Congresswoman Congratulates Lieberman
August 8, 2000
Washington - Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) extends
congratulations to Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman on Vice-President
and Presidential hopeful Al Gore's appointment of him as his vice-presidential
running mate.
Lieberman's appointment was officially announced by Gore today
during a campaign rally in Nashville, Tennessee. Lieberman was a
Connecticut State Senator from 1970 to 1980, Connecticut Attorney
General from 1983 to 1988 and has been in the US Senate from 1988
to the present.
Lieberman, the first Orthodox Jewish vice presidential candidate
in US history, is a moderate Democrat who has been touted as a man
who openly expresses his convictions.
Lieberman was one of the first Democratic Members of Congress to
openly condemn President Clinton during the Independent Council's
investigation into the President's indiscretion involving a White
House intern in 1998.
McKinney commented, "Unlike most politicians, with Joe Lieberman,
you always know where he stands. He's been a true public servant
and not just a politician."