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Reiner Fuellmich: Brussels Update & Covid Crimes Grand Jury Proceeding
World Council For Health
General Assembly Meeting, 24 January 2022

video (43:28), mp3 (40:23)
The time stamps herein reflect the video recording as the mp3 audio recording begins at 2:50.
We have no time to lose. There’s no place for niceties or political correctness. The most important thing that people have to understand it is that each and every one of us has to get up and do something.
The courts of law will not turn this thing around. The courts of law—if there are any left after this, will probably only be there to do the cleanup work. Most of the European courts of law are totally, completely compromised, infiltrated because they’ve had 30 years or so to put their puppets in place. One of the most evil puppets is of course the current Chief Justice of the German Constitutional Court. That is why this first step—even though we’re still with one foot in the old system—because we’re using an institution from the old system; a procedure, a grand jury investigation, we’re trying, the next step is supposed to be a real court of law. Probably not one of the ones that are still existing. Unless, of course, we managed to go to India. That is one of the few systems where justice still seems to be working. But we’re going to have to—we’re encouraging people to set up a completely new parallel system, including a parallel judiciary. And I’m not just talking about it. There are—in many of the countries in Africa, but also in the United States—there are already people working on a parallel system of justice.
In the end, the most important thing is to get people to understand what’s really going on so that they will rise up and fight this because it’s not the courts of law. The courts of law will not turn things around. And also to understand that they are the sovereign. We are the people. It sounds very simple, but that’s what it is. That’s what brought the wall down between East and West Germany. And that’s how the American Constitution starts: “We the people”. And if they understand that, it’ll only be one small step until we really do regain our sovereignty. We have to disconnect from these, from this old system, its politicians, and it’s institutions, including the global NGOs, which are run by the same people who are running the global corporations. It is no use. It is a waste of time and energy to try to reform that system. It is not reformable. It’s beyond repair. We’re going to have to set up our own system, including our own judiciary.
See Also:

[00:32] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Now, Maria is on our steering committee of World Council for Health. I would like to bring Maria forward to do the introduction for Reiner because she was there in Brussels. Certainly you can reflect the feeling and the atmosphere and what was going on there, aside from what we might’ve seen on newsfeeds.

[00:51] So please come forward, Maria. our wonderful, powerful, inspirational steering committee member.

[00:59] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Hello, everybody. Thank you so much Jennifer, very kind of you. We were in Brussels yesterday and it was really an amazing day. We started off with a Children’s Health Defense Europe press conference.

[01:11] We had, Catherine Austin Fitts, Mary Holland, Vera Sherav, Reiner Fuellmich, and so many others on the panel for the press conference. And then we will ought to speak on stage at the U Ruth hock in Brussels, which was a really big park of people. We think, 200 to 3000 people were in the streets of Belgium. That is what, the count was from the organizers but not from the official sites, you know?

[01:43] And, today when I, came back from Brussels, I was, having a chat with the taxi driver and he was at the rally as well. And he showed me so many videos on his cell phone showing the same that we see in all the streets, all around the world, beautiful people, families, kids, grandparents, lovely, peaceful, people on the streets and not what we saw on mainstream media.

[02:09] So we are sure there were, maybe, Antifa, actual provocateur who were, you know, who were doing what they did. And so they were using tear gas and the water, and so the whole thing was stopped. And it was stopped at the point where Reiner Fuellmich was about to come on stage. So I’m really happy that Reiner is with us tonight.

[02:36] And, I think all of you will know him. He and Vivianna Fisher, formed the Corona Commitee, the Corona Ausschuss and, in their weekly, committee, they have experts from around the world. So I’m pretty sure you know him, and I’m really honored that he is our guests tonight. And I’m really happy that now he can tell us what he actually wanted to say on stage yesterday in Brussels.

[03:04] Hello, Reiner!

