Nuclear Electricity And The Citizen's Rights
aspect of the determined public relations
campaign of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, the
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, and the electric
utility industry shows an infringement on the rights of
U.S. citizens. The misuse of public funds for this
purpose should raise the eyebrows of even the most
cynical observer.
the Declaration of Independence are the following historic words:
hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men
are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness . . ."
is becoming increasingly clear that our democratic
rights to the pursuit of happiness, in the form of
a livable environment, are being seriously curtailed.
is no secret that we face an environmental crisis
of deep proportions because technological developments
have resulted in massive pollution of our air, our
land, our rivers, streams and oceans. It is also no secret
that electric power generation is a major offender. Not
only does the generation of electricity pollute in a
serious and direct way; it also provides the power for a
host of additional industries which pollute massively.
abound from the electric utility industry
and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
concerning electric power "needs." Facts are curiously
of a painstaking analysis of how increasing
electric power delivery was being used, the dogma was
advanced that electricity production must increase 10
percent per year, as it did for several years, far, far
into the future. Projections of this, at least to the year
2000, are commonplace. This dogmatic projection,
in the total absence of any rational examination,
represents a national disgrace.
such as "power means progress," or "we
need more cheap electric power," or "growth is the
cornerstone of civilization" are quite shopworn and
overtly dangerous for the continued existence of life on
earth. But no forum has been opened to consider the
issue of optimum electric power production.
The electric power industry promotes increased
consumption of electricity through expensive ads like
this one. The electric heating promoted here
not only requires vast amounts of electricity,
it's also more wasteful than any other form of heating.
In order to produce 1 unit of electric heat, 2½
units of fossil fuel are burned. And in the process,
1½ units of heat are totally wasted.
electric utility industry and the Atomic Energy
Commission have been conducting a joint public relations
campaign to sell the 10 percent annual growth
in electric power production as a magical requirement
of existence. And they pay for the campaign with public
funds! This misuse of taxpayer funds by AEC is a
scandal. The AEC admits doubling its public relations
staff from 35 to 70 full-time Public Relations people,
to "sell" the atom. Instead, the AEC and the electric
utility industry should be sponsoring a serious public
forum on the subject of electric power requirements.
the electric utility industry is using tax
money to brainwash the public through ads in national
magazines, TV spots, etc. What funds the utilities expend
are regarded as part of their tax deductible
"costs." The public pays for these in addition to the
regular charges it pays to provide a profit for the
two groups—the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
(and its Congressional Joint Committee patrons)
and the electric utility industry—both promote their
wares, with an apparent disregard for the public's right
to understand, and participate in a meaningful debate
and decision concerning electric power requirements.
This represents blatant disfranchisement of the
public—use of public funds for propaganda without any
public participation.
inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness are even more seriously infringed upon by
the development of nuclear electricity in its rash proliferation.
Very few citizens are aware of two major
ways this comes about.
many Americans, the purchase of a home is an
important step in their pursuit of happiness. And because
of the risk to that happiness, inherent in a loss of
their home, Americans are accustomed to buying home
insurance to protect that crucial investment of life
savings. Little known to most Americans is the presence
of a "Nuclear Exclusion" clause in their homeowner's
insurance policy. A typical set of nuclear exclusion
clauses from a Homeowners' policy issued by
Hartford Insurance Group (one of the nation's largest
and most reliable insurance companies) are as follows:
Nuclear Clause—Section 1: The word "fire" in
this policy or endorsements attached hereto is not intended
to and does not embrace nuclear reaction or
nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, all
whether controlled or uncontrolled, and loss by nuclear
reaction or nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination
is not intended to be and is not insured
against by this policy or said endorsements, whether
such loss be direct or indirect, proximate or remote,
or be in whole or in part caused by, contributed to, or
aggravated by "fire" or any other perils insured
against by this policy or said endorsements; however,
subject to the foregoing and all provisions of this
policy, direct loss by "fire" resulting from nuclear
reaction or nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination
is insured against by this policy.
Nuclear Exclusion—Section 1: This policy does
not insure against loss by nuclear reaction or nuclear
radiation or radioactive contamination, all whether
controlled or uncontrolled, or due to any act or condition
incident to any of the foregoing, whether such
loss be direct or indirect, proximate or remote, or be
in part caused by, contributed to, or aggravated by
any of the perils insured against by this policy; and
nuclear reaction or nuclear radiation or radioactive
contamination, all whether controlled or uncontrolled,
is not "explosion" or "smoke." This clause applies to
all perils insured against hereunder except the perils
of fire and lightning, which are otherwise provided
for in the nuclear clause contained above.
citizens are under the illusion that such exclusion
clauses apply to nuclear war. Nothing could be
further from the truth. If a nuclear electricity plant (or
any of its necessary related activities, transport, fuel
cleaning, or waste disposal) results in radioactive contamination
of one's home, these nuclear exclusion
clauses in homeowners' policies mean the citizen may
lose the investment in his home, even though he has
taken the wise precaution of buying insurance.
astounded citizen might ask why the insurance
industry sees fit to make a special exclusion of nuclear
or radioactivity damage to his home. The insurance
industry does not add a premium for coverage against
radioactivity or nuclear damage. They just refuse to
nuclear or radioactivity damage worries the
insurance companies? Is it nuclear war? Hardly. For if
it were, they could readily so specify in the policy.
the insurance industry, known for carefully
protecting its profits, has taken very definite notice
of the burgeoning nuclear electric power industry. It is
obvious that it doesn't like what it sees at all.
