John Judge: We had expected to have Dave Emory here, to talk about AIDS, and I don’t know how much of the audience is here for that. Could I just get a feel for that, how many want to hear about AIDS, and chemical/biological warfare? [loud applause] I’m sorry Dave isn’t here, he’s done exhaustive work. Well, that’s a pretty broad section. Why don’t we talk about that? Is Lori Bradford still here? Would you be up for talking a little about that at this point.
Lori Bradford: I can come up there. [applause and whistles]
Audience Member [Willard Harris]: Before we start, I have a resolution of and about and for Mae Brussell. I’d like to kind of tell everybody: John’s mentor, and my mentor, and David Emory’s mentor, and a lot of the people here, who have been studying this for about 10 years now, have Mae Brussell as a mentor. She’s a 65-year old woman, who has been kicked in the teeth, character-assassinated, and has relentlessly studied Fascism, for the last 20 years. For the last 17 years, she’s had a radio program in Carmel, California, an hour a week.
She’s just been diagnosed with cancer of the cervix, and is recovering from that. So as a special resolution today, in her honor, I am offering a complete list of her bibliographies for $15. So, my name is Willard Harris. If you’ve got pens and pencils, and you want this information, these bibliographies, what she has done for 17 years is clipped 30 newspapers a day: the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the London Times, the LA Herald, the Miami Herald, all of these newspapers in public domain; not to mention military magazines, Defense Watch; she’s the foremost person of this research. She’s typed, every week for the last 17 years, a bibliography that goes along with her tape. And as a memorial, as a resolution to her, I’m prepared to offer, the first 50 people, that send me 15 bucks, 400 pages of her references and her materials. Which you can go back, and see exactly what was going on, her perspective, when Reagan was shot, when Lennon was shot, when Kennedy was shot. It’s an invaluable resource, reference material. And it’s just being offered today in her honor. She’s the one that kind of guides us all. So, if anybody’s interested in it, here’s the address: Willard Harris, 1345 Hearst Ave , Berkeley CA 94702. Phone number: (415) 843-7076.
You might explain to the panel today just who she is and what she means to all of us, and how she’s relentlessly, for 17-18 years, has brought us to where we are today. Because 4 years ago, or 5 years ago, for me to believe that there would be 300 people in the same room studying the Fourth Reich . . . it’s just completely incredible what’s going on here today. So, I’m very pleased with it. Keep up the good work. If you want a really good reference source, you’ve got it. [applause]
John Judge: Part of the problem with getting Mae’s information, and other information like this out, in this area, has been that the radio stations, especially KPFA in Berkeley. Some of the staff people there, in charge of the station, are resistant to this kind of information. And they don’t want to put it on the radio. And I really feel, that even if they don’t agree with it, since it isn’t a reactionary analysis, it’s a progressive analysis, and it fits whatever other standards they might have along those lines, that it’s really bankrupt of them to, on one hand, collect money, because they’re supposed to be an alternative media, of some sort, to the standard media; and then to censor information like this.
I’m fine, when people disagree with me, they can have a forum too. I don’t fight anybody for that; I’m interested, in fact, in debate. I think it leads to a lot more information, ideas. I can clarify my own ideas. I’m not saying you have to have just that, but every time that Barri Scott has had me on, and quite often I’ve invited Mae Brussell and Dave Emory on to those shows, and tried to get other researchers, like Lori, on the air, every time that Barri’s done that, she’s caught flak from people at the top levels there at KPFA, who don’t want this information on, or don’t allow tapes that these people have made to be played.
That’s your station. I mean, I don’t live out here, but that’s your Pacifica station, it’s in your area, probably a lot of you get the Folio, you listen to programs on KPFA. I guess it comes over here to San Francisco. And, you donate money. And what I’ve suggested for a number of years, is just take out an ad, when it’s time for them to have their marathons, take out an ad in the Folio, that you would clip, and say here’s my $25, $15, whatever you’re sending, but I’m sending this on the condition that Mae Brussell’s tapes, or tapes on this kind of information, would get aired on at least some of the programs on this station. And I want them to come on. And come on on a regular basis. And make your feelings heard. Because, if they’re going to say they’re public airwaves, then they ought to be public airways. And, as long as all they hear from is Barri, and one person who wants to put the information out. But if they hear from the listenership, you can get this out to a lot more people than are sitting in this room.
