As Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati has observed, “The framers of the U.S. Constitution had it right when they talked about inalienable rights, meaning the rights that were given to you by your Creator, even if you believe your creator is just your mother.” Our inalienable rights are being threatened to the point of no return. The antidote to this are the lawsuits in process, challenging official claims Covid-19 justifies locking down global society. This compilation summarizes and references well-conceived legal cases being pursued through judicial proceedings to force government disclosure that answer fundamental, critical questions, a very few of which are:
In 1803 Marbury v. Madison established that in the United States the court is a coequal branch of government and its role is to determine the Constitutionality of governmental actions. The following groups are employing the power of judicial oversight of government decrees to pry loose the data so far not made public which has introduced unprecedented policies with devastating consequences far beyond the actual mortality rate of people dying from Covid, not with Covid. As stated in the Amended Oct 2020 Ohio Complaint regarding Facts:
The fact pattern for this case is extremely complex. A number of sections below discuss errors or the debunking of what is intentionally misleading information put forth by the State or CDC. It is indisputable that COVID-19 is roughly as dangerous as the seasonal flu (see below), less dangerous than many other infectious diseases that we have not taken such drastic steps to stop, and also that the reaction to COVID-19 is the definition of arbitrary and capricious. The continuation of this overreaction has only occurred due to the reality that the facts are complex enough that few have realized how badly they have been misled. Here we attempt to simplify the facts into a digestible narrative.
This Corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a Corona scandal, and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil law damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas.—Dr Reiner Fuellmich, 3 Oct 2020We should be talking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen? How and why? And we must try to get answers to those so that this will never happen again.—Prof Sucharit Bhakdi, Nov 2020Sooner or later something like this was going to happen—we didn’t pay attention to the signs. We’d better be paying attention now because they’re never going to let us go unless we do something about it. That’s why we’re filing lawsuits, lots of them and filing a lot more of them because if we don’t ... use the courts to free ourselves we will never be a free people again. We’re filing a federal lawsuit as well and we’re going to keep doing this state-by-state until we set everybody free. And then we’ve got to work really, really hard to make sure this never happens again by being very diligent citizens.—Dr Pamela Popper, 21 Dec 2020I think our only hope is the courts. The courts have done a really good job—mostly—we have taken beatings in the court too. But there are judges out there and it appears that the Supreme Court judges who—most of whom I don’t like much but they understand that we’re on the same team when it comes to recognizing that this is the onset of a really ugly dark totalitarianism and they have indicated they may be willing to stand up to that.—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., 5 Jan 2021
↑ Overview
The Corona Committee was established in July 2020 by Attorneys at Law Dr Reiner Fuellmich (agEt) Viviane Fischer, Dr Justus P. Hoffmann (agEt), and Antonia Fischer (agEt). Initially in English as the German Corona Investigative Committee, its present-day internet presence is in German: Corona Ausschuss (Corona Committee (agEt)). The Corona Committee seeks answers to the legal questions of whether the anti-Corona measures taken by the German federal and state governments against a possible overloading of the healthcare system (“flattening the curve”) and to prevent SARS-CoV2 deaths were suitable, necessary and proportionate – in accordance with the constitutional standard of review – or whether the collateral damage that occurred was culpably caused.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been admitted to the bar in Germany and California for more than 25 years. Born and raised in Bremen, he attended school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan and studied law at Georg-August University in Göttingen and Los Angeles. Along the way he was a research assistant at the law faculty of Georg-August-U and received his doctorate there. Prior to founding his law firm in 1993, he worked in corporate banking for Deutsche Bank in Germany and Japan. Dr. Fuellmich has published various articles and books in the fields of banking law, medical law and private international law, has taught as a professor and lecturer at universities in Germany and Estonia, and is a member of the German American Lawyers Association, German Japanese Lawyers Association, German Lawyers Association, and Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende (Citizens’ movement financial turnaround e.V.). Additionally, Dr. Fuellmich is the founding chairman of the Corona Committee Foundation, and founding member of the interest group A-DuR (Aktion Demokratie und Recht/Action Democracy and Law) for the introduction of, among other things, genuine class actions in the sense of class action and a sanction-protected right of proof in the sense of discovery into civil procedural law for the purpose of creating equality of arms in legal disputes with structural imbalance due to the involvement of state bodies or corporations.
In September 2020 the Corona Committee published the 28-page paper, Stiftung Corona-AusschussBericht (kurz) SARS-CoV2 und die Lockdown-Folgen. A rough English translation produces: Corona Foundation Committee Report (short), SARS-CoV2 and the Lockdown Consequences.
↑ Crimes Against Humanity
On 3 October 2020 Dr Fuellmich published a statement on Crimes Against Humanity, presenting what the Corona Committee had established to that point from its investigations. The complement to the 49-minute film is a complete annotated transcript including the following outline:
Near the beginning he sets the framework:
Crimes against Humanity were first defined in connection with the Nuremberg Trials, after World War II that is, when they dealt with the main war criminals of the Third Reich. Crimes against Humanity are today regulated in section 7 of the International Criminal Code.
The three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the Corona scandal are:
- Is there a Corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic? specifically: Does a positive PCR test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid 19 infection?
- Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations serve to protect the world’s population from Corona? Or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe—without asking any questions—that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?
- Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied—more so than any other country—by the chief protagonists of this so-called Corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at Charité hospital in Berlin, Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI, and Mr. Tedros, head of the World Health Organization, or WHO, because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for it’s strict, and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?
↑ Independent, Transparent, Evidence-Based Analysis
Beginning July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions with worldwide experts and witnesses on a variety of questions about the virus, crisis management, and repercussions. The purpose is to investigate why federal and state governments imposed unprecedented restrictions as part of the corona measures and what the consequences were and are for people. Committed to independent, transparent and evidence-based analysis, these meetings are published on the Corona Committee website. There have been
74 Sessions and 3 Special Sessions (agEt) totaling more than 382 hours of hearings. A chronological Index of Sessions (titles crudely translated) and links to same are listed below. Special Sessions are listed at the end.
14 July 2021: One year ago today the first Session was conducted featuring Dr Wolfgang Wodarg. Dr Wodarg’s involvement in 2009 as a member of the German Bundestag and a member of the Council of Europe was critical in revealing the false claim of what was then being called a Swine Flu Pandemic and bringing it to an end before it could lead to more serious consequences.
The following Index list links to each Session. Links in bold contain at least one English speaker (with audio-only file linked via the time-stamp) or English subtitles; English overdub.
↑ Covid-19 False Claims
The dominant narrative of what occurred in 2019-into-2020 is based on a series of false claims laid out in a cogent 15 December 2020 analysis by Dr Fuellmich: Cease & Desist Order to Prof. Dr Christian Drosten, Creator of SARS-CoV-2 PCR test. It was Professor Drosten who invented a prototype Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to purportedly detect live-and-infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus which became the model for the worldwide PCR test. The five lockdown fallacies detailed in this Order are:This Cease and Desist Order lays the ground for initiating legal accountability and recourse. As Reiner Fuellmich said on 12 Dec 2020, “Tomorrow we’re meeting with a large group of lawyers and we’re going to decide who’s going to do what. Some of us are going to go to administrative law courts, some of us are going to work with the tort law cases – which is my specialty – and others are going to do criminal law.”
↑ Orwellian Censorship Writ Large
A fundamental challenge in all this is overcoming the profoundly Orwellian censorship through media collusion with the pharmaceutical and information technology industries. When Fuellmich was asked on 21 Dec, “what about media? Do you get a lot of media attention in Germany?” he responded:
No, no. We have the same problem all over the world. The same people who invested their money in the pharmaceutical and tech industry invested much, much, much money into the mainstream media to get them under control because they needed them to push this pandemic, to push the panic that they needed for the people not to ask any questions, but to simply go ahead and do as they’re told, So we’re not getting any coverage. And if we do, it’s always negative. We’re always Nazis, antisemites, tinfoil, hats, all that stuff that is probably the same thing all over the world. However, when I rode up—I just got back from court—when I took a taxi cab from a train station to my law firm, the taxi driver—actually the taxi drivers are really smart. They seem to understand everything that all these scientists don’t seem to understand. And he said, You know, whenever, we read something about you or someone else who is depicted as a right-wing conspiracy theorist, we realize there’s something wrong. Because if you really were, they didn’t have to take so much that they would let—they would hear you. They would give you a chance to explain your side of the story. And since they don’t, we realize there’s something wrong. So this is not quite working the way that they’re hoping it would work.
The Corona Committee meeting live broadcast on 22 Jan 2021 illustrates an aspect of the work engaged. In Sitzung/Session 36. Ist es win Teufelszeug? mRNA - Technologie im Schafspelz/Is it devil stuff? mRNA in sheep’s clothing, discussion begins with Professor Dolores Cahill at 7:05 speaking to adverse reactions to the vaccine. At 3:40:09 Reiner Fuellmich introduces Tamir Turgal, a lawyer specializing in medical law who also works in high tech, who has come to Berlin from his home in Israel: “We’re going to have a professor of economics who is going to explain to us how the economy, worldwide, is heading toward a gigantic crash. We’ve been talking about some legal issues. You’ve understood the medical issues of Dolores Cahill, what she talked about. This is about how we are lacking moral competence and that is the basic problem why so many people are getting fooled. Because they haven’t learned over the last 20 or 30 years, they haven’t learned to use their brains to think about things and to discuss matters.”...
At 3:42:42 Tamir Turgal speaks to an underlying dynamic of this crisis:
When you instill fear and after fear becomes also hatred in people’s minds, then we as humans, the way I see and the way we see the whole past year, is changing the way that people can think critically and analyze the situation. Unfortunately, it seems that history is repeating itself, time and again, and we can see lack of education but also using very vicious tactics to pull people wherever the regime, or the so-called governments, wants to take them. You spoke about the mainstream media. I’m not sure there is a media anymore, mainstream media. I think the real media is what we are doing here, it’s the open media....
At 3:45:36:
And I would say it is symbolic that I am here in Germany getting help of people like you guys, and all over the world, that are giving different information and having a different conversation, when in Israel, which is supposed to be I think the leader—because of our history, of freedom of speech and critical thinking—it became, I feel, and I represent many people in Israel right now, that feels that the country, in terms of consciousness, has been hijacked. And that people are being fooled and maneuvered to believe that they are leading the world, people are so happy with the vaccination. They’re almost there, getting out of this Corona thing. It’s just around the corner. And this is the lie that they are perpetuating to them and many people are buying it.
Instead of being what we are calling the fourth pillar of democracy—critical channels for information that ask the right questions, bring different opinions to the table—we see what I call the propaganda. Because we see—and definitely in Israel because I can speak about Israel more than any other place in the world because I’m connected to what’s going on over there—obviously, there is an agenda and that agenda is being pushed over the population and unfortunately with a lot of success in the state of Israel.[See The uncovering of the vaccination data in Israel reveals a frightening picture, by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ, Nakim discussion forum, 15 Feb 2021 (updated 5 Mar); reported in reprint from Health Impact News on Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”, Lew]It’s very sad that this has happened in this country when they don’t know that many other countries are looking at Israel and saying, What? How come in France, 60 million people, almost nobody is rushing for vaccination. Same goes in Germany. Same goes in other countries.... I have a lot of optimism that what’s going on in Europe—in the States its a big question mark—but in Europe will be the first to be the game changer for where we’re heading forward and I believe it’s not getting our life back. We should go to a much better place than where we were before. Because where we were before, that was the ground to where we are now.
As inconceivable as this would have been to consider a year ago, the following is indicative of what we are dealing with today in terms of the expanding totalitarian consequences of corporate state media collusion. On 17 February, Thomas Renz, the lead attorney for the lawsuits being mounted by Make Americans Free Again, testified before the Ohio House State and Local Government Committee in support of House Bill 90, which would establish legislative oversight over the Governor’s health orders. The next day, YouTube, which is owned by Google, which is owned by Alphabet, censored Mr. Renz’s testimony by removing it from their platform and attempting to justify their actions by writing, “Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy.” The operative phrase here is “we think”. On whose behalf are the owners of the Alphabet-Google-Youtube media cartel speaking and acting for? (The film is available here.)
Such corporate state censorship is heretofore unprecedented. Think of it: that testimony before the Legislative Branch of a State Government—a process of democratic governance conducted in public in the hallowed halls of this Constitutional Republic—is quashed by private power. It is unspeakable, unacceptable, and intolerable that such autocratic power is by the day destroying Constitutional freedoms of speech, of thought, of communication, of governance of, by, and for the people. Did the women and men who fought and died in World War II to preserve this union die in vain? More than 40 years ago in Four Arguments For The ELIMINATION Of Television (1977), Jerry Mander laid out Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy. Tragically evermore relevant today, study this brief list. Consider the summaries of the eight conditions. How far has our society advanced down the road of autocratic rule?↑ Additional Background
↑ Critical Analysis
↑ Recent Developments / Recordings
Against this background, which increasingly more people are recognizing, very large legal disputes have been set in motion, or are now being set in motion, in India, in South Africa, in the US, in Canada and in France, among others. Their goal is to hold those who are responsible for this plandemic accountable under both civil and criminal law. This also includes that the assets that have been taken away from the world’s population by Mr. Global and the global corporations and NGOs controlled by him (not only since Covid, but already for decades), are returned. In those cases, where there are no clear criminal actions, but where instead contracts are the basis for damages, these should all be void. In particular, Anglo-American law, with its powerful tools of class actions, pre trial discovery and, of course, punitive damages in the event that willful intentional infliction of damage can be shown provides the tools for very effective justice.
In Portugal, Austria and in Germany, excellently written court decisions have stated that the completely unsuitable Drosten PCR test cannot be a basis for any Covid measures. The Berlin Corona Committee already now has extremely incriminating evidence proving that this Corona plandemic never had anything to do with health. Rather, Mr. Global’s actions are aimed solely at these goals:
We are dealing – this must be stressed once again – with megalomaniac psychopaths and sociopaths, which must be stopped and, in fact, should have been stopped a very long time ago. But now the time has come, more and more people worldwide are waking up and realizing who is pursuing which goals with this Plandemic. Even if the mainstream media is hiding it: Hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets all over the world, including in London, England, Berlin, Germany, but also in Australia, Brazil, etc. More and more politicians and lawyers, medical doctors as well as public service employees, even police officers refuse to participate in these Crimes Against Humanity.
