rat haus reality
1996 last modified additions/changes listing
changes/additions since inception of
rat haus reality on the fall equinox, september 23, 1995
the present is all we have. Being in this moment is
all there is; everything else is a construct of thought. . . if we
give to each moment exactly what it demands, the chances are our
grandchildren's grandchidren will have the opportunity to do so as
the terrible invasion of meaninglessness and a feeling
of not belonging invading the awareness of man, that was the unique
sickness of our day . . . was the result of the so-called civilised
man, parting company with the natural and instinctive man in
The Six Nations: Oldest
LivingParticipatory Democracy on Earth
a great deal of life-promoting intelligence
for those of us not familiar with the Haudenosaunee
or this area of American history.
ratitor's corner celebrating November's
Beaver or Frosty full moon
November 18:
initiating a weekly listing of
limelight features we invite
you to visit
We are very honored to be bringing on-board a selection of 39 articles
from the Nuclear Guardianship
Forum's 1992, 1993 and 1994 issues; it's focus: On
The Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials
Rachel's Hazardous Waste News
#147: "Mr. Reilly's EPA Develops Strategy For Solving
Nation's Waste Problems: Full-Scale Linguistic Detoxification", 9/89
first-pass HTML copy of
Killing Our Own upgraded from the initial efforts of Kym Horsellfor which
we are exceedingly grateful. a self-described "Visiting
opportunist" she has assembled some very useful sourcing. see her
nexus located La Trobe Uni, Melbourne, Australia: http://cs.binghamton.edu/~kym/
with a half-revolution around our supreme "nuclear furnace",
since ratical branch's inception, mosa's
notes and the ratitor's corner
make their entrance.
added "Chapter 1. Our Conclusion: A Large Share of Breast-Cancers Need
Not Occur", to CNR's
Preventing Breast Cancer, as
well as extending to also contain fancy and plain HTML formats.
February 14:
LARGE assortment of documents pertaining to
Ending Corporate Governance. The
possibilities for actually "turning off" corporations consuming the
planet and us ARE, as Spock would say, "fascinating"
-- to say nothing of amending corporate charters to strengthen
the rights of Nature, humans, and communities. Also included in
this nexus: an electronic Bulletin Board, and a
networking list anyone
can add themselves to.