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1963 – November 22nd – 2024
On another Friday, 61 years ago, A President For Peace was very publicly executed in the noon day sun. While his generals wanted to win the Cold War, he sought to end it. The escalating list of conflicts between President Kennedy and his national security state before he was assassinated includes:
John Judge speaking
at “JFK: Cinema as History” panel, Am. U., 22 Jan 1992:
My mother worked for 30 years altogether, but 25 years for the deputy chief of staff in the personnel office of the U.S. Army, directly under the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She was the highest-paid woman employee of the Pentagon; she was five levels above top security. I mentioned to Fletcher Prouty the other day I worked from the bottom up and he worked from the top down, and we met at the Joint Chiefs. My mother’s job was to project overall national draft call figures five years in advance. She had to project an annual national Selective Service call that was right within a hundred people either way five years ahead. She knew from those projections and from the information she got that they were withdrawing from Vietnam....
He was pulling out. My mother knew that because she had to project those kind of figures. I asked her after she retired, “When did they tell you they would escalate in Vietnam?” because she had to be among the first to know. She said, “Late November of ’63.” I said, “The last week in November?” She said, “Yes, the Monday following the assassination.” I said, “Was this a few more advisers, a change in policy?” She said, “I couldn’t believe the figures. I took them back to the Joint Chiefs”—in what must have been the first protest by the civilian community to the war in Vietnam, and said, ‘These can’t be right,’ and they said, ‘You’ll use them.’” They told her November 25, 1963 that the war in Vietnam would last for 10 years and that 57,000 Americans would die and to figure that in. |
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It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today. The echoes of the guns that killed President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy in rapid succession repeat and repeat and repeat down through the years, and their echoes bang off the walls of all today’s news. Today we are living the consequences of the CIA/national security state’s 1960s takeover of the country. Their message then and now: We, the national security state, rule, we have the guns, the media, and the power to dominate you. You are helpless, they reiterate endlessly. But they lie, and this series, beginning with its first installment, will tell you why.
This film will tell you a great deal about life today. It was a time when “democracy” tended toward totalitarianism. In doing so, it sowed the bitter fruit that is poisoning us today. Without understanding the long-standing effects of those years, it is impossible to grasp the deepest dimensions of our current nightmare.
Chapter 1 is about the 1950s, the rise of the Cold War with its propaganda, McCarthyism, the development of the military-industrial complex, the CIA, red-baiting, betrayals, blacklists, the abrogation of civil rights, censorship, and the ever present fear of nuclear war that set the stage for the killing fields of the 1960s and the CIA’s ruthless machinations.
One could say that the 1950s were the Foundation of Fear upon which the horrors of the 1960s were built, and that now we are reaping the flowers of evil that have sprung up everywhere we look because the evils of those decades have never been addressed.
Inaugurated in 1995 on the September Equinox, today rat haus reality, ratical branch completes its 28th circle ’round the Sun. Gearing up to enter the 29th year inspired composing this Antidote, an accounting of censored and suppressed truths far too many people have witnessed and gone through since 2020.
Tuning in to genuine, trustworthy reporting on and intelligent analysis of the state of our world is possible and is being produced by legions of souls operating in their respective divine capacities as independent agents and government watchdogs honoring and serving Life’s needs on Mother Earth.
The souls highlighted in this accounting are celebrated for their dedication of bearing witness to and following the polestar of historical truth as it emits a light and illuminates the way we can all likewise be guided by. And in doing so, we can join in the sacred work of supporting the exquisite eons of life exploring itself on our Mother Earth for the seventh generation yet unborn and beyond.
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This is an on-going INDEX of the Humanity Projects being developed at Phinance Technologies. Founded in 2022 by Yuri Nunes (Physics PhD), Carlos Alegria (Physics and Finance PhDs), and former Blackrock fund manager and author Edward Dowd, the resource includes sweeping multi-level data sets and their ongoing analyses and publication.
Over the past several years, Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have been combining their respective professional skills—ex-pharmaceutical R&D industry executive and entrepreneur and paralegal with research and writing focus on structural analysis of really big lies respectively—to uncover what has occurred regarding what are accurately defined as demonstration Department of Defense Covid-19 Countermeasures.
Latypova, Watt and others attended a 13 Dec 2022 zoom call with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) scheduled by his staff. The memo and its 775 MB of Countermeasures Evidence References and Exhibits is based on publicly available sources and document in exhaustive detail how:
Americans were misled about all Covid-19 “countermeasures,” including those products marketed as “vaccines.” Covid policy was managed by the National Security Council (NSC) acting on war footing and countermeasures were contracted for by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) without any effective regulatory oversight at any stage along the process.