But in addition to our legal efforts, and our efforts to disclose the facts and bring everything out into the open, there is a third level, namely the spiritual or religious or cosmic – call it what you will – level. And this level, we deem, is crucial. We can see this in a story a German doctor told us very recently at the Corona Committee. He wanted to draw money at an ATM and went into the lobby of a bank. There stood an elderly woman wearing a mask, who fearfully backed away from him because he was not wearing a mask. She said he had to wear a mask because otherwise she was afraid of infecting herself and then her husband. The doctor told her, No, she shouldn’t be afraid. And then he went up to her, took off her mask and hugged her. The woman began to cry and said that no one had held her for more than a year.
That’s what this is all about: humanity versus inhumanity. We are human. We can laugh, cry, sing, dance and hug. The other side, Mr. Global and his puppets, can’t do that. They can only fake feelings and have no empathy at all. This is because the other side has no access to the spiritual side.
The US Constitution starts with the words, We, The People. And when the wall between East and West Berlin came crashing down 33 years ago it was the East German people chanting “We Are The People” that brought it down. Mr. Global’s house of cards will come crashing down the very same way. Without any doubt in my mind, Mr. Global and his puppets will lose this war of good against evil. They will lose their insane war against life and creation itself. There is no other way.
↑ Magistrate de Araujo-Recchia: Lawyer at the Court of Paris
Magistrate (Me) Virginie de Araujo-Recchia is an attorney at the Paris Bar Association [agEt] . After obtaining a master’s degree in European and international law, then a post master’s degree in international commercial law at the University of Paris Descartes, she joined Clifford Chance an international law firm, then Ernst & Young and the Law Firm Pierre Boudriot, specializing in tax and intellectual property law. In 2014, she founded her own practice.
As explained in Documents to Download—20 Sep 2021 Legal Arguments Against the Injection of Experimental Genetic Substance Under Duress, “In close collaboration between physicians, lawyers and scientists, we are providing legal information for download below to assist in the defense of all caregivers against the forced injection of experimental gene substances.”
Me de Araujo-Recchia is engaged with physicians, lawyers and scientists to provide legal information informing people defending our inalienable human rights, freedom of choice, freedom of self-determination, and freedom of thought.
Additional background:
Interview | Me Virginie de Araujo-Recchia : lawyer at the Paris Bar, France Soir, 17 Feb 2021
Listing of Professional experience:
↑ Account of Legal Actions, July 2021
From Magistrate de Araujo-Recchia’s notes speaking at Session 61, Corona Committee:Interim summons against the health emergency and lockdownsOn March 8, 2021, I filed an interim summons before the president of the Paris judicial court against the health emergency law. This complaint was filed at the request of three associations and 1360 individuals against the State, Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Veran.
This Civil suit is currently pending before the Paris Court of Appeal:
- We denounce the lockdowns and curfew measures : unnecessary, disproportionate, harmful...a disaster for the psychological and physical health of the population, our culture and for our economy. It is also a scientific nonsense, more than twenty-five studies demonstrate it.
We have filed a Priority preliminary ruling on constitutionality so that the Civil Supreme Court can take up the matter and transmit this question to the Constitutional Council since the lockdowns are unconstitutional. A mandatory stay at home measure for an entire population is arbitrary detention.
- We denounce the RT-PCR tests that are not reliable and only a tool to justify the measures restricting our freedoms,
- We denounce the lack of organized care when treatments are available since the beginning,
- We denounce the organization of euthanasia for the elders.
To summarize, we denounce all the inconsistencies and the maintenance of the state of health emergency when the criteria are not met.
In May 2021, I joined a European TASK force of European attorneys and citizens against the European DIGITAL certificate and we obtained, certain modifications of the European regulation but this measure is now adopted.
Legal actions before the General Court of the European Union
Since June 17th, 2021, I also represent 232 French healthcare workers, who wished to intervene in the legal actions initiated before the General Court of the European Union by the Italian Attorney Renate Holzeisen to defend the rights of health workers in northern Italy and Austria.
I managed to gather all these health professionals in a short period of time thanks to United Health Professionals, Reinfocovid[agEt], Children Health Defense Europe, the Independent Scientist Council and the National League for Freedom of Vaccination.
Renate Holzeisen is challenging the licenses granted by the European Commission in its December 21, 2020 Implementing Decision for the use of the Covid so called « vaccines » in the European Union.
These actions symbolize a pan-European resistance against genetic engineering.
. . .There is now a complaint filed by an association CSAPE [Collective of European Trade Unions and Professional Associations] before the International Criminal Court [Eng auto-translate] against our leaders, with a request for the initiation of an investigation for crimes against humanity, outrages upon human dignity, servitude and genocide, under the number OTP-CR-271/21 [Referral to the International Criminal Court under Articles 13.c and 15 of the Rome Statute Crime against humanity, violation of human dignity, enslavement, genocide and all other acts.]
The International Citizen’s Commission of Inquiry on the Covid-19 policy, was created on July 3rd under the aegis of the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance.
As you know, this Commission will create an independent platform to gather our force and prepare or complete the files with you and all our allies.
A new French television channel called La Une TV (Richard Boutry) is about to be born and will gather many resistants. It will allow us to inform without suffering the constant censorship of the main platforms and to propose an alternative to the propagandist media mainstream. - Finally, I am part of Police for Freedom, an international collective of police officers that are acting on the ground to inform their colleagues about what is happening since several months now.
They dutifully follow our legal work and are working hard. We have to join hands to help each other.
↑ Call of 17 September 2021: Let us besiege them (with Love)! [agEt, FR]
Me Virginie de Araujo-Recchia, lawyer
Dr Louis Fouché, resuscitator-anesthetist
Jean-Dominique Michel, anthropologist and public health expert
Our authorities continue to impose on us more and more brutal and above all useless measures.
They have now imposed a “health pass” that discriminates and segregates individuals according to their submission to an experimental gene injection whose real risks are not known and which the vast majority of the population has no need to protect themselves or others.
The best immunity (by far) to any viral infection is natural immunity, which protects for decades. As far as Sars-CoV-2 is concerned, against all science, it is not recognized as valid beyond a few months.
This proves if needed that our governments are serving private economic interests and not the health and safety of the population.
Prof. Martin Kulldorff, professor of epidemiology at Harvard University Medical School (ranked first in the world) has just said that “the latest health data have destroyed all arguments in favor of a health pass.” Imposed despite everything in France on the basis of a (new) fraudulent study.
He and his best colleagues (such as Prof. Ioannidis and Prof. Battacharya of Stanford, Prof. Gupta and Prof. Pollard of Oxford and tens of thousands of others) also point out that collective immunity through vaccination is now a mirage and that the sanitary policy implemented in our countries is a real “public health fiasco”, contrary to everything we know we have to do to properly manage an epidemic.
However, our authorities have not listened to the best scientists for 18 months. They rely on small groups of experts paid by the pharmaceutical industry and lobbies, consulting firms and circles of influence that have nothing to do with democracy. And impose arbitrary measures on us, destroying the economic, cultural and social vitality and wealth of our societies and ultimately people’s lives.
This crisis has long since ceased to be a health crisis.
. . .A rape of bodies and consciences
. . .Digital protests, each behind his screen, are no longer enough. Saturday demonstrations are no longer enough. The sick people who govern us are only sensitive to power relations. As they have the power of weapons and brutality on their side, the only powers we can oppose them (the ones they really fear the most) are those of our presence and our conscience. We must occupy the country. Occupy the area around the places where they make their sinister plans and implement their destructive policies.
That is why:We call on all people of integrity and good will to peacefully besiege the places of power. By making human chains, sit-ins, pickets of conscience or by simple peaceful and festive gatherings.
Let’s gather en masse in front of hospitals, ministries, prefectures, media and television channels, private or state, universities, high schools, administrations, all these places that actively participate in this ignominy.
Let’s do it without violence and with Love, the term love being understood not as a mawkishness but as an implacable posture, a look plunged in the depths of the eyes of the other and which puts him naked to ask him:
“What are you doing? Why are you violating honesty and good faith? How can you show so little empathy towards your fellow human beings?
“Why do you torture the population and especially its most vulnerable members such as the elderly and children? Why impose brutal, violent, risky measures that are contrary to all good public health practices? Why act in the service of the death instinct rather than cherish the life and beauty that surrounds us? What have you done with your duties and responsibilities to the public? To what or to whom have you sold your soul?“
May this gaze that we will cast upon them, day and night, in good weather, rain or shine, without hatred, without insult, without violence, but with the implacable lucidity of our humanity and our conscience, make them recoil and haunt them!
And yes, since what this denatured caste and elite fears more than anything else are love, freedom, feelings, solidarity, closeness, contact, touch, music, poetry, dance, spirituality, joy, innocence and living together, in short, the “WE”, let us stand up to them, unwavering, disarmed, having as our only power that of our gaze upon them and the irreducible strength of our freedom - and of our love of life.
↑ Lawsuits & Legal Documents
Auto-gen English titles of French PDF or Word court documents
from September 2021 and prior:
↑ Critical Analysis
Editor’s note: The Interview with Dr Ariane Bilheran links to a PDF translation. A colleague began working on a more accurate translation of the first three pages at which point acknowledging being on the horns of a dilemma in terms of translating French philosophy—in content, concept, grammar and syntax—into English. Given Dr Bilheran’s (speaking) prose and conceptualizations are highly abstract, in some regards this is more than a “translation” problem. Doing justice to the transcription would require a full-on epistemological and linguistic rendering. Notwithstanding such challenges, the three pages produced are included below as a complement to the PDF issue.
One wonders if this “war” against the virus, announced by President Macron, has not become, through collapse, a psychological war against the people. Marion Bonny, a former military doctor trained in infectious diseases and in dealing with health disasters, has even filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court for economic, social and cultural genocide ... You specialize in the analysis of the art of manipulation and the pathologies of power. Can you tell us about your background and how your studies allow you to decipher this news?
Ariane Bilheran: I have always been immersed in environments of abuse of power which have led me since my adolescence to think about the abuses of power, first, through moral and political philosophy (Hannah Arendt and Hegel in particular; then, at the Sorbonne, a Master’s degree in moral and political philosophy on the disease of civilization according to Nietzsche) and afterward, in psychology (harassment, manipulation, perversion, paranoia). For about ten years, I audited cases of harassment complaints in companies of different sizes, cultures, countries and sectors. This allowed me to observe collectives when they become disconnected from reality and give way to paradoxical and sadistic discourses. I am particularly interested in deciphering the mechanism of “delirious contagion” among individuals and within collectives, a mechanism that explains across history the adhesion of peoples to totalitarianism and to different crimes against humanity. Moreover, my studies at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris, in Classics, gave me the basis for analyzing sophistry in speeches, meaning the presence of “false reasoning”, when that reasoning appears true but is not.
This corruption of reasoning is rooted in a loss of meaning in language. A current day example is qualifying as “non-essential” what is not actually “useful” from the point of view of capitalist production. “Useful” refers to a tool in the service of technical and/or economic production. This has nothing to do with the essential, which speaks to our essence as human beings. Art and culture in this sense are absolutely essential for our humanity. It is clear that the choice of words perverts, or not, the reasoning that uses them, and leads to a new, more abusive relationship with the world. I have also been interested for a long time in neologisms, that is to say in these “new words” which are often a marker of individual and collective madness, as Lacan has indicated; “conspiracy theory” is among them.
You were revealed to the general public with an interview conducted for the film Hold-Up. What is your general feeling about what we are going through today?
AB: I had already been interviewed in NEXUS in 2016, where I described exactly, without being prescient, the slippery slope on which we were engaged. I said this:Paranoia carries within it a project of death and for that it uses terror, the totalitarianism of the unitary thought, of human interchangeability and absolute control. The dominant word is propaganda in which the victims of terror are designated as guilty and those who resist submission are traitors. Paranoia desires to create a “new man,” denying roots, origins, traditions, history, and all forms of otherness. Under its influence people divide themselves into “friends” and “enemies,” paving the way for fratricidal wars, which is feeding the expansion of paranoid power (“divide and conquer”). The people, victims of this pathological power, are presenting more and more symptoms of this suffering: loss of orientation, psychic confusion, feelings of powerlessness and stupefaction. They do not understand what is happening to them because they are caught up in mass manipulation and paranoid sophistry.
Doesn’t that seem to you to describe the current situation?
AB: Already, in 2010, one of my books, “Tous des harcelés?” (Armand Colin) spoke of “creeping totalitarianism”. Today we are experiencing a totalitarianism that is unabashed, trivialized, and even sought and desired by many, as if totalitarianism were a justifiable and acceptable way of exercising power. So, we must pose the question: what justifies and authorizes for humanity, its submission to a totalitarian regime that probably extends across the globe (referring, notably, to the Great Reset project)? The answer is simple: NOTHING!
You are referring to the mode of governance of the crisis that some call “techno-sanitary dictatorship ”?
AB: Some speak of a “health dictatorship”, but the term is absolutely false. Dictatorship has a time limit (6 months maximum in Ancient Rome), whereas what we are experiencing seems to be a “political paradigm shift”, unanticipated by the majority of the population. The change is as violent as it is meticoulously and cynically prepared by a small, unscrupulous global plutocracy.
A plutocracy?
AB: Plutocracy is a term in political philosophy that refers to a system of governance where power belongs to the rich (Ploutos was the Greek god of wealth). Curiously, we have abandoned analysis from the perspective of class struggle just when we reached an imbalance, never attained before at in history, between those; the tiniest minority, who have confiscated wealth, and the poor. The totalitarian regime differs from dictatorships and tyrannies in that it aims at “total domination,” i.e., it intrudes into the totality of social, private, and intimate spheres, down to the psyche of individuals, and has as its “ideological agenda” “planetary domination.” I’m just drawing on Hannah Arendt’s analysis. So obviously, those who dropped their blinders, understand well the program at work in the “Great Reset,” long known to those researchers of the backstage of power, namely, the total suppression of human freedoms, the unrestricted advent of transhumanism and market capitalism, all underpinned by eugenicist and segregationist ideologies and a confiscation of natural resources in the hands of private interests. The “new world order” has for ambition of “planetary domination,” for which the surveillance of all social, private and intimate spheres of the individual is a prerequisite.
