, benefits and inherent risks of Blockchain technologies.
“The Global Takeover Is Underway,” Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 23 Oct 2020
Story at-a-glance
According to the World Economic Forum, by 2030 we will own nothing and be happy about it
Terms like “the Great Reset,” “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Build Back Better” all refer to the same long-term globalist agenda to dismantle democracy and national borders in favor of a global governance by unelected leaders, and the reliance on technological surveillance rather than the rule of law to maintain public order
For decades, war and the threat of war have enriched the technocratic elite and kept the population going along with their agenda. Today, pandemics and the threat of infectious outbreaks are the new tools of war and social control
The Federal Reserve is working on a central bank digital currency (CBDC). An all-digital currency system is part of the system of social control
Key globalist players working on the implementation of the technocratic agenda include the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, Avanti Communications, 2030 Vision and Frontier 2030, Google, Mastercard and Salesforce
“Is Your Mask Giving You Lung Cancer?,” Guy Crittenden, Human News Network, 21 Oct 2020
“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and CHD Urge Congress to Investigate the Origins of COVID-19,” Children’s Health Defense, 20 Oct 2020
An Evidence Based Scientific Analysis of Why Masks are Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful, Jim Meehan, MD, meehanmd.com, 20 Nov 2020 (local PDF, 45 pp.)
Jim Meehan, MD is an ophthalmologist and preventive medicine specialist with over 20 years of experience and advanced training in immunology, inflammation, and infectious disease. He has performed well over 10,000 surgical procedures. His research experience includes investigating associations between military vaccinations and Gulf War Syndrome. Dr. Meehan is also trained in internal medicine, addiction medicine, endocrinology, integrative medicine, functional medicine, and nutrition.
Dr. Meehan is a former editor of the medical journal,
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. Dr. Meehan has peer-reviewed thousands of medical research studies. With this experience and expertise, Dr. Meehan has dedicated his career to protecting his patients and the public from the fraud, corruption, and pseudoscience so often used by agents and agencies whose motives and interests have resulted in American medicine and pharmaceutical drugs becoming the third leading cause of death in the United States.
Key Points
- Decades of the highest-level scientific evidence (meta-analyses of multiple randomized controlled trials) overwhelmingly conclude that medical masks are ineffective at preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including SAR-CoV-2.
- Those arguing for masks are relying on low-level evidence (observational retrospective trials and mechanistic theories), none of which are powered to counter the evidence, arguments, and risks of mask mandates.
- The majority of the population is at very low to almost no risk of severe or lethal disease from CoVID-19. Children are at an extraordinarily low risk of dying from CoVID-19. Based on CDC published data, 99.99815% of children that contract CoVID-19 survive.
- Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among children in schools and daycares is very rare.
- Masks worn properly are well documented to cause harm to their wearers. Masks worn improperly, re-used, or contaminated are dangerous.
- Any reasonable risk to benefit analysis of medical masks concludes that the risks overwhelmingly outweigh the benefits.
- Children are at imminent risk of harm from mask mandates.
- Evidence Based Medicine: How we (should) make decisions in science and medicine
Masks are Ineffective
- Mixed Messages from the Experts
- The Evidence Against Masks
- The Evidence For Masks
Masks are Unnecessary
- Fear and Politics are Subverting Science and Reason
- Masking Children in Schools is Unnecessary - So Says The Science
- Masks are Harmful: 17 Ways that Masks Can Cause Harm
Masking School Children is Ineffective, Unnecessary, and Harmful
- Mandatory masks in school are a ‘major threat’ to children’s’ health, doctors warn
- Forcing Children to Wear Face Masks is Unnecessary
- Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Physical Injuries
- Forcing Children to Wear Masks for Long Periods Risks Causing Them Mental and Psychological Injuries
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Crimes Against Humanity and the Covid-19 PCR Test, 3 Oct 2020
Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures, by Karina Reiss Ph.D., Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2 Oct 2020, 160 pages, ISBN: 9781645020578
In June 2020, the original edition entered the German market, selling 200,000 copies and 75,000 e-books in six weeks.
In Corona, False Alarm?, award-winning researchers Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss offer analysis of whether radical protective measures—including lockdown, social distancing, and mandatory masking—have been justified, and what the ramifications have been for society, the economy, and public health. Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Reiss provide dates, facts, and background information, including:
How Covid-19 compares with previous coronaviruses and the flu virus
What infection numbers and the death rate really tell us
The challenges around lockdown: Were the protective measures justified?
Mandatory mask-wearing: Does the science support it?
Does the race for vaccine development make sense? What are the chances of success? Will the vaccine be safe? Will people accept it?
Corona, False Alarm? provides information and substantiated facts—and encourages you to form your own opinion on the corona crisis. A detailed book review was published in June.
September 2020
“Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Stop the Machine and Defend Our Humanity,” Vandana Shiva, Children’s Health Defense, 29 Sep 2020
“Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives,” Dr. Michael Yeadon, Lockdown Skeptics, 20 Sep 2020
“How the Government Uses Fear to Control,” Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 19 Sep 2020
Story at-a-glance
August 28, 2020, the Children’s Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., launched a European branch of the organization
Totalitarian nations have always used the power of fear to make citizens comply with authoritarian rule. Without fail, it’s been shown that all you have to do to engineer compliance, no matter how horrific the ramifications, is to tell people they have something to fear, and claim they will be safe if they follow you
Today, we also have something no previous tyrant has had, namely the technology to track, trace, control and manipulate individuals wherever they live. Most are surrounded by electronics and wireless devices that harvest every imaginable data point about their personal life
Digital currency will complete the net of tyranny. Once all cash economies have been abolished, they have absolute control over us because they will be able to tax every transaction and ensure compliance through the threat of financial confiscation
The pushback seen around the world against mask mandates, vaccines, social distancing and lockdowns is not because there’s a willful ignorance of science, but that no real science is being presented; science is actually being withheld and suppressed
“Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity?,” (PDF) Peter Doshi, BMJ, 17 Sep 2020; 370 doi:
“EcoHealth Alliance Gets Big Bucks for Risky Virus Research,” Alexis Baden-Mayer, mercola.com, 17 Sep 2020
Story at-a-glance
Gain-of-function research to alter coronaviruses for the infection of humans goes back to 1999 or earlier, years before the first novel coronavirus outbreak
Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance, is a top scientific collaborator, grant writer and spokesperson for virus hunters and gain-of-function/dual-use researchers, in labs both military and civilian
On behalf of the U.S. government, often the military, Daszak scours the globe for animal pathogens and brings them back to the lab to be catalogued, investigated and manipulated
To learn that the closest known relative to SARS-CoV-2 has been in the care of the gain-of-function researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) for seven years does nothing to allay suspicions that the virus infected humans only after being tinkered with in a lab
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced a five-year, $82-million investment in a new global network of Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases, including gain-of-function experiments to “determine what genetic or other changes make [animal] pathogens capable of infecting humans”
“Injectable Biochip for SARS-CoV-2 Detection Near FDA Approval,” Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 15 Sep 2020
“Sweden shows lockdowns were unnecessary. No wonder public health officials hate it,” Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner, 14 Sep 2020
“CoVID-19 Testing PCR – A Critical Appraisal,” Bose Ravenel, MD, FAAP, Children’s Health Defense, 14 Sep 2020
“Anders Tegnell and the Swedish Covid experiment -
The controversial epidemiologist believes lockdown is ‘using a hammer to kill a fly’. Could he be proved right?” Richard Milne, Forbes, 10 Sep 2020
“How Likely is a Second wave?,” Paul Kirkham, Mike Yeadon, Barry Thomas, Lockdown Sceptics, 7 Sep 2020
“Greece Gives Birth to Another Virulent Neo-Nazi Party — Is the U.S. Ambassador One of Its Proud Godfathers?,” Andrew Lee, CovertAction Magazine, 5 Sep 2020
“Those masks are making little children MISERABLE, a righteous mother tells her school board,” News From Underground, 5 Sep 2020
From Jimmy Han (who works with Mark Crispin Miller):
My brother sent me the attached email earlier today. My 5-year-old nephew started kindergarten yesterday in _____________. Of course, his school is requiring all kids to wear masks. So one of the mothers at his school sent this email to the district board member. She hit the nail on the head.
We need more parents like her to speak out!
Masking Ourselves To Death - A stunning propaganda win for voodoo epidemiology - First Half, Mark Crispin Miller, PDF, Word), News From Underground, 3 Sep 2020
A few days ago, when I sent out the first third of this text, I wrote that I would send the rest in two further installments.
But, in light of what’s been happening over just these last few days, I’ve decided to send
all of it out now. As RFK, Jr.
said so powerfully in Berlin (to over a million people), what’s looming on the near horizon is
totalitarianism—a threat not just in some few “closed societies” ruled by dictators right or left, but an unprecedented
global system of control by governments and corporations, and the elite interests backing them.
Our conquest by that system will depend on our compliance with the “rules” established (with no democratic process whatsoever) by the COVID-19 panic that’s been stoked, and is being now protracted, by “our free press” and its counterparts worldwide. As mask mandates have been crucial to exacting that compliance, and are now being perversely
tightened even as the COVID crisis ends, those of us who will not give up our humanity, or have our children huddling “safe” in constant fear and isolation, must now stand up together and
refuse those mandates, which have no scientific basis, and are doing us immeasurably more harm than “the coronavirus” ever could.
There is abundant evidence, of several kinds, that masks are ineffective and unhealthy; and I’ve attempted to present it here, as clearly (and readably) as I can. I hope that you will see it as a trove of ammunition to be used against the mammoth propaganda drive that has so many healthy millions injuring themselves, and taking all the joy out of our world, by wearing masks.
p.s. My thanks to Dick Atlee, who helped me greatly by formatting this monster.
“Suffer, Little Children School Closings, Child Abuse, and the COVID19 Coup’s War on Democracy,” Michael Lesher, Off Guardian, 4 Sep 2020
“The Persuasion Game: Manipulating Intention to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine,” Children’s Health Defense, 3 Sep 2020
August 2020
“An Open Letter To Bill Gates,” Guy Crittenden, Hip Gnosis, 31 Aug 2020
“Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests,” Stephen C. Miller, American Institute for Economic Research, 26 Aug 2020
Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, Tao Zha, FOUR STYLIZED FACTS ABOUT COVID-19, Working Paper 27719, National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2020
We document four facts about the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide relevant for those studying the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) on COVID-19 transmission. First: across all countries and U.S. states that we study, the growth rates of daily deaths from COVID-19 fell from a wide range of initially high levels to levels close to zero within 20-30 days after each region experienced 25 cumulative deaths. Second: after this initial period, growth rates of daily deaths have hovered around zero or below everywhere in the world. Third: the cross section standard deviation of growth rates of daily deaths across locations fell very rapidly in the first 10 days of the epidemic and has remained at a relatively low level since then. Fourth: when interpreted through a range of epidemiological models, these first three facts about the growth rate of COVID deaths imply that both the effective reproduction numbers and transmission rates of COVID-19 fell from widely dispersed initial levels and the effective reproduction number has hovered around one after the first 30 days of the epidemic virtually everywhere in the world. We argue that failing to account for these four stylized facts may result in overstating the importance of policy mandated NPIs for shaping the progression of this deadly pandemic.
Rancourt, D. & Baudin, Marine. (2020). Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16836.65920/1.
Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence., Swiss Policy Research, 30 Jul/26 Aug Aug 2020
“The Fatal Attraction of Techo-Fascism,” Mark Petrakis, Off Guardian, 26 Aug 2020
“The Tyranny of Coronaphobia - I am concerned that the majority of people can be successfully terrorised into surrendering their individual freedoms, says Ramesh Thakur,” Hugo Alconada Mon, Open, 24 Aug 2020
“Research finds best evidence of coronavirus immunity after infection - Multiple research studies have come up with the finding that people develop long-term coronavirus immunity after infection.,” Yen Makabenta, Manila Times, 22 Aug 2020
“From Lockdown to Police State: The ‘Great Reset’ Rolls Out,” Ellen Brown, Web of Debt, 22 Aug 2020
“Lancetgate: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to Treat Covid-19 Patients. Why Was this ‘Monumental Fraud’ Not a Huge Scandal?,” Daniel Espinosa, Dissident Voice/Global Research, 20/21 Aug 2020
“Journalism’s Gates keepers,” Tim Schwab, Columbia Journalism Review, 21 Aug 2020
Shock Report! “Fact Checkers” Remove Article Detailing Bill Gates’ Funding of Fact Checkers, Neil Miller, 25 Aug 2020
“Why you might think like Bill Gates about global health,” Robert Fortner, robertfortner.posthaven.com, 13 Feb 2016
“The Web Grows Wider - Gates Foundation partnerships with the Guardian and ABC News further complicate global health coverage,” Robert Fortner, Columbia Journalism Review, 8 Oct 2010
“How Ray Suarez Really Caught the Global Health Bug - The Gates Foundation, global health, and the media - on the partnership between the PBS NewsHour and the Gates Foundation formed in 2008,” Robert Fortner, Columbia Journalism Review, 7 Oct 2010
Matthews, Kirstin Rw, and Vivian Ho. “The grand impact of the Gates Foundation. Sixty billion dollars and one famous person can affect the spending and research focus of public agencies.” European Molecular Biology Organization reports vol. 9,5 (2008): 409-12. doi:10.1038/embor.2008.52
“How a False COVID-19 Narrative Was Created & Sustained for Six Months,” Meryl Nass, MD, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 20 Aug 2020
“COULD AVOIDING THE FLU SHOT POTENTIALLY MINIMIZE A COVID-19 ‘SECOND WAVE?’ Did a Chinese flu vaccine mandate in Fall 2019 ignite the COVID-19 crisis which closed the world?” Kevin Barry Esq. and Dr. Cammy Benton, First Freedoms, 20 Aug 2020
The global economy has been largely shut down now for six months now in ways unprecedented in modern history. In order to get back to normal, and in order to avoid a crisis like the current one from ever happening again, it is required to determine how we got here. We recognize this is an issue which critics may consider “correlation vs causation”, however, frequently where there is smoke, there is fire, and it is appropriate to collect relevant data. Before implementing further public health policies changes, such as flu shot mandates, we need to investigate these concerns.
“We now have the best evidence yet that everyone develops long-term coronavirus immunity after infection—and it’s not just about antibodies,” Aylin Woodward, Business Insider, 19 Aug 2020
Report cited: Robust T cell immunity in convalescent individuals with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.017. Full Citation:
Sekine, T., Perez-Potti, A., Rivera-Ballesteros, O., Straålin, K., Gorin, J.-B., Olsson, A., Llewellyn-Lacey, S., Kamal, H., Bogdanovic, G., Muschiol, S., Wullimann, D.J., Kammann, T., Emgaård, J., Parrot, T., Folkesson, E., Karolinska COVID-19 Study Group, Rooyackers, O., Eriksson, L.I., Henter, J.-I., Soönnerborg, A., Allander, T., Albert, J., Nielsen, M., Klingstroöm, J., Gredmark-Russ, S., Bjoörkstroöm, N.K., Sandberg, J.K., Price, D.A., Ljunggren, H.-G., Aleman, S., Buggert, M., Robust T cell immunity in convalescent individuals with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19, Cell (2020), doi: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.017.
“The Siamese Twins Of Technocracy And Transhumanism,” Patrick Wood, Technocracy News & Trends, 19 Aug 2020
“Dr. Fauci: What About the Immune System?,” David Brownstein, Children’s Health Defense, 18 Aug 2020
“CIA Social Isolation Torture Techniques Next Stage: Involuntary Quarantines in FEMA ‘Non-Congregate Shelters’,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 17 Aug 2020
“Prof. Udi Qimron: ‘History will judge the hysteria’, Top Tel Aviv U prof says ‘There is a great interest for anyone who supported the draconian measures in saying Sweden’s policy has failed.’.” Arutz Sheva, 16 Aug 2020
“The Catastrophic Costs of Complying,” Laura Hayes, Age of Autism, 14 Aug 2020
Americans should find it shocking, frightening, and intolerable that acting on our God-given fundamental rights as human beings has now been deemed illegal behavior and can result in being charged with a crime in a growing number of situations and locations. Stop and think about that for a few minutes. That which prior to 2020 were considered basic human rights, including the rights to breathe, smile at others, communicate, entertain, move about, congregate, shop, conduct business, seek care and services, and go to church, have instantaneously been labeled dangerous behaviors if done in a free, unregulated, and unimpeded manner, deemed worthy of fines, ostracization, shaming, social isolation, forced quarantine, closures, lockdowns, lawsuits, and no doubt very soon, prison time and “re-education camps”. Perhaps this is why nearly half of U.S. states have released thousands of prisoners before their sentences were completed, including those who have committed violent crimes...to make room for those who will refuse to comply with rights-stripping, unconstitutional, life-destroying edicts made and enforced by those abusing their positions of power.
“Big Pharma’s Covid-19 Profiteers, How the race to develop treatments and a vaccine will create a historic windfall for the industry—and everyone else will pay the price” Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, 13 Aug 2020
“Vaccine Fundamentalism—War Metaphors in the Covid-19 Response, Vaccine Policy, and Public Health, Part 1,” Nate Doromal, Children’s Health Defense, 13 Aug 2020
Like any war, there is collateral damage. The collateral damages here are the bedrocks of medical ethics, informed consent, human rights, civil liberties, and even science itself, but the ultimate collateral damage, of course, is among those damaged or injured by decisions resting on faulty science.
“Testing the Most Effective Method to Manipulate Minds,” Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola, 13 Aug 2020
Story at-a-glance
- The U.S. government is planning to launch an “overwhelming” COVID-19 vaccine campaign in November
It’s still unclear exactly when a vaccine will be available, but it could be as early as October, or as late as January 2021. According to a White House administration official, the advertising campaign will be tailored to specific subsets of the population, depending on the people the vaccine is likely to benefit the most
Yale University is studying the effectiveness of various messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 to ensure maximum vaccine uptake
The primary outcome measure is willingness to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Secondary outcome measures include the participants’ confidence in the vaccine, their willingness to persuade others to get vaccinated, their fear of those who have not been vaccinated and the level of social judgment of those who choose not to vaccinate
Evidence that technocracy is gaining ground and is in the final stages of implementation are all around. Technocracy is an economic system, not a political one, which hinges on the skillful implementation of social engineering
“Sweden’s success shows the true cost of our arrogant, failed establishment, Shocking incompetence has unnecessarily wiped billions of pounds from the UK economy,” Allister Heath, The Telegraph, 12 Aug 2020
So now we know: Sweden got it largely right, and the British establishment catastrophically wrong. Anders Tegnell, Stockholm’s epidemiologist-king, has pulled off a remarkable triple whammy: far fewer deaths per capita than Britain, a maintenance of basic freedoms and opportunities, including schooling and, most strikingly. a recession less than half as severe as our own...
“Sweden’s Success is Kryptonite for Lockdown and Mask Advocates - Their long term strategy is working.,” Jordan Schachtel, The Mass Illusion, 9 Aug 2020
“Invasion of the New Normals,” CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory, 9 Aug 2020
“The hybrid scenario: kids return to school several days per week: Are You Kidding Me?,” Meryl Nass, Anthrax Vaccine, 8 Aug 2020
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Ronan J. Kelly, MD, et al. Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, American Journal of Medicine, 6 Aug 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2020.07.003
“In the absence of clinical trial results, physicians must use what has been learned about the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection in determining early outpatient treatment of the illness with the aim of preventing hospitalization or death.”
