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Krishnamurti posts composed by the ratitor

i came across a couple of audio tapes of Krishanmurti in early 1993. He articulated things i'd never considered before much less examined. The more i listened the more i became fascinated with how elemental his observations were and how deeply they penetrated. The posts that follow were some of the last ones made to during it's "initial phase".

Much of what was being enquired into dissolved previously held beliefs about what was "important" and how to respond to the destruction of Mother Earth at the hands of humans, including myself. As these beliefs, opinions and judgements began to break up and dissolve, there seemed to be an opening into something ineffable and difficult to put into words or attempt to communicate with others thru means like talk.ratical.

Although the "posting engines" have again been fired-up, the challenge is ever-present of communicating what now would seem to be a more actual seeing of what is.

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