What exactly is the crisis we are going through? And besides; is it a crisis?
AB: A crisis, in ancient Greece, is a moment when one discovers what was hidden. In an article I wrote on August 31, 2020, I spoke of a “totalitarian onslaught”, and I am pleased to see that many people are now using my expression to describe the present situation. It is a totalitarian tide. The people who think I am exaggerating are of the same sort who call the infanticide of a 9-month-old baby “abortion” (cf. the bioethics bill). They are accomplices of the “banality of evil”, to use an expression that Hannah Arendt used about the high Nazi official Eichmann.
The totalitarian upsurge represents “the moment of the negative” in history, as the philosopher Hegel called it. It is the moment when a civilization collapses. The collapse is primarily moral, as the Stoics said. According to them, the corruption of language was only the manifestation of moral corruption, and it was through the corruption of morals that the Roman Empire collapsed. Well, I think we are on the verge of the collapse of our civilization. Should it be precipitated? I don’t think so. Will it be short-lived? I don’t think so either. The Roman Empire took several centuries to collapse, and the morals of current rulers have nothing to envy to those of Nero.
What do you mean by that?
AB: In moral collapse, the four pillars that sustain the house of a civilization are no longer operative: prohibition of murder, prohibition of incest, generational difference and gender difference. These four pillars must also be understood in their complexity and all that derives from them: the prohibition of murder is also the prohibition of social murder (slander, libel, ostracism, etc.); the prohibition of incest is also the more general prohibition of sexualizing children and appropriating them sexually; the difference between generations is the inscription of a temporality before/after, which prevents the denial of origins that totalitarianism claims (it is self-engendered and ‘after the flood’, i.e. the responsibility of being articulated in the past/present/future time of a civilisation is not inscribed); the difference between the sexes is the primordial castration, and the learning of otherness: the other is other, because he is profoundly and structurally different from me, and it is this path towards the other that I must unfold in myself, because, by his difference, he is also my missing and complementary part. It is important to understand that without these four structuring pillars of the psyche, regression to delirium and acting out (murder, incest, transgressions of all kinds) is certain. And I think that our civilization is ripe for this level of collapse.
Regarding the unprecendented censorship being carried out in global lockstep by corporate empire state media, the term “GAFAM” on page 8 corresponds to the big 5: Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft.
For the past twenty months we have been facing a global crisis and French citizens have been subjected to a continuous flux of information.
During this period, is information about medical and scientific facts presented in a fair, transparent manner to French citizens?
Does the information comply with the ethical rules applicable to the media and does the information provided correspond to the expectations of public opinion and the rights of citizens?
In this period of so-called "health" crisis, the government has used unprecedented measures to encourage French citizens to be "vaccinated". Some consider these measures as coercive.
However, rather than playing the role of the Fourth Estate by questioning the measures, the mainstream media have aligned themselves with the information provided by the government.
Among the consequences of this alignment, we note, for example, that 25 million French citizens have been encouraged to have a biological drug injected into a clinical trial (in accordance with its qualification under E.U. law) between 12 July and 30 September 2021.
This strong incentive was based on fragmented, biased and unfair information. Moreover, the absence of contradictory information or the role of censor played by certain media and GAFAM now raises the question of collusion and concentration.
Some speakers with conflits of interest have been chosen by the editors, the programme directors of the mainstream media afin to spread fear and disseminate false information on public health, without any contradictory expert having been invited afin to respect the adversarial principle. Moreover, it is easy to see that the speakers chosen to appear on the platforms or be interviewed have been the same since the beginning of the crisis.
These are only speakers supporting government policy, with world-renowned experts definitively censored.
Only the alternative media, without any links of interest, have been able to provide fair, unbiased information by ensuring the application of the adversarial principle. These alternative media have been labelled by the mainstream media and GAFAM as "conspiracy theorists" and censored for exercising their duty to inform by offering a critical and substantiated point of view on the decisions of the government and the mainstream media in matters of information and health, by calling on independent experts.
↑ Overview
Elders Without Borders is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the wisdom and teachings of our Indigenous Elders and Ancestors. Our Sacred Circle works diligently to support those Standing Tall in their rights and freedoms by using the power of the legal system to hold space and give a voice to that Truth. Through the guidance of prophecies, Elders Without Borders is committed to building and joining communities, in Canada and afar, in preparation for the future that is upon us. Grandfather William Commanda saw the power of the legal system to hold space for those rights and to give a voice to that Truth in the hope that change would emerge. Following that path, our Sacred Circle includes a strong team of specialized lawyers who are working tirelessly to assist us all, as we navigate through a seemingly unlawful system.
So how do we as a SOCIETY take a STAND? buy time to explore options? choose to live outside a system that is being imposed on us? seek fundamental truths about the system and its violation of rights and freedoms? seek redress? come together despite a system that wants to keep us apart?
The reality is that the protocol that underpins the COVID-19 measures is unlawful. Our legal team is working diligently with experts and consultants to unravel the complicated web that underscores the protocol’s implementation and the subsequent and ongoing COVID-19 prevention measures. Concerned citizens like Adam Skelly are being forced to make a CHOICE and STAND TALL in their truth, and YOU TOO can come together in SUPPORT and SOLIDARITY. Until the protocol is questioned before a court and it intervenes, the reality is that the protocol remains in place and CONTINUES TO ROLLOUT... So, where does that leave us? It leaves us working/living within an unlawful system that supports and encourages segregation, exclusion and group shaming (whether you are shamed for wearing a mask or not wearing a mask) to advance its position and agenda. Undoubtedly an unsettling thought.
BUT ALL IS NOT LOST!!! We can work PEACEFULLY within this system and STAND TALL confident in our choices while encouraging our JUDICIARY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, BY-LAW OFFICIALS, MPs, MPPs, and many others that are faced with having to carry out the work of an illegal system, to TAKE A STAND along with us and allow us time....allow us lenience...allow us understanding...these people are just like us and have big questions. Ultimately we all want answers.
THIS IS OUR VISION FOR PEACEFUL PROTEST... Bringing our rights into the light. live within an unlawful system is to understand that we are ALL LIVING WITHIN this system, and it is a function of itself. It is important to remember that it is designed to cause agitation, impatience, exhaustion, fear, misunderstanding, anxiety, confusion, and many other psychological effects from the prolonged implementation of measures that suspend, silence and violate our basic fundamental rights. Once the choice is made to step outside of the unlawful system and declare our rights and freedoms, there also comes the responsibility to hold that space peacefully and with integrity, as it evolves into a function of itself... lawfully and respectfully that can be recognized by others to navigate within their truth.
Secondly....change takes time through persistence, commitment and collective effort and understanding. STAND TALL. Don’t sit down. Keep the MOMENTUM going. SUPPORT each other....even those who have different opinions....WE CAN ALL ASK QUESTIONS. Keep encouraging questions by everyone!
Finally, to make a CHOICE is to walk within your Truth, no matter what path you choose. To demand respect for your Choice is to give respect for others. NO ONE HAS THE ANSWERS... That is the reality of living within an unlawful system where censorship prevails...let questions be the driving force to connecting all of us in FINDING ANSWERS and walking in the TRUTH.
↑ Lawsuits
This Statement of Claim lawsuit initiated by attorneys MICHAEL SWINWOOD and LIZA SWALE seeks to redress harms caused by the government in its covid-19 protocols and measures, and “that the Covid-19 protocols require immediate examination before a fully transparent record of science and historical data” and “to suspend COVID-19 measures until the necessity of such measures is demonstrated by science and medical opinion.” It further claims that all the defendants allowed for the bringing in of COVID restrictions and shutdowns “without lawful authority and due process on behalf of the mind, body and health of the Canadian Public.”
It is filed in defence of First Nations people who were not given informed consent on a mandatory vaccination (or else remain in lockdown conditions), in defence of BUSINESS OWNERS, SPECIAL NEEDS folks, SINGLE PARENTS, and NEW MOTHERS who were forced to give birth alone in delivery rooms & then separated from their babies, and folks who have received FINES or TICKETS for violating protocols and who have been harmed by covid-19 protocols and regulation.
Of this legal proceeding, attorney Michael Swinwood has stated, “It’s a challenge to what is being put before humanity ... We’re saying straight up that there is no justification for the declaration of a pandemic ... I’d go so far as to say that what medical science says is that this is no worse than a seasonal flu.”
Notice of Constitutional Question: three questions on the constitutional validity (or applicability) of the Reopening Ontario Act
Full Interview with Adamson BBQ Owner, Adam Skelly, Bright Light News, 22, Dec 2020 (28:44)
Adam Skelly (Adamson BBQ) Press Conf: Constitutional Challenge Against Reopening Ontario Act, Bright Light News, 20 Feb 2021 (27:14
Adamson Barbecue: Civil Disobedience: Adam Skelly explains his pandemic view, Press Conference excerpts, Toronto Sun, 20 Feb 2021 (10:08 mp3)
↑ Critical Analysis
The peculiarity of this complaint is that it goes back to the history and the formation of Canada. Master Swinwood, specialist in indigenous issues, is well acquainted with the notions of genocides perpetrated against those he calls the “Redskins”. We therefore find side by side the Pope, Queen Elizabeth, Gavi, WHO, Bill Gates In his debriefing in English (update January 1: French subtitles are available), Michael Swinwood looks back on the history of Canada, and on the suspect basis in his eyes of the freedom-killing decisions of the confinement. For him, the Canadian government did not declare the pandemic but only waved the WHO declaration. It talks about the human rights to informed consent, health and bodily integrity. And also returns to vaccines and bioethics (Oviedo convention).
at 9:35:
If there is a question as to whether or not this is a true pandemic and if there’s a question as to whether or not the testing is valid and whether or not the vaccination is going to do what they say it’s going to do, Why is it that no one wants to speak about that publicly? They don’t want to speak about the idea of pandemic. The government of Canada, for instance, says in its Order and Council, “due to a pandemic declared by the WHO”. That’s their justification for lockdown and wiping out the middle class because that’s what the lockdown is doing.The lockdown is wiping out the middle class and wiping out the business. And then you’d have to say, Well wait a minute. If 98.08% of people recover from Covid and there are valid treatments for covid that are being suppressed and the media is being suppressed and censorship is abounding everywhere and the whole world is under this same regime, you have to ask yourself the question, Why? Why? And the answer is, Look at the WHO and look at the World Economic Forum, put together 5G along with Pandemic along with World Economic Forum and the Great Reset and you’ll see the whole agenda.
The agenda now is in front of humanity. That agenda is designed to cull the herd, bring down the population. And it is designed to make the elite be in a better position of control. The vaccinations are designed to alter the DNA and likely nanochip people so that surveillance can take place with the satellites that are placed over and around the Mother Earth.
All of this in insanity. It just is. And for people to sit back and go, Well, I’ll take the vaccination and then I’ll be able to fight the virus. I’ve actually heard people say that. I’m standing at the edge of the cliff and going, Don’t go over. Don’t go over the cliff. You’re being lied to. This is a hoax. But because this has been manipulated for a long time. This isn’t just overnight. This was all attempted with the Swine Flu. Everything was in place for this pandemic with the Swine Flu. But they had to have the doctors give the vaccination and the doctors put their needle down and went, No. We’re not doing this. And their plan failed. And they’re back.
In 2017, the WHO, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations, and a drug company that no longer exists, sterilized 500,000 women and girls in Kenya. 2017 [I, II, III]. Sterilization is an act of genocide. Those people are being asked to save the world. Oh my god. Oh my god.
at 19:52:
Essentially [in the complaint] there are claims of negligence, there are claims of malfeasance in office, and there are claims of breach of fiduciary duty. The government has a duty to act in good faith, etc. Quite frankly I doubt that the government even has put their mind to the idea that they have fulcrum—the fulcrum point where their declaration of protocol is the WHO. So it’s due to a pandemic declared by the WHO. So then what did the WHO use as its criteria for declaring pandemic? Does Canada know? I don’t think so. I don’t think they know. Therefore, there’s the flaw right from the beginning. Right from the beginning their information that they acted upon is second hand and not confirmed. And if it is confirmed I’m going to suggest to you that it’s 22:50:
There are many flaws on the chain of activities. That’s the difficulty. So the flaws that occur need to be looked at and they’re not looking at them, they’re not looking at the flaws. The WHO changed the definition of the pandemic. And you have to put the question mark, Why did you change the definition of pandemic? So let’s go there. Let’s go look at the reason why you would declare a pandemic. And then let’s look at the science. Let’s examine the idea of Covid-19 and let’s see the source. Is anybody spending time looking at the source? No. They’re not because all of this has gone by.Now let’s go over the testing. What is a PCR? This is what an expert said to me: Don’t use “PCR” and “test” in the same sentence. Because PCR is not a test. It’s a tool. And it’s polymerase chain reaction. So I take tissue and I amplify it. And they say if it’s set at 25 cycles it may be useful. But if it’s set at anything beyond 25 cycles it’s useless. And what cycle did they set it at? Forty-five. Why? Why did they come up with all these false positives? And why do we have a situation where doctors are being paid, if a person comes into the hospital with a heart attack, they mark them down as Covid-19 and we get paid some money. Or if you get hit by a car and you come into the hospital: Covid-19.
Why are we fudging the figures? Why do we need to do that? Why is the media saying that the hospitals are going to be overwhelmed when people are coming out of the hospitals and saying, that’s a lie, there’s nobody in here. We’re not overwhelmed. And everybody else is told be quiet. But it pops up—there’s somebody pops out of the United Kingdom or somebody pops out of the United States and they say, No, no, no, what they’re telling you is not true. These are lies. Why?
