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Constituent Services

Constituent Services

Cutting the Red TapeCutting the Red Tape

Constituent casework is one of the most important services provided by your 4th Congressional District Office. If you are experiencing difficulties with a federal agency, please give us a call. We'll help you cut through the red tape. Here's a recent casework success story:

A distraught Civil Service retiree from Decatur came to our office in January with a notice from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) indicating that he owed the federal government $30,000 in overpayments. It was alleged that the overpayments had been made to him in his monthly retirement check.

The constituent had been presented with two choices by OPM: 1) immediately repay the entire debt; or, 2) designate OPM as the beneficiary on his life insurance policy, both of which were unacceptable.

The Congresswoman wrote a letter to the director of the OPM on behalf of the constituent requesting an explanation of the alleged overpayment. The review revealed a computer error and the debt was immediately absolved. Due to the Congresswoman's efforts, this grateful retiree will not face any further collection action

College InternshipsAre you interested in a college internship?

Internships can help lauch your career. If you are interested in a career in law, government, foreign service or other public policy areas you may want to participate in this program.

Most colleges and universities allow course credit for work performed with a Member of Congress.

If you are interested in participating in our College Internship Program please contact either our Washington, D.C. or Decatur, Georgia office and ask for the Intern Coordinator.


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