Gaeton Fonzi
Specter... I was surprised when reading—surprised is a
mild word—when I was reading the Epstein book
I was telling your wife I had heard a lot about Specter. I
assumed he had a lot of ambition, I was told and a very aggressive
man. I was tremendously impressed with the job he did
on the [Teamster leader] Roy Cohen trial. That’s about all I knew
of him. But I had assumed that he was a man of intellectual
Vincent Salandria
I would like to say, Gaeton, that you have to
think in terms of levels of integrity here. And you have to think
of rules. And I’m sure that Specter is a man of intellectual
honesty and integrity. It’s a question of first things first and
which loyalties come first here.
I think Specter made some very serious errors in his
interpretation of the shots, trajectories, and wounds in the
assassination of Kennedy. I think that Specter is an enormously
intelligent young man, and consequently I would have to believe
that he knew some of the problems of the evidence.
Excuse me.
[unrelated phone call]
So I have to conclude that since he is indeed an intelligent
man that he knew there were problems here. I have to conclude
that he recognized the need for three shots and one assassin. And
that he recognized his task and his job to be representing the
Commission, which in turn by its mandate represented the
Gaeton Fonzi
Right there is where you lost me. Your first
statement and your second statement—when you say “he
recognized”—he recognized the need for...
Vincent Salandria
Yes. It’s a question of loyalties. And I’m
suggesting, Gaeton, that his first loyalty was to the Commission,
which in turn had the job of representing the president with
respect to the investigation of the assassination.
Well there are other loyalties a man can have. For example:
loyalties to fundamental truth no matter where it goes. I think
that came—fundamental concrete objective truth, what actually
happened—that must’ve come somewhere secondary to the
other loyalties.
But that doesn’t mean that Mr. Specter doesn’t have integrity.
It means that he has loyalties to a job which supersede the hunt
for fundamental truth. And I think that the loyalties superseded
the hunt for truth. That confuses you.
Well it confuses me too, because I’m a peasant type. When I
look at evidence, I try to think in terms of what happened. I try
to think in terms of something concrete having happened. And if
it was an objective happening, the ascertainable facts are there
which if you dig hard enough you will find. And from those facts
you can draw certain inferences.
I suggest that Specter and the Commission—at least part
of the Commission and certainly Specter, were working out,
on this evidence—had a
pre-determined predisposition to arrive at certain inferences,
irrespective of what the evidence was. And you consider that
lacking in integrity. Well I think that’s one way of looking at
But I think that if you put yourself in the role of Specter at
this time—and so far as I can empathize with that kind of
position—he took a job. He conceived of himself as working for
a governmental organization which in turn represented the
president and had a specific task. And within that framework, he
worked. And in that role he saw himself. And in that role he did
a job which he considered a good one, and which was entirely
consistent because he had an assignment. And that assignment
was—I’m afraid had to be—that there was one assassin,
one gun, stationed in the rear of the Texas Book Depository
building. And that therefore no matter what the evidence, the
ultimate inference would be that. That’s how I see Specter’s role
here. In a certain context, he has integrity. He served his
He thinks he served the country. I think he served the
Gaeton Fonzi
In effect though he put his name to a
document—so far only from what I can judge from having read
the Epstein book and your article in
The Legal [Intelligencer],
which I and everyone else had assumed would present all the
evidence and then drew our conclusions from that evidence.
But it didn’t do this equivocally.
Vincent Salandria
It certainly did not do that. I think I can
point out to you here evidence which is so dramatic, I’ll show
you, that was not considered at all by Specter. And yet was
within his province which I’m afraid he had to see. Because no
one can look and not see this evidence. And yet it was not seen.
It was not considered. I have to think that this failure to see
and this failure to consider was deliberate.
But it was within a context of a role he saw himself playing.
He was serving a governmental organization, which, notwithstanding
any other contentions—in my opinion at any rate—had a
purpose. A specific purpose which was not to investigate all
aspects of the assassination. But on the contrary was to conclude
that this was an assassination which was apolitical, in effect, and
was the act of one man.
This is the role which he did
brilliantly. But it had nothing to do with the evidence. The
evidence, which in any way contradicted this inference of one
assassin—and that was very, very weighty and I think
ultimately compelling and conclusive evidence to the effect that
there was more than one assassin—any such evidence was ignored.
Let me show you one specific point which I think will help to
clear this up. You’ll have to turn that off for me. [Referring to
the tape recorder, apparently to make room on the desk where V.S.
lays out books and documents, beginning with Epstein’
[recorder off/on]
The essence of the book turns on the matter which I
discussed in my article in the
March Liberation, 1965
which shows that the
autopsy face sheet—[page 17 of the 20-page document:] Commission Exhibit 397—indicates
Commission Exhibit 397, p.45
a back hit which is lower than a neck hit which is the front hit.
And there in lieu of the x-rays and photographs—which were
the primary evidence and the only admissible evidence in any
court room—in lieu thereof which were never shown to the
Commission, they produce
Commission Exhibits 385 and 386
which contradicted the face sheet, contradicted the FBI evidence
with respect to where the holes were in the clothing in the shirt
and the coat of the president, contradicted the Secret Service
agents who saw the blood going in. [Secret Service Agent] Glen A.
Bennett says it’s four inches below the shoulder. Clinton Hill,
who was a Secret Service agent at the autopsy, will indicate that
the bullet wound was six inches down from the neck. Kellerman and
Greer—Secret Service agents also present at the autopsy.
Now this is pretty dramatic and Epstein builds his whole book on
this point.
Commission Exhibit 385
Commission Exhibit 386
But there’s even more dramatic materials he never
considered—which is something curious about Epstein’s book,
I think. But look, the killing shot on the president was the head
hit. The head hit is dramatically shown by Abraham Zapruder’s
motion pictures, frame
313. Now
[Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits]
Volume 18,
of the notes and testimony, indicate the Zapruder film,
Commission Exhibit 885.
Zapruder film frame 313
Now 313 thereof shows you the president being hit. 313. Now
that’s a crucial picture because the Commission concluded that
that was the fatal hit. LIFE Magazine carried that very
in it’s issue
which was filed subsequent to the Commission report, October 2nd,
1964. And here is that picture. Here, 313. I looked at that magazine,
knowing that the head hit was the crucial hit and read the caption
[number 6, p. 42] relating to that hit: “The assassin’s
shot struck the right rear portion of the president’s skull
causing a massive wound and snapping his head to one side.”
There was a problem there because the hit is supposed to come
from the rear. It’s supposed to make him fall and then the
[inaudible 00:12:14, possible break in the recording] this, it
shows it in [Commission Exhibit] 386, which hole [referring to an
the small entry wound shown in Exhibit 386]
incidentally is not seen by 10 out of the 10 doctors who
inspected the back of the skull at Parkland Hospital and one
nurse out of one nurse. We don’t see this all at. But the
Commission absolutely needs it because that hole... then you have
an entry on the side and no entry in the back and therefore you
have more than one assassin.
Well LIFE Magazine says that head was snapped to one
side. Which is curious, because, according to Newton’s Third Law
of Motion, any action has an equal and opposite reaction. And the
opposite reaction to a hit registering from the back would be a
forward motion. But there was a snap to the side.