Audience Member: You get on KPFA don’t you?
John Judge: It’s not a matter of that. All of us have gotten on the station. I am out here a little less frequently, so maybe that’s some of it. It’s that I’m not going to be here that often; I’m not that much of a threat. That I don’t want to be on every week, or have a regular tape show. Mae and Dave have gotten on when I’ve gotten on, but not without flak. It hasn’t been total censorship on the part of my work, but they really have been pretty bad about putting anything on by Mae. There really have been constant squabbles, and people like Willard, who was talking before, tried to get them to look or listen to the programs, and get them aired.
We should be demanding of the alternative media, and I think of the regular media, that we own about 25-30% of all air time, on every media in this country. That the people own it. Not the corporations. [scattered applause]
And I’m not saying that’s an easy fight. That’s a fight like anything else. Like any change in this society, it involves a lot. But, without that, without access to our own media, and to that other media, on some other basis other than begging or manipulating, on the basis of right, to get the information out, in public interest. Without that, we’re in a society that, pretty much, we don’t have a lot of power to change. I mean, I speak to an audience. I couldn’t do this on the East coast. I couldn’t get half the people in this room, out. I can’t get on the Pacifica station there at all. The only way I’ve every gotten on WPFW, is because KPFA sends their tapes to KPFK, to send to the Pacifica network, and my tape gets on. And I’ve heard myself on tape on a radio station that I’m not allowed on live. [laughter]
Audience Member: Did Michael Krasny have to clear it with KGO to get you on last night?
John Judge: I don’t know, but I’ll bet he will tomorrow night! [laughter and applause] He said he wanted me back on. I’m taking him up on it! I was scheduled last night, but I’ve had a number of people bring me on once, and have had a tremendous response. You see, I used to work radio, and I know if listeners call the next day, then that means that they ought to have the guest back on. If they’re still, 24 hours later, calling about the show. And I called up this one, 75,000 listenership station I was on, in Dayton, Ohio, and I said, "Did the callers call in the next day?" And they said, "They called for 7-8 weeks!" I was getting the mail, and I said, "Well, will you have me back on?" "Uh, well, uh, er." These guys tell me, some tell me straight out, "I got a family to feed, and I’m told if you’re back on, it’s my job."
Another one who brought me, Mae Brussell, and Sherman Skolnick on, out there in Dayton, just disappeared. He had Skolnick on the third show, about the Dorothy Hunt crash. He got a call from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, from a military guy who said he wanted to talk to him because he was in the tower. He called me, and I said, "That’s good, but remember this, that was a civilian tower. The first question you better ask that military guy is, ’What he was doing there?’ See, why was this military guy in the civilian tower, watching the plane go down?" And that was on a Wednesday, and I’d said, "I’ll call you back Friday and find out what happened at the meeting." And I called back Friday, "I’m sorry, he no longer works here, we have no phone number, we have no forwarding address . . . "
I found him three years later, under a different name, at a station in Kentucky, and he wrote me back, begging me never to write him or contact him again. They scared the bejeezus out of the guy. I don’t know what they did, but they moved him right out of town.
So, if you’ve got alternative media, you’ve got to get on what you want. But, you’ve also got to defend it. And you’ve got to fight for it.
Audience Member: How did you get on KGO? I was surprised to hear you.
John Judge: One of the organizers, here at the conference, wrote a letter, sent the press release, gave some information about the different speakers, and Krasny, who had had Mae on before decided that I might be a controversial show, is probably what it is. You know, they want controversy up to a limit. They want the conclusions and not the evidence. His staff called me. I get on some radios. Carol Hemingway has had me on a number of times, on a big listenership station. I can’t remember the call letters, but down in Los Angeles, it’s a big talk show. I get on more that I used to.
Why don’t we talk about AIDS a little bit?
Lori Bradford: Hi, you want to talk about AIDS?
We started off this morning, talking about propaganda and social control. Within that context, we stated that, right after the end of WWII, British intelligence, like John was saying, helped us establish our own intelligence in the United States. They began a series of what was actually 68 sub-projects under the code name MK/ULTRA.