This lack of confidence in the safety of the nuclear electricity
industry is expressed by the Nuclear Exclusion clauses
in homeowners' policies. Underwriters refuse to risk
dollars on the fail-safe formula developed for the
nuclear electricity industry.
the insurance industry's long history
as a profit-maker, the public would be well advised to
take heed of its extreme skepticism.
insurance companies saw the nuclear electricity
industry as a hazard, and moved quickly to protect
themselves. The public is denied a similar opportunity.
The Constitutionally Questionable Price-Anderson Act
the earliest days of the peaceful atom, there were
wildly optimistic projections that electric power would
become so inexpensive through nuclear electricity
generation that metering the electricity would be hardly
worthwhile. Those economic forecasts have proved
sadly incorrect. In spite of massive subsidies by the
federal government, direct and indirect, nuclear electricity
is hardly holding its own against fossil-fueled
electricity generation. And, it must be pointed out, the
latter receives no federal assistance.
Atomic Energy Establishment, embarrassed by
its great promises and great expenditures, wanted to
make some public showing that nuclear electricity
generation was moving ahead, as advertised. But the
leaders of the electric utility industry were disinclined
to invest in nuclear power, lacking insurance coverage
against possibly catastrophic nuclear accidents. The
private insurance industry, feeling that the risk of accidents
was unknown, would no more insure the industry
against major nuclear accidents than it would the
AEC sponsored one well-known study of the
potential cost of a serious accident in nuclear electricity
generation. The published results (Report Wash-740,
known as The Brookhaven Report), which considered
reactors only 1/5 the size of those currently being developed
and planned, still concluded that a serious accident
could produce monetary losses up to 7 billion
dollars—over and above the injuries and
losses of life!
is no evidence that new reactor-developments
have lessened the potential money losses to be faced
with a major accident. Engineering developments may
have cut the risk of certain accidents, but the larger
capacity of the newer plants may have offset this. Indeed,
no estimate has been made that excludes an even
larger possible loss from the new, highly experimental,
nuclear electricity reactors.
the private insurance companies refused full
coverage for nuclear electricity plants, and the electric
utility industry would not risk construction and operation
of nuclear electricity generating stations without
insurance coverage. An impasse had arrived in the
development of "the peaceful atom." Sensing that their
major promotion was in jeopardy, the Joint Committee
on Atomic Energy came forth with a fantastically bold
bill was proposed, known as the Price-Anderson
Act, which simply eliminated individual liability in the
event of a major accident in a nuclear electricity plant.
Originally this act set 500 million dollars as the maximum
liability for a single nuclear plant disaster (more
recently extended to 560 million dollars). And, in
addition, all but 60 million dollars of the insurance up
to this limit was to be provided by the U.S. taxpayer.
So if we consider the 7 billion dollar potential loss
projected by the Brookhaven report, we note that private
insurance carriers, in spite of governmental prodding,
refused to cover more than one percent of the
potential loss. This probably makes nuclear-electricity
generation one of the least attractive insurance risks
key point, over and above the lack of confidence
of the insurance industry in nuclear electricity
plants, is the utter disregard of personal rights the
Price-Anderson Act represents for the average citizen.
Since the maximum coverage is 560 million dollars per
nuclear electricity accident, and since the damage can
run to 7 billion dollars, in a serious accident, the individual
might recover only 7 cents out of every dollar
lost, assuming he is lucky enough to emerge from such
an accident with his life.
insurance industry will not suffer. The electric
utility industry will not suffer. Through the generous
manipulations of the U.S. Congress (prodded by the
Joint Committee), only the citizen will suffer—in the
name of progress.
the Price-Anderson Act were repealed, as assuredly
it should be, it is extremely doubtful that any
future nuclear electricity generating plants would be
built above ground. Indeed, it is extremely doubtful
that any electric utility company would be so foolhardy
as to continue operation of nuclear electricity plants
already built.
utility propagandists, and atomic energy
entrepreneurs, state that the extreme skepticism of the
insurance industry shouldn't put anyone off. The insurance
industry, they tell us, refuses to underwrite the
risk simply because there is no prior "experience" upon
which to base an estimate of the risk of major nuclear
power plant accidents. Precisely.
there is much more to it than this simple truth.
The industry is saying, in a most persuasive manner,
that they (the insurance industry) have no confidence
whatever in the hopeful, optimistic safety calculations
of nuclear electricity propagandists, certainly not
enough confidence to risk dollars.
area of disfranchisement of citizens by the
nuclear electricity industry must be clearly understood.
The Atomic Energy Commission and the electric utility
industry are well aware of the public's great skepticism
concerning the safety of nuclear electric plants. So they
resort to a form of public relations that might easily be
construed as bribery.
a variety of obvious economic reasons, power companies
prefer to install their nuclear-electricity-generating plants
as close as possible to the heart of major metropolitan centers.
Such installations mean minimum transmission costs and losses
in delivering power from production site to site of utilization.
If they could get away with it, the utilities would place these
plants directly in the major metropolitan centers. Indeed,
if the nuclear plants were as safe as the propagandists
claim, there would be no reason not to do so.
they are ill-prepared to answer questions
that may be raised in such a large community, the
utility companies shrewdly avoid these locations. There
is little that can make installation of a nuclear-electric power
plant look attractive in a major city.
in dealing with the small community, located
near a major metropolitan center, a workable promotion
scheme is available to the electric utility industry,
along with the probable absence of the sophisticated
knowledge of the real hazards. This promotional
scheme deserves careful examination, since it is used
repeatedly to take advantage of millions of citizens.
small community is chosen, generally less than
20,000 population, some 20-40 miles from a major
metropolitan population center. Of course, anyone
even mildly conversant with nuclear-accident hazards
realizes that a major nuclear plant accident, that close,
can easily endanger a million or more residents, in a
major metropolitan center, through the spread of radioactive