Now LIFE Magazine recognized they had such a problem
because—well this doesn’t show it—but it changed the
caption. [See LIFE’s Three Versions] “The assassin’s shot struck the right rear portion
of the president’s skull causing a massive wound and snapping his
head to one side”. See the same magazine, the same caption,
and that’s a different caption. That’s not all. Now if you turn
that off [the recorder], I’ll get you another magazine.
[inaudible] because you see the same magazine—they’ve
over-corrected because
here you see what actually happens. You see they removed the 313
picture and now insert another one. Now what I think is the most
dramatic refutation of the Commission case, because now you see
the direction which the president is going. And I went to
Washington and examined the films at the Archives for a whole day
and saw, very dramatically, the president thus before the hit.
And then they see in that hit and pivoting leftward...
backward... propping him up against the back of the car and
leaned into this wife’s arm. Pretty clearly from the hit
delivered right forward. Otherwise, you violate Newton’s third
law of physics, and—
Gaeton Fonzi
I’m not sure—
Vincent Salandria
Now let me show you.
Gaeton Fonzi
Just start from the beginning.
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Well this is where he supposedly got ... Well
this is what I don’t understand, this—
Vincent Salandria
Well the president was first struck, the
Commission says, in the back. Now if you read my articles you
find out that this represents serious problems because you see
he’s erect in the
Zapruder films
and Willis films and
[Mary] Muchmore films
[Orville] Nix film and all—this is the most photographed assassination
in history of man. But you know—
Gaeton Fonzi
Yeah, go ahead. The Commission says the president was—this is the
first bullet.
Vincent Salandria
Yes. And my contention is that this
represents two hits. One in the back and one in the front.
Gaeton Fonzi
Well according to the Commission, this is the
first bullet. This is the—
Vincent Salandria
Yes. According to the Commission.
Gaeton Fonzi
It’s also where [Texas Governor] Connally is
supposed to have gotten hit.
Vincent Salandria
Right. Well I’ve written three articles on
the Connally hit. This is Specter’s unique contribution and this
had nothing to do with the head hit. I’m willing to go into
this, but would you mind if I just deal with the head hit just one [----]
and then I’ll go right over to that? Now lets ... Excuse me.
[phone rings]
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
[recorder off/on]
[inaudible] with this head hit, if you looked after 313,
you’ll see what’s happening to the president.
He is pivoting. You see him pivoting there? And then
you get a picture here and ultimately ends up on
his side, thusly. And the hit—which impacts on his skull and
explodes his skull out. Now I’ll illustrate. This is ... take
that [a set books Salandria seems to set on the edge of his desk]
[----] as the president’s fall. These books get hit in the
back. They fall like they must. Forward. The only thing that
would drive them left and backward is a hit from that direction.
It’s a question of fundamental physics.
Gaeton Fonzi
Well wouldn’t a hit here—
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Coming from an angle—
Vincent Salandria
No. It’s essentially a right backward, the hit. No
it could not. The best it could do is drive him in that
direction, but not back. That’s impossible. Utterly impossible.
I’ve consulted with physicists and it’s just high school physics
as they describe in my articles. It’s not complicated physics.
It’s Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
Now this is a problem for the Commission, yet the Commission
never considered this problem. Never discussed it. And yet there
it is. And I’m sure Mr. Specter saw it. And since this was
his province he saw the motion pictures, here they are. And LIFE
Magazine recognized the problem, by mid-course switching the
captions and the pictures, you’ll notice.
Gaeton Fonzi
Have you spoken with anyone at LIFE?
Vincent Salandria
I had a letter directed to them on the basis
of two magazines indicating that there was a difference in
the pictures, not discussing the captions. And they gave me a
reply saying that they thought they would at first put this picture in
and they recognized how important this picture is, and they put
that picture in. But never discussing the caption changes
and not giving any explanation to encompass those. And I didn’t
provide them with the additional information that they had
changed their captions. And they evidently assumed that I
didn’t have that additional information.
[Later in 1966, after this recording was made, there was
an exchange
between Vincent Salandria and LIFE editor, Ed Kern
about the captions.]
This is, I think, a very dramatic thing. And there are of course
many other problems with respect to this head hit. As I pointed out
to you, if you read this article,
there are 10 doctors indicated here, who discuss that [entry wound]
hole in the back that doesn’t exist. And each one of them says
“no” to Specter, each one. Systematically.
Gaeton Fonzi
The Commission’s own testimony.
Vincent Salandria
Own testimony. All of this is.
In addition, you have in the
Autopsy proper
statement that,
“The complexity of these fractures and the fragments thus produced
tax satisfactory verbal description and are better appreciated in
photographs and roetgenograms which are prepared.”
Yet we know, that the Commission never saw these
photographs and never saw the x-rays.
And later when Commander
Humes who signed as the chief pathologist on this
autopsy—signed this autopsy—is asked by Specter:
“Were the photographs made available then, Dr. Humes when
Exhibit 388 [the head hit] was prepared?” And Humes says,
“No Sir.” Specter says, “All right.”
This becomes a serious problem. This dramatic head hit, which
propels the president leftward and backward, against Newton’s
Third Law of Physics if you’re saying the bullet came from the
rear. It is never discussed as a problem by the Commission. Now
how can that be if they’re amplifying the facts that explain the
Gaeton Fonzi
Okay. Alright now, what is your assumption based on this?
Vincent Salandria
Well I don’t think you have to make assumptions. I think you
can conclude based on the evidence—which is all Commission
evidence—that there was an assassin, right front, positioned
on the grassy knoll, who killed the president with a head hit that
impacted—as all the Secret Service agents who see it happen,
state—on the right front of the president’s head or on the
right parietal area.
Gaeton Fonzi
Which is here?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
The grassy knoll is in that direction?
Vincent Salandria
North in direction, yes.
Further, there is material which indicates perhaps even
photographic evidence of this occurring. We know from the
Commission testimony that
51 witnesses,
preliminarily and now
even more with the Secret Service reports that had been issued
recently, indicate that the shots came from the knoll. Now I
believe shots came from the Texas Repository Building and I think
shots came from the knoll. These are not mutually exclusive
ideas. But the majority of witnesses say the shots came from the
knoll. This was ignored. The Commission said there was no
credible evidence of any other assassin in any other position.
Which is, from the evidence, just impossible to see how one can
say this fairly, infer this fairly from the evidence. People
smelled smoke in the knoll area, smelled gun smoke, saw gun
smoke, heard shots and I think maybe even the cameras picked up
what might very well be evidence of what they saw.
There’s the first Moorman shot which is no where to be found
in the Commission evidence, no where. They just ignore this which
went all over the world. But here there’s a fuzzy area on the
knoll, Gaeton. And here you see another, this is the Nix film, this is
not the Moorman film, there it is again. And that’s exactly
where—and there it is not—exactly where a puff of
smoke was said to have been seen by many witnesses who testified
to the Commission.
Gaeton Fonzi
What is this over here? This is a—
Vincent Salandria
This is a—
Gaeton Fonzi
This is it here.
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. This is more clearly what you see
there. I took that picture.
Gaeton Fonzi
Okay. It’s a walk way.