In MK/ULTRA, besides the kinds of psychological and behavior modification developments that we discussed this morning, there were also a series of extensive chemical and biological weapons tests and development. There were approximately 239, what were called, "open air vulnerability tests." That’s when they released bacteria into different environments. They put bacteria-filled light bulbs into New York subways; they sprayed a bacteria from a ship into the San Francisco city area. Through a l957 Mercury with dual mufflers, they released bacteria on the Turnpikes (that’s an old term, because it was an old experiment) in Pennsylvania, and to New York. They’ve dropped mosquitoes on towns. There have been towns that have reported sudden infestations of mosquitoes, where individuals would be surrounded by a swarm of mosquitoes, after a helicopter went by. So they did that lots. They did that kind of thing more often in rural towns, and if they could find a rural town with a black population. that was their favorite spot to do it. They released whooping cough bacteria in Florida, and had an epidemic that killed 12.
So this is the history.
They didn’t consider it human experimentation. They got around that by saying that since it was a test of a weapon, that it was no more or less than "battlefield exercises." And because it was a non-specific population, and termed an "unwitting general release." You know, if you release a bacteria in the air, it’s not like you have somebody there that you’re injecting with something. So they got around it in a very general way. They used a lot of language, to have it just go on very smoothly, and they did lots and lots of testing.
And they did biological testing in combinations with the other techniques. They used toxins in combination with psychiatric techniques. And they considered anything as a weapon. You have to realize at this time that they used to sit around and have these brainstorm sessions, where their wildest ideas, that’s what they did. And giving all the LSD to everybody.
They considered food as a weapon, during Vietnam, and that’s when they decided that they’d go and destroy all the food supplies in Vietnam.
And they consider weather as a weapon. You know, they can manipulate the weather. When they wanted to do the release of the swine virus in Cuba, they not only released the actual bacteria, but they manipulated the weather to create an additional rainfall, so that there was more standing water, so that there was breeding ground for the insects that they did release, that were carrying the bacteria. So everything comes together. And everything can be considered a weapon.
So, it’s within that background that I think I want to start to consider AIDS.
AIDS, even if we were going to sit up here and argue, a scientific argument, around: whether it’s this virus, or that virus; or how it replicates; and who transfers it to who; when I’m not a biologist, and I don’t know enough, but on the other hand, you know if it’s not a government-engineered disease, it couldn’t have been more perfect.
Here, you’ve got this disease that has created, first of all, such a conservative climate, a re-establishment of so-called Christian values. But not just Christian values, but we’re talking Fundamentalist, White wing, connected to Aryan Nation, connected to the KKK values. And a prohibition, and a tightening of sexual mores, and it just couldn’t have been more perfect.
Who’s dying from this disease? Well, everybody in the world that they bloody well want to get rid of. You know, they’re getting rid of Black people in Central Africa; they’re getting rid of Haitians; they’ve already done biological release of bacterias into Cuba; they’re getting rid of Brazilians; they’re getting rid of Gay people and Black people and Hispanic people and Native American people in this country with AIDS. It’s so reported as a Gay disease, and that it keeps people from even beginning to have any kind of concept of who this disease is killing. We need to get a global perspective on it, and really understand who’s dying from it. And make a connection between. all these populations that are dying. It’s not just some aberrant sexual mores here, or bad food practices over there. It’s killing too specific populations.
Drug users? You know, drug users have long been a standing CIA test population. They used to set up drug treatment centers and then they’d get drug addicts in there, and then they’d continue to give them their drug of choice, if they agreed to take whatever experimental test drug that they also wanted them to take. And that’s how those drug treatment centers work; lots and lots of them. So that IV drug users, and other kinds of drug users, are a part of this death scheme too; it’s no different.
And then, little things come in, like they announced in Science News a few weeks back, came in and announced that they had found maybe an alternative drug to all the phenothiazines for treatment of psychiatric patients. But it’s only unfortunate side effect was that it destroyed patient’s immune systems. I thought, "Well, how perfect, because they always still always like to get rid of mental patients, of course."