“Are the COVID Tests a Way to Surreptitiously Infect or Implant People?,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 6 Aug 2020
“Open the schools — or kiss the economy goodbye,” Allison Schrager, New York Post, 6 Aug 2020
“The Criminal Police State is Rapidly Taking Over America – Does the General Public even Understand This?,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 5 Aug 2020
“National Security Alert: COVID Tests Scientifically Fraudulent, Epidemic of False Positives, President Trump Must Take Immediate Action” David DeGraw, Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter, Global Research, 5 Aug 2020
“The dangerous pursuit of safety - Being careful with the coronavirus is one thing. But if we refuse to resume activities until we’re sure they’re ‘safe,’ we could lose far too much.,” Jay Samons, Boston Globe, 2 Aug 2020
July 2020
“Study: Coronavirus restrictions killing 10,000 children per month and ‘wasting’ and ‘stunting’ millions more,” Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, 29 Jul 2020
“COVID Advances New World Order — The Empire of Billionaires,” Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 28 Jul 2020
Story at-a-glance
In March, the United Nations New World Order (UNNWO) announced its annual International Day of Happiness global campaign, along with a call for solidarity and unity in the global fight against COVID-19
The UNNWO goals, such as ending poverty, hunger, gender inequality and polluted water, sound admirable, but are just pawns used to further a one-world government regime with power concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires
A one-world government tactic that New World Order relies on is media censorship, which the liberal "fact-checking" group Media Matters is now advocating for anyone who doesn’t align with the New World Order mission
The World Health Organization, whose biggest funders include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to vaccinate everyone across the globe by 2030 and to track who has and has not been vaccinated
Mass COVID-19 vaccination poses health dangers and even vaccine advocate Bill Gates predicts adverse reactions to the vaccine will claim 700,000 victims
“Coronavirus leads to mass hunger, killing 10,000 children a month, UN warns - UNICEF: ‘The repercussions of the pandemic are causing more harm to children than the disease’,” Caitlin McFall, Fox News, 28 Jul 2020
© Associated Press
Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month
One-month old Haboue Solange Boue, awaiting medical care for severe malnutrition, is held by her mother, Danssanin Lanizou, 30, at the feeding center of the main hospital in the town of Hounde, Tuy Province, in southwestern Burkina Faso on Thursday, June 11, 2020. With the markets closed because of coronavirus restrictions, her family sold fewer vegetables. Lanizou is too malnourished to nurse her. (AP Photo/Sam Mednick)
“Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month, All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meager farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid.” Lori Hinnant and Sam Mednick, Associated Press, 27 Jul 2020
Headey, D., Heidkamp, R., et al. Impacts of COVID-19 on childhood malnutrition and nutrition-related mortality, The Lancet, 27 Jul 2020
“The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks – Is There an Agenda?,” Dr. Alan Palmer, Children’s Health Defense, 26 May 2020
“The 1918 Pandemic was CAUSED by a Vaccine,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 25 Jul 2020
The Pandemic lies go back a long way. The “Spanish Flu” did not begin in Spain, nor was it influenza. It was a bacterial infection started by an American Army experimental vaccine.
See Also:
“Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the ‘Spanish Flu’?,” Kevin Barry, Health Impact News, 13 Nov 2018
“If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?,” H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, P. Anderson, Children’s Health Defense, 24 Jul 2020
“Prof. Sunetra Gupta: ‘We May Already Have Herd Immunity’,” 21st Century Wire, 24 Jul 2020
“Fauci Files: Celebrated doc’s career dotted with ethics, safety controversies inside NIH,” Daniel Payne and John Solomon, Just The News, 23 Jul 2020
“COVID-19—Reckless ‘Gain-of-Function’ Experiments Lie at the Root of the Pandemic,” Ronnie Cummins and Alexis Baden-Mayer, Organic Consumers Association, 23 Jul 2020
Four Part Series by Alan Palmer, referencing his free e-book, 1200 studies - Truth Will Prevail, published on Children’s Health Defense
“Fauci Finally, Falsely, Invokes the ‘Spanish Flu’ - It’s not the first time he’s cried wolf about a disease.” Michael Fumento, The American Spectator, 21 Jul 2020
“My current COVID advice, and some good news,” Anthrax Vaccine -- posts by Meryl Nass, M.D. , 17 Jul 2020
Mark Crispin Miller: The good news that “our free press” will not report.
“... I believe that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was created in a lab, using multiple techniques and genetic fragments that were already known and had been designed in multiple labs. If you are technically inclined, Yuri Deigin has written a beautiful summary of the evidence here. I have written about this on my blog, and discussed it during an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola and in a Reddit AMA. "Gain of function" research, in which coronaviruses were created to give them added virulence, was government-approved in the US (and elsewhere) and performed in many laboratories that cooperated with each other, around the world, over the past 20 years. At least 4 US federal agencies (NIAID, NSF, USAID, DTRA) and many other governments, paid for this research. Neither I, nor others publicly investigating this area, understand why a number of countries collaborated to produce novel, highly virulent microorganisms. This is a question that has to be addressed, but not in this blog post.
“Assuming SARS-CoV-2 was a lab creation, and first encountered lots of humans last fall, then it is likely that during its subsequent adaptations to the human species, it would develop less virulence.”
“‘Anti-vax’ labelling and the mainstream media: Who is coordinating this?,” Elizabeth Hart, Children’s Health Defense, 16 Jul 2020
“Central Banks Look to Replace Cash with Digital Currency: Life as We Know it May Soon be Over and Replaced by the New World Order,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 15 Jul 2020
“Bari Weiss resigns from the Social Justice Police Gazette, a/k/a the New York Times,” Mark Crispin Miller, iNews From Underground, 14 Jul 2020
Kudos to Bari Weiss, for sticking with her principles, and quitting the Gray Lady’s faux-left cult. She’s not the only Times survivor fed up with that paper’s suffocating groupthink and abysmal journalism. Here, again, is what former Timesman Alex Berenson had to say about the paper.
On the Times’ fierce promotion of the lockdown policy, Alex wrote:
I think this is a very strong effort by the public health establishment to beat down any questions about the efficacy and side effects of lockdowns, an effort abetted and even driven by places like the Times. Nearly the entire media is on board here, and the issue has become incredibly politicized. When I worked for the Times, it leaned left, but it was basically center-left, a voice of the establishment, and the bias was more in the story selection than anything else. Reporters were expected to (and did) write with relative objectivity, avoid snark and opinion, make sure they gave the subjects of articles or the targets of investigations a chance to respond. We knew the rules and we basically followed them. Didn’t mean we couldn’t write strong investigative pieces (I wrote plenty), but we didn’t have politics on every page. That’s gone now.
As for myself—longtime Times subscriber, and author of four Times op eds, and co-author of a fifth—I find myself wishing every day that I could spare myself the agony of scanning it; but, as a student of propaganda, I have an intellectual and civic duty to peruse it, so I have to suck it up, in hopes of getting others to perceive how
really bad it is.
“Covid-19 and the Spectres of Colonialism,” Pratik Chakrabarti, The India Forum, 14 Jul 2020
“If there is a second wave of Covid, the Swedish approach will have been right all along - Not going into lockdown was described as “a made experiment” at the time, but Sweden can look to the winter with less trepidation than most,” Christopher Snowdon, The Telegraph, 11 Jul 2020
“Why New York Times praises ‘cancel culture’ but skips over its own racist history,” Michael Goodwin, New York Post, 11 Jul 2020
“Science isn’t meant to ‘follow the science’ - Modelling is no substitute for quality data and research,” John Lee, Spectator USA, 9 Jul 2020
“Politics Influences the Science of COVID-19,” Josh Mitteldorf, Aging Matters, 8 Jul 2020
Many of us are still shell-shocked by the changes in our lives that have been imposed this spring. We’re reacting to each unexpected event as it comes. But to anyone who has stepped back to make sense of this web of contradictory messages that pour out of our newsfeeds, it is clear that the government agencies and corporate news media are slanting their message toward fear. I am particularly concerned when they do this at the expense of honesty. This is a moment for the scientific community to be engaging in spirited dialog among diverse voices. Only with open debate can we hope to shed light to guide the momentous public policy decisions that are being made, directing our culture and global economy into unexplored territory. But instead of robust debate, what I see is a monolithic message, and censorship of the few brave scientists who dissent from that message. I’m ashamed to say that the scientific community has been part of the problem.
I’m writing here about two issues:
Numbers reported by CDC have been gamed to make it appear that America is in the second wave of a pandemic. Instead of reporting COVID deaths, they began reported COVID cases. Then they conflated recovered individuals (who test positive for antibodies) with current cases (who test positive for the active virus). No wonder numbers are rising!
A new report featured prominently in Nature purports to show that lockdowns have stemmed the spread of the virus and have saved lives. The article is by the same team whose flawed models produced apocalyptic predictions last March that justified lockdowns in Europe and the US. The new computer model assumes from the start that the number of COVID deaths would have expanded exponentially from their March levels, and that social distancing is the only factor responsible for lower death rates. That is, it assumes exactly what it purports to prove. Where is accountability? Why is this perspective promoted in the world’s most prestigious journal, while reasonable doubts are swept aside?
“COVID-19 No Vaccine Needed, There Is Already A Cure,” Alan Gray, NewsBlaze, 7 Jul 2020
“Masks are neither effective nor safe: A summary of the science,” Colleen Huber, NMD, PrimaryDoctor.org, 6 Jul 2020
At this writing, there is a recent surge in widespread use by the public of facemasks when in public places, including for extended periods of time, in the United States as well as in other countries. The public has been instructed by media and their governments that one’s use of masks, even if not sick, may prevent others from being infected with SARS-CoV-2, the infectious agent of COVID-19.
A review of the peer-reviewed medical literature examines impacts on human health, both immunological, as well as physiological. The purpose of this paper is to examine data regarding the effectiveness of facemasks, as well as safety data. The reason that both are examined in one paper is that for the general public as a whole, as well as for every individual, a risk-benefit analysis is necessary to guide decisions on if and when to wear a mask.
“PETER HITCHENS: We’ve all turned from normal humans into muzzled masochists,” Daily Mail, 4 Jul 2020
See Also: Comments from people still practicing critical thinking
“Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America? Walmart is now Apparently a Communist China Store in the U.S.,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 4 Jul 2020
“Physician and Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks,” Jim Meehan, MD, Health Impact News, 3 Jul 2020
“Dr. Fauci is No Nostradamus: How COVID-19 Ran Amok Under His Watch,” James Grundvig, VAXXTER, - Scientific articles exposing vaccine myths and pharma foibles, 3 Jul 2020
Scholz, M.; Derwand, R.; Zelenko, V. “COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study.” (PDF) Preprints, 2020, 2020070025 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202007.0025.v1)
“Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear Not Fact,” The Freedom Articles/Global Research, 2/13 Jul 2020
“The most logical explanation is that it comes from a laboratory,” Aksel Fridstrøm & Nils August Andresen, minerva, 2 Jul 2020
“Is Tedros Adhanom of the WHO a fear-mongering, criminal fantasist? FACTCHECK.,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 1 Jul 2020
June 2020
“CHD Responds to Accusation of Spreading ‘Misinformation’ on Facebook, - Children’s Health Defense has been accused of spreading vaccine “misinformation”, but it’s the government and major media who are deceiving the public.”, Jeremy R. Hammond and the CHD Team, Children’s Health Defense, 30 Jun 2020
Mainstream and social media are aggressively silencing any discussion of vaccine safety that departs from official Pharma/government narratives under the euphemistic label “misinformation.” Investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond examines how censorship is subverting democracy, -undermining civil rights including the right to informed consent- and ushering in an era of Orwellian doublespeak,authoritarian governance, corporate domination and plutocracy. Do something for America & Liberty this Independence Day:Arm yourself with information; Sign up now to get your free copy of CHD’s newest eBook, “How Censorship is Redefining Informed Consent as ‘Misinformation’”. Go to ChildrensHealthDefense.org website homepage to request.
“The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19: Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster - Media and Big Pharma are in lockstep to suppress a cheap, life-saving Covid-19 therapy in order to reap pandemic-sized profits,” Elizabeth Woodworth, Global Research, 30 Jun 2020
“Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19,” Julian Rose, Global Research, 29 Jun 2020
PCR Testing Can’t Differentiate Between Benign Common Cold Coronaviruses and the COVID-19 Coronavirus
“2022: A Vaccination Passport. The EU Keeps Quiet Over Suspicious Documents ,” Daniele Pozzati, Strategic Culture Foundation, 28 Jun 2020
“How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more,” Meryl Nass, Anthrax Vaccine, 27 Jun 2020
“COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose,” Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, Off Guardian, 27 Jun 2020
“COVID-19 in primary schools: no significant transmission among children or from students to teachers,” Institut Pasteur, 23 Jun 2020
“Updated: The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing,” Patrick Wood, Technocracy News & Trends, 22 Jun 2020
“Why the Left Should Oppose Lockdown,” Phil Shannon, Lockdown Skeptics, 21 Jun 2020
“The 5 Biggest Scandals [so far] Of The Coronavirus Response,” Jeffrey Jaxen, The Highwire, 21 Jun 2020
“OCLA Asks WHO to Retract Recommendation Advising Use of Face Masks in General Population,” Ontario Civil Liberties Association, 21 Jun 2020 (PDF)
The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) requests that the WHO retract its recommendation to decision makers advising the use of face masks in the general population (“the WHO recommendation”).
We believe that the WHO recommendation is harmful to public health, and harmful to the very fabric of society. The recommendation is used by governments as a ready-made justification to impose mask use in the general population. The resulting legislative dictates and policies of coercion broadly violate civil, political and human rights. We ask that your ill-conceived recommendation be retracted immediately.
“Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Lethal, Patient-Killing Experimental Endeavor,” Dr. Meryl Nass, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 20 Jun 2020
“Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 18 Jun 2020
“Book Review: Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein,” Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report, 17 Jun 2020
“The Global Reset – Unplugged. ‘The Deep State’,” Peter Koenig, Global Research, 17 Jun 2020
“America’s Own Color Revolution,” F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 17 Jun 2020
Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President, but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order.
Schools MUST go ‘Back to Normal’ in the Fall—A Scientist’s Perspective, Renata Dziak, Open Letter, 16 Jun 2020
“There is no scientific evidence to support the disastrous two-metre rule - Poor quality research is being used to justify a policy with enormous consequences for us all,” Carl Heneghan | Tom Jefferson, The Telegraph, 15 Jun 2020
“Book Review: Corona False Alarm?,” GIS2 At Ryerson, 11 Jun 2020
Karina Reiß, Sucharit Bhakdi: Corona Fehlalarm? Zahlen, Daten und Hintergründe [Corona False Alarm? Facts and Figures]. Goldegg, Vienna Austria. Published 1 June 2020 (eBook, EAN 9783990601907) and 23 June 2020 (paperback, 160 pages, ISBN: 978-3-99060-191-4)
“Fauci: Steering the Pandemic Narrative Toward Vaccine “Solutions” Is Nothing New,” Children’s Health Defense, 11 Jun 2020
“Vaccine Ethics and Children: With COVID-19, Science Has Completely Lost Its Way,” James Lyons-Weiler, Children’s Health Defense, 11 Jun 2020
“Why everyone was wrong - The coronavirus is slowly retreating. What actually happened in the past few weeks? The experts have missed basic connections. The immune response against the virus is much stronger than we thought.” Beda M Stadler, Weltwoche (World Week), 10 Jun 2020
“Now Comes the Davos Global Economy ‘Great Reset’. What Happens After the Covid-19 Pandemic?” F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 10 Jun 2020
“Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’,” F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 9 Jun 2020
“The Corruption of Science.The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma,” Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 10 Jun 2020
“Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates,” Amory Devereux and Rosemary Frei, Off Guardian, 9 Jun 2020
“Politicized Science: Lancet, NEJM retract studies on HCQ,” Celia Farber, UncoverDC, 6 Jun 2020
“The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus”
“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” —Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction
“The Lancet Retracts Controversial Hydroxychloroquine Study,” Jefferey Jaxen, The Highwire, 5 Jun 2020
“Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?” Kevin Ryan, Dig Within, 3 Jun 2020
“Updated: Lancet Published a Fraudulent Study: Editor Calls it ‘Department of Error’” Alliance for Human Research Protection, 2 Jun 2020
“The Sickness in Our Food Supply,” Michael Pollan, NY Review of Books, Jun 2020
“Today the US actually has two separate food chains, each supplying roughly half of the market. The retail food chain links one set of farmers to grocery stores, and a second chain links a different set of farmers to institutional purchasers of food, such as restaurants, schools, and corporate offices. With the shutting down of much of the economy, as Americans stay home, this second food chain has essentially collapsed. But because of the way the industry has developed over the past several decades, it’s virtually impossible to reroute food normally sold in bulk to institutions to the retail outlets now clamoring for it.”
May 2020
“I’ve signed death certificates during Covid-19. Here’s why you can’t trust any of the statistics on the number of victims,” Malcolm Kendrick, RT, 28 May 2020
I do know that other doctors put down Covid-19 on anyone who died from early March onwards. I didn’t. What can be made of the statistics created from data like these? And does it matter?
It matters greatly for two main reasons. First, if we vastly overestimate deaths from Covid-19, we will greatly underestimate the harm caused by the lockdown. This issue was looked at in a recent article published in the BMJ, [“
Covid-19: “Staggering number” of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19,” 13 May 2020]
The British Medical Journal. It stated:
“Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by Covid-19.”...
The other reason why having accurate statistics is vitally important is in planning for the future. We have to accurately know what happened this time, in order to plan for the next pandemic, which seems almost inevitable as the world grows more crowded. What are the benefits of lockdown, what are the harms? What should we do next time a deadly virus strikes?
If Covid-19 killed 30,000, and lockdown killed the other 30,000, then the lockdown was a complete and utter waste of time. and should never happen again. The great fear is that this would be a message this government does not want to hear – so they will do everything possible not to hear it.
It will be decreed that all the excess deaths we have seen this year were due to Covid-19. That escape route will be made far easier if no-one has any real idea who actually died of the coronavirus disease, and who did not. Yes, the data on Covid-19 deaths really matters.
“COVID-19 is Laying Bare How Big Ag is Taking America’s Small Farmers to Slaughter,” As the door for greater consolidation across industries opens wider, entrenched transnational food interests are feeling the heat from American farmers and ranchers to curb their monopolistic dreams.” Raul Diego, MintPress News, 27 May 2020
“Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?,” Rosemary Frei, Off Guardian, 26 May 2020
“Swedish Disease Expert Calls WHO’s COVID-19 Warning ‘A Total Mistake’,” Bill Chappell, NPR, 26 May 2020
“The REAL meaning behind Dominic Cummings breaking lockdown - From Ferguson to Cuomo to Cummings, the high profile Lockdown violations show the establishment don’t believe their own hype,” Kit Knightly, Off Guardian, 26 May 2020
Judy Mikovits Suggests Retroviruses Play a Role in COVID-19, Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 24 May 2020
Answering your questions on Kawasaki Disease, PIMS-TS, Covid-19 and Children, Statement by our Scientific Advisory Board, Societi - The UK Kawasaki Disease Foundation, 24 May 2020
Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence, Derrick Brose, The Last American Vagabond
“Lockdown saved no lives and may have cost them, Nobel Prize winner believes,” Tom Morgan, The Telegraph, 23 May 2020
“I think that the real virus was the panic virus,” Prof Levitt told the
Telegraph. “For reasons that were not clear to me, I think the leaders panicked and the people panicked and I think there was a huge lack of discussion.”
The 73-year-old has no background as an epidemiologist, but he assessed the outbreak in China and prepared a paper based on his own calculations. Most countries, he predicted, would suffer a Covid-19 death rate worth around an extra month in excess deaths over the calendar year.
“In Europe, I don’t think that anything actually stopped the virus other than some kind of burnout,” he added. "There’s a huge number of people who are asymptomatic so I would seriously imagine that by the time lockdown was finally introduced in the UK the virus was already widely spread. They could have just stayed open like Sweden by that stage and nothing would have happened."
Professor Levitt has now analysed the data from 78 nations with more than 50 reported cases of coronavirus. His investigations proved the virus was never going to achieve the type of exponential growth that the researchers at Imperial were predicting at the same time.
“There is no doubt that you can stop an epidemic with lockdown but it’s a very blunt and very medieval weapon and the epidemic could have been stopped just as effectively with other sensible measures (such as masks and other forms of social distancing),” he added.
Based on his estimates, Britain was due to suffer around 50,000 deaths in totals. “A lot of things went wrong but I think the main thing is that we just needed to think and discuss things a little bit,” he added. “I was told on numerous occasions ‘you are not an epidemiologist, shut up’. I don’t really care. I was just looking at the numbers. I was looking at the cruise ship, looking at Wuhan. The same number held for these places.”
“‘A Year’s Worth of Suicide Attempts in the Last Four Weeks’: California Doctor Calls for End to Lockdown,” Tobias Hoonhout, National Review, 22 May 2020
“Brave New Normal – Part 2,” CJ Hopkins, Off Guardian, 21 May 2020
“A Timeline—Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms Have Been Decades in the Making,” Children’s Health Defense Team, 21 May 2020
“Fast-Tracking a CoV-19 Vaccine: Why Should We Worry?,” Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD, Progressive Radio Network, 21 May 2020
“The Top Twelve Lies about Covid19,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 21 May 2020
“The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In,” Elaine He, Bloomberg, 20 May 2020
“Which Side of the ‘Vaccination Information War’ Are You On?,” Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond, 19 May 2020
“The Warp Speed Push for Coronavirus Vaccines,” F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 18 May 2020
“Italian Politician Sara Cunial Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity,” with complete English transcript, GreatGameIndia, 17 May 2020
“Why American life went on as normal during the killer pandemic of 1969,” Eric Spitznage, New York Post, 16 May 2020
#6: Does wearing a mask do anything?, 6 Jun 2020
Governments around the world are enforcing facial coverings to prevent SARS-Cov-2 infection, but does the science support their use?
