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Accessories After the Fact, 204n.
Adams, Victoria, 46
Agency for International Development, 80
Air Force One, 36, 158-60, 161-63
Alcock, James, 7, 210n.
Alford, William, 7
Algeria, 97
American Bar Association, 82
American Civil Liberties Union, 17
Andrews Air Force Base, 162
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 197
Annapolis, 17
Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean, 94
Antony, Mark, 128
Anzio, 38, 152
Asia, 125, 127, 134, 136, 137, 143, 161, 173-4, 181-2, 191-4
Atsugi Air Base, 91
Attwood, William, 209n.
Augustus, Emperor, 173
Australia, 118

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Baker, Marion, 46
Banister, Mary, 206n.
Banister, W. Guy, 79, 94-101, 103-4, 106, 118, 122, 140, 144, 210n.
Barbee, Emmett, 129
Batista, 106, 108
Bay of Pigs, 72, 73, 81, 96, 109, 114, 126, 179, 191
Beirut, 119
Belgium, 114
Bell Helicopter, 80, 114
Benavides, Domingo, 37, 59
Best, Dr. Werner, 56
Bethesda Naval Hospital, 157, 163, 165, 168
Boeing, 130
Bolton Ford Company, 96
Bond, James, 119
Branyon, John D., 129
Bringuier, Carlos, 120
Brutus, 26, 32, 70, 124

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Caesar, Julius, 26, 32, 70, 124, 134, 210n.
Cambodia, 181
Camp David, 179
Campbell, Allen, 207n., 208
Cape Kennedy, 130
Carlin, Bruce Ray, 101-2
Carr, Richard Randolph, 38, 152-54, 201n., 211n.
Carr, Waggoner, 116, 175
Carrico, Dr. Charles, 156
Carswell Air Force Base, 140
Casca, 135
Cassius, 124
Castro, Fidel, 72, 95, 97, 108, 117, 120, 126, 140-42
CBS, 52
Central America, 109, 114
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA.
Chalona, Frank J., Jr., 207n.
Chicago, 14, 44, 94, 99, 107-O8, 141, 144
China, 173, 178, 189, 193
Chrysler Aerospace Division, 129, 132
Agency for International Development, 80;
arm of Military-Industrial Complex, 25;
Bay of Pigs, 81, 109, 126, 191;
Banister, W. Guy, 94, 98;
Cuba, 117, 140-4;
domestic policy power, 89-90, 136-8, 178-9, 184;
Dulles, Allen, 17, 73, 75;
Ferrie, David W., 95-106, 130;
foreign policy power, 73, 177;
inhumanity, 133;
International Trade Mart, 122;
Kennedy, John F., 109, 126, 176, 188-9;
Oswald, Lee Harvey, secret files on, 33, 91;
Ruby, Jack, 33, 77;
social welfare retrogression, 182;
“Triple Hatting,” 138-9;
Truman, Harry S., 178;
U-2, 179
Cicero, 135
Citizen’s Dissent, A, 203n.
Civil Air Patrol, 95, 106, 206n.
Clark, Attorney General Ramsey, 16, 17
Claude, Alfred, 128
Clemons, Acquilla, 37, 59
Clinton, Louisiana, 121
Coffee, Melvin, 130, 210n.
Cold War, 25, 72-3, 77, 87, 113, 118, 125, 126, 136-7, 140, 176-8, 184, 187, 197
Columbus, Christopher, 75
Communist Party, 121
Connally, Governor John Bowden, Jr., 18, 138, 151
Connally, Mrs. John Bowden, 151
Cook, Fred, 186, 189
Coup d’état, 26-8, 40, 43-4, 55, 135, 148, 158, 164-5, 179-80
Craft of Intelligence, The, 205n.
Cronkite, Walter, 52
Cuba, 72-3, 95-6, 98, 105, 108-9, 111, 117-18, 121-2, 126, 140-42, 144, 179, 185
Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front, 95, 104
Cugat, Xavier, 82
Curry, Jesse E., 67, 201n.