Vincent Salandria
Yes, and this is the grassy knoll and this is
the arcade, from which many people ... My wife is standing there
essentially, where that puff of smoke ultimately appears, what
appeared down here. I also had my wife kneeling here. This is a
very low area, 34 inches in height. I never [inaudible 00:23:50]
for specific reason because I thought I saw a man in the Moorman
shot, also kneeling, and this is tough to see Gaeton, but see
where my ... My wife’s head is not there, here. And on the same
scale, you see what could be a light shirt, a forehead and a
face, not looking at the president at this point being struck in
the head and driven over. Can you see anything there Gaeton?
Gaeton Fonzi
I see that there’s light...
Vincent Salandria
Now let me tell you that, I can show you
evidence of an affidavit to the effect that a man in a building
saw somebody running away with a white open shirt. And with a
head piece in his hand. And there’s a black cloud, do you see a
black cloud in there? My wife is face in front, but this man seems
to have almost the profile: face, forehead, white shirt, no?
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
I don’t.
[unrelated phone call]
Vincent Salandria
Well that’s nearly not so important
Gaeton. I think that really what you need is light and ... You
see my wife’s face there?
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
She’s very definitely there. Now you see what
could be a face here and a forehead there and a, sorry, a
shirt open and a black glove there and a black glove there. If
you don’t, you don’t.
Gaeton Fonzi
No, I see that white—
Vincent Salandria
Okay, that’s the shirt. Now my wife is not
that tall apparently, and what she’s doing is thus, look. She’s
here, but this guy’s shirt is open and he’s looking in that
direction and they’re black gloves here. But if you don’t see it
you don’t see. At any rate ... It’s tough, it really is. But once
you see it, you see it. It’s below there, see when I do that, you
have a shadow. Look, see that black glove?
Gaeton Fonzi
Yeah, I see that black line.
Vincent Salandria
There’s another here, but think of it in
terms of a forehead, and think of this as a white forehead and
this is a face. And this is a shirt.
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Okay. Well when it comes it comes. At any rate, there’s evidence
and I have affidavits. When I say I have affidavits, only their
Here again it’s the same scene. If you don’t see that
you probably won’t see this, but in here, this is enlarged.
See anything there? Now there’s man there, he’s
standing. The other guy is fuzzy here.
Gaeton Fonzi
This is an enlargement of?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Well, some people have—they see a face there,
shoulders, hands. See my face it’s more clear.
Gaeton Fonzi
Yeah, I see yeah. I see the face there.
Vincent Salandria
Face here right, and hands and some kind of
triangular thing here. This right beside him—and you don’t see
him here because it comes off at another angle—is, what I think
Gaeton Fonzi
Is this the same photograph as this?
Vincent Salandria
Yeah, same photograph. Is what I can see in
the guy I see. And incidentally this appeared all over Europe,
was published there. I didn’t publish it because I like to hang
to harder stuff, Gaeton, than this when I write. But I think in
line with this evidence, which is ... you don’t see it. This
evidence, the testimony with respect to automobiles
reconnoitering in this area before the assassination, the
affidavits in the Commission records indicating gunmen going up
this knoll with a gun case. And a woman’s stocking hat.
Willis Slide, #5, © 1964 Phil Willis
Evidence here, this is in the Willis shot. This is the point, just the
point at which president’s receiving his first hit. Look here
over the wall. There’s some kind of figure there. I don’t know
what it is. But look immediately after the hit—
Gaeton Fonzi
Where’s the president’s car?
Vincent Salandria
The president’s car is down here. There it is, there’s
the president’s car. And look here. Gone. They’re the
Willis slides.
Willis Slide, #6, © 1964 Phil Willis
Gaeton Fonzi
No possibility that this could be the [inaudible
Vincent Salandria
No, no. It’s different, it was that tree,
same tree. Now this is evidence and there’s lots of evidence in
the reports that I can pull affidavits for you right now and I
will if you want to see them. It will take me a minute. And the
fact that there’s lots going on this wall. And after all, minimum
51 witnesses
said the shots came from there. After all, the
witnesses saw smoke. Photographic evidence is picked up of
possible smoke. There are people who testified to people on this
area, in this arcade at that time. And despite all of this, the
Commission concluded that no shot came from any other direction.
On the other hand, the Specter contribution, which you referred
to earlier, was that the president and Connally were hit by the
same first shot that hits the president. Now that has any number
of problems.
First of course the holes in the shirt as indicated by the
pictures found in Epstein’s book and in ... Epstein’s
book is upstairs. But let me show you. You’ve seen them.
The holes in the shirt are down. Oh here it is. Yeah, are down.
[FBI Agent Robert A.] Frazier
describes the holes down. The
hole in the coat too. Of course the ... you’ll see ... down
there, proceeding down at an angle of 17.9 degrees into the back,
from behind, would end up coming out somewhere in the abdomen.
Not neck tie knot, which is higher than that point. And they
explained that the president’s coat is crumpled, which it is not.
You can see in the Willis shot [#5] when the President is being
struck. There’s no evidence of that. How do you explain that the
shirt was crumpled to the extent there? How would be possible,
where the bullets would emerge, there, there, when the
hole is down here?
Why Specter did not ask for the x-rays and photographs, he said it
was a question of taste. Well if you go through the evidence
you’ll find that the discovery was horrible, ruled. That the
Commission could have seen those documents and presented them to
the Archives where they’d been seen only by scholars. The
Commission did not see these. Specter doesn’t tell us whether or
not he saw them. There’s no evidence of whether he saw them. In
any event, they are not presented to the Commission.
But then you have that as an initial problem. You have the
problem that if it went in here, and it came out here, the bullet
would be flying upward. And then it had to be turned downward in
order to hit Connally. There’s no evidence at all that Connally
is hit when the president is hit. You have the problem here
Gaeton Fonzi
Well if this is the first shot?
Vincent Salandria
This is not the first shot at this point. I think there’s
dramatic evidence that two hits into the President before you
see a third hit, on that shirt. He’s supposed to be hit as
he’s emerging from the sign. I think that he’s hit
before that. And I think that there’s good evidence to that
effect too. But again, Gaeton, in one afternoon I can’t give you
all this. But he’s certainly hit at this point, the Commission
concludes, and he’s grasping for his throat.
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Now I see at the Archives, when these
pictures are projected to me, he’s grasping for his throat,
this way, and then suddenly up, a heaving upward of the shoulders.
And you’ll see it here. Look. And you’ll see it here.
Extremely high heaving up. By the first motion,... excuse me
Hello Salandria. Yes John...
[recorder off/on]
A hit in the neck. And then the hit in the back.
Which are separate and apart. But of course if you accept a hit
in the neck, while the president’s facing forward and it could not
be delivered from the back and therefore there’s another assassin
up there, popping away in the front of the president. And they reject a
hit in the neck as having anything other than resulting from the
hit in the back.
Now they have a problem there as I indicated in
[The FBI Dissents section of]
[The Separate Connally Shot]
article. The problem is that the FBI report states that the hit in the
back did not emerge.
[unrelated phone call]
I guess you’ve seen this in Epstein’s book. I also dealt
with it here, and here’s the applicable quote from the FBI
[unrelated phone call]
Now in addition, Epstein of course got the files of one of the
counsel, which indicated that not only was the initial, December
9th FBI report, contrary to this double hit concept, but that
there was a subsequent report filed, which also supported this
proposition. And this report was, I think, January 13th of ’64,
which was essentially a month later. And Specter’s explanation
that the FBI men dashed out and made a call, has to be mistaken.
