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U.S. [Seeking] Empire
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"The imperial ambitions of the Bush Administration, post-9/11, are
founded on quicksand and are eventually sure to founder, but for
fundamental reasons not currently under discussion. Bush's open-ended
claims for US power -- including the unilateral right to invade and occupy
`failed states' to execute `regime change' -- offend international law and
are prerogatives associated only with empire. But Bush's greater
vulnerability is about money. You can't sustain an empire from a
debtor's weakening position -- sooner or later the creditors pull the
plug. That humiliating lesson was learned by Great Britain early in the
last century, and the United States faces a similar reckoning ahead.
US financial position is rapidly deteriorating, due mainly to
America's persistent and growing trade deficit. US ambitions to run the
world, in other words, are heavily mortgaged. Like any debtor who
borrows more year after year with no plausible way to reverse the trend,
a nation sinking deeper into debt enters into an adverse power
relationship with its creditors -- greater and greater dependency.
creditors are both private investors and governments from Europe
and Asia; now none of them have any incentive to disrupt their lopsided
relationship with the superpowerful leader of the world. After all, it
works for them: Their exports have unfettered access to the largest
consumer market in the world, producing trade surpluses and gaining
greater market share. Their capital, meanwhile, reaps good returns on
the loans and investments in the American economy. But history suggests
that with sufficient provocation, the creditor nations will eventually
assert their leverage over the United States, however reluctantly. That
critical juncture is likely to arrive either because the American debt
burden has become so great that additional lending would be too risky or
because the creditor nations want to jerk Washington's chain, perhaps to
head off reckless new adventures. Either way, it will be a humbling
moment for American triumphalism.
- Mark Twain Speaks to Us: "I Am an Anti-Imperialist",
by Norman Solomon,, 15 Apr 2003
- Blind Imperial Arrogance,
articles assembled by Paul Wolf, 26 Sep 2003
- Blind Imperial Arrogance
- Fallujah: A multilayered picture emerges
- 47 rockets seized near Kabul
- Three of a kind: India, China and Russia
- RAW & Mossad: The Secret Link
- Russia: An army at war with itself
- CIA paid mullahs to counter anti-US feeling [?]
- National Security Strategy of the United States
assembled by Paul Wolf, 30 Sep 2002
- By James Petras:
- Market Will Attempt to Predict White House Moves,
by American Action Market, 1 Aug 2003
- Global Eye - Into the Dark,
by Chris Floyd, The St Petersburg Times, 1 Nov 2002
- Will Iran Be Next? by Mark Gaffney, 12 May 2003
- The 14 Characteristics of Fascism,
by Lawrence Britt, Free Inquiry, Spring 2003
- Robert Fisk: Looking Beyond War,
Democracy Now! interview, 22 Apr 2003
- Bush Terror Elite Wanted 9/11 to Happen,
by John Pilger, 12 Dec 2002
- The End of Empire,
by William Greider, The Nation, 23 Sep 2002
- Collateral Damage From An Illegal War - United States: unsecured dollars,
by Frederic Clairmont, Le Monde diplomatique, Apr 2003
- Too much of a good thing - Underlying the US drive to war
is a thirst to open up new opportunities for surplus capital,
by George Monbiot, The Guardian, 18 Feb 2003
- The Secret War
Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department
is dramatically expanding its `black world' of covert operations,
by William Arkin, Los Angeles Times, 27 Oct 2002
- `P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty,
by David Isenberg, Asia Times, 5 Nov 2002
- Playing skittles with Saddam
The gameplan among Washington's hawks has long been
to reshape the Middle East along US-Israeli lines
by Brian Whitaker, The Guardian, 2 Sep 2002
- The Men From JINSA and CSP,
by Jason Vest, The Nation, 2 Sep 2002
- US Thinktanks Give Lessons in Foreign Policy,
Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and
TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues,
The Guardian, 19 Aug 2002
- US Thinktanks Give Lessons in Foreign Policy,
Brian Whitaker reports on the network of research institutes whose views and
TV appearances are supplanting all other experts on Middle Eastern issues
The Guardian, 19 Aug 2002
- Selective Memri,
Brian Whitaker investigates whether the `independent' media institute
that translates the Arabic newspapers is quite what it seems
The Guardian, 12 Aug 2002
- Perils of a one-superpower world,
by Richard Butler,, 29 Oct 2002
- by Larry Chin:
- America's Imperial War
The liberals who supported the bombing of Afghanistan
have aligned themselves with a ruthless military machine,
by George Monbiot, The Guardian , 12 Feb 2002
"In portraying Enron as a `scandal', and as an isolated
case of overheated capitalism and `unusual political
influence', the mainstream American corporate media and
congressional investigators have studiously hidden the
truth: Enron, like many multinational corporations, has
long functioned as an operational arm of the US
government, the ruling financial elite and as a weapon
of economic, political, and territorial hegemony.
Enron scandal, arguably the biggest financial and political
crime in modern history, exposes a terminal malignancy at the
heart of world politics, and global capitalism itself. . . .
American empire is built on a thousand Enrons. It will
exhaust every means to avoid implicating itself, even as it
drowns in the cesspool of its own creation, dragging thousands
of innocent people down with it."
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