- Apr 14-25 2005: Global Hibakusha Film Festival
MIT and Tufts University, Cambridge/Boston Massachusetts
- Mar 27-28 2004: The Atomic Film Festival
Cinemareno, A Year-Round Festival of Films, Nevada Museum of Art
CINEMARENO is a non-profit film society founded for the purpose of
promoting the art of motion pictures in Northern Nevada. Screenings
throughout the year showcase new independent films and videos, along with a
selection of obscure films and classic movies. CINEMARENO proudly offers an
alternative to current Hollywood fare, bringing to Reno films that you are
unlikely to see anywhere else.
11:30 am
CIRCUS (1995) - This hilarious documentary looks at the
PanTex nuclear weapons
factory near Amarillo, Texas and the zany folks that live
and work in and around it. Directed by
George Ratliff, 73 mins. |
1:00 pm
TRINITY (1980) - Oscar-nominated documentary provides a
haunting journey through the dawn of the nuclear age. An
incisive history of the Manhattan Project and the man
behind it,
J. Robert Oppenheimer. Directed by Jon Else, 89 mins. |
3:00 pm
ATOMIC CAFE (1982) - At once funny,
sobering and shocking, this brilliant compilation of
propaganda films, atomic test films and newsreel footage
provides an entertaining overview of the atomic age and
the pervasive anxiety it created in cold-war America. 88
mins. |
5:00 pm
ON THE BEACH (1959) - 45th Anniversary
screening. Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Anthony Perkins and
Fred Astaire star in Stanley Kramer's powerful and
haunting adaptation of Nevil Shute's best-selling novel
about Australians living out their remaining days after
the rest of the world has destroyed itself from nuclear
war. In wide-screen CinemaScope format, 134 mins. |
11:30 am
THREE MILE ISLAND (1999) (Free) - A riveting documentary
that details the events of March 28, 1979 when the worst
nuclear accident in U.S. history occurred at a power
plant in Pennsylvania. 60 mins. Full-festival pass
holders get priority seating. |
1:00 pm
SYNDROME (1979) - 25th Anniversary screening. Jack Lemmon,
Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas star in this suspenseful
story of a nuclear power plant accident. Eerily, it
accurately foreshadowed the events at Three Mile Island,
which occurred only 12 days after the film premiered in
March 1979. In wide-screen format, 121 mins. |
3:30 pm
ZERO (1962) - Ray Milland directed and starred in this
rare 1962 cult classic. An apocalyptic tale of survival
about a family escaping a nuclear attack on Los Angeles.
With Jean Hagen and Frankie Avalon. In wide-screen
CinemaScope format, 92 mins. |
5:30 pm
STRANGELOVE (1964) - 40th Anniversary screening.
Arguably the greatest black comedy ever made, Stanley
Kubrick's cold-war classic is the ultimate satire of the
nuclear age, a perfect spoof of political and military
insanity that gets funnier with each viewing. With Peter
Sellers, Sterling Hayden and George C. Scott. In
wide-screen format, 93 mins. |
- Jan 25-27: Three Minutes to Midnight
NPRI Symposium on the Impending Threat of Nuclear War
January 2004 in Washington DC at the Omni Shoreham Hotel
The Cold War is Over.
The Nuclear Threat is Not.
Twelve years after the end of the Cold War, the U.S. and Russia
each maintain 2500 nuclear bombs on tenuous hair trigger alert.
This chilling reality and other critical nuclear issues will be
examined in-depth at the Nuclear Policy Research Institute's
groundbreaking symposium. Join scientists, policy-makers,
military and medical experts from around the world for three
days of analysis, insight and strategy.
- The risk of accidental nuclear exchange by United States and Russia,
- The risk of terrorist intrusion into U.S. or Russian early warning
- Proliferation to Pakistan, India, Israel, Iran, North Korea and
other nations,
- The "Second Manhattan Project" -- "Stockpile Stewardship Program"
- Science, business and the military roles in the proliferation of
nuclear weapons.
