Another McKinney Vision Realized
June 26, 2000
Washington, DC - Representative Cynthia A. McKinney (D-GA), witnessed
another one of her visions become reality today as the Fernbank
Science Center's new Aeronautics Education Laboratory had its grand
McKinney orchestrated a partnership with NASA and provided for
appropriations for the new facility. It will offer hands-on activities
for grades K-12, and teach math and science through experiments
and activities in space exploration, astronomy, and aeronautics.
Some of the activities will include simulated airplane flights and
trips into space.
McKinney always urges students, especially minorities, to look
at the numerous possibilities and options that science and math
has to offer today's students.
"When I was your age," McKinney told the group of young students
in the audience, "there weren't programs like this that girls felt
comfortable participating in. Today is a different story and our
astronaut guest shows you that. Today there's a world of opportunity
out there for each of you, just believe in yourself."
There were students there from all over the 4th District, including
Gwinnett County. Also in attendance was Joan E. Higginbotham, a
woman astronaut, who just became qualified for Space Shuttle flight
assignment as a mission specialist.