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McKinney Accepts Apology from Colleague

SEPTEMBER 18, 1998

WASHINGTON, DC -- Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) accepted an apology from her Democratic colleague, Rep. Jim Moran, who said, "I am very sorry. You have every right to be upset by my comments... the three statements when put together could easily be misinterpreted".

Moranıs apology followed McKinneyıs objection to comments he made in The Hill Newspaper where he intimated that blacks have a different set of moral standards than whites saying, the "everybody-does-it mindset is not popular in suburban and more rural districts that New Democrats represent as it is in urban areas. There really is a difference in terms of standards of morality and accountability between suburbs and urban areas thatıs reflected in people that represent them. We see that in votes on housing and welfare reform."

McKinney accepted her colleagues apology and noted that Moran did score 66% on the NAACP legislative score card.

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