And then, you know Vacaville, the prison right down the road here, has been the stronghold of anti-gay behavior technology experimentation and development, in many respects, I think. Not to say that gays aren’t tortured in all sorts of psychiatric institutions everywhere. But in terms of aversive behavior modification, and genital electroshock, and uses of paralyzing drugs, like Anectine; they’ve done it on political prisoners in Vacaville. It’s just a long-established procedure. And so now I read that they established, of course, the AIDS wing at Vacaville. And that’s where they move prisoners, to when They have an AIDS wing with 114 prisoners at Vacaville. It’s the largest medical facility in the prison. That’s lots of people, and they’re all constrained, and they have no access to any exercise, and what kind of experimentation I can only conceive that they’re doing on that amassed prison population all having AIDS. It staggers my imagination.
Anyway, in l970, the Department of Defense appeared before the House Appropriations Subcommittee to request some money. And the request was given by a Dr. McArthur, a DOD spokesman at that time, about the development of synthetic biological agents " . . . that do not naturally exist, and for which no natural resistance could have been acquired. Dramatic progress in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. Within the next five years it would be possible to make a new infective microorganism, which would differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of of these is that it might be refractory to, i.e. resistant, the immunological and therapeutic processes on which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease . . . ’’
Well, in long and scientific language, that’s a request to be able to develop the kind of weapon that AIDS is. The kind of disease that AIDS is.
And it wasn’t a new thing to them. Back in l955 they had CIA agents traveling internationally, collecting viruses. This is, like, not a new deal. They were working on it all the time and it shouldn’t have been a surprise to anybody. They were doing all sorts of genetic manipulation very early on in l972, Fort Detrick. In theory, there was a ban on the development of toxic chemical weapons, and in theory, Nixon closed down Fort Detrick, and it was taken over by the, ostensibly civilian hands of the National Cancer Institute. Well, then it’s wonderful, isn’t it, for the National Cancer Institute, to be located at the center of chemical/biological warfare in this country. These are the people that are doing all the research on AIDS.
And then, even if you would like to not think that the medical industry is just willy-nilly killing people, then I think it’s important to remember experiments like the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, in which 430 Black men were left to die with syphilis, only so that they could do autopsies later. And they had a "Nurse Nice," a woman named Eunice Rivers, a Black woman who came and picked these men up, and kept them from going to get any other real kinds of treatment, and brought them to the CIA doctors every week, and they all considered her their good friend; that she was helping them get their health care. And they were doing nothing to treat them. They were merely watching the progress of the disease as a part of an experiment.
They were interested at the end of the Vietnam war, to develop concepts of (they had, they began to have, the technology, to be able to think about the concepts of) ethnic weapons. When you start talking about chemical/biological warfare, when it first started, you had things like gas. But, you know, in WWI, when you released gas, you never knew if the wind was going to change, and all of a sudden, you’d get you own gas back in your face. So that was a problem. So when you start talking about the concept of ethnic weapons, when, most of all, you’re talking about a White nation going into a Third World nation, there are enough food differences, and blood type differences, that they typed, and traced out, and did extensive studies on, at the end of the Vietnam war, to be able to really engineer that kind of thing.
And that was the problem they’ve had all along, with chemical and biological weapons, was that, they didn’t have enough control. So they did want to be able to create diseases that would get them, and not, even if the wind changed, wouldn’t get you, too.
Robert Paxman and Jeremy Harris, in A Higher Form of Killing which is just a great book that documents a long history of specific experiments, done both at Porton Down England, which is the equivalent to Fort Detrick here, in terms of chemical/biological warfare, stated that future wars would be determined not on the battlefield, but with the birth of a mutant next generation.
I read a lot of the trash. By trash, I mean I read the National Inquirer, the Star and the Globe and Sun as often as I can. They had an article in there, just a really trashy article, about how AIDS was going to kill off all the revolutionary, organized people in Africa, organized Black revolutionaries in Africa. Within the next ten years. Well, that should take care of that.
The countries in Central Africa with the highest AIDS rates, also have the longest standing history of CIA de-stabilization programs, in those countries, also. In this country among heterosexual women . . . what did you say?
John Judge: In the figures of new heterosexual AIDS cases, this was released just this month, that have happened, I guess, over the last period, over 6 months or a year, 90% of the new heterosexual cases in the US are Black women.
