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"I truly must question the
judgment of any President who can say that a massive unprovoked
military attack on a nation which is over 50% children is "in the
highest moral traditions of our country".
- U.S. Terrorism 101: The Bert Sacks Story
by Edward Curtin, 15 November 2021,
- Iraq On The Record--The Bush Administration's
Public Statements On Iraq,
prepared For Representative Henry A. Waxman,
U.S. House Of Representatives Committee On Government Reform
-- Minority Staff Special Investigations Division, 16 Mar 2004
- Revisited - The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War in Iraq:
A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth,
by William Clark, 26 Jan 2003; updated: January 2004
- Saddam Hussein Discovered in Hole,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 15 Dec 2003
- Indications Saddam Was Not in Hiding But a Captive
- Capture has few intel gains
- Saddam not heading insurgency
- Recruits Abandon Iraqi Army
- New battlelines drawn in the Iraqi sand
- . . . and Israel's "Dirty War"
- The Trial of Saddam,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 21 Dec 2003
- The Trial of Saddam
- A new era of colonialism?
- General Plans Changes in Afghan Strategy
- White House Covers Tracks by Removing Information
- Petition to House Government Reform Committee
- DC Police Spying Operation Exposed
- Truth from These Podia,
works assembled by Paul Wolf, 15 Oct 2003
- Introduction
- Truth from These Podia
- US Media Coverup: CIA Headquarters in Baghdad under Attack
- "Strategic Attack," and US War Crimes
U.S. Air Force Doctrine Document 2-1.2,
by Thomas Nagy,, 10 Nov 2002
- Sanctions and War on Iraq: In 300 words,
by Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq, 17 Aug 2002
- Witness: A Human Being Living in Iraq,
letter from Nihal, March 2003
- Arming Iraq and the Path to War,
by John King, U.N. Observer & International Report, 31 Mar 2003
- Live From Iraq, an Un-Embedded Journalist:
Robert Fisk on Washington's `Quagmire' in Iraq,
Civilian Deaths and the Fallacy of Bush's `War of Liberation',
Amy Goodman & Jeremy Scahill, Democracy Now!, 25 Mar 2003
- The Lessons of History for the Invaders,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 4 Apr 2003
- A War We All Will Regret,
by Bruce E. Johansen, Klassekampen, 8 Apr 2003
- Invading Hiroshima,
by William Thomas,, 4 Feb 2003
- Hussein Kamel - The Defector's Secrets,
by John Berry, Newsweek, 24 Feb 2003
- Playing skittles with Saddam
The gameplan among Washington's hawks has long been to
reshape the Middle East along US-Israeli lines,
by Brian Whitaker, The Guardian, 2 Sep 2002
- Iraq: Crisis of Conscience,
by George Hunsinger, Presbyterian Outlook, 19 Aug 2002
- Iraq, the United States, and International Law: Beyond the Sanctions,
by Richard Falk, Transnational Foundation, 27 Aug 2002
- Impending Constitutional Crisis: The Rush to War,
by Richard Falk, Transnational Foundation, 27 Aug 2002
- Oil Lust and Israeli "Hatchet Men" Behind U.S. Plans to Occupy Iraq,
by Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press, 18 Oct 2002
- from Broadening Our Perspectives of 11 September
by David Ratcliffe, September 2002:
- The president's real goal in Iraq,
by Jay Bookman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 29 September 2002
- Weapons of Mass Destruction--Iraq's Forgotten Bio-War,
by Ramzi Kysia, 30 Nov 2001
- The Secret Behind the Sanctions
--How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply,
by Thomas J. Nagy, The Progressive, September 2001
- Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq,
by Representative Ron Paul (TX), 10 Sep 2002
- Following Iraq's bioweapons trail,
by Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times, 26 Sep 2002
- Not again,
by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, 27 Sep 2002
"Compared to what occurred over 11 years ago, the dangers today in the
expanding quantum breakdown of adherence to the foundations of
international law cannot be overstated. We must educate ourselves,
friends, and acquaintances about what is being squandered in our
name. Otherwise we become accessories after the fact to the
destruction and death that threatens to engulf all life on earth.