Because that conceivably could explain why the FBI blundered and
without having an autopsy and without having its evidence under
consideration, made a hasty judgment that there was no exit on
the basis of what somebody said in an autopsy, which was pretty
impressive because he was prodding away. Colonel Finck was
prodding away there and said there’s no exit to this wound.
Assume that the FBI made that mistake without an autopsy, made a
finding. Could it have done that a month later, more than a month
later? Highly dubious. Yet Specter gave that as an explanation. I
think it’s a totally inadequate explanation.
In addition, [---] the shirt speaks for itself. The [---]
speaks for itself. The trajectory speaks for itself. The fact
that the bullet had to turn in mid air speaks for itself. The
fact that no eye witness at all suggested that Connally was hit
by the same first bullet speaks for itself. The fact that
Connally said he was not hit by the same first bullet. Mrs.
Connally said he was not hit by the same first bullet. The
Zapruder films show that Connally doesn’t seem to be suffering
any ill effects on the hit, which is registered very severely, on
Kennedy there. And not only that, but Connally, I wish to point
out, was hit ... and for this you’ll have to use my
[The Impossible Tasks of One Assassination Bullet]
article here. Was
hit thusly: under the right shoulder, the entry was. Now under
those circumstances, you have a tremendous impact, which drives
through the fifth rib—
Gaeton Fonzi
Can you see it?
Vincent Salandria
It’s clear through, under the right nipple. And
yet he makes a turn right against that. He turns all the way
around as you’ll notice, all the way around, and faces the
president. Again, the hit, here again validating, Newton’s Third
Law of physics, which says that to turn against such a force, you
would—the probability would be you would go in that
direction as opposed to turning.
Gaeton Fonzi
He was not hit here or was he?
Vincent Salandria
No, he’s supposed to be hit substantially
before that. He’s supposed to be hit way before that. He’s
supposed to be hit
at 225 in Zapruder film,
which is best seen by 18, here it is. At 225 they agree that
the president was struck. Let me just look at ...
[unrelated phone call]
Now exactly when Connally’s hit is a question for dispute. I
happen to think he’s hit flush up against the Kennedy head hit.
But one of the last—there’s no evidence at all in support
of the proposition, which Specter invented, that there was a
double hit. Yet without that double hit, that is the same thing
as saying it was more than one assassin because as soon as you
get more than three bullets, Gaeton, you then get a picture of
more than one assassin.
[unrelated phone call]
Now that is kind of bizarre. I’m not saying that on my own
authority. I really have to
quote back the arms expert Robert A. Frazier,
and he’s talking about the double hit:
“I myself don’t have any technical evidence which
would permit me to say one way or the other, in other words,
which would support it as far as my rendering an opinion as an
expert in court.” In other words, the FBI has no technical
evidence of this double hit.
There’s an enormous amount of technical evidence against such a
proposition. And yet the Commission and this, Specter takes fulls
credit for, invented the double hit concept and say that single
assassin was here, against all the evidence and I mean all the
evidence. They have not walked down one eye witness, and
there are hundreds, that they were hit at the same time. They
can’t get Connally to say that he was hit at the same time. His
wife. The FBI to say they have any technical evidence of it.
They got a curious bullet which I go in detail and I asking you,
kindly read my articles for that. This
[Commission Exhibit 399] is
the bullet which was supposed to have rendered all that damage.
Pierced the president through ... Excuse me.
Commission Exhibit 399
[unrelated phone call]
Now that bullet, Gaeton, I would like to tell you, pierced the
president, pierced Connally’s fifth rib, shattered his radial
bone in the wrist. Incidentally and you can’t see that wrist at
the time Kennedy is hit. The Connally wrist is nowhere to be
seen. Let’s shift [---] view. I’ll show you a reconstruction. This
is supposed to be a reconstruction, a reenactment by the FBI, right? In
at which time the president is clutching his throat
and is supposed to be hit. Connally’s wrist is nowhere to be
seen. So this bullet pierces an invisible wrist and shatters it
and the radial bone in the wrist is a particularly durable heavy
construction bone. It then deposits a fragment in the femur.
There are fragments strewn throughout Connally in the fifth rib
area and the radial bone of the wrist and in the femur and some
were left there and some are taken out. And the bullet is
supposed to look like that, with its riffling still showing
beautifully, weighing 158.6 grains, which Frazier tells us there
need not be anything missing from this bullet on the basis of
its weight. The maximum weight of any bullet that they weighed
of this caliber, was no more than 2.9 grains heavier than this.
But this is within the range of an average bullet.
What happened
to those fragments? How could they have shaved off there, and
from that bullet, which did all that damage and this bullet turned
out to weight 158.6 grains, plus the fragments which I have
accumulated the evidence, indicating far more than three grains.
That violates a fundamental law of physics called the law
of conversation of mass, which says that the parts of any
particular mass cannot weigh more than the whole of it. No
problem. The Commission went right ahead and concluded that this
was the bullet that went down into Kennedy’s back, up through
his neck, down in mid air, changed direction, went down a steep
angle and in Connally shattered ribs, shattered bone, shattered in
the femur, shattered itself and came out looking so
First said to be on Kennedy’s stretcher. But then realizing
that it had to be on Connally’s stretcher to accomplish this
thing. Specter concluded it came from Connally’s
stretcher. And no good evidence of this.
Now this was the invention of Specter. I suggest to you that does
this indicate integrity? I don’t even go into the question of
integrity. It certainly had nothing to do with what happened with
in the assassination, that’s what I’ll tell you. And the evidence
is overwhelmingly against this double hit. The evidence is
conclusive against the double hit. And once the double hit is
destroyed, and I think my articles have destroyed it, the single
assassin theory is finished.
Incidentally, the easy way of settling this would be of course
for the government to produce the x-rays and photographs at the
Archives. I mean, just put the photographs and x-rays in the
Archives where they belong. So scholars can go and look at
Gaeton Fonzi
The x-rays and photographs of what?
Vincent Salandria
Taken at Bethesda, the autopsy, which
have never been produced. No law court in the land would have
permitted any evidence on this subject, until those x-rays and
photographs were produced. No drawings, schematic drawings,
done by an artist would have ever have permitted in any court of
law, because they are secondary evidence. The primary evidence
were the x-rays and photographs taken at Bethesda and they were
never produced.
Gaeton Fonzi
Of the autopsy?
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. I demanded,
in my third article,
that they be produced. The first I noticed they were missing was from the
notes of testimony, and that was in the
March [1965] Liberation article.
And I have been demanding them since, to no avail, Gaeton.
Gaeton Fonzi
Whom has them and whose jurisdiction are they
under now?
Vincent Salandria
It’s suggested in the Epstein book that
Robert Kennedy has the photographs, or had the photographs. The
Secret Service, last known, had them. On that score, let me say
this, okay. The Secret Service agents told the Commission certain
things, that if it believed—and they had certainly a job of
protecting their chief, and therefore good reason to tell the
truth—if believed, would have destroyed the Commission
conclusion of one assassin.
For example, that Kellerman said
there were certainly more than three shots. He was in the right
front seat of the presidential car. Clinton Hill of course said
that the shot in the back was six inches down. Greer confirmed
this. Kellerman also confirmed this. Secret Service Agent Kinney
said the hit came from the, impacted on the right of the head.
