PHOTO: Politico
“America’s fate was sealed when the public and the anti-war movement bought the government’s 9/11 conspiracy theory. The government’s account of 9/11 is contradicted by much evidence. Nevertheless, this defining event of our time, which has launched the US on interminable wars of aggression and a domestic police state, is a taboo subject for investigation in the media. It is pointless to complain of war and a police state when one accepts the premise upon which they are based.”—Paul Craig Roberts, How America Was Lost
David Ray Griffin is an international treasure and truth teller, who, while being ignored by the mainstream corporate media (MSM) for his extraordinary series of books exposing the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001, will someday be lauded as a modern prophet. To those who know and have studied his work, he is an inspiration for his persistent insistence in a dozen books since 2004[1] that the truth about the US treachery of that infamous day is essential for understanding the violence, planned by neo-conservatives and embraced by neo-liberals, that the United States has subsequently inflicted on the world. He has consistently argued that to believe in the government’s explanation for 9/11, one has to reject logic, scholarship, and the basic laws of modern science.
Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World (Northampton, MA: Interlink Publishing, 2016) is
Griffin’s latest, and probably last, effort to reach those
people who, out of fear, ignorance, or laziness, have walled
themselves into a cyclopean labyrinth of denial about the
defining event of our time. Without the clarifying truth about
the attacks of September 11, 2001, there will be no exit from the
continuing nightmare the world is experiencing.
If you are reading this review, you are probably not one of those people Griffin is trying to reach. Ay, there’s the rub! As the title of his book suggests, he is using reversed logic to try and reach those who have accepted the official fiction that is The 9/11 Commission Report (No doubt without having read it. Outside of serious researchers, I have never met a person who has, except for some of my students) and all the antecedent and subsequent government and MSM propaganda.
To this end, the first three-quarters of the book is devoted to the “destructive transformations of America and the world as a whole” that were initiated and justified by 9/11, many of which have been accepted by innumerable people as being based on government lies, most notably the war against Iraq. Griffin’s hope is that if he can convince skeptical readers that the government would lie about Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc., resulting in the deaths and maiming of millions of innocent people and the destruction of their countries, it would also lie about the attacks of September 11 that “legitimized” such carnage and the ongoing shredding of the US Constitution.
It’s an ingenuous and compelling method, culminating with his concluding section on “15 major miracles” of 9/11, by which he means “violations of the laws of nature” in the strictest scientific sense. Astutely logical, deeply sourced, and scientifically compelling, the book’s conclusion can only be rejected by one adamantly closed to accepting the ugly truth about the US government and its media accomplices.
But getting skeptical people to read the book is the trick. I think that is very hard but much easier than to get the MSM to do so and give it a fair shake. People have friends whom they trust, and sometimes friends can convince friends to at least take a look. Speaking of the MSM, Griffin puts it thus:
However, while granting that the Bush-Cheney administration told big and disastrous lies, which led to millions of deaths, most mainstream commentators have considered the idea that this administration engineered the 9/11 attack to be so absurd that they can render judgment without checking the evidence.
“Judging without checking the evidence” is the job of the MSM, who are stenographers for the government, but regular people might be persuaded to check the evidence before reaching a conclusion, if they can be led to that assessment one logical step after another. One can even hope that left-wing alternative media critics of the government, many of whom avoid this issue like the plague,[2] might find the courage to reassess their anti-scientific denials in light of Griffin’s work. After all, “the laws of physics don’t lie,” and logical reasoning has generally been a strength of many dissenters, especially those well-skilled in the art of disputation.
Griffin is a master logician, so he begins with the obvious fact that the Bush-Cheney administration failed to prevent 9/11 and therefore failed to keep America safe that day, as Donald Trump said in a 2016 election debate, for which he was castigated by his opponents and the media. But he was right; it is a fact, whatever Bush-Cheney’s deceptive excuses. As a result of those attacks, the US attacked Afghanistan, claiming that was because Osama bin Laden orchestrated the attacks from that country. No evidence of bin Laden’s guilt was ever presented, though Colin Powell initially said it would be shortly forthcoming (he quickly reneged on the promise). The invasion of Afghanistan, planned well in advance of 9/11, was the start of the war on terror that’s been going on for 16 years with no end in sight. A 16-year-old war based on no evidence, just lies.
Griffin shows how the alleged “evidence” that was eventually produced—the bin Laden videos—were fraudulent; that they were indeed “produced,” and not by bin Laden; they were “bogus” according to Professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, the leading academic expert on bin Laden. And the FBI reported that it had “no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” But the administration and the media sang of bin Laden’s guilt in unison. The public, beaten down in fear and trembling, accepted the claim as a fact, as they were further traumatized by additional lies about the anthrax attacks that are a key component of the entire propaganda campaign of fear and intimidation that resulted in The Patriot Act.
