- Religion Figures Into N-Tests in India, Pakistan
was (but no longer) at: http://www.sltrib.com/06061998/religion/37065.htm
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Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998
Subject: Fwd: Salt Lake Tribune's Sunday editionSure god figures in -- or gets his fingers into -- everything doesn't he? Perhaps that's the problem, because usually it has nothing whatsoever to do with things happening, only in being used after they have occurred to either explain it all away, or write it off as more his will be done BS. But as in this case, the real cause has nothing to do with god or religion, but in a policy of opposing the Perm 5's self-appointed membership to the nuclear club going back to 1954. And the solution to this nuclear crisis is only going to come when we take everything else out of the picture -- including god -- right off the bat!
J Truman