- Nov 23-29 2003: International Anti-Food Irradiation Week
Milford Square, Pennsylvania
- Oct 16-19 2003: Depleted Uranium and other Uranium Weapons
Trojan Horse of a Nuclear War
World Uranium Weapons Conference 2003
an International Educational/Organizing Conference
University of Hamburg, Germany
We are preparing a World Uranium Weapons Conference to
do work on a new and in some ways more prevalent and immediate nuclear
threat: the issue of organizing an international campaign seeking the
official ban of uranium weapons and their classification as weapons of
mass destruction.
some years activists have faced the problem that
the U.S. and British government are producing and upgrading their weapon
systems containing uranium. With these also-radioactive weapons the boundaries
between conventional and nuclear weapons becomes completely obscured.
Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States writes,
weapons are not conventional weapons. They are
highly toxic, radioactive weapons. All international law on warfare has
attempted to limit violence to combatants and to prevent the use of cruel
unfocussed weapons. . . . Consequently, DU weapons violate international law
because of their inherent cruelty and unconfined death dealing effect.
They threaten civilian populations now and for generations to come."
pressure from activist groups the military itself
was reluctantly forced to admit that huge amounts of uranium weapons (320
t DU) got used for the first time in southern Iraq in 1991, 3 t in Bosnia
and 10 t in Serbia and Kosovo. Credible independent researchers believe
that some 1000 t uranium was used in the bombing in Afghanistan, and at
least that the same amount is expected in the recent war in Iraq. Experts
from all allied NATO countries are observing an increase of the so-called
Gulf and Balkan War Syndrome amongst veterans, which some link to the
use of uranium ammunitions. Leading international independent researchers
believe that exposure to DU during the 1991 Gulf War are responsible for
the majority of the current, ongoing medical problems reported by over
260,000 returning veterans (one-third of all the troops participating
in that war!), a rate with dire implications for future wars and conflicts
where these weapons were recently and further intended to be used.
uranium isotope used in DU has a half-life of 4.5
billion years. DU and other uranium weapons are weapons with indiscriminate
effects, causing genetic damage and by this endangering over generations
the human race as a whole. Articles 35 and 56 of the Geneva Convention
clearly prohibit weapons which are this indiscriminate and catastrophic
in their effects on civilian populations, suggesting that their use could
legally constitute war crimes.
governments using DU ammunition deny the link of
these weapons with the illnesses and are lobbying hard to make a large,
scientifically credible inquiry in Iraq impossible. They even try to hide
the information of which kinds of weapons contain uranium today.
rates in Iraq have increased dramatically over
the rates noted before the Gulf War of 1991. A planned study supposed
to be done by the UN was turned down in December 2001 under the pressure
of the U.S. government. Also scientific magazines infrequently publish
the results of smaller independent studies. This whole situation brought
quite some irritation inside the scientific circle and inside the peace
activist movement. For example the results of two recent
studies [1]
which have already calculated the cumulative dose effects to both Iraqi
civilians and Allied and Iraqi troops during the Gulf War if 1991 are not
well known among the larger international medical, health and scientific
communities; while at the same time, reports by government bodies who use
DU ammunitions are well publicised, distributed and give the impression
that no or little effect exists.
believe a World Uranium Weapons Conference is needed
to bring together the scientific experts with their independent studies
and the peace, veterans, and anti-nuclear movements to get updated and
have the results of their studies and their work combined. The Conference
will also include extra time for the conference members to combine existing
information, and to discuss the need for creating, conducting and funding
their own additional independent, peer-reviewed, international study on
the health hazards caused by the use of uranium weapons worldwide.
Specifically, attention must be given to Iraq before the data is lost or
corrupted by the occupation. Because many governments have the stated
agenda of perpetuating uranium weapons, their conclusions about uranium
weapons effects are not reliable or acceptable. Therefore, the independent
international non-governmental movements will have to be responsible for
the huge costs of this kind of study, which cannot be done by a single
country or organisation.
such a study should be conducted or co-ordinated
by WHOWHO´s operations are potentially compromised by its constitutional
obligations to the IAEA with its strong obligations tothe nuclear lobby.
The WHO is not allowed to publish results without the consensus of the
IAEA. The results of any study done by WHO on DU or other uranium weapons
issues therefore should be highly suspect in its credibility. It therefore
becomes the additional responsibility of our movements to constantly review
and publicly critique all governmental claims on these issues.
independent peer review of existing data, continued independent
study, and a unified plan of action will lead to the evidence needed to
get uranium weapons officially banned by the international community.
you for your consideration of this project. We
welcome your future interest and involvement.