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Dachau, 29
Dallas, 13, 29-30, 35-6, 38, 45, 96, 102, 107, 112-18, 140-1, 143, 144, 154, 158, 160, 162-3, 165
Dallas Cinema Associates, 48, 202n.
Dallas County Coroner, 165, 175
Dallas District Attorney, 116
Dallas Morning News, 36, 160, 201n.
Dallas Petroleum Club, 114
Dallas Police:
arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, 96;
arrests on grassy knoll, 39;
foreknowledge of assassination, 47, 56;
interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, 66-7;
palmprint, 48;
radio logs, 58, 162;
rifle found by, 47-8;
Ruby, Jack, 139;
seizure of Lee Harvey Oswald’s equipment, 81
Dallas Times Herald, 202n.
Darkness at Noon, 68
Dealey Plaza, 30, 39, 41, 51, 56, 58, 64, 115, 119, 136, 148, 149, 152-3, 162, 179, 181, 185
Decker, Bill, 200n.
Decker Exhibit, 201n., 211n.
Defense Department, 114
Delgado, Nelson, 51
De Menil, Jean, 97
De Mohrenschildt, George, 97, 113-4
Deslatte, Oscar, 96, 206n.
Dillard, Tom, 49
Dillard Exhibits, 202n.
Dillard photograph, 47, 49
Document Addendum to the Warren Report, 205n.
Dreyfus Case, 54, 70
Dulles, Allen, 17, 71, 73, 75-7, 87, 205n.
Duncan, 26

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Eames, Doris E., 208n.
Earp, Wyatt, 40
East Louisiana State Hospital, Louisiana, 121
Eastern Air Lines, 106
Eastern Air Lanes Pilots’ System Board of Adjustment, 207n.
Ehlinger, Rancier, 205n., 206n.
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 187, 190
El Toro Marine Base, 79, 91
Epstein, Edward Jay, 209n.
Ero Manufacturing Company, 107
Espionage, 19, 26, 28, 41, 73, 87-8, 90, 119-20, 130, 137-9, 141-2
Europe, 127

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Fair Play for Cuba, 79, 94, 98-9, 118, 123, 139
Farrington, Michael, 150
Fay, Paul B., 209n.
autopsy, 168;
Banister, W. Guy, 79, 94-5, 98, 140-1;
Communism, 179;
distortion of evidence, 146-8;
Ferrie, David W., cleared by, 14, 16, 102, 208n.;
Ferrie, David W., questioned by, 14, 102-3;
Friends of Democratic Cuba, 97;
Gemberling, Robert P., 210n.;
Hosty, James, 116;
investigative procedures, 34, 38-9, 62;
Kirby, Carlos, L., 208n., 210n.;
laboratory, 48;
Mercer, Julia Ann, 145-8;
Newman, William, 155-6;
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 78-9, 92-3, 97, 120;
reenactment of assassination, 52-3;
suppression of evidence, 153-4, 183;
Warren Commission, transmittal to, 116-7
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI.
Federal government:
commitment to single assassin theory, 14, 34-7, 38, 40-1, 151, 158-9, 179-80;
distortion of evidence, 32-3, 79;
interference with New Orleans inquiry, 44-45, 79;
involvement in assassination, 25-6, 35, 131-2, 163-4, 174-5, 179-80, 183;
lying, 14, 15, 20-1, 26, 43, 53-4, 160-1;
questioning of Lee Harvey Oswald, 66-7;
premature announcement of assassination, 158;
special treatment of Lee Harvey Oswald, 92-3, 103, 180;
suppression of evidence, 26, 32-4, 38-9, 46, 47-8, 50, 166
Ferrie, David W.:
assassination, 14, 106;
baldness, 105;
Banister, W., Guy, 95, 103-4;
Castro, Fidel, 108;
Central America, 109;
Chicago, 107;
CIA, 106, 108-9, 137-8, 141;
Civil Air Patrol, 14, 104, 206n.;
cleared by FBI, 14, 102-3;
Melvin, 130;
Cuban activities, 109, 117, 143, 144;
death, 111;
Eastern Air Lines, 131, 207n.;
friends get federal governmental work, 132;
Galveston, 108, 130, 139;
Guevara, Che, 108;
Hammond, Louisiana, 102
Houma, Louisiana, 97;
Houston, 101, 130;
intelligence connections, 106, 137, 147, 207n., 208n.;
Lakefront Airport, 109;
Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, 109;
Marachini, Dante, 129-30, 132;
Mexico, 109;
Meyers, Lawrence, 107, 144;
Montreal, 109;
New Orleans District Attorney’s Office, 14-15, 101-2, 110, 206n., 207n.;
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 104, 106;
phone bills, 107;
receipt of money, 109-10;
Ruby, Jack, 108;
scar, 208n.
Finck, Dr. Pierre, 18, 166-72, 211n.
Fleming, D. F., 197
Florida, 109
Folsom, Allison, G., 91
Folsom Exhibit, 206n.
Fontaine, André, 198
Fontainebleau Hotel, New Orleans, 111
Ford, Congressman Gerald, 74, 209n.
Ford Motor Company, 161
Fort Knox, 181-2
France, 54
Freeman, Lucy, 203n., 206n.
French Intelligence, 114
Friends of Democratic Cuba, 94, 96-7, 206n.