Lori Bradford: And I think that within Native American communities too, that there is an incredible AIDS rate, within childbearing-aged people within the Native American community. Just similar to that also, that and a little older seems to be the age of people who are dying in Central Africa.
It’s so hard to get at. You think that they’re really killing you. And they really don’t want us to believe that science is that bad that they’re killing people, or that things are that bad and that they’re killing people. It’s kind of like stuff around suicide. We’re supposed to blame the rock stars, for teen suicide, you know. So it’s kind of hard to get around to thinking that the medical industry, which is your theoretical hope of salvation, in the face of death, is out there willy-nilly killing people. But it is. One of the things that I found helpful and that I think is real enlightening, given that the National Cancer Institute has so much to do with AIDS research, is to begin to look at the history of cancer research.
The founding father of the Sloan-Kettering Institute, which is one of the big names in cancer research, and is a hospital in New York, the father of that institution, was a Dr. Simms, who was an 19th century women’s doctor. In the l850s and 1860s, he was experimenting on Black women. Some of the Black women that he owned and experimented on, had up to 30 operations in 4 years. And he fed them opium to keep them quiet, and, I guess, out of pain enough to continue his experimentation.
Within that time, he developed all sorts of surgeries for uterine cancer and that kind of stuff. So, it was after all those years of experimentation that they brought him in, when they established the Sloan-Kettering Institute. And he’d been there for a while. Of course, a lot of the first cancer that they were dealing with was women’s stuff, was uterine cancer, breast cancer. Finally, when there was so many rumors out at the Sloan Kettering Institute, that he was doing all these horrible, barbaric surgeries on women there (And finally, it was women that mattered. It’s kind of like tracing the development of AIDS, finally, you know, it hits somebody that matters to somebody) and all of a sudden we’re interested in it. Well, they threw him out at that point.
You know, reading about "treatments" for cancer is like reading about "treatments" for the mentally ill, it’s also like reading about what "treatments" we’ve latched onto, to develop for AIDS. It seems that the most toxic agents that we can find that we can call "cures" are the ones we’re going to invest in, and market.
And we also have to begin to understand that there is a tie between medicine and industry that has everything to do with what kind of cures that get marketed. A cure doesn’t get marketed for big name illnesses like AIDS, or cancer, or anything else, unless it’s for profit in a big way. That’s why any of the alternative healing stuff around AIDS has been so thoroughly squelched. That’s why, even though there were initial successful tests with Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering, all of that information was eventually buried. Laetrile was eventually outlawed by the FDA here, and all of a sudden people have to travel to Mexico to get it. Anything that’s not cutting, or chemotherapy, is not going to make it.
When they first introduced X-rays, in the l920s and ’30s, it wasn’t very widely accepted. Surgery was the first "in" thing for cancer. They used to do surgeries where, if you had cancer in one organ, they would take out everything. And they referred to it as "a removal of half the body," for cancer. Like, they’d take out five or six organs. I think they were trying to figure out how many organs you could just really live without.
When radiation first came in as a possible treatment, in the l890s, they realized there was 2-3 times more profit with this thing. And then in l945, after the bombing of Hiroshima, there was much more interest in radiation, and what we could do with radiation, and stuff. And finally, in the l950s Eisenhower instructed the Atomic Energy Commission to keep quiet about any possible harm from radiation. And that’s when radiation really flourished as a cancer treatment.
Initially, X-ray technicians were dying of radiation exposure. Because of the Atomic Energy Commission they were also doing above ground weapons testing, it’s the same time period when they were testing nuclear weapons in Nevada and Utah and in the Marshall Islands, was also when X-rays started to become big. And, do you think that they’re going to start to say that there are all these medical hazards over X-rays, when the want to, like, drop a bomb in your backyard? It wasn’t the time for it. So initial X-ray technicians, they didn’t have those cute little cubicles they stand in now, with all the lead aprons and everything, and they were dying right and left from radiation burn. Meanwhile, the doctors kept saying, "Oh no, it’s perfectly harmless."
But it was a government cover-up. And it had to do with medical treatment. And it had to do with, they didn’t care if workers were dying. You know, that really wasn’t a concern. Their concern was to be able to continue their military build-up, and do the kind of experimentation they wanted to do with radiation at the time.