Many other Secret Service agents confirmed this. If the Secret
Service was believed, the Commission could not have—if one of
them was believed—could not have found the way it did. If the
doctors at Parkland were believed on the question of the hole in
the back, which was non existent according to them, the
Commission could not have found the way it did. If the Commission
had paid any attention to the forces and these alter forces and the
propulsion of the president’s body, it could not have found
what they did. The Commission ignored whole series of evidence,
items of evidence because this evidence was inconsistent with
[inaudible 00:50:58].
Mrs. Salandria
Excuse me. Have you heard from [inaudible]?
Vincent Salandria
No [---] He’s in good hands I’m sure. Check around.
Mrs. Salandria
I did.
Vincent Salandria
Pardon me, but we’re taping this.
Gaeton Fonzi
I’m not going to play it for anyone.
Vincent Salandria
What were you going to say?
Gaeton Fonzi
Just aside from all this, I’m interested in your
own work. When you first started with this and how it all came
Vincent Salandria
Well, I first undertook work when I
went to Dallas late June of ’64,
before the report was issued.
Gaeton Fonzi
Why did you do that?
Vincent Salandria
Because the hearings had been secret, which I thought were
incompatible with a democratic process and an open
society. That the newspaper accounts leaked by sources close to
the Commission or close to White House, these were phrases
employed constantly, contradicted one another drastically.
Gaeton Fonzi
For instance can you recall?
Vincent Salandria
For example, well Gaeton, the first newspaper
accounts indicated that there was indeed a [---] (Everything
I’ve told you, you can ask me for and I can give you
documentation for it. Where I said there are newspaper accounts, I’ll
produce them for you, if you ask me. I hope to. If you ask me for
these things, I’ll give them to you when you’re through.) That the
bullet hole entered the front of the neck, one hole, and that the
president therefore had been turning around facing the Book
Depository Building. Indeed, films indicate the contrary. This
was abandoned. And there was of course the idea that the
bullet went in the back and stopped there. That was in the
newspapers, stopped there, which is the ultimate FBI finding. Now
this of course was incompatible with the double hit idea, because
if it never got to the back, the back hit then it could not have
gone through the neck and therefore could not have hit
Gaeton Fonzi
We’re talking about June now?
Vincent Salandria
No, this is before June.
Gaeton Fonzi
Before June.
Vincent Salandria
The New York Herald Tribune ran a
story indicating that there was a man who looked like Oswald on
the doorsteps, interested me. This was, the Commission said, William
Lovelady, Billy Lovelady, who worked in the Book Depository
Building, and never showed us any pictures, the newspapers, of
Billy Lovelady so I was highly dubious of this.
I was finally
convinced that the Commission had an impossible job if they were
going to conclude a single assassin concept when I read I think in
April, a newspaper account, to the effect, that a third man was
wounded at the assassination site, James T. Tague, a bystander.
When I read that, I read almost simultaneously with it the
suggestion that there was a double hit.
I’ve always felt that the necessity for a double hit came
about as a consequence of the Tague hit. Because you can’t have a
hit on the president in the back, an unexplained hit in the
front, the hits on Connally (which could be explained on the basis
of one bullet), the hit on the president’s head, and another hit
on somebody else, with three bullets. Especially since the Tague
hit was substantially far from where the president and the
governor were hit. 270 feet from the spot designated at the
313 frame,
where you see the head hit register on the president. 270
feet from that, Tague is hit. All from another
street. Not on Elm Street, but between Main and Congress he’s
When this happened, when I heard of the Tague hit, I was
convinced that the case for a single assassin was fast
disappearing. And that they apprised us of the Tague hit so late
caused me deep concern. I at that point felt that if they
were to issue any of the evidence, I would make a particular
study of the hard evidence and the shot evidence, because they
were going to have particular difficulties in this score if they
were going to spell out one assassin. At that point I determined
that I would go to Dallas and inspect the site myself and
interview some witnesses if I could.
Gaeton Fonzi
But, apparently, you haven’t explained, there are, you
know, how many other Philadelphia lawyers who were
thinking, or who read this stuff about the assassination in the
newspapers, and who probably said to themselves, “While
that’s interesting, why don’t I wait until the report comes out
and find out what they say?”
Vincent Salandria
Well, I think there’s always a danger in the
assassination of political figures in a country and if
individuals don’t get immediately interested. Because I thought
of this assassination, I heard back to the killing back of
Giacomo Matteotti, 1923 in Italy, the socialist leader there. The
Italian people were outraged but did not press for the killers.
Mussolini was very pleasantly surprised to find that
there—he considered the possibility of a need to resign
his power at that time, because of the outrage that resulted from
the assassination—but because there was no pressure on the
government, from the private citizens, who actually produced the
killers, he was more involved by this condition, so that in
1927 he went in the Italian parliament, and for the first time
used the word dictatorship. For the first time, he abolished all
the legal opposition in the country, and the fascist party became the
only legal party in Italy.
I trace the rise of the fascists as the sole power in Italy to
the killing of Matteotti and the silencing of the opposition. In
1927, he was willing to take responsibility and he did;
historical responsibility for the killing of Matteotti. By then it
was too late. But because there wasn’t pressure by the Italian
citizens, because the fascist party wasn’t pinned with the
responsibility prior to that time, their power was able to build
and as a consequence, the direction of the Italian government was
fixed fast.
I thought, you could not wait for the government. You could
not depend on the government, on any government, in this kind of
situation. I thought that you have to be objective about this.
That if this had happened in Smolensk or Minsk or Moscow, no American
would have believed the story that was evolving about a single assassin
with all the contradictions built into the facts. But because it
happened in Dallas which happens to be within the confines of the
American border, too many Philadelphia lawyers and American
citizens accepted it.
Now it’s not true that the Philadelphia Bar accepted it,
Gaeton. No. I left out for you the letter I sent with
the manuscript to
the-then Chancellor, Voorhees. And Voorhees
said that no matter what the Commission said,
and he said this prior to its issuance, no matter what they said,
he would never believe that one man killed the president. And he
said this on
Gaeton Fonzi
When was that? Do you recall when he said that?
Vincent Salandria
We can get the exact date. It was pretty early, something like
January ’64. So it can’t be said that the
Philadelphia Bar had swallowed this story whole. As a matter of
fact, when I spoke to Specter and I addressed questions to him at
the Bar Association meeting, the overwhelming majority of
questioners were overwhelmingly skeptical and the Bulletin
wrote the next day, about how deep the skepticism ran in the
Philadelphia Bar. Now I’m sure I’m the only Philadelphia lawyer
who went to Dallas. Why is that? I’m particularly sensitive to
problems of possibility of governments not being as diligent as
they should be in situations of this sort.
Why am I particularly sensitive? I guess it comes from my
Italian peasant background, that you always dispute governmental
actions of this kind. And always be skeptical, which I think is
quite in keeping with democratic citizenry. We have to be
skeptical. We have to think in terms of the individual being
important in a democratic society as the individual being able to
accomplish something. And being able to think his way as clearly
as governmental experts and perhaps more clearly, because we
haven’t got ourselves enmeshed in the interests of governmental
I was sensitive, particularly sensitive, you’re right, to
the problems here. But not without a basis. As the newspaper
reports unfolded, I found them very contradictory, full of
problems, indicating that the government itself was full of
problems and resolving this as a single assassin concept.
