- The Threat from Within, Friends Committee on National Legislation, FCNL Washington Newsletter, 6/02
- The Einsatzgruppen were four paramilitary units established before the invasion of the Soviet Union for the purpose of murdering Jews, gypsies and political operatives of the Communist party. It is estimated that the four units murdered approximately 1,500,000 people. See An Introduction to the Einsatzgruppen, by Yale F. Edeiken, The Holocaust History Project, August 2000
- Crimes Against Humanity,
Interview with former Nuremberg Prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz, 9/19/01
- Barbara Lee's Speech to the House of Representatives, 9/14/01 (PDF copy (courtesy of Inkworks Progressive Printing)
- See Barbara Lee wins integrity award, Oakland Tribune, 4/25/02, and Integrity Exemplified - Rep. Barbara Lee to receive prestigious award in Eugene, Wayne Morse Integrity in Government Award goes to California Congresswoman Barbara Lee, 8/23/02
- See New Light on Gulf of Tonkin, With fresh evidence now available, claims that the Tonkin Gulf incident was deliberately provoked gain new plausibility, by Captain Ronnie E. Ford, U.S. Army. 28 July, 1997
See also: L. Fletcher Prouty's description of the Gulf of Tonkin incident as "creat[ing] a response by kicking somebody under the table", pp.104-105, Understanding Special Operations, by David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 1999
- Know the Truth About The International Criminal Court, by Benjamin B. Ferencz, web posting, July 2002
- Spoiling the Party, by Linda Hartke, Chair of the Board, AIUSA, Amnesty Now, Summer 2002
- U.S. Asks For Immunity in Colombia, Associated Press, 8/15/02
- Security Council Grants US 12-month Immunity From International Court, by Ariel Meyerstein, Crimes of War Project, 7/23/02
- Know the Truth About The ICC, op. cit.
See also: International Criminal Court by Anup Shah (Global Issues That Affect Everyone)
- Francis Boyle on White House fears about the ICC published in Oil Lust and Israeli "Hatchet Men" Behind U.S. Plans to Occupy Iraq, by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 10/18/02
See Also: U.S. Fears Prosecution of President in World Court, Reuters, 11/15/02
- The Threat from Within, op. cit.
- Francis Boyle's qualifications as an expert on International and Human Rights Law includes:
- Doctor of Law (1976) from Harvard Law School. Master's Degree (1978) and Ph.D. (1983) from Harvard University, in political science specializing in international relations and international politics.
- Professional memberships include the American Society of International Law, the American Bar Association, the American Political Science Association, and the Lieber Group on the Laws of War.
- Consultant to: American Friends Service Committee and Amnesty International
- Advisor to: the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- Assisted the Palestinian people in the declaration and development of their independent nation state.
- Legal Representative for Libya at the Court of the Hague for the Lockerbie tragedy.
- Defended Bosnia-Herzegovina in the International Court of Justice.
- Authored Complaint (English Version) Before The International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Mothers Of Srebrenica And Podrinja Association V. United Nations Officials And Others (For The Srebrenica Massacre), 4 Feb 2000
- Speech: Interpretation of U.S. Public Law 103-150 under International Law, and its Implications for the Restoration of the Independent and Sovereign Nation State of Hawai'i, 1993
- Authored Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
- Author of The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence - Could The U.S. War On Terrorism Go Nuclear? (Clarity Press, Inc., 2002), Foundations of World Order: The Legalist Approach to International Relations 1898-1921 (Duke Univ. Press, 1999), The Bosnian People Charge Genocide: Proceedings at The International Court of Justice Concerning Bosnia v. Serbia On The Prevention and Punishment of The Crime Of Genocide (Northampton, MA: Aletheia, 1996), Nuclear Proliferation and The Legality of Nuclear Weapons, edited by William M. Evan, (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1995), Ideas & Ideals: Essays on Politics In Honor of Stanley Hoffmann, edited by Linda B. Miller & Michael Joseph Smith (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1993), More Than 50,000 Nuclear Weapons: Analyses Of The Illegality Of Nuclear Weapons Under International Law (Francis A. Boyle et al., Northampton, MA: Aletheia Press, 1991), The Future of International Law and American Foreign Policy (Transnational Publishers, 1989), Defending Civil Resistance Under International Law (Dobbs Ferry, NY: Transnational Publishers, 1987), World Politics and International Law (Duke Press Policy Studies, 1985),
- The Rogue Elephant, The Bush Jr administration has become a `threat to the peace' within the meaning of UN Charter Article 39, by Francis Boyle, 7/02
- Ibid.
- Article 6 of the 1945 Nuremberg Charter (as quoted in The Rogue Elephant, op. cit.):
"The following acts, or any of them, are crimes coming within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for which there shall be individual responsibility:
"(a) Crimes against peace: namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing;
" . . ."Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan."
[Emphasis added.]
The Sixth Principle of the Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal:
The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under international law:
(a) Crimes against peace:
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;[Emphasis added.]
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
- The Rogue Elephant, op. cit.
- Gonzalez Resolution of Impeachment of President George Bush, Congressional Record, 1/16/91, at H520-21
- US War Crimes During the Gulf War, by Francis Boyle, 1992 (+ 2002)
- Ibid., Section 41: Bush's "New World Order"
- Sanctions and War on Iraq: In 300 words by Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq & Interfaith Network of Concern for the People of Iraq, 8/11/02 (updated 8/17/02)
- See the ongoing, up-to-the-day accounting roster of U.S. Bombing Watch: When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?, a service of the Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace.