[03:05] Reiner Fuellmich: Hi, Good night, everyone. Well, I did have a chance to talk about what we’re doing, in the morning at the press conference. But I’ll summarize it again. There has been lots of talk about Nuremberg 2.0, this is just rumors. It’s false rumors. And it’s probably based on the fact that over a year ago in October of 2020, I published a video right after we learned in one of the sessions of the Corona Committee that the PCR test doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do or what Professor Drosten, our biggest fake personality in Germany has promised it would do. It can’t tell you anything about infection. So I published this video. I didn’t really expect anybody to watch it because it was so long. It was 50 minutes long in the German version and 49 minutes long in the English version. And I think that’s what caused these rumors.

[04:08] Because I explained in this video, how the PCR tests, which all the measures are based on, cannot tell you anything about infections. Went into the details. And then I explained that what we’re seeing—the anti Corona measures were doing so much damage even then—what we’re seeing are Crimes Against Humanity.

[04:28] Then I explained where this term comes from. It comes from the Nuremberg trials. And at the end of the video, I said, something like, I was trying to, to bridge the gap between us and maybe those people on the other side, who might be able to help us. And I said, you can come on over to our side.

[04:52] You’re going to be witnesses for us. And then you will be okay. If not, we’re going to come and go for you. So that’s what I think caused these rumors about Nuremberg 2.0, and a thousand lawyers and 10,000 experts working on this. This has never been true. What we have been doing is we’ve been collecting evidence, not for the purpose of filing lawsuits, but after about 3, 4, 5 months or so, all these calls started to come in from lawyers from all over the world who wanted to get in touch with our experts. And who began to ask us, what are you going to do with all this evidence? Aren’t you going to file lawsuits? And Viviana and I decided, well, of course, we’re going to do this.

[05:39] We’re going to help our colleagues and, we’re also going to help some German colleagues to file such lawsuits based on the PCR tests. But because I still believe it makes absolutely no sense to attack these measures in the courts of law, apart from the fact that it doesn’t make any sense to attack them in the German or European courts of law, because most of them are totally corrupt. But it doesn’t make any sense to attack on the basis of proportionality or denial of alternative treatment, because that is when you accept their narrative, that there’s a pandemic. But there isn’t a—this is just a PCR test pandemic.

[06:18] So, eventually, I began to help colleagues in the United States and in other Anglo-American countries. I connected people with each other. And now this group of international lawyers includes even a lawyer from India, one from South Africa.

[06:39] And what we have decided to do instead of Nuremberg 2.0 is we’re gonna start a, what we call a Grand Jury Proceeding, because what we’re doing must be based on something that the people know so that it has credibility.

[06:58] We’re going to base it on the American grand jury proceeding. What we’re going to do is we’re going to present all the evidence that we have now to the jury—the jury, in this case, being our viewers. And that is only the first step. The idea behind [this is] we’re using a real judge, a Portuguese judge, we’re of course, real lawyers.

[07:21] We have real experts, including Mike Yeadon and Ulrike Kämmerer and all the others. And we have real witnesses who will explain, and tell the people about the damages that they suffer in particular because of the so-called vaccinations of course. Ultimately this will hopefully end up with an indictment against the six figure heads, which we picked as future defendants. We know they’re only symbolic, but still: Drosten, Fauci, Tedros, Gates, BlackRock and Pfizer. But it is not so much about getting indictments against these people and institutions, but rather what we really have in mind is to give the people the whole story, not just pictures of the puzzle. But the whole story through a judicial proceeding, which has credibility and authority, to enable them to understand that they not only have a right, but a duty to resist because as it will be made very clear, this is about life and death now.

[08:29] We have no time to lose. There’s no place for niceties or political correctness. So that is what we really want to do, get people, up, and rising and become active in the resistance because the most important thing that people have to understand it is that each and every one of us has to get up and do something.

[08:57] The courts of law will not turn this thing around. The courts of law—if there are any left after this, will probably only be there to do the cleanup work. Most of the European courts of law are totally, completely compromised, infiltrated because they’ve had 30 years or so to put their puppets in place.

[09:16] One of the most evil puppets is of course the current Chief Justice of the German Constitutional Court. That is why this first step—even though we’re still with one foot in the old system—because we’re using an institution from the old system; a procedure, a grand jury investigation, we’re trying, the next step is supposed to be a real court of law.