In addition, from the very beginning, even before the shot
evidence looked to me to be implausible, in fitting into a
pattern of a single assassin, the person designated as an assassin
didn’t quite make sense to me. Oswald did not make sense to me as
depicted by the government. I immediately began to see the
possibilities that Oswald was somehow or other implicated with
the government. Perhaps serving as an agent of the government. I
at least felt that should be considered as a hypothesis.
And on that score, there was evidence evolving which it got
written up by a brother-in-law of mine, Harold Feldman, in The Nation,
“Oswald and the FBI”, which
Gerald Ford in his book, Portrait of an Assassin, says was the basis
for secret executive meetings by the Commission. Because they too
were deeply disturbed by this problem. And Epstein also
indicates, this was more than rumor.
I felt the personality of Oswald was never adequately
explained. The background of Oswald was never adequately
explained. And the hypothesis that he was connected with the
United States government was not fully explored. That concerned
me first of all. My original thought was perhaps this was a CIA
and/or FBI agent gone awry, having committed the assassination,
ultra vires, outside of the scope of his authority. It was
my initial impression.
I did not seriously question the shot evidence, until I read
newspaper accounts and I kept careful files. Then I realized the
government had very serious problems on their hard core shot
evidence. Shot trajectories and wounds were causing them the
fits. This was of course Specter’s area. I did not know this.
That this was Specter’s area.
Epstein says that this was the crux
of the case. It was the crux of the case. I recognized it would
have to be because I knew that in family law cases, sometimes
you’re not entirely sure whether your client is in fact sticking
to what actually happened as closely as he could. What tells you
whether he is or not are the minute tiny aspects of the evidence.
Which if a person is fabricating the evidence, you cannot think
of all details and therefore the details get in the way. That’s
been my experience.
My feeling was that this was a simple assassination according
to governmental view. Three shots, one assassin, one vantage
point. That the facts could come together very neatly if that
were the case. However, if there was more than one assassin,
then the details would not fit. And the details, Gaeton, do not
fit. They fly away from that hypothesis. And that hypothesis is
left bare of any facts. It’s left standing there alone as a
theory, as a speculation.
And history will determine that the president was killed by
ambush and that the Warren Commission evidence indicates this.
The secret service evidence indicates this. The FBI evidence
indicates this. The wound evidence, just as given by Parkland
doctors indicates this. The actual people in the motorcade
indicated this. And in fact, the people wounded and all the eye
witnesses indicate this. That the idea of a single assassin is a
theory, a theory bereft of factual covering. An invention of
which Specter takes pride, held together, glued together by the
gluing together of wounds in the double hit. The weaving together
of wounds, holds this structure together. But the facts do not.
[inaudible 01:06:27].
Gaeton Fonzi
What did you do in Dallas?
Vincent Salandria
Well, I visited Marguerite;, for example,
Marguerite Oswald. We went and found a witness to
the Tippet killing.
She and I were the first ones apparently to interview
this witness. Her name was Acquilla Clemmons. And she gave a
story of the Tippet killing, which indicated more than one person
was involved.
We called this information in to Rankin. Marguerite did it from
my presence—Rankin was the chief counsel—reading from my file
card. Rankin directed a letter in July, after hearing Mark Lane
give this evidence, to Hoover I think, asking whether any
governmental agency had ever been advised of this other
witness? And the letter came back saying, no
governmental agency ever was advised. And therefore, this
took the form of a speculation in the report. Speculation to the
effect of another witness to the Tippit killing. No
governmental agency was ever advised. Rankin was advised.
In my presence, by Marguerite. That I think caused me deep
concern as to whether the Commission had any interest in finding
any evidence, which in any way implicated more than one person in
this crime.
Gaeton Fonzi
Did they interview this witness, the
Vincent Salandria
Apparently not. Although she said to me that
the FBI had interviewed her. I don’t know whether this is a
Gaeton Fonzi
Before you met the witness?
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. This was later written up, I would not
mention her name. I considered it a confidence because she’s a
colored woman in Dallas. But it was written up by Pat and George
Nash, Patricia and George Nash, in their Leader articles.
Therefore, I mention her name now. Her name was given in
Gaeton Fonzi
What were the circumstances beyond that? How did
you come across her?
Vincent Salandria
Marguerite had information. Marguerite was
investigating in her own part. She’d never seen her but she knew
the name.
Gaeton Fonzi
Oswald’s mother?
Vincent Salandria
Yes. Knew where to find her and we went there
and found her.
Gaeton Fonzi
She lived around where the killing occurred?
Vincent Salandria
Marguerite lived in Fort Worth. Acquilla
Clemmons, yes lived nearby but she was working on the same block
as the killing. Actually across the street, same block. She saw
Gaeton Fonzi
She saw the killing?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
And she said there was someone else?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Yes. Two people involved. Which was perhaps
born out by fact that there’s two types of cartridges found at
the scene.
Gaeton Fonzi
Tippit’s killing?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Where’s that evidence?
Vincent Salandria
It’s in the report. All this evidence is in
the report.
Gaeton Fonzi
What else did you do in Dallas?
Vincent Salandria
I should really look at my notes. Well we
tried to retrace the route of Oswald. Timing of the vehicles, the
time it took us, timing our trip, it was very difficult. It had
to be done on double, but conceivable. We scrutinized the
assassination site. Took some pictures. Tried to interview the
government’s main witness to the Tippit killing. I interviewed
her, Helen Louise Markham. She said that she’d be happy to talk
to me but I’d have to come back because there was a babysitting
problem. And when I came back, there were, in the afternoon, there
were two station wagon loads of Dallas policeman pulling away
from her house, and she at that point, refused to talk to me.
Interesting because when I went back a year later. I just
wanted to see whether she still was living at the same house. And
she saw me and she said, “Did you want to talk to me?” And I said,
“No, Ms. Markham, I do not want to talk to you.”
“Well if you want to talk to me I got a babysitting
problem.” Well I said, “I’m afraid I’ve heard that
routine before.” And I left without trying to talk to her.
She seems to be a pathetic woman. Ball, one of the assistant
counsel to the Commission, has called her a screwball. Perhaps
that’s harsh language. Let’s say she’s a
woman under tremendous pressure.
She advised me that she had—her son advised me afterwards.
He walked me down the first time I saw her, down the steps, and
was willing to talk to me and did talk to me. And said that after
I had, excuse me, talked to her and left and instead of trying to
settle her babysitting problems, she had called first the FBI
and the Secret Service and the Dallas police. So she
wasn’t really interested in talking to me.
What else did we do? We looked at the various spots where
Oswald was supposed to have been after the assassination. Tried
to talk to the people who had witnessed him running away. What
was alleged to be Oswald running away from 10th and Patton,
the scene of the Tippit killing.
Talked to Marguerite extensively about Oswald’s background.
She was convinced, you know, that he was a CIA agent. Checked out
some of the business about whether he had actually read
Capital when he was 16 years of age. Found out that
unless Capital has been reduced from the multi-volume work
into a pamphlet size, then he never did read Capital, as
was reported in the press.