- One Million Taxpayers for Peace, is an offspring of Sonoma County Taxes for Peace, which is a member chapter of National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) and also a member organization of the Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County. Nonviolent Action Community of Cascadia in Seattle, Washington has been kind enough to "host" our peace tax contributions in their escrow account, called Conscience and Military Tax Campaign (CMTC), which is why checks are to be made out to them, and earmarked for us. When funding decisions are made, NACC will write the check directly to the group funded.
How to join (in brief) -- Be counted as a Taxpayer for Peace:When you join us, we do two things:
- Send $10.40 "peace tax" to One Million Taxpayers for Peace.
- Please make your check or money order payable to "CMTC," earmarked "OMTFP."
- Send it to One Million Taxpayers for Peace, 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA, 95401.
- Please include your name, how to contact you by email or snail mail, and your state, if email.
- Write your congresspeople telling them why you joined One Million Taxpayers for Peace and that you want them to reverse the militaristic course of this country.
In this way, you are contributing to cultivating peace (see Our "peace taxes" pay for).
- We count your "peace vote" towards our goal of 1,000,000 participants.
- We use your $10.40 "peace tax" to fund trainings in nonviolent conflict resolution in schools and communities nationwide.
- Nelson Mandela: The United States of America is a Threat to World Peace, Newsweek, 9/10/02
- Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq, by Representative Ron Paul, U.S. House of Representatives, 9/10/02
- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, by Francis A. Boyle, University of Illinois, 4/18/02
- Ibid.
- See transcript of the Senate Congressional Record for September 20, 2002, pages S8987-S8998, entitled, How Saddam Happened - Did the U.S. Help Saddam Acquire Biological Weapons? where Robert Byrd reads in the complete Newsweek article as well as his questioning of Rumsfeld (reproduced as part of the Federation of American Scientists website's Intelligence Resource Program)
See also: Following Iraq's bioweapons trail, by Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times, 26 Sept 2002 and Will the U.S. Reap What It Has Sown? Byrd Asks, by Paul J. Nyden, Charleston Gazette, 9/27/02
- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, op. cit.
- US Armed Forces Push for Offensive Biological Weapons Development, The Sunshine Project, 5/8/02 (PDF format)
- The Threat from Within, op. cit.
- Faculty Lecture on Bio/Warfare/Terrorism/Weapons, op. cit.
- Police State, by Kelly Patrick O'Meara, Insight on the News, 11/9/01
- The Threat from Within, op. cit.
- Police State, op. cit.
- Analysis concerning dangers of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001:
- Forfeiting `Enduring Freedom' for `Homeland Security': A Constitutional Analysis of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Justice Department's Anti-Terrorism Initiatives, by John W. Whitehead & Steven H. Aden, American University Law Review, 10/2
- Layperson's Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act and Federal Executive Orders, Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee, 2002
- American Library Association:
- High treason in the U.S. government, by Doreen Miller,, 7/4/02
- The USA PATRIOT Act: What's So Patriotic About Trampling on the Bill of Rights?, by Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights, 11/01
- American Civil Liberties Union Documents:
- INSATIABLE APPETITE: The Government's Demand for New and Unnecessary Powers After September 11, by Ronald Weich, Esq., 4/02
- USA Patriot Act Boosts Government Powers While Cutting Back on Traditional Checks and Balances, 11/1/01
- 23 October Fact Sheets on How the USA-Patriot Act
- Expands Law Enforcement "Sneak and Peek" Warrants
- Permits Indefinite Detention of Immigrants Who Are Not Terrorists
- Allows for Detention and Deportation of People Engaging in
Innocent Associational Activity- Puts the CIA Back in the Business of Spying on Americans
- Limits Judicial Oversight of Telephone and Internet Surveillance
- Enables Law Enforcement to Use Intelligence Authorities
to Circumvent the Privacy Protections Afforded in Criminal Cases- Puts Student Privacy at Risk
- Puts Financial Privacy at Risk
- EFF Analysis Of The Provisions Of The USA PATRIOT Act That Relate To Online Activities, Electronic Frontier Foundation, 10/31/01
- The New McCarthyism, by Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive, 1/02
- Repeal the USA Patriot Act, by Jennifer Van Bergen, t r u t h o u t
Part I: This Law is Dangerous, 4/1/02
Part II: The Wheel of History, 4/2/02
Part III: Civil Rights Violations and Torture, 4/3/02
Part IV: Patriotism or Tyranny?, 4/4/02
Part V: Who's a Terrorist?, 4/5/02
Part VI: National Security & Civil Liberty, 4/6/02
- PRESIDENTIAL POWERS IN TIMES OF EMERGENCY: Could Terrorism Result In A Constitutional Dictator?, by John W. Dean, FindLaw's Writ - Legal Commentary, 6/7/02
John Dean served as Richard Nixon's lawyer for a thousand days and advised Nixon on 21 March 1973 that there was a "cancer on the presidency" regarding the Watergate burglary.
- Bush Is to Propose Broad New Powers in Domestic Security, by Elizabeth Becker, New York Times, 7/16/02
See also: 1878 Military Law Gets New Attention, T.A. Badger, Associated Press, 11/24/01
- The Posse Comitatus Act: A Principle In Need Of Renewal, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol.75, No.2, Summer 1997
- Posse comitatus is defined as follows: "The power or force of the county. The entire population of a county above the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may summon to his assistance in certain cases, as to aid him in keeping the peace, in pursuing and arresting felons, etc." BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 1162 (6th ed. 1990). The definition is your basic movie western posse. In 1854, the Attorney General interpreted posse comitatus to include the military.