The activities passing as “regulatory processes” appear to have been fraudulent attempts to create color of law and avoid liability for what were clearly criminal acts. These multiple overlapping and mutually reinforcing violations of federal law have imposed serious harms on the American people, including severe injury and death.
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by Edward J. Curtin, Jr., 9 Oct 2023
Consider how, it makes not the slightest difference whether Obama, Trump or covid occupy the Oval Office. Things only move in one direction.
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A View-from-the-Shore Analysis of the
Vatican’s 30 March 2023 Statement on the Doctrine of Discovery
On 30 March 2022, the Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education, and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, issued a “Joint Statement” on the “Doctrine of Discovery.” The Vatican stopped short of a revocation of the 4 May 1493 papal bull, issuing instead a “repudiation of the doctrine of discovery.”
Steven Newcomb has been researching and decoding the doctrine of Christian Discovery since the 1980s. Together with Birgil Kills Straight, a ceremonial leader of the Oglala Lakota Nation, the Indigenous Law Institute was founded in 1992 to begin a global campaign to revoke the 4 May 1493 papal bull, Inter Caetera, which Pope Alexander VI issued shortly after Columbus returned to Western Christendom from the Bahamas.
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A Five-Part Documentary Series by Vera Sharav
Alliance for Human Research Protection, 30 Jan to 3 Feb 2023 |
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Steven Newcomb’s decades-long research on the roots and contemporary patterns of the Domination System, are traced from 15th century Vatican papal documents, thru the 1823 US Supreme Court ruling, Johnson v McIntosh, which incorporated those patterns into US property law, to the present day.
In his 2008 book, Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Discovery Newcomb demonstrates how US government officials have used religious concepts of Christendom, often unconsciously, to justify the taking of Native American lands and to deny the independence of Original Free Nations. Uncovering the way in which the conceptions of Doctrines of Domination fit together, Newcomb describes what he terms a Protocol of Domination Vocabulary. A seed of the present day Domination System is the Dum Diversas papal bull of 1452, issued by Pope Nicholas V to King Alphonso of Portugal, which authorizes the King to “invade, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens, pagans and other enemies of Christ ... to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery ... and to take away all their possessions and property and to convert their possessions and properties.” |
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“The Psychiatry of COVID-19” - A Conversation with Dr. Emanuel Garcia
Episode 27: Perspectives on the Pandemic, 6 Jul 2022
CDC Admits Once and for All It Has No Basis for Its Claim
That COVID-19 Vaccines Do Not Cause Variants Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), 20 Jun 2022
With every mistake, we must surely be learning
Dennis Riches, Lit By Imagination, 29 Dec 2021
International Grand Jury Proceeding
The Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion Convened 5 Feb 2022
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19
Using BLAST is easy. I’m going to show you how easy and how to prove that SARS-Cov-2 is man-made Dr Ah Kahn Syed, 28 Dec 2021
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?
A report from an Indiana life insurance company raises serious concerns. Robert Malone, MD, MS, 2 Jan 2022
Conscience and The Nuremberg Code
Informed Consent, Censorship, and Inalienable Rights David Ratcliffe, rat haus reality press, 19 Oct 2021
In a “deeply disturbing” speech last week, President Biden exhorted medical coercion
of an experimental gene therapy for a virus with a 99% survival rate for a large portion of the population, and for which no one bears financial liability in cases where injuries or deaths occur.
Mary Holland, President & General Counsel, Children’s Health Defense, 13 Sep 2021
Open Letter and Challenge for Rachel Maddow
Ivermectin: Truth or Consequences Diane Perlman, 2 Sep 2021
Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice
An Interdisciplinary Symposium Calling for Immediate Intervention
Organized by Doctors for Covid Ethics, Hosted by UK Column, 29-30 July
How Real Science became Fake News
Thirty years ago, the man who taught me quantum mechanics at Harvard wrote that the suppression of debate will be the ‘death of science’. Perhaps he saw the shape of things to come. Josh Mitteldorf, Experimental Frontiers, 29 Jun 2021
What I Know and Don’t Know about SARS-Cov-2 Virus
Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain, 19 June 2021
Systematically Flawed Mortality Statistics
Should Not Be Guiding Science, Medicine or Public Policy An Evidence Based Postion Presented By A Former Death Certificate Clerk Joy Fritz, GreenMedinfo, 20 Apr 2021
Data Disaster: A Call for an Investigation
Into the CDC’s Conduct During Covid-19 Stand for Health Freedom Panel, 17 Feb 2021
Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr Global’s Bid for Economic Totalitarianism
and Transhumanism – IF We Allow It Planet Lockdown Film Interview, mid August 2020
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and
the Global Technocratic Takeover with Alison McDowell Jason Bosch Interview, 17 May 2020
“Lockdown only pushes the severe cases into the future – it will not prevent them”
Collapsologie is the study and elaboration of how industrial
civilization as we know it collapses and if it does, what
will replace it. Industrial civilization is the use of
machinery powered by electricity or any form of energy to
carry out various activities. Collapsologie is a neologism
developed by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens in
their 2015 book.