[09:45] Probably not one of the ones that are still existing. Unless, of course, we managed to go to India. That is one of the few systems where justice still seems to be working. But we’re going to have to—we’re encouraging people to set up a completely new parallel system, including a parallel judiciary. And I’m not just talking about it. There are—in many of the countries in Africa, but also in the United States—there are already people working on a parallel system of justice.

[10:20] So in the end, the most important thing is to get people to understand what’s really going on so that they will rise up and fight this because it’s not the courts of law. The courts of law will not turn things around. And also to understand that they are the sovereign. We are the people. It sounds very simple, but that’s what it is.

[10:44] That’s what brought the wall down between East and West Germany. And that’s how the American Constitution starts: “We the people”. And if they understand that, it’ll only be one small step until we really do regain our sovereignty. We have to disconnect from these, from this old system, its politicians, and it’s institutions, including the global NGOs, which are run by the same people who are running the global corporations. It is no use. It is a waste of time and energy to try to reform that system. It is not reformable. It’s beyond repair. We’re going to have to set up our own system, including our own judiciary.

[11:29] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That was wonderful. Thank you very much Reiner. And now, Karen, I think you want to bring forward a question and actually bring forward a little bit of a discussion going on here too. I’m so glad that you’re able to make it here, Reiner, and we’re going to engage – Xavier and Maria please.

[11:48] Karen McKenna: Yes, the question is to both, Xavier and Reiner together and it’s from, Dr. Tess Lawrie: Do you have any cases or are you intending to take any actions against the regulatory agencies? Also, are there any actions planned against the doctor’s registration body that has promoted these injections? And maybe this is more a conversation than a one-way question.

[12:12] Reiner Fuellmich: If you allow me to go first. I don’t think it’s important to go after the regulatory institutions. They’ll come down when this house of cards will come down. It’s important to have some figureheads who we’re going to go after, but of course the list goes on and on and on. It’s not just the six that I just mentioned. It’s others.

[12:32] And it includes of course, the regulatory agencies. But as long as these institutions, these, corrupt institutions make all the decisions, I don’t think we’re going to get very far. What we have to do is—just like Nuremberg was really more of a symbol of justice than it was real justice—because as you probably remember, many of the real criminals escaped, because through Operation Paperclip they were taken to the United States. Werner von Braun started the space program. Many others, really, really evil people started—were really behind MK Ultra.

[13:20] I think it’s the most important thing is to have people understand that they are sovereign. They have the power and without their actions, nothing will happen. They shall not wait for the cavalry to come in. They shall not wait for someone else to turn the light on. We have to turn the light on. We are the cavalry. We’re going to turn things around and then we’re going to do the cleanup work. And then we’re going to go after the regulatory agencies and everyone else.

[13:50] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: That’s wonderful. And that’s so true. I think a lot of people are waking up, certainly I’m in Canada and they are realizing now that no one’s coming to our rescue. We have to do it for ourselves. So finally, we’re getting some uprising happening. Karen, do you have any more? And if anybody, please just remember.

[14:09] Xavier Azalbert: Jennifer, if I may add something on this, because—

[14:12] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Please do!

[14:13] Xavier Azalbert: That we have to actually go ahead with this, but we have prepared a lawsuit, against, the EMA and the WHO. Because I think in order to get prepared, whether you have an international program or you bring them down, at one point or another, you have to have the documentation in order to demonstrate to people that you’ve done the homework.

[14:37] And I think it’s important that we’ve done this. And so we’ve documented the processes that they’ve used. We’ve also documented the way they fudged the statistics in the studies, the way they actually work with the press agencies in order to release incomplete data. So I think it’s important because you want to also prevent from that happening again. So you can prevent by building a new, but also something that you should never forget how they did it. And so documenting is important.

[15:12] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Absolutely. Now Reiner, when you’re talking about bringing forward, through, what was it to grand jury? Thank you. Now, would you be addressing that in a court of natural law?

[15:27] Where would you be bringing it forward? What court will allow that to come forward? I know you said that would set up a court of our own, that I know the indigenous communities all over the world are struggling to try to bring back natural law. And I think we’re on much the same track. What is your opinion on that?