- 18 U.S.C. § 1385 (1994). Currently, the fine for individuals is up to $250,000. See 18 U.S.C. § 3571(b) (1994).
- Posse Comitatus Act: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Crime of the Comm. on the Judiciary on H.R. 3519, 97th Cong., 1st Sess. 10-11 (1981) (statement of Edward S.G. Dennis, Jr., Chief, Narcotics and Dangerous Drug Sec., Crim. Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice).
- Ridge: Consider Using Military To Enforce Law Domestically, Associated Press, 7/22/02
- The Homeland Security Non-Debate, by Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Straight Talk weekly column, 7/29/02
- Homeland Security Department - Another Production from the Real Shadow Government, by John Stanton, CounterPunch, 9/6/02
- Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759, quoted in John Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, #3929
- Further information on matters pertaining to the Office of Homeland Security:
- Don't cross the Rubicon, Soldiers as police? Is that really a good idea?, by J.D. Tuccille, About Civil Liberties, 7/26/02
- The Posse Comitatus Act: Can we maintain American freedom without it?, by C.T. Rossi, Enter Stage Right, 7/29/02
- What Is Homeland Security? Info from government websites....., by Jeff Greenspan,, 9/27/01
- Homeland Security: A Guide to What Special Interests Want, by Holly Bailey,, 7/25/02
- Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by Wayne Madsen, CorpWatch, 12/21/01
- Government Oversight - Office of Homeland Security, Electronic Privacy Information Center
- Findlaw: [PDF] The Department of Homeland Security, President George W. Bush, June 2002
- Flight of the Phoenix: From Vietnam to Homeland Security, An Open Letter to Maj. Gen. Bruce Lawlor,
by Douglas Valentine, CounterPunch, 25 August 2002- Homeland Insecurity, by Douglas Valentine, CounterPunch, 8 Nov 2001
Part I: Phoenix, Chaos, The Enterprise, and the Politics of Terror in America
Part II: Phoenix And The Anatomy Of Terror
Part III: Chaos And Political Terrorism In America
Part IV: The Terrorism Account Goes Underground
Part V: The Turning Point
Part VI: The Counter-Terror Network
Part VII: The Last Decade
Footnotes- ACLU: Homeland Security Department Long on Secrecy, Short on Needed Accountability, 6/25/02
- Funny or . . . ? Department of Homeland Security
- Bill of Rights - Security Edition
- Homefront Confidential,
How the War on Terrorism Affects Access to Information and the Public's Right to Know,
prepared by The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Second Edition, September 2002
- Ibid, Foreword
- Foundations are in place for martial law in the US, by Ritt Goldstein, Sydney Morning Herald, 7/27/02,
Internment Camps and Authoritarian US Fast Becoming Reality, by Ritt Goldstein, Summer 2002
- The Establishment of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), footnote 23 in Chapter 8 of The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States, by Ward Churchill & Jim Vander Wall, South End Press, updated edition 2002
- Internment Camps Fast Becoming Reality, op. cit.
- See Executive Summary and Summary of Prosecutions: Final Report Of The Independent Counsel For Iran/Contra Matters with analysis of what the then Attorney General's successful gambit was to deflect attention away from the central issue of this constitutional crisis.
- Internment Camps Fast Becoming Reality, op. cit.
- Will a Police State Protect Your Liberty?, by Butler Shaffer,, 7/27/02
- Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision, Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty, by Jonathan Turley, Los Angeles Times, 8/14/02
- Findlaw: [PDF] The Department of Homeland Security, President George W. Bush, June 2002, p.15
- Internment Camps Fast Becoming Reality, op. cit.
- Foundations in place for martial law, op. cit.
- General Ashcroft's Detention Camps, Time to Call for His Resignation, by Nat Hentoff, The Village Voice, 9/4/02
- The Soldier of the Constitution - Keeping the FBI lawful, by Nat Hentoff, The Village Voice, 8/23/02
- The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence - Could The U.S. War On Terrorism Go Nuclear?, by Francis A. Boyle, Clarity Press, Inc., 2002, pp. 18-19.
- Bin Laden: from `Evil One' to Unmentionable One, by Alan Elsner, Reuters, 8/20/02
- A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting, by Professor Marc W. Herold, 12/01
- Chossudovsky is, among his other affiliations, adviser to the Transnational Foundation, consultant to several international organizations including the UN Development Program, the African Development Bank, the World Health Organisation, member of a number of research organizations including the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, the Geopolitical Drug Watch and the International People's Health Council.
- Centre for Research on Globalisation Statement
About the Centre for Research on GlobalisationThe Centre's objective is to unveil the workings of the New World Order.
War and globalisation go hand in hand, leading, in the post Cold War era, to the destruction of countries and the impoverishment of hundreds of millions of people. In turn, this global economic system is marked by an unprecedented concentration of private wealth. The institutions of war, police repression and economic management interface with one another. NATO is not only in liaison with the Pentagon and the CIA, it also has contacts with the IMF and the World Bank. In turn, the Washington based international financial bureaucracy, responsible for imposing deadly "economic medicine" on developing countries has close ties to the Wall Street financial establishment.