They continue the Halsted technique, which is radical mastectomy, which was introduced in the l890s. There were discussions of the Halsted technique as early as the l920s where they said, that if you had a cancer that was so metastasized and so spread that you had to do a radical mastectomy to begin to remove it, that it was too late. That if you had to remove all of this, that it was too late. So, as early as that it was a totally unnecessary and barbaric kind of surgery. It wasn’t done in other countries in the same way it was done here. It was just that it was so profitable here. And it was more complicated surgery. I mean, a simple, small, partial breast removal to get a tumor, is not the kind of exciting surgery that removing half your muscles under your arm is, and taking several hours is. And not nearly the kind of profit.
So, I think it’s important to begin to look at those things. I think we should be really concerned, and really suspicious about the National Cancer Institute’s involvement in AIDS research. I think when all of a sudden we have AZT as the only hope and cure for AIDS, when it’s just so toxic. And that’s what they want to experiment on. They don’t want to experiment on anything else, and lots of other research is totally not funded.
Any alternative stuff, that would consider any other idea of AIDS and AIDS treatment, or how to build up people’s immune systems. And the theory that we’re all on the borderline, and we all need to take our HIV tests; we need to realize that they’re really not telling us anything, and really wonder what it is they’re doing to us. And wonder what it is when they come into our communities and want us to help them collect data on how we’re doing these days. I’m so suspicious of them. I’m so concerned about us turning ourselves over to them, for further experimentation, within the Lesbian and Gay community. And with other communities internationally. With the World Health Organization’s involvement with AIDS in Central Africa.
So, that’s my intro to AIDS. I certainly think that, regardless of what you might think about AIDS’s derivation, that certainly in every other execution, that AIDS as a disease certainly is genocidal. And that we should begin to consider that. There are other things that I think it would be interesting to backtrack on, like sickle cell anemia, and stuff. There are diseases that have gone on in this country, and been manipulated, and hit certain populations that I really think we should begin to be suspicious of them, and do more investigation into them. Any questions?
Audience Member: I want to ask you, if you’re familiar with the Medizone Company, and the unexpected cure for AIDS by oxygenation and super-oxygenation. They tried to get a patent on this, but the FDA put them off, month after month after month.
Lori Bradford: The FDA won’t do any testing that’s not part of the "for profit" testing to the military/medical/industrial complex. I mean, you know, they really aren’t going to do it. It’s been on the back burner for years.
Audience Member: Isn’t there somebody down in Santa Cruz who does the super-oxygenation technique?
Lori Bradford: Gee, I don’t know. There is a guy, Waves Forest, who’s putting out information on it. And there is other information available. Some of it can be obtained, for two first class stamps and an self addressed stamped envelope, from Tom Davis Books, PO Box 1107, Aptos, California, 95001.
Audience Member: I have a question for John Judge. Have you heard anything more on the apparent cover-up at the the CDC, about a year ago, when they accused them of sabotaging experiments. And a special commission was sent in by Sen. Weiker, and they said that it was just internal politics going on, and 5 or 6 scientists were either fired or dismissed?
John Judge: I haven’t seen any follow-up in the press. One of the reasons I’m very suspicious about AIDS is the role of the CDC. I went back into their earliest newsletters, and they were set up as an extension of the Department of Defense, and the Early Warning Office, an earlier version of the Office of Preparedness, for the Department of Defense. They were supposed to check morbidity and mortality rates, and patterns and trends, supposedly to see whether the Soviet Union was using chemical/biological weapons in some secret way on the US population. This was back in the 50s. But my guess is, given the level of this experimentation and who was doing it, it’s more likely that what they were checking was the results of their own tests, to have a way to track and see what happened in terms of morbidity and mortality. Where they did these sprayings, and the other things.
They were the cover-up agency for the Legionnaires Disease. The disease that only goes in large air conditioners, in hospitals. [laughter] Or goes to the Belview when Ford’s going to be there. It just showed up some place else interesting. There was one here in the US, I think it was St. Elizabeth’s, on one of the wards. Maybe Hinckley’s. Bye-bye. [laughter]
But, it shows up in these air conditioners. Like, you know, it gets in a cab, "Turn on your air conditioner, please." It makes no sense, and it came at this time.