In an interview, recalling
all the data and increasingly
disturbing scientific alarms, the authors are calling
for an end to denial: “we accept that disasters can
occur: they are looming, we must look at them with courage,
eyes wide open. To be a catastrophist is neither to be
pessimistic nor optimistic, it is to be lucid.”
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10 June 2019: 56 Years On & Inauguration of
ratical earth journal
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William Pepper: The magistrate, in his own report, admits that
Sirhan was in front of Bob Kennedy; in front of him. Proving
our case that Sirhan could not possibly have shot Bob from the rear.
The evidence is there.
Anyone wants to see it, anyone who wants to look at it, they can. We
urge everyone to do that. The question is how long will they be allowed
to cover this up? Will it be covered up throughout all of history?
That’s really what the goal is.... These two political assassinations
have determined the course of history like no other in our lifetime,
indeed perhaps in the history of this Republic.... Political assassinations
have existed throughout all of the history of human society. It’s
an ultimate tactic that is used when you cannot co-opt, compromise, or
control in some way a leader or an emerging dissenting force. The
ultimate way of stopping that individual, of course, is through
assassination. In the ’60s we saw four of those.
Jim Douglass: Martin Luther King had a vision for Humanity: the
Beloved Community of a just and peaceful global society and he was
prepared to move toward that as he said in his
CBC lectures in 1967 where he articulated his final vision.
It was published as a book after his death, The Trumpet of Conscience.
He said he was hoping to bring whole cities to a halt, beginning with
Washington D.C., through massive nonviolent civil disobedience
until poverty could be eliminated from not only the United States but
from other parts of the world and war and injustice.
He had a big vision.
That was really the beginning of my investigation. The impact
that King’s assassination had on my life and the
recognition that his vision, a hopeful, a nonviolent, a
redemptive vision for all of humanity, it went to the point
where the powers that be were not going to allow it to be
carried out. That’s why we should be demanding that the
truth be recognized and spoken.
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“Nine nations still threaten to incinerate entire cities, to destroy
life on earth, to make our beautiful world uninhabitable for future
generations. The development of nuclear weapons signifies not a
country’s elevation to greatness, but its descent to the
darkest depths of depravity. These weapons are not a necessary evil;
they are the ultimate evil.”
—Setsuko Thurlow, Hiroshima survivor,
speaking 10 Dec 2017
on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons,
recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize
The Ultimate Necessity
of an International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Eli Martin Schotz, M.D., February 2018
“Any talk today of preventing a nuclear war misses the point that we are actually in a nuclear war right now. The question is not how can we prevent a nuclear war, but how will the nuclear war end? Will it end with the weapons abolishing mankind, or will mankind end this war by abolishing nuclear weapons? Just as war is a process, so is peace. Peace is a process of educating people about nuclear war, helping them organize against this war.”
We call on the United States to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by:
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Concerning the extra-constitutional firing of the 35th President,
the following is proffered as an antidote to the specific set of
illusions and—beginning with the
Warren Commission’s Report—conspiracy
theories presented by state actors, universities, and the media which
promote a fabricated representation of reality through omission,
distortion, falsehood, lack of contextual analysis, and disinforming opinion
stated as obvious, incontestable fact. The essence of the cover-up is
that there is a mystery to debate. There is no mystery. Anyone willing
to look can see clearly who killed President Kennedy and why. The WHY of
the assassination is the key to the crime and its cover-up. We can know
why President Kennedy was assassinated. With this understanding and
knowledge we can navigate the turbulent waters surrounding us today with a
profoundly informed and deeply rooted sense of the meaning and purpose of
our own lives in this irreducible present moment—the only moment we
ever have.
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“It is a sobering thought that better evidence is required to prosecute a
shoplifter than is needed to commence a world war.”