The powers behind this system are those of the global banks and financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, the oil and energy giants, the biotech conglomerates and the powerful media and communications giants, which fabricate the news and overtly distorts the course of world events. In turn, the police apparatus represses, in the name of "Western democracy", all forms of dissent and critique of the dominant neoliberal ideology.
This "false consciousness" which pervades our societies, prevents critical debate and masks the truth. Ultimately, this false consciousness precludes a collective understanding of the workings of a World economic and political system, which destroys people's lives. The only promise of global capitalism is a World of landless farmers, shuttered factories, jobless workers and gutted social programs with "bitter economic medicine" under the WTO and the IMF constituting the only prescription.
The New World Order is based on the "false consensus" of Washington and Wall Street, which ordains the "free market system" as the only possible choice on the fated road to a "global prosperity". The GRG purports to reveal the truth and disarm the falsehoods conveyed by the controlled corporate media.
Michel Chossudovsky,
29 August 2001
- Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration?, The Role of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks, by Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 11/2/01
- Clinton Administration supported the "Militant Islamic Base": "Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base", Congressional Press Release, US Congress, 16 January 1997, posted with CRG analysis on 9/21/01
- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?, by Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 9/12/01
- "OSAMAGATE", by Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 10/9/01
- Political Deception--The Missing Link Behind 9-11, by Michel Chossudovsky, Centre for Research on Globalisation, 6/27/02
See also: War And Globalisation, The Truth Behind September 11, by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Outlook, pub. date Sept 2002
- Concerning the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers:
From Political Deception, op. cit:
"The FBI had information on the money trail. They knew exactly who was financing the terrorists. Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmed by Agence France Presse (AFP) and the Times of India, quoting an official Indian intelligence report (which had been dispatched to Washington). According to these two reports, the money used to finance the 9-11 attacks had allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by Ahmad Umar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]." (India helped FBI trace ISI-terrorist links, by Manoj Joshi, The Times of India, 10/10/02) According to the AFP (quoting the intelligence source):
"The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depth than just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced act of terrorism."(AFP, 10/10/01)
The Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal - Best of the Web Today by James Taranto, 10/10/01
"Our Friends the Pakistanis"
". . . Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday, that the general lost his job because of the `evidence' India produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the World Trade Centre. The US authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000 were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh at the instance of Gen Mahumd. Senior government sources have confirmed that India contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by the dismissed ISI chief.""Gen Mahmud's exit due to links with Umar Sheikh"
DAWN - Top Stories; 10/9/01
". . . Informed sources said there were enough indications with the US intelligence agencies that it was at Gen Mahmud's instruction that Sheikh had transferred 100,000 US dollars into the account of Mohammed Atta, one of the lead terrorists in strikes at the World Trade Centre on Sept 11, it adds.""Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh"
by Paul Thompson, Center For Cooperative Research 9/4/02, updated 9/9/02
"Just who is Saeed Sheikh? He has gone by many names and had many roles. Most recently he made headlines in July 2002 when he was convicted and sentenced to death for killing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Ironically, he may be innocent of that crime while guilty of far more serious crimes. He is deeply implicated in the Sept. 11 attacks, yet the mass media and Pakistani and US governments have obscured his role and his background, and soon will hang him. The cover-up may have something to do with the fact that he wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Sept. 11 hijackers at the orders of Pakistan's secret service, the ISI."
- Senator: U.S. didn't connect `dots' before 9/11, CNN, 5/15/02
- See Chapter 15 The Final Cover-Up: How The CIA Controlled The House Select Committee on Assassinations of The Taking Of America, 1-2-3, by Richard E. Sprague, Third Edition, 1985. Mr. Sprague was an advisor to Representative Henry B. Gonzales (D-Texas) on House Resolution 203 which proposed the appointment of a committee to investigate the circumstances surrounding the deaths of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King and the attempt upon the life of Presidential Candidate George Wallace. He served as a consultant to Richard A. Sprague and G. Robert Blakey, the first and second General Counsels of the House Select Committee on Assassinations and served through the end of the Committee's existence. See also footnote 52 concerning the Iran Contra investigation.
- COPA was responsible for passage of the JFK Records Act which to date has released over six million files, the largest release of classified documents in American history. COPA is now working on the Martin Luther King files. See Human Rights in the United States: The Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Victim of Cointelpro, 13 Sept 2002, a Forum hosted by Congressperson Cynthia McKinney which John Judge attended to participate in the "Where Do We Go From Here: The Plan For The Future" panel on the topic of "JFK Act and Declassification".
