Cynthia McKinney's Floor Statement on "Carnivore"
July 26, 2000
July 26, 2000
Mr. Speaker.
Although it is sixteen years after the titled date of 1984 in George
Orwell's novel of the same name, "Big Brother" is really here and
he's now reading our e-mail.
Our constitutional rights to privacy are currently being trampled
by government-sanctioned invasions, currently over at the FBI.
These privacy invasions use today's latest technology, through
the FBI's "Carnivore" system which monitors and captures our e-mail
without our consent or knowledge.
What business is it of the US Government what I say in an e-mail
to my friends or my family?
We must never knowingly allow any government agency to use our
e-mail to do to us today what they did with other technologies to
Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. yesterday.