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Galloway, Admiral, 172
Galveston, 102, 108, 130, 139, 145
Garrison, Jim, 153-6, 201n., 210n.
Gavin, General James, 189
Gemberling, Robert P., 210n.
Georgia, 74
Gestapo, 56
Grassy knoll, 38-9, 50, 139, 145, 151, 152-5, 160
Greer, William, 150
Guatemala, 81, 95, 107, 109, 114
Guevara, Che, 82, 108

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Haiti, 114
Hamlet, 194
Hammond, Louisiana, 102
Harkness, D. V., 154, 162
Harlem, 119
Harris Poll, The, 203n.
Hartogs, Dr. Renatus, 50, 203n., 206n.
Havana, 141
Havana Harbor, 109
Hilsman, Roger, 193-4, 196
Himmler, Heinrich, 56, 82
Hiroshima, 125, 186
History of the Cold War from the Korean War to the Present, 198
Hitler, Adolf, 88
Hoch, Paul, 202n.
Holmes, Harry D., Exhibit, 206n., 209n.
Honey Fitz, 126
Hong Kong, 118
Hoover, J. Edgar, 17, 40, 202n.
Hoover, Herbert, 82
Hosty, James, 116
Houma, Louisiana, 97
Houston, 101, 130
Humes, Commander James J., 33, 162, 166-7, 171

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Inquest—The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth, 209n.
Internal Revenue Service, 17, 115-6, 120
International Cooperation Administration, 114
International Trade Mart, 100, 121
Inverness, 26
Irving, Texas, 114, 122
Italy, 99
Ivon, Louis, 7, 210n.

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Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall Company, 79, 114
Japan, 118, 125
Johnson, President Lyndon, 16, 88, 157-8, 163, 173, 175, 181
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 72, 126, 161, 179, 191, 193
Jones, Dr. Ronald, 156
Justice Department, 18, 164

