WASHINGTON, DC -- "I am disappointed that my Democratic colleague would inject race into this discussion."
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney broke her thoughtful and reflective silence on the White House investigation today in response to the veiled comments by her colleague Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) suggesting that blacks and whites hold different standards of morality. "This statement is repugnant and most offensive. I am disappointed that my Democratic colleague would inject race into this discussion at a time when our country, urban, rural, and suburban needs to come together," said McKinney.
Quoted in Wednesday's The Hill Newspaper Congressman Moran said that he finds the "everybody-does-it mindset is not popular in suburban and more rural districts that New Democrats represent as it is in urban areas. There really is a difference in terms of standards of morality and accountability between suburbs and urban areas that's reflected in people that represent them. We see that in votes on housing and welfare reform." Congresswoman McKinney responded, " Now more than ever we need courage and wisdom as we move forward to heal our broken country and work towards reconciliation. The political enemies of President Clinton and his policies are trying to lynch him during a Congressional trial. The last thing we need is to find ourselves bickering, divided by race, politics, and innuendo. Rep. Moran's unfortunate allusion to race has tried to change the subject to race."
Following the release of the Starr Report McKinney issued a statement disapproving the President's reckless behavior. Today she stated, "Bill Clinton enjoys unwavering support in the African American community because he has been sympathetic to black America's concerns and not because of a different set of morals. His policies are good for America and are particularly good for working families, African Americans, and women," stated McKinney.