"This brings us
to the central meaning of " Sanctions
and War on Iraq: In 300 words". What
does it say about our society and culture that since 1991, a
`World-Trade-Center's worth of Iraqi children continue to die every
month' as a direct result of the crimes against humanity perpetrated
under the direction of the last three Presidents of the United
States? What does this fact mean to each and every person in this
nation-state who pays annual taxes, the largest portion of which goes
to the ongoing expansion of the United States military? As
tax-paying members of the United States, can we reconcile
our culpability for these Iraqi deaths with the deaths of people
one year ago in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania?
- Detailed Analysis of October 7 Speech by Bush
uon Iraq,
Institute for Public Accuracy, October 2002
- Blase Bonpaine on Iraq: Any incompetent can start a
Pacifica Commentary, 29 Jul 2002
- Sanctions against Iraq: Code Word: Containment,
Jeff Guntzel,, 14 Aug 2002
- Be careful of Republicans "opposed" to invasion of
by David Smith Ferri and Danny Muller,
Voices in the Wilderness, 16 Aug 2002
- Testimony Prepared for Senate Hearings on Iraq Policy,
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, 31 Jul 2002
- Affirm the rule of law! To attack Iraq is a crime,
by War and Law League, San Francisco
- Gulf War: Gonzalez Impeachment Resolution of Bush,
Congressional Record, 19 Jan 1991 - re-sent May 2002
- US War Crimes During the Gulf War
by Francis Boyle, February 1992 + September 2002
Documents the numerous occasions that international laws
were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War
- A Chamber of Horrors Next to the Garden of Eden
- The effect of using depleted uranium in Irak
- Are we using it in Afghanistan also?,
by Andy Kershaw, The Independent, 1 Dec 2001
- Threats and Responses: A Plan for Iraq;,
U.S. Has a Plan to Occupy Iraq, Officials Report,
by David E. Sanger and Eric Schmitt, New York Times, 11 Oct 2002
Internal UN documents on the humanitarian impact of war on Iraq
Released by Campaign Against Sanctions on
Iraq (CASI) / Emergency Campaign on
Iraq - Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) on 13 February 2003.
- CESR obtained these confidential documents from several UN personnel who
believe that the potential humanitarian impact of war is a matter of
global public concern that should be discussed fully and openly.
- Source: Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,
"Integrated Humanitarian Contingency Plan for Iraq and Neighbouring Countries",
confidential draft, 7 January 2003.
- Key Quotes:
- "In the event of a crisis, 30 percent of children under 5 would be at
risk of death from malnutrition" [p. 3(5)]
Note: * 30% of 4.2 million children under five [p. 3(5)] = 1.26 million
children under five
- "the collapse of essential services in Iraq ... could lead to a
humanitarian emergency of proportions well beyond the capacity of UN
agencies and other aid organizations" [p. 4(6)]
- "all UN agencies have been facing severe funding constraints that
are preventing them from reaching even minimum levels of preparedness"
[p. 1(3)]
- "the effects of over 12 years of sanctions, preceded by war, have
considerably increased the vulnerability of the population". [p. 3(5)]
- "WFP [world food programme] estimates that approximately 10 million
people ... would be highly food insecure, displaced or directly affected
by military action" [p. 11(13)]
- "in the event of a crisis, only 39 percent of the population would
be serviced [with water] on a rationed basis" [p. 12(14)]
- "UNHCR estimates that up to 1.45 million refugees and asylum-seekers
may seek to flee Iraq in the event of a military conflict" [p. 9(11)]
- "Up to 900,000 people may be displaced in addition to the
900,000-1,100,000 existing IDPs [internally displaced persons]" [p. 10(12)]
- [from tables on p. 12(14)]
- 5,210,000 are highly vulnerable children under five and pregnant and lactating women.
- 500,000 potential direct and indirect casualties (overall population).
- 3,020,000 at nutritional risk (overall population).
- 18,240,000 might need access to treated water.
- 8,710,000 may need sanitation facilities.
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