"Africans should cut, polish and market their own diamonds.
Then they wouldn't have to rely on non-African intervention,"
says McKinney
August 4, 2000
Washington - Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) a member
of the International Relations Committee and Ranking Member of the
International Operations and Human Rights Subcommittee expressed
concern today over the continued pillage of the resources of the
African Continent.
She asserted that international conferences on "Blood Diamonds"
should include as part of their recommendations, that the cutting,
polishing and marketing of diamonds should be done by the African
nations themselves.
Since colonial times, European interests have raped and plundered
the natural resources of Africa while indigenous people receive
little or no benefit. Even now, the mining and processing of diamonds
is largely controlled by non indigenous interests and has even financed
bloody wars in Angola, Sierra Leone and The Democratic Republic
of Congo.
It's the behavior of non indigenous interests coupled with nefarious
African interests that has financed these bloody wars, kept people
in extreme poverty and has claimed millions of lives throughout
the Continent.
While international elites talk, innocent Africans continue to
die and the oil and diamonds never stop flowing.