These are the important questions and if I’m going to ask the government, What did you base your decision on? They’re going to point to the WHO. That’s not going to be satisfactory. You can’t just point to the WHO and say, They said that. What scientific evidence are you relying on?
Let's also examine this. The head of the WHO was the head of the Security Forces in Ethiopia who, an American Nobel Peace Prize nominee accused of genocidal practices while he was head of the Security Forces in Ethiopia. And then in 2017, he was appointed Director of the WHO. That seems quite strange. Then in that same year they went into Kenya and the WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates and the drug company that no longer exists sterilized 500,000 people—women, girls.
at 28:59:
And this [mRNA experimental drug] is what we say is going to save humanity from something that they consider to be death-inducing? And 98.08% of human beings who get Covid recover? There's something wrong. And what could that be? This is the big question. There are so many experts on all these areas that will bring forward their evidentiary basis for demonstrating what I'm saying that you would think that someone would be prepared to have a public debate about this. None. Zero....[Question about why is the media not reporting on all this?] Let's be real here. The media is owned and controlled by the forces that seek to implement one world order, one world economy, one direction. That's it. So they're all in it together. The elite, the elite oligarchs of the world, the one percenters and beyond; listen, when 911 occurred, 911 was a test run to put fear in humanity. Remember the day after 911 happened, they had a 3,000 article Patriot Act ready to put on the people. They put people in fear and they could do it with a color. If they said the color red, everybody would go into fear because they didn't know if there was another terrorist attack. And that terrorist attack was planned. It was implemented by the same forces that are doing what's happening here. The same, same forces are doing this. What happened in the first World War, what happened in the Spanish Flu, what happened in the Second World War was all done by the same forces that are doing this today. I have to say that the Nazis have never left. They're still with us.
... [Question is asked:] If you were at the attorney of the Canadian government, what would you just say to the claim you've just made?
I can tell you what they're going to say. First and foremost, you have to appreciate that I've been dealing with the Canadian government and their lawyers going on 20 years. So they've heard me say genocide before. That's that's number one. Number two in Canada, and I know because I've run up against this, there's an idea that there's no such thing as the tort of genocide. Tort in common law is like [inaudible] in French [inaudible], which is wrongdoing. And tort in the English common law system means you can sue someone for a wrongdoing and be compensated in damages. So you can sue for assault. You can sue for wrongful death. But they would say, But there's no such thing as the tort of genocide. That's an international thing. We don't touch those things.
How absurd. How could you say that? Assault, wrongful death, genocide, it's all in the same line. It's all in the same. So if you can show the definition is in existence, imposing conditions of life designed to cause mental or physical harm. That's what's happening. All these protocols, all these lockdowns, they're all designed to cause mental and physical harm.
I said it this way: In the Second World War, the Jewish people were marked with the star of David. Here, you're marked with a mask. The second thing they did was they transported the Jewish people in a train. Here, they're transporting your mind to a vaccination center. They took the Jewish people out of the train, they put them in a bunker and they harmed them. Here, they'll put you in a vaccination center and they'll harm you. The same thing.
[Question is asked:] What's the actual calendar? You've already filed a claim and when will it be heard and how, how does it work?
The way it works is that we have to serve all the people. So we have to serve the Pope and Queen. That's actually not that hard because in Canada, there's a Papal Nuncio office and then we have the Governor General and the Usher of the Black Rod, who is the Secretary to the Queen. So it's not hard to serve. So we get them served. And then we seek an early date to have a debate about the government lockdown and protocol and vaccination process. That's what we want the most. So we hope within three to four months, we will have a date within which we can have a hearing and ask the government to show what they have for data and we'll bring ours.
[Question:] How are you cooperating with international people for this?
We belong to this World Alliance of Doctors and World Alliance of Lawyers. So we're working very closely with Reiner Fuellmich in Germany and working with Jean-Luc Duahmel (sp?) in France, we're working with lawyers in Australia and New Zealand, throughout Europe, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands all over the United States, and there's one other lawyer in Canada, Rocco Galati who's done a big lawsuit in Toronto. But he and I are about the only two I know in Canada right now who are doing this. I have a team of about four of us that are working together and then we work internationally with these other lawyers and doctors and scientists.
at 2:20:
I had occasion before I left Canada to pop in on a lawyer I hadn’t seen in almost five years. He’s practised law for 50. So he’s up there but a brilliant man and a brilliant criminal law lawyer, one who mentored me at the beginning and I have a lot of respect for and quite frankly I love him as a human being. But I went to see him and first of all came to the first door. I was met with masked people who were going, Where’s your mask? Where’s your mask? So I had to dig into my pocket and find a mask. Then when I went to see him we went into a room and he was just like this the whole time [indicating with body language: feareful aversion leaning backwards to be further away], “Your mask is under your nose!” He’s giving me all these admonitions. And I said to him, “I guess you don’t know but I’m actually working against all these things that you’re talking about.” [to which he responded with] “Oh what’s wrong with you?” And I was shocked. I thought, Oh, he must have some semblance of knowing.Now this is an intelligent man. If I was in trouble I’d call him right away. He said, “I’m listening to Dr Fauci and Sanjay Gupta on CNN, and I believe them.” And then I said to him, “Have you done any research yourself?” “No.” And he said, “I’ve got the first vaccine.” And I said, “Do you know what’s in that vaccine?” “No.”
So consciousness—what I’m trying to get across here—here’s an intelligent human being criminal law lawyer, very very experienced, very sharp, very street smart, in complete fear. And not wanting to investigate. Because those people are intelligent and they’re telling the truth. So that consciousness is predominant. It’s in a lot of places where people do not wish to make the investigation. This is where the danger lies. The danger lies in those who don’t want to pay attention to what’s happening around them, see what’s happening around them, and do something about it. They’re quite content to listen to officialdom lie to them and then follow their instructions. That’s what the problem is, 100 percent.
I cried with that man because I said to him, I don’t have to convince you but please please open your mind enough to investigate. But I knew as soon as I left that he wasn’t going to do anything. Because he was convinced that authority is correct. That what they’re telling him is true. And that people like me need to give our heads a shake because we don’t know what we’re talking about.
So I think that’s exactly where the problem is. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. And the horse has to be thirsty. That’s been my experience for all my life. If a person is not desirous of knowing something they’re not going to bother. For them it’s meaningless. It doesn’t mean anything.
The consciousness of humanity is really what’s at play here. And how we’re able to influence or raise the consciousness of humanity is really the task....
at 17:18:
I totally agree with what you’ve both said about the continuation. Dominic and I are going to continue that’s for sure. We’re going to dig in and dig in and dig in. I mean, as it presently stands, I just filed my Appeal Book and Memorandum of Fact and Law yesterday in the Court of Appeal. So 30 days from now they have to respond. Canada and the province of Ontario has to respond to my class action filing in the court of appeal and, we might get a hearing date quicker than not.We’re also working on the Class Action for Children. We’re also representing Frontline Nurses, who’ve all been taken down and so we’re doing a class action for them. And I have a hearing on June 28th and 29th on behalf of Adamson’s BBQ and Adam Skelly, who engaged in civil disobedience in his restaurant in downtown Toronto and had 253—253 police officers on the raid. But anyway, I’m being heard on June 28th, and 29th. We have six experts. We have a virologist. We’re attacking the PCR. We’re attacking all elements of the hoax. We have great, great experts. And we get to see Canada’s experts on May 13th. They have to provide us with their reports. And then we get to cross examine the experts.
So we’re going Full Tilt Boogie. We’re definitely going to keep it up, keep it up, keep it up. Here’s what I’m saying, though. Although it might be different in different countries, what you’re seeing is an agenda that’s the same....
at 20:29:
So by increments we’re implementing tyranny. That’s it. We’re implementing tyranny. So why is there a spiritual component to this, then? What is the meaning, what is the essence of the spiritual component? Well, the essence of the spiritual component is number one, all of us are divine beings having a physical experience. That’s the first thing. People don’t know. People don’t understand that aspect of things because of dogma. That dogma has been put on people to take away the idea of their own divinity and put it in the hands of someone else, between you and spirit. And therefore, that tyranny started with that idea of laying dogma on people and pulling them away from their own relationship to spirit.What we have to come to grips with as human beings as individuals, is our own connection to spirit. Because everything that you see everywhere happens because of spirit. It’s the breath of the Divine that allows everything to grow and breathe and be. And so within that, that’s a very powerful force, much more powerful than the tyrannical force of this insane consciousness that is imposed on humanity. It represents the dark force. And what we represent in the end is the light force. So therefore, we have an added reservoir in addition to law. And what that added reservoir is, is our relationship to spirit that we can connect with every single day. And therefore, give yourself the ability to have magic, magic come into your life and you’ll be amazed at how things will change just by virtue of making that connection.
This site is a community driven non-profit endeavor (mostly by concerned people associated with the legal profession), to collect and provide information to the public as to legal cases challenging the authority, constitutionality & justice of various emergency measures around the world under the pretext of a health epidemic including masks, testing, mandates, quarantines, lockdowns, all emergency powers and more.
Several Courts have already ruled that governments have grossly violated their own Constitutions as well as the Individual Rights of People.
See/hear the 24+ minute introduction to this project, presented on 3 December 2021 in the Corona Committee’s Session 81. Open Your Eyes and Advance by Howard Steen and Karolus.
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↑ Overview
Dr Pamela Popper is a naturopathic doctor with a PhD in nutrition, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, and the Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. In her 21 December 2020 interview for the Planet Lockdown film, she relays the following beginning at 33:31:
[This situation] is a wake-up call, it’s a big wake-up call. Sooner or later something like this was going to happen—we didn’t pay attention to the signs. We’d better be paying attention now because they’re never going to let us go unless we do something about it. That’s why we’re filing lawsuits, lots of them and filing a lot more of them because if we don’t—we have one branch of government in the United States that’s functioning and that’s the courts and if we don’t use the courts to free ourselves we will never be a free people again.
Our cases are different. I think a lot of what people are frustrated about right now is how many cases have been filed and that most of them have failed. The reason is the cases that have been filed have been cases that allege that constitutional rights were being violated and they are. The problem is that the government would then show up and say but it’s an emergency. And it isn’t. But that’s what they would claim and then judges would say, Well they do have a lot of power under the Emergency Powers Act.
Our case says: There is no pandemic [e.g. †, ††, †††]. There is no emergency[e.g. †, ††, †††] It’s a false declaration. Officials know it and they’re committing fraud. So you can’t respond to that by saying, It’s an emergency. Now you have to prove it’s an emergency.
What’s been very interesting—we filed this first case in Ohio in August—is that they refuse to—all of the court hearings and everything else are involved in them trying not to have to come up with the data. Our attorney actually said at one point in time, You know you can make this all go away so quickly because if you’re right about this and you give us the data and show that you’re right, a couple of things. First of all we’ll go away, obviously. And you’ll be able to really gloat. I mean, think of the press conference the emperor [Ohio Governor Mike DeWine] could have to say we actually proved in court that Pam Popper and Tom Renz and all of these people are wrong. Why don’t they do that? Why this effort not to disclose the information? Because they know they’re in trouble.
So we filed in Ohio. Today [21 Dec] we’re filing in another state [New Mexico]. We’re filing a federal lawsuit as well and we’re going to keep doing this state-by-state until we set everybody free. And then we’ve got to work really, really hard to make sure this never happens again by being very diligent citizens. That’s why I started Make Americans Free Again. We have a lot of work to do once we get ourselves out from under this ridiculousness.
Forcing public health and political officials to prove in the courts that Covid-19 is an emergency holds the key to actually prying open a public discussion and legitimate debate about the course autocratic cartels have stubbornly pursued for the past 12 months. Short of such a call to reason and demonstrable facts regarding the genuine parameters of this crisis, what started out to be 2 weeks of house arrest, will not abate and will only become more restrictive and locked up with no end in sight. Beginning at 24:21 Popper questions the veracity and legitimacy of what public health is:
Once in a while, they’ll put something out that actually explains what’s going on. Like Redfield, the head of the CDC actually testified in front of Congress that I think it’s 25% of adolescents and young adults had thought about killing themselves.[†] Think about what that means.
And they’re still wanting to lock everybody down and keep kids home from school and no sports and the whole nine yards. Think about how unthinking people have to be to listen to that and say, yup, we’re definitely on the right track....
Back to your point: What is public health? Do you think public health is putting adolescents and young adults in a place where 25% of them would like to kill themselves? Do you think public health is about older people dying alone without human contact in a nursing home? There’s a new thing they’re putting on death certificates—these days for nursing home does—it’s called failure to thrive. This is where old people just give up their will to live and stop eating. In Canada older people can do assisted suicide.
I covered this in a video clip, a woman who opted for assisted suicide instead of staying by herself alone in her room in the nursing home. And we think that’s okay, seriously, that’s murder. That’s committing murder indirectly when you drive people to do this. And and I won’t rest until we prove that these people have not only committed fraud, but that they have them responsible for deaths and they should be criminally prosecuted. That’s a strong accusation to make too.
† - CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report vol 69 No 12 August 14, 2020, CDC: “The percentage of respondents who reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey (10.7%) was significantly higher among respondents aged 18-24 years (25.5%)”
We will assist in the development of state associations that can support these lawsuits; and help to recruit lawyers, to develop legal strategy, to identify and train expert witnesses, and to raise money.
How: By filing lawsuits like the landmark suit filed first in Ohio claiming that there is no emergency and that the government’s response and restrictions are unwarranted.
We will sort our database by state legislative district and work with state groups to make sure that each legislator is visited by representatives of our/your group. We will deliver lists of our registered voter members in each district and secure commitments for support based on both representation in the district and difficulty opposing InforMED consent.
How: By drafting model legislation to be introduced in each state demanding transparency/InforMED consent for all medical matters, and protecting individual rights to choose.
How: by focusing on two strategies:
How: with a base of tens of millions of members, we can start our own healthcare system with features like insurance plans that cover services that promote health; networks of practitioners trained to collaborate with patients in making InforMED decisions; and treatment protocols that address the cause of disease.
How Does Our Federal Lawsuit Against the CDC & HHS Help You?