[15:48] Reiner Fuellmich: Really good question. I just spoke with our good friend and colleague Michael Swinwood from Ontario, Canada. He’s been working with the indigenous people for 25 years, I think. He’s going to give the opening opinion—there’s five of us who are going to give an opening opinion. He’s going to concentrate on the genocide aspect.

[16:11] What we have done: the original idea was just to have a kind of a moot court or a show trial. But that would cost us a lot of credibility. That’s why we decided on the advice of our colleague, Ana Garner from New Mexico, we decided to do, to use a real procedural, court instrument, which in this case is the grand jury proceeding.

[16:43] It has the advantage that the defendant or the future defendants do not have to appear. Their attorneys do not have to appear. Why is that? Well, because through a grand jury proceeding, you address very serious crimes. Now we’re talking about Crimes Against Humanity and you don’t want that—you don’t want the future defendants to know that you’re after them, that you’re on to them.

[17:09] That’s why they’re not included in this and that’s why a grand jury proceeding has the most credibility. Apart from this, there are actual real lawsuits in the existing courts of law pending. One of them was filed by Michael Swinwood and Canada. It’s a class action case. It was dismissed without even a hearing.

[17:32] And he filed a brilliant appellate brief, and now a hearing, on appeal has been scheduled for sometime in March. So there’s a real case going on. There’s another one in South Africa, we collaborated with a south African colleagues, our experts from the Corona committee, including Mike Yeadon and Ulrike Kämmerer are going to be, very important in that case. It’s very promising because despite the fact that South Africa is probably a very corrupt country, we were assured by our colleague Dexter Ryneveldt that there’s one exception to this corruption and that’s their highest court, the Constitutional Court.

[18:18] So that one has very high hopes riding on it. There are a couple of cases I filed here in Germany. They’re all based on the PCR test—all of them are by the way. And others are being filed in some of the courts in the United States. So some of the courts are still functioning. But the really important thing—I can’t stress this enough—is for the people to understand that it’s up to them to create their own judicial system.

[18:44] Hopefully that is what’s going to happen. It is happening right now. And hopefully some of the courts of law that still function will be motivated to keep up the good work; the Indian courts for example. But we’re very optimistic that this is going to work. And this is definitely going to wake people more people up.

[19:07] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes, absolutely. Rather than doing a dress rehearsal, it makes a lot more sense to get into a real court. That’s really good to hear. Karen anything more coming forward?

[19:20] Karen McKenna: Do you have any strategies for extending to more of the audience that isn’t aware of this? —kind of not on our side already? Anything that you’re working on in that realm?

[19:30] Reiner Fuellmich: Yes. Well, this is very, very difficult. We have decided that—what Professor Desmet from Belgium says, 30% of the population is probably hypnotized. He says, it’s not like hypnotized—they are hypnotized because that’s how the psy-op has been working. 40% are sitting on the fence and don’t know which side to get off. And we have decided that those are the people who we want to address. Of course our own people—because this is this is also about empowerment—but also the 40% that are still approachable. This is—it’s difficult, because depending on who you want to address, you have to structure your case.

[20:16] One of the things we do have to address—and we weren’t sure in the beginning—but what we do have to address, looking at what’s happening right now is, of course, the genocide aspect and the transhumanism aspect. But we can’t jump into people’s faces with that. So that’s why we’re going to start with the question; is it really a pandemic or is this a PCR test pandemic? It’s a staged kind of thing. We have concrete evidence that this has been planned for probably 20 years, but at least for five years. But then the question—after you arrive at the point of realizing, Oh, this is not about health—the question is What is it about?

[21:00] So that second level that we’re going to be talking about is that they’re trying to divert our attention from their criminal activities through the financial industry which is really the financial mafia. I know what I’m talking about because I used to work for them. I used to work for Deutsche Bank.

[21:19] They don’t care if anybody dies as long as they make money. What people don’t understand, but I think they’re willing to understand, is that most global corporations are evil. In particular the financial industry. They remember the Lehman crisis and what happened there. So I think it’s going to be not too hard to convince people that this is one of the things that they’re trying to divert our attention from.