Graeme MacQueen’s masterful analysis, The 2001 Anthrax Deception - The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, should be required reading; for he shows how the often forgotten anthrax attacks are intimately linked to those of September 11 and when studied closely, prove that 9/11 was an inside job.[3]
So Griffin begins with the lie about bin Laden that led to the lie about Afghanistan that led to the illegal and immoral and ongoing war against Afghanistan and all the millions of deaths and destruction that have ensued.
So knowing how lie leads on to lie, let us count some of the lies that followed. Griffin documents these in deeply sourced details, but I will list them concisely:
US Government Lies Subsequent to the 9/11 Attacks:
That is only a sample of the lies that Griffin uses to lead the reader back to 9/11, the alleged reason for the death and destruction justified by such lies. If the US government would lie in all these ways, he is saying, why would they not have lied with the Big Lie that started this string of destructive deceptions?
Thus the last section of the book (a little more than 25%) is devoted to “9/11: A Miraculous Day.” Herein he explains why George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should not be trusted on 9/11. They did not want an investigation into the September 11 attacks; wanted the public to just trust them. They were eventually forced into an investigation by public pressure; originally named Henry Kissinger to head it (don’t laugh—ha! ha!); rigged its makeup and had Philip Zelikow, arch neo-con and Bush insider, appointed its Executive Director. In short, they did everything possible to prevent an honest investigation. And we know that the result was The 9/11 Commission Report that is a piece of legerdemain on a par with The Warren Commission Report. In other words, a cover-up.
Griffin shows that “Bush and Cheney lied about their activities on 9/11” and that their relationship to the subsequent anthrax attacks, a key motivator for The Patriot Act and “the war on terror,” suggest that their administration was the source of those attacks and therefore the 9/11 attacks. Griffin further notes how declassified official accounts refute “central features of the Bush-Cheney account of 9/11.”
And then—the coup de grace—he shows how the official account of 9/11 depends on “miracle stories.” Yet, “a look at the evidence shows that many people who accept science on tobacco, evolution, and global warming, accept miracles, implicitly, on the subject of 9/11, especially in relationship to the World Trade Center (WTC).” Herein lies the great stumbling block to convincing people of the truth of 9/11. Science, logic, careful reasoning, evidence, documentation, what you can observe with your own eyes, etc.—none of this matters when you are intent on being deceived (or pretending to be) because of the implications of examining the evidence and reaching conclusions that are deeply disturbing to your world view, ideology, or sense of self.
To admit that you have believed a pack of lies for years is very difficult to accept. But regular people of good will can do so. These are the people Griffin is trying to reach. To convince those who have for years publicly and professionally dismissed those who have questioned the official version of 9/11 as conspiracy nuts is probably an impossible task. To convince the MSM that have worked hand-in-glove with the government to conceal the truth is preposterous. To convince those fine people who are devoted to truth in other areas to reconsider their positions on this core issue is conceivable. Surely the world is full of weird events that logic and science cannot explain. But when the defining event of recent history that has resulted in the world teetering on the edge of final destruction is explained by at least the following 15 miracles that Griffin lists, only a delusional person or one whose will to untruth is set in stone would not be moved to ask how these could be possible, and draw the obvious conclusions.
A Miraculous Precedent: The Assassination of JFK
I am reminded of that other foundational case in modern U.S. American history: the CIA-directed assassination of JFK. Dan Rather, the famous CBS news anchor, was in Dallas that day, and after seeing the Zapruder film (which was then kept from the American public for a decade), went on television to say that when the president was shot in the head “his head could be seen to move violently forward,” clearly implying that the shot came from Oswald from the rear. Of course once the public was able to see the film, it was obvious to anyone with eyes that he was violently thrown back and to his left, therefore having been shot from his front right, not by Oswald. Bingo: a conspiracy. Then in 2012, another famous TV personality, Bill O’Reilly wrote a book called Killing Kennedy in which he claims that he and his co-author watched the Zapruder film “time after time to understand the sequence of events,” but still concluded that The Warren Commission was correct and that Oswald shot Kennedy from behind despite the obvious visual evidence to the contrary. Miracles then, miracles now—they seem to define the two key events of modern U.S. American history for those wanting to obfuscate the truth.
Do you believe in miracles?
Here is a Summation of Griffin’s 15 Major Miracles:
Griffin examines each of these “miracles” in detail. Taken together, they reduce the official explanation of 9/11 to a story told to credulous children who are afraid of the dark. One can only hope that Americans are ready to grow up and accept that the bogeyman is real and that he is out to devour them and the rest of the world if they don’t awaken from their hypnotic sleep.