For peace,
Marion Kuepker
Co-Coordinator, GAAA
World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference
www.uraniumweaponsconference.de -
Co-Coordinator Marion Kuepker, Germany, ph. +49 40 4307332,
Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen,
[The Gewaltfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen - GAAA - is a German
non-governmental organisation dedicated to the total abolition of nuclear
weapons. GAAA observes and pressures the nuclear weapon states to fulfil
their obligation under international law and treaties to start to abolish
their nuclear weapons. The U.S. government has deployed B-61 nuclear bombs
in seven different European countries and has also stationed Thunderbolt
warplanes with depleted uranium ammunition in Germany, Italy and elsewhere.
We organise actions on civil disobedience at these military bases in
Germany, and conduct public hearings to inform the German population.
Besides this we do lobby work and network with affiliated groups in Europe
and throughout the world.]
Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi,
Environmental Damages Resulting from Using Depleted
Uranium Weaponry against Iraq During 1991 Aggression
by USA and its Allies; also, Prof. Asaf Durakovic, M.D., Urinary Excretion
of Uranium Isotopes in the Gulf War Veterans After Inhalation Exposure
to Depleted Uranium, Eleventh International Congress of Radiation Research,
Dublin, Ireland, July 18-23, 1999; Urinary Excretion of Uranium Isotopes
in British, Canadian and United States Gulf War Veterans, European Association
of Nuclear Medicine, Paris, September 2-6, 2000.
Conference: Facts on Depleted Uranium,
Prague, Czech Republic,
November 24-25 2001
We are interested in hearing at this
conference technical, military, political, juristic, health, ecological and
other expert's views on this problem. We have requested Prof. Jiri Matousek
from the Institute of Environmental Chemistry and Technology Faculty of
Chemistry, Brno University of Technology from Czech Republic, to be an
expert moderator at this Conference "Facts on Depleted Uranium". For quite
natural reasons we consider it correct to invite also members of various
humanitarian, health, ecological and peace organizations. We mention that
in view of the nature of the conference we calculate with the participation
of the approximately fifty persons. Contributions from this conference will
be published in a conference volume....
If you are interested in
aspects related to depleted uranium, it would be a great pleasure to
welcome you at the conference "Facts on Depleted Uranium" in Prague.
would appreciate very much too, to recommend us for invitation those of
your friends who could address the conference on aspects connected with
depleted uranium!
Earthlife Africa Media Release:
Secret Meeting of International Nuclear Panel,, 1 Oct 2001
In a process reminiscent of the apartheid days, an international panel
of "experts" are meeting to discuss and debate the feasibility study for
the proposed Pebble Bed Nuclear Reactor (PBMR), under the aegis of the
Department of Minerals and Energy.
process to date has excluded civil society completely, and is being
carried out behind closed doors. "The first feasibility study was
withdrawn by Eskom, as we were able to find many flaws in it" says
Nuclear Energy Costs the Earth Campaign Co-ordinator, Muna Lakhani. "It
seems that they are afraid that we will do the same to this one. All our
research to date shows that the PBMR, at best, and getting everything
right the first time, will cost over R3.3 billion over it's proposed 40
year life. This is more than sufficient to install safe and clean wind
turbines, for example, and easily generate the same amount of
electricity over the period, with no radiation or long term radioactive
waste hazard. The alternatives will also create many more jobs than the
PBMR ever could."
Earthlife Africa Needs Our Help To Transform Leftover Apartheid Nuclear Energy Path, 15 April 2001
A letter from a Southern African volunteer environmental activist group
seeking assistance to stop the development, production and use/sale of
Pebble Bed Modular Reactors (PBMR), by Eskom, South Africa's parastatal
utility, intending to build a `new generation' of nuclear power reactors.
Eskom's partners include BNFL (UK) and Peco (USA). The plan is to build a
demonstration unit, and then anything up to 216 reactors over the next
10 years. Anyone with ideas of how to help the people in Earthlife
Africa prevent this inappropriate exercise of human intelligence is
urged to contact them directly.