#5: Infection-Fatality Ratio Update, 23 May 2020
The more data we gather, the more obvious it becomes that early fatality rate estimates were MASSIVELY exaggerated
#4: “Why are so many healthcare workers dying?”, 27 Apr 2020
Media reports paint a picture of healthcare workers being hit very hard by the pandemic, but the statistics suggest otherwise
#3: Covid19 is 20x DEADLIER than the flu!, 11 Apr 2020
One of the buzz-stats doing the rounds says this novel virus is far more dangerous than influenza. Does the science hold up?
#2: “The Emergency Powers Will Only Last 2 years!”, 8 Apr 2020
Defenders of the Coronavirus Act claim the “extreme measures” are only temporary, but is that true?
#1: “Covid19 is having an unprecedented impact on ICUs”, 2 Apr 2020
The media claim this pandemic’s effect on hospitals around the world has never been seen before, but is that true?
“COVID-19 Lockdown Is Liberalism Last Hurrah,” David William Pear, American Herald Tribune, 15 May 2020
“WATCH: UK Chief Medic confirms (again) covid19 harmless to vast majority,” Catte Black, Off Guardian, 15 May 2020
“Daily Mirror Confirms Dr Wittkowski. That is GREAT NEWS!,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 15 May 2020
“Time to end the COVID-19 hysteria,” Dr. Cyril H. Wecht, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 14 May 2020
“This is not a natural disaster, but a manmade one - I am steeped in dread. I foresee months, if not years, of inane gesturing towards ‘safety’ that makes no appreciable difference to the nation’ health,” Lionel Shriver, The Spectator, 14 May 2020
“Lives vs lives: the global cost of lockdown - Policies that depress the world economy put millions at risk,” Jayanta Bhattacharya and Mikko Packalen, The Spectator, 13 May 2020
“Sweden’s Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be the World’s - Herd Immunity Is the Only Realistic Option—The Question Is How to Get There Safely,” Nils Karlson, Charlotta Stern, and Daniel B. Klein, Foreign Affairs, 12 May 2020
“Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with COVID-19 Severity and Mortality,” Katie Weisman and CHD Team, Children’s Health Defense, 12 May 2020
“Coronavirus and Dodgy Death Numbers,” F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 11 May 2020
“Return of the Brown Shirts? US Federal and State Governments to Hire Contact Tracers to ‘Hunt Down’ New Covid-19 Cases,” Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News, 11 May 2020
“Return of the Brown Shirts? US Federal and State Governments to Hire Contact Tracers to ‘Hunt Down’ New Covid-19 Cases,” Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News, 11 May 2020
“Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy,” Dr. Russell Blaylock, Technocracy News & Trends,
11 May 2020
“Can We Trust the World Health Organization (WHO)?,” Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, Global Research, 10 May 2020
“The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines,” Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola.com, 10 May 2020
“Take the Shutdown Skeptics Seriously - This is not a straightforward battle between a pro-human and a pro-economy camp,” Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, 10 May 2020
“Q: What’s the difference between a journalist and a Pharma rep? A: _________,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. instagram, 9 May 2020
My letter to @drsanjaygupta (posted on @childrenshealthdefense website + link in bio) chronicles CDC’s annual ritual of lying to the public about flu vaccines and mortalities. Dr. #Gupta & @andersoncooper advertise their journalistic integrity, but their history of acquiescence to government deception and reflexive deference to HHS officials like #Fauci have muddied their capacity to assess the government’s #COVID response. @CNN no longer practices journalism, its function is manufacturing consent for repressive government vaccine diktats, broadcasting #Pharma propaganda, stifling dissent & censoring news reports on vaccine injuries and safety science.
The devolution began in 1997. That year, #FDA made the U.S. one of only two countries permitting TV ads for prescription drugs. Pharma spends $9.6 billion on TV, radio, print and digital advertising, according to the American Medical Association, which opposed FDA’s new rule as “harmful to public health.” In 2016, U.S. television networks aired 80 drug ads each hour; 1,920 daily. Those tax-deductible ads help pay Cooper’s $12 million salary & empower drug companies to dictate news content on CNN. With its journalistic functions annihilated, CNN genuflects slavishly to #Gates, the #1 vaccine maker & dutifully recycles Fauci’s shibboleths without challenge, critical thought or basic fact checking.
Cooper’s “panic porn” has brought CNN record audiences and fortifies the endless quarantine he helps promote. Cooper pleads: “We are all in this together” but has not yet offered to split his salary with the Americans out of work because of CNNs fear campaign. Virtually every media outlet has abandoned the traditional skepticism toward government pronouncements, which are the hallmark duty of the Fourth Estate in a democracy.
The once-proud and independent American press has devolved into obsequious gatekeepers, colluding with regulatory officials and pharmaceutical concerns, to safeguard the public from “dangerous information”. This includes reasoned, legitimate criticism of Tony Fauci and Pharma’s untested, zero-liability pharmaceutical products. This is a crisis for liberal democracy globally.
“SCREEN NEW DEAL - Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia,” Naomi Klein, The Intercept, 8 May 2020
“COVID-19: The Spearpoint for Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines,” CHD Team, Children’s Health Defense, 7 May 2020
“COVID-19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown, Part 2 of ‘Who controls the British Government response to Covid-19?’” Vanessa Beeley, UK Column, 6 May 2020
Dr. Zelenko—who has treated hundreds of COVID-19 patients with HCQ and zinc, and lost only two of them—on “The Highwire”:
Denis G. Rancourt, All-cause mortality during COVID-19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33512.62725, Apr 2020
Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/Denis-G-Rancourt-PhD
Local copy: AllCauseMortalityDuringCOVID19.pdf
The latest data of all-cause mortality by week does not show a winter-burden mortality that is statistically larger than for past winters. There was no plague. However, a sharp “COVID peak” is present in the data, for several jurisdictions in Europe and the USA. This all-cause-mortality “COVID peak” has unique characteristics:
- Its sharpness, with a full-width at half-maximum of only approximately 4 weeks;
- Its lateness in the infectious-season cycle, surging after week-11 of 2020, which is unprecedented for any large sharp-peak feature;
- The synchronicity of the onset of its surge, across continents, and immediately following the WHO declaration of the pandemic; and
- Its USA state-to-state absence or presence for the same viral ecology on the same territory, being correlated with nursing home events and government actions rather than any known viral strain discernment.
Denis G. Rancourt, Masks Don’t Work - A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14320.40967/1, Apr 2020
Copy at Physics of Biology and
local copy: Rancourt-MasksDontWorkRevSciC19pol.pdf
There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.
Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (< 2.5 μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.
The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.
Re-published on:
“Lockdown only pushes the severe cases into the future – it will not prevent them”
—Prof. Johan Giesecke
“Prof Giesecke from Sweden Lances it in the Lancet,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 6 May 2020
“The invisible pandemic,” Johan Giesecke, The Lancet, 5 May 2020
These facts have led me to the following conclusions. Everyone will be exposed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and most people will become infected. COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire in all countries, but we do not see it—it almost always spreads from younger people with no or weak symptoms to other people who will also have mild symptoms. This is the real pandemic, but it goes on beneath the surface, and is probably at its peak now in many European countries. There is very little we can do to prevent this spread: a lockdown might delay severe cases for a while, but once restrictions are eased, cases will reappear. I expect that when we count the number of deaths from COVID-19 in each country in 1 year from now, the figures will be similar, regardless of measures taken.
Measures to flatten the curve might have an effect, but a lockdown only pushes the severe cases into the future—it will not prevent them. Admittedly, countries have managed to slow down spread so as not to overburden health-care systems, and, yes, effective drugs that save lives might soon be developed, but this pandemic is swift, and those drugs have to be developed, tested, and marketed quickly. Much hope is put in vaccines, but they will take time, and with the unclear protective immunological response to infection, it is not certain that vaccines will be very effective.
In summary, COVID-19 is a disease that is highly infectious and spreads rapidly through society. It is often quite symptomless and might pass unnoticed, but it also causes severe disease, and even death, in a proportion of the population, and our most important task is not to stop spread, which is all but futile, but to concentrate on giving the unfortunate victims optimal care.
Britain changed the rules for death certificates for covid on March 25: “COVID 19 is a Statistical Nonsense,” Ian Davis, Off Guardian, 5 May 2020
“Coronavirus Gives a Dangerous Boost to DARPA’s Darkest Agenda,” Whitney Webb, The Last American Vagabond, 4 May 2020 –
French Translation
“Sweden Is the Model,” Mike Whitney, The Unz Reader, 4 May 2020
“2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on ‘Vaccine Safety’ Issues, Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 3 May 2020
“Could Retroviruses Play a Role in COVID-19?,” Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola, mercola.com, 3 May 2020
“Don’t Forget the Other Pandemic Killing Thousands of Americans,” Kate Briquelet, The Daily Beast, 3 May 2020
“Dr. Wittkowski Tracks Down the Errors that Caused the Lockdown,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 2 May 2020
“Coronavirus, Vaccines and the Gates Foundation,” F. William Engdahl, Global Research, 2 May 2020
“Global Capitalism, ‘World Government’ and the Corona Crisis,” Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 1 May 2020
April 2020
Wrench in the Gears, 19 Apr 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
Vaccines will be the bread and butter for impact investors; but then factor in the crushing human and economic costs of global pandemic, and suddenly you’re talking REAL money. Imagine tallying up ALL the costs associated with the Covid-19 lockdown. That is going to create one ENORMOUS cost offset for investors moving forward. The longer the lockdown the bigger the cost offset they will be able to use in “pay for success” pandemic deals. For this first round there is a certain sick market logic in making the situation as dire as possible. Future profits are riding on calculations of harm that are being tallied now.
“Coronavirus and Infection Control: What’s Going on with Testing?,” Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense, 30 Apr 2020
“Averting our Gaze from Biowarfare: Pandemics and Self-fulfilling Prophecies,” Sam Husseini, husseini.posthaven.com, 30 Apr 2020
“The Crown (’Corona’) Virus and the Business of America, The Business of America is Business.” Steven Newcomb, Original Free Nations, 29 Apr 2020
“Physicians Say Hospitals Are Pressuring ER Docs to List COVID-19 on Death Certificates. Here’s Why, The economic incentive to add COVID-19 to diagnostic lists and death certificates is clear and does not require any conspiracy.” John Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education, 29 Apr 2020
“The Models, the Tests and Now the Consequences,” F. William Engdahl, New East Outlook, 28 Apr 2020
“A tribute to the Corona virus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) whistle-blowers,” coronawhistleblower.org, 25 Jun 2020
“COVID-19, We Are Now Living the ‘Lock Step Scenario’,” Peter Koenig, Global Research, 27 Apr 2020
“Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die,” Brian Fischer, One News Now, 27 Apr 2020
“An Open Letter to Jacinda Ardern Re: Covid-19 - Why Is New Zealand Not Fully Open and Operational Right Now?,” Peter Drew, theBFD, 27 Apr 2020
“The paranoid style in COVID-19 America - The public health establishment is desperate to maintain hysteria in the populace,” Heather MacDonald, Spectator USA, 27 Apr 2020
“The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully,” Robert J. Burrowes, Transcend Media Services, 27 Apr 2020
“Consortium News deploys the CIA’s ‘conspiracy theory’ meme,” Mark Crispin Miller, Off Guardian, 25 Apr 2020
“Root cause of COVID-19? Biotechnology’s dirty secret: Contamination. Bioinformatics evidence demonstrates that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory, unlikely to be a bioweapon but most likely a result of sloppy experiments,” Vinu Arumugham, Zenodo, doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3766463, 25 Apr 2020
“Did this virus come from a lab? Maybe not — but it exposes the threat of a biowarfare arms race, Dangerous pathogens are captured in the wild and made deadlier in government biowarfare labs. Did that happen here?” Sam Husseini, Salon, 24 Apr 2020
“Excellent News from Sweden, Here we provide details of a Swedish Press Conference held on 22nd April. It gives a totally different picture to the ‘All the Swedes are gonna die!’ rhetoric of the UK Media.” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 24 Apr 2020
“Epidemiology for Dummies – What You Ought to Know,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 23 Apr 2020
“TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 23 Apr 2020
“Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: ‘We’re going to be fine’,” Joe Mozingo, Los Angeles Times, 23 Apr 2020
“What is Your Real Chance of Dying? It’ s Much Less than You Think,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 23 Apr 2020
“Who controls the British Government response to Covid-19? Part 1,” Vanessa Beeley, UK Column, 22 Apr 2020
“Bill Gates — Most Dangerous Philanthropist in Modern History?,” Joseph Mercola, Mercola - Take Control Of Your Health, 21 Apr 2020
Story at-a-glance
Bill Gates’ answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic means, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines
Gates has used “charity” as a way to gain tremendous political power
The true beneficiaries of Gates’ philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich beyond comprehension, including Gates’ own charitable foundation
Over the past 20 years, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given close to $250 million in charitable grants to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds, yet it gets tax breaks for the charitable donations it makes money from
Vaccines are one of Gates’ mainstay “solutions” to most diseases. Gates has gone on record saying the U.S. needs disease surveillance and a national tracking system that could involve vaccine records embedded in our bodies
“US Coronavirus ‘Bailout’ Scam Is $6 Trillion Giveaway To Wall Street,” Michael Hudson, Moderate Rebels, 21 Apr 2020
Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act – which economist Michael Hudson explains is not a “bailout” but a massive, $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders.
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the enormous financial scam with Hudson, who reveals how the economy actually works, with the Federal Reserve printing money so rich elites don’t lose their investments.
“What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the ‘Chinese’ Virus?,” Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture Foundation, 21 Apr 2020
“PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION – A Scientist at Sea,” Kent Heckenlively, Children’s Health Defense, 21 Apr 2020
Plague of Corruption - Restoring Faith In The Promise Of Science, by Dr. Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively, JD; Foreward by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Moral Courage and Our Common Future
26-page distillation of the book
Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada, Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, OCLA Report 2020-1, 18 Apr 2020, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33512.62725
(local PDF)
We review the scientific literature about general-population-lockdown and social-distancing measures, which is relevant to mitigation policy in Canada. Federal and provincial Canadian government responses to and communications about COVID-19 have been irresponsible. The latest research implies that the government interventions to “flatten the curve” risk causing significant additional cumulative COVID-19 deaths, due to seasonal driving of transmissibility and delayed societal immunity. (OCLA Report 2020-1 - Ontario Civil Liberties Association)
“Everything You Want To Know About Covid-19 but Were Afraid To Ask Peter Duesberg,” Gilad Atzmon, gilad.online, 18 Apr 2020
“Coronavirus: WHO Director Has a Long History of Cover-Ups,” Soeren Kern, Gatestone Inst. Intl Policy Council, 18 Apr 2020
“Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation,” Peter Koenig, Global Research, 18 Apr 2020
“HOW TO DECLINE A VACCINE...,” Healing Oracle, 17 Apr 2020
“The city in a time of plague - History teaches us that epidemics are more like revelatory moments than social transformers ,” Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, 17 Apr 2020
“The Gates Foundation’s Vaccination Activism,” Eric Wagner, multipolar-magazine.de, 16 Apr 2020
In the corona crisis, billionaire Bill Gates makes a high-profile appearance as a vaccination activist. The essence: a vaccine is the solution, it is only a matter of implementation. According to Gates, the G20 should now "address the logistics of a global immunisation project". There seems to be little interest in further discussions and the consideration of alternatives. Time is pressing and people are relying on Gates, who had identified the danger of a pandemic early on and would therefore know what to do. How justified is this trust?
A more critical approach to the Gates Foundation and its activities as well as thorough information on the developments already underway, especially in the combination of vaccination activism, digital identity and far-reaching control and surveillance, seems urgently necessary.
Which measures have meanwhile become possible is demonstrated by the legal permission of
forced testing, forced vaccination and forced treatment in Denmark. The failure to make such measures and structures known to a wider public could, in the current crisis situation, result in a society sleepwalking into a police and surveillance state, about which it may not become fully aware until the digital handcuffs have already closed.
“Questioning the CDC: Is it a Complete Coincidence That China’s Only BSL4 Is in Wuhan? -- Audio and Video,” Sam Husseini, husseini.posthaven.com, 16 Apr 2020
Wrench in the Gears, 17 May 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
Bloomberg and the technocrats have been very diligent in their cooptation of the non-profit / third sector, creating systems of data extraction cloaked in the benevolent trappings of cardboard checks and glittering galas. Global health has been the focus of much subterfuge. Gates and Bloomberg united to tackle tobacco use, family planning, polio, and most recently “economic mobility.” All, of course, are impact investment markets.
It is worth noting that Event 201, the corona virus tabletop exercise held at the Pierre Hotel in New York last October, was a joint enterprise of the Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, an initiative of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of public health.
Within the school of public health is the Center for Health Security that hosted both pandemic simulations – Clade-X in 2018 and Event 201 in 2019. The program is also a partner in the Global Health Security Index, an effort of the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Ted Turner, a founding director of the United Nations Foundation and another member of “The Good Club” started the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
During Bloomberg’s time on the Johns Hopkins board he developed a collaborative relationship with faculty around issues of public health and eventually became know as the “public health” mayor. New York was his test bed, and over the past fifteen years Bloomberg Philanthropies has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into tobacco control, obesity, and gun control.
“Is W.H.O. Director Tedros a Terrorist? Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and Genocide,” Senta Depuydt, Health Impact News, 16 Apr 2020
The Greatest Criminal Fraud in Medical History: Where’s the Virus?
“The Remarkable Doctor A. Fauci,” F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 15 Apr 2020
F. William Engdahl, historian and author, reveals that Dr. Fauci, who has worked at the CDC for 36 years, endorsed the discredited HIV/AIDS “virus” theory that used corrupt science and testing. Roberto A. Giraldo, MD and Etienne de Harven, MD wrote that the major tests used to diagnose AIDS, including the ELISA, Western blot, and the PCR genetic test, are invalid. The doctors wrote, “None of these tests detect the HIV virus itself, nor do they detect HIV particles. The fact that after 25 years of intense research HIV has been neither isolated nor purified in terms of classical virology indicates to us that the infectious view of AIDS as a contagious viral disease is based on an apparently non-existent microbe!”
This scenario is playing out again as COVID-19 has yet to be isolated and proven. Suspiciously, the 2006 article by Giraldo and de Harven was suddenly retracted by the journal in 2019 just before the coronavirus Wuhan outbreak.
Fauci and his cohorts, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House COVID-19 Task Force coordinator, and CDC Director Robert Redfield, are complicit in the HIV/AIDS frauds and malpractice, and today they hold the future of not only American public health, but also of the entire world economy in their hands.
Letter to New Zealand Prime Minister: medical and humanistic concerns about lockdowns and isolation, Emanuel E Garcia, MD, 15 Apr 2020
“Professor Didier Raoult Publishes Results of a Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients,” Arjun Walla, Collective Evolution, 14 Jun 2020
“Why are Countries Close to China Doing so Well?,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 14 Apr 2020
“New study questions the effectiveness of masks against SARS-CoV-2,” Maria Cohut, Ph.D., Medical News Today, 13 Apr 2020
Research published at the beginning of April casts serious doubts about the effectiveness of both surgical and cloth masks in preventing the spread of infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles.
Content of the above link was altered and automatically redirected to the version published on 3 Jul 2020, written by Yella Hewings-Martin, and titled, “COVID-19 and face masks: To wear or not to wear?” Its content was changed to reflect the MSM line that masks are important to use.
“Effectiveness of Corona Lockdowns: Evidence for a Number of Countries,”
Stefan Homburg, School of Economics and Management, Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, 13 Apr 2020
The paper assesses the effectiveness of the large-scale lockdowns that took place during the SARS-CoV-2 (corona) pandemic. Countries considered include the United States, South Korea, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and Sweden. Our research strategy utilizes the fact that fatal outcomes follow infections with a delay of 23 days. Therefore, the dates of the actual infections can be inferred from the data. The results suggest that lockdowns were superfluous and ineffective.