The third level, which—and that second level is really important because Catherine Austin Fitts explains to us how the financial mafia diverted some 21 trillion, not billion, but trillion dollars out of the system when they realized that they wouldn’t be able to pay for the pension funds, et cetera, or the healthcare funds.

[22:09] This has been going on for probably decades, maybe longer. The third level, which we’re going to address last, because it’s going to be hard to swallow for many people, is that the side effects are not side effects, but they’re intended. They are intending to destroy our economy for the benefit of American platforms, such as Uber, Amazon, and others.

[22:38] We don’t know the role of the Chinese yet, but they’re certainly involved in dividing the spoils. They’re taking over our German car industry and probably the American car industry. And then of course, we’re going to have to talk about population control and transhumanism. We have some really good experts on that.

[22:58] And one of them is going to be Vera Sherav who keeps reminding us those who don’t want to see the parallels between what happened 80 years ago and now, they’re the true Holocaust deniers.

[23:14] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: This is really good. Thank you for laying out the plan. It all makes sense and definitely the progression because you have to do it gradually because this is hard to get people to listen. And that’s the whole purpose of all of this is to get people’s attention and curiosity and listen to what you have to bring forward.

[23:36] So if you lay it all out, it they’ll just hit the wall and, you know, we’d all like to go there immediately, cause it’s not soon enough, but your process makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much. And Maria, please. Do you have anything more to bring forward and Xavier? Because I know you guys all have had this whole network you’ve been working together over the last few days in Brussels and getting collecting there. And just all the experiences that you’ve had together and discussed. Is there more to bring forward that we haven’t questioned or, or discussed yet?

[24:11] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Actually it was a really interesting day and if the listeners are interested, you can watch the press conference [in Brussels] number one that we did in the morning.

[24:20] The other one that we did in the evening, because we couldn’t speak on stage. You can watch it on a Children’s Health Defense, and they have a CHD TV, and you can watch the press conferences there. Thank you. Thank you, Reiner for joining us tonight.

[24:37] Reiner Fuellmich: Thank you, it’s a pleasure.

[24:39] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yeah, that was really, really informative. Thank you so much.

[24:42] This is, this is amazing. So now I would like to continue on, is there any other questions, where did you notice any questions in the chat just before we move on?

[24:55] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: I’m sure. More questions.

[24:57] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: I’m taking quick look?

[24:59] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: It’s time, Maybe?

[25:01] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: I’m just having a quick look there.

[25:03] Karen McKenna: I think the main ones were about is there a way to fight this with taxes—sometimes at some part of resisting taxes instead of the legal courts?

[25:14] Dr. Mark Trozzi: I think that’s regarding the situation where if we have systems working against us and yet we’re forced to fund them while trying to create our own. Can we, for instance, start paying our taxes to legitimate indigenous governments. Is there a pathway to stop funding our enemies essentially?

[25:35 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: I’d like to come in here. If I can, Jennifer?

[25:38] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Please do.

[25:39 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: In South Africa there is a structure or a tool through which people can invest, what they would ordinarily just pump into tax, into a trusted lawyers trust account. And then utilize those funds to fix whatever needs to happen in what we call municipalities. Obviously it’s called something else in other countries around the world. And it seems to be increasing in popularity because people have realized the pitfalls, to put it mildly, of tax and the empowerment in deciding where you’re buying it goes and what it fixes in your local community.

[26:18] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you. That was really informative. Reiner. Do you have anything else to add to that?

[26:23] Reiner Fuellmich: There’s something I forgot to mention because I didn’t fully answer your question. And I just saw in the chat that people are asking about it. Yes, we are going to apply Natural Law because that was ultimately the basis for the Nuremberg Code—not for the trials. They use military law, in most of them, but when they arrived at the conclusion that, I just followed orders is not a good defense. They applied Natural Law because they said there is an innate, an inbuilt compass in all of us. And we all know we can tell right from wrong and good from evil.

[27:05] And if you get an order to kill a child, you know you must not follow that order. And that’s why we think Natural Law is probably the best choice for substantive law.