↑ Lawsuits
From pp. 20-21, Ohio Lawsuit filed 1 Sep 2020: Michael Renz, Eric Calderaro, et al -vs- State of Ohio, Gov. Mike DeWine, Lance Himes
19 The reporting of deaths related to COVID-19 is so incredibly misleading that, as noted above, even the Supreme Court of the United States was misled. At the time of this writing it is being claimed that there have been over 150,000 COVID-19 deaths in the United States.140 That is simply untrue. While we hope to develop a more accurate number through the discovery process, the number of deaths primarily caused from COVID-19 is likely less than 50,000 and has been estimated in scientific studies to be closer to 20,000.141
20 This will seem like an incredible statement for anyone listening to the news. The key to understanding this statement is that the 150,000 number could be an accurate number of the people in the United States that have died with COVID-19 but instead has been presented as the number of people that have died from COVID-19.142 21 During the early stages of dealing with the COVID-19 “crisis” the CDC changed the rules for counting deaths.143 A full discussion of this is included in Attachment A.1 but it should be noted that the changes allowed for unconfirmed cases of COVID-19 to be included in the death count contrary to both international standards and also in a way that is contrary to how every other disease death has been counted in the US since 2003. This approach was so egregious that, it can accurately be stated that: In the interest of complete clarity, according to CDC guidance as discussed here, if a person has a cough and dies, and that person lives in any of a majority of the cities in the United States (nearly all of which have a sustained, ongoing community transmission of SARS-CoV-2) then COVID-19 can be listed as either the cause of death or as a significant condition contributing to death. That death certificate can then act as evidence of a probable case of COVID-19 and earn an additional 20% reimbursement rate from Medicare144 as well as then be reported as a COVID-19 death.145 22 It is also critical to note the financial incentive to include deaths as COVID-19 deaths. In Ohio, according to Becker’s Hospital Review, hospitals are being reimbursed an additional $180,000 per COVID-19 case and a death from COVID-19 requires no lab test but does qualify as a case.146
↑ Critical Analysis
↑ Associated Organizations
↑ Recent Developments:
In his testimony, Mr. Renz publicly disclosed critical evidence Ohio Stands Up! is using as part of its federal lawsuits against the Ohio Governor and against the CDC and HHS, and he publicly asked some very important questions; questions that no other attorney, elected official or mainstream media outlet in the country has had the courage to ask. Those questions and evidence included but were not limited to:
Moreover, Mr. Renz publicly offered that should the Legislative Committee request, he is willing and able to provide citations for all data included in his testimony as well as expert medical opinion from numerous doctors and scientists to support all that he said, and he is willing to do so under oath. Mr. Renz challenged the Governor and Department of Health to do the same, without limitations on the questions that can be asked.
And despite this, YouTube, which is owned by Google, which is owned by Alphabet, censored Mr. Renz’s testimony, by removing it from their platform and attempting to justify their actions by writing, “Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy.”
At this point, in Ohio, for an administration that has continued to double down on the politics rather than the science of this disease, it would be a political disaster to now admit the truth. That said, our dying children, dying seniors, and dying small business community should have more value than ANY person’s political future and that is the purpose of House Bill 90.
Share this censored COVID-19 truth video that Google and YouTube don’t want you to see.
Ohio Stands Up! is grateful for your support. As you can see, the more success we have in exposing the truth and holding those responsible accountable, the bigger our fight becomes. We are a grassroots organization made up of concerned freedom-loving Ohioans, who recognize the tremendous sacrifices made by countless generations of Americans throughout our nation’s history to secure, preserve, and protect our God-given rights. We believe it is our duty and privilege to protect our fundamental liberties while demanding our elected leaders be held accountable and be shown they cannot act with impunity for their tyrannical and corrupt behavior. We are united in our common goal to stand against continued violations of our Constitutional freedoms, while working to restore those freedoms from which we have been deprived. All donations, of any amount, are appreciated so we can continue this fight and can be made on the GET INVOLVED tab on our website.
↑ Lawsuits
My takeaway—springing from something that Robert said about freedom of speech—as a Constitutional Lawyer, when I am asked “What do you do?” I simply in a word say to them “I protect human attributes and humanity.” The framers of the U.S. Constitution had it right when they talked about inalienable rights, meaning the rights that were given to you by your Creator, even if you believe your creator is just your mother. And so, they’re suppressing our freedom to think. If you can think, but can’t speak, your freedom of thought is useless. If you can speak but can’t associate, your freedom of speech is useless. If you can associate but can’t assemble, your freedom of association is useless. So they are one unbroken—although we break them down for analytical purposes—these Constitutional Rights that are attached to the person, are human attributes and this whole Covid agenda has done in lockstep everything it can do, or try to do, to dehumanize us. And Robert was quite right, with the implementation of devices into our—experimental implementation of devices that’s already out there through the World Economic Forum, it is a movement with AI towards a Borg-like transformation of humanity and that is dehumanizing, and we have to resist it.—Rocco Galati, 5 Jan 2021
↑ Lawsuits
Starting out 32+ years ago as a tax litigator for the Canadian Dept of Justice, Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati (B.A.(McGill), LL.B., LL.M. (Osgoode)) switched sides after 3 years and since then only does “cases against the government.” As Founder, President and Director of The Constitutional Rights Centre in Ontario, Canada, Mr Galati is representing Vaccine Choice Canada and seven other plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed on 6 July 2020 against Prime Minister Justin TRUDEAU, Canadian Chief Medical Officer Dr. Theresa TAM, Canadian Transport Minister Marc GARNEAU, Premier of Ontario Doug FORD, and others including the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. From page 16 of the 191-page Statement Of Claim:
u) A Declaration that:As Mr. Galati stated in an update on 19 Dec 2020 at the Post-Covid19 Stockholm Peace Summit, regarding this lawsuit:(i) the Defendant Federal Crown, and its agencies and officials, including but not restricted to the CRTC, have, by glaring acts and omissions, breached the rights of the Plaintiffs to freedom of speech, expression, and the press, by not taking any action to curtail what has been described by the UK scientific community as “Stalinist censorship”, particularly the CBC in knowingly refusing to cover/or publish the valid and sound criticism of the COVID measures, by recognized experts;
The CRC lawsuit says Trudeau and Ford dispensed their parliaments and have been acting in a manner that was constitutionally abolished 350 years ago.When I filed on July 6th, 2020, government lawyers were calling it a conspiracy theory and threatened to bring in an application to throw the case out. Well, since then, everything that I wrote for my clients in this Statement Of Claim on July 6th, is history. It’s understated past old news. Everything we put in there happened and we’re here now living it....
Of course the problem is that the population obviously is traumatized. They don’t read, they don’t want to read, they don’t want to accept that their government could possibly be doing them harm. I’m always—when I’m criticized, they say, Why don’t you trust your government? Then I remind people that governments have a quaint history of engaging in the following activities: war, genocide, crimes against humanity, persecution, and suppression of every human right ever declared. So why would I necessarily trust the government that’s given me bogus science, bogus medicine, measures that make no sense?...
While people call the allegations of the global agenda behind these measures, conspiracy theories, it’s now gotten to the point where that kind of allegation is embarrassing. I remind people I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m a conspiracy analyst. And if you can’t see what’s really happening from the use of the PCR test—I mean, our criminal courts: if you run a PCR test for DNA analysis past a certain cycle—I think it’s 25—it’s not admissible in court because it’s recognized, it’s unreliable. We are running tests in Ontario at 43 to 45 cycles. Anything will test positive at that cycle. And I’m sure when the vaccine is administered, they’ll run them at five cycles and claim that they’ve cured the pandemic. That’s coming up the road as well.
A Declaration that the “COVID Measures” undertaken and orchestrated by Prime Minister Trudeau (“Trudeau”), and the Federal Crown, constitute a constitutional violation of “dispensing with Parliament, under the pretense of Royal Prerogative”, contrary to the English Bill of Rights (1689) as read into our unwritten constitutional rights through the Pre-Amble of the Constitution Act, 1867, emanating from the unwritten constitutional principles of Rule of Law, Constitutionalism and Democracy, as enunciated by the Supreme Court of Canada in, inter alia, Quebec Secession Reference;Part 1,c is representative of a number of instances in the opening CLAIM:
1. As against the Crown and Municipal Defendants the Plaintiffs claim:
...c) A Declaration that the COV1D Measures taken by both Trudeau and Ford, and their respective governments, at the blind and unquestioned dictates of the World Health Organization (“WHO”) bureaucrats, constitute a constitutional violation of the abdication of the duty to govern, as enunciated in, inter alia, the Re Gray and Canada (Wheat Board) v. Hallett and Carey Ltd. decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada;
d) A Declaration that the COVID Measures undertaken by Trudeau, and his officials, violate ss. 2, 7, 8, 9, and 15 of the Charter, specifically the measures:(i) “self isolation”;In that the Measures are not:
(ii) “social distancing”;
(iii) the compulsory wearing of face masks;
(iv) arbitrary and unjustified closure of businesses;(i) scientifically, nor medically, based nor proven to be effective whatsoever;And that the measures violate of s.2 (right of association) s. 7 (life, liberty, and security of person), s.8 (unlawful search and seizure), s. 9 (arbitrary detention by enforcement officers), s. 15 (equality before and under the law), are further not in accordance with the tenets of fundamental justice in their overbreadth, nor are they justified under s. 1 of the Charter in that they are not demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society;
(ii) pose physical and psychological harm; and
(iii) are extreme, unwarranted and unjustified;
20 Apr 2021: Children’s Health Defense (Canada), Educators for Human Rights (an Association of Teachers), as well as a group of seventeen (17) children (through their litigation guardian parents), along with three individual teachers, filed Notice of Application against the government of Ontario and various School Boards and Public Health Officers regarding school lock-downs, lock-outs, treatment of children under the COVID measures and to hold these officials accountable for the unconstitutional measures being imposed upon children. (See Litigation Guardian Renata Dziak’s Open Letter: Schools Must go “Back to Normal” in the Fall—A Scientist’s Perspective written to her Toronto MPP in June 2020.)
Press Conference on Notice of Application, 6 May 2021:
Defending Children’s Rights ~ School Action (51:02 mp3)
Defending Children’s Rights - Post Press Conference Interview (13:07 mp3)
Rocco Galati and the Constitutional Rights Centre, acting on behalf of 15 active and 4 retired Police officers, has filed a Notice of Application in Ontario Superior Court to seek clarification, and challenge, the Province's Covid-measures, and their enforcement, as breaching and violating the Police Oath which Oath includes upholding the Constitution.
Press Conference, 29 Apr 2021 (1:05:51 mp3)
On the basis of this filed claim, an injunction is being prepared to stay the “Vaccine Passport” provisions announced in British Columbia.
The Statement of Claim has 20 Plaintiffs, Action4Canada and 19 other private Plaintiffs seeking constitutional relief and monetary damages for the damages caused to them because of the oppressive, unlawful, criminal, and unconstitutional measures implemented in that province through the government and the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry. The Statement of Claim canvases the history of Covid, the scientific and medical evidence, the law, and the constitutional rights that are violently and depravenly being violated against every citizen of that province and in fact every citizen in Canada. The measures are not only oppressive and devastating, they are unscientific, non-medical, illegal, criminal, and unconstitutional. They have had the effect, intentional or unintentional, of setting up a police state dictatorial regime with a singular aim, and obsession, with vaccination regardless of whether that vaccination program is illogical which it is. Furthermore the measures are clearly—it’s not even in dispute anymore by any person who’s not in a comma—that the measures are killing more people than the purported Covid deaths are.
This is not a public health agenda we are witnessing in our country, or around the world for that matter. It is a political-socio-economic control agenda and all the facts to support this proposition are set out in the Statement of Claim. We are going to take the B.C. and Trudeau governments to task through this claim. Although the Prime Minister talks a lot of nonesense, the jurisdiction over the Covid measures is very limited and it’s limited to quaranteen. While he used the threat of federal vaccine passports as political vote getter, the federal government has no jurisdiction whatsoever under the constitution to enforce any medical treatment. That’s the provincial jurisdiction and he knows it. Because if he did, he could have put in the law before the election and it would have been challenged.
↑ Additional Background
↑ Recent Publications / Developments
Medical Censorship & Harms of Lockdowns
An exclusive interview with 3 Canadian Frontline Doctors.
Beginning at
Here, to join me on this panel are three esteemed Doctors who have bravely spoken about the reality on the ground of what their experience—what they're seeing in their patient populations with the most vulnerable sectors. The same groups of people that Covid measures are allegedly intended to protect.
Dr. Ashvinder Lamba
Dr. Patrick Phillips
President, Concerned Ontario Doctors, Frontline Physician Additionally, see The mainstream media, feeding off the CPSO with respect to Dr. Kulvinder Gill, continues to spread its addiction to its own “misinformation”. CRC Newsletter, 4 Mar 2021 |
↑ Our Inalienable Rights
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense. Mr. Kennedy spoke in Berlin on 29 August 2020 to more than a million people—the largest demonstration Germany has ever had. Affirming his devotion to the creative evolution of the human project for which his Father and his Uncle gave their lives, he began his speech, addressing the hopes and desires of people throughout our world:
Back home in the United States the newspapers are saying that I came here today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis. And tomorrow they’re going to report that yes, I was here, and I spoke to maybe 3 to 5,000 Nazis. I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love democracy. People who want open government. People who want leaders who are not going to lie to them. People who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the population. We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry. Who are working for us and not Big Pharma. We want officials who care about our children’s health and not about pharmaceutical profits or government control. I look at this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of every color. I see people from every nation, every religion, all caring about human dignity, about children’s health, about political freedom. This is the opposite of nazism.
Understanding the issue of safeguarding human rights in this period of crisis is fundamental to the unfolding consequences of what is occurring. In January 2021 Mr Kennedy sent a letter to 100,000 lawyers stating, “The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an opportunity of convenience for totalitarian elements who have put individual rights and freedoms globally under siege.” In the letter Kennedy urged his fellow attorneys to read a new 13-page report, Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID. The report explores the legal rights to informed consent, bodily integrity, the right to refuse unwanted medical interventions, religious expression and autonomy. All of these rights will be “dramatically constricted” if employers, states and/or the federal government impose vaccine mandates.
