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The materials comprising this directory were put on-line during 1992 and sent out to internet news groups from November thru March, 1993. An Overview provides the 1992-based point-of-view which drove the original series.
This sub-section of the Health Costs of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation contains the first electronic texts worked up by the ratitor in an effort to communicate his concerns about the burden to our biosphere and the injury to all that will follow us here from the man-made radioactive matter generated in only the past 50 years. One of the most astonishing facts of the age we find ourselves living in is how, in the short span of less than a single died-at-a-ripe-old-age human lifetime, a man-made toxicity of such magnitude -- the likes of which are anomalous to anything heretofore manifested by the hand of man -- has been unleashed upon all life here, with its lethal, biological burden now a fact for upwards of millions upon millions of years.
For those concerned about all this but new to the subject, we recommend starting with:
The following segments are presented below:
- Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Curriculum Vitae, Speeches, and Articles
- Chapters from Nuclear Witnesses, by Leslie Freeman, 1981
- Chapters Deadly Deciet, Low-Level Radiation, High-Level Coverup, 1991
- Dr. Ernest Sternglass: Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island, book and Phone Interview
- Killing Our Own, The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, book 1982
- Testimony of Dr. Rosalie Bertell before World Women's Congress, Miami, 1991
- Nuclear Guardianship Project's Spring '92 Forum newspaper
- Assorted Posts, Articles, Transcripts and Book Excerpts
Dr. Rosalie Bertell: Curriculum Vitae, Transcripts of Speeches, and Articles
- Curriculum Vitae [31K], of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, President, International Institute of Concern for Public Health (IICPH) (ascii).
- Listing of all content by Dr. Bertell on rat haus reality
- Quietly Eating Radioactivity, speech transcript, Vancouver, Canada, 1986:
- HTML format [40K]
- ASCII [40K]
- gzip'd PostScript 10 pages [30K]
- 16 Million Radiation Deaths and Counting, speech transcript, Los Angeles, 1989:
- HTML format [73K]
- ASCII [74K]
- gzip'd PostScript 19 pages [66K]
- Oral Testimony, World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet, Miami, 1991:
- HTML format [16K]
- ASCII [16K]
- gzip'd PostScript 5 pages [16K]
- The Health of the Oceans [39K], 1984: military waste accumulating in the greatest recycling system of all (ascii)
- Nucleogenic Illness: Replenishing the Earth the work of IICPH, 1986, [22K] (ascii).
- Radioactivity: No Immediate Danger? article based on No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, 1991
- No Immediate Danger? Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, transcript of talk in Oslo, Norway on the effects of exposure to ionizing (penetrating) man-made radiation, 1990 [22K] (ascii).
- Testimony of Dr. Rosalie Bertell before the World Women's Congress, Miami, 1991
Chapters from Nuclear Witnesses, by Leslie Freeman, 1981:
- Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Mathematician & Medical Researcher:
- HTML[106K] gzip'd HTML[37K]
- gzip'd ASCII[36K]
- gzip'd PostScript[86K] 26 pages
- Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass, Physicist:
- HTML format, [104K] gzip'd HTML [36K]
- gzip'd ASCII [34K]
- gzip'd PostScript 25 pages [83K]
- Dr. John Gofman, Medical Physicist:
- PDF 43 pages
- ASCII text formats
Chapters from Deadly Deciet, Low-Level Radiation, High-Level Coverup, by Dr. Jay Gould and Benjamin A. Goldman, with Kate Millpointer, 1991:
- Chapter 1, "Overview" [29K],
discusses the importance of statistical estimates of excess numbers of deaths with regard to man-made radioactive pollution. (ascii)
- Chapter 3, "Silent Summer" [27K],
exposes how Chernobyl fallout in 1986 dosed all life on earth--radioactive contaminants become increasingly concentrated as they move up the food chain. (ascii)
- Chapter 11, "It's Not Too Late" [34K],
examines low-level radiation effects of nuclear bomb tests/reactors. (ascii)
- Review of "The BEIR V Report" [30K],
(Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation), 1990. (ascii)
- "Afterword" and "Methodological Appendix combined [60K],
measuring statistically significant excess death rate change. (ascii)
PLEASE NOTE: The files comprising Secret Fallout have moved up one level to:
The below links have been re-adjusted to point to this new home.Ernest Sternglass: Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island, 1982, and Phone Interview transcript 1992:
- Book Introduction to Secret Fallout
- gzip'd HTML format [47K]
- gzip'd ASCII [46K]
- Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island, complete book
- Transcript of Phone Interview with the Author, conducted November 11, 1992
- gzip'd ASCII [32K]
- gzip'd PostScript 23 pages [79K]
PLEASE NOTE: The files comprising Killing Our Own have moved up one level to:
The below links have been re-adjusted to point to this new home.