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Kafka, Franz, 68
Kantor, Seth, 138
Kennedy, 191, 199n.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald:
assassination, announcement of, 13, 35-6, 159-60;
arrests at assassination scene, 39;
automobiles, suspicious, at scene, 38, 154;
autopsy, autopsy notes burned, 162;
autopsy photographs, 83, 117, 167-8;
autopsy X-rays, 17, 44, 46, 83, 167-8;
incompleteness of autopsy, 165, 167-72;
military presence at and control of autopsy, 165-72;
bullets, 138;
cartridges, 48;
cause of death, 38, 151;
civil rights Program, 99;
Cold War, 72;
CIA, 74, 76, 126, 176, 191;
conspiracy evidence, 36-40, 87;
Cuba, 72, 126, 142, 144, 179;
Dulles, Allen, 75;
election to Presidency, 25;
Federal governmental deceit, 29-30, 34-5;
Federal governmental involvement in assassination, 26, 35, 131-2, 158, 163-4, 174-5, 176-7, 179-80, 183-4;
flight of suspects from scene, 160;
funeral, 31-2, 41, 128, 159, 176;
knowledge of assassination, central to understanding nation, 20, 22;
photographs, 39;
massive retaliation policy, 188-91, 195, 197;
memorialization of, 31-2, 188-9, 197;
Presidential limousine’s handling, 161;
press coverage, 18, 28-9, 31-2, 40;
public opinion, 21;
radio transmission at scene, 38, 154;
reason for assassination, 90, 117, 134-5, 142, 174-6, 179-81, 183-5;
rifles, 39, 145;
shots, 38-40, 50, 51-3, 150-1, 152-6, 160;
suspects, 159;
Vietnam, 72-3, 173-5, 192-6
Kennedy, Mrs. John Fitzgerald, 151, 156, 163
Kennedy, Robert, 162, 164
Kennedy Assassination, The, 202n.
Kenney, Admiral, 168
Khrushchev, Nikita, 179,
King, Martin Luther, 164
Kirby, Carlos L., Jr., 208n., 210n.
Klein, Frank, 13, 14
Koestler, Arthur, 68

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, 109
Lakefront Airport, 109
Lane, Mark, 199n., 201n., 202n., 203n., 204n., 205n.
Laos, 181
Latin America, 99, 100, 118
LBJ and JFK, 212n.
Le May, General Curtis L., 196
Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., 194
Lewallen, James, 130, 210n.
Liberation, 199n., 201n., 202n.
Liebeler, Wesley J., 18
Lifton, David., 205n, 212n.
Life, 200n.
Limousine, Presidential, 161
Loisel, Lynn, 208n.
Long, Senator Russell, 7, 15
Love Field, 158, 163
Lumberton, Mississippi, 119

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Macbeth, 26
Maddox, 175
Madison, James, 173
Mafia, 20
Making of the President, 1964, The, 200n., 201n., 211n.
Malaya, 119
Mancuso Restaurant, 95
Marachini, Dante, 129-30, 132
Marines, 142
Markham, Helen, 59-61
Markham Exhibit, 204n.
Marx, Karl, 93
McCarthy, Joseph, 193
McClelland, Dr. John, 38, 51, 156-7
McCloy, John J., 74
McCone, John, 77
McGehee, Edwin Lee, 209n.
McKeithen, Governor John J., 7
McNamara, Robert, 72, 190, 196
Meagher, Sylvia, 204n., 205n., 206n.
Memphis, 159
Mentesana Film, 47-8
Mercer, Julia Ann, 38-9, 145-8, 152, 201n., 210n.
Merchant of Venice, 200n.
Mexico, 109, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119
Mexico City, 33, 118, 142
Meyers, Lawrence, 107, 144
Miami, 97, 140, 144
Military, 21, 25, 46, 72-4, 126-7, 156, 158-61, 162, 165-8, 174-82, 184, 187-97
Military-intelligence complex, 20, 26, 73, 82, 87-8, 113, 117, 125-6, 128-9, 133-4, 135, 140-1, 176-8, 180-1, 185, 190
Minsk, 78, 92
Monroe, Louisiana, 98
Montreal, 109
Morse, Wayne, 72
Moscow, 43
Munich, 29
Murrett, Marilyn, 118