“Deception? Deception?,
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020
“Mind the Gap: The Violence Of Pandemic Dashboards,” Wrench in the Gears, A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum, 13 Apr 2020
“A Killer Enterprise: How One of Big Pharma’s Most Corrupt Companies Plans to Corner the Covid-19 Cure Market - One of the most politically-connected yet scandal ridden vaccine companies in the United States, with troubling ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks and opioid crisis, is set to profit handsomely from the current Coronavirus crisis.” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 9 Apr 2020
“The Gates Family, Eugenics and COVID-19 – What is the true story behind Bill Gates and his family? Should we trust his COVID-19 advice?,” TOTT News, 9 Apr 2020
“FOOD SHUTDOWN: Farmers Told to “QUIT FARMING”,” Ice Age Farmer, 8 Apr 2020
“COVID-19 Coronavirus &lsquoFake’ Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis, Timeline from September 2019 - April 2020” Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 8 Apr 2020
“Has COVID-19 Testing Made the Problem Worse?,” Kevin Ryan, Dig Within, 8 Apr 2020
“Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non- elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters,” John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, Cathrine Axfors, MD, PhD, Despina G. Contopoulos-Ioannidis, MD, medRxiv 2020.04.05.20054361; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.05.20054361, 8 April 2020
“Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?,” Celia Farber, UncoverDC, 7 Apr 2020
“The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus”
“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” —Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction
“What Other Countries Can Learn From Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Stefania Boccia, MSc, PhD, Walter Ricciardi, MD, MPH, MSc, John P. A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, JAMA Internal Medicine, 7 Apr 2020
“Covid19 Death Figures ‘A Substantial Over-Estimate’ – Bizarre guidelines from health authorities around the world are potentially including thousands of deceased patients who were never even tested,” Kit Knightly, Off Guardian, 5 Apr 2020
“13 Studies Reveal How Social Distancing (i.e., Social Isolation) Can Increase Mortality ,” GMI Reporter, GreenMedInfo, 3 Apr 2020
All Roads Lead to Dark Winter, Whitney Webb & Diego, The Last American Vagabond, 1 Apr 2020
The leaders of two controversial pandemic simulations that took place just months before the Coronavirus crisis – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – share a common history, the 2001 biowarfare simulation Dark Winter. Dark Winter not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks, but some of its participants had clear foreknowledge of those attacks.
See Also: 11 Simulations from Dark Winter to Event 201, HCQ & Needless Untold Deaths, Apprehending the False Promise of Biosecurity - Unmasking Usurpation by Fear Merchants, David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 1 Nov 2020
“Navigating Through The ‘Coronavirus-Panic’: 8 Inconvenient Facts To Consider,” Nick Pineault, theemfguy.com, 1 Apr 2020
March 2020
“Cuban doctors and the coronavirus pandemic,” Lorena Cantó, On Cuba News, 28 Mar 2020
There are currently some 28,000 Cuban doctors in 59 countries, of which 37 have cases of COVID-19. In addition, the island has sent brigades to several countries to combat the disease.
The training of doctors and health personnel for decades has been one of the priorities in Cuba, where both the
healthcare system and education and university studies are public and free.
The system that has been in force on the island for 60 years does not allow doctors to work in the private sector: they all do it for the State. In the country there are nine doctors for every 1,000 inhabitants, according to official data from 2019.
“Federal health agencies block journalists’ access to COVID-19 experts & information,” Gary Schwitzer, HealthNewsReview.org, 26 Mar 2020
“Covid-19—Navigating the Uncharted,” Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D. New England Journal of Medicine, 26 Mar 2020
“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza ...”
“The Clairvoyant Ruling Class [‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology & International Development’ 2010 Report],” Cory Morningstar, Wrong Kind of Green, 25 Mar 2020
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (54 pgs)
“Lockdown Lunacy - Former Health Ministry chief Prof. Yoram Lass says governments can’t halt viruses and the lockdown will kill more people from depression than the virus.,” Hadas Magen, Globes, 22 Mar 2020
“Corona: an epidemic of mass panic,” Prof Peter Gøtzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime, 21 Mar 2020
“Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda?”
Senta Depuydt, Children’s Health Defense, 20 Mar 2020
“The Show Must Go On. Event 201: The 2019 Fictional Pandemic Exercise [World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation et al.],” Cory Morningstar, Wrong Kind of Green, 19 Mar 2020
Questioning the ruling class narrative should never be seen, nor framed, as reckless. It should never be subjected to shaming. Rather, it should be a prerequisite and respected as such. The imperative to always question the ruling class narrative is not the responsibility of a small handful of individuals, but the responsibility of a thinking society as a whole. A working class society. With media, global institutions, NGOs, academia, and science, all in the pocket of capital, as draconian measures set in, this prerequisite has never been more important or more urgent.
Roussel, Y., Giraud-Gatineau, A. Jimeno, M-T., Rolain, J-M., Zandotti, C., Colson, P., Raoult, D. SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 19 Mar 2020
SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus from China, is spreading around the world, causing a huge reaction despite its current low incidence outside China and the Far East. Four common coronaviruses are in current circulation and cause millions of cases worldwide. This article compares the incidence and mortality rates of these four common coronaviruses with those of SARS-CoV-2 in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. It is concluded that the problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably being overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.
Attorney Mark Meuser: “Does Gov. Newsom Have the Power to Shut Down Private Businesses Because of Coronavirus? Do counties really have the authority to order everyone to stay at home? Are Shelter in Place Laws Valid?,” Katy Grimes, California Globe, 19 Mar 2020
“Bill Gates will use microchip implants to fight coronavirus,”
Biohackinfo News, 19 Mar 2020
“LISTEN: CBC Radio cuts off expert when he questions Covid19 narrative,” Dr. Joel Kettner, Off Guardian, 17 Mar 2020
“China locked in hybrid war with US - Fallout from Covid-19 outbreak puts Beijing and Washington on a collision course,”
Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, 17 Mar 2020
“Cuba’s Contribution to Combatting COVID-19, Helen Yaffe, Canadian Dimension, 17 Mar 2020
“Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox - A Nation investigation illustrates the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise.,” Tim Schwab, The Nation, 17 Mar 2020
“US Intel Agencies Played Unsettling Role in Classified and ‘9/11-like’ Coronavirus Response Plan - As coronavirus panic grips the world, concern over government overreach is growing given the involvement of US intelligence agencies in classified meetings for planning the U.S.’ coronavirus response,”
Whitney Webb, Mint Press News, 13 Mar 2020
“Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources, Aram Roston, Marisa Taylor, Reuters, 11 Mar 2020
“The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is ‘Agenda ID2020’,”
Peter Koenig, Global Research, 12 Mar 2020
“Coronavirus: A Real Danger or More Fearmongering?,” Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Hacienda Publishing, 9 Mar 2020
Event 201 -
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
Highlights Reel (11:45)
“ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines,” Chris Burt, BiometricUpdate.com, 20 Sep 2019
“In 2018, ID2020 Alliance Partners, working in partnership
with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),
drafted a formal articulation of our perspective on ethical
approaches to digital identity. The landmark ID2020 Alliance
Manifesto below lays out these shared principles and forms a
starting point to guide the future of digital identity
Precognition: “The World Knows an Apocalyptic Pandemic Is Coming, Laurie Garrett, Forbes, 20 Sep 2019
“Eugenics in America: The Legacy of Sanger and Gates,” Mary Pesarchick, Catholic Stand, 31 Aug 2017
“Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?,” Omar S. Haque, Julian De Freitas, Ivana Viani, Bradley Niederschulte, Harold J. Bursztajn, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 35 (2012) 473-479
During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place. This article lends insight into this paradox by exploring some major vulnerabilities, motives, and rationalizations that may have predisposed German physicians to Nazi membership—professional vulnerabilities among physicians in general (valuing conformity and obedience to authority, valuing the prevention of contamination and fighting against mortality, and possessing a basic interest in biomedical knowledge and research), economic factors and motives (related to physician economic insecurity and incentives for economic advancement), and Nazi ideological and historical rationalizations (beliefs about Social Darwinism, eugenics, and the social organism as sacred). Of particular significance for future research and education is the manner in which the persecution of Jewish physician colleagues was rationalized in the name of medical ethics itself. Giving proper consideration to the forces that fueled “Nazi Medicine” is of great importance, as it can highlight the conditions and motivations that make physicians susceptible to misapplications of medicine, and guide us toward prevention of future abuse.
“Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic,” Michael Fumento, Forbes, 5 Feb 2010
“A Career In Microbiology Can Be Harmful To Your Health, Death Toll Mounting As Connections To Dyncorp, Hadron, Promis Software And Disease Research Emerge,” Michael Davidson and Michael C. Ruppert, From The Wilderness, 28 Feb 2002
The History of the Informed Consent Requirement in United States Federal Policy, Michelle R. Wandler, Harvard Library, 2001
Wrench in the Gears, 19 Apr 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
A glance over the participant list shows high-level executives from Edelman (public relations) and NBC Universal; George Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; as well as a number of groups, including Johnson and Johnson and GAVI, that have a stake in vaccine trials underway. While the event was held in New York, there were also participants representing Australia, Canada, Switzerland, China, and the United Nations.
⇈ Efficacy of Ivermectin, HCQ, and Other Repurposed Drugs
Top Reads / Views
‘Damning’ Ivermectin Tape Exposes Pressure by Big Pharma to Suppress Ivermectin, RFK, Jr.’s New Book Reveals
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” includes a revealing transcript - printed here - of a conversation with Dr. Andrew Hill, who admitted to caving to pressure to downplay the benefits of ivermectin as a COVID treatment. by
Neville Hodgkinson, Children’s Health Defense, 6 Dec 2021
On Ivermectin: ‘A Total Lack of Therapeutic Perspective’, Phillip M. Altman, Quadrant Online, 22 Aug 2021
Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19, A. D. Santin, D. E. Scheim, P. A. McCullough, M. Yagisawa and T. J. Borody, New Microbe and New Infect 2021; 43: 100924, 3 Aug 2021
Review concluding that the evidence supports worldwide use of ivermectin for COVID-19, complementary to immunization. Authors note that it is likely non-epitope specific, possibly retaining efficacy with new viral strains. They note that ivermectin has been safely used with 3.7 billion doses since 1987, is well tolerated even at much greater than standard doses, and has been used without serious AEs in high-dose COVID-19 treatment studies.
“Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?, Ivermectin is a promising Covid treatment and prophylaxis, but the agency is denigrating it.” David R. Henderson and Charles L. Hooper, Wall Street Journal, 28 Jul 2021 (PDF)
Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be "Right-Wing"?, Matt Taibbi, TK News, 26 Jun 2021
Merck Sees the Light - Provides Ivermectin for Humanity, Justus R. Hope, MD The Desert Review, 24 Jun 2021
Ivermectin Could Have Saved ‘Millions’ of Lives — But Doctors Were Told Not to Use It, Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Defender,
17 Jun 2021
(video 2:26:19)
WHO’s Chief Scientist Served Legal Notice for Ivermectin Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence in India, 9 Jun 2021
Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases, Justus R. Hope, MD, The Desert Review, 1 Jun 2021
Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin?, Justus R. Hope, MD, The Desert Review, 25 May 2021
Kory, Pierre MD; Meduri, Gianfranco Umberto MD; Varon, Joseph MD; Iglesias, Jose DO; Marik, Paul E. MD, Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19, American Journal of Therapeutics: May/June 2021 - Volume 28 - Issue 3 - p e299-e318 doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001377
Why Are We Not Using Ivermectin For Covid? Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, DFSRH, PhD, The Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd and EbMCsquared, Bath, UK, Truth Over Fear Summit, 7 May 2021
Let’s examine ivermectin’s safety profile, according to the WHO Uppsala University Collaborative Pharmacovigilance Database. Since 1992 and up to the 19th of April this year only 5,215 adverse events and 19 deaths have been registered on the WHO’s database for ivermectin. Compare this to over 500,000 adverse events and over 3,440 deaths registered for the Covid vaccines in the past few months. Billions of doses of ivermectin have been given to people over the last four decades and only millions of doses of the current vaccine have been given. Given the data, why are the authorities not expressing concern about the safety of the Covid vaccines? They owe doctors and the public an urgent explanation for these double standards.
The Drug that Cracked Covid - In this Buffalo Hospital Room, a Grandmother Led the Global Fight for the Drug That Would Save Her Life and End the Pandemic, Michael Capuzzo, Mountain Home, 1 May 2021
“We live in a remarkable media age where a positive story on CNN, perhaps more so than a peer review in The New England Journal of Medicine, will instantly encourage doctors in two hundred countries to use a perfectly safe and legal drug and save humanity. I call on my fellow colleagues, including former colleagues and friends at The Washington Post and The New York Times, to open their hearts and minds to legitimate, unreported doctors and therapies and write about all sides of the Ivermectin story, like journalists always have. It is a historic opportunity. For the first time in the long journey from Gutenberg to Google, journalists may be the ones to save the world.” —Michael Capuzzo
“I Don’t Know of a Bigger Story in the World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author, Nick Corbishley, naked capitalism, 25 May 2021
“[A] clear pattern across nations and territories has formed that strongly supports ivermectin’s purported efficacy. And that efficacy has been amply demonstrated in three meta-analyses.
India’s decision to adopt ivermectin, including as a prophylaxis in some states, is already a potential game-changer. As I wrote three weeks ago, if case numbers, hospitalizations and fatalities fall in India as precipitously as they have in other countries that have adopted ivermectin, it could even become a watershed moment. But for that to happen, the news must reach enough eyes and ears. And for that to happen, reporters must, as Capuzzo says, begin to do their job and report both sides of this vital story.” —Nick Corbishley
New York Times Best Selling Author Michael Capuzzo Issues a Plea to Fellow Journalists, (4:07) Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - FLCCC, 21 May 2021
Landmark Court Battle for COVID-19 Treatment, Justus R. Hope, MD, The Economic Standard, 26 Mar 2021
“The legal war for access to the life-saving drug Ivermectin is being waged both in the United States and South Africa. The US battle is led by Buffalo, New York attorney Ralph C. Lorigo while Bongani Luthuli fights in Johannesburg. Mr. Lorigo made national news when he won a court order two months ago forcing Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital to administer the Ivermectin that saved Judith Smentkiewicz’s life from COVID-19. Within 48 hours of her first Ivermectin dose, she was taken off the ventilator and able to breathe on her own.
Attorney Lorigo and his associate, Jon F. Minear, won another similar Ivermectin court injunction for patient Glenna Dickenson later in January. Mr. Lorigo has led the charge for patient access to Ivermectin in the US. He now corresponds with scores of other patients worldwide and provides legal and medical resources to access the treatment.
Dr Matjaž Zwitter: Medical Ethics and Ivermectin, First International Ivermection for Covid Conference, 25 Apr 2021
Dr Tess Lawrie: Concluding Speech, First International Ivermection for Covid Conference, 25 Apr 2021
Big Pharma uses Big Tobacco’s strategy to defeat Ivermectin, Justus R. Hope, MD, The Desert Review, 12 Apr 2021
Eminent doc: Media censored COVID-19 early treatment options that could have reduced fatalities by 85%, Dr. Peter McCullough also explained that given an 80% level of herd immunity, broad vaccination has ‘no scientific, clinical or safety rationale.’ Patrick Delaney, Life Site News, (19:32, mp3) 8 Apr 2021
Local frontline doctors modify COVID treatment based on results, Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed, The Desert Review, 5 Apr 2021
Global Medical & Scientific Experts Call Upon World Governments to Act Now to Save Lives, (1:15:08) Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - FLCCC, 18 Mar 2021
At a March 18, 2021 press conference, a group of medical and scientific experts convened by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) called for action to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic by immediately adopting policies that allow for the use of ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Scientists and physicians from the U.S., U.K., E.U., South America, and Israel gathered to discuss the latest data on how ivermectin has reduced positive COVID-19 cases in major cities across the world, ivermectin's role in the early treatment of COVID-19, and why ivermectin needs to be adopted as safe and effective prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Ronan J. Kelly, MD, et al. Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, American Journal of Medicince, 1 Jan 2021
Peter A. McCullough, Vladimir Zelenko, et al. Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multi-drug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19), Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Dec 2020
Roland Derwand, Martin Scholz, Vladimir Zelenko, et al. COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, Dec 2020
Transcript+film: Dr Peter McCullough Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Hearing on COVID-19 Outpatient Treatment (2:28:17) 19 Nov 2020
Chadwick C Prodromos, Tobias Rumschlag. Hydroxychloroquine is Effective and Safe for the Treatment of COVID-19, and May be Universally Effective When Used Early Before Hospitalization: A Systematic Review, Research Gate September 2020, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29781.65765 (PDF)
Conclusions: Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to have consistent clinical efficacy for COVID-19 when it is used early in the outpatient setting, and in general would appear to work better the earlier it is used. Overall HCQ is effective against COVID-19.
There is no credible evidence that HCQ results in worsening of COVID-19. HCQ has been shown to be safe for the treatment of COVID-19 when responsibly used.
Thus HCQ with proven efficacy and safety, a cost of 37 cents per pill and thus a total treatment cost of under 20 dollars[48], versus 3,100 dollars for Remdesivir[49], as well as wide supply chain availability, would appear to be the best COVID-19 treatment option available and needs to be widely promoted as such.
Unfortunately the controversies surrounding HCQ have resulted in physicians being afraid to prescribe it for reasons which have nothing to do with medicine, and in patients being afraid to take it due to spurious reports of danger, or fears that is not effective.
It is hoped that this study will disabuse the medical community of these misapprehensions about efficacy and validate that it is both efficacious and safe, and needs to be freely prescribable. Thousands of lives may lie in the balance.
We also do not believe that randomized controlled studies are necessary before HCQ is authorized for general use because the efficacy seen in studies already done indicates that control patients in such studies might die unnecessarily; and because the time delay to do any such study would cause yet more deaths by preventing HCQ use when it is most needed – which is immediately.
Our study has shown that good evidence of efficacy exists; and there is no safety, cost, or supply reason to not treat now. Unnecessary death from delayed treatment is too high a price to pay for greater certainty of knowledge.
Many may have already died unnecessarily due to HCQ misinformation and it is imperative that we do not further add to the toll.
Shame on Research Gate for CENSORSHIP of HCQ Meta-Analysis Alliance for Human Research Protection, 11 Sep 2020
How a False COVID-19 Narrative Was Created & Sustained for Six Months, Meryl Nass, MD, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 20 Aug 2020
Dr. Meryl Nass has compiled a damning
checklist that keeps increasing; it currently lists 47 fully documented facts that constitute a case against government officials’ collusion to demonize an effective existing medicine. They even
designed clinical trials that required high doses of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine that were known – to the medical profession – to be toxic and potentially lethal. These officials bear responsibility for causing preventable deaths of possibly hundreds of thousands of patients.
Following publication by
The Lancet of a demonstrably
FRAUDULENT study, the World Health Organization suspended its hydroxychloroquine studies and urged countries around the world to suspend both their clinical trials, and prevent doctors from using the drug for Covid. Several governments did ban the use of the drug. Some, like Switzerland, lifted the ban after the
Lancet study was retracted two weeks after publication.
How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more by Meryl Nass,
Anthrax Vaccine, 27 June 2020 (with additions)
In the US, “Never Trump” morphed into “Never Hydroxychloroquine,” and the result for the pandemic is “Never Over.” But while anti-Trump spin is what characterized suppression strategies in the US, the frauds perpetrated about hydroxychloroquine and the pandemic include most western countries.
Were these acts carefully orchestrated? You decide.
Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going? To sell expensive drugs and vaccines to a captive population? Could these acts result in prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich? Are these events evidence of a conspiracy? Here is a list of what happened, in no special order.
Remember: the system would not be going to these lengths if hydroxychloroquine didn’t work. Please think about that.
“Hydroxychloroquine Science - How It Works,” Mobeen Syed, MD, America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Sessions, 27 Aug 2020
“An Effective COVID Treatment the Media Continues to Besmirch,” Steven Hatfill, Real Clear Politics, 4 Aug 2020
“The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It, Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health, Newsweek, 28 Jul 2020
Who benefits by claiming early use of HCQ is not efficacious and harmful?
Dynamically updated reference sites
FDA obstruction: Patients die, while Trump gets the blame ("Many or most of the 220,000 deaths in the United States to date could have been prevented by widespread HCQ use that the FDA blocked"), Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D. & professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, Washington Examiner, 19 Oct 2020
HCQ works and ends this pandemic!!??, Richard Urso, MD, The Charlie Kirk Show, (1:05) 14 Aug 2020
“‘Within Days I Was Able To Breathe’: NYC Democratic Councilman Says Hydroxychloroquine Saved His Life,” Tyler Durden, zerohedge, 8 Aug 2020
“Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci Regarding the Use of Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19,” George C. Fareed, MD Brawley, California Michael M. Jacobs, MD, MPH Pensacola, Florida Donald C. Pompan, MD Salinas, California, Desert Review Opinion/Global Research, 12 Aug 2020
“AAPS: FDA Delays On HCQ Outpatient Approval Are Causing Deaths Daily,” Technocracy News & Trends, 7 Aug 2020
20,000 more Americans have died while the FDA has delayed since July 1 a new emergency use approval for outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID-19....
Let THIS sink in: Laboratory studies published by the National Institutes of Health 15 years ago (2005) showed potent antiviral effects of chloroquine against SARS-CoV-1 to block the infection at the earliest stage. Anthony Fauci, who was working at NIH at that time, has to have known for the last 15-18 years that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are effective against SARS-Co-V-1, which shares 79% of the viral genome with SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19 disease.