The first people to study the Swine Flu Were the CDC. The first people that had it were soldiers at Ft. Dix, which also, like Detrick, is one of the big storage places for the chemical and biological warfare weapons.
We know, now, due to some contract information that’s gotten loose, that the CIA had it’s weapons stored at Ft. Detrick also, it’s chemical and biological arsenal. And that that was moved out, under contract, to a company in Maryland called Bechton Dickenson. Which is a huge international, pharmaceutical, multinational corporation. And, there is a lot of slimy stuff with them, you know, in terms of their contract groups, and everything. We’re looking further into them. One of the things they have in Maryland still, is this huge farm area up in northern Maryland, that’s totally closed to public access. They warn you, on the door, it says "National Security." It’s a sheep farm, up there. Lori knows what that means. [laughing] "It’s a sheep farm." means it’s an experimental place for their damn weapons. So, it’s quite likely that the military did the same; rather than destroy them, made a contract with some of these multinationals, and moved them into their control, and continued the experimentation under private cover, for these things.
The epidemiology is wrong. The "HIV only" thing doesn’t make sense on a lot of levels. The "Green Monkey" thing has finally been totally discounted.
The newest theories are suggesting either that it’s some form of syphilis; which if it is, might fit in with the Tuskegee experiments. They were controlled experiments with syphilis, which were done to unwitting Black subjects who were observed through terminal stages and allowed to die down in Alabama. Might be interesting to find out what those final stages did to those guys there, because, they’re saying that syphilis, treated the way it is here, only masks the symptoms and then it comes back. Its doesn’t show up in the blood for a while, but then it comes back with a vengeance, in the tertiary form, in a very compressed period of time. And AIDS looks very like tertiary syphilis, symptomatically.
Another theory is co-factors. In other words, there’s plenty of things ruining our immune system. The radiation Lori talked about, toxins in the air, genetic defects, the food that we eat, different chemicals that we take in, even the medicines, the antibiotics and other things, and penicillin, and we have no way to know about, how they clear out of the system.
Lori Bradford: Microwaves.
John Judge: Right, microwaves. I just got a letter from a woman down in Los Angeles who said that immune breakdown is one of the side effects that they found in tests in the 1970s on microwaves of certain frequencies. So, besides using microwaves for mind control, they can break down the immune system with them.
And there’s plenty of of things like that. If you remember, the first rumor in the Gay community on how AIDS started was that it was poppers. Well, poppers are a severe immune depressant. So, it could be a co-factor trigger, that would take an already depressed immune system and sort of send it over the edge, or make it allergic to itself, in some way, that could be cleaned out, possibly.
Another theory is that whatever AIDS is, it was not introduced by sexual activity, or sharing needles in the drug community, but instead it was introduced through testing done on Hepatitis B in the gay communities in NY and San Francisco, certain tests that were run by these doctors. And the most common thing which argues both to the thesis of syphilis and to this thesis, is that about 95% or more of all AIDS patients have had some contact with an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Clinic, at some point. So that that could have been the spread point, or it could relate to the syphilis thesis, and there’s also some question in my mind, having looked at the medical evidence about HIV in the sperm, which doesn’t seem to show any active virion in any sperm samples that they studied, it shows the opposite of what the press says it shows, as to whether sexuality is a way that AIDS passes at all I think there are other reasons to use safe sex techniques, but my question is, is it not maybe more that they want to use that as the transmission mode, or say it is, in order to build the sexual repression at the time. And to push everybody back. Because sexual repression is political repression also, on certain levels.
Audience Member: What is the relationship between AIDS in Africa and the World Health Organization?
John Judge: Oh, right, that’s another thesis. Get AIDS and the Doctors of Death which outlines this idea that the World Health Organization, everywhere that it went with its smallpox vaccine in Africa, seems to be the same places where AIDS broke out. Same communities, same countries.
The other problem we have, and Jon Rappoport talks about this, and I was hoping he would be on the panel this afternoon, but he couldn’t come up from Los Angeles. He has a new book out, AIDS Inc. and he’s on the LA Weekly, and what he’s talking about, and I think he’s right, is that at this point we probably have almost no hope of ever finding out what AIDS is or was. Because, at the same time that they’ve been messing around with this "HIV-only" stuff, they’ve been expanding the definition of who has AIDS, on the medical level, to larger and larger groups of people all the time. So, in Africa, where they claim that they don’t have the money to do the blood testing, they just do it by medical symptomology. And they say that emaciation is a sign of AIDS. So now if you starve to death in Africa, they can cover it up with AIDS, and if they bring in the AZT, they can say they didn’t get it there in time.