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Nagasaki, 125
Nash, George, 204n.
Nash, Patricia, 204n.
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 82
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 129-30, 132
National Archives, 33, 34
National Rifle Association, 53
National Security Council, 193
Navy, 33
Nazi Germany, 45, 57, 70, 88, 130-1
New Orleans, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20-1, 79-80, 90-94, 95, 97, 100, 108, 118, 122, 128-9, 130-1, 140-1, 144, 148, 166
New Orleans District Attorney’s Office:
arrest, 16;
Banister, W. Guy, Jr., 98;
Banister, Mary, 206n.;
bribe offer, 17;
Chalona, Frank, Jr., 207n.;
Coffee, Melvin, 210n.;
confidential interviews, 207n., 208n., 210n.;
Connally, John Bowden, Jr., 151;
Eames, Doris E., 208n.;
Ehlinger, Rancier, 205n., 206n.;
federal prosecution threatened, 17;
Ferrie, David W., 101, 106, 108, 110, 206n.;
Finck, Dr. Pierre, 166-72;
investigation procedures, 131-2;
Lewallen, James, 210n.;
McGehee, Edwin Lee, 209n.;
Mercer, Julia Ann, 201n., 210n.;
Oser, Alvin, 167-72;
Rolland, Rowland Charles, 207n.;
Russo, Perry, 207n.;
trial, 153-4, 196;
Wagner, Herbert R., 208n.
New Orleans Grand Jury, 16
New York, 15, 112
New York Herald Tribune, 200n., 203n.
New York Times, 201n., 204n., 208n.
New Zealand, 118-9
Newman, William, 152, 155-6, 211n.
1984, 202n., 203n.
Nixon, President Richard M., 178
North Africa, 38
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 178
North Vietnamese, 174, 176, 193, 196
Nuclear test ban treaty, 126, 179

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Oak Cliff, 57, 64
O’Donnell, Kenneth P., 195-6
Office of Strategic Services, 74
Orlov, Colonel, 114
Orwell, George, 43, 54, 202n., 203n.
Oser, Alvin, 7
Oswald, Lee Harvey:
assassination, alleged shooting vantage point, 37;
announcement of assassination by, 35-6, 159-60;
arrest following, 39, 139, 159; “assassin’s lair,” 37, 47, 49;
charged with assassination, 160;
chicken bones attributed to, 37;
cigarette butts attributed to, 37;
fingerprints, 48-50;
firing rifle, 36;
interrogation following, 66, 67, 81, 139, 161, 162;
lineup following, 59-61, 68;
map, 37;
motive, 25-6, 33, 64-6;
Murrett, Marilyn, 118;
news bulletins, 13, 35-6;
palmprints, 48-50;
paraffin test following, 36;
planning, 131;
premature radio descriptions 162;
rifle, 48, 51;
whereabouts at time of, 46, 51;
Banister, W. Guy, 94-5, 100-1, 118;
Bringuier, Carolos, 120;
CIA, 17, 33, 76-8;
Civil Air Patrol, 95, 206n.;
civil liberties, 81;
Clinton, Louisiana, 121;
Communism, 26, 91, 98, 112, 120, 128;
Cuba, 121, 141;
Cuban Embassy, 121;
Dealey Plaza, 119;
Dallas, 112, 114-5, 118, 122;
defection, 79-80, 92;
DeMohrenschildt, George, 113-4;
El Toro Marine Base, 79;
equipment, 81;
Fair Play for Cuba, 79, 94, 98, 100, 118, 120-1, 123, 128, 141, 148;
FBI, 78, 92-3, 146;
Federal governmental connections, 33, 80, 93, 103, 116-7, 141-2;
Ferrie, David W., 81, 95, 103-4, 106;
hairs, 104;
income tax records, 92, 120;
impersonations of, 96-7;
intelligence, 91;
intelligence connections, 112-3, 119, 134, 175;
jobs, 94, 114-5, 118, 128-9, 132;
library books, 91;
Marines, 79, 90, 92;
Mercer, Julia Ann, 145-6;
Mexico, 107, 114, 115, 119;
Mexico City, 33, 142;
military discharge, 92;
murder of, 30, 37, 41, 43, 62, 101, 102, 108, 130, 134, 139, 144-5;
New Orleans, 13, 15, 33, 79, 92, 94-5, 99, 107, 114, 115, 118, 122, 140-1;
Paine, Michael, 114;
Paine, Ruth, 114-5;
passport, 79, 80, 92;
psychological study, 50;
revolver, 59;
Russia, 33, 78, 92-3, 112, 121-2;
Russian language, knowledge of, 79, 91;
scapegoat, 15, 35, 40, 45, 50, 53, 69, 73, 75, 78-9, 118, 132, 134-5, 141, 146, 148, 159-60, 162, 180, 183;
Secret Service, 33, 78, 98;
security rating, 79;
school records, 32, 104;
shells, 58;
shooting ability, 51-2;
smallpox vaccination, 27;
smoking, 37;
spelling disability, 50;
State Department, 77, 92;
Tippit, J. D., killing, 36-7, 58-9, 83
Oswald, Marina, 37, 80, 83, 92, 113, 114-5, 120
Other Witnesses, The, 204n.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Paine, Michael, 80, 114
Paine, Ruth, 37, 80, 114-5
Paris peace talks, 179
Parkland Hospital, 29, 37, 46, 138, 154, 156-7, 158, 163, 166, 167
Pax Americana, 22, 73, 176
Perrin, Nancy, 143-4
Perrin, Robert, 143
Piper, Eddie, 46
announcement of assassination, 163;
commitment to lone assassin theory, 18, 28-9, 32, 40, 45, 53, 65, 136, 150-1;
reports of multiple assassins, 160;
treatment of New Orleans inquiry, 16
Philadelphia Inquirer, 205n., 210n.
Philippines, 118
Photographic Whitewash, 202n.
Pie, John E., 199n.
Pleasure of His Company, The, 209n.
Poland, 114
Politics of Escalation in Vietnam, The, 205n.
Portrait of the Assassin, 209n.
Power, General Thomas S., 196
Price, J. C., 154