We found out his avocation was purely and simply to become a
US marine. That he had in fact been approached by a warrant
officer in the marines very early, and apparently groomed for
enlistment purposes. Only aspiration that he ever had. The family
had been extremely patriotic and very good military service records.
Tried to determine what the, tried to piece together some
aspects of his life. Stayed a number of days with Marguerite.
Listened to what she had to say, what her theories were. Did what
I could within a limited amount of time, in a very hot Dallas, to
find out from witnesses what happened in the assassination.
Didn’t find too much.
Gaeton Fonzi
How long were you there?
Vincent Salandria
10 days. The whole trip was 10 days so we
were there probably about seven, eight.
Gaeton Fonzi
Speak to any witnesses who say the actual
Vincent Salandria
No. I did not. The Book Depository was closed
to visitors. It was not what I thought would be most useful work.
I expected that we would be hearing eventually what those
witnesses said and we have complete records on their
interrogations by the FBI and the Secret Service.
Gaeton Fonzi
You did nothing then after you came back, until
after the report came in?
Vincent Salandria
No. No, Gaeton. I was, I felt I had to wait. I wrote to
congressmen, a senator, asking that in Congress,
the question of the long delay and the secret hearings, be
raised. But to no avail.
Gaeton Fonzi
You wrote to whom?
Vincent Salandria
Well Gaeton, I’d rather not put any particular
senator on the spot. But I was corresponding over a period of
time with a senator on the case. No response from him. No
response until after articles. I started to publish articles,
then responses.
Gaeton Fonzi
What were your first articles?
Vincent Salandria
First article was in [Nov 1964]
Legal Intelligencer.
Then the
January [1965] Liberation,
[March 1965 Liberation,]
March [1966] MINORITY of One,
and then
April ’66 MINORITY of One.
Gaeton Fonzi
How about the, I saw the carbon in there of your letter to Voorhees.
You said something about him telling you in a nice way to mind your
Vincent Salandria
Oh that. Oh you saw that article.
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
That wasn’t the first one. Well
my original manuscript,
I can get it out, took issue with Specter on what the
job of the citizen is in a democracy. [shuffling of papers]
I don’t know if I still have that manuscript. Maybe I
Gaeton Fonzi
This was are you talking about a manuscript prior
to the first Legal article?
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. It took issue with Specter who said
that the public would have to accept the status of the Commission
and be guided by that.
Gaeton Fonzi
You mention that in your Legal
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. I mentioned that in the Legal, it but I did it more
strongly than that. And he asked that I [inaudible 01:19:20]. I
don’t think personalities have much to do with this, Gaeton. I
would not like to suggest here that this is a matter of
personalities. It is not. For example, I’ll make a perhaps
unhappy analogy. In the thirties there were purge trials in Russia,
of the Trotskyists or people designated as Trotskyists. Now, held
in Moscow. I like to think that the people designated as the
culprits by the Russian government were doing, no matter what
evidence there was or was not against them, and no matter who
the prosector was, the result was ultimately the same. So I, too,
think that with respect to the Warren Commission, it’s not
important who did that work. The result would have been the
Gaeton Fonzi
After your articles began being published, did you get any
correspondence from anyone connected with the Commission
at all or the staff?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Did you write any letters to Rankin or to anyone
else on the staff, asking them for explanations of this?
Vincent Salandria
Well I know that these articles were, I have letters from the staff
members which I can show you. The articles were forwarded by other
people. If you want, I’ll show you one from Cooper. “No
evidence of any other assassin” was the uniform response. They
considered it all,
there’s no evidence. I wrote to—we had the same barber,
Specter, and I knew he was busy with an election. And he agreed
with the barber that he’d see me after the election. And I
directed a letter to Specter saying, I’m ready now, after
the election. Ignored.
Gaeton Fonzi
You wrote to him?
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
After the election?
Vincent Salandria
Inviting him to dinner.
Gaeton Fonzi
Inviting him to dinner.
Vincent Salandria
Yeah. No answer.
Gaeton Fonzi
Have you seen him since?
Vincent Salandria
Well I bumped into him, I don’t think he
recognized me, at the Bar Association cocktail party
Gaeton Fonzi
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
Well, you didn’t go up to him and...
Vincent Salandria
No, no. I know that people have tried to
arrange discussions with him and me, once at a synagogue. I know
that WCAU at Harvey Show was trying to do it at one point.
But I’m very willing to discuss this at any
time, anywhere with him, preferably in private. But I don’t think
there’s any interest.
Gaeton Fonzi
Well the only comment I’ve ever seen by him is
that New York Times article on the Epstein book in which he
claims he hasn’t read the book.
Vincent Salandria
The 26 volumes.
Gaeton Fonzi
No, the Epstein book.
Vincent Salandria
Yeah, he hasn’t read the book. Oh I see.
Gaeton Fonzi
Yeah. I believe that was the only quote.
Vincent Salandria
No, he said that if Epstein had read the 26
volumes he ...
Gaeton Fonzi
Oh did he?
Vincent Salandria
Yeah, something to that effect. He said that—no he said that
on TV. You should know that he made a statement on TV. But the
evidence indicates one assassin.
Well I read the 26 volumes. The evidence indicates more than
one assassin. The evidence indicates conclusively more than one
assassin. I mentioned this head hit. I don’t know whether,
there’s a lot more to it than what I’ve discussed. I tried
to be more graphic and involve myself in the minutia there. The wounds are
extremely interesting. Because there’s no small hole. There’s an
enormous gaping avulsive hole, the back of the head is gone. And
I can prove this from all the evidence. But the back of head gone
means an exit wound. You’ll see some indication of that in
the last part of my
March article in Liberation.
Let’s get those details. The important thing is that the
president was shot backward and leftward, propelled that way.
That was never considered by the Commission. Now they were
supposed to have considered all the evidence. The staff, Specter
was supposed to have considered. That is something that’s so
patent, so dramatic, that if that was never discussed, how can
they argue that, The critics are failing to recognize all the
evidence. If we had seen all the evidence, we would be, it
was their job to present all the evidence as it was, to the
American public.
They are holding, the government is withholding one out of
every three documents, from the Archives. They’re not available
to the Archives. Still. One out of three documents. I can show
you a microfilm of the index and you’ll see checks, checks,
withheld. If this was such a simple assassination, if in fact it
was one disenchanted individual, if not demented then certainly
maladjusted, who alone, without any co-conspirators, shot the
president, then there’s certainly no need for concealment. But
there’s extensive concealment still. Not peripheral concealment.
Basic stuff like the x-rays and photographs. Fundamental basic
material, without which no prosecution could ever prove any case
for even petty larceny in any court of law. It is absent here and
continues to be absent.
And the handling of the evidence is grotesque, as I point out.
And the Connally clothing was dry cleaned. It’s just a rough
equivalent of wiping off finger prints from the murder weapon.
Humes certified to burning his autopsy notes. He describes them as
burning of preliminary draft notes.
The burning of a preliminary draft autopsy. Now this is inexcusable.
This is vital historical
evidence. The more and more it seems clear that what was burned
was the original autopsy, on which the FBI had to base it’s
findings. I can’t believe that the FBI would be so stupid that to
conclude that that bullet never exited, without asking to see the
autopsy. It looks more and more like government agents burned
the autopsy, the first autopsy.
