- Ignorance to blame for fears associated with anything nuclear
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998
Subject: Editorial Writers Need Education, BADLY
I think this editorial gives us a wonderful opening to go after the whole DOE education program by using it to explain to the Deseret News how we couldn't agree more that education is needed, as this article clearly shows by one key and fatal flaw, and how that flaw is also why the entire DOE has no business being in our schools doing this education.To do this I would blow off the entire rest of his editorial and focus in on the following, and nothing else;
Ignorance has resulted in much of the fear associated with anything nuclear. The U.S. government had no clue how harmful the effects would be when it conducted atomic bomb tests in the '50s at the Nevada Test Site. Now we know how deadly and debilitating the fallout from those tests were. The government compounded the matter by covering it up. But mistakes made 40 years ago would not be made today.He is right, ignorance has resulted in much -- but not fear -- associated with anything nuclear, as his next line, which is really the only relevant point, and it clearly shows :
The U.S. government had no clue how harmful the effects would be when it conducted atomic bomb tests in the '50s at the Nevada Test Site.Right there he both shows that education is clearly needed, starting with himself, and apparently right on up the editorial board at the D News and then on to what few percentage of the Utah public there might be that agree with it. Why? Because that is the whole point behind what happened with the Nevada Bomb Tests and why the DOE can't be allowed to teach our children, and why the public damned well better fear all things nuclear.
Because the government not only had a clue, but knew damned good and well what was going to happen and that they were going to kill people and sheep downwind, and just how far downwind downwind was going to be, and then did it anyway, and then dragged in every available resource the Feds could lay their hands on to lie and cover it all up -- something they are still doing even today. (With the NCI Report having to be leaked after 14 years to be forced out into public showing the whole country got screwed.)
When one adds the educated truth to that one sentence, the whole premise behind his editorial comes crashing down, because if they did not only have a clue, but full well knew before they did those tests that people were going to die, then the public, for its own health and safety, and for their own lives, not only just might, but should fear all things nuclear, since it is the same lying, covering up, cold-blooded murderers who knew and killed anyway then and are still active in covering it up, that have and are still giving all the promises of safety that he says the public needs to educated about.
Add the fact that the public needs to be fully educated not only about this, but about all the nasty little human experiments done all those years on innocent people, orphans, disadvantaged children -- even prisoners at Utah's own prison -- and lied about too, by many of the same people who's safety assurances he would have us use to educate the general public. And the fact that after the Final and Complete Coming Clean Report On Human Experiments was issued by the DOE in 1994 dozens of other such radiation experiments have been exposed that weren't reported and glastnosed by the DOE, including some just last week where we'd even gone so far as to use poor people in Norway, a NATO ally, to do them, and of course how the biggest human experiment of all, that touched on in the NCI report was not on the DOE's come clean 1994 list.
Also throw in education about the body snatching, including in Utah, and then ask why is it wrong to allow known sex offenders to teach our children, but O.K. and something to endorsed and pushed through editorials in the D News, to allow those active in conducting past and present -- suppression of known human experiments and up until last July the NCI report -- which of course was leaked first and is the same -- crimes against humanity -- to have at the minds of our children. Why is it O.K. for those with a 50+ year record of lies, deceit, cover-up, and falsehood about the dangers of nuclear radiation being dumped on residents of Utah to now screw up our kids with stories of how safe it is, and how we shouldn't fear things nuclear.
It is no different -- is it? -- than allowing Adolf Eichmann to teach little Jewish kids about the policies of the Third Reich toward Europe's 6 million late Jews?
Two Utah courts -- Jenkins, and Christensen in the Sheep case -- clearly determined beyond question that the government had a clue and knew, and in the case of the sheep went and doctored reports after the fact to show no effect -- ruling they had committed fraud and perjury upon a Utah court. Now does the D News really approve and want convicted perjurers and people who engaged in fraud and falsifying scientific reports to make things look harmless teaching our children the truth about things nuclear?
Screw nuclear waste, screw nuclear power. Robinson opened this door for us by saying the government didn't have a clue, and therefore we shouldn't let mistakes 40 years old get in the way of ending fear today. It is not our fault that if 40 years ago they weren't mistakes changes everything he proposes and makes it clear they do have relevance and not being mistakes but deliberate demands the fear and vigilance.
I suggest:
Writing a response that hits on just that one point and then follows up with wording strong enough to grow hair on a new born baby's fanny and ends with the question,
If it's not O.K. for sex offenders to teach our children and we require background checks for criminal activity in the past of all prospective teachers, then why is it O.K. for those -- with a history of crimes against humanity and those convicted in courts of this state for fraud and perjury over trying to hide it -- to be allowed to teach our children and educate them to ignore their past criminal activity so they can possibly engage in it again?Hand carry the letter to the D News editorial board in mass and ask the D News to explain why it's not O.K. for sex offenders but it is O.K. for mass murders?
Issue a press release asking the same question, thus forcing the D News to have to cover it, and then use the Salt Lake weekly papers and KRCL to hit the other cultures down there in asking them do you want these people teaching your children.
See if a pro-bono attorney would be willing to threaten the Salt Lake Board of Education, or the Utah Board with a federal lawsuit over banning sex offenders and others with a criminal history, but not those guilty of fraud and perjury and those party to what a prudent man would classify as crimes against humanity, using the 14th amendment right of equal treatment under the law. Use the threat to demand a public hearing. See it is set 60 days at least in the future and then we round up the victims and have a crimes against humanity tribunal of our own before the school board or the state people.
Mainly make it nasty, and as un-PC as possible.
The D News is stuck in a way with all their own articles -- White, Bauman, Davidson showing how the government had far more than a clue! Call them on it. And call them on it with somebody down there that has kids in school who would become targets for these criminals if allowed in our schools!
That is how I would respond to this. Don't get mad, get even! Robinson gave an opening -- use it.
Utah also now, or soon will have another newspaper who's editor has somewhat of a concern about the integrity of the D News, that can always be urged to challenge the D News if they run and hide.
Also if they say "NO" there is always the ownership, again just on that one little point of had NO clue!
As always;
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