Pueblo Bonito, part IV
Chaco Canyon, San Juan Basin, New Mexico

With so many images of Pueblo Bonito, it became necessary to "divee-up"
the collection in "web-manageable" chunks. Hence this artificial division:

part 0 part I part II part III part IV

a complete 3-shot panorama standing at the south-front facing north;
this day saw the beginnings of a storm front moving in, and, although
there was a decrease in the saturation and intensity of color, "oh the skies!"

facing east from the room directly west of trail map location 17

38 40 39
walking forward thru the 3 doorways seen in 37, then turning north (90° to the left),
and walking thru 4 doorways, turning around and looking back south, these 3 views catch
the curvature of this great house with each successive threshold bending off to the west.

looking north up into what was a second-story area.
not remembering exactly where this is, but guessing it's turning around from position
38-40, or else perhaps moving south into the next room and turning around -- the
remainders of secondary beams are visible in this northward wall, and the hole that held
a primary beam can be seen at the very left-above-middle of the image.

the masonry and hues of color so sublime,
these walls echo the stories told by their makers.

outside near the center of the "south-front" now,
looking east-north-east into the area where 37-42 were seen

these final two images were taken in the later afternoon, following
an exploration of Casa Rinconada, Chaco Canyon's largest Great Kiva

this is along the south-front edge (looking east) where a smaller
set of corridors and connecting doorways were

a final look north at the south-east corner
(as seen also in 28-30, and 1-3).

With so many images of Pueblo Bonito, it became necessary to "divee-up"
the collection in "web-manageable" chunks. Hence this artificial division:

part 0 part I part II part III part IV

Chetro Ketl Pueblo del Arroyo Casa Chiquita Kin Kletso Casa Rinconada



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