—Anthony Scrivener QC, The Times, 5 Oct 2001
“It is different than the Gulf War was, in the sense that it
may never end. At least, not in our lifetime.”
—Dick Cheney, 21 Oct 2001
Legend has it the Cold War was closed out in 1991. 10 years later, its Next
Generation spawn was inaugurated. 16+ years into this war that will not end
“in our lifetime”, it is our moral responsibility to reveal
its covert and overt roots and, in doing so, end it given that
it is being done in our name every single day.
“Your loyalty belongs to the human race and not to a flag, not to
a country that’s supposedly under attack from some mystical force
that’s out there that you can’t even identify—I mean,
these terrorists, the way they’re presented to us,
it’s as if they dropped in from outer space. All you know
about them is that they hate you and they want to kill you. You
can’t negotiate with them. You can’t talk to them.
You can’t understand them. All you can do is
kill them. And you got to kill every last one except, you
never know.... It’s like the pod people, you know, maybe
it’s spread to somebody else and then you’ve got to start
killing them.” —John Judge, 21 Feb 2005
Ed Curtin:
Why I Don’t Speak of 9/11 Anymore, Sep 2016
The Lies of 9/11 Miracle Workers - Review of Bush And Cheney:
How They Ruined America And The World, 27 Aug 2017
Graeme MacQueen:
Beyond Their Wildest Dreams: Sep 11 and the US Left, 13 Mar 2017
Sep 11: The Pentagon’s B-Movie, 31 Aug 2017
John Judge:
September 11 Omission Report, 9 Sep 2004
Antidote to September 11 – Exercising Our Imagination:
September 11 Critical Analysis, 16 Feb 2002
What the 9/11 Commission Didn’t Report, 21 Feb 2005
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May 29, 2017
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From Aaron Carapella, Indigenous Cartographer Extraordinaire:
2 Dec 2016: I have been working on this map for months. It is a gift
to the community. You can download your free PDF of this map
HERE and use it
for digital presentations or to print your own copy. You can also purchase
it from me in a poster format. If any modifications need to be made,
please don’t hesitate to let me know. We need to think about our
Mother Earth and Tribal rights before building pipelines.
File type: PDF; resolution: 3456 x 3960 points; size: 161 MB;
page size: 48" x 55"
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Welcome to the Front Door of
September 2015 marks the 20th anniversary
of this publication library.
Four 2015 essays express two primary interests of this project:
1. Keep the Balance - John
Trudell’s understanding of
What It Means To Be
A Human Being
2. Increasing Consciousness - Outgrowing Our US Exceptionalism Myth by facing US Settler Colonialism 3. An Expanding Light to Dispel the Darkness: A New Movement to Ban Nuclear Weapons 4. Dr. John W. Gofman: His Life, and Research on the Health Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation |
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August 2015: 70 years ago, nuclear weapons made extinction of all Life on Earth possible.
That prospective reality never went away and its chances keep increasing. If we do not abolish nuclear weapons they will surely abolish us.
Announcing a library set of materials from the Feb 28-Mar 1
Helen Caldicott Foundation’s
Find within
Symposium background,
complete transcripts
of 8 speakers,
of all speakers + Q&As,
educational materials, and
means to
engage with people working to
abolish nuclear weapons.
It is the non-nuclear-weapon states on whom we must depend to drive a
process to ban nuclear weapons, to stigmatize them, to make them
socially and politically unacceptable, to make it harder for nations
to get away with possessing and upgrading them, and to help the
nuclear-weapon states overcome this awful, debilitating addiction.
This flips the traditional arms-control approach on its head. The
humanitarian initiative is about empowering and mobilizing the
rest of the world to say “enough.” It is about
shifting the debate from “acceptable,”
“safe” numbers of nuclear warheads to their
fundamental inhumanity and incompatibility with basic standards
of civilized behaviour. It is about taking away from the
nuclear-armed states the power to dictate the terms of the debate
and to set the agenda—and refusing to perpetuate their
Wright, “A New Movement to Ban Nuclear Weapons”
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Will It Be The Future As Well? The Choice Is Ours
We forget ... that violence is so securely founded among us—in war,
in forms of land use, in various methods of economic “growth” and
“development”—because it is immensely profitable. People
do not become wealthy by treating one another or the world kindly and with
respect. Do we not need to remember this? Do we have a single eminent
leader who would dare to remind us?
—Wendell Berry,
Commerce of Violence,” The Progressive, June 2013
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