It is appalling that so many more Americans have died, while the physician who is head of the FDA has dawdled on approving HCQ for an urgent new use in this pandemic. Dr. Hahn knows full well the 65-year track record of safety worldwide in patients of all ages, all ethnic groups, and even pregnant women and nursing mothers.
It is crucial to start HCQ early, during days 1-7 of symptoms, for these key reasons:
Early treatment is when HCQ works best two ways: to stop viral entry into our cells, and block the virus from multiplying using the cell’s machinery.
The viral load explodes by day 6, and then can trigger an exaggerated inflammatory response called Cytokine Storm, which severely damages critical organs: lungs, kidneys, heart, brain, liver and intestines. This severe complication doesn’t occur in all COVID-19 patients, but often is fatal when it does.
Early treatment keeps infected people from spreading the virus to others.
Early treatment is crucial to keep people out of hospitals and off ventilators.
Availability of early treatment is urgently needed to safely re-open businesses, schools, and churches, and help relieve public anxiety and fear.
Front-line doctors have been pleading with the FDA and State officials since March to open access to early treatment with HCQ. The supply of HCQ has been ramped up to handle its use in early treatment of COVID. The Strategic National Stockpile has millions of doses deteriorating in government warehouses that are not being distributed because doctors are prevented from prescribing for outpatients with COVID-19. FDA’s misleading statements about HCQ have led to dangerous, unprecedented restrictions on physicians’ off-label prescribing rights imposed by state governors, medical boards and pharmacy boards.
Generic HCQ with azithromycin or doxycycline plus zinc is taken by mouth. Total treatment cost is about $25-$30 cash price for the 5-7 day course used in COVID-19.
Remdesivir must be given intravenously to patients in hospital, at a cost of about $3,500. Its serious side effects include respiratory failure, the very condition it is supposed to treat. It has shown limited success: it shortened hospital stays by only 4 days and has not been clearly shown to reduce deaths.
“Hydroxychloroquine: Dangerous drug or innocent victim?,” James Todaro, Medicine (Un)Censored, 6 Aug 2020
“Dr. Fauci’ Double Standards: Polarizing the Nation on Hydroxychloroquine,” Robert F. Kennedy, Chairman, Children’s Health Defense, 6 Aug 2020
Must-Read Analysis: “An Effective COVID Treatment the Media Continues to Besmirch,” Steven Hatfill, Real Clear Politics, 4 Aug 2020
“Gilead Sent Death Threats To Kill HCQ As COVID-19 Cure, French Dr Testifies In Parliament,” GreatGameMedia, 2 Aug 2020
Lisa S. Koche, MD:
Speaking In Support of America’s Frontline Doctors and Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy (12:14, mp3), 30 Jul 2020
Dr. Koche
Earlier this week,
my colleagues stood on Capitol Hill with their hearts on their sleeves, to speak up, to lead, to empower. I am overwhelmed by the bravery these doctors showed to try to inform the public. We, as doctors, are not being heard. Humanity needs us now more than ever.
Why are us doctors being censored?
What is the agenda of the people blocking this information?
My passion and my purpose in life is to HEAL, as I have healed myself.
There are studies of a medication that is 65 years old (discussed in vid) which has shown, when administered properly, to heal and cure cases of covid 19. In some countries - an over the counter drug that everyone can have access to.
I had to push and fight to get access to this here in the USA. I am a doctor - a doctor with 8,000 patients, triple board certified, and no marks against my record DOCTOR.
If I’m not being heard, then who is?
We need to take action.
We need to come together.
We need to keep fighting.
Keep researching, keep sharing, and keep spreading the word.
We don’t have to live in fear anymore.
We CAN get back to normal life.
Repeat this affirmation with me:
“I use my curiosity and my intuition to guide me into positive action.”
Please share if this message resonates with you. We need all the help we can get.
Dr. Lisa
“Two-Tiered Medicine: Why Is Hydroxychloroquine Being Censored and Politicized?,” Children’s Health Defense, 30 Jul 2020
This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources. It explains how Americans have come to be in the grip of fear. All the myths and all the misconceptions about a safe, generic drug that has been FDA approved for 65 years, given to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly and the immune-compromised for years and decades without complication, are finally put in the trash heap where they belong. You will have the indisputable proof that you have been massively lied to, often very intentionally. At first you will be heartbroken. Then you will be furious. Good. Because then you will demand change.
The safety of HCQ is irrefutable. The evidence supporting HCQ efficacy against Covid-19 is also overwhelming. All negative HCQ studies have used either: too much, used it alone (it needs Zinc), or used it late (it should be early.) The treatment dose is 200 mg HCQ twice a day for five days + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily. The prophylactic dose is 400 mg HCQ weekly + Zinc 50 (elemental) daily. (There are studies right now to see if HCQ 200 mg. weekly is sufficient.) This is very low dose. (The usual dose of HCQ in Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis is 400 mg. daily for years.) There are telemedicine physicians who are aware of the facts and if you are concerned about this, please see one. It is also over the counter in many places in the world including Indonesia and most of South America.
“Ohio pharmacy board withdraws rule prohibiting use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 - Gov. DeWine said in a statement Thursday that prescribing hydroxychloroquine should be decided between a doctor and a patient,” 10TV Web Staff, 10 WBNS, 30 Jul 2020
“Michigan hospital study says Hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 treatment ‘cut death rate significantly’,” North State Journal, 28 Jul 2020
Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD (local PDF),
Professor of Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health:
The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It, Newsweek, 28 Jul 2020
Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk COVID-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis,
American Journal of Epidemiology 27 May 2020
Response to: “Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients” and “Re: Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis”
Response to: Comment on “Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients That Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis”
“Use hydroxychloroquine combo early, urges Yale professor,” Dawn Joseph, Washington Radar, 28 May 2020
“FDA delays on HCQ cost potentially 16,000 lives this month!,” Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., compares hydroxychloroquine effectiveness with remdesivir, WND 27 Jul 2020
“Hydroxychloroquine: the narrative that it doesn’t work is the biggest hoax in recent human history, For those who are afflicted with the pandemic, afraid of dying, losing family or friends, I would like to inform you: I am the bearer of good news.” Filipe Rafaeli, Medium, 23 Jul 2020
“This Indian slum contained a possible COVID-19 disaster with hydroxychloroquine
On July 9, 2020, Asia’s biggest and densest slum shocked the world by announcing just one new positive COVID-19 case despite being a cluster and hotspot.” Vijay Jarayaj, Life Site / American Thinker, 22/21 Jul 2020
“More Evidence Presented for Why Hydroxychloroquine Should be Made Available, in a New Court Filing by AAPS,” 22 Jul 2020
This week the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons submitted additional evidence to a federal court for why interference with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should end by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), in AAPS v. FDA, No. 1:20-cv-00493-RJJ-SJB (W.D. Mich.).
“Covid-19: hydroxychloroquine works, a proof?,” Michel Jullian and Xavier Azalbert, FranceSoir, 16 Jul 2020
The graph charting high Covid-19 deaths in Switzerland during the 13 day ban, following the
fraudulent Lancet report proves that the drug had reduced the rate of deaths; that rate increased precipitously when the drug was withheld. The Swiss death rate from Covid-19 dropped as soon as patients were again treated with Hydroxychloroquine.
“Cuba: Early hydroxychloroquine potent against COVID-19 - Cuba uses hydroxychloroquine and some other unique drugs in treatment of coronavirus, say Cuban medical authorities,” Vakkas Dogantekin, Anadolu Agency, 10 Jul 2020
Scholz, M.; Derwand, R.; Zelenko, V. “COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study.” (PDF) Preprints, 2020, 2020070025 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202007.0025.v1) 3 Jul 2020
Dr Zelenko HCQ Deniers Are “Guilty Of Mass Murder” (45:19, mp3), The Highwire with Del Bigtree, 3 Jul 2020
As the Covid-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine continues to be portrayed by MSM as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug, Vladimir Zelenko, MD has been saving his patients’ lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March. In his first interview since his HCQ study was officially released, Del goes in depth with Zelenko about how he developed his protocol, the attack against the drug, and how his letter to the President might have changed history.
“Hydroxychloroquine Hangs On Despite Global Attacks,” Jeffrey Jaxen, The Highwire, 2 Jul 2020
“Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows,” 2 Jul 2020
Arshad, S., Kilgore, P., et al.
Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19, International Society for Infectious Diseases, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.099, 1 Jul 2020
“The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19: Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster - Media and Big Pharma are in lockstep to suppress a cheap, life-saving Covid-19 therapy in order to reap pandemic-sized profits,” Elizabeth Woodworth, Global Research, 30 Jun 2020
Lagier, J-C, Million, M, et al. Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 25 Jun 2020
Mark Crispin Miller: States allowing HCQ for COVID-19 treatment have lower death rates than the states restricting it (and there’s a partisan dimension, too), News From Underground
From Kathy Dopp (kathy.dopp@gmail.com):
First, I am a registered voting Democrat. These, however, are the facts:
As of June 20, 2020, US states led by Republican governors, or states known to use hydroxychloroquine, have lower death rates, out of both #cases and millions of people, than states led by Democratic governors or states that restrict hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) availability for COVID19 patients.
State Action on Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Access
The states that seem to be using HCQ are CO, FL, AZ, TX, and UT (which restricts the use of HCQ for COVID-19 patients to 7 days’ dosage, helping to avoid overdoses).
States restricting the use of HCQ for COVID19 patients are NY, RI, DC, MD, MS, MN, GE, NV, WV, MT, OR, VA, ID, AR, SD.
Please let me know if you think I am wrong about any of these states. Thank you.
to view the data (shown below)
“Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Lethal, Patient-Killing Experimental Endeavor ,” Vera Sharav, Alliance for Human Research Protection, 20 June 2020
Giving the drug only to hospitalized patients means that the window of time during which HCQ would be expected to provide the most benefit, when viral titers are rising, has passed.
To sum up:
- HCQ is being given in non-therapeutic, toxic dose
- HCQ is being given too late in the disease course to determine its value against SAR-CoV-2.
- Limited safety data in the Solidarity trials serves to protect trial investigators and sponsors from disclosure of adverse drug effects, including death
- I suspect WHO has been deliberately misleading regarding the doses chosen.
- The conclusions to be drawn are frightening:
- a) WHO and other national health agencies, and charities, have designed huge clinical trials to assure that hydroxychloroquine will fail to show benefit, presumably to advantage its much more expensive competitor(s) and vaccines in development.
- b) In so doing, these agencies and charities have conspired to increase the number of deaths in these trials.
- c) In so doing, they have conspired to deprive billions of people from potentially benefiting from a safe and inexpensive drug during a major pandemic. This could lead to prolongation of the pandemic and many increased cases and deaths.
My recommendation is for WHO to immediately stop using this dosing schedule, give trial subjects clinically appropriate doses, and collect more complete safety data. I would remind WHO that if the consent forms fail to inform patients that the dose of HCQ they may receive is much higher than for any other indication, that WHO may be subject to legal action for injuries incurred in its sham of a clinical trial.
“Professor Didier Raoult Publishes Results of a Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients,” Arjun Walla, Collective Evolution, 14 Jun 2020
“The Corruption of Science.The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma,” Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 10 Jun 2020
“The Lancet Retracts Controversial Hydroxychloroquine Study,” Jefferey Jaxen, The Highwire, 5 Jun 2020
Million, M., Lagier, J.-C., et al. Early treatment of COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A retrospective analysis of 1061 cases in Marseille, France, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, May-Jun 2020
Meo SA, Klonoff DC, Akram J. Efficacy of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2020;24(8):4539-4547. doi:10.26355/eurrev_202004_21038
“The Politicization of HCQ,” Simone Gold, MD, thegoldopinion.com, 17 Jun 2020
“Local physician has 100% survival rate with early administration of hydroxychloroquine, Local physician has 100% survival rate with early administration of hydroxychloroquine,” The Marc Cox Morning Show, 12 Jun 2020
“Politicized Science: Lancet, NEJM retract studies on HCQ,” Celia Farber, UncoverDC, 6 Jun 2020
“This is exploding into one of the most twisted and unbelievable medical scandals of the decade.” —James Todaro, MedicineUncensored
“Updated: Lancet Published a Fraudulent Study: Editor Calls it ‘Department of Error”,’ Alliance for Human Research Protection, 2 Jun 2020
“Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Corrupt, coordinated assault managed by WHO on an inexpensive and effective treatment,”
Meryl Nass, M.D., Anthrax Vaccine 29 May 2020
Hydroxychloroquine | Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson (9:43), 18 May 2020
If you’ve watched the news lately, you might be under the impression that a medicine President Trump touted as a possible game changer against coronavirus—has been debunked and discredited. Two divergent views of the drug, hydroxychloroquine, have emerged: the negative one widely reported in the press and another side you’ve probably heard less about. Never has a discussion about choices of medicine been so laced with political overtones. Today, how politics, money and medicine intersect with coronavirus.
Full Measure is a weekly Sunday news program focusing on investigative, original and accountability reporting. The host is Sharyl Attkisson, five-time Emmy Award winner and recipient of the Edward R. Murrow award for investigative reporting. She is backed by a team of award winning journalists.
“Italian scientist says she discovered main mechanism behind COVID-19, Annalisa Chiusolo shows how controversial drug hydroxychloroquine could make people immune to virus,” Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, Jerusalem Post, 3 May 2020
“Pseudo-Science behind the Assault on Hydroxychloroquine,” Leo Goldstein, Watts Up With That?, 2 May 2020
“Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 — nobody needed to die,” Bryan Fischer, One News Now, 27 Apr 2020
Vincent, M.J., Bergeron, E., Benjannet, S. et al. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread, Virology Journal, 69 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-422X-2-69
Conclusion: Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.
“Physician Poll: Treating COVID-19 Patients with Antimalarial Drugs - 65 Percent of Physicians in New Survey Would Give Anti-Malaria Drugs to Their Own Family to Treat COVID-19,” Jackson & Coker, 8 Apr 2020
“Largest Statistically Significant Study by 7,200 Multi-Country Physicians on COVID-19 Uncovers Treatment Patterns and Puts Pandemic in Context,” Sermo Reports on Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy, Rise in Prophylaxis Use; Over 80% Expect 2nd Outbreak, Sermo.com, 2 Apr 2020
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak, Nickie Louise, Tech Startups, 28 Mar 2020
An Effective Treatment for Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Presented by: James M. Todaro, MD (Columbia MD, jtodaro2@gmail.com) and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq. (grigano1@jhu.edu)
In consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine and National Academy of Sciences researchers.
March 13, 2020
Italian Translation
Recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that chloroquine is an effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus Disease 2019. Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay. US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed. Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions.
Mark Crispin Miller: Why the left should oppose lockdown (and would, if it really were devoted to the interests of the underclass), News From Underground, 10 Jul 2020
Today’s “left” has not opposed lockdowns because it’s not really “left” at all,
but just another outlet for the COVID-19 propaganda, as it’s long since been
corrupted by the CIA funds poured into it through pass-throughs like the
Ford Foundation.
For example: Amy Goodman started today’s “Democracy Now!” with a gloating
bit on the now-infected Jair Bolsonaro, who had “for months downplayed the severity
of the crisis,” lately developing “a high fever and a cough”—and taking hydroxychloroquine,
“even though it’s been proven ineffective against COVID-19, and sometimes deadly.”
Thus Amy Goodman serves as a prolific vector of the propaganda hatched by the
Big Pharma/WHO/Gates/Fauci syndicate, to denigrate HCQ—a cheap and most
effective COVID-19 treatment, as has been “proven” all around the world—so as
to set the stage for that vaccine.
What authentic leftist would thus prostitute herself, and lie baldly, and repeatedly,
about a treatment that’s demonstrably been saving lives—including many of those
black lives so dear to Amy Goodman—in favor of a rushed vaccine, that’s now being
tested on poor people in Brazil, South Africa, and other Third World countries?
If Eugene Victor Debs had been a “leftist” like the amply funded Amy Goodman,
he would have been out giving speeches on “the rape of Belgium” by “the Huns,”
and urging workers to enlist in Woodrow Wilson’s “war to end all wars,” instead
of bravely speaking out against it, and going to federal prison for it.
Amy Goodman is, in short, a lethal fraud, like countless other “leftists” who
should have been opposing the disastrous lockdown policies, for all the reasons
that Phil Shannon sets forth here.
To see who’s funding Amy and her fellow “leftist” stars, check out this chart (click to view full size):
The source for this was first published in 2002:
Additional sections were added in the next few years and by 2006 the collection
reached completion with the addition of a 2-page flyer.
In 2007 Bob Feldman published the following:
Left media and left think tank staff people generally deny that the acceptance by their organizations of grants from liberal foundations has transformed their organizational priorities, subjected them to elite control, or channeled their energies into safe, legalistic, bureaucratic activities and mild reformism. In this report, we will be discussing organizations, e.g., Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), Middle East Research & Information Project (MERIP), Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR); and media, e.g., Nation, Progressive, Mother Jones, In Th ese Times, widely regarded as left-wing. Some originated in the 1960s and 1970s with bold challenges to the United States political and economic system; we can read (some are online) their early publications and mission statements to be reminded of the initial militancy. In the popular mind, these media and think tanks are clearly distinguished from, on the one hand, the liberal media, e.g., New York Times, Harper’s, and think tanks, e.g., Brookings Institution, Urban Institute, and on the other, the “far” left, e.g., Workers’ World, Maoist Internationalist Movement. A few of the left-wing organizations are primarily concerned about threats to media independence, yet all their attention is focused on for-profit corporate (or government) control; they ignore the possible influence of large subventions from non-profit institutions such as foundations.
This is report has shown that organizations and media generally considered left-wing have in recent years received substantial funding from liberal foundations. This information alone is significant, as left activists and scholars are either unaware of or uninterested in examining the nature and consequences of such financing. Furthermore, although a definitive evaluation would require a massive content analysis project, there is much evi-dence that the funded left has moved towards the mainstream as it has increased its dependence on foundations. This is shown by the “progressive,” reformist tone of formerly radical organizations; the gradual disappearance of challenges to the economic and political power of corporations or United States militarism and imperialism; and silence on the relationship of liberal foundations to either politics and culture in general, or to their own organizations. Critiquing right wing foundations, media, and think tanks may be fair game, but to explain our current situation, or to discover what has happened to the left, a more inclusive investigation is needed.
Mission Statement & Principles
Millions Against Medical Mandates is a solution-based think tank of organizations and individuals invested in and working for freedom from mandated and coerced medical interventions. Our coalition partners include individuals in the fields of medicine, health, science, law, journalism, publishing, business, politics, activism, education, medically injured adults and children, and families of the medically injured — all of whom support informed consent and individual choice.
We the undersigned, work to end medical tyranny, promote true health, return to sound ethics, and we collectively uphold the following principles:
- Medical mandates have no place in a free society as the international standard of informed consent in medical procedures has been established. Vaccine mandates violate prior, free, and informed consent.
- Current profit-based research and policy model must give way to medical decision-making guided by sound, independent research.
- We must restore the 7th Amendment rights of Americans to bring civil litigation against vaccine makers for vaccine injury due to defectively designed products.
- Medical legislation and policy must be guided by informed consent principles and medical choice.
- Corruption and fraud in medicine should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law including piercing the corporate veil, incarceration, compensatory and punitive damages.
- Public health goals must be based on overall wellness outcomes in individuals and populations.
- Public health agencies and the medical industry must recognize and address the modern epidemics of developmental disabilities, chronic illnesses and metabolic dysfunctions and their iatrogenic causes.
- We must end censorship of free discussion of medical controversies as well as discrimination against those making medical choices that diverge from the medical consensus: in society, all forms of media, and in the courts.
- Medically injured individuals and populations, their advocates, and those invested in freedom from medical mandates must be included in health policy-making at the federal and state level.
- Coalition members maintain zero tolerance for violent rhetoric or violent behavior of any sort.
- Coalition members must strive to work together with integrity to end medical tyranny globally
“Idaho House votes to end COVID-19 emergency declaration,” KXLY.com, 25 Aug 2020
“Rally in Berlin!,” A Letter From a Friend in Germany, Children’ Health Defense, 11 Aug 2020
... Which brings me to my next topic: There have been leaks from “government insiders” that the “second wave and lockdown” are already planned for mid September, and they will go on for much longer than the first. We can see politicians and media already preparing the public for this, blaming rising case numbers (due to mandatory testing) on the protests, on people returning from holidays, and people not wearing masks in public (when most people do).
The next protest in Berlin is scheduled for Saturday, August 29. I understand that people elsewhere in Europe are organizing protests as well. What about in the US? Will you join us?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this.