↑ Counting Deaths as Covid
An underlying dynamic in this situation continues to be that CDC changed the rules on 24 March 2020 about counting deaths as Covid with COVID-19 Alert No. 2. This is covered in If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening? (CHD, 24 Jul 2020). While long and covering a wide swath, focus on the fourth key finding listed at the top:
Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is.
Additionally, on 17 Feb 2021 Stand for Health Freedom convened a panel of eight experts – doctors, lawyers, medical ethicists, educators, lawmakers and researchers – to analyze and assess the consequences of this abrupt change by the CDC in how death certificates are now recorded. Titled, Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation Into the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19 this group shines a bright light on why accuracy, integrity and transparency are so important during a public health crisis; how the CDC set the stage for widespread physical, psychological, and economic devastation; and steps we can take so that incidents of this magnitude never happen again.
↑ Question the Experts
In a 5 January 2021 roundtable discussion convened for an investigative enquiry into the global public health sector, Robert Kennedy, Jr. reflected on an aspect of how democratic processes can serve the needs of humanity. In a segment leading off with an observation about Anthony Fauci, he said:
What I think is important to understand is that he’s a technocrat. No matter how expert, no matter how important and pervasive and thorough his expertise, you still need democracy to control the apparatchiks and the technocrats. What irritates me a lot is when I see Joe Biden and other people who are leading the Democratic party constantly say “We need to trust the experts” because as you know I’ve fought hundreds of law suits in my time and in every law suit and every trial that I’ve ever had there are experts on both sides and they’re both equally convincing. And that’s why when we go to a doctor we get a second opinion. Doctors and experts should not be running our democracy. We don’t allow that. We don’t say we are going to appoint an expert and then we are going to just trust everything he says. That is not democratic. That’s how totalitarian regimes work.
My wife came to the Monsanto trial and the day that she arrived Monsanto was doing direct examination on its own witnesses. And they all were all Harvard School of Public Health, they were from Stanford, they were from the leading institutions. These were the leading lights in toxicity and epidemiology and all of these other disciplines that the trial was focused on. My wife heard those and she said “What are you even doing here? These people are credible and trustworthy and convincing, absolutely.” Then she saw our cross examination. Then she heard our witnesses and then she said, “Why did those guys even show up for this trial?”
Part of democracy is, when my uncle had the Cuban missile crisis, the experts were in the room—virtually everybody wanted—of the 13 people that he had assembled as his experts—virtually every one of them with the exception of my father and Bob McNamara wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Cuba. If that had happened—we now know that the missiles in Cuba that the Russian had there were already armed and that the individuals who were running those sites had independent authority to launch if they found themselves under attack.
We would have obliterated the world. We would have had nuclear winter. We would have destroyed the planet. My uncle said I want to see the aerial photographs myself. And he questioned the experts. And he made them explain things to him and he got both sides of the story and he brought in the best people to criticize them. And he made that investigation separately. He didn’t just trust the experts and say the military and CIA are telling me they know this area and they are telling me to bomb. You don’t do that. The job of a politician is to take advice from experts, to respect them and respect expertise. But you don’t let them run the country.
You question them and you try and figure out—listen, Tony Fauci, even if he is the best expert in the world, okay, on epidemiology or on pathogenic proliferation, let’s say he knows more than anybody and he can predict exactly how many people are going to die depending on masks and lockdowns—he has no expertise in the economy. How many people are going to die when you shut down the economy? When you close 60 million businesses? When you obliterate the social safety net? When you starve—there are 10 thousand children dying a month in Africa because of a lockdown.
Rocco Galati: The last very quick question I had picking up on the example you gave of your sober uncle dispassionately taking in and then coming to a decision that would save the world, essentially. Do you David and Robert take any comfort—quite apart from the mass rallies and people who are objecting to this, even though they are censored—do you take any comfort in the many decisions that have gone to court and have been successful against the Covid measures such as your U.S. Court? ...
RFK Jr.: Rocco, I think our only hope is the courts, I think. The courts have done a really good job of not—mostly—we have taken beatings in the court too. But there are judges out there and it appears that the Supreme Court judges who—most of whom I don’t like much but they understand that we’re on the same team when it comes to recognizing that this is the onset of a really ugly dark totalitarianism and they have indicated they may be willing to stand up to that.
Pursuing genuine accountability in the courts by forcing government officials to prove what’s happening IS an emergency is the most effective course to demand accountability and reveal the truth regarding obfuscations, omissions, lies, and corrupt, criminal policy decisions as well as gaining leverage on imperatives like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and CHD Urge Congress to Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 (CHD, 20 Oct 2020).
↑ Devastating Covid Measures
In Mr. Kennedy’s 17 Feb 2021 meeting with the Corona Committee, he discussed with Reiner Fuellmich serious consequences of injuries and deaths from Covid vaccinations and the pervasive, destructive censorship against criticism of global lockdowns. The following exchange illustrates how whistleblowers who have reported horrific accounts of people in German nursing homes either being severely injured by vaccinations or dying are beginning to speak out:
Reiner Fuellmich: It looks as though there’s something seriously, seriously, wrong with these, let me say injections rather than vaccinations. Do you know of any cases in the United States where maybe the DA is looking into such incidents or is the same story happening in the United States and people don’t want to mess with this?
RFK, Jr.: It’s the same story in the United States and probably the worst malpractice. Everybody is frightened. Nobody is willing to challenge the orthodoxy. The worst malpractice is happening among the American media which punishes and censors people who report vaccine injuries. If you report a vaccine injury on Facebook you’re posting will be taken down and you will be de-platformed. I was de-platformed from Instagram this week. I never put—and they said, because I told falsehoods about Covid. But I never had a single falsehood. Every single posting that we put on Instagram was sourced to a public government database or to a peer reviewed publication. Nobody can show me a single, false statement that I made on Instagram.
But if you criticize the orthodoxy, you will be silenced, you will be demoted, you will be punished. The people in the press know that and the press just doesn’t report it. They report it the way that they’re told to report it which is these aren’t Covid deaths, these are normal and don’t worry about it. So there’s no scrutiny of this enterprise. All of the institutions that democracy has erected to protect vulnerable children from large corporations and from overreaching by government have been dismantled. The lawyers can’t sue in the United States. The regulatory agencies are captured, are an arm of the industry, and the press is also captured. And of course the, the frontline medical doctors are punished if they report vaccine injury.
Beginning at 42:30, RFK, Jr. reflected on the critical need of learning to communicate in other ways given expanding autocratic state censorship and use of the courts.
We’re off of social media. The mainstream press is now captured by the pharmaceutical industry. But there are now other evolving ways for people who are learning to communicate to each other in other ways. And we need to do that. We need to establish credible ways that people who care about democracy, who care about civil rights, who are concerned about the ascendancy of the medical cartel, to begin really revolting against those—the increase and unacceptable power, of those power centers. One of those ways is through communication. The other is in many of our independent nations there are opportunities in the courts where you still have integrity in the court and the judicial system of some of our countries. It’s getting smaller and smaller and more constricted but I think, those to me, those present the best opportunities, really: public organizing, public communication and use of the courts....
We’re suing Facebook at the moment. We’re suing Facebook for censoring us. But Facebook has a right to censor people. Facebook is a private company. If they don’t like what you say they can throw you off. But in our case, what we argue is that the government instructed them to the censor us. Adam Schiff, who’s the head of the Intelligence Committee, told them to censor all vaccine misinformation. And Facebook has said that it is coordinating its censorship with CDC and with WHO, and with the US State Department.
In our country, private companies can censor you, but the government is not allowed to censor you. What our argument in our court case against Facebook says is you are acting as a government surrogate. So you are censoring us because the government told you to censor us and because they don’t like our political speech. That’s a violation of the First Amendment. That’s one of the approaches we’re bringing but we have many, many, many lawsuits right now.
↑ CHD Legal Resources
COVID Plaintiff Form, 19 Aug 2021
We are looking for plaintiffs for COVID-19 vaccine litigation. If you are willing to become a plaintiff on behalf of yourself or your child, please complete the form below. Please note that the names of plaintiffs will appear on legal documents which are available to the public. The information submitted in this form will be held in complete confidence and only be shared with CHD attorneys and our legal experts.
Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources that make aware and acquaints individuals about their legally protected rights to encourage, engage and empower individuals in a fight to preserve their fundamental human rights and on issues critical to health freedom. Updated 4 June 2021
Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) seeks to ameliorate health injustice through education and advocacy. We aid families and individuals whose health rights have been infringed and support legal challenges to unjust laws that undermine our health and freedoms. If your rights have been infringed, we may be able to help.
Federal Law Prohibits Mandates of Emergency Use COVID Vaccines, Tests, Masks — 3 Resources You Can Use to Inform Your School or Employer, 18 May 2021↑ CHD Lawsuits
Under Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s direction as Chief Legal Counsel, the Children’s Health Defense legal team is engaged in many Lawsuits challenging totalitarian government policies of the non-democratic, increasingly totalitarian and devastating Covid measures listed below.
Subject of complaint:
- Violations of the Nuremberg Code
- Violation of Article 6 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 7 of the Rome Statute
- Violation of Article 8 of the Rome
- Violation of Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute
Based on the extensive claims and enclosed documentation, we charge those responsible for numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the United Kingdom, but not limited to individuals in these countries.
Perpetrators: Prime Minister for the United Kingdom BORIS JOHNSON, Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Adviser to the UK Government CHRISTOPHER WHITTY, (former) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care MATTHEW HANCOCK, (current) Secretary of State for Health and Social Care SAJID JAVID, Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) JUNE RAINE, Director-General of the World Health Organisation TEDROS ADANHOM GHEBREYESUS, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation WILLIAM GATES III and Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation MELINDA GATES, Chairman and Chief executive officer of Pfizer ALBERT BOURLA, Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca STEPHANE BANCEL, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna PASCAL SORIOT, Chief Executive of Johnson and Johnson ALEX GORSKY, President of the Rockefeller Foundation DR RAJIV SHAH, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) DR ANTHONY FAUCI, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum KLAUS SCWAB, President of EcoHealth Alliance DR PETER DASZACKVictim(s): THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM
Hannah Rose – Lawyer and human rights activist
Dr Mike Yeadon – Qualified life science researcher with a degree in biochemistry in toxicology, and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer
Piers Corbyn – Astrophysicist and activist
Mark Sexton – Retired Police officer
John O’Loony – Funeral Director and activist [I] [IIa, IIb] [III]
Johnny McStay – Activist
Louise Shotbolt – Nurse and human rights activist
The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida and lists President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as defendants.
VERIFIED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT FOR PRELIMINARY AND PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DECLARATORY RELIEF: NAVY SEAL1, United States Navy, NAVY SEAL 2, United States Navy, EOD OFFICER, United States Navy, SENIOR CHIEF PETTY OFFICER, United States Navy, CHAPLAIN, United States Navy, LIEUTENANT COLONEL 1, United States Marine Corps, LIEUTENANT COLONEL 2, United States Marine Corps, MAJOR, United States Marine Corps, SECOND LIEUTENANT, United States Marine Corps, CAPTAIN, United States Marine Corps, ARMY RANGER, United States Army, LANCE CORPORAL 1, United States Marine Corps, LANCE CORPORAL 2, United States Marine Corps, MAJOR, United States Air Force, NATIONAL GUARDSMAN, Virginia Army National Guard, COAST GUARD LIEUTENANT, United States Coast Guard, COLONEL, United States Army, TECHNICAL SERGEANT, United States Air Force, DEFENSE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR, United States Department of Defense, FEDERAL CIVILIAN ENGINEER CONTRACTOR, FEDERAL CIVILIAN CONTRACTOR EMPLOYER, FEDERAL NUCLEAR CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CIVILIAN NUCLEAR TECH, for themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. JOSEPH R. BIDEN, in his official capacity as President of the United States, LLOYD AUSTIN, in his official capacity as Secretary of the United States Department of Defense, and ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS,in his official capacity as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Defendants. Filed 10/15/21 (pp. 405)
The plaintiffs are asking the court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent the COVID-19 vaccine mandates from taking effect, and ultimately issue an injunction to prevent the Pentagon from enforcing the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
PLAINTIFF’ MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION WITH MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT: NAVY SEAL 1, et al., for themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, JOSEPH R. BIDEN, in his official capacity as President of the United States, et al., Defendants. Filed 10/15/21 (pp. 26)
“Plaintiffs have demonstrated their commitments to the United States Constitution and the Nation’s future comfort, security, and prosperity. This Court should demand that the Nation return the favor. Telling Plaintiffs they must accept or receive a shot they oppose according to their sincerely held religious beliefs, or face court martial, dishonorable discharge, and other life altering disciplinary measures, disgraces the sacrifices these heroes have made,” attorneys wrote in the filing, adding that relief is “needed now” to “prevent the immediate and irreparable injury” imposed by the vaccine mandates.
Attorneys argued in the suit that no COVID-19 vaccine is available in the United States that has received full licensing and approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and as such, cannot be mandated. Defense Secretary Austin, in his 24 August memo stated that the mandatory vaccinations “will only use COVID-19 vaccines that receive full licensure from the [FDA] in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance,” attorneys noted, arguing that “additional military documents reveal that the Department of Defense is not following its own directive” and is using vaccines under emergency use authorization [EUA] “because there is no FDA approved vaccine available.”
The attorneys argued that explicit statutory conditions for an EUA require that people are given “the option to accept or refuse administration” of a given unapproved product that has been authorized for emergency use. According to the lawsuit, “Because all COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States are subject to the EUA Statute restrictions and limitations, all individuals—including military service members, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors—have the explicit right under the EUA Statute to accept or refuse administration of the products.”
Attorneys asked the court to declare the vaccine mandate as unlawful because it violates the EUA provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act “by imposing a mandatory COVID-19 shot upon Plaintiffs without giving the ‘option to accept or refuse’ the EUA product.”
