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Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney GA's 4th District
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Rep. McKinney's call for an
inquiry into the events of Sept.11

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This is an archive of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's (GA-D) website. She served as Georgia's 4th Congressional District Representative in the U.S. Congress from 1992 through 2002. When it was active, the site's BASE URL was: <>. The file namespace within the site has remained the same but now the BASE URL is: <>. Any URL filename that was bookmarked before can be once more linked to by replacing the old BASE URL with the new one. The exception to this are very long filenames in the News Briefs subdirectory. The following lists the old-new filenames in the news briefs directory:

old filename - new filename
speech_000000_new_imperialists.htm - newImperials.htm
if_000914_humanrights.htm - if000914HR.htm
pr010914statementonpowers.htm - pr010914.htm
pr010912speaksonattack.htm - pr010912.htm
stmt_000908_secret_service.htm - pr000908.htm
pr990316_middleast.htm - pr990316.htm
pr_000903_veterans.htm - 000903.htm
pr091201mckinney.htm - pr010912a.htm
pr001004_kenyan.htm - pr001004.htm
pr990416_rowanda.htm - pr990416.htm
pr990504_mines.htm - pr990505.htm
pr990422_pino.htm - pr990422.htm

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GA's 4th District Letter of Welcome Mail Delay Update