Be safe and God bless,
A friend in Germany
“Interview 1566 - Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2,” The Corbett Report, 29 Jul 2020
Announcing #ExposeBillGates International Day of Action
Every 2nd Saturday of Every Month Until the End of the New Normal
WHAT: A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups are calling for an International Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates, his control agenda, and the Predator Class he represents.
Beginning August 8, this international Day of Action will take place every 2nd Saturday of every month.
Citizens for Free Speech - A Nation of Defenders
We’re Leading The Way For Free Speech!
Americans Are Waking Up To The Destruction Of First Amendment Rights
Many Americans realize that the radical political mandates to wear face masks and practice social distancing are egregious violations of the First Amendment. A large chunk of Americans simply cannot wear face masks because of pre-existing health conditions. Others believe that face masks pose a serious risk to their health, and do not believe the government has any authority to force such harm upon them.
More importantly, face masks and social distancing grossly impede our right to Free Speech and Peaceable Assembly.
Now is the time to draw the line in the sand and say NO MORE!
No Government Official Can Overrule the First Amendment
Ontario Civil Liberties Association: No Reliable Scientific Basis For Wearing Masks
OCLA Recommends Civil Disobedience Against Mandatory Masking, (PDF) 30 Jun 2020
Municipal governments and authorities in Ontario are arbitrarily imposing face masks in the general population, without any reliable scientific basis, and in contradiction of the precautionary principle.
There are significant anticipated harms from the widespread use of masks in the general population, which both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the OCLA have described in detail.
Opposing Mandatory Face Masks in Ontario Municipalities, 27 Jun 2020
Ontario municipal governments and Medical Officers of Health are implementing or announcing intentions to implement mandatory face mask policies. OCLA’s position opposing mandatory use of face masks in the general population was expressed in our June 21, 2020 letter to the Director General of the World Health Organization.
This post contains links to OCLA’s letters to Ontario municipal officials opposing mandatory face masks. We will also publish responses we have received.
OCLA Asks WHO to Retract Recommendation Advising Use of Face Masks in General Population, 21 June 2020
OCLA has sent a letter (en français ici) to the Director General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, asking him to retract the WHO’s recommendation advising the use of face masks in the general population to prevent COVID-19 transmission.
The letter criticizes the lack of a valid scientific basis for the WHO’s recommendation and expresses OCLA’s concerns about serious harms to individuals and societies stemming from the recommendation and from government impositions of face masks on the general public.
The letter includes statements such as:
“... the WHO cannot collect and rely on potentially biased studies to make recommendations that can have devastating effects (see below) on the lives of literally billions. Rather, the WHO must apply a stringent standards threshold, and accept only randomized controlled trials with verified outcomes. In this application, the mere fact that several such quality studies have not ever confirmed the positive effects reported in bias-susceptible reports should be a red flag.”
“It is an unjustified authoritarian imposition, and a fundamental indignity, to have the State impose its evaluation of risk on the individual, one which has no basis in science, and which is smaller than a multitude of risks that are both common and often created or condoned by the State.”
In the interests of encouraging international cooperation - published on 2 Jul 2020
Important German Initiative:
ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (29:06), 7 Mar 2020
First Video with English Subtitles
Full Transcript in four languages, including English
From the Conclusion:
I would like to conclude by emphasizing once again why we are already setting up this ACU, the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, at this point. We don’t want to wait for the parliaments or others, who at some point may come later in the future, because the pressure is on now. People are suffering now, and many people have already been injured, some have even lost their lives. Just as it was predicted in the internal report of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. People have died because of the government measures! And that is obviously not proportionate.
Another reason why it is so urgent, that we have to take it into our own hands now, especially when no one else is doing it who might be more called upon, is a circumstance that I would like to mention again. All over the world there are people whose heart stops beating. Everyone has a 100% risk that at some point their heart will stop beating.
The good news is, it is possible to revive, to resuscitate, and there is a guideline on how to do it. And this guideline was changed internationally at the beginning of April, and in that course, it was also changed in Germany. And this guideline, you have to imagine that, now says, “because of the high risk of infection with CoVid-19 and the high damage that could be caused by it” mouth-to-mouth resuscitation should now no longer be performed, just imagine that. You should now put a cloth over your mouth. This means that many, many more people in the world will die now, because it is scientifically proven that if you press and provide mouth-to-mouth, many more people survive. And that way,excess mortality is produced for statistics. We have to reverse this resuscitation guideline.
Because, as we can actually see, and as we will be able to prove comprehensively in this inquiry committee, we do not have the plague or the killer virus. This is good news!
But we really must ask ourselves: Why is it the way it is? Why are these measures in place? Who benefits?
We don’t want to wait until we, our friends and our relatives suffer personal and physical damage. We have to work together now!
And I can only invite you, because we are not backed by a corporation or media corporation, any rich people, or foundations. The better we are equipped with resources, the more professionally and faster we can do this work, also internationally. We will also publish our work in several languages to the best of our ability. Everyone is invited to help us out here, in the best public spirit. And therefore,I thank you very, very much for all the support you have given us this far.
Thank you very much.
“Dr. Simone Gold Commentary: We Do Not Consent,” USA Today, 24 Jun 2020
Author’s Note: The below is the Op-Ed that was accepted to USA Today on June 24. They deleted key phrases/paragraphs for their print paper and then they refused to print it at all online. Reproduced in the Michigan Star.
Life Defined By The Few or A Future For The Many?
Corona Whistle-Blower, Scientific information about Corona virus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) from independent experts; the most important finding is that the mortality rate is 0.01%, and not 3.4% as the World Health Organization (WHO) says.
BREAKING: Congress just introduced a bill that would effectively ban law enforcement use of facial recognition. Send a message now to tell your members of Congress that facial recognition surveillance technology is unreliable, unjust, and a threat to basic rights and safety, and they should support the legislation to stop facial recognition!
Promotes a collection of works created by children who
lost their rights to a public education. They have suffered,
they have cried, yet they have persevered! They are talented,
creative, HEALTHY and most of all, THEY ARE WIDE AWAKE!
Poem By 16 Year old, Luca
I walked home from school today
Feeling a rather confused way
We stood in an orderly line
For something they said was fine
I have always been told
By people young and very old
That we people have the right to choose
Without fear of anything we might lose
I walked home from school today
Feeling a rather confused way
If we can choose what we do
Why must I walk home at ten past two
At the end of the line there stood a man
With a coat of white and hue of tan
He held something in his palm
And told me to remain calm
I walked home from school today
Feeling a rather confused way
For I knew what it was he held
And with my knowledge I rebelled
I said a word so shockingly sound
That it hit the man with an audible pound
A word he seemed to have never heard
The world around me became all blurred
My teacher turned with a frightening face
The doctor looked slightly out of pace
My classmates swarmed around like flies
And asked the operative question “why”
I told them that there was a choice
Me and my parents had sent an invoice
The doctor was hearing none of my speech
And with that my freedom he did impeach
I walked home from school today
Feeling a rather confused way
Why should we be refused to grow
For having the courage to say “No”
Covid19 Q and A
Sixteen Simple Answers to the Top Questions
1 My Husband and I made love last night. I read in the Daily Mirror that we should have worn masks, but we didn’t. Will we die?
Yes you will. But not of Covid19.
2 My Granddad is 93. He has diabetes, dementia, and heart issues and lives in a care home. What is his life expectancy with this deadly virus around?
About the same.
3 Is Boris Johnson able to run the country properly without Parliament sitting in the normal way?
This is a silly question. Our MP’s are happy to sit at home being paid for running the country. Boris’s ability is not an issue, since Dominic Cummings runs the country.
4 My Husband has committed suicide due to the lockdown. He was 25. I am left with a small daughter. Can I claim against the Government for causing his death?
Don’t be silly.
5 The epidemic seems to be running down everywhere. If the vaccine is not ready until it’s over, will I still need the vaccine?
6 Will the vaccine be dangerous, given that there will have been so little time to produce and safety test it?
Of course.
7 I understand that the Government is taking on billions of debt in order to fund the lockdown. How will they repay it?
Raise your taxes, cut your services, and possibly sell off the NHS to American Corporations.
8 I understand that children are virtually immune from the virus. But now that schools might reopen, I worry that my little boy might die as a result of going to school. Is that possible?
It certainly is. He could be run over by a bus.
9 Is it true that people used to die before Covid19 appeared? I never remember the BBC reporting deaths like they do now.
There is some scientific research showing that people did die before Covid19, but none of it has been peer reviewed. I seem to remember a huge number died in the Iraq War, but they were all foreigners.
10 I understand that there are still travel restrictions between different countries, even when the countries concerned both have the virus. Does this make sense?
Yes. For example, if you are French you are more likely to die of English Covid, and if you are English you have an estimated 30 times higher risk of death from garlicky French Covid.
11 The Swedes didn’t have a lockdown. Are they all dead now?
Of course. Stockholm is now for sale on Rightmove.
12 How can we be so certain that the Chinese lie about their deaths and other things, while our own Government does not?
I’m getting tired of answering such idiot questions. Even the Duke of Edinburgh knew the answer to that in the 1980’s when he pointed out that the Chinese have slitty eyes.
13 I’ve heard it said that the docility of the British public in the face of lockdown is equivalent to a Sloth on Valium. Do you agree?
What dose of Valium is the Sloth on?
14 Will the Government give us back all our Human Rights when this is over?
Dream on.
15 It has been 12 years since the 2008 bank collapse, and we have not fully recovered. Will it take another twelve years to recover from the lockdown collapse? I don’t like to be a pessimist.
I know how you feel. But there is this wretched thing called Reality.
16 I feel really, really scared of the Coronavirus. Is there a cure?
Stop watching TV News.
“Russians claim to have an effective treatment for the coronavirus, which hospitals will start using this month,” Holly Ellyat, CNBC, 1 Jun 2020
Mark Crispin Miller, News From Underground:
“My Earth Journey - A message for International Day for Biological Diversity, 22 May 2020,” Vandana Shiva, Transcend Media Service, 18 May 2020
At the peak of the Corona Pandemic and in the midst of the Lock Down, on 26th March, Microsoft was granted a
World Patent no WO 2020/060606 by WIPO – the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
Just as our Biodiversity and Indigenous knowledge were “mined” – for patenting and Biopiracy, and there was an attempt to reduce us to consumers of GMO Patented Seed, manipulated and engineered by pirating our seeds without permission and consent – there is now an attempt to mine and pirate the data from our bodies and minds, without our permission and consent. Our humanity and autonomy are being stolen. We are being reduced to “users” of the “machines” which are extracting our humanity and our information to build the next stage of the mechanical, money machine.
Patent 060606 reads
“Human Body Activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a crypocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more condition set by the cryptocurrency system and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity is verified“
“Support the OPEN AMERICA LEGAL DEFENSE FUND!,” Go Fund Me, 10 May 2020
Attorneys Jim Mermigis and Kevin Barry are lawyers and activists who are getting non-stop calls from people around the country after getting arrested at peaceful protests and for responsibly opening their businesses. There are 10’s of thousands of other patriotic Americans who would do this, if only they could afford the legal costs of challenging the government.
To this end, Jim and Kevin have established the OPEN AMERICA LEGAL DEFENSE FUND. The fund will cover all (or most) of the legal costs of those arrested. They will lead the legal defense strategy, consulting with attorneys in various jurisdictions, to minimize consequences for those arrested. All of these Executive Orders are subject to the US Constitution!! Please contribute generously to the FUND to help those in need.
All funds raised will go to a dedicated account at the Mermigis Law Group.
“How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 9 May 2020
“Millions of Americans will refuse to get a coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available, polls say,” Douglas Perry, Seattle Times, 6 May 2020
“How To Decline A Vaccine...,” Healing Oracle Team, Healing Oracle, 17 Apr 2020
Study claiming that asymptomatic people can transmit the new coronavirus was “flawed” (to put it mildly)—from an article that came out on FEBRUARY 3rd!
newsfromunderground, 3 May 2020: Here we all are under house arrest, with healthy people quarantined, and, when they creep out
into the desolated world, ordered to wear masks and stay six feet apart—all because of a botched
“study” that was expertly refuted three months ago.
This is beyond outrageous. How many people have now died, or will die in this new Great Depression,
because of that junk science?
And—even more important—what will it now take to make this known? Since Il Fauci surely won’t
retract his ringing affirmation of that work (“This study lays the question [of asymptomatic transmission]
to rest”) “our free press” won’t report it, nor are the proprietors of “social media” likely to enable, or allow,
its circulation.
So it is up to us, we angry few, to spread the word. Please send this email far and wide.
Germans repatriated from Wuhan, China, arrive at an army barracks on 1
February to be examined for signs of infection with the new coronavirus.
Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without
symptoms was flawed
By Kai Kupferschmidt Feb. 3, 2020, 5:30 PM
A paper published on 30 January in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) about the first four people in Germany infected with a novel coronavirus made many headlines because it seemed to confirm what public health experts feared: that someone who has no symptoms from infection with the virus, named 2019-nCoV, can still transmit it to others. That might make controlling the virus much harder.
Chinese researchers had previously suggested asymptomatic people might transmit the virus but had not presented clear-cut evidence. “There’s no doubt after reading [the NEJM] paper that asymptomatic transmission is occurring,” Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told journalists. “This study lays the question to rest.”
But now, it turns out that information was wrong. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the German government’s public health agency, has written a letter to NEJM to set the record straight, even though it was not involved in the paper.
Read the rest.
Why the Science behind Lockdown is Wrong
This tracker monitors government responses to the
pandemic that affect civic freedoms and human rights,
focusing on emergency laws.
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; everything else is public relations.”
—George Orwell
Uwe Alschner: Kategorie: SARS-Corona 2
Vitalstoff.Blog, Das Blog über Prävention und Mikronährstoffe
Government in Israel Sharing Personal Information on Unvaccinated People, Carolyn Hendler, JD, The Vaccine Reaction, 4 Apr 2021
Naked Tyranical Censorship: OVALmedia Vimeo Account Deleted, 4 Apr 2021
“Elderly population suddenly dying off for unexplained reasons, and it’s no longer coded as covid-19,” Lance D Johnson, DrEddyMD.com, 18 Feb 2021
“Void vaccination consents en masse,” 2020 News, 14 Feb 2021
BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna’s Corona vaccines have received conditional approvals for the EU regulatory area. EU law requires that vaccinees be informed of the fact of the conditional approval and the reasons for the conditional approval in order to induce informed consent for the physical intervention. This information requirement is not met in the current Corona vaccination campaign. What is piquant in this context is that the vaccine that has been injected in nursing homes, hospitals and vaccination centers since December 27, 2020, is not at all the one that was tested in the trials. The clinical trial phase used a more complex and costly manufacturing process for the vaccine than is now used for the commercial product. The new, less expensive process carries higher risks of contamination.
Before a human drug can be approved for marketing in one or more member states, it usually must undergo extensive studies to ensure that it is safe, of high quality, and effective when used in the target population.
Due to the assumed global public health threat posed by SARS-Cov-2, the two Covid vaccines currently on the market in the EU were approved years before the completion of key clinical trial phases, conditionally as defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No. 507/2006 of March 29, 2006, concerning the conditional marketing authorization of medicinal products for human use falling within the scope of Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
“Whistleblower from Berlin nursing home: the terrible dying after vaccination,” 2020 News, 14 Feb 2021
“Lockdown already preplanned until June 2021?,” 2020 News, 5 Jan 2021
“No healthy child has died from coronavirus in the UK - Government study comes as parents prepare to send their children back to school
,” Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 28 Aug 2020
“Meet the IDF-Linked Cybersecurity Group ‘Protecting’ US Hospitals ‘Pro Bono’,
Anonymous ‘volunteers’ from an opaque group founded by a former commander of Israel’s Unit 8200 have been granted access to some of the most critical private and public networks in the US’ healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors, with the help of a US federal agency now run by a former Microsoft executive.” Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout, 27 Aug 2020
“CDC now says people without symptoms who have been exposed to COVID-19 don’t need to get tested,” Jaimy Lee, Market Watch, 26 Aug 2020
“Justice Dept Investigating Blue States Over COVID-19 Deaths in Nursing Homes,” Newsmax, 26 Aug 2020
“Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents,” Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 22 Aug 2020
“If Cuomo won’t allow outside review of NY nursing home COVID-19 horror, he admits guilt,” New York Post, 21 Aug 2020
“Coronavirus deaths fall to ANOTHER low: Flu and pneumonia are now killing SIX TIMES more people - as daily infections keep dropping too,” Connor Boyd and Stephen Matthews, Daily Mail, 13 Aug 2020
“Summer flu is now more deadly than Covid,” Ross Clark, The Spectator, 11 Aug 2020
““Pupils pose little risk of spreading COVID” - A study suggests there is little evidence the virus is transmitted at school, according to a scientist who backs reopening,” Sian Griffiths, The Times, 9 Aug 2020
Mark Crispin Miller:
This new study (scroll down) reconfirms the findings of some prior research into the COVID-19 threat posed by children. I sent this one out last month:
No known case of teacher catching coronavirus from pupils, says scientist, The Times, 21 Jul 2020
And, in late June, I sent out this one:
COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child is Not to Blame, Pediatrics, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-004879
So now we have another study reconfirming, again, that schoolchildren “pose little threat” of killing off their teachers with “the coronavirus.”
But what difference can these findings make to schoolteachers (and professors) whose frontal lobes have been wiped out by fear? Unfortunately, none; because these “educators” are too terrified to take in anything that contradicts the fear-porn that they feed on, night and day, and that they share hysterically, obsessively, almost salaciously online, where they can always find more propaganda to ingest and barf back up at one another. Send them anything that contradicts the deadly narrative, and they just don’t reply. If you happen to run into one who’s slunk out, masked, to run some nervous errand, and tell them something that refutes the narrative, and that (you’d think) might therefore ease their fear, they look at you like YOU’RE insane, or even possibly a closet Trump supporter, and hurry off
We have people with advanced degrees, gainfully employed by universities and colleges, demanding that those schools shut down, and wondering aloud if there is not some way to keep the student “hordes” from coming back. (Of course, these people all hate Trump for his hard line on immigrants.) And we have schoolteachers preparing for this next school year by writing up their own obituaries (as reported recently on CNN).
The only upside to this dismal situation is that all those people freaking out like this, having gulped down the whole COVID-19 propaganda narrative hook, line and sinker,
should really not be teaching anyone.
In any case, this moment demonstrates the awful truth of David Foster Wallace’s cogent observation “that the people to be most frightened of are the people who are most frightened.”
p.s. If you know anyone who’d like to fund a little college somewhere, preferably where no one has to wear a mask, please let me know.
“CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths,” Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, 1 Aug 2020
“CHD Holds Press Conference with Legal Team and Plaintiffs in NY Lawsuit About Denied Lawful Medical Exemptions to School Children,” Children’s Health Defense, 30 Jul 2020
“Sweden, Which Never Had Lockdown, Sees COVID-19 Cases Plummet as Rest of Europe Suffers Spike,” Soo Kim, Newsweek, 30 Jul 2020
“‘Pestered’ Belgians sue Bill Gates and Belgium over coronavirus restrictions, Donning plague doctor masks, over 200 Belgians are taking their government, Bill Gates and a British epidemiologist to court, in a bid to get all lockdown and coronavirus measures revoked.” Gabriela Galindo, The Brussels Times, 29 Jul 2020
“Mumbai slums have highest coronavirus immunity rate, study says,” Jorge Fitz-Gibbon, New York Post, 29 Jul 2020
“Lockdown has killed 21,000 people, data suggests - Restrictions have had ‘significant unintended consequences’ such as lack of access to critical healthcare and drop in A&E attendances,” Laura Donnelly and Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 29 Jul 2020
Separate research warns such delays could mean up to 35,000 extra deaths from cancer a year.
The new analysis by the University of Sheffield, Loughborough University and economists at Economic Insight, suggests that the number of deaths which were not caused by coronavirus dwarfed the numbers which were....
The estimates suggest 21,544 extra deaths in the first eight weeks of lockdown – an average of 2,693 a week.
Researchers said the continuation of social distancing measures may mean the total death toll caused by lockdown, and its knock-on effects, may be yet larger.
Earlier this month Health Secretary Matt Hancock ordered an urgent review into the reporting of coronavirus deaths amid concerns that Public Health England (PHE) had “exaggerated” the true figures.
A significant proportion of the official daily death toll are people who have recovered from Covid-19 but then gone on to die of other causes, Oxford University experts revealed.
Unlike in Scotland and Wales, where there is a 28-day cut-off, anyone who has ever tested positive for coronavirus in England counts as a Covid death when they die, even if it is months later and from a clearly unrelated cause.
Researchers said the findings had “profound implications for both future policymaking and behavioural science”.
