- India for Talks with Pakistan, China after N-Tests
was (but no longer) at http://customnews.cnn.com/cnews/pna.show_story?p_art_id=2600205&p_section_name=World&p_art_type=330237&p_subcat=Pakistan&p_category=Asia
ASCII text local copy
Date: Sat, 23 May 1998
Subject: INDIA STILL WILL NOT SIGN THE TEST BAN!Please note carefully the statements made by India toward the bottom of this article! There have been a lot of reports in the media this week that now India is ready to sign the Test Ban Treaty, and have left the impression that means sign it as is!
This conclusion is totally incorrect! India has not said it would sign the Test-ban treaty as it exists now. Rather that it would consider signing a new treaty written without the clauses and terms that India has always objected to, and which the Perm 5 members of the nuclear weapons club have refused to change. So we are left in the position we have always been with the current Test Ban: change the text, add a firm promise by all states to get rid of nuclear weapons by a set date, no laboratory experiments and so on, or no signing by India.
The Indian position has not changed!!
J Truman