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Quigley, John Lester, 120-1

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Radio transmission, evidence of, at assassination scene, 38
Rault, Joseph, 7
Reds and the Blacks, The, 209n.
Reichstag fire, 64
Reily Coffee Company, 94, 95, 118, 128-9, 132, 134
Reynolds, Warren, 62
Ridgway, General Matthew, 189
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The, 203n.
Robertson, Victor F., Jr., 139
Robertson, Willard, 7
Rolland, Rowland Charles, 207n.
Rome, 26, 32, 70, 124
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 82
Roosevelt, Theodore, 82
Rotterdam, 125
Ruby, Jack:
Carlin, Bruce Ray, 101;
Carswell Air Force Base, 140;
CIA, 33, 77;
Cuban activities, 141-3, 144;
evidence of assassination involvement, 107-8;
FBI failure to arrest, 147;
grassy knoll, 139;
homicide office, 139, 162;
intelligence connections, 137-8;
Mercer, Julia Ann, 146-8, 152;
Meyers, Lawrence, 107;
murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, 101-2, 108;
Parkland Hospital, 138;
phone calls, 102, 130, 139, 145;
Wall, Breck, 102
Rush to Judgment, 199n., 201n., 204n., 205n.
Rusk, Dean, 178
Russell, Senator Richard, 73-4, 132
Russia, 33, 43-4, 72, 79, 88, 89, 92-3, 96, 112-3, 116, 117, 126, 127, 178-9, 187-9, 197
Russo, Perry, 207n.

