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Editor’s Note: the following is an annotated hypertext edition of the original text file received with appreciation from Avocat Virginie de Araujo-Recchia.
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia (Lawyer at the Court of Paris):
The Current Situation In France
Corona Committee - Session 61: We'll Catch You Cause We Can
16 July 2021
video, mp3 (35:30)
Virginie de Araujo-Recchia is an attorney at the Paris Bar Association. After obtaining a master’s degree in European and international law, then a post master’s degree in international commercial law at the University of Paris Descartes, she joined Clifford Chance an international law firm, then Ernst & Young and the Law Firm Pierre Boudriot, specializing in tax and intellectual property law. In 2014, she founded her own practice.
  1. Situation in France as of today
  2. Ongoing proceedings in which I am involved
    1. Interim summons against the health emergency and lockdowns
    2. Legal actions before the General Court of the European Union
    3. Complaints before the President of the French Broadcasting Authority
  3. Last point but not least
  1. Situation in France as of today

    We clearly live under a dictatorship since March 2020, but French citizens are more aware of the situation than ever since July 12th, 2021, because of the Television Presidential address.

    It became a declaration of war against French people.

    He announced a series of measures to counter what he called « the resurgence of the covid-19 epidemic linked to the delta variant », including in particular a mandatory vaccination for certain professions (schematically, caregivers and helpers), as well as the extension of the Health certificate to new locations to force as many people as possible to be vaccinated.

    The government have been threatening health workers since January 2021.

    Some doctors who question the vaccine or who denounce the side effects and accidents are threatened, go before the Medical Council, are suspended and forbidden to practice or are taken into custody.

    It is important to keep in mind that the covid-19 epidemic pressure rate in France is currently 1 patient per 100 000 inhabitants. Note that an influenza epidemic is reported when there are normally between 150 and 200 patients per 100 000 inhabitants.

    We are far from being in a worrying situation. We can say that nothing is happening.

    In spite of everything, E. Macron announced his intention to extend the Health certificate from July 21 in all leisure and cultural venues that bring together more than 50 people (entertainment venues, stadiums, fairs, festivals, large casinos, but also theme parks, zoos, enclosed and covered sports facilities, bowling alleys, gaming halls, cinemas, theaters, museums and monuments).

    In early August (after the law is enacted), the Health certificate will be extended to cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, hospitals, retirement homes, medical and social institutions, and travel by air, train and bus for long distance trips.

    The health certificate becomes mandatory for access to hospitals. I already heard that surgery operations are cancelled when the patient has not already taken the jab, even before the vote or publication of the law.

    The health certificate becomes mandatory for access to these different places, from the age of 12 years old.

    The Health certificate would not only concern the public, but also the employees working there.

    Merchants who do not check the health certificate of their customers could be fined 45,000 euros and imprisoned for one year.

    Starting this fall, PCR tests will be made chargeable, unless prescribed by a physician, in order to force vaccination.

    Mandatory vaccination for children is also in the pipe for the start of the school year.

    The Bill of Law will be presented to the Council of Ministers on July 19, 2021.

    On Covid-tracker ( as of July 11, 2021 :

    • People in France with 2 jabs: 27.4 million
    • People with 1 jab: 35.8 million

    Since March 2020, the president, the Government, and the Parliament members are openly denying our fundamental rights.

    The situation is becoming very worrying.

    We try by all means to remind our representatives of the rules applicable in a real democracy.

    We are no longer in a Democracy.

    Our leaders are very zealous and follow orders, which are taken against the fundamental interests of our Nation.

    They hold obscure defense councils during which, we know that they receive instructions.

    They are stressing the agenda, but at the same time, they are committing a lot of mistakes.

    It’s quite certain that the population is at the mercy of a transhumanist, eugenicist terrorist criminal Global Sect.

    We know very well who is behind all this.

  2. Ongoing proceedings in which I am involved
    1. Interim summons against the health emergency and lockdowns

      On March 8, 2021, I filed an interim summons before the president of the Paris judicial court against the health emergency law. This complaint was filed at the request of three associations and 1360 individuals against the State, Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Veran.

      This Civil suit is currently pending before the Paris Court of Appeal:

      • We denounce the lockdowns and curfew measures : unnecessary, disproportionate, harmful...a disaster for the psychological and physical health of the population, our culture and for our economy. It is also a scientific nonsense, more than twenty-five studies demonstrate it.

      We have filed a Priority preliminary ruling on constitutionality so that the Civil Supreme Court can take up the matter and transmit this question to the Constitutional Council since the lockdowns are unconstitutional. A mandatory stay at home measure for an entire population is arbitrary detention.