[27:17] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: It makes so much sense and, again, it’s getting back to basics, isn’t it? And this is important. And we haven’t touched on it in this discussion—but I think you were very much there too—is the spiritual aspect of all of this. Bringing in Natural Law and the indigenous and their very strong connection to the earth and to nature and where we are going with our new way forward.

[27:41] I think this is a very powerful direction, and this is the new way out of the old matrix and moving into a new direction for humanity. Did you want to add anything more on in that aspect?

[27:55] Reiner Fuellmich: Well, I couldn’t agree more. I have mentioned many times that I, as an attorney, I’m used to rational thinking but I never really believed in the system.

[28:08] I did have my doubts about the judiciary and I did have my doubts about politicians and the media. But I would never, ever have guessed that corruption is so pervasive and that so many people are willing to sell their soul, literally sell their souls to the devil. It is only through this Corona plandemic that I really opened my eyes.

[28:31] That’s also when I realized this it’s not just about bringing out the truth and educating people. It’s not just about filing lawsuits. But it is about, there is something else out there. There is a huge power. I call it spirituality. My wife calls it, cosmic. Whatever.

[28:55] Some people call it religion. It doesn’t matter, but there is another force out there. And I know, I’m absolutely convinced—me a rational lawyer—I’m absolutely convinced if we do rise up this force will come to our aid and that’ll be crucial.

[29:12] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you. I think we’re all going there. And we’re looking into aspects of spiritualism that we hadn’t even thought we would be considering as as a united humanity. I think we totally agree with you and—

[29:30] Xavier Azalbert: If I may, I have one observation, which is back to natural law. One of the natural law of physics, which is called magnetism, and this is why the earth go round. And we always forget that what happens when the Earth go around is that the pluses attracts the minuses.

[29:48] So the pluses attracts the opposites. Our populations, our world, had actually gone to a standstill because, it’s not the opposite that attracts each other. It’s the one that are a like. Doctors attract doctors, lawyers attract lawyers. We make lawyers out of lawyers, we make doctors out of doctors.

[30:06] And basically we brought these to the grinding halt by digging a hole for ourselves because through ultra specialism. So whether it’s spirituality, there’s something about elevation and, and seeing the wood from the trees. But the law of nature that we can remember is that this law of nature of magnetism exists and it really very important.

[30:26] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Absolutely. And it is this law of magnetism. That’s bringing all of us together. And the more that you are learning and the more we all are learning, the more we are drawing like-minded people to the forefront, not just to the stage, but to, to help and support all of us carry these messages.

[30:44] Xavier Azalbert: And that’s why the logo that we use in Bon Sens is a compass because it shows the magnetic north and truth being in their influence. Then what happens is that when lies become standards, then you lose your compass. You lose sense of directions, you lose sense of everything. So it’s also important to have use of symbols because what they do in the opposite camp is they use a lot of symbols too. So we can restore the simple symbols.

[31:09] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes, that’s really—you’re very inspirational, insightful on your part. Thank you very much. I believe Shabnam, would you like to come forward with a question?

[31:19] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Jennifer? Sorry. That’s a question from Charles Kovess. Reiner he’s, a colleague from Australia. So, Charles, maybe you want to ask your question, or should I read it out?

[31:31] Charles Kovess: Reiner, the question is criminal behavior. Indemnities by governments, all governments, including Australia, have indemnifed big pharma for injuries and damages. But you cannot indemnify for criminal behavior. And I say, we are dealing with criminal negligence by pharma or what they’ve produced, would you agree? And are you looking at the criminal liability of the companies and the executives?

[31:58] Reiner Fuellmich: We’re looking precisely at the criminal liability, but we’re also looking at their civil responsibility because they’re all going to have to pay damages. We’re thinking that there’s roughly— each and every one of us suffered damages, at least in the amount of a million dollars.

[32:16] If you add onto this, punitive damages, you will get enough money together to take apart all of these corporations and to make Bill Gates, the former largest land owner of the United States. So we’re going to take everything back from them. This is criminal liability and intentional infliction of harm.