Lori Bradford: One of my favorite worst scenarios is that they manipulated the weather, caused a famine in Africa, generated a whole situation, because of the famine, that would generate diseases and malnutrition and release an agent that would respond favorably with repressed immune systems. That’s my favorite.
John Judge: And then blame it on AIDS. Well, they can create droughts, they have the technology. And the technology to do certain "natural" disasters, or cause floods. One piece of Lori’s research I know, is that they made rain happen, in certain places, just to breed mosquitoes, so that they could spread certain diseases. And they introduced a lot of these during the Vietnam war, and in many Third World countries, and they tested them out.
These were ideas that go back directly to the Nazis. And Gen. Walter Dorhnberger is the Nazi that thought up Star Wars. He wanted, in l963, satellites with nuclear weapons to circle the earth. He’s the one that came up with that idea.
And the idea of the space shuttle was a Nazi idea. They were going to use it to deliver weapons. Go on out into space, you know, above the atmosphere, and then come back down. Leave Germany, go into space, no radar will get you, and then all of sudden you’re a meteor coming out of the sky towards New York with a bomb in it. That was the first idea of the space shuttle.
Kurt Blome, a weapons expert in chemical/biological warfare for the Nazis, and an expert in viral diseases, and one of the people involved in Nazi research that suggested in 1936 that there were viral ways to cause cancer, was brought over to Fort Detrick, by the US. He did some of the early CBW research in the 50s there, for them. So, these Fascists are part and parcel of the research and experimentation.
And also in the medical community. The community around cancer, and the AMA and the FDA, have doctors that came directly from the Fascist countries. The whole psychiatric establishment is riddled with them. Some of the students of the top psychiatric killers, and the killers themselves, came directly to this country. And they run VA wards; they experiment there. They’re in private practice in many places, some of them hold top credentials in the top psychiatric associations around the world and nationally. That’s part of what’s revealed in Lenny Lapon’s book, Mass Murderers in White Coats.
It’s not just what they did during the war; but where they came to after the war, where they went. All of the modern psychiatric techniques were developed in Nazi Germany. So, you don’t have to think of, like, your neighbor, "Would he give me AIDS?" We’re still talking about the Fascists and Nazis, the Fascists here in this country who, for their own reasons, don’t like the non-White populations.
Lori Bradford: And they really believe they need to get rid of lots of people. Some people say, "How could you think that way now? Wouldn’t they have done something that would leak out?" But, I mean, they really don’t care. It’s still not going to, what they consider "leak" into the population they don’t want to kill, which is the richy-rich. Under the theory of population control and population reduction, there are lots of militarists who argue that we need to get rid of hundreds of millions of people. And they’re doing it. And more.
John Judge: Billions, worldwide. And that was back in ’68, they wanted to get rid of half of the world’s population. Their estimates are probably up in this period. There’s one whole segment of the intelligence community that thinks the planet’s doomed: there’s too much radiation, it’s going to "greenhouse"; and all they’re trying to do is use the remaining nuclear power to build space stations and get off the planet. [laughter]
Audience Member: I wanted to say, in Dr. Richmond’s book, Dr. Caligari’s Psychiatric Drugs, the phenothiazine drug came from Hitler’s Germany into the United States by way of France in the early 50s. And that’s prolixin, stellazine, elavil, melloril, a whole long list. Thorazine is one of the strongest of them all . . .
John Judge: Some of the earliest electroshock experiments were done by Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz. It was in the Fascist countries that lobotomies were developed, in Italy and Spain. The lobotomy stuff, all of that came out of the Fascism.
Audience Member: [cont.] . . . And methadone used to be called Dolophine, after Adolph Hitler, because they refused to keep the soldiers warm during the Russian campaign, in the middle of the Russian winter. They were freezing to death. And those are perfectly legal, they’re used by doctors all over, and somebody ought to go after all that stuff.