The Overwhelming Consensus of Experts
It is important to note that David Ray Griffin is not alone in his assessment that 9/11 was an inside job done to legitimize disastrous policies at home and abroad. There are thousands of scholars, religious leaders, scientists, engineers, airline pilots, firefighters and countless others who agree with him after studying the evidence. Griffin names many of these experts in his conclusion. And they are not afraid of the absurd way the government and media accuse them of being “conspiracy theorists,” since they know “as Lance deHaven-Smith explained in his book Conspiracy Theory in America, [that] the CIA started using ‘conspiracy theory’ as a pejorative term in 1964 to ridicule the growing belief, contrary to the Warren Report, that President Kennedy was killed by people within the US government, including the CIA itself.”[4] Thoughtful people know, and the evidence has long proven, that the US government is guilty of an extensive list of conspiracies, ranging from the alleged Gulf of Tonkin attack to its conspiracy to convince the American people that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and extending back through many CIA-engineered coup d’état, the assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK, etc. The name calling has lost its sting when the documentary records confirm that the name callers are the conspirators.
So if you care about truth, your country, and the world; if you hate to be lied to; if you care about the victims of American violence everywhere—you should read Bush And Cheney: How They Ruined America And The World. It is a brave and brilliant book. Look at the evidence. Show others. Pass the book on. Give it as a gift.
And tip your hat to David Ray Griffin, a truth teller extraordinaire, who for thirteen years has been asking us to wake out of the hypnotic state of denial that has allowed the liars to bring the world to the edge of destruction. Griffin’s persistence is the sign of hope we all need to join him in the fight against these unspeakable forces of evil.
“In this devastating critique of the enduring harm done by
the Bush/Cheney presidency, Griffin provocatively links an
informed account of American foreign policy failures to a
definitive critique of the official version of the 9/11 attacks.
All who regard themselves as responsible citizens should expose
themselves to Griffin’s arguments set forth so lucidly,
persuasively, and imaginatively in this indispensable
—Richard Falk, Emeritus Professor of International Law,
Princeton University
“Contrary to popular opinion, at least in liberal circles,
America did not abruptly turn ‘Orwellian’ once Donald
Trump set up his business in the White House—by which time
that nightmarish transformation had already taken place. Although
it arguably started on November 22, 1963, the transformation was
completed decades later by the Bush-Cheney administration, using
9/11 to make this roughly democratic nation unmistakably like
Orwell’s Oceania, a lawless state devoted to eternal
war, whose subjects have no real rights, and where words like
‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ bear no relation to reality. The
history of how Bush and Cheney pulled that off—and how
Barack Obama continued it—is the all-important subject of
this brilliant, necessary book by David Ray Griffin.”
—Mark Crispin Miller,
Professor of Media, Culture & Communication at New York University; author of
Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform
“David Ray Griffin not only confronts our unspeakable
history. He lays it out—from Bush and Cheney through Obama
into the Trump administration and our teetering now on the edge
of nuclear and ecological holocaust. Is the most critical origin
of our terminal plight the transparent lie of 9/11? It is exposed
here brilliantly by the incisive analysis of David Ray Griffin,
who tells the truth needed for human survival. Will we hear and
act on it?”
—James W. Douglass,
author of
JFK and the Unspeakable
“If you believe that the willful destruction of the
American Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, warrants a
serious debate, the new finely-researched book by David Ray
Griffin—Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the
World—is required reading. We tend to forget just how,
under the climate of fear after the attacks of 9/11, the Bush
Presidency in effect hijacked the nation and turned its war
machine into a true ‘weapon of massive destruction,’
whose consequences haunt us today across the world in the form of
ISIS and wars everywhere.”
—F. William Engdahl,
author of
The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy
“Given Upton Sinclair’s definition of fascism
(‘capitalism plus murder’), David Ray Griffin’s
extraordinarily well-researched and well-written book on the lies
and crimes of the Bush/Cheney administration leads to an obvious
conclusion: Never has it been clearer that ‘American
Interests,’ as promoted by neocons, constitute the
antithesis, the obliteration, of democratic principles, of the
rule of law, and of hope for the future.”
—Robert Shetterly, artist, founder of Americans Who Tell the Truth
“Griffin has done a great service by cogently explaining
the events and agendas that shaped the Bush-Cheney years. The
storylines, the propaganda, and the wars and constitutional
destruction are as relevant today as ever, partly because they
ultimately derailed the Obama era. The Bush-Cheney influence over
domestic and foreign policy certainly disappointed and frustrated
many Obama supporters, who had expected him to reverse course.