- John Judge analysis of "Rice opposes public panel to investigate 9/11," CNN, 5/20/02
- John Judge analysis of "Independent 9/11 Commission Gaining Ground, by Vernon Loeb, Washington Post, 7/29/02
- John Judge analysis of "CCR - Unresolved issues that need to be investigated, 8/28/02
- Sources indicating the U.S. planned war in Asia before 9/11 are numerous:
- On War, 9/11, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, Drugs, Oil, and Osama Bin Laden, by Peter Dale Scott - wealth of research, numerous and detailed sources cited. See especially, 6. Afghanistan, Turkmenistan Oil and Gas, and the Projected Pipeline
- Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline, BBC News, 12/4/97
- by Paul Thompson - timelines with many sources:
- Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth, by Jean-Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie -- details US oil corporations influence on Bush admin's policies toward Taliban prior to 9/11 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Oil company adviser named US representative to Afghanistan, by Patrick Martin, World Socialist Web Site, 1/3/02
- Why Is There A War In Afghanistan? by John McMurtry Phd, FRSC, Opening Address, Science for Peace Forum and Teach-In, University of Toronto, 12/9/01
- The Deadly Pipeline War - US Afghan Policy Driven By Oil Interest, by Marjorie Cohn, Jurist, The Legal Education Network, 12/7/01
- The war in Afghanistan is a means to another end by Firoz Osman, The Mail & Guardian, 12/4/01
- Afghanistan is Key to Oil Profits, by Karen Talbot, ICPJ, 11/7/01
- Bibliography for the Study of Oil and War, compiled by George Draffan, Endgame Research Services, 11/01
- America, oil and Afghanistan, by Sitaram Yechury, The Hindu, 10/13/01
- US `planned attack on Taleban', by George Arney, BBC News, 9/18/01
- Energy future rides on U.S. war - Conflict centered in world's oil patch, by Frank Viviano, San Francisco Chronicle, 9/26/01
- Threat of US strikes passed to Taliban weeks before NY attack, by Jonathan Steele, Ewen MacAskill, Richard Norton-Taylor and Ed Harriman, The Guardian, 9/22/01
- India and Iran will "facilitate" the planned US-Russia hostilities against the Taliban, Public Affairs Magazine -, 6/26/01
- Reaping the Whirlwind - The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan, by Michael Griffin, Pluto Press, May 2001. Regarding the conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, Turkish Kurdistan and Chechnya: "each represented a distinct, tactical move, crucial at the time, in discerning which power would ultimately become master of the pipelines which, some time in this century, will transport the oil and gas from the Caspian basin to an energy-avid world." (p.115)
- Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University and the Council on Foreign Relations, 2001
- The West's battle for oil - Five months before September 11, the US advocated using force against Iraq ... to secure control of its oil. Neil Mackay on the document which casts doubt on the hawks, The Sunday Herald, 10/5/02
- India joins anti-Taliban coalition, by Rahul Bedi, Jane's Intelligence Review, 3/15/01
- Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, by Ahmed Rashid, Yale University Press, March 2001 (Order the book)
- 1992-1999 Timeline of Competition between Unocal and Bridas for the Afghanistan Pipeline, from World Press Review's Special Report on Pipeline Politics
- Countering the New Terrorism, by Ian O. Lesser, Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David F. Ronfeldt, Michele Zanini, Brian Michael Jenkins, RAND corporation, 1999
- Pipe Dreams - The Struggle for Caspian Oil (1998) - 3-part Washington Post series
- Follow the Oil Trail - Mess in Afghanistan Partly Our Government's Fault, by William O. Beeman, Pacific News Service, 8/24/98
- Testimony By John J. Maresca Vice President, International Relations Unocal Corporation To House Committee On International Relations Subcommittee On Asia And The Pacific, 2/12/98
- The Grand Chessboard -- American Primacy And It's Geostrategic Imperatives, by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997
- The New Pipeline Politics, by Sheila N. Heslin, New York Times, 11/10/97
- CIA Told to Do `Whatever Necessary' to Kill Bin Laden - Agency and Military Collaborating at `Unprecedented' Level; Cheney Says War Against Terror `May Never End', by Bob Woodward, Washington Post, 21 Oct 2001
- Air Defenses Stood Down On 911 After ATC Alerts Given, Dozens of air bases were within minutes of both 9.11 targets, by R. Anderson, 12/23/01
- The Complete 9/11 Timeline, by Paul Thompson, Center For Cooperative Research, ongoing work-in-progress
See Also: Sept 11: Unanswered Questions, especially Part 1, an extensive timeline written by another independent research person.
In Paul's timeline the distance between Andrews Air Force Base and the Pentagon is variously stated at 10 or 15 miles apart. Looking this up on's "Driving Directions" with the two locations being "State Hwy 27 At State Hwy 110" + "Arlington" + "VA" + "22201" (the Pentagon) and "1668 D St" + "Andrews Afb" + "MD" "20762" (Andrews) produces this map and a total driving distance of 14.33 miles. Given its twisting course, flying in a straight line between these two points may reduce the distance to 10 miles. For our purposes, we'll call it 15 to give a healthy "top-end" distance and travel time.
- THE COMPLETE 9/11 TIMELINE, PART 4: Sept. 11, 2001 - Dec. 2001 (Version 1.2, September 5, 2002) by Paul Thompson
- Foreknowledge of 9/11, by John Judge, response to letter of Vincent Salandria, 7/9/02
- Ibid.
- Asking the Wrong Question, by John Judge, 5/19/02
- Transcript: Donahue Interviews 9/11 Widow Kristen Breitweiser, 8/13/02
- Quote of Hermann Goering, April 18, 1946, from the book, Nuremberg Diary, by Gustave Gilbert, Farrar, Straus & Co, 1947. Gilbert, an Allied appointed psychologist, visited daily with Goering and his associates in their cells, afterwards making notes and writing the book about these conversations.
- Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, 13 March 1962.
Subject: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba.
15-page PDF representation of original.
HTML excerpts from the original 15-page TOP SECRET US government document.
- Friendly Fire - Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba, by David Ruppe,, 5/1/01
- Lord, Acton (John Emerich Edward Dahlberg), 1st Baron Acton (1834-1902), in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 3 April (1887). Quoted in Louise Creighton Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton (1904), Vol.1, Chp.13
See also: Great thinkers on liberty: Lord Acton.
- Friendly Fire, op. cit.