See Also
the following mirrored copy from Earthlife Africa:
- Entry Point to Nuclear Energy Costs the Earth (PDF)
Paper, January 2001
Details the ambitions of Eskom, South Africa's parastatal utility,
to build a `new generation' of nuclear power plants.
- Arguments on the Construction of PBMR Reactors in South
Examines the arguments for and against the development by the nationally
owned utility, Eskom, of a small modular nuclear power reactor, the
Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR), for construction in South Africa and
for export.
- Introduction to the PBMR Programme [1/2]
Includes: Introduction, What is the PBMR programme?, What is a Pebble Bed
Modular Reactor?, Justifications, Risks, Do we need PBMR?, Export potential?
- Introduction to the PBMR Programme [2/2]
Includes: Nuclear Power and Climate Change, Policy and Process, Renewable
Energy & Socio-economic considerations, Additional material
As well as
the new ratville times' section on
Deregulation and The Fake Energy Crisis.
Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout
CNP represents a coalition of Canadian public interest organizations
concerned with the environmental consequences of nuclear power
generation. CNP's mandate has been endorsed by over 300 public
interest groups from across Canada.
The Nuclear-Free Future Award Recipients teach us a great deal
Their life-paths provide many examples of ways to resist,
educate, promote solutions, and participate throughout one's
entire lifetime in honoring and serving life.
No degree of prosperity could justify the accumulation of
large amounts of highly toxic substances which nobody knows
how to make "safe" and which remain an incalculable danger
to the whole of creation for historical or even geological
ages. To do such a thing is a transgression against life itself,
a transgression infinitely more serious than any crime ever
perpetrated by man. The idea that a civilisation could sustain
itself on the basis of such a transgression is an ethical,
spiritual, and metaphysical monstrosity. It means conducting
the economic affairs of man as if people really did not
matter at all.
--E.F. Schumacher
Nuclear-Free Future Award
- 3 e-mails from Robert Smirnow via nukenet:
Dr. Rosalie Bertell Notarized Statement Re: Ongoing Cover-Up of
TMI Accident, 7/10/98
President Jimmy Carter/Admiral Hyman Rickover 3 Mile Island Cover-Up, 3/22/98
Dr. Rosalie Bertell to Jimmy Carter re: "Rickover Report on TMI", 2/10/98
Tri-Valley Cares Sues DOE For Withholding Information On Weapons Labs
Case to set precedent with national implications as plaintiffs ask
court to rule on Dept.'s pattern of abuse.
Use Tri-Valley Cares Sign-On letter
to Tell Sec. Of Energy Bill Richardson to
Stop Nuclear Testing and the NIF
Nuclear Power Will Not Save the Earth, November 12, 1998
Environmentalists in Japan Urge Japanese Government Not to Construct
Nuclear Power Plants in Developing Countries through the Clean Development
(Citizens' Nuclear
Information Center / Japanese
Help Educate and Inform people in and around Cambridge, Massachusetts:
Cambridge, MA votes to Move MIT Nuclear Reactor Out of Residential Neighborhood:
MIT Plans to Double Reactor Capacity
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 16:27:11 -0500
Dear Dave Ratcliffe, Committee for Nuclear Responsibility
I'm sending this to you because of your interest in nuclear safety. On
November 3, Cambridge voted to move the MIT Nuclear Reactor out of a
residential neighborhood. Despite this referendum vote, MIT has plans to
double the reactor's capacity. We need all the help we can get to make MIT
comply with this vote, and we are grateful for your help, as outlined in
the above URL -- it contains the details of this situation.
David Hoicka /
Committee for Social Justice
Learn about HR-2545: Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Conversion Act of 1999
The Gods of Metal Plowshares Five Court Action, by Anabel Dwyer Esq., 9/30/98
These people were the first in the U.S. to rely upon the International Court
of Justice opinion on nuclear weapons for legal authority to disarm a B-52
"in service" at the Andrews Air Force Base open house.
Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine
in the World Heritage Kakadu National Park, Australia
Join the The Campaign for a Plutonium Free World, a project of Plutonium Free Future
- Repeal the Price-Anderson Act from No Escape
Russian Environmentalists Campaign to Boycott Siemens
Group demands Siemens gets out of Russia & Central/Eastern Europe
where it is attempting construction of more nuclear power plants
- Temelin Nuke Plant
sponsored by PIANO (Prague International
Anti-Nuclear Office)
Stop MOX Fuel page focus
The USG is planning to use plutonium from nuclear warheads to power
civilian nuclear reactors. The plutonium will be in a form called
mixed oxide fuel, or MOX. This is a VERY bad idea.
With your help, we may be able to stop the government!
Oct. 6-7: Nuclear Free Great Basin Gathering
Skull Valley Goshute Reservation, Utah
Join with hundreds of people concerned about nuclear contamination
for a special weekend of camping, education, ceremony, celebration
and action, as we RESIST attempts by the nuclear industry to bring
the nations nuclear waste, containing the most toxic substances ever
created, to our beautiful, fragile western deserts.
Great Basin bio-region stretches through five states and is home
to strong indigenous people and cultures, high mountainous alpine
lakes and forests, deep winding canyons and rivers, as well as many
endangered and threatened plants and wildlife. Sadly, this land and
her people have already experienced the deadly effects of nuclear
weapons testing as well as the disposal of radioactive and toxic
wastes in leaking dumps threatening precious land, air and water.
Together we can:
- Learn from native and environmental experts and leaders
about nuclear issues around the country and in the Great Basin.
- Learn how nuclear issues are intertwined with cultural and
land rights issues of Native Americans and low-income communities.
- Learn about sane and sustainable alternatives to nuclear energy
and nuclear waste dumping.
- Celebrate our strength and diversity.
- Raise an inspired and united voice of resistance
and opposition the nuclear industry's plan
- Demand immediate clean up and containment of
current leaking nuclear facilities.
Mushroom clouds over Nevada: 50 years later, the tragedy of nuclear tests
The Downwinders Organization
is planning a commemoration of the Golden Anniversary of the day, 50
years ago, when the Nevada Test site went into operation on January
27 at the State Capitol in Salt Lake City, Utah. Native miners,
downwinders, government officials, and atomic veteranss have been
invited. If you're in the area, consider attending this gathering.
COP6: Are we gonna nuke the climate?
In the framework of the international
negotiations on global climate policy
the nuclear industry is trying to get
nuclear energy accepted as a tool in
the struggle against the greenhouse
effect. They claim nuclear energy will
contribute to the solving of the
climate crisis. This is not the case.
Nuclear energy is neither efficient nor
effective in cutting CO2 emissions, is
not an endless energy source and causes
problems humanity can not handle.
Learn about the The Hague's Conference
of the Parties or COP6, being held
November 13-24, 2000 and how you can
Standards-Recommending-Committee is heavily biased
toward the nuclear industry. public comment until June 22, 1999
- Stop the Cassini Earth Flyby action site with large related links/references listing
- Healing Global Wounds presents
Mother's Day Gathering, May 7-10th, 1999
- 1999 Radioactive Metal Recycling ALERT --
public comment deadline 7/5/99
- Minisymposium on
in Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia, September 23-25, 1998.
- Help STOP the Recycling of Radioactive Scrap Metal Into Consumer Products
- April, 1988: Nat'l Conference On Communities Contaminated By Nuclear Facilities
People from around the US are being invited to Southeastern New Mexico
to tell what happened to them and their communities due to radiation
exposure from nearby nuclear facilities as is being organized by the
Albuquerque-based Citizens
for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping (CARD)
- May, 1988:
Joanna Macy at
Schumacher College: Living
Body Of Earth
- Sept, 1998: Major Symposium on Radiation and Health, New York City
- Green Scissors '98 Campaign launched to Cut NIF, 1/21/98
- Downwinders --
It's official: We're all Downwinders now!
8/1/97: Statement
On Release Of NCI's Report On 1950's Atomic Bomb Test
Press Release on proposed
spent nuclear fuel storage facility in Skull Valley, Utah
The following link is dead
-- does anyone know where this Campaign site is now?
- Stop Monju Breeder Campaign, in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Green Action, Suite 103, 22-75 Tanaka Sekiden-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606 Japan
Tel: 075-701-7223 Fax: 075-702-1952 Email:
- Le Carnet: An International Antinuclear Effort in France