Killing Our Own, The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, by Harvey Wasserman and Normon Solomon, with Robert Alvarez and Eleanore Walters, 1982:
- Book Introduction to Killing Our Own
- gzip'd HTML format, [49K]
- gzip'd HTML [48K]
- Killing Our Own, The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation complete book
- HTML entry point to Table of contents of complete book
-- includes Radiation in America map in Introduction- gzip'd ASCII [408K]
- gzip'd PostScript 250 pages [895K]
Testimony of Dr. Rosalie Bertell
before the World Women's Congress, Miami, 1991:
- Introduction and Part I [22K],
presenting a description of the magnitude of planetary nuclear pollution.
- Statement of Senator Anjain, Rongelap, Republic of Marshall Islands to UN, [20K],
(Document # 6 of Part I)
- Part II [11K],
describing how the ravages of preparation for nuclear war are hidden by governments.
- Critique of ICRP structure and membership [40K],
describes how government's collaborate thru orgs like the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) to standardize their stories. (Document # 10 of Part II, Bertell Testimony)
- Part III [16K],
describes how women and children bear most of the burden by military activities and pollution.
- Statement on Continued Distress of Marshall Islanders, 1989 [18K]
(Document # 7 of Part III)
- Part IV [36K],
Summary Estimate of the number of Radiation Victims Globally from 1945 to 1988.
- Part V [30K],
Report Card for Measuring Your Nation's Progress Toward Sanity.
PLEASE NOTE: The files comprising the following have moved up one level to:
The below links have been re-adjusted to point to this new home.
Nuclear Guardianship Project's Spring '92 Forum newspaper:
- On the Responsible Care of Radioactive Materials [11K]
- Nuclear Guardianship -- the problem of "solutions" [6K]
- On Guilt, Grief, Responsibility, and Mythology [11K]
- on-going nuclear contamination from US/ex-USSR weapons and sites [12K]
- Nuclear contamination & the Cousteau Society's proposed Bill of Rights [11K]
- call to attention to radioactive results of nuclear technology [10K]
- Values Are Everything -- each of us must be & IS CAPABLE OF deciding , [2K]
- Twilight's Last Gleaming A dramatic exhibit of our nuclear inventory, [4K]
- Action Plan For Radioactive Waste [4K]
Assorted Posts, Articles, Transcripts and Book Excerpts:
- Plutonium Economy And A Free Democracy Are A Contradiction In Terms:
- HTML format [22K]
- ASCII [23K]
- gzip'd PostScript 6 pages [21K]
- fallout from nuclear tests PERMEATES our world, [3K]
- "The Clan of One-Breasted Women" by Terry Tempest Williams, [22K] (ascii)
- to disconnect from feelings about the nuclear threat is insane discusses creating and supporting relational contexts, [23K] (ascii)
- Nuclear Cover-Up: Norman Solomon On Media Coverage of Nuclear Issues, 2/24/92
- HTML format [45K]
- ASCII [48K]
- gzip'd PostScript 11 pages [43K]
- Nuclear Threats and the New World Order, by Michio Kaku, Summer '92 [40K], (ascii)
- Bomb Tests and Earthquakes, from War and Peace Digest, August, 1992 [15K] (ascii).
- speech by Narayan Desai on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1992, [29K]
- Book Review: 1 in 3: Women With Cancer Confront an Epidemic, 9/92 [11K] (ascii).
- Nature: Thyroid Cancer 7.5 yrs after Chernobyl soaring, September 3, 1992 [19K] (ascii).
- First voyage of Plutonium boat, Akatsuki Maru, from France to Japan, 11/92 [16K] (ascii).