- See (in PDF format): Press Release: Conyers Releases First Fifty-State Survey of Election Irregularities, and Executive Summary (6 pages) and the full report: How To Make Over One Million Votes Disappear: Electoral Sleight Of Hand In The 2000 Presidential Election (122 pages), A Fifty-State Report Prepared for Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member, House Committee on the Judiciary, Dean, Congressional Black Caucus, Democratic Investigative Staff, House Committee on the Judiciary, August 20, 2001.
- See Bush v. Gore: A Resolution of Censure, The Supreme Court Five Censure Campaign, including A Draft Resolution of Congressional Censure Against United States Supreme Court Justices Kennedy, O'Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas for Their Betrayal of the American People and the United States Constitution Displayed in the Decisions of Bush v. Gore (PDF format).
- The War On Terror Could Have Been Won, by Hasan Abu Nimah, Jordan Times, 8/21/02
- The Threat from Within, op. cit.
See also: The Religious Society of Friends
Quakers: Religious Witnesses for Peace since 1660, at <>.
- Guinness World Records 2002, by Antonia Cunningham (Editor), Mark C. Young, Bantam Books, April 2002, p.57
- This figure was reported when Condoleezza Rice filed her public financial disclosure report with the Office of Government Ethics before joining Bush II. Reported in Bush's Corporate Cabinet, by Charlie Cray, Multinational Monitor, May 2001
- See Condoleezza Rice's Chevron Service Could Pose Conflicts and Chevron Facing Lawsuit Over Attacks in Nigeria both by Erin Bartels, The Public i, An Investigative Report of the Center for Public Integrity, 3/7/01
- For information on the financial interests and conflicts-of-interest of Bush II see:
- The Bush Administration - Corporate Connections,, the website for The Center for Responsive Politics.
- The Bush Years Begin - Bush's Corporate Cabinet, Multinational Monitor, May 2001
- Cheney & Halliburton: Go Where the Oil Is, by Kenny Bruno and Jim Valette, Multinational Monitor, May 2001
- Halliburton in Burma: Cheney's Role Revisited, EarthRights International Statement, 8/5/02
- PDF: Halliburton's Destructive Engagement: How Dick Cheney and USA-Engage Subvert Democracy at Home and Abroad, A Report by EarthRights International, October 2000;
Introduction and Executive Summary to Halliburton's Destructive Engagement- White House Watch Administration Profiles, Earthjustice: Policy and Legislation, 2001
- Dark heart of the American dream, by Ed Vulliamy, The Guardian, 6/16/02
- From: The Public i, An Investigative Report of the Center for Public Integrity:
- Right on the Money: The George W. Bush Profile from The Buying of the President 2000, by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity, 1/5/01
- Cheney Led Halliburton To Feast at Federal Trough - State Department Questioned Deal With Firm Linked to Russian Mob, by Knut Royce and Nathaniel Heller, 8/2/00
- Bush's Choice of EPA Advisers Signals Tilt Toward Industry, by Josey Ballenger, 3/14/01
- Unprecedented: Top Two at Dept Of Transportation From Same [Lockheed Martin Corp] Company, by Brenda R. Mayrack, 3/23/01
- Bush's New Chief of Staff Once Fought for Polluters, by Brenda R. Mayrack, 2/2/01
- New FCC Chairman Had Big Telephone Player As a Major Client, by Nathaniel Heller, 2/13/01
- Bush's Carbon Dioxide Flip-Flop Came Through Staffer Who Had Lobbied for Car-Exhaust Firm, by Nathaniel Heller and Asif Ismail, 3/30/01
- Bush, Harken and the Center for Public Integrity, 7/15/02 (dates are when docs posted on web):
- Bush's Insider Connections Preceded Huge Profit On Stock Deal, 4/4/00
- Bush Violated Security Laws Four Times, SEC Report Says, 10/4/00
- [8] More Harken Documents, 7/11/02
- [3] Additional Harken Documents, 7/12/02
- [19] Harken Energy Corporation Internal Documents, 7/19/02
- [4] Further Harken Documents, 7/25/02
- [3] More Harken Energy Corporation Documents, 8/1/02
- Dick Cheney: Soldier of Fortune, by Pratap Chatterjee, Corpwatch, 5/2/02
- The War on Terrorism's Gravy Train - Cheney's Former Company Wins Afghanistan War Contracts, by Pratap Chatterjee, Corpwatch, 5/2/02
- Europe's Dirty War - The European Union is funding Plan Colombia, by George Monbiot, The Guardian, 5/22/01
- USA: In Tough Times, a Company Finds Profits in Terror War, by Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta Jr., New York Times, 7/12/02
- Empire or Not? A Quiet Debate Over U.S. Role, by Thomas E. Ricks, Washington Post, 8/21/01
- America's war on the world, by Matthew Riemer,, 9/21/02
- PDF, 90 pages: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century, by Thomas Donnelly, co-chaired by Donald Kagan and Gary Schmitt, A Report of The Project for the New American Century, September 2000
- America's war on the world, op. cit.
See also: The Past as Prologue: An Imperial Manual, by Thomas Donnelly, Foreign Affairs, Jul/Aug 2002, a book review of The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power, Max Boot, New York: Basic Books, 2002.
- Bush Unveils Global Doctrine of First Strikes, by David E. Sanger, New York Times, 9/20/02
- Full Text: The National Security Strategy of the United States (PDF Format), 9/20/02
- Military Supremacy at Heart of Bush Strategy, by Roland Watson, Times/UK, 9/21/02
- The president's real goal in Iraq, by Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9/29/02
- Charting the `War on Terrorism', and Responses to Terrorism (PDF), Amnesty Now, Summer 2002
In Responses to Terrorism, the Issues of concern to human rights organizations KEY includes:
- Antiterrorism legislation
- Detention with trial, arbitrary detention, or prolonged detention without charge
- Discriminatory legislation
- Possible criminalization of peaceful activity
- Harsher conditions of detention (includes denying access to lawyers; incommunicado detention)
- Unfair trials (includes removing presumption of innocence, right to silence and privilege against self-incrimination; use of secret evidence; trial of civilians by military courts; secret hearings)
- Scope of death penalty expanded
- Possibility of death penalty after unfair trial
- Extradition without human rights guarantees (including extradition to countries using the death penalty) or illegal extraditions
- Clampdown on foreigners: denial of right to asylum, harsher treatment of asylum seekers, or mass deportations
- Restrictions on freedom of assembly or freedom of association
- Restrictions on freedom of expression or religious freedom
- Increased powers for security forces: surveillance and search; power to demand information
- Impunity
- Extra-legal action
- Reported use of torture
- Serious human rights violations post September 11 justified by reference to terrorism
- Status of legislation
- Legislation passed after September 11 2001
- Draft legislation
- The Secret Team - The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, by L. Fletcher Prouty, Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.), 1973, pp. 226-227, quoted in Understanding Special Operations And Their Impact on The Vietnam War Era, 1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, by David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 1999, pp. 118-119.
- America the Fearful by James Carroll, Boston Globe, 5/21/02
- The reference is to March 1936 when German soldiers marched into the Rhineland. After the Council of the League of Nations passed a resolution condemning Germany as a treaty-breaker, Hitler elected to await further official reactions and leave the German troops in the Rhineland, even though an attack by the French would have forced their retreat. Speaking in Munich, Hitler said, "I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker." See Adolf Hitler, by John Toland, Ballantine Books, 1977, pp. 528-530
- `Most dangerous crisis since Cuba', BBC, 9/28/02
See also: We are sleepwalking into a reckless war of aggression, Seumas Milne, The Guardian, 9/27/02
- War is Just a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, 1933
- US to have military superiority because it is `very special', The News International, Pakistan, 9/27/02
- See The Secret Behind the Sanctions--How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply, by Thomas J. Nagy, 9/01, and Weapons of Mass Destruction -- Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War, by Ramzi Kysia, 11/30/01
- Police State, op. cit.
- "We Are Not The Enemy!" - The Battle of Portland, by William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t, 8/24/02
- Transcribed from John F. Kennedy: A Self-Portrait, Caedmon Records, TC2021, 1964, Record 1, Side 1, Band 3. The primaries and the pre-convention campaign
- Double Edged Sword, by Paul Wolf, 9/11/02
- Bush asks Daschle to limit Sept. 11 probes, CNN, 1/29/02
See also: White House Blocks Deal by Congress on 9/11 Panel, by David Firestone, New York Times, 10/11/02
Cheney: Investigators, Keep Out - The vice president blocks an independent commission to investigate 9-11, by Michael Isikoff and Tamara Lipper, Newsweek, 10/21/02
- Statement of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 4/12/02
- Justice at Nuremberg, Robert E. Conot, Harper and Row, 1983, pp. xii-xiii
- Cynthia McKinney has been the most courageous and genuine representative in Congress of people who seek reconciliation and honoring the rule of law as a means to solve conflict. See for example some of her recent speeches, Dissent of Congresswoman McKinney to H.R. 4547, The Costs of War Against Terrorism Act, Goodbye to All That, Another Oil War and after serving 5 terms in the Congress some analysis of her defeat in the past August primary: McKinney's Defeat: Undue Meddling, Wither Congress, Wither America? Crushing Congressional Dissent: The Fall of Hilliard, Barr and McKinney.
Dennis Kucinich is articulating a vision that speaks to our greatest dreams and potentials rather than our greed and our fear: A Prayer For America, A Second Renaissance, We are Governed by Fear
Barbara Lee, has continued to express her inclusive vision of humanity in her Congressional Office as well as a 6/21/02 article
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk weekly column expresses well the hopes we all have for equality, respect for the law and promotion of open government.
John Conyers is the Ranking Member of the House Committee on the Judiciary; he chaired the investigation that produced the report on the 2000 election, "How To Make Over One Million Votes Disappear, had the courage to challenge Bush II's Military Tribunals and other Anti-Terrorism Actions 2 months after 9-11, and convened a Hearing on National Security and the Constitution
Russ Feingold's statement on the Anti-Terrorism Bill and mention in Hentoff's The Soldier of the Constitution are good indicators of what he is true to.
- Unilateral Preventive War: Illegitimate And Immoral, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Los Angeles Times, 8/21/02
- The following documents are transcripts of the 1991 and 1992 Congressional Record of the House of Representatives. Most are minutes of Representative Henry B. Gonzalez, the Chairman of the House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs and the committee's investigation of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL). Quoting from Gonzalez's Iraq Expose (below), "Almost every Monday for the past couple of months, Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (D-Tex.), the feisty chairman of the House Banking Committee, has been setting the Bush administration's teeth on edge with fiery exposes about its courtship of Iraq before the invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. So far, hardly anyone has been listening. Gonzalez's `special orders' -- as such uninterrupted speeches are called -- are delivered to a virtually empty House floor. But they are full of excruciating detail -- much of it classified `secret' and `confidential' . . ."
- Scandal Involving Atlanta Agency of Banco National del Lavoro, Rep Gonzalez, 2/4/91
- Lesson No. 4: War and Oil, Rep Gonzalez, 2/21/91
- BNL Subpoena Renewal, Rep Gonzalez, 4/24/91
- BNL Subpoena Renewal, Rep Gonzalez, 4/25/91
- Kissinger Associates, BNL, and Iraq, Rep. Gonzalez, 5/2/91
- My Advice to the Privileged Orders, Rep Gonzalez, 5/9/91
- A Call to Lift Economic Sanctions Against Iraq, Rep Gonzalez, 6/24/91
- My Advice to the Privileged Orders, Rep. Gonzalez, 2/3/92
- The Case of Iraq and the Export-Import Bank, Rep. Gonzalez, 2/24/92
- Report on Banking Committee's Investigation of the Atlanta Branch BNL, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/2/92
- My Advice to the Privileged Orders, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/3/92
- Regulation of International Money, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/16/92
- My Advice to the Privileged Orders, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/24/92
- Gonzalez's Iraq Expose--Hill Chairman Details U.S. Prewar Courtship, Washington Post, 3/22/92, by George Lardner, by Rep. Frank, 3/25/92
- Further Information on BNL Dealings, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/29/92
- Efforts to Thwart Investigation of the BNL Scandal, Rep. Gonzalez, 3/30/92
- Further Information on BNL Dealings, by Rep. Frank, 4/9/92
- Kissinger Associates, Scowcroft, Eagleburger, STOGA, IRAQ, and BNL, by Rep. Gonzalez, 4/28/92
- Continuing Saga of Attempts to Thwart BNL Investigation, Rep. Gonzalez, 5/18/92
- The Administration's Iraq Gate Scandal, New York Times, William Safire, by Rep. Tom Lantos, 5/19/92
- The Rostow Gang, Rep. Gonzalez, 7/7/92
- United States Policy to Arm Iraq, Rep. Gonzalez, 7/21/92
- Bush Administration Had Acute Knowledge of Iraq's Military Industrialization Plans, Rep. Gonzalez, 7/27/92
- Concerns About Foreign Bank Regulation, BNL Loans to Iraq, and BNL Loans to Iraqi Front Companies, Rep. Gonzalez, 7/31/92
- Details on Iraq's Procurement Network, Rep. Gonzalez, 8/10/92
- The BNL Affair: Progress Despite Obstruction, Rep. Gonzalez, 9/9/92
- The Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Scandal: High-Level Politics Try to Hide the Evidence, Rep. Gonzalez, 9/14/92
- Oil Sales to Iraq and More Details on Matrix-Churchill Corp, Rep. Gonzalez, 9/21/92
- The Military Plans, Rep. Gonzalez, 9/25/92
- The BNL Case: Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, Rep. Gonzalez, 9/28/92
- Beyond Vietnam, Address delivered to the Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam, at Riverside Church, Martin Luther King, New York City, 4/4/67
- The Transcription of the King Family Press Conference on the MLK Assassination Trial Verdict, December 9, 1999, Atlanta, GA
- Ibid.
- Martin Luther King Assassination Conspiracy Exposed in Memphis, by Jim Douglass, Probe magazine, Vol.7, No.4, May-June 2000
- The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders, by Jacob Needleman, Tarcher/Putnam, 2002
- A Stake In Civil Liberties: Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee
- Tips and Tools for Organizing Resolutions in Defense of the Bill of Rights
- Local Efforts in Defense of the Bill of Rights - 9 Victories (as of 9/11/02)
List-in-progress: Cities, towns, and counties where Bill of Rights defense efforts have begun- The Sons and Daughters of Liberty - `All of Us Are in Danger', by Nat Hentoff, Village Voice, 6/21/02
- Very useful--and current--set of Links
- Participate in the revolt against Bush II's drive to abandon the precepts of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Look for additional sources to augment the list at the end of the Domestic Terrorism: The Big Lie section. Take advantage of the educational materials being contributed to this effort by groups like the War Resisters League to actively challenge promotion of the military and war as a solution to conflict; join One Million Taxpayers for Peace. Learn about biological weapons and biotechnology from groups like The Sunshine Project, the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) (a local mirror of some of ISIS is here on ratical), the Council for Responsible Genetics, and Biodemocracy - the Organic Consumers Association. Study the international laws and treaties in the References section to learn more about the principles and structures that create accountability and enhance the possibility of surviving our period of species adolescence. Review the previous footnotes resources. Find other sources -- there are so many -- to augment these and the following sampling.
- Federation of American Scientists: Project on Government Secrecy
- National Lawyers Guild's Post 9-11 resources including Know your constitutional rights
- Northampton Bill of Rights Defense Committee: useful and current set of Links
- Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association
- The Enemy Within, by Gore Vidal, 10/27/02
- The Posse Comitatus Act: A Principle In Need Of Renewal, Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol.75, No.2, Summer 1997
- Selected Writings of John Judge
- Village Voice: The Attack on Civil Liberties
- AlterNet Rights and Liberties
- Living Economies Program - Walking away from Empire, Living Community into being
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- The Simultaneous Policy - Breaking Down the Barriers to Solving World Problems
- ROSE: Restore Our world Save our Earth - One Voice for One World
- The Earth Charter Initiative
- Positive News from around the world
- YES! Hopeful News for a Just, Compassionate and Sustainable Future
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