In late 1969 and 1970, Drs. Gofman and Tamplin issued a series of
technical reports (known as “The G-T Series”)
documenting in detail the much larger association of ionizing
radiation with cancer-causation than had been previously
estimated. These reports examine all the major sources of data
from known, human exposures (including certain medical therapies,
the Hiroshima-Nagasaki data, the uranium miners, the radium
dial-painters) as well as relevant data from animal exposures.
These reports, which are no longer available from the Committee [CNR],
were submitted as testimony to two Congressional Committees, and
are available at large libraries which keep collections of
Congressional Hearings. Three volumes are involved, and the
citations given below are correct. It is no error that testimony
to one Committee is published in the Hearings of a competing
Committee; nor is it an error that the date given to an entire
volume may be earlier than the dates on materials included in
that volume. Congress can operate that way.
before the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 91st Congress,
session, Part 1, October and November 1969:
“Low Dose Radiation, Chromosomes, and Cancer”,
presented at the 1969 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San
Francisco, October 29, 1969; pages
“Federal Radiation Council Guidelines for Radiation Exposure of the Population at Large – Protection or Disaster?”,
testimony presented to the Senate Committee on
Public Works, November 18, 1969; pages 655-683.
“Studies of Radium-Exposed Humans: The Fallacy Underlying
a Major “Foundation of NCRP, ICRP, and AEC Guidelines for Radiation
Exposure to the Population-at-Large””, supplement to
testimony November 18, 1969; pages 695-706.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Poltution of the Commitee on Public
Works, U.S. Senate, 91st Congress, first session, on S.3042, Part
I, November 18-20, 1969:
“A Proposal for at Least a Ten-Fold Reduction in the
Federal Radiation Council Guidelines for Radiation Exposure to
the Population-at-Large; Supportive Evidence,” presented to
the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, January 28, 1970; pages
“Studies of Radium-Exposed Humans II: Further Refutation of
the R.D. Evans’ Claim that the Linear, Non-Threshold Model
of Human Radiation Carcinogenesis Is Incorrect”, supplement
to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 326-350.
“The Colorado Plateau: Joachimsthal Revisited? An Analysis
of the Lung Cancer Problem in Uranium and Hardrock Miners,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 351-377.
“Radiation-Induction of Human Breast Cancer,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 378-388.
“Radiation-Induction of Human Lung Cancer,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 389-399.
“The Mechanism of Radiation Carcinogenesis,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 400-418.
“ICRP Publication 14 vs. the Gofman-Tamplin Report,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 419-425. (ICRP
stands for International Commission on Radiological Protection).
“Major Fallacies in the AEC Staff Comments on the
Gofman-Tamplin Papers and Congressional Testimony,”
supplement to testimony January 28, 1970; pages 426-433.
“Radiation-Induction of Breast Cancer in the Rat; A
Validation of the Linear Hypothesis of Radiation Carcinogenesis
over the Range 0-600 Rads,” supplement to testimony January
28, 1970; pages 434-441.
“Radiation Aging by High LET Radiation: The Implications of
Assuming Cell Nucleus Irradiation Is the Relevant
Parameter,” by Donald P. Geesaman, supplement to testimony
January 28, 1970; pages 442-444.
Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution of the Subcommittee on
Public Works, U.S. Senate, 91st Congress,
Second session, on S.3042, Part II, August 5, 1970:
“16,000 Cancer Deaths from FRC Guideline Radiation
(Gofman-Tamplin) vs. 160 Cancer Deaths from FRC Guideline
Radiation (Dr. John Storer): A Refutation of the Storer
Analysis,” testimony to the Joint Committee on Atomic
Energy, February 9, 1970; pages 1382-1386.
“Osteosarcoma-Induction in the Beagle Dog with
Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides; (a) Further Validation of the
Linear Hypothesis of Radiation Carcinogenesis, (b) Absence of Any
Suggestion of Safe Radiation Threshold for Bone Cancer
Induction,” supplementary testimony to the JCAE, February
18, 1970; pages 1452-1464.
“The Cancer-Leukemia Risk from FRC Guideline Radiation
Based upon ICRP Publications; Complete Consistency with
Gofman-Tamplin Estimates,” supplementary testimony to the
JCAE, February 20, 1970; pages 1465-1475.
“Allowable Occupational Exposures and Employee’s
Compensation,” supplementary testimony to the JCAE, March
30, 1970; pages 1476-1481.
“The History of Erroneous Handling of the Radiation Hazard
Problem in Atomic Energy Development,” presented to a
Congressional Seminar, April 7-8, 1970; pages 1482-1600.
“A Proposal for a Rational Future Protection Policy with
Respect to Radioactivity and Other Forms of Pollution,”
presented to a Congressional Seminar, April 7-8, 1970; pages
1501-1508. Non-technical.
“Can We Survive the Peaceful Atom?”,
presented at the University of Minnesota, “Earth Day,” April 22,
1970; pages 1509-1522. This non-technical presentation is available also in
Day—The Beginning; A Guide for
Survival, compiled and edited by the National Staff of
Environmental Action. A Bantam Book 553 05822 125. New York: Arno
Press, Inc., May 1970.
“Plutonium and Public Health,” by Donald P. Geesaman,
presented at the University of Colorado, April 19, 1970; pages
“Questions for Dr. Paul Tompkins,” (head of the
Federal Radiation Council), June 29, 1970; pages
“A Proposal for a Five-Year Moratorium on Above-Ground
Nuclear Power Plants,” testimony presented to the
Pennsylvania State Senate, August 20, 1970; pages 1368-1382.
GT-123-70 is made up of three sections:
Summary Testimony, Pennsylvania State Senate, GT-123-70 (a)
Testimony Before The Select Committee on Nuclear Electricity
Generation, Pennsylvania State Senate, GT-123-70 (b)
Nuclear Energy Programs and The Public Health GT-123-70 (c)
“A Critique of the Use of Mouse Genetic Data in Estimation
of the Hazard of Radiation to Humans (Both Somatic and
Genetic),” November 12, 1970; pages 1617-1625.