Gaeton Fonzi
Has anyone else been working with you on
Vincent Salandria
Not until now. But Ira Einhorn and
certain of his friends, have now approached me and we were
thinking of undertaking an analysis of a report, the combination
which will look at the report and measure it up against solid
scientific methodology. What would the report have done and how
should it have been written? How should it have considered the
evidence, if it had been conformed to scientific methodology? And
contrast that with what actually the report does look like and
the form it did take. Then to try to reconstruct,
in a kind of literary inquest, what the evidence shows actually
did happen at the assassination site at Dealey Plaza in Dallas,
November 22, 1963.
What actually did happen as is
indicated by the evidence and for that purpose, we’re going to
examine material in the archive and reexamine all the evidence
dealing with the shots trajectories and wounds and try and put
together the actual picture of a crossfire, which actually did
happen. And a combination of assassins firing on the president
and killing him. Which was the case. And which is born out by the
Warren Commission evidence. We don’t intend to use anything but
the Warren Commission evidence. It’s all there, they just chose
to ignore it. Chose to overlook it. And where problems could not
be overlooked or ignored, evidence was excluded, and other
evidence fabricated.
Gaeton Fonzi
Have you had any indications that ... Have you had any indications
or have you been actually contacted by any government agency?
Vincent Salandria
No. No contact and no harassment. No problems
at all. And no support, no opposition. No contact. No interest
apparently, and I consider that fine. I could not ask for better
treatment on that score.
Gaeton Fonzi
I noticed also one of your materials, a letter to
Clark. Senator Clark.
Vincent Salandria
Were you looking for some material that I
showed you there?
Gaeton Fonzi
The material that you had left here.
Vincent Salandria
Okay, I didn’t know that was there. What was that about?
Gaeton Fonzi
Just asking him for a reply, I believe. You had
not gotten a reply yet from him, to something you sent him.
Vincent Salandria
Let’s see it. That was there by mistake.
That’s a different matter. That’s very early isn’t it? November
Gaeton Fonzi
November 4th. This was prior to the publishing of
the Legal Article.
Vincent Salandria
Gaeton Fonzi
But I imagine you had worked up—
Vincent Salandria
That was correspondence with him.
Gaeton Fonzi
Have you had any answer at all from him?
Vincent Salandria
Yes I’ve gotten answers since.
Gaeton Fonzi
What did he say?
Vincent Salandria
Gee you know, Gaeton, I should show you letters.
He was always very courteous. Gives me credit for vast
knowledge of the assassination. But last count on the subject of
who did it, which was pretty early, “still
predisposed” quote him, “To believe the Warren
Commission.” Still predisposed to believe the Warren
Commission. But Gaeton, he hasn’t figured in any way other than
may I say, I asked him to clear the way for me into the Archives
to do research. And he took steps to make it possible for me to
go there. And cooperated in this respect. No complaints about him
either. That letter just got shuffled into there.
At that time, I had written him a whole series of letters from
which I got no response. And that was the last one I think on
that score. From then on I have been answered all the time—when
the articles started to appear.
I have not received any letter or communication by phone or
personal communication from anybody which was in any way adverse
or critical. I think that says something about our society. The
fact that I have taken to say to the American public, that the
Commission organized by it’s government, has done a terrible
botch and the American public is willing to let people say that,
and the people who know this and I suppose there are sizable and
substantial [number] that know I’ve been working on it. Not one of them
has seen fit to in any way harass me. I think that says something about the
mood of the American people. It’s pretty healthy.
I wish the government trusted the American people
substantially enough so that it could level with them on matters
such as an assassination of head of state. Because I have
enormous trust in the American people. I think they are good,
solid, skeptical citizens. I think that if you get a cross
section of the American public, in many respects, the people who
are interviewed by the FBI, the Secret Service and the Commission
attorneys, represent that professional man, working people,
middle class people, the medical doctors, the police agents, the
Secret Service agents, the governor, pretty big cross section,
that those people please me enormously. I don’t think there’s any
country in the world that has gotten so many people telling so
much of the truth to a governmental agency which pretty clearly
were not interested in it. That’s remarkable, really remarkable
that the truth means so much to individual American citizens.
That despite the fact that the official version of this story
was promptly given to the whole world, and they knew they were
flying in the face of this official version, by giving the
evidence as they saw it. They in fact courageously went in and
told the Commission it was mistaken. Not only private citizens,
but Secret Service agents. Secret Service agents, who
continued their connection with the government, did this. I defy
anybody to come up quickly with another country where it’s secret
police would act in that fashion.
So my faith in the American people as a consequence of doing
this work, has been enormously bolstered. I’m pleased with what I
find in the individual American citizen. In fact I’m not totally
displeased with what I find in the police agents of this state,
who are willing to go in and like Kellerman told the Commission,
Gentleman there was certainly more than three shots. Of course
they were quick, Specter was quick to show him how he was
mistaken. I think he was very right. But this takes a rare
kind of courage, and you find it in Americans.
So I was indeed also pleased by the way the government treated
the critics. Let the critics go along their way. No critic has
been hurt to my knowledge. No investigator has been seriously
harassed to my knowledge. There has been not even a semblance of
a threat made. And that speaks well for the government. I like to
think that the government was split on this subject. I cannot
think otherwise, in view of the issuance of the 26 volumes and
the establishment of an archives, even the information in the
Archives, even though it’s stripped of much of it’s vital content,
nonetheless what is there, so fractures the governmental case,
that I cannot think otherwise than the government is split on
this. Otherwise, this material would not be available to private
Gaeton Fonzi
Well, certainly given me enough to digest
Vincent Salandria
Oh Gaeton, I’m here.You’ve really got a
problem. This stuff is, it’s not impossible to figure, but
it’s going to take work on your part. Are you really interested
in the correspondence? I’ll dig stuff out if that interests
Gaeton Fonzi
Well let me...
Vincent Salandria
You shouldn’t identify senators I think.
I have a letter from a congressman who was essentially convinced, very early.
But I wouldn’t want to mention, I don’t know which way you want to
approach this.
Gaeton Fonzi
Well this is what I’m going to have to figure
Vincent Salandria
I’ve got lots of material, tons of
Gaeton Fonzi
Suppose I sit down with what I have now and just
get the basics of the thing.
Vincent Salandria
May I suggest how absolutely reckless it is to try to understand
the shots, trajectories before you really, will read Epstein’s
book. But, I don’t want to be arrogant. But Epstein, you
know, has been consulting with me. And what he did
was just take one little segment of an article of mine, and he
admitted this is what he did and he promised to give full credit
but didn’t. But that’s not important. The point is that
he’s just discussing one facet of the shots, trajectories and that
is the hole in the back of the neck, not even to Connally. So I
urge you to read the articles
and at least come to grips with what I’ve been trying to do
in terms of digging up what Specter did. He happened to do it, you
know. And coming to an entirely different conclusion on it.
Gaeton Fonzi
Okay. I really appreciate you taking all this
Vincent Salandria
I’m sorry I kept you all this time. Have you
a car?
Gaeton Fonzi
Yeah, and the fact that it just struck my mind
that I hope I’m not in a tow away zone. I’m parked on—
Vincent Salandria
Where are you parked?
[recorder off]