[32:43] That’s what we’re talking about. Intent. This is not negligence. This is intent. And whenever you’re talking about intentional or as Professor Schwab, Martin Schwab—not related—says a malicious infliction of harm, then always at least in the United States, and I think in Canada too, punitive damages come into play and that can be five times the actual damages, 21 times or a thousand times the actual damages. There’s more than enough damages to go around and take these corporations and the people who are behind them apart.

[33:19] Charles Kovess: Thank you.

[33:20] Reiner Fuellmich: And there’s no indemnification of course. And no one is immune from a prosecution. If this is intent.

[33:26] Charles Kovess: Yes. And that’s the point? No one is above the law, everybody. So the politicians can’t indemnify themselves. They cannot indemnify for crimes.

[33:35] Reiner Fuellmich: Exactly.

[33:41] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Yes. Yes.

[33:44 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: Thanks Jennifer. So we’ve got a question Dustin Bryce from Costa Rica, the organization that presented earlier, Interest of Justice. Reiner, the question is A) What is the source of authority to do the private grand jury? B) Do we need government to acknowledge these citizen’s Grand Jury’s first? and C) How do we enforce these judgments? So source of authority, government acknowledgements, and enforcement of judgements.

[34:11] Reiner Fuellmich: Well, the source is the people’s power because we are the people. That’s how the system that we now have came into existence because someone invented it. And it’s about time to cut ties with that old system because it’s thoroughly, compromised.

[34:28] That’s why we think it’s time to create a new one. And we have the power because we are the people. What’s the second question again?

[34:36 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Acknowledgement from government of citizens juries.

[34:40] Reiner Fuellmich: Well, the thing is we’re going after the governments. In the end, we’re going after the governments. We’re going after the puppets.

[34:46] So that is why we’re not asking them to authorize us to do this. And we’re not asking for their permission to do anything. That is why the second step, I think will be that we will have our own courts of law to do the cleanup job. And maybe some of the existing courts of law will have the courage—in India for example—to follow suit and help us.

[35:12] But if they don’t, we’re going to do our own thing. This is what people need to understand. We don’t need anyone to give us the authority. We are the people.

[35:21 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: And C) perhaps the most important in that step from Dustin, Reiner, is how do we enforce these judgements?

[35:27] Reiner Fuellmich: This is only—the first step is only the indictment process. So there’s not going to be a judgment. We hope that the second step will be taken by the people themselves and that they in their regions—because that’s where the power is—not in a global something that tries to tell them how to act and what to do, but in their regions—they’ll set up their own courts of law. They’ll choose their own judges, their own prosecutors.

[35:56] This is just a model that we’re showing them so that they can then decide whether or not they want to follow it. But, it is time for the people to understand that it is not, this is not about, this is not a fight of the vaccinated against the non-vaccinated, against the Russians, the Chinese or whoever.

[36:17] This is a fight against the people who are behind these corporations, who are in charge and responsible for what is happening. It’s probably just 3,000. We don’t know how many, but not very many. It’s a fight against them and their puppets. And once people understand—and of course you can’t go after them, by staying in that system, in that corrupt system, you have to go, you cannot be within a corrupt system.

[36:43] You have to go outside the system. That’s what we try to make people realize. And that’s sort of a war cry. Years ago, what’s her name? Maggie Thatcher, who was totally unhappy with the EU—and I agree, it’s a totally corrupt institution—said I want my money back. And we want people to say, I want my sovereignty back.

[37:07] This is nothing that can be given to us. Just like Life and Liberty, the governments can’t give it to us. We have to be the ones to assert, ‘This is ours.’ And that’s why we are going to pass judgment on you because you’re responsible.

[37:25 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: I want to make two quick points before—I’m not sure what your time limit is like—but they’re very relevant to what you’re saying.

[37:30] The one is on India. India is unique in that her government did not give indemnity to the pharmaceutical industry. So Advocate Dipali Ojha will be speaking to this and other related issues on Saturday at the Vaccine Causation Conference, one, the inaugural one this Saturday. The second point, is that I’ve interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough and one of the points he made is that we need to seek refunds for products that are not only ineffective, but dangerous and unaffordable.