Today, this influence frustrates Trump supporters who voted for
an outsider to ‘take back Washington’ and give us a
respite from perpetual warfare. Unless Americans understand the
nature of the agendas and history of the Bush-Cheney regime, they
cannot begin to perceive ways to alter this trajectory, one that
leads directly to economic and environmental devastation and even
nuclear war. A timely and necessary read for all Americans.”
—Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, Lt Col USAF (ret),
Office of Secretary of Defense 2000-2003
“The United States and the world have changed in
fundamental ways—entirely for the worse—since the
events of September 11, 2001. In his new book, David Ray Griffin
clarifies why and how this has happened, as well as why the
official explanation of 9/11 could not possibly be true. If one
is to read only one book to understand the world in which we now
live, it should be this immensely important book.”
—John V. Whitbeck, International Lawyer; author of
The World according to Whitbeck
“When I was in the House of Representatives, I introduced
Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and
Condoleezza Rice, because they lied about the events of 9/11 and
took our country into what has become an interminable war. In
this book, David Ray Griffin pulls the covers off the cover-up.
As a nominal Catholic, I’m supposed to believe in miracles;
but I will never believe in the Bush/Cheney/Rice miracles
outlined by Griffin. Those ‘miracles’ are crimes
orchestrated by dangerous neocons, who have irreparably harmed
the U.S. and the world. Will Trump bend to the neocons, as did
Obama? For newly-awakened global citizens, this is a must-read
primer, which explains why the world has gone so wrong since 11
September 2001.”
—Cynthia McKinney, Former US Congresswoman, recent Ph.D.
“Sadly, this book is necessary. The US press won’t
cover it. From the first, David Ray Griffin contributed his
scholarship (and his career!) to unmasking the Bush-Cheney
administration for what it was. His latest account nails down a
full indictment.”
—Josh Mitteldorf,
National Institute of Biological Science (Beijing), Senior Editor of OpEdNews, and author of
Cracking the Aging Code
“A clear, cogent, and scrupulously non-sensationalist and
non-ideological presentation of the simple chronological
historical and scientific facts, by one of our generation’s most
cogent and systematic thinkers. This book should convince any
honest and objective person—with a political and scientific
I.Q. above room temperature—that we Americans, along with
the rest of the world, have been systematically lied to by the
leaders of both of our major American political parties.
We have been lied to not only about the facts concerning the
American military invasions in the Middle East but also about the
events leading up to, during, and in the aftermath of, the events
of 9/11.”
—Daniel Sheehan,
Visiting Professor of Constitutional Law,
UC Santa Cruz, and Chief Counsel to the U.S. Jesuit Headquarters’
National Office of Social Ministry
“Griffin’s Bush and Cheney is a detailed study
of the successful efforts of ’Neoconservative’ forces to take
over US foreign policy in order to create a global empire, using
the attacks of September 11, 2001, as a key lever. Griffin
demonstrates that this Neocon agenda has shredded the US
constitution and produced a foreign policy that is immoral,
criminal, and quite literally insane. While Griffin focuses on
the Bush/Cheney administration, he also shows how some of its
worst policies were continued under President Obama. As a result,
the United States has become the most serious threat to the
future of humanity and life on our planet. If you read this book,
you will want everyone around you to read it. A clear
understanding of what America has become is critical to opposing
the self-destructive direction in which we are headed.”
—E. Martin Schotz, author of
History Will Not Absolve Us: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy
“Drawing upon his authoritative grasp of the big picture,
Griffin lucidly cuts through the lies, deceptions and propaganda
that have paralyzed the minds of so many. From 9/11 and the
ensuing regime change wars, through to the terrifying dangers now
posed by climate change, this work is an essential wake-up call
for the people of the West. Everyone should read this, and then
act upon what they have learned.”
—Professor Piers Robinson,
Chair in Politics, Society and Political Journalism,
University of Sheffield
“We seem to be condemned to living, for the foreseeable
future, in a 9/11 world. In his latest book, David Ray Griffin
meticulously documents how 9/11 may have provided a pretext to
carry out pre-existing plans for the invasion of Afghanistan and
the Shock and Awe attack in Iraq. Griffin takes us back to
Bernard Lewis’ framing of ‘Muslim rage’ as the
perfect rationale—very appealing to Dick Cheney—to
explain its hatred of the West as irrational. Griffin analyzes
Cheneyism—militarism under a state of permanent
war—as legitimizing the concept of Creative Destruction, or
Manifest Destiny understood as bombing the Other into democracy.
And Griffin projects us forward, documenting how the Bush-Cheney
lies in Afghanistan and Iraq created the conditions for the Rule
of Chaos as al-Qaeda in Iraq turned into ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. A must
—Pepe Escobar,
Asia Times, author of
Empire of Chaos - at:
Asia Times;
summaries at:
globalresearch.ca, rt.com