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Address by Hiroshima City Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba on Hiroshima Peace Day 2002, 8/8/02
Is the Bush Administration
to break out of the nuclear weapons testing moratorium?
by Steve Erickson and Preston J. Truman, 6/28/01
Utah should say no to N-power by Winston Weeks, 5/31/01
Bush's Nuclear Doctrine: From MAD to NUTS?, by William D. Hartung, Dec 2000
Abolition 2000 Report Card, Annual Progress toward a Nuclear-Free World, UN Day, 24 October 2000
Hibakusha Wins in Nagasaki A-Bomb Matsuya Lawsuit,
Claims of Thousands of Nuclear Victims of the World Justified, 15 October 2000
Japan maps out path to nuclear-free world, 15 October 2000
Learn about HR-2545: Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 1999
Order the November 1999 issue of The Ecologist,
"Rethinking Basic Assumptions..."
The Madness of Nuclear Energy,
For five decades, humanity has been hoodwinked by the most poisonous
confidence trick in history. Now, as we begin a new millennium, it
is time to end the nuclear nightmare - for good.
- Ending The Nuclear Century by the Editors
- Nuclear Power: Time to End the Experiment by Peter Bunyard and Pete Roche
- The Final Boltholes by Anthony Froggatt
- Poisoning in the Name of Progress by Chris Busby
- Nuclear Power - A Dead Loss by Peter Bunyard
- Nuclear Skullduggery by Chris Busby
- Richard Doll Falls into Plutonium Trap by Richard Bramhall
- Victims of the Nuclear Age by Rosalie Bertell
Spring, 1998:
Asian Annihilation Bombing
International Nuclear Mafia's Lastest Puppets Unveiled
local copy:
current threads webly:
- The nuclear option - Nebraska meeting at SAC to discuss new generation of n-weps, by Ian Mather, Scotland on Sunday, 8/3/03
- Chain Reaction - Facing a Second Nuclear Age, by William J. Broad, New York Times, 8/3/03
- Shroud of secrecy compounds fears, The Hindu, 11/15/98
- INDIA --Villain, Hero, or Scapegoat?, By: J Truman, August 28, 1996
- The End of imagination, by Arundhati Roy, Frontline, 8/1/98
also appeared in the 9/28/98 Nation: The End of imagination, by Arundhati Roy
- from the Canadian Committee for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR) :
- U.S. Must Own Up On India's Nuclear Tests!, Downwinders, 5/14/98
- Sub-kiloton devices a technological leap, Times of India, 5/14/98
- Hypocrisy of U.S., and vested interests, The Hindu, 5/16/98
- NPT extension forced Indian decision, The Hindu, 5/19/98
- Statement of Indian Scientists In Opposition to India's Nuclear Tests,
Medicine and Global Survival
from its Special Report: South Asia Crosses the Nuclear Threshold
- India, Pakistan took different routes along nuclear road,
CNN, 5/27/98
enhanced version of the above: `Nuclear chickens coming home to roost'
- Making Contact: "Nuclear Hypocrisy: The U.S. and Atomic Tests", 6/10/98
- World's nuclear states are hypocrites, Deseret News, 6/15/98
past sequences:
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