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Sahl, Mort, 7
Salandria, Vincent J., 7, 199n., 201n., 202n., 211n.
Salinger, Pierre, 198, 201n.
Sawyer, Exhibit, 204n.
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr, 190, 192, 204n., 209n.
Schlumberger Company, 97
Schoenman, Ralph, 7
Schurmann, Franz, 205n.
Schweinfurt, 131
Sciambra, Andrew, 7, 206n., 209n.
Scott, Peter Dale, 205n. 154-5, 162
Secret Service, 33, 78, 98,
Secret Service impersonation, 103, 151, 154-5, 156, 168
Seven Days in May, 191
Sewell, Fred, 96
Shakespeare, William, 31, 134, 200n., 210n.
Shaw, Clay, 201n., 202n., 211n.
Shilstone, Cecil, 7
Shirer, William L., 203n.
Shoup, David, 72
Shreveport, Louisiana, 132
Sims, Richard M., 139
Sinatra, Frank, 82
Sinatra, Frank, Jr., 82
Singapore, 119
Situation Room in the White House, 36
Six Seconds in Dallas, 203n.
Smith, J. M, 162
Sorensen, Theodore C., 191,
Sorrels, Forrest V, 154
Sprague, Richard E., 202n.
Stalin, Joseph, 88
State Department, 77, 92
Stiles, Frederick E., 209n.
Strategic Air Command, 140, 196
Sylvester, Arthur, 70, 204n.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Taylor, General Maxwell, 189
Texas School Book Depository, 30, 37, 46, 150, 151-2, 154, 166
Texas Theatre, 57, 58, 63-4, 66, 96
Thompson, Josiah, 203n.
Thousand Days, A, 190, 192, 193, 204n., 209n.
Tippit, Officer J. D., 36, 58-66, 69, 83
To Move a Nation, 193, 194, 196
Tolstoy, Leo, 82
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 175, 178, 181
Toronto, 107, 109
Trauma Room One, 157
Trial, The, 68
Trice, Wilma, 138
Truly, Roy, 46, 115
Truman, Harry S., 178 “Truth and Consequences,” 7
Turkey, 99
Turner, Joy, 175
Two Assassins, The, 203n.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
U-2, 179
United States Attorney, 17

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Vallee, Rudy, 82
Van Minh, General Duong, 174
Van Winkle, Rip, 177
Viet Cong, 174
Vietnam, 69, 72, 127, 134, 137, 143, 161, 173-80, 184, 191-6
Violence, President Johnson’s Commission on, 69
Volz, John P., 210n.

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Wade, District Attorney Henry, 139, 160, 174, 175
Wagner, Herbert R., 208n.
Wall, Breck, 102
Wall, Ernest C., Jr., 207n.
Wall Street Journal, The, 44
Warfare State, The, 186
Warren, Earl, 18, 71, 74, 112, 174, 177
Warren Commission:
Carr, Waggoner, 116;
evidence treatment, distortion, 40;
incompleteness, 31-2, 59, 77, 83, 91, 101, 104, 116, 120-2, 132, 152, 154-6;
illogical inferences, 15, 18, 52, 60, 62, 113, 119, 135, 138, 139, 145;
irrelevance, 32, 82;
national security, 70-71, 87-8;
non-access to, 33;
pre-emption of investigation, 174-5;
reconstructions, 52-3;
suppression, 45, 60-1, 70-1, 116, 159;
Oswald, Lee Harvey, as possible intelligence agent, 175;
valuable evidence, 107;
Long, Senator Russell, doubts about, 15;
purpose of, 31-2, 71, 74-5, 78-9, 82, 158, 177, 185;
reopening denied, 14;
secret nature of, 56
Warren Report, Hearings and Exhibits, 15, 48, 52, 82, 104
Washington, D. C., 29, 35-6, 44, 46, 107, 114, 115, 135, 138, 143, 157, 159, 163, 166, 173, 184, 185, 189
Washington, George, 103
Weisberg, Harold, 202n., 206n.
Weitzman, Officer Seymour, 48
White, Theodore H., 200n., 201n., 211n.
White House Communications Center, 159, 160, 161
Whitewash II, 206n.
Whitney National Bank, 110
Wicker, Tom, 212n.
Wilcox Exhibits, 200n.
Williams, Bonnie Ray, 37
Winterland Skating Rink, 207n.
With Kennedy, 201n.
World War II, 73, 74, 80, 125, 127, 130, 133, 177-8, 195
Wright, Frank, 59

[ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | YZ ]
Yugoslavia, 114

Zapruder film, 29, 32, 39-40, 44, 46, 166, 200n., 203n., 211n.
Zelnick, Reginald, 205n.
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