[38:00] Reiner Fuellmich: What’s the, what’s the question. Is there a question in this for me?

[38:04 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: Just two points to make regarding India being an exemption on the indeminity agreements and refunds being a matter of recourse when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry?

[38:14] Reiner Fuellmich: India is special. I’ve just learned this from talking to some of the colleagues in India.

[38:21] One of them is Dipali Ojha. She’s a member of the Indian bar association and she explained to us how there have been pretty successful cases that were brought to the courts and there’s actually currently, a criminal investigation going on against Bill Gates and I think an Indian politician for mass murder.

[38:47] And if worst comes to worst, and this, this case seems to be taken very seriously by the authorities. If worst comes to worst, he’s going to get the death penalty. So that’s pretty powerful. And the second part was what?

[39:01 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: Peter McCullough is of your opinion that—and I’m sure many people are—one of the rights is recourse that we have is refund from those we bought these products from, or our government did. So a refund for any ineffective, risky, unaffordable products?

[39:15] Reiner Fuellmich: Yes, it makes sense. But let’s not stop there. The damages are much, much higher than just the refunds. We’re going to destroy these corporations. We’re going to take everything they have because they stole it from us.

[39:30] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Hopefully we can call out every single one of them because public exposure is a big part of this. And certainly the Chinese model is public exposure is probably the most damning personally for each one of them. And as we all know, bullies, don’t like anyone standing up to them. So I commend you and all of us are right there with you. We’re going to do this and we’re going to win this. We know it. We all know it. Everybody here knows it. Now, Karen, you have—

[40:03] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: Jennifer just a second. Reiner maybe you can do your quote that you did on stage. You had 30 seconds on the stage.

[40:14] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Please give it to us! That’s great. Thanks Maria.

[40:18] Reiner Fuellmich: What happened is, we were a little bit surprised that at the very moment that we climbed up the stairs to get on the stage, that at that very moment something really strange happened.

[40:30] They announced that the police were about to break this whole thing up and they were coming in with, water cannons and tear gas, et cetera. I didn’t see anything at that point. So I was wondering what’s going on and I was just up the stairs on the stage. I was supposed to start my little—giving my little presentation, When they suddenly decided to change course.

[40:57] A couple of people began to sing, chanting. Really strange because, I mean, I didn’t mean to be the center of attraction, but people have been waiting for me. So why were they beginning to sing, for the police to get everything in order? Well, I managed to, because of Maria’s help, I managed to get in my 40 seconds and I said, I explained that we’re about to start with this criminal proceeding.

[41:29] And I said, we’re going to send all of them right back to hell, where they came from. And I mean it.

[41:36] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: All right. That was a strong statement to get out there. I think if you’re getting—

[41:40] Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg: And Reiner, don’t forget your quote from our, or your former—

[41:45] Reiner Fuellmich: Oh yeah, right. I said—well I wanted to say something in German.

[41:50] So I quoted our chancellor, it was really stupid, but, she kept saying WIR SCHAFFEN DAS, which means, “We Can Do It!”. And I said, we can do it, but they can’t. For example, they don’t have access to spirituality. There’s no way they can get to where we are and where many of us will be, but they can go straight to hell because that is their home.

[42:14] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Well said, well said, and I think if you’re going to get anything out, that was probably the most powerful statement. So thank you from all of us. Shabnam, you do have a good question to bring forward. So I’d love you to—

[42:28 Shabnam Palesa Mohamed:: One last question for me Reiner. And this is from Michael Alexander, my colleague in the law and activism committee, can one impanel, a parallel citizen jury to a ballot proposition in California?

[42:42] Reiner Fuellmich: Well, I really don’t know. Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking to a group of colleagues in California because there’s another case that we’re going to bring, against Roche, because they’re the ones who monopolize PCR testing. So we’re thinking about bringing a case, a class action case against Roche, but, I really can’t answer your question. I’m going to ask my colleagues tomorrow.

[43:09] Dr. Jennifer Hibberd: Thank you very much.

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