STATE SENATOR District - 13 |
STATE SENATOR District - 28 |
In March 2020, according to a paper published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and The Law, the CDC abruptly changed how death certificates were recorded for only one type of death–COVID-19–and circumvented multiple federal laws to do so. This hyperinflation of death certificate reporting kicked off an avalanche of data degradation and destructive public health policies.
Now, two Oregon Senators have broken their silence in an exclusive briefing about their letter and the petition calling for a thorough investigation. The project has been a months-in-the-making combined effort between scientific, legal and public policy experts.
The letter, submitted exactly one month prior to public release to protect those involved, was addressed to the Honorable Scott E. Asphaug, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, which stated:
“What we have learned is worthy of independent State and/or Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation from our vantage point as elected state policy makers. Pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 3332 – Powers and Duties and the case law cited within the Formal Grand Jury Petition, we respectfully request that the petition and preliminary supportive documentation be presented to the members of the grand jury we are petitioning for immediate deliberation. Public trust in elected officials, the Oregon Health Authority, and our ability to lead the resilient people of Oregon through this crisis has been eroded to an all-time low. The peoples’ trust in their ability to participate in their own governance and be heard by their elected officials is perhaps the most essential element for a thriving free and healthy society. As elected officials it is our sworn duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Oregon, the tenets of Informed Consent, and honor our legal obligation to comply with 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony. We are fulfilling our duty by calling for a Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation, or at the very least an independent state district-led grand jury investigation convened by a judge, into the issues and evidentiary materials presented.”
Aaron Kheriaty: “In August 2021 I filed a suit in Federal court challenging the constitutionality of the University of California’s vaccine mandate on behalf of Covid-recovered individuals, whose natural immunity is equal to (indeed, superior to) vaccine-mediated immunity. Forcing those with natural immunity to be vaccinated introduces unnecessary risks without commensurate benefits—either to individuals or the population as a whole—and violates their rights guaranteed under the equal protection clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment. Expert witness legal briefs include, among others, a declaration from several highly distinguished UC School of Medicine faculty members from infectious disease, microbiology/immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, pediatrics, OB/Gyn, and psychiatry.”Why I am Challenging in Court the University of California’s s Vaccine Mandate - I recently filed a suit in Federal court against my employer challenging the constitutionality of their vaccine mandate on behalf of Covid-recovered individuals, Aaron Kheriaty, MD,, 21 Sep 2021
Aaron Kheriaty v. The Regents of the University of California et al, JUSTIA, Dockets & Filings
On 25 May 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) served a 51-page legal notice on Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), for: “[H]er act of spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfil her agenda.” See 26 May IBA Press Release. The Mumbai-based IBA is an association of lawyers who strive to bring transparency and accountability to the Indian justice system. It is actively involved in the dissemination of legal knowledge and provides guidance and support to advocates and ordinary people in their fight for justice.
The legal notice says Dr Swaminathan has been:Running 51 pages containing 71 paragraphs and divided into the following 8 sections, the LEGAL NOTICE is on the website of the India Bar Association. Additionally, there are 14 Annexures to the Legal Notice.
Sr. Nos | Particulars | Para Nos |
1. | Your views and statements against the use of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19. | para 2 to 10, para 36, 37, 46 |
2. | Extensive studies and trials that prove effectiveness of Ivermectin in treatment of COVID-19. | para 11 to 20, para 30 to 35 |
3. | Cases in the United States where older COVID-19 patients who were critically ill, either in comatose state or on ventilators, who have successfully recovered after Ivermectin was included in their line of treatment. Not to miss the crucial role of Courts, who intervened and directed the hospitals to administer Ivermectin on such patients who were at the doorstep of death. | para 21 to 29 |
4. | Cognizance taken of the ‘Public Statement’ issued by FLCCC on the Irregular Actions of Public Health Agencies and the Widespread Disinformation Campaign against Ivermectin. | para 38 to 42 |
5. | Ivermectin and ‘The National Clinical Guidelines for Covid-19 management’ issued by ICMR. | para 43 to 45 |
6. | Main grounds for issuance of this legal notice. | para 48 to 57 |
7. | Falling standards of World Health Organization. | Para 58 to 61 |
8. | Commendable work by select courageous medical doctors who have lived up to their Hippocratic Oath. | para 62 to 67 |
LEGAL NOTICE: Contempt of Court and aggravated offences against humanity by spreading disinformation about the drug ‘Ivermectin’, despite having full knowledge of the Judgment passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay at Goa dated May 28, 2021, Indian Bar Association, 13 Jun 2021 (pp.40)
Article: Legal Notice For Contempt Of Court Against DR. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan and The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), IBA, 18 June 2021
Excerpts:The accused are served legal notice for their attempt to undermine the authority of the Bombay High Court and obstruct the use of Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment.
On 13th June 2021, Indian Bar Association has served a notice upon Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, World Health Organisation, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at WHO and Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar for contempt of judgment of Bombay High Court.... all the three contemnors have hatched a conspiracy and by spreading misinformation through media, are fuelling confusion amongst doctors by introducing Guidelines allegedly published on 27th May 2021 by DGHS, which are in fact not mandatory and are overruled by the judgment of Bombay High Court dated 28thMay 2021.
... in order to diminish the impact of the article published on 6th June, 2021, the main accused Dr. Soumya Swaminathan hatched a conspiracy and managed some media houses to publish news on 7th June, 2021 for appreciating the overruled guidelines dated 27th May, 2021. Some of these media houses have showed astounding alacrity in publishing news hailing removal of Ivermectin and other drugs, thereby deliberately ignoring the mountains of clinical data on effectiveness of Ivermectin in treatment of COVID-19....
As per the judgment of Supreme Court of India, the person responsible for spreading information with object of creating confusion and to obstruct and undermine the judgment of court is liable for punishment under contempt of Court. Sections like 505,192,302, 115,109,409,120(B) of the Indian Penal Code are also attracted against the accused in this case, as their intention was to kill several people to fulfil their ulterior purposes.
The maximum punishment in above cases is death penalty.
The notice states that Dr. Soumya Swaminathan and the WHO are dishonest and have no scientific evidences to back their advisories and such loose statements are issued from time to time, to serve their ulterior purposes.
The relevant para of the notice reads thus;
“53.1. Each time and particularly from following specific instances, it is sufficiently proved that You Notice 1 & 2 do not possess any authentic and scientific evidences;
i) When the earlier Notice was served on Notice 1 on 25.05.2021, she has neither replied to the notice nor has she approached any court of law against us. On the contrary, she chose to delete the controversial tweet advising against the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19;
ii) When the Health Secretary of the State Government of Goa relying on affidavit of Under Secretary of Union of India made their submission on oath before Hon’ble High Court, with specific allegations against WHO that there are reports which have observed that the analysis by WHO on this medicine (IVERMECTIN) is flawed and that the mortality rate is actually much lower if the said medicine is used for early treatment as well as prophylaxis, neither you Notice 1 or 2 chose to produce any proof to counter the said report. As a result, Hon’ble High Court has refused to accept the advisory of WHO.
iii) When All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) had published a statement on 24.05.2021 that there is no evidence to predict the third wave and its effect on children, you Notice 1 did not give any “Evidence” in support of your statement dated 25.05.2021 which was contrary to the said statement of AIIMS.
After you Notice 1 were served with legal notice on 25.05.2021, you feared for being exposed and being summoned in Court of Law and therefore you Notice 1 took a U turn and stated that there is no sufficient evidence to suggest that children would be affected in the third wave.
The agenda of misinformation is also exposed in the statement published in Press Bureau of India on June 8, 2021
“It is a piece of misinformation that subsequent waves of the COVID-19 pandemic are going to cause severe illness in children. There is no data – either from India or globally – to show that children will be seriously infected in subsequent waves.”
53.2. So it is crystal clear that You Notice 1 & 2 do not have scientific evidence except jugglery of words and you are thoroughly intellectually dishonest people who are playing with the lives and livelihood of the common people across the world.
However, in order to expose your intellectual dishonesty to the entire world, this notice is being served, calling for an explanation within 7 days of the receipt of this notice.”
The legal notice also explains the law of damages in India citing recently cases where Court had ordered compensation of Rs. 100 Crores ((USD 13.5 mn) to the aggrieved party, for loss of his reputation. Since the present matter involves death caused due to denial of early treatment resulting in deterioration and death of person, the damages claimed would be much higher that Rs. 100 Crores.
The notice also explains the liability of Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO, for his act of commission and omission and also for his implied consent to the conspiracy.
In the similar manner, the DGHS Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar is joined in as co-accused for his complicity in the conspiracy.
The three possible explanations for such an intense opposition to the use of highly promising, well-tolerated off-label medicine as Ivermectin are explained very well in following article:
- “As a generic, Ivermectin is cheap and widely available, which means there would be a lot less money to be made by Big Pharma if it became the go-to early-stage treatment against covid.
- Other pharmaceutical companies are developing their own novel treatments for Covid-19 which would have to compete directly with Ivermectin.
- If approved as a covid-19 treatment, Ivermectin could even threaten the Emergency Use Authorisation granted to covid-19 vaccines.
It’s worth noting that while India’s DGHS has dumped most cheap off-patent treatment options against Covid, including even multivitamins, more expensive patented medicines continue to get the green light. They include Gilead’s prohibitively expensive antiviral Remdesivir, which DGHS continues to recommend for “select moderate/severe hospitalised COVID-19 patients”, even though “it is only an experimental drug with potential to harm.” It has also authorised the use of the anti-inflammatory medicine to cilizumab, which costs hundreds of dollars a dose.”
Today my colleague from Kentucky, Chris Wiest, received an awesome ruling from the Circuit Court of Boone County declaring that all of Governor Andy Bashear’s emergency orders and actions are unconstitutional and void. The ruling was in the state-court challenge to the governor’s emergency powers executive orders, filed by Wiest on behalf of Beans Cafe’ & Bakery.Order: COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BOONE CIRCUIT COURT, DIVISION I, CASE NO. 20-CI-00678A - RIDGEWAY PROPERTIES, LLC dba Beans Café & Bakery PLAINTIFF AND COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, ex rel. ATTORNEY GENERAL DANIEL CAMERON INTERVENING PLAINTIFF VS. HON. ANDREW BESHEAR, GOVERNOR, COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, et al., DEFENDANTS JUDGMENT AND ORDER (pp. 30)
Dr. Stephen Petty, an actual expert in masks, testified at the trial about their uselessness under the circumstances in which they’re being idolized. Here’s an excerpt from the order pertaining to Dr. Petty. For those bureaucrats and social media tyrants who would censor this, this is from an actual court order issued today....
Excerpt from p.15:
Stephen E. Petty, P.E., CIH, testified as an expert and was accepted as such without objection. Mr. Petty has served as an expert witness in approximately 400 cases relating to toxic or infectious exposure, personal protective equipment (“PPE”), and as a warning expert. He also served as an epidemiology expert for the plaintiffs in the Monsanto “Roundup” cases, and for those in the Dupont C8 litigation. In connection with his service as an expert, he was deposed nearly 100 times and has provided court testimony in approximately 20 trials. Mr. Petty holds nine U.S. patents, has written a book comprising nearly 1,000 pages on forensics engineering, is a certified industrial hygienist, and a recognized expert with the Occupational Safety and Health Agency. Mr. Petty helped write the rules on risk assessment for the State of Ohio and has trained Ohio’s risk assessors.Mr. Petty explained that the field of his expertise is “to anticipate and recognize and control things that could hurt people, everything from making them sick to killing them.” He testified that, in this context, he has analyzed the use of masks and social distancing in connection with Covid-19. He testified that both the six-foot-distancing rule, and mask mandates, are wholly ineffective at reducing the spread of this virus. Masks are worthless, he explained, because they are not capable of filtering anything as small as Covid-19 aerosols. In addition, masks are not respirators and lack the limited protections that respirators can provide....
From Judge Richard A. Brueggemann summary, p.27-8:
Finally, Mr. Petty pointed to another recent study by Ben Sheldon of Stanford University out of Palo Alto. According to that study, “both the medical and non-medical face masks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious diseases, such as SARS, CoV-2 and COVID-19.”64 The Court finds the opinions expressed by Mr. Petty firmly established in logic. The inescapable conclusion from his testimony is that ordering masks to stop Covid-19 is like putting up chain-link fencing to keep out mosquitos. The six-foot- distancing requirements fare no better.
What the people have endured over the past fifteen months—to borrow a phrase from United States District Judge Justin R. Walker—“is something this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel.” Yet, Defendants contend that the Governor’s rule by mere emergency decree must continue indefinitely, and independent of legislative limits. In effect, Defendants seek declaratory judgment that the Constitution provides this broad power so long as he utters the word, “emergency.” It does not. For this Court to accept Defendant’s position would not be honoring its oath to support the Constitution; it would be tantamount to a coup d’ŕtat against it.
Plaintiffs in this suit are workers in the second-largest school district in the U.S. They filed to prevent the district from mandating Covid-19 vaccines as a condition of employment. See
CALIFORNIA EDUCATORS FOR MEDICAL FREEDOM, ARTEMIO QUINTERO, MIGUEL SOTELO, JANET PHYLLIS BREGMAN, CEDRIC JOHNSON, MISANON (SONI) LLOYD, HEATHER POUNDSTONE, and THERESA D. SANFORD -vs- THE LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, AUSTIN BEUTNER, in his official capacity as Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, and LINDA DEL CUETO, in her official capacity as the Director of Human Resources for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Filed in United States District Court Central District of California, Western Division, Date filed 03/17/21, 21 pages w/73 pages covering Exhibits A thru G (pp. 104)
The complaint cites the Nuremberg principles and the due process clause of the US Constitution, among other legal grounds:
page 3:5. Section 360bbb-3 further recognizes the well-settled doctrine that medical experiments, better known in modem parlance as “clinical research”, may not be performed on human subjects without the express, informed consent of the individual receiving treatment.
6. This right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, and has its roots in the Nuremberg Code of 1947 and has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. The standard is indeed so universally recognized that it constitutes a jus cogens norm under international law.
