McKinney Trade Conference Results in Africa Trip for Atlanta Small Business Delegation
July 5, 1998
DECATUR, GA. -- Today Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney gave an
enthusiastic send-off to a group of Atlanta-area small business owners
who are traveling to Africa to explore business opportunities. The
group, born out of a trade conference McKinney sponsored last year, came
to the Congresswoman for direction, guidance and contacts after being
inspired by conference speakers. After months of participating in
meetings with U.S. and African Government officials - arranged by the
Congresswoman's Congressional office - the 100 company strong "African
Working Group" was ready to participate in a trade mission.
Speaking from her Decatur office, McKinney proclaimed that "last year's
Georgia Connection: A Forum to Foster Trade and Investment in Africa has
now produced its first trade mission for Georgia businesses. There is
reason for optimism surrounding the AWG's two week venture to Zambia and
Malawi. The host governments are in need of foreign investment, and are
eager to partner with American small businesses," McKinney said.
"For Fourth District and Georgia companies to succeed in the global
economy, and for African countries to enter the global marketplace,
elected officials must work in partnership with business leaders,"
McKinney asserted. The Congresswoman went on to state that "building
commercial ties inevitably leads to the building of cultural and
political ties. As nations trade and invest in each other's economies,
they learn more about one another, and become more interdependent,"
McKinney said. "Trade missions like the one undertaken by the African
Working Group will help transform the nature of our relationship with
African nations from dependence to mutual cooperation."