      • We denounce the RT-PCR tests that are not reliable and only a tool to justify the measures restricting our freedoms,
      • We denounce the lack of organized care when treatments are available since the beginning,
      • We denounce the organization of euthanasia for the elders.

      To summarize, we denounce all the inconsistencies and the maintenance of the state of health emergency when the criteria are not met.

      In May 2021, I joined a European TASK force of European attorneys and citizens against the European DIGITAL certificate and we obtained, certain modifications of the European regulation but this measure is now adopted.

    2. Legal actions before the General Court of the European Union

      Since June 17th, 2021, I also represent 232 French healthcare workers, who wished to intervene in the legal actions initiated before the General Court of the European Union by the Italian Attorney Renate Holzeisen to defend the rights of health workers in northern Italy and Austria.

      I managed to gather all these health professionals in a short period of time thanks to United Health Professionals, Reinfocovid[agEt], Children Health Defense Europe, the Independent Scientist Council and the National League for Freedom of Vaccination.

      Renate Holzeisen is challenging the licenses granted by the European Commission in its December 21, 2020 Implementing Decision for the use of the Covid so called « vaccines » in the European Union.

      These actions symbolize a pan-European resistance against genetic engineering.

    3. Complaints before the President of the French Broadcasting Authority

      On July 10th, 2021 I also filed a complaint before the President of the French Broadcasting Authority (Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel) against a journalist on behalf of the National League for Freedom of Vaccination.

      This journalist said on TV:

      « They will vaccinate you by force, I will have two policemen take you to the vaccination center. You have to go after them with your teeth and with handcuffs if necessary [...] The non-vaccinated are public dangers, so I have a very clear approach: I do everything to make them pariahs of society! »

      Why this complaint?

      For about two weeks now, we have been witnessing a wave of verbal violence in media against people who do not want to be vaccinated.

      Many people in the media are currently making violent, threatening comments against people who do not want to take the jab, without any restraint, and no one is sanctioning these inhumane comments.

      Yesterday again a physician (Martin Blachier, LCI) well-know for his conflicts of interest and which does not take care of patients said in the media:

      « Today, there is a war and this war is against the anti- vax. I say it clearly, these are people who have no scruples, who use the worst methods and who do extreme harm all over the world... This is our real collective enemy. It's not the virus anymore, because the virus, we can fight it, it's the influence of the anti-vax »

      These remarks constitute a violation of human dignity, an infringement of the freedom of others and a breach of public order by publicly inciting hatred, violence and discrimination of a new kind against French people who refuse to participate in a mass experimentation conducted by Big Pharma with the encouragement of the World Health Organization and the blessing of French leaders.

      So, according to Law applicable in such circumstances, we enjoined the president of the French Broadcasting Authority to refer the matter to the Public Prosecutor.

      We have attached to this complaint a memo concerning free and informed consent for any medical act as well as all the issues related to experimental injections, so that the media are globally aware of the consequences of their failure and their criminal responsibility.

      This is clearly propaganda and continuous lies since March 2020 and the impact on the public is catastrophic.

      So, we ask all the journalists of the big media:

      1. to respect the Code of Ethics for Journalists (Munich Charter): “Never confuse the profession of journalist with that of advertiser or propagandist; never accept any direct or indirect instructions from advertisers” (point 9).
      2. to carry out the investigations that are essential to deliver objective and clear information.

      We need truly contradictory debates and not a diversity of unqualified speakers who only mask a consanguinity of thought, which is mortifying for the health of the French and democracy. The French are tired of the bludgeoning and guilt-inducing speeches. Many have turned off the radio to preserve their mental health. We invite the journalists to leave the institutional communication, sensationalism and alarmism to seek the truth of the facts and inform in an objective way.

      They have now been warned, in fact I wrote a report entitled Dictatorship 2020 in November 2020, which has been public and downloadable for many months and others have also written articles and reports on the subject.

      No one will be able to say they didn't know

  3. Last point but not least

    As you know, this Commission will create an independent platform to gather our force and prepare or complete the files with you and all our allies.

    • A new French television channel called La Une TV (Richard Boutry) is about to be born and will gather many resistants. It will allow us to inform without suffering the constant censorship of the main platforms and to propose an alternative to the propagandist media mainstream. - Finally, I am part of Police for Freedom, an international collective of police officers that are acting on the ground to inform their colleagues about what is happening since several months now.

    They dutifully follow our legal work and are working hard.

    We have to join hands to help each other.

*     *     *

Additional observations during the meeting:

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