7. The Nuremberg principles have been adopted by the California Legislature, and no person subject to this State’s jurisdiction may be forced to undergo the administration of experimental medicine without that person’s informed consent. The Mandate is therefore contrary to the law of this State.
8. There is no “pandemic exception” to the law or the Constitution. Plaintiffs ask that the Court intervene to protect their rights before it is too late.FACTUAL BACKGROUNDThe Universal Prohibition on Human Experimentation Without Consent27. Among the horrors that emerged from the rubble of World War II were stories of barbaric medical experiments performed on unwilling victims of Nazi Germany’s concentration camps.
28. On August 8, 1945, the prevailing Allies established an International Military Tribunal (the “IMT”). Under the aegis of the IMT, the law authorized the creation of U.S. military tribunals for the trial of “lower-level” war criminals, such as doctors accused of conducting medical experiments without the subjects’ consent.1
29. A U.S. military tribunal subsequently found 15 doctors guilty of conducting nonconsensual experiments, which included the testing of drugs for immunization against malaria, epidemic jaundice, smallpox, and cholera. “In every single instance appearing in the record,” the tribunal concluded, “subjects were used who did not consent to the experiments. . . .” The tribunal sentenced seven of the doctors to death, and the remaining eight to life in prison.
30. As part of its final judgment, the tribunal promulgated the Nuremberg Code on Permissible Medical Experiments. Point One of the Nuremberg Code states: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.”
31. This standard has since been repeatedly ratified and adopted around the globe, in laws, treaties, regulations, and ethical guidelines for medical research. For example, in 1964, the World Medical Association adopted the Declaration of Helsinki, which provides that human subjects “must be volunteers and informed participants in the research project.” Declaration of Helsinki at Art. 20.40. Ultimately, the principles of the Belmont Report, which itself was guided by the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki, were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. See 21 C.F.R. § 50.20.3 The Department of Health and Human Services has similarly adopted this standard in its regulations governing grants for medical research. See 45 C.F.R. § 46.116. The United States clearly regards itself as bound by the provisions of the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki.
41. The Nuremberg principles have also been adopted by this State. See Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 24170, et. seq. (requiring informed consent for human trial subjects).4SECOND CLAIM(All Defendants)101. Plaintiffs reallege and incorporate by reference their allegations in Paragraphs 1 - 88, as if fully alleged herein, and further allege:
42 U.S.C. §1983
102. As set forth above, the COVID Vaccines are experimental.
103. Plaintiffs have a protected liberty interest, secured by the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution, international protocols and international treaties adopted by and entered into by the United States of America, and by the laws and regulations of the United States, to be free from forced medical experimentation.
The Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is based in Calgary, Alberta. On 5 Dec 2020 it filed a lawsuit challenging Orders made by the Dr Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) and select unconstitutional sections of the Public Health Act. A part of the lawsuit argues CMOH Orders violate multiple Charter-protected rights, including the right to peacefully assemble, the right to visit friends and family, the right to freely practice religious beliefs, the right to travel and the right to conduct business and earn a living. The Justice Centre will further argue that these constitutional rights violations are not justified because lockdowns cause far more harm than whatever harm from COVID-19 lockdown measures may prevent.
“In a free society, the government respects citizens as they exercise their freedom and responsibility to respond to a perceived crisis as they deem best for themselves and their loved ones. Arbitrary and authoritarian control, based on fearmongering by the government, only ever exacerbates the problems facing society, as we have seen for the last nine months. Politicians have not put forward any persuasive evidence that lockdowns have saved lives, but there is no question that lockdowns have caused grave harm to millions of Canadians suffering unemployment, poverty, cancelled surgeries, suicides, isolation and the loss of their liberty”—James Kitchen, JCCF Lawyer
New Emails Detail WHO/NIH Accommodations to Chinese Confidentiality ‘Terms’ Judicial Watch Press Release, 1 Mar 2021,
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) received 301 pages of emails and other records of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. H. Clifford Lane from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services showing that National Institutes of Health (NIH) officials tailored confidentiality forms to China’s terms and that the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an unreleased, “strictly confidential” COVID-19 epidemiological analysis in January 2020.
Additionally, the emails reveal an independent journalist in China pointing out the inconsistent COVID numbers in China to NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ Deputy Director for Clinical Research and Special Projects Cliff Lane.
The emails were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Judicial Watch on behalf of the DCNF (Daily Caller News Foundation v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:20-cv-01149)).
The lawsuit was filed after HHS failed to respond to the DCNF’s April 1, 2020, FOIA request seeking:
- Communications between Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane and World Health Organization officials concerning the novel coronavirus.
- Communications of Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane concerning WHO, WHO official Bruce Aylward, WHO Director General Tedros Anhanom, and China.
The new emails include a conversation about confidentiality forms on February 14-15, 2020, between Lane and WHO Technical Officer Mansuk Daniel Han. Han writes: “The forms this time are tailored to China’s terms so we cannot use the ones from before.”
A WHO briefing package sent on February 13, 2020, to NIH officials traveling to China as part of the COVID response ask that the officials wait to share information until they have an agreement with China: “IMPORTANT: Please treat this as sensitive and not for public communications until we have agreed communications with China.”
In an email dated January 20, 2020, a WHO official discusses the epidemiological analysis they conducted of COVID-19 earlier that month and states that it is “strictly confidential,” is “only for,” the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infection Hazards (STAG-IH), and “should not be further disseminated.”
In an email dated March 4, 2020, from Chinese journalist Zeng Jia to Lane, a reporter for Caixin Media, points out to Fauci deputy Cliff Lane that the number of cases reported in the WHO Joint China Mission’s report are inconsistent with the number reported by the Wuhan Public Health Committee:
It says on Page 6 [in the WHO report] that there was at least one clinically diagnosed case of coronavirus on December 2th, 2019, in Wuhan; and from Jan 11th to 17th there were new clinically diagnosed and confirmed cases every day in Wuhan, which is not consistent with Wuhan Public Health Committee’s numbers.In an email dated February 15, 2020, Gauden Galea, head of the WHO office in China, informs the joint mission members traveling to China that all of their activities in China would be arranged by the Chinese Government’s National Health Commission.
“These emails set the tone early on in the coronavirus outbreak. It’s clear that the WHO allowed China to control the information flow from the start. True transparency is crucial,” said Ethan Barton, editor-in chief for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“These new emails show WHO and Fauci’s NIH special accommodations to Chinese communist efforts to control information about COVID-19,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
This is the latest information obtained in Judicial Watch and the DCNF’s ongoing investigation into Fauci’s and NIH’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Judicial Watch and the DCNF previously uncovered emails showing a WHO entity pushing for a press release, approved by Dr. Fauci, “especially” supporting China’s COVID-19 response.
On September 22, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ordered HHS to begin processing responsive records. In a September 21 court filing, HHS said the agency could begin producing 300 pages of responsive records to the DCNF beginning on November 30, eight months after receiving the Daily Caller’s FOIA request. The total number of responsive records is approximately 4,200, which would have pushed off the full release of the records until at least 2022. HHS also alleged that Fauci must personally review each one of his emails before they are released.
In other words, you can’t have a gross violation of the most fundamental rights hanging over our heads at any time and somehow suggest that we have no recourse to eliminate it. Judge Tanenbaum wrote, “We conclude, then, that this case fits within the exception to the mootness doctrine, which is for controversies that are capable of repetition, yet evading review” as well as recognizing that the pretext for these “fiats” and “diktats” is rooted in abuse of emergency powers, which can be repeated at any moment:
It would behoove the trial court also to consider that while article I, section 23 “was not intended to provide an absolute guarantee against all governmental intrusion into the private life of an individual,” Fla. Bd. of Bar Exam’rs re Applicant, 443 So. 2d 71, 74 (Fla. 1983), “even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.” Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, 141 S. Ct. 63, 68 (2020). And there is this warning from William Pitt the Younger, roughly paraphrasing a similar sentiment in John Milton’s Paradise Lost: “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.”Also notable in this opinion is how the judge believes that the harm to plaintiffs is not just the threat of fines or denial of service.
Another consequence was being subjected to whispering informants, impelled by county-designed publicity like the following proposed signage encouraging citizens to inform on their disobedient neighbors.The judge warned, “The threat of government-sponsored shaming was not an idle one. The chairman who issued the original mask mandate stated publicly that ‘masks are the only outwardly visible signal that you are contributing to the solution.’”
In other words, this line of reasoning will give plaintiffs throughout the country a continued cause of action to fight both the mask mandate and the vaccine mandate. Both of them violate bodily autonomy and use public shaming to coerce people to violate their autonomy. According to this ruling, any edict requiring masking for those not vaccinated would also violate the Constitution.
Throughout the hearing, the judge seemed to oppose the entire premise that non-pharmaceutical interventions work against the virus, possibly opening the door for a very broad ruling against mask mandates, a ruling he promised “soon.” At this pace, perhaps it’s a good thing for some of the mandates to remain in place just long enough to get standing to sue against them. For if we fail to destroy this ill-gotten government power while it’s unpopular, it will surely rear its ugly head next flu season.
“What the people have endured over the past fifteen months–to borrow a phrase from United States District Judge Justin R. Walker–“is something this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel.”97 Yet, Defendants contend that the Governor’s rule by mere emergency decree must continue indefinitely, and independent of legislative limits. In effect, Defendants seek declaratory judgment that the Constitution provides this broad power so long as he utters the word, “emergency.” It does not. For this Court to accept Defendant’s position would not be honoring its oath to support the Constitution; it would be tantamount to a coup d’eétat against it.” (pp. pp.27-8)
A citizen’s petition has compelled health authorities to reveal autopsy details of deaths attributed to Covid-19 from January 2020 to April 2021. From this, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports André Dias, PhD in Lung Diseaes Modeling and a background in epidemiology and Medical Statistics. On 19 May 2021 the court ruled that the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not the 17,000-plus claimed by government ministries.
As Dr Dias writes (via auto-gen Eng translation):Since March 2020, 152 people have died of covid in Portugal, formally indicated by the Ministry of Health and confirmed by a court. All the “others” died from everything else that kills and only had a useless positive PCR test!
The data are from SICO [Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito], the only death certificate system in Portugal. The reference to “under the tutelage of the MJ is spurious, all are issued under the tutelage of the MJ, which is the only institution that issues them.
We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions.
In response to a popular action, a court summons was required for the ministry to respond, desperate not to denounce the fraud. All those responsible for handling data from “cases” and “deaths” can, thereafter, only be tried for the crime if there is any dignity remaining in the rule of law.
“The compulsion imposed on school children to wear masks and to keep their distance from each other and from third persons harms the children physically, psychologically, educationally and in their psychosocial development, without being counterbalanced by more than, at best, marginal benefit to the children themselves or to third persons. Schools do not play a significant role in the “pandemic”.
The PCR tests and rapid tests used are, in principle, not suitable on their own to detect an “infection” with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is already clear from the Robert Koch Institute’s own calculations, as explained in the expert reports. According to RKI calculations, as expert Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner explains, the probability of actually being infected when receiving a positive result in mass testing with rapid tests, regardless of symptoms, is only two per cent at an incidence of 50 (test specificity 80%, test sensitivity 98%). This would mean that, for every two true-positive rapid test results, there would be 98 false-positive rapid test results, all of which would then have to be retested with a PCR test.
A (regular) compulsion to mass-test asymptomatic people, i.e. healthy people, for which there is no medical indication, cannot be imposed because it is disproportionate to the effect that can be achieved. At the same time, the regular compulsion to take the test puts the children under psychological pressure, because in this way their ability to attend school is constantly put to the test.”
Finally, the judge notes:“Based on surveys in Austria, where no masks are worn in primary schools, but rapid tests are carried out three times a week throughout the country, the expert witness Prof. Dr. Kuhbandner concludes: “100,000 primary school pupils would have to put up with all the side effects of wearing masks for a week in order to prevent just one infection per week.”
To call this result merely disproportionate would be a completely inadequate description. Rather, it shows that the Land [i.e. federal state] legislature regulating this area has lost contact with reality to an unprecedented extent.”A LANDMARK legal decision declared that regional containment policies–including lockdowns, social distancing, prohibitions on gatherings by family or friends) are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The judge called the lockdowns a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives.” The judge ruled that the government violated the “inviolably guaranteed human dignity” under basic German law. This momentous, affirmative, liberating decision was handed down by a court of law in Weimar, Germany.
The judge ruled that the government violated the “inviolably guaranteed human dignity” under basic German law. This momentous, affirmative, liberating decision was handed down by a court of law in Weimar, Germany; the city whose name was adopted by the first German republic: 1919-1933, until it was overturned by the Nazi regime. Hundreds of thousands of German people have demonstrated throughout the summer and fall of 2020, some protesters compared their struggle to anti-Nazi resistance; which led Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to bristle.
Forensic analysis of official data convinced the court that the epidemic situation that was used to justify the lockdown laws does not exist. The judge ruled that the government lacked sufficient legal grounds to impose the restrictions since there was no “epidemic situation of national importance.” He declared that the measures were an attack on the “foundations of our society.”
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the lawyer who initiated the first German and American complaints and procedures stated: “We consider this judgment to be extraordinary and of fundamental importance. It is transferable to all violations of Covid19 measures. It is also transferable to the current Renewed Containment and all applicable coronavirus regulations. Because the “numbers of cases” are decreasing, as are patients in intensive care units! The judge confirms this with an excellent demonstration.”
The battle over government dictatorial overreach and the assault on the rights and dignity of citizens in a democracy will be won in the courts of law.
Below Dr. Nicole Delépine, MD, provides an in-depth analysis of the body of evidence that supports this momentous decision. She notes that one factor that helped Germany resist the epidemic better than other countries – such as France – is probably due to the early treatment of patients with hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, vitamins, etc. She concludes that This crisis is purely political with a health pretext.The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.
The court’s main points are as follows:
The above would suffice to deem the forced quarantine of the four persons unlawful. The court thought it necessary, however, to add some very interesting considerations about the PCR tests:
The court’s summary of the case to rule against the Regional Health Authority’s appeal reads as follows: