[From: “A Day of Remembrance for Utah’s Downwinders,”
27 January 2012, ABC4:]
In the fifties and sixties the US Government conducted nuclear
bomb tests at a Nevada Test Site. The radioactive fallout blew
downwind. Those in its way suffered disease, cancer, and even
death. Today there was an emotional ceremony at the state
At first the US Government said the tests and the radioactive
fallout were safe. But then came the unusually high number of
cancers, thyroid problems, and eventually deaths.
I look at all the downwinders I’ve worked with over the
years—sorry—and how many of them are just too sick
to come here. How many of them have passed.
It took the US Government decades to admit it was wrong, decades
to compensate victims, and decades to create a National Day of
We now know the real story. We know that the government lied.
And if you’ve never heard Congressman Jim Matheson this
emotional, he’s got a good reason: his Dad, Utah’s
former Governor was a downwinder who died of cancer.
This ABC report was recorded in Salt Lake City, Utah, in January
And people in Utah are not the only victims of radiation
poisoning. There are Downwinders with verifiable health effects
at many other sites in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado,
Idaho, Montana and also in Guam as a result of the Pacific
bomb tests.
Animals were placed at many sites of those tests and it was clear
that they suffered and died of radiation. And we know now that,
beginning with the 1945 Trinity explosion in New Mexico,
radiation was measured and the effects on humans and also sheep
and cattle were described. In spite of that awareness the program
of exploding nuclear devices began in Nevada and in 1951 the
downwinders in Utah and beyond became the de facto test
population. One can argue that in the US, for over 40 years,
human experiments were conducted and the government knew that
radiation can kill and lied about it and denied help to the
people who were suffering.
And when the truth became known because the Downwinders organized
and did their own statistics and sued in court, the Atomic Energy
Commission and later the Department of Energy fell back to the
position that only high doses have an effect and low level
radiation is okay and nobody could have been harmed because the
dose was too low. In the press and in the courts up to the
Supreme Court, and in universities, they also lied and denied the
consequences and continued the testing at the Nevada test site
until 1992.
Although later tests were underground, many of them vented into
the atmosphere. And maybe nothing would have changed had the
sheer statistics not become overwhelming as an ever increasing
number of downwinders got sick or died of cancers.
And it was not until 1990 when the Radiation Exposure
Compensation Act was passed by Congress, that the government
finally admitted that the radiation they released for 45 years,
or had dug up in uranium mines, can be deadly. The
of the
Exposure Compensation
acknowledges a huge list of cancers
that are caused by radiation, among them: Brain, Breast (male and
female), Colon/Rectal, Esophagus, Gall Bladder, most
Leukemia’s and Liver cancers, Lung, Multiple Myeloma,
Lymphomas, Ovary, Pancreas, Stomach, and Thyroid and several more.
And anybody today who claims that radiation is not dangerous must
take a look at the downwinders and translate this list of
diseases into the suffering and deep down sadness and anger that
it brought for each individual and the loved ones’ around.
And the lessons from the downwinders apply to downwinders of
nuclear accidents as well. Maybe people believe that nuclear
power plants are different in their toxic effects. Even though it
is true that they do not tend to explode in a mushroom cloud when
there is an accident, they do emit the same deadly radioactive
substances as a nuclear test: Radioactive Iodine 131, Cesium 137
that will remain deadly for 600 years, Strontium 90, and
Plutonium that keeps killing at extremely low doses for [its
half-life of] 24,000 years – to name just the most famous
ones. And some of these elements escape in day to day routine
operations. And we also know that these substances spread over
vast distances over time and may eventually reach you, anywhere.
This is Shut Down Nuclear Power Plants, Part Two, a miniseries on
the late Dr. John Gofman, a nuclear chemist and also a physician
and professor of molecular and cell biology. He is one of the
very important whistle blowers of the nuclear age. Having
initially participated in the Manhattan Project and separated the
first plutonium used in Los Alamos by J Robert Oppenheimer, he
came to do research on the medical effects of radiation at
Lawrence Livermores Lab in California. He and
his staff evaluated the health effects of radiation and
radionuclide release from weapons testing, nuclear war,
radioactivity in medicine, nuclear power, etc.—all of the
atomic energy programs. His multi-year work convinced him that
radiation is much more dangerous than previously assumed. After
some consideration he eventually concluded that nuclear power
plants need to be closed—and he defended that position in
books, talks, and activism against the consolidated power of the
nuclear establishment that tried to destroy him.
Within Lawrence Livermore Lab Gofman had to evaluate the claim of
the Atomic Energy Commission, that radiation at low doses is
safe, and it became clear that this was to be the foregone
conclusion of his research. However Gofman’s scientific
integrity, his ethics as a medical doctor, not just a nuclear
chemist, gave him the strength to follow the results of his
research and say with conviction in 1969 that there is “no
evidence of a safe amount of radiation” and “there
would be twenty times as many cancers per unit of radiation as
anyone had predicted before”. That pronouncement in October
1969 was the beginning of the end of Gofman’s career in the
nuclear field and eventually he was forced to resign from
Lawrence Livermore Lab in 1973.
However in the intervening years, from late 1969 to ‘73
and beyond, the candid and public work by Gofman and his colleague, Dr.
Arthur Tamplin, threw the AEC into damage control mode. It turned
out that both Gofman and Tamplin had decided to fight for the
recognition of the serious danger of nuclear radiation. Gofman
remembered that first big clash with the nuclear establishment in
an interview with KPFA Radio’s public affairs producer
Elizabeth Eielson in 1973:
We had found in the course of our research on cancer and radiation
that the up-to-date statistics available—unfortunately from
humans who were exposed to radiation—showed that the cancer
risk per unit of radiation was 20 times what the expert bodies had
thought some 3 years before.
We presented this in a totally low-key manner on an invitational
paper at the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
just thinking that people involved in the radiation field should
know that radiation was much more hazardous with respect to
cancer than it had been thought to be.
Much to our surprise, we were immediately attacked by the agency
which supported our work, namely the Atomic Energy Commission,
and by the nuclear power industry—both the utilities and
the manufacturers of nuclear reactors. And it seemed somewhat
strange to us that these people who ostensibly had a grave
concern about the hazard of radiation—indeed we had been
commissioned by the Atomic Energy Commission to find out the
hazard of radiation—should be so vehement in their
immediate attack upon us. And the fact that the attack came from
the electric utility industry and the manufacturers of nuclear
reactors made us wonder if there wasn’t something that the
nuclear power industry had to hide.
As a matter of fact at that moment, nuclear power plants were the
least of our concerns. In fact we thought that was one of the
rather good peaceful uses of the atom. We much more concerned
about such things as weapons testing and the use of atomic
explosives for so-called peaceful purposes such as digging
But the nuclear power industry descended on us in the most
vicious manner imaginable, attempting to destroy our credibility
as scientists. It turned out to be a rather stupid blunder on the
part of the utilities and the nuclear reactor manufacturers and
the AEC because with each of their increasing blistering attacks
they invited more and more people in the scientific community and
among the media, the press, the radio and television, to say, If
these are people going hysterical about somebody putting out some
information on radiation, there must be something they’re
trying to hide.
And, of course, they were trying to hide a great deal. Namely,
trying to sell the idea of nuclear power as being cheap, clean,
and safe. And our subsequent investigations directly went into
the question of nuclear power and we’ve concluded that this
industry is far, far from safe; far, far from clean; and the word
cheap is really a joke because it is the most expensive
imaginable way when you consider all the hidden subsidies and the
costs that don’t show in the actual operation of the
plant—namely your government subsidies—this is the
most expensive way to produce power.
The biggest subsidy of all that they have is to take away your right
to redress if you are ever injured through the courtesy of the U.S.
Congress passing a law called the Price Anderson [Act]
Law[4] which
virtually removes the requirement of any responsibility for
damage caused by nuclear power.
That was Dr. John Gofman interviewed at KPFA by Elizabeth
He’s talking about a paper he and his colleague Dr.
Arthur Tamplin presented at the meeting of the Electrical
Electronic Engineers [IEEE] in October
The AEC retaliated almost instantly. Gofman was called before the
equivalent of the medieval inquisition, AKA a congressional
committee. He later described it an interview for the book,
Nuclear Witnesses:
The system used to discredit scientists like us is usually to
call you before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy—it’s
a Congressional committee—and they let you present your
evidence, and then they get all their lackey scientists...to
come in and say why you’re wrong.
So I got the call just like I expected to from the Joint Committee.
Would I come in on January 18, 1970 to
In about three weeks Gofman and Art Tamplin wrote fourteen
scientific papers. “We took some data on breast
cancer,” Gofman said.
There was a whole study of
radium workers and their deaths. A guy at MIT had said they
wouldn’t get cancer below the safe threshold. We pointed
out his papers were wrong. There were the uranium miners, who
were getting lung cancer. And we analysed that and showed how it
also supported the idea that there was no safe dose. We studied
the dog data. Studies were being done at the Utah laboratory and
sponsored by the AEC—they were irradiating dogs and
studying how many cancers appeared. We took a whole bunch of new
human and animal data and wrote [fourteen additional] papers that
buttressed our position, that indicated, as a matter of fact,
that we’d underestimated the hazard of
radiation ...[7]
Gofman and Tamplin mailed that paper to 200 scientists outside
the Joint Committee. Within days Gofman received a phone call by
one of the recipients who told him a story on condition to remain
anonymous. The caller said:
Someone from the Atomic Energy Commission came to my house
last weekend. He lives near me. And he said, “We need you
to help destroy Gofman and Tamplin.” And I told him
you’d sent me a copy of your paper, and I didn’t
necessarily agree with every number you’d put in, but I
didn’t have any major difficulties with it either. It
looked like sound science. And—you won’t believe
this—but do you know what he said to me?
He said, “I don’t care whether Gofman and Tamplin are
right or not, scientifically. It’s necessary to destroy
them. The reason is, by the time those people get the cancer and
the leukemia, you’ll be retired and I’ll be retired,
so what the hell difference does it make right now? We need
our nuclear power program, and unless we destroy Gofman and Tamplin,
the nuclear power program is in real hazard from what they
say.” And I told him no. I refused. I just want you to know
if you ever mention this, I’ll deny it. I’ll deny that
I ever told you this, and I’ll deny that he said it to
Gofman and Tamplin overwhelmed the Congressional Committee with
data[9] and
they, and the scientists lined up to discredit them, needed
time to respond. Meanwhile both Gofman and Tamplin kept
publishing and speaking on the hazards of ionizing radiation.
In June 1970 Gofman testified before the Pennsylvania State
legislature, recommending that all construction of nuclear power
plants cease – at least for 5
Ralph Nader entered the action asking what Congress would do
about the safety problem with nuclear power.
Meanwhile Livermore Lab could not find a way to fire Gofman
and Tamplin. Gofman continued his research on cancer and
chromosomes at the Lab. That work of course is very important
up to today since it is understood now that radiation causes
chromosome damage.
In 1971 John Gofman and Arthur Tamplin published their ground
breaking book on nuclear power:
Poisoned Power made the best
researched case for shutting down nuclear power plants and was
used by the emerging anti nuclear movement. The book also inspired
the first movie that made vivid the danger from nuclear power
plants, The China Syndrome, starring Jane Fonda,
Jack Lemmon and Michael Douglas. Poisoned Power covers all
aspects of nuclear operation from mining, radiation, to waste,
including advice for citizen’s action and alternatives
such as solar. Most of it as timely now as it was in
In his interview with KPFA Radio’s public affairs producer
Elizabeth Eielson in 1973, Gofman explained some of his many
But what you must understand is that a nuclear plant that’s
been operating—one of the large ones that’s being
built now—that’s been operating, say, for between
three months and a year, has within it, a repository of
radioactivity equivalent to that of approximately a thousand
Hiroshima bombs, the radioactivity of a thousand Hiroshima bombs.
Now very often the utilities industry in endeavoring to mis-state
the position of the critics—that the critics say the
nuclear power plant’s going to explode like an atomic bomb.
That isn’t so at all. The nuclear power plant won’t
explode like an atom bomb. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t
have to.
If a nuclear power plant should lose its cooling water, through
the action say, of a saboteur, an airplane crashing into the
cooling water, or failure of the cooling system, the nuclear
power plant will shut itself down. That sounds as though
everything is fine. But that’s where the trouble only
begins. Because there is so much contained radioactivity in there
that even after the plant shuts itself down the heat generated by
that radioactivity will heat up that nuclear power plant at a
rate of about 50 degrees per second. So it will very rapidly heat
itself up to several thousand degrees and everything in the core
of the reactor will melt and it will keep itself hot as a result
of the further radioactive decay.
The accident that this could cause has been named,
semi-facetiously, the China Syndrome. When asked why this is
called that, they said because the darned thing could melt itself
all the way through to China. Now in truth it won’t melt
all the way through to China. It’s estimated that it will
cool itself down and probably wouldn’t melt more than a
half a mile into the earth. The trouble is along the way
there’s water around and molten metal which is generating
hydrogen by reacting with water and hydrogen is explosive as you
know. So you have the probability of a chemical explosion of the
hydrogen and the steam, spewing radioactivity out of this plant.
Remember: the inventory at full operation is something of the
order of a thousand Hiroshima bombs-worth of radioactivity.
That’s such an astronomical amount of radioactivity that
it’s really just hard to contemplate what the numbers mean.
But I might put it this way. Now that we’re going ahead
building these nuclear power plants, 10 to 30 miles from major
metropolitan centers like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and we
will in time build them close to Los Angeles, we now have a
situation, if one of these accidents occurs and the wind is
blowing in the right direction we can blanket a major city like
New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago—any one of
them—with radiation such that if the people stay there, for
12 hours or more, they’re going to accumulate a dose of
radiation in the neighborhood of several hundred of the radiation
units we call the RAD. That means that what you do in the event
of such a nuclear power plant failure is you must organize the
evacuation say of a city like Philadelphia or New York and get
the people out within say 6 to 10 hours because you can’t
afford to have them stay there 12 to 24 hours and get this fatal
It’s an interesting thing to contemplate how you’d
get everybody off the island of Manhattan at a given point when
there might be say 6 to 8 million people there and get them all
out—these refugees from radioactivity—inside of a few
hours. That’s in the short term.
Then even for those who get lower doses, perhaps they
haven’t been right in the cloud of a such a disaster; if
they get lower doses they may not show any injury acutely in
days, weeks, or months. As a matter of fact if you ask them how
they feel they’ll say, I feel fine. And they do. But what
they have now built into them is a new risk. Because for every
RAD that they accumulate of radiation, they’ve engendered
for themselves a two percent increase in the chance of developing
cancer between 5 and 30 years later.
So if you take a group of people, for example, who don’t
get enough radiation to die of acute radiation sickness, say they
get 50 RADs. They’re going to have 50 times 2 or 100
percent increase in their cancer occurrence rate between 5 and 30
years later. So that in this group of people for every person who
would die of cancer ordinarily, two will die of cancer or
The other thing that you do is approximately at the same rate,
about a two percent increase per RAD, you increase genetic
mutations. So the offspring of these people for generations will
suffer from the genetic diseases that can be caused by mutations.
So the cancer and genetic hazard are the prominent, important
late effects, the acute radiation sickness the early effect.
None of this occurs if everything goes perfectly. And what the
nuclear power people would have us believe is that all acts of
God will be avoided, no humans will ever make errors because
they’re infallible, all machinery will work perfectly under
all circumstances and there will be no failures of equipment
whatsoever, no airplanes will stray and crash, and there will be
no psychotics or saboteurs and no conventional, guerrilla, or
military activity.
Gofman also answered a question that has become so very close to
our concerns today, the manner in which radiation travels and
accumulates in living beings and the environment. Elizabeth
Eielson asks him:
I’ve heard that even if [a] very small amount of
radioactivity is given off by a nuclear power plant that it
concentrates in food chains in a way that...
It depends on the chemical element of which this radioactivity is
a member. Certain radioactivities like iodine concentrate
extensively in the thyroid gland. Other radioactivities can build
up from lower animals to man and concentrate quite extensively.
So we have a whole host of situations.
For example, in fresh water the long-lived radioactivity known as
cesium-137—one of the most hazardous of radioactivities
produced in large quantities in nuclear power—behaves very
similar to the element potassium. Therefore fish, which are
growing and developing in this fresh water contaminated with
cesium-137—just as these fish have to concentrate potassium
to put in their muscle cells, the concentrate the cesium to the
same extent.
So you can have the cesium-137 in fresh water at a certain level,
but the concentration in fish flesh will be a thousand times as
These two clips came from Gofman’s interview with KPFA
Radio’s public affairs producer Elizabeth Eielson.
That was part two of a radio series on the late Dr. John Gofman,
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley and
director of two major studies on the effects of radiation at
Lawrence Livermore Lab.
Gofman’s research, expertise and legacy in print and
recording are of great importance in order to understand and
handle the Fukushima nuclear accident which is a cause of concern
for all.
Thanks to Leslie Freeman and her book:
Witnesses: Insiders Speak Out, to David Ratcliffe and his site
ratical.org. Thanks to Egan
O’Connor, assistant to Dr. John Gofman from 1970 until
his death in 2007 and to Elizabeth Eielson who was at KPFA
Radio in the early 1970s, and to the Pacifica Radio Archives.
You can hear this program again on TUC Radio’s website, tucradio.org [and
podcast.tucradio.org]. Look
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a call.