Sam Williams, director of Economic Insight, said the new study attempted to “more robustly quantify the number of Covid-19 deaths in England and Wales”.
“In total, lockdown has killed more than 21,000 people in net terms, that would have lived without a lockdown,” he said.
Mr Williams said current existing measures – tracking deaths “associated” with Covid, without proof of cause, and excess deaths, suffered from “material deficiencies”.
He said: “The existing reported measures (Covid-19 associated deaths and excess deaths respectively) suffer from well known, and material, deficiencies. The former because it requires only weak evidence that Covid-19 ‘may’ have contributed to a death. The latter because it assumes all variation in weekly mortality relative to a five-year average represents ‘excess’ deaths due to Covid-19 (rather than those deaths being brought forward, or being due to other reasons).
He said the paper raised particular concerns about the rationale for blanket lockdowns, fuelling high numbers of deaths in relatively young age groups.
A study published in The Lancet Oncology has found that cancers missed amid the pandemic will cut lives short by an average of 20 years each, research suggests.
Experts said the findings were a “sobering” reflection of the fact that many delays in diagnosis will affect relatively young people who should have had decades ahead of them.
“Families Sue New York State for Denying Lawful Medical Exemptions to School Children,” Children’s Health Defense, 28 Jul 2020
Attorneys Sujata Gibson, Michael H. Sussman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mary Holland filed a class action lawsuit yesterday in the Northern District of New York challenging the constitutionality of New York State’s Department of Health regulations that allow school principals to overrule treating physicians on recommendations about medical exemptions to immunization for medically fragile kids.
The named plaintiffs, eight New York State families whose valid medical exemptions for their school children were denied, and Children’s Health Defense ask that the court declare the state policy unconstitutional and allow the children back into school.
“EXPOSED: World Bank Coronavirus Aid Comes With Conditions For Imposing Extreme Lockdown, Reveals Belarus President,” Great Game Media, 27 Jul 2020
Fore, H.H., Dongyu, Q., et al. Child malnutrition and COVID-19: the time to act is now, The Lancet, 27 Jul 2020
“Corporate Media and Big Tech Trying to Stop Judy Mikovits Interview Exposing Dr. Fauci from Airing this Weekend,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 26 Jul 2020
“Supermarkets refuse to enforce face mask rules - Sainsbury’s and Asda say it is not their responsibility to police customers,” Laura Donnelly, Christopher Hope, and Sarah Knapton, The Telegraph, 24 Jul 2020
“Cuomo violated his own mask rules while in Georgia, declined to self-quarantine on return to N.Y. - The governor cited his status as an ‘essential worker’ to avoid self-quarantining,” Daniel Payne, Just The News, 23 Jul 2020
“Indiana attorney general argues state mask mandate illegal,” AP, 23 Jul 2020
“Former FDA Director Gottlieb Now Pfizer Board Member Secures $1.95 BILLION for COVID Vaccine,” Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News, 22 Jul 2020
“Gates and Gov. Cuomo Take Advantage of COVID-19 and Re-Imagine the NY Education System,” Custis Cost, Children’s Health Defense, 21 Jul 2020
“Russian Government Recommends Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools,” Dafna Tachover, Children’s Health Defense, 20 Jul 2020
“World Health Organization Hired PR Firm To Identify Celebrity ‘Influencers’ To Amplify Virus Messaging,” Chuck Ross, Daily Caller, 17 Jul 2020
“Elder advocates ask why Gov. Newsom flooded nursing homes with contagious COVID-19 patients,” Juliette Fairley, Southern California Record, 16 Jul 2020
“UK may already have enough herd immunity to prevent second coronavirus wave, study says - Scientists say many people may already be immune to Covid-19 without ever having caught it,” Bill Gardner, The Telegraph, 16 Jul 2020
“Cholesterol-lowering meds have potential to downgrade COVID-19’s threat to that of the common cold,” Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, Medical Xpress, 15 Jul 2020
“Sweden’s health agency says open schools did not spur pandemic spread among children,” Helena Soderpalm, Reuters, 15 Jul 2020
“German Study Shows Low Coronavirus Infection Rate in Schools,” Reuters, 13 Jul 2020
“Orange County education leaders want schools to reopen without masks or social distancing,” Hannah Fry, Sara Cardine, Los Angeles Times, 13 Jul 2020
“Orange County education leaders voted 4 to 1 Monday evening to approve recommendations for reopening schools in the fall that do not include the mandatory use of masks for students or increased social distancing in classrooms amid a surge in coronavirus cases....”
The recommendations, contained in a white paper, widely support schools reopening in the fall. The document states that remote learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic has been an “utter failure” and suggests allowing parents to send their children to another district or charter school to receive instruction if their home district does not reopen.
“Among the many compelling expert arguments for reopening our schools, a number of us were also struck by something different, something we might call advice for adults,” the paper states. “Among our greatest responsibilities as adults is our responsibility to model courage and persistence in the face of uncertainty and fear, which is what many families are feeling with the mixed messages and confusion surrounding reopening of schools in the COVID-19 era.”...
The Orange County guidance was compiled from an 11-member panel appointed by the Board of Education last month that includes Orange County Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau, County Supervisor Don Wagner, a psychiatrist, an urban studies professor, a public policy professor, a former superintendent and physicians.
“Our constituents expect leadership from us, and so we wanted to present information to you,” Board Vice President Mari Barke said. “These are simply guidelines to be looked at and to follow according to what’s best for your family—take it for what it is and do what you’re most comfortable with.”
“Deaths of children with special needs in Kent raise concerns over school closures,” Sally Weale, The Guardian, 13 Jul 2020
“German study finds no evidence coronavirus spreads in schools - Scientists say children may act as a ‘brake’ on the spread of the virus,” Justin Huggler, The Telegraph, 13 Jul 2020
“ICMR Exhumes, Revives Nazi Era Template For Vaccine Trials,” Dr. P. S. Sahni & Shobha Aggarwal, Countercurrents, 9 Jul 2020
“Bill Gates Gleefully Announces Next Crisis,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 9 Jul 2020
“Sage sidelined as Government takes direct control of coronavirus response - Joint Biosecurity Centre will take more prominent role in co-ordinating response as UK emerges from lockdown,” Laura Donnelly, Hayley Dixon, and Harry Yorke, The Telegraph, 8 Jul 2020
“Dr. Fauci Says “Individual Institutions” May Make The Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory,” Arjun Walla, Collective Evolution, 8 Jul 2020
“Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI,” Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond, 7 Jul 2020
“Hydroxychloroquine Hangs On Despite Global Attacks,” Jeffrey Jaxen, The Highwire, 2 Jul 2020
“Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows,” 2 Jul 2020
Arshad, S., Kilgore, P., et al.
“Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19,” International Society for Infectious Diseases, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2020.06.099, 1 Jul 2020
“Eco-genocide and the Genetically Engineered Mosquito Army,” Raul Diego, The Last American Vagabond, 25 Jun 2020
The enemies of life are breeding their own agents of ecological destruction aided and abetted by an incompetent EPA and a rubber-stamp government in Florida, which just gave unanimous approval for the release of hundreds of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes by a company with deep ties to Bill Gates, the US military, and Big Ag.
Lagier, J-C, Million, M, et al. “Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis,” Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 25 Jun 2020
“Covid-19 immunity could be twice as high as believed, Swedish study finds - Findings by Karolinska Institutet suggest infection hotspots such as London could be further towards herd immunity than thought,” Laura Donnelly, The Telegraph, 30 Jun 2020
“Macron claims a ‘first victory’ against coronavirus for France, The whole country is now designated as a "green zone", meaning authorities believe the virus to be under control” David Chazan, The Telegraph, 14 Jun 2020
“Central Park sunbathers skip masks – and pants – in coronavirus defiance,” Aaron Feis, New York Post, 14 Jun 2020
“STUDIES: 60% of people naturally RESISTANT to SARS-COV2 New research suggests majority of people may already have resistance based on previous infections,” Off Guardian, 12 Jun 2020
“WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #9 The “Undercover nurse” gives her first hand account of neglect, mismanagement and possible corruption in the treatment of “Covid patients” at Elmhurst Hospital,” Off Guardian, 11 Jun 2020
“Spain is in Partnership with Bill Gates,” From a Reader in Spain From Former Communist State, Armstrong Economics, 10 Jun 2020
“New law would make it illegal for couples from different households to meet indoors for romantic encounters,” Christopher Hope, The Telegraph, 1 Jun 2020
“German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’,” Daniele Pozzati, Strategic Culture Foundation, 29 May 2020
Alexey Polonikov, “Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients,” ACS Infectious Disease, 28 May 2020
“I’ve signed death certificates during Covid-19. Here’s why you can’t trust any of the statistics on the number of victims,” Malcolm Kendrick, RT.com, 28 May 2020
“Reopening schools in Denmark did not worsen outbreak, data shows,” Reuters, 28 May 2020
The art of the smear: How Buzzfeed and other propaganda mills “debunk” those questioning the Official Narrative of COVID-19
As “our free press” ramps up its loyal service as Big
Pharma’s Ministry of Truth, it’s doing an ever cruder
version of the Propaganda Two-Step, which you perform by pumping
out Big Lies non-stop, while also blacking out and/or defaming
anyone who dares to contradict or question them.
We have an excellent example of the latter tactic in this wad of
excrement from Buzzfeed, hurled at six “spin doctors”
(i.e., dissident physicians), two “5G conspiracy
theorists,” and two of “the misquoted” (two
doctors whom Buzzfeed’s minions couldn’t find a way
to tar outright).
What makes it such a good example is the blatancy of its key
features. Note, first, that it does not even address, much less
refute, any of the information offered, and/or arguments
presented, by the heretics. Instead of actually rebutting what
they’ve said or written, this hit-piece (along with
countless others) smears the heretics themselves, with mere
insulting epithets and vicious mockery.
Such propaganda must rely primarily on slander and derision,
because what those dissidents have said, about COVID-19 and/or
5G, is either true or highly plausible—which means that the
Official Narratives in question are untenable. This is why such
hit-pieces are so nakedly authoritarian, “debunking”
its targets just by telling us “ what the authorities have
Thus this piece baldly tells its readers what to think (or,
rather, what to feel, since there’s no thought involved),
and how to serve as individual vectors of the propaganda; and so
it isn’t just a catalogue of smears, concocted to
discourage anyone from looking into what those targeted have had
to say. It also functions as a sort of script, providing
Buzzfeed’s followers with ammo to be used on “social
media,” and/or in fights with any infidels among their
friends or family.
Although the number, unanimity and virulence of such attacks is
something new (and grounds for seeing it as a sign of
desperation), the basic strategy is over half-a-century old, as
it was the CIA that first weaponized the epithet
“conspiracy theorist”
back in 1967, in its memo #1035-960, sent out to CIA station chiefs worldwide to enlist
their help in smearing critics of the Warren Report, not just by
calling them “conspiracy theorists,” but also by
deploying one or more of several (what we would call) talking
points against them.
What we’re seeing today is a streamlining of that process.
Whereas, back then, the CIA encouraged its media assets to defame
those questioning the Official Narrative (of
JFK’s assassination),
so that readers would then doubt the honesty or
sanity of those dissenters. Today, the culture having largely
moved online, the propaganda aims directly at its audience,
inviting them to spread its toxin all throughout the tissues of
the nation, by parroting the memes of the Official Narrative (of
COVID-19, 5G, vaccination and whatever else the powers behind the
propaganda want the rest of us swallow).
Here, for your convenience and enlightenment, is a list of
dissidents re: COVID-19, its origins, and/or the policies and
practices now being used to “cure” it. This is just a
start on such a list of medical professionals. Nor do I
necessarily agree with everything those listed here have either
said or written—but they have every right to speak their
piece, and those of us who care to know what’s really going
should give them a fair hearing, and think about it for
John Ioannidis
Knut Wittkowski
David L. Katz
Rashid Bhuttar
Dan Erickson
Artin Massihi
Dolores Cahill
Sunetra Gupta
Didier Raoult
Luc Montagnier
Meryl Nass
Cameron Kyle-Sidell
Wolfgang Wodarg
Judy Mikovits
Andrew Kaufman
Andrea Crisanti
Russell Blaylock
Rashid A Buttar
Sherri Tenpenny
Gary Nepute
Gary Null
Richard Gale
Joseph Mercola
Johan Giesecke
Anders Tegnell
David Starkey
These Are The Fake Experts Pushing Pseudoscience And Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus Pandemic
A guide to the spin doctors and conspiracy theorists clogging up your social media feed.
“England Falsifies COVID Data: More than A Hundred Thousand Coronavirus Tests were ‘Double-counted’,” Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 22 May 2020
“UK Government Double Counts Covid Cases,” Keith Rushworth, Epidemiology Explained, 21 May 2020
“Trump Battles the FDA Over Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Discovery! Says ‘This WILL NOT Be Banned, The American People Have A Right To Have Access To This’,” Brandt River, Business Insider, 21 May 2020
“REVEALED: Pressure Placed on Pharmacies NOT to Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19,” 21st Century Wire, 16 May 2020
“YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown,” Jon Levine, New York Post, 16 May 2020
“Trump Mobilizes Military to Deliver Coronavirus Vaccine – Appoints Another Bill Gates Funded Big Pharma Exec as Chief Military Advisor,” Brian Shilhavy,
Health Impact News, 15 May 2020
“MILITARY vaccine mandates? Dept. of Defense purchasing 500 million ApiJect syringes to inject every person in America with coronavirus vaccine,” Mike Adams, Natural News, 13 May 2020
“Covid-19: ‘Staggering number’ of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19,” Shaun Griffin, thebmj, 2020; 369 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m1931
“Medical ethics professor alleges Cook County COVID-19 fatalities are inflated,” Juliette Fairley, Chicago City Wire, 13 May 2020
“Governor Inslee lays out statewide contact tracing plan for COVID-19,” Mario Lotmore, Lynnwood Times, 12 May 2020
“If people do not cooperate with contact tracers, they cannot leave their homes” —Gov Inslee
“DOD Awards $138 Million Contract, Enabling Prefilled Syringes for Future COVID-19 Vaccine,” Lt. Col. Mike Andrews, U.S. Dept of Defense, 12 May 2020
“UK scientists condemn ‘Stalinist’ attempt to censor Covid-19 advice ,” Paul Lewis and David Conn. The Guardian, 8 May 2020
“Covid is ushering in a surveillance state that may never be dismantled,” Philip Johnston, The Telegraph, 5 May 2020
“New York to work with Gates Foundation to ‘reimagine’ schools: governor,” Nathan Layne, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Reuters, 5 May 2020
“Researcher Behind Model Predicting 3,000 Daily Deaths Claims It Was Not ‘Intended to Be a Forecast’,” Tobias Hoonhout, National Review, 5 May 2020
“Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover, Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing” Anna Mikhailova, Christopher Hope, Michael Gillard and Louisa Wells, The Telegraph, 5 May 2020
“Nevada Nurse in NYC: COVID is NOT Killing People – They’re Being Murdered,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 5 May 2020
What Nicole Sirotek is describing might not be murder but it sounds like negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter. And she insists it’s because the patients, being not rich or white, are considered dispensable.
“Coronavirus In Pittsburgh: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19, Pitt Says,” KDKA, 4 May 2020
Follow the money—Brownstein: “Federal Stimulus Spending Is Giving the Lobbying Industry a Giant Windfall. This Firm Has Benefited the Most,” Alana Abramson, Time, 2 May 2020
“Why Sweden Has Already Won the Debate on COVID ‘Lockdown’ Policy,” Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire, 1 May 2020
“Crisis in America: Hospitals Across the Country Begin to Close due to Lack of Patients—Nurses and Doctors being Laid Off,” Health Impact News, 1 May 2020
“UPMC doctor argues COVID-19 not as deadly as feared, says its hospitals will shift back to normal,” David Wenner, Pennsylvania Real-Time News, 30 Apr 2020
“Experts fail to find a single case of children passing virus to adults,” Hayley Dixon, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 Apr 2020
“Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic, Fear Numbers are ‘Padded’, Project Veritas today released another video featuring conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.” Project Veritas, 30 Apr 2020
“Swedish leader defends coronavirus approach, shrugs off far-right embrace, Foreign Minister Ann Linde says the country’s response has been pragmatic, not libertarian,” Ryan Heath, Politico, 29 Apr 2020
“How surveillance technology powered South Korea’s COVID-19 response,” Justin Fendos, Brookings Institute, 29 Apr 2020
“Connecticut’s new coronavirus contact tracing strategy will use cellphones and volunteers to track infections as the state emerges from the pandemic,” Edmund Mahony, Hartford Courant, 28 Apr 020
“Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with Millions of U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research,” Fred Guterl, Newsweek, 28 Apr 2020
“Bill Gates funds invisible ‘tattoo ID’ to track people,” Sara Middleton, NaturalHealth365, 27 Apr 2020
“Anthony Fauci should explain ‘$3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory’,” Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times, 27 Apr 2020
“US was warned of threat from anti-vaxxers in event of pandemic - FBI-connected researchers suggested biggest threat in controlling outbreak was from ‘those who categorically reject vaccination’,” Jason Wilson, The Guardian, 27 Apr 2020
‘Heads we win, tails you lose’: how America’s rich have turned pandemic into profit - As 26 million Americans lose their jobs, the billionaire class has added $308bn to its wealth,” Dominic Rushe and Mona Chalabi, The Guardian, 26 Apr 2020
He Saw ‘No Proof’ Closures Would Curb Virus.
Now He Has De Blasio’s Trust.”
Rashbaum, W.K.,
et al.,
New York Times, 14 May 2020
Public Hospital System CEO Says Natural Immunity Will Defeat Coronavirus
Dr. Mitchell Katz President and Chief Executive Officer of NYC Health + Hospitals, the largest municipal health system in the United States, with 11 acute care hospitals, 5 skilled nursing facilities, dozens of community health centers, a home care agency and an insurance plan, MetroPlus Health.
“Swedish Ambassador Says Stockholm Expected To Reach ‘Herd Immunity’ In May,” H.J. MaiNPR, 26 Apr 2020
“New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask,” Craig McCarthy, New York Post, 24 Apr 2020
“Toxic Agriculture and the Gates Foundation,” Colin Todhunter, Off Guardian, 24 Apr 2020
“An Oral History of the Day Everything Changed - On March 11, 2020, the coronavirus pandemic seemed to crystallize in the national consciousness. Americans look back on the turning point,” Garrett Graff, Wired, 24 Apr 2020
“Sweden Shatters Lock-down Model As Curves Stay Flat,” Celia Farber, UncoverDC, 23 Apr 2020
“Cops AGAINST masks: Houston police union says it won’t enforce ‘IDIOTIC’ order mandating face covers for everyone over 10,” RT, 23 Apr 2020
“It’s Game Over and the Swedish-Belarusian Herd Immunity Model Has Won – One third of Stockholmers have already had Covid-19, shook it off, and are now immune,” Ulrika Engström, Anti-Empire, 22 Apr 2020
“Fauci Backpedals on Vitamin C and D Recommendations,” Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola, Take Control of Your Health, 22 Apr 2020
“Connecticut town tests ‘pandemic drone’ to find fevers. Experts question if it would work.,” Minyvonne Burke, NBC News, 22 Apr 2020
“‘Beyond insane’? Video of cops going after Australian ‘rooftop drinkers’ violating Covid-19 lockdown pushes people’s buttons,” RT, 22 Apr 2020
“‘Important milestone’: Germany to start first clinical tests on coronavirus vaccine,” TheLocal.de, 22 Apr 2020
“Medical Analytics Firm: COVID19 Vaccine to Take 5.2 Years to Develop with 5% Chance of Success,” Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News, 22 Apr 2020
“Coronavirus pandemic ‘will cause famine of biblical proportions’ - Governments must act now to stop 265 million starving, warns World Food Programme boss,” The Guardian, 21 Apr 2020
Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas speaking on steps California State Capitol steps: on stay-home order in light of 19 Apr Stanford study showing COVID to have only a 0.2% fatality rate,” Facebook, 20 Apr 2020
“Anthony Fauci has a mad scientist vision to track, surveil American citizens,” Cheryl K. Chumley, The Washington Times, 15 Apr 2020
“Compulsory selfies and contact-tracing: Authorities everywhere are using smartphones to track the coronavirus, and it’s part of a massive increase in global surveillance,” Isobel Asher Hamilton, Business Insider, 14 Apr 2020
“Column: Here’s what’s wrong with Gov. Newsom’s stay-at-home order: It’s a legal mess,” Harry Litman, Los Angeles Times, 25 Mar 2020
“Washington forced to recall 12,000 coronavirus test kits for contamination,” Chris Sullivan, iMyNorthwest, 20 Apr 2020
“The Cure May Be Deadlier Than the Disease. Much Deadlier.,” Jonathan Rose (William R. Kenan Professor of History at Drew Univ.), History News Network, 19 Apr 2020
“... If you question whether the measures taken against coronavirus today will kill democracy, the answer is that they are already killing democracy. Recently Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, used the crisis to win emergency powers to rule by degree, send parliament home, cancel elections, and jail individuals for up to five years for spreading ‘fake news’ (which might, of course, be interpreted to mean criticizing Viktor Orban). Similar arbitrary powers have been granted to President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, Bolivia has postponed elections, Thailand has cracked down on journalists critical of the government, lockdowns everywhere effectively ban protest demonstrations, and even the Western democracies are creating intrusive surveillance machinery. In Britain, the home of Magna Carta and George Orwell, neighbors are reporting neighbors to the police for jogging and hiking, which violate lockdown restrictions.
In Africa, government security forces have been brutalizing and in some cases killing citizens to enforce lockdowns. Throughout the Third World there are hundreds of millions living on a subsistence level, and for them lockdowns can mean starvation: they cannot stop working or work from home. Oxfam International estimates that more than 500,000,000 people worldwide could be submerged below the poverty line. ‘I would rather risk being beaten by policemen,’ says a Kampala taxi driver, ‘I can’t stay home and just watch my hungry children crying.’ The Institute for Security Studies in South Africa has warned that ‘the risks posed by continued, illegitimate state violence...could be as great as those brought by the pandemic.’ You may argue that these are temporary measures justified by a health emergency, but history suggests that ‘emergency’ restrictions have a way of becoming permanent....“
“NEW: Early results from coronavirus antibody tests in general population,” Sharyl Attkisson, 19 Apr 2020
Letter to the Editor: “What if the number of Coronavirus cases is not accurate and is actually exaggerated by many times? ...,” Kimberly Brady, MD, Douglas County Herald , 16 Apr 2020
“U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020,” Michelle Nichols, Reuters, 16 Apr 2020
“Dutch study suggests 3% of population may have coronavirus antibodies,” Reuters, 16 Apr 2020
3% of 17 million=510,000 Covid-19 positive people in the Netherlands.
Known Covid-19 positive patients in the Netherlands equals 28,158, but only health care workers and the very ill are currently being tested. This suggests that 18 times more people in the Netherlands have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 than so far known (510,000/28,158).
What Bill Gates wants YOU,
and everyone on Earth, to be injected with
“Bill Gates and Intellectual Ventures Funds Microchip Implant Vaccine Technology,” Celeste McGovern, GreenMedInfo, 14 Apr 2020
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million towards developing a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like mechanism which injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin that is now being tested in a vaccine against the virus that causes COVID-19.
“Covid-19 ‘immunity certificates’: practical and ethical conundrums,” Henry T. Greely, Statnews, 10 Apr 2020
“WHO: No evidence wearing a mask can protect healthy people from coronavirus, The World Health Organization (WHO) said masks should only be worn by health care workers and those who are infected.” Joseph Guzmanm The Hill: Changing America, 8 Apr 2020
“Bill Gates on his vision for re-opening the world post #COVID19 - rights will be restored based on mass vaccination status.,” Eileenlorio, Twitter, 5 Apr 2020
“Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated - The technology embeds immunization records into a child’s skin,” Karen Weintraub, Scientific American, 18 Dec 2018
“Engineering Coronaviruses to Evaluate Emergence and Pathogenic Potential,” Lau, S.K.P., Woo, P.C.Y., Trends in Microbiology, 16 Ap 2016
I titled the talk tonight, Are You Scared Yet? I did that,
despite the fact that Jane Hunter has said, in one interview
at least, that my lectures are like drugs in the sixties
in that they paralyze people with fear and make them
inactive. That’s not anything I’ve ever heard from an
audience but it’s what she said about me. I think, in
fact, my message, when read properly is more that people
should calm down and try to distinguish what they’re
being asked, or told, to be afraid of and what they
ought to be afraid in reality which is generally hidden
from them and the extent to which they ought to be afraid
or ought to act instead.
I also knew a guy years ago when I worked in the
anti-psychiatry movement, John Parkin, who said that
he wanted to start a national campaign to abolish
paranoia by elevating it to realistic fear. There
isn’t a term in the English language that’s the
opposite of paranoia, unless it’s just complacency.
But there isn’t healthy or realistic fear that
maybe somebody is doing something to you.
William S. Burroughs said, that paranoia is having
all the facts. So I try to get as many as I
can, ’cause I’m trying to get there.
But my purpose, of course, isn’t to make other people
paranoid. My purpose is to hopefully enlighten people
about what’s happening around them and what they ought
to be putting their focus on. Charlie Manson said,
paranoia is heightened awareness. Michael McClure
said that even paranoids have enemies. I know I have
some. But I don’t spend my life looking over my
shoulder, I try to look in front of me and see what’s
Wrench in the Gears, 19 Apr 2020
A Skeptical Parent’s Thoughts on Digital Curriculum
Pay for success finance deals will be well served by the global vaccine market that is being advanced through Gates’s outfit GAVI. Vaccine doses are readily quantifiable, and the economic costs of many illnesses are straightforward to calculate. With a few strategic grants awarded to prestigious universities and think tanks, I anticipate suitable equations framing out a healthy ROI (return on investment) will be devised to meet global market demands shortly.
How Bad is My Batch, Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines, created by Craig Paardekooper
Experimental COVID Post-Vaccination Adverse Events & Deaths. Coincidences?
Kathy Dopp, MS Mathematics, ongoing compilation
(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns,” Sharyl Attikisson,
sharylattkisson.com, 17 Oct 2021
‘Unnecessary, misleading, catastrophic’: Senior European physicians co-author expert statement on COVID vaccine for children,” posted at
America’s Frontline Doctors, 21 Jul 2021
U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community,” Megan Redshaw,
The Defender, 29 Jun 2021
Preventing Vaccine Mandates,” Children’s Health Defense eBook Toolkit, 21 Jun 2021 (pp. 46)
Information and resources to assist you in opposing vaccine mandates that are likely being considered in your state’s legislature.
Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey,
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 16 Jun 2021
Other Reasons Physicians Unvaccinated - 161 Physicians comments about other reasons they are unvaccinated
Are the Covid-19 vaccines “safe and effective”,” Steve Kirsch,
TrialSite News, 16 Jun 2021
COVID-19 Vaccines and Children: A Scientist’s Guide for Parents, Dr. Byram W. Bridle,
Canadian Covid Care Alliance, 15 Jun 2021 (pp. 202)
‘Urgent’ British report calls for complete cessation of COVID vaccines in humans,” Americas Frontline Doctors, Jun 2021
Vaccine Casualties: Is the CDC Hiding the Real Numbers?,” Tea Lynn Moore and Dale Hawkins,
Druthers, 3 Jun 2021
“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
The Spike Protein - Dr. Byram Bridle Professor of Viral Immunology University of Guelph: “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” (8:16) 27 May 2021
Vaccine researcher admits ’big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’, Celeste McGovern,
Lifesite News, 31 May 2021
Roxana Bruno, Peter A. McCullough, Teresa Forcades I Vila,
et al. SARS-CoV-2 mass vaccination: Urgent questions on vaccine safety that demand answers from international health agencies, regulatory authorities, governments and vaccine developers,
Authorea, 24 May 2021, DOI:
Challenge Issued, The Ball is Now In Premier Ford's Court
Univ. of Guelph Ontario’s Dr's Are Challenging Premier Ford and His Medical Expert Team to a Public Debate.
Special Guest: ByramW. Bridle, PhD, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology
film (1:29:59), 23 Apr 2021
There is a lot of emerging safety data that is worth talking about revolving around inoculations, masking and physical distancing. We will be joined by special guest Dr Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph Ontario. You likely know that the University has issued a public debate challenge to Premier Ford and his medical staff.
We hope by hosting this that we can help to encourage a larger number of Canadians to engage in awareness of this opportunity, and thereby create a significant public demand for meaningful discourse with elected officials.
Dr Bridle states that he is particularly passionate about effects of isolation policies on children. We will hear from Dr Bridle how this initiative came about, the objectives they hope to reach, and the reception they expect from the public and the establishment.
No Jab For Me
Statements in this site are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.
This was on https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DczVUPjOli3J4rHHtvRzh94NVT74x0kM/view at least through April 21. Then it was censored/deleted.
Informed Consent Matters
Updated April 22, 2021 (pp. 141)
Now it's being updated at covidvaccinereactions.com inside https://covidvaccinereactions.com/downloads/
(local copy)
It is everyone’s right to review the first-hand testimonies of the covid vaccine adverse reactions without censorship by the news media (or social media).
With access to this data, you can perform a risk/benefit analysis for yourself.
Let’s look at the deaths.
Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map
Watch: Uniformed Troops Go To Bars & 7-Eleven In Dallas To Randomly Vaccinate "Younger Crowd", Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 18 May 2021
COVID-19 VACCINE Considerations, Colleen Huber, NMD, PrimaryDoctor.org, 15 May 2021
See just how "safe and effective" all those COVID-19 "vaccines" are, Mark Crispin Miller, News From Underground, 25 April 2021
Former Pfizer VP Pharmaceutical Whistleblower Dr Michael Yeadon Reveals Vaccine Risks, Patrick Delaney/Guy Crittenden, Life Site News/Hip Gnosis, 7/14 Apr 2021
Vaccine passports and the war against truth Dr. Naomi Wolf (57:58), The Gary Null Show, 7 Apr 2021 (local mp3 - Dr. Wolf begins at 10:00)
18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine, Christian Elliot, Deconstructing Conventional, 5 Apr 2021
European Plans For ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were In Place 20 Months Prior To The Pandemic. Coincidence?, Paul Anthony Taylor, Dr. Rath Health Foundation, 2 Apr 2021
Covid Vaccine Non-Sense, US-based human rights lawyer breaks down the contradictory claims of “effectiveness”, the incomplete studies and legal minefield of forced use of experimental vaccines, P Jerome, Off-Guardian, 30 Mar 2021
Reasons to abstain from emergency COVID19 Vaccines, Last Updated: 30 Mar 2021
Coronapocalypse; Big Pharma's Doomsday Vaccine #666, Mike Whitney, Unz Review, 19 Feb 2021
Prof. Dr Dolores Cahill - I Will Not Take The Vaccine! (16:07) Liam Galvin, 19 Feb 2021
COVID Vaccine Safety Concerns: How Will We Know That a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe?, Dr. Liz Mumper and Children’s Health Defense team, Jan 2021
How our elderly stumble into the vaccination trap, 2020 News, 5 Jan 2021
Classen JB.
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease.
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Volume 5 | Issue 1 | 1 of 3, 2021
“... The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.”
“The Flu Vaccine is Bad Medicine, The Science against the flu vaccines and Tamiflu: why they are ineffective, unnecessary, and bad medicine,” Jim Meehan, MD, MeehanMD, 16 Nov 2020
“Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease,” Timothy Cardozo & Ronald Veazey, International Journal of Clinical Practice, 28 Oct 2020
“German Microbiologist and Medical Professor Issues Serious Warnings about a COVID Vaccine, Playing Russian Roulette with a Covid-19 Vaccine,” Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD, Progressive Radio Network/Health Impact News, 19 Oct 2020
“Read the Fine Print: Vaccine Package Inserts Reveal Hundreds of Medical Conditions Linked to Vaccines,” Children’s Health Defense, 14 Apr 2020
“Read the Fine Print—Part Two: Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine Package Inserts,” Children’s Health Defense, 14 Aug 2020
“The Fix Was In: Latest ACIP Meeting’s Public Comments Featured a Who’s Who Among Vaccine Promoters,” Kari Bundy, Children’s Health Defense, 4 Aug 2020
DUAL USE TYRANNY: “Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System - A new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications.,” Raul Diego, MintPress News, 10 Jul 2020
Mark Crispin Miller: More black lives that don’t matter.
“Measles Vaccination and Autism: The Inexcusable Suppression of a Long-Documented Link,” Children’s Health Defense, 9 Jul 2020
“Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated—A Summary of the Research by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’ Health Defense, Jul 2020:
Part 1,
Part 2
a Primer:
The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety with Author Del Bigtree, (1:35:45,
mp3) Feb 2018, auto-gen’d transcripts:
with timestamps,
without timestamps
Presentation covers the
1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act which fully indemnified pharmaceutical companies from all liability when their vaccine products killed or injured the recipient.
Excerpts from the talk:
Last time I was here I had just made the film
Vaxxed, it was out, we were talking about the fraud at the CDC. For those of you that have not seen Vaxxed, very simply I was a producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors where I worked for six years. I won an Emmy Awards celebrating the best that medicine has to offer, the best doctors, best scientists, cutting-edge technologies. I am a fan of doctors. I’m a fan of science and I want to state that right up front. I ran into the story of Dr. William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, who came forward in 2015 and said they’d committed scientific fraud on the MMR autism study; that they saw a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism then they hid it from the public. That’s essentially what the film is about.
What you’re about to see today is a presentation that we gave at
the National Institute of Health. Many of you may have remembered
Donald Trump made a statement that he was going to put
Robert Kennedy, Jr. as the head of a Vaccine Safety Commission.
That didn’t necessarily transpire the way that we
had thought. But this meeting was set up by Donald Trump and we
got to present before Francis Collins, the head of the
National Institute of Health, Tony Fauci, head of our Infectious
Disease Division of CDC, FDA, HHS, all of the heads of our
Health Departments were sitting across the table. This is what we
presented to them. So I want you to think about that. I’m not
just telling you. We said this right to their faces and I’ll give
you a sense of what their response was. I’m not trying to mix
something up. We’ve presented our issues with this Vaccine Program
and the answers are really deplorable.
This is [Dr.] Bernadine Healy. She was the head of the National Institute of Health. They did the most amount of funding from our government for health. The National Institute of Health is our top brain trust of science and medicine and she was the head of it and this is what she had to say:
This is the time when we do have the opportunity to understand whether or not there are susceptible children—perhaps genetically, perhaps they have a metabolic issue, mitochondrial disorder, immunological issue—that makes them more susceptible to vaccines plural or to one particular vaccine or to a component of vaccine like mercury....
The fact that there is concern that you don’t want to know that susceptible group is a real disappointment to me. If you know that susceptible group you can save those children. The reason why they didn’t want to look for those susceptibility groups was because they’re afraid that if they found them, however big or small they were, that that would scare the public away.
It sounds like you don’t think the hypothesis of a link between vaccines and autism is completely irrational.
So when I first heard about it I thought, That doesn’t make sense to me. The more you delve into it, if you look at the basic science, if you look at the research that’s been done on animals, if you also look at some of these individual cases and if you look at the evidence that there is no link what I come away with is the question has not been answered.
Did you ever hear that? Head of the National Institute of Health: “question has not been answered.” You’ve buried this and autism is skyrocketing, autoimmune disease is skyrocketing, our children are so sick and yet we’re worried about measles.
What intelligent society doesn’t reflect on Hitler and Nazi
Germany? What have we heard? If you forget your past you’re
doomed to repeat it At what point do we wake up and say this is
scary times folks? Why is all this important? Because look, at the
same time the vaccines are increasing, which is the red
dots—and then the autoimmune disease is
going up right alongside of it.
Vaccine Safety Datalink,
this is what we asked them to do. We said, You have a data link that
has 10 million individuals in it. It’s kept up to
date every year. The entire life health outcomes and
reports from these people is in there. We simply want
you to run the unvaccinated children against the fully
vaccinated children in a comparative study. Run the
health outcomes. What are the rates of cancer, autoimmune,
disease, multiple sclerosis, on and on and on? What they
said: We can’t figure out how to do that study.
That’s what they said. Tony Fauci and Francis Collins
looked us in the eyes and said, the brain trust of world
health cannot figure out how to compare unvaccinated kids to
vaccinated kids. There you go. It’s unethical to do a
pre-licensing study and we are incapable of figuring out how
to do a post-licensing study. That’s where we’re
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Advocacy Portal
Achieving and protecting the right to informed consent to vaccination is more important now than ever before, and we need your help to make that happen. NVIC wants to help you, our members, to organize and make a difference in your home state right where you live to protect and expand vaccine exemptions. It is at the state level that mass vaccination policies are made, and it is at the state level where your action to protect your rights can have the greatest impact. Also, when national vaccine issues occur, you will be plugged in to the information and action items necessary to make sure your voice is heard.
2016 Documentary: Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe (1:31:00)
2019 Documentary: Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth (1:31:53)
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
“Vaccination Rates Drop to Alarmingly Low Levels During Lockdowns,” Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch, 20 May 2020
“Bill Gates and Intellectual Ventures Funds Microchip Implant Vaccine Technology,” Celeste McGovern, GreenMedInfo.com, 14 Apr 2020
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny,
Coronavirus Pt 1: How Soon We Forget – Same Playbook, Different Virus, 24 Mar 2020
Coronavirus Pt 2: ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’, Replay, 30 Mar 2020
I view most current events through the lens of history.
As I wrote in Part 1 of this series, we’re seeing a repeat of what happened after 911. Only a few weeks after the towers came down in NYC, the draconian
Patriot Act was passed into law on October 26, 2001.
Now, within a few weeks of the outbreak of a coronavirus, a virus we don’t know much about or how long it will cause serious illness, the world has implemented draconian, stay-home
“social distancing” rules.
Even this phrase has psychological implications. They didn’t call it “physical distancing” but “social distancing,” a way to separate us at a time we should all be coming together.
How serious is the risk from this pathogen? On the one hand, we hear that 80% of patients experience a mild form of the illness, which can include a fever and pneumonia, and many of these cases require little to no medical intervention.
On the other, we hear that 200,000 to 2 million may die in the US alone. Which is it? Are we really so afraid of this pathogen that we’ve shut down the world? Are we so afraid of contracting this infection that we’re anticipating—
even looking forward to—the development of a vaccine that will be deemed a covered countermeasure and have no liability, even if it injures or kills many and protects no one?
Look at this chart closely (
click to enlarge). This graphic, from 2016, distributes the number of deaths by health risk factors throughout the entire world. It shows what people die from WITHOUT an infection by a rogue virus.
Dr. Larry Palevsky February Presentation to CT Assembly on the Nightmare in Connecticut, film + transcript, Anne Dachel, Age of Autism House AST, 19 Feb 2020
Larry Palevsky, MD answered questions for 28 minutes. He described the appalling lack of studies when it comes to vaccine safety, especially involving the use of aluminum in vaccines and its damaging impact on the brain.
Russian book covering many studies about how dangerous and unsafe vaccines are.
To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? or Well, think about it, an injection! Vaccination Myths, Amantonio, Publishing House AST, 2020
“CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry,” Children’s Health Defense, Sep 2019
“Swine-flu vaccine side-effects so bad ‘that children were like schizophrenics’,” Ralph Riegel, Independent.ie, 3 Sep 2018
Full Transcript: Sacramento: CA SB 276 & SB 714 Signed Into Law by Gov. Newsom, Children’s Health Defense, 9 Sep 2019
CHD Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., delivers an electrifying speech to advocates at a Sacramento, CA press conference about the passing into law of SB276 & SB714—and asks, “Where are the legal and rational boundaries now that the government can force a medical procedure on children?” He also told the crowd, “Don’t despair. CHD has a plan, we have a strategy and we are going to sue them!” “Every time there is a loss, we get stronger.” “We are going to win.”
Film: RFK. Jr.’s Mic Dropping Speech Inspires Hope Vis-á-Vis The Rise of the Medical Police State (22:03)
Is There A Basis To Believe That Vaccines Contain Blood?
12-page Open Letter from Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, ABIHM, Apr 2019
“The Only Vaccine Guide a New Parent Will Ever Need,” J.B. Handley, Circle of Docs, 2016
“Vaccine Peer Review, The History Of The Global Vaccination Program In 1000 Peer Reviewed Reports And Studies, 1915-2015,” A Jeff Prager Publication, 2016
“The truth behind the vaccine cover-up,” Russell L. Blaylock MD, Medical Veritas, 5 (2008) 1714-1726
THE POISONED NEEDLE - Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (PDF), by Eleanor McBean, Health Research, 1956/1993
We were talking—about the space
between us all
And the people—who hide themselves
behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth—then it’s far
too late when they pass away.
We were talking—about the love we all
could share—when we find it
To try our best to hold it there—with
our love
With our love—we could save the world
—if they only knew.
Try to realise it’s all within yourself
no-one else can make you change
And to see you’re really only very small,
and life flows on within you and without
We were talking—about the love that’s
gone so cold and the people,
Who gain the world and lose their soul—
they don’t know—they can’t see—are
you one of them?
When you’ve seen beyond yourself—
then you may find, peace of mind is
waiting there—
And the time will come when you see
we’